Adler | The Aces of St.Sincla...


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Book One of the Adler series ** St. Sinclair, the illustrious academy honoured nationwide as a catalyst for t... Xem Thêm

Prologue & Aesthetics
Summoned | A ONE
Coeus | A TWO
Throne | A THREE
Hangman | A FOUR
Recruitment | A FIVE
Visit | A SIX
Deduction | A SEVEN
Influence | A EIGHT
Disarray | A NINE
Odds | A TEN
Evens | A ELEVEN
Partying | A TWELVE
Thursdays | A THIRTEEN
Exposed | A FOURTEEN
Mistakes | A FIFTEEN
Doomsday | A SIXTEEN
Obscure | A EIGHTEEN
Revelation | A NINETEEN
Virtue | A TWENTY
Excuses | A TWENTY ONE
Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO
Designated | A TWENTY SEVEN
Stranded | A TWENTY NINE
Honesty | A THIRTY
Reflection | A THIRTY TWO
Bradford | A THIRTY FIVE
Tapestry | A FORTY
Everything | A FORTY FOUR
Goodbye | A FORTY SIX


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The following day, I didn't cross paths with Ashton. Or it was more like she was avoiding me. Which might've been an immature and frankly bitter thing to do but I counted myself worse as I didn't even try to seek her out.

Once done with my morning classes, I returned to the hotel in wait for the highly anticipated interview which I still hadn't figured out which voice to listen to.

When I walked into the lobby, the receptionist Nadia stopped me to state a delivery man came by to drop a package. She was strangely enthralled about it and I wondered if Ben had sent me sex toys again.

"And don't worry, I haven't told your uncle about it 'cause I know he can get a little overprotective,” she started in a whisper.

"What?" I asked, not following.

"Oh, no need to put up an act. But also, don't let this pressure you into anything you're not up for yet, alright?" She winked.

Before I could attempt to get a better understanding of what on earth she was talking about, uncle Louie made an appearance and Nadia sealed up, pushing me into the nearest elevator with the final additional of saying that 'it' was in my room.

Perplexed, I reached my suite and opened the door. Nothing looked out of the ordinary— aside from the shopping bags by the foot of my bed. From the colours and material, these were no regular supermarket consumer shopping bags.

There was the distinct fragrance exuding from them you would smell in a store that serialised in cosmetics, or jewellery.

In each bag were dazzling threads from skirts to belts to boots. Counting them was a total of six complete outfits. Alongside three boxed products that appeared to be lotions of some sort with foreign names I'd never heard of. All I knew was that they were definitely high brand goods.

Baffled was an understatement. I was assuming that this must've been a mistake except all the clothes were my size. That didn't mean I ruled out a crazy coincidence of these presents belonging to some lucky lady who had a boyfriend with exemplary taste. It was everything I'd die to at least wear once, excluding the two blouses that were almost completely lace. I'd thought it was lingerie on first glance.

Then I'd spotted the neatly folded silver paper nestled amongst the luxuries. It came with a different scent apart from the rest which I recognised by one intake. Ms. Dion was the only one I knew who had this rosy aroma and I was no longer uncertain if this had been delivered to the right address.

Her writing was just as elegant and curt as I imagined.

To Stevie Powell,

I've checked out of the hotel to move to a penthouse apartment that will be much easier access to commute for Beswick's project. You weren't a colleague but I felt as my spirit guide, you're entitled to a payment for the job. Think of these as my way of saying thank you. At the bottom is a number to reach me by. Take care.

A smile spread on my lips. I really did seem to be meeting bizarre people recently in my life. For a lady I'd hardly known to bother thinking I needed to be thanked like this, was something else. Not to mention, it made me feel good. Proud.

It was a little different from seeing my name on the top scores on school work, or getting a prize. This felt bigger. I felt bigger.

I decided to try on a few, just one or two. Then quickly clear up the misunderstanding to Nadia that I didn't have a lover who was spending lavishly to my wardrobe. That was the plan.

However, the next thing I knew, there was a knock on my door that seized my attention from the mirror. My eyes landed on the floor that was moderately neat seconds ago, but was now littered with price tags and heels far apart from their respective pairs. A lace chiffon blouse wrapped around my body and a girl who looked far too composed in the exposure staring back. Yet, she looked pretty. She looked natural. More natural than I ever did in humble pajamas.

Before I'm sucked into the trance, there was another knock. I pulled the handle to reveal the tall bald man with a trench coat draped over his broad shoulders.

"Ms. Powell?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I'll be your driver to escort you to Parr." He took a moment to regard my attire. "I'm assuming you're all set?"

"Yeah um, give me a second."

He nodded and I closed the door, letting out a curse. How had one hour and a half gone by without my comprehension?

"You seriously need to cut this out." I told off the girl staring back like this was only my fault.

I gathered up the items and secured them to a corner. I threw off the blouse and sped through my dresser for something more suitable. There were many that qualified, but I found myself dismissing them all and eyes drawing back to the new shiny ones by my bed.

Thinking about it, an interview was an occasion where presentation was prominent wasn't it? It would be alright to have a little flair. Millions of viewers and university students would be watching. That in mind, I approached the bags but stopped at the last inches.

Yes, impression was important but I almost forgot what this gig was really about. What I was putting myself through for. Not out of orders but to find out exactly what Esme Ivanov's game was and rooting out this source who could have me potentially stuck as a puppet by any hand who saw fit to use me at their disposal.

First and foremost, I needed Ivanov to have her guard down. I randomly picked any old outfit from the dresser with the best walking shoes I owned and arranged my hair in an ordinary ponytail.

I spared my reflection one last look and it came to reassure me that I wasn't going to waver from this resolve.

I found that same bald man sat in the car parked in front of the lobby and got in. I was thankful the drive would take some time now that I had my head cleared, I could spend it to think up other strategies.

All at once, my phone began to ring. I stared at the caller ID far too long when I'd retrieved the device from my handbag.

I cleared my throat. "Hey."


I immediately felt at a disadvantage. Ashton was better at keeping her emotions undertone in voice unlike her expressions.

"What is it?"

"I... I was kinda not planning to talk you today."

"Yeah, I caught on to that. So why are you calling me?"

"Liam told me to because he said what I'm doing is stupid and I wanted to punch him, but he's right."


"I'm sorry."

Two simple words suddenly held to power to make my chest tighten. Perhaps it was by some incantation.

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for what I was saying and, I don't like getting into fights with you Stevie. I hate it but..."

"I know. I know, I'm sorry too. I've been... weird lately."

"Yeah. Super weird. Liam is getting freaked out that he says the tense air that's always around is giving him constipation."

I snorted. "What?"

"He thought that was the perfect time to bring it up when we're in the middle of getting into it. So romantic, isn't he?"

"Very. You've got yourself a keeper there."

I heard her chuckle and it had my smile growing. It was beginning to feel like how it used to be, but I was quickly pulled out from that reverie.
"Stevie." Her tone suddenly serious.


"... Promise me things will go back to the way they were before."

I paused. For far too long but Ashton picked it up like it hadn't been there. "Forget about whatever that crazy head tells you to do, The Aces, Garren— everything. Just promise me it hasn't changed anything. I know you're better than all that, Stevie."

Her voice was gentle but confident and for a moment, I wanted to be convinced. Except the hint of apprehension lingering rang through my ears like a siren. She couldn't fully convince herself either, but she wanted to stay faithful to 'me'.

"Thanks." I replied.

"You're welcome."

I could perfectly visualise the relieved smile on her face and I ended the call, savouring the image. I probably wouldn't ever see it in the flesh again.


St. Sinclair had an unquestionably exquisite architecture and sublime scenery but the grounds of Parr University weren't too far behind. One thing the campus had over Sinclair was that I didn't feel any eery or heavy presence of eyes on me at any instance.

The driver guided me along the dormitories section to where I was met with Esme Ivanov by an archway accompanied with two other students, chatting.

When she spotted me, she came skipping over and I hadn't surfaced a word before I was greeted with a kiss on both cheeks. It was performed so casually, I could only stare dumbly then follow the brunette's steps.

The set out resembled more of a studio than a dorm room with the filming equipment and art supplies. Even the fish bowl fit into the artistic domain. Then there stood at the centre was the shelf adorned with trophies and medals looking larger that it had on screen.

"I was actually about to grab some lunch, would you like me to get you anything?" She offered.

"No, it's fine." I declined.

"Okay. Then um, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable."

I returned her sweet smile with a nod and watched her walk out, leaving me to marvel in the space— or more fittingly, the soon-to-be arena.

I was lounged on a bean chair when Ivanov re-entered, a tray of egg salad with a tea set and irrespective of my decline, two sandwiches like any courteous lady would feel inclined to do. I played along, politely accepting the snack as the undergrad poured herself a cup.

"Thanks so much for coming all the way." She said.

"Not like I had a choice."

Despite her smile partly faltering, her handle on the kettle didn't deter. She pursed her lips. "Okay yeah, I know that wasn't cool pressuring you like that but it wasn't my idea."

I lifted a brow. "It wasn't?"

Ivanov perched on the seat across from me, crossing one leg over the other. "A situation came up so there wasn't much time to spare."

"What situation?"

"I can't share that with you."

"Are you being serious?" I was met with an apologetic smile that only made me more agitated. "You said you'd explain."

"I will but that's an irrelevant part, trust me."

"Fine, then how did your source—"

"I like to refer to them as Ms. X." stated Ivanov.

"Right, how does this Ms. X know about my deal?"

"She didn't say the details but she has eyes and ears in St. Sinclair."

My brows knitted. "What, like a spy? You mean to tell me there's someone in the academy spying on Ms. Shepherd?"


I blinked. She blinked back.

I stifled a laugh. "That's bloody ridiculous. Are you sure this person isn't taking a piss?"

"I thought so too but then you wouldn't be sitting here in front of me if it wasn't. Right?"

I paused.

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right on the mark. I was the answer to proving her source was true. Which meant one ludicrous conclusion; an enemy was really lurking in the academy grounds.
Ivanov bit into her lettuce, giving me a moment to collect myself from this surreal reality.

"How does this Ms. X get in touch with you?" I questioned.

"Through my student account. I got an email two weeks ago offering to help me get Shepherd booted. I ignored it until more came with really specific info that couldn't be done by someone just pushing random things out on a keyboard. That's when I knew.
I immediately tried to uncover the identity but I can't trace back who or where it was sent from though, they seem to be hiding their IP address."


"Yeah." She sighed. "And I can't exactly go around asking someone to help crack it. I mean, who knows if Ms. X has friends in this school or I end up leaving it in the hands of the culprit herself?"

I nodded, fully comprehending the dilemma.

I was in disbelief. This X person clearly thought they were in some movie. Had this all been construed for a bit of entertainment?

It was possible. People did all sorts of things when bored. In the end, I was just a bystander being pulled into someone's game. That didn't sound as bad as it should've to me.

The two hour car ride was becoming worth every second.

"There's one other thing I still don't get," I began. "The video you posted, that was to earn a day pass to the academy wasn't it?"

"Oh, you figured it out huh?"

"Why do something so elaborate just to get to me?"

I'd quickly ruled myself out as a target from even earlier than the beginning. I didn't fit the category; I was plenty accessible to reach. My venues consisted of mostly school and the hotel. "If you wanted to approach me without Ms. Shepherd seeing, you could've dropped by my place. It's not like the head has me monitored 24/7."

"No, but she does have your uncle's hotel wiretapped."

I drew to a pause while Ivanov just crossed her legs as if she hadn't said something absolutely insane. "I beg your pardon?"

"Well, not the entire hotel. Just your suite."

"Okay, stop. You have got to be joking this time. That's..."

In that instance, a thought crossed my mind of a month ago. The week I was forced to sign up for Coeus and I called my mum through the phone in the hotel suite where I informed her I'd be visiting the bakery.

It was the only tangible mention I'd made to visit, on short notice too yet Ms. Shepherd knew about it.

"Remembered something?" Ivanov probed.

I took a breath. "That's... that's crazy. No."

"It's perfectly understandable to freak out, Stevie. That's a pretty big thing to take in."

"But I'm just a regular student." I sputtered. "I-I have an average background, I've got nothing to hide that nutcase would find useful. What would she get out of stalking me?"

"I don't know."

My jaw ticked, eyes narrowing and that same unpredictable itch was settling again. "Are you doing that on purpose?"

"No. I swear, Stevie. If I knew anything I'd give it over but I'm just as much as in the dark. I'm sorry."

Never had an apology felt so empty to me. I raked a hand through me hair, releasing an exasperated huff. How did this become the place I was standing? In a pool of conspiracies and shady parties— unbelievable. It was an even greater struggle to fight back the smile.

A sweet, warm tang hit my senses and I came to see a steaming cup brought to my front.

"It's chamomile." said Ivanov. "It'll soothe you."

I wasn't buying that for a second but I didn't mind giving into its illusion of comfort. I was basically playing make believe in this place anyway. I accepted and took a large sip.

"Thanks." I murmured.

"No problem." she replied. "So, I think we should get started on my piece."

"Only after you tell me everything else."

"Stevie, I've told you all I know about Ms. X—"

"Not that." I shook my head. "I mean what your motivation is."


I set down the empty cup, licking my lips. "You said it yourself; you were dismissing Shepherd's corrupt ways but now it's crossed the line. I haven't seen anything to account for that so it must've been something personal to trigger you. Right?"

Ivanov pursed her lips. "My mother walked out on my dad when I was little. I didn't hate her for it. In fact, I admire her. He's a complete tool. The moment I became a legal adult, I moved out of that man's house and changed to my mother's maiden name.

I felt so free, I had nothing to tie me down from painting my own new life. My only regret was leaving my little brother behind. His name is Archie."

I did a double take, inspecting the brunette up and down. "A-Archie? As in, Archie Norton?"

"You know him?"

"Yeah. He's a friend, sort of. He can be a little…”

"Eccentric, I know. The boy isn't antisocial but when gets so wrapped in what he loves, he tends to neglect everything else." A reminiscent look of fondness streaked her face. It quickly faded into sullenness. "At first, he was mad at me for leaving but he grew to understand I couldn't stay there. He invested time and dedication to follow after me in carving his own path and miraculously convinced our dad to let him enroll in St. Sinclair.

I knew it was the perfect place for him. If only that twisted woman wasn't there ruining it with her sociopathic grandson. She used Archie as a scapegoat for that paraplegic phony scandal and if that wasn't despicable enough, she expelled him."

A harsh silence ensued and I sucked in a breath. My mind had been all over the place for the last couple of days, I assumed that was why there had been an absence of his presence in the academy. I hadn't the faintest clue.

I was an only child with no extended family, I couldn't begin to imagine how devastated she must've been in receiving the news.

"Dad didn't take it well. No matter how hard I tried to explain that Archie was exploited by the school, he wouldn’t listen. He told me I had no business in their lives anymore and he's planning to have Archie move to Norfolk to live with our grandparents." She stifled a noise, a glimpse of tears in her eyes before she profusely blinked them away. "He's the only real family I've got here though. I don't know what I'll do if he's gone."

"Will getting Shepherd fired prevent that?"

Her gaze hardened as they settled on me but I couldn't go holding back from the point. I wasn't here to do consoling. "No." She admitted. "But it will bring him the justice he deserves."

"I'm guessing that's the situation which called for you to pressure for this interview."

She nodded. "His flight was scheduled for the end of the month. I could at least enjoy the first week of the holidays with him but then he called me last night saying there was a change of plans."

She didn't fail even on one syllable to keep it poise as the refined lady she was, despite the grief that was undeniable in her expression as she said them.

"I'm sorry about that. Really." I said with all sincerity. "But I'm afraid I'll have to go now."


"Thanks for the tea and sandwiches." I rose up to my feet.

She hurriedly stepped in front of the exit, confusion evident. "Hang on a minute now. What do you mean you're leaving?"

"I came to learn how you knew about my deal with Ms. Shepherd. Now I do and if you can't provide me any other information on Ms. X, there's no reason for me to stay here."

"No reason? What about the interview?"

"I said I'd think about it. You got impatient and forced it on me to come."

"And I've apologised for that. Stevie, don't you want to show the world who that warped woman truly is? Don't you want the real phony to be exposed?"

"And you expected me to believe a little segment on a vlog would be capable of that?" I scoffed. "No, the purpose for this is for the views. You rely on them to pay your student loans, after all."

I took in the sheer surprised look on the highly esteemed Esme Ivanov on that moment and the satisfaction of being the one to conjure it.

"Yeah, I watched your vlogs. Wanted to see if you had any other good stuff and y'know what I discovered? Your subscribers doubled faster than ever from the previous one you uploaded. It's definitely gonna bring in a nice sum. You thought you could maybe try to squeeze a little bit more while you still can. Correct?"

Her gaze lowered, lips parting in hesitance to response which confirmed enough. It was what I'd expected but a tiny part inside of my silently hoped, a bit of shame would surface too.

No such emotion appeared and that tiny part of me shrunk into thin air. A raspy chuckle left my lips. "God, I must've looked so easy to you didn't I?"


"Naive and cornered newbie who didn't know any better— that's why you picked me to get more hits, wasn't it?"

"No. Listen..."

"And I was too. I actually believed that you were everything you said you'd be. That you were thinking of the powerless, like Archie or me. That someone was putting us first."

"I am thinking of you guys."

“Liar.” I seethed. “You used Archie as a source to find someone to snitch on Garren. You probably lied to him too that his expulsion would be cancelled if he told you all you knew. You manipulated your own brother. You never thought about anybody but yourself.”

I attempted to stalk past but she blocked me once more. "Listen, Ms. X promised to get me irrefutable evidence big enough that Shepherd couldn't cover with all her money or connections— hell, even arrested if I show I'm one hundred percent on the side of the people."

I squinted my eyes. "You know, it's ironic how a student with ingenuity lacks basic observation."

"Excuse me?"

"You think this X person is some vigilante? If that was true, why the secrecy? Why reach out to some average undergrad student? Whatever reason they're doing this isn't because they want justice or because it's the right thing."

Ivanov’s brows creased, clear the thought never crossed her shrewd mind. "Then why else?"

"I don't know but it's definitely not what you're looking for."

"Okay, forget about that first and think about the good we'll be doing; you'll be freeing not only you but the entire school from that maniac's oppression and justice will be served to Archie. Don't you care about that?"

I was met with that gleam in her eyes again. That compassion which would dig deep within me. Through the trenches that were my fortress of garrison.

Except there wasn't anything remaining to dig up but a coffin.

I removed her hand. "Sorry, you've got the wrong person."

The corner of her lips twitched. Any trace of that gravitating gleam vanished. "... So the rumours were true— you really are just one of those stuck-up Aces. Tell me, how big was Adler's offer that made it worth selling your soul?"

I didn't grace her with a single word, much less a bat of the eye and strode out. The liveliness of students chatting and scholars buzzing away productively filled my silent paces through the dormitory.

With each step I was in anticipation of I didn't know what to sink in. Maybe anger, hurt, frustration, fear or panic- just something. All that was on my mind was the sweet, creamy and nutty taste of that melting sundae by the cliff.

It was only when I reached the entrance that I recalled I was in a completely different district, hundreds of kilometers away from home or anywhere familiar.

In hindsight, it would've been smart to have gotten the driver's details since my mode of transportation wouldn't just be lounging around in the school. However, walking back to the dorm to ask would be kind of... utterly embarrassing as hell. Like, it would just kill my climatic exit. There was no way to play that off. I would look like a complete idiot.

I couldn't just stand around though. People would begin taking notice and then there'd be questions. I had some cash on hand but nowhere near enough to cover a journey that long whether it was by bus or train. I needed a way out of this converging mortification.

Then like a beacon of hope, memory served to come to my rescue. I whipped out my phone and dialled the number, praying it wouldn't go to voicemail or I'd be kissing my dignity goodbye.

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