The Lost Uley

By AngelicaSolo133

18.6K 518 48

Y/n Uley was Sam's younger sister. Sam was very protective of his baby sister even when he became a shapeshif... More

The Quileute Pack
Tattoos and pets
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

1.5K 50 6
By AngelicaSolo133

Year: 2007
Y/n age: 15 years old


I looked into the mirror and see the scars that Sam left on me, I've never been more afraid of my brother who I knew my whole life. I've been insecure about my scars and sometimes wear long sleeves so people won't look at it. Most days I'm out in the woods patrolling as I left the pack and now I'm a lone wolf. It feels nice not having anyone hear my thoughts out loud. My dad has a small cabin house that I would be able to run freely in my wolf form. I was walking around Seattle when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl said. "It's all good." I said.

Me and the girl looked at each other and then I froze. I saw flashes of our life together, us having kids, me and her playing video games with our friends and her attending concerts to see me, and then us getting married. I realized the ancestors granted me a second imprint, I just couldn't help but thanked them in my head for that. I snapped back in reality when the girl looked at me confused but a slight blush made her way to her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm Y/n Uley." I introduced myself. "I'm Rachel Hofstetter but I like to be called Rae." Rae said. "That's a lovely name." I said making her blush as I smiled as I stared at my imprint in admiration.

"I know we just met but it feels like I have a weird pull towards you, so maybe we should get something to eat and get to know each other a little better and also for literally running into you." Rae rambled making me smile at her. "Yeah, of course. I'm still getting used to Seattle since me, my dad and little brother moved her a couple months ago." I explained to her. Me and Rae headed to McDonald's because we're teenagers and we don't need no fancy restaurant and probably we are not rich. When Rae finished ordering her food I started to order some 3 Big Mac's, four double cheeseburgers with no onions, two large fries and a large Coke. I payed for our food and we sat down. "That was a lot of food. You sure you can eat it?" Rae asked me still shocked at how much I ordered.

"I love to eat a lot." I told her. We started to get to know each other like how she wants to start a twitch channel and play games while I told her I post cover songs on YouTube for fun since I made a new account about a month ago. When we were talking our orders came and I ate my food as she talks about herself. I finished all my food and soda as she stared at me in shock. "Damn, I thought I was a foodie. I guess I have competition with you." Rae said as we both laughed. Then Rae got a text so she checked it. "I have to go but here is my number." Rae said as she grabbed a napkin and wrote down her number and gave it to me. "Text me later." Rae said as she got up and left.

I smiled to myself as I left McDonald's and ran into the woods and phased. I ran as I watched Rae and what looks like her mom in a car. I followed them to make sure no bloodsucker is nearby. Once I made sure they made it safely home I ran back to the cabin where I see Xolo playing outside. Once he saw my wolf form he smiled and ran to hug me. "You're back, Y/n!" Xolo said. I huffed in response and went down so he could pet me. Xolo found out a couple months ago that I shifted and so dad told him the legends and knew I was a shifter. "I can't wait until I shift, then we can run in the woods together." Xolo said. It's gonna be a while if he is gonna shift, so I'm waiting for that day to come.

I looked at my little brother in content, he so badly wants to shift so he could protect humans like I do. Xolo let go of me so I could shift back. I went behind a tree and phased back and out on shorts and a sleeveless sweater. I walked out as I picked up Xolo and walked into the cabin where we see dad make dinner. "Hey, kiddos. Dinner should be ready in a few." Dad told us. "Ok, and dad I need to tell you something." I said as I set Xolo down so he could go to his room. Dad nodded and looked at me. "I imprinted on this girl named Rachel Hofstetter." I said excitedly. Dad looks so happy for me that he hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud that you found a second imprint. That is rare so keep her close, Y/n." Dad told me.

"I will, she gave me her number so I'm gonna call her." I told him. "Of course, and when your ready you can tell her your secret." Dad told me. I smiled as I went to my room where I have my guitar standing next to my bed while I have a gaming set up in my room. I took off the sweater, now I'm only in my shorts and sports bra. I texted Rae and she texted back making me smile as we kept texting each other until we had to go since she is about to eat dinner so we sadly had to stop. She made me stop thinking about the rejection of Leah and made me whole and happy again.

I went to the kitchen and helped my dad set the table as Xolo was watching cartoons. "Xolo, dinner is ready!" I called to him. Xolo shut off the tv and went to the table as I gave him his food. I grabbed a large amount of food and set it on my plate since dad knows it make more food for me as I have a big appetite. We talked as I told them about my imprint with a big smile on my face. "Maybe you should invite her over, I want to meet her." Dad said. "Me too! I want to know my sister's imprint." Xolo said excitedly. "I know you do pup." I said as I rubbed Xolo head affectionately.

Once dinner was over I went outside to patrol around the area. I shifted and went on high alert as I walked through the woods when I saw Rae. She saw me and looked shocked. "Holy shit. Please don't hurt me." Rae said. I whimpered a little accidentally scaring my imprint. I bent down and silently crawled to her. Rae seems to not be afraid so she pet me making me purr in content. "Your not bad, big wolfie." Rae told me until I smelled a disgusting smell of a bloodsucker.

"Awe, look at this. A delicious snack and a disgusting mutt." I heard making me look up and see a filthy bloodsucker making me growl at him. "Awe, did I make the puppy angry?" He taunted as I see his eyes filled with hunger as he looked at my imprint. Rae backed up in fear as I got up to my full height and growled at him. He hissed at me before he attacked me but I grabbed his arm and tore it off before he swiped me into a tree making me whimper. "Wolfie!" Rae screamed out.

I was in pain and trying to recover knowing I could heal in a second. I see the leech coming up to my imprint. "Now, I'm gonna enjoy killing you." The man said wickedly. I growled and ran up to him knocking him down. He tried to fight me but I was too strong before I tore his head off making him go limp, I spat his head to the ground in disgust. I looked at my imprint before going behind a tree and phased back. I put on shorts and a sports bra and walked out and see Rae looked at me in shock. "You're a wolf!?" Rae asked me. "Yeah. And that guy that was trying to attack you, he was a vampire. It was my job as a shifter to protect humans and imprints." I told her.

She still looks shocked as I grabbed a lighter from my pocket and set the vampire on fire destroying it forever. "The only way to kill the vampires for good is tear them apart and burn them." I explained to her. Rae looked at me before she hugged me. "Thank you, for protecting me." Rae cried out. "There is also something you should know about wolves like me. We have this thing when we imprint on someone. It kinda like a soul mate for us shifters." I explained to her. She looked up at me. "Who is your imprint?" She asked me as the fire died out.

We walked through the woods. "My first imprint was a girl back in LA Push, Washington on the reservation named Leah Clearwater she was also a shifter like me and we both imprinted on each other, but she rejected me." I explained to her sadly. "Who is your second imprint?" Rae asked me as I looked at her. "It's you, the second we bumped into each other and locked eyes I imprinted on you." I told her as she looked shocked at the new information. "That's why I felt a pull towards you." Rae said with a smile. "Yeah, and we could be anything you want, I could be a friend, a sister, a protector or lover. It's all up to you." I explained to her. "Well since we just met how about we be friends and let's see where it takes us. I'm not gonna reject you like Leah did." Rae told me as I smiled at her. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to your arm?" Rae asked she looked at my scarred arm.

I covered it with my hand. "When my brother found out that I imprinted on his ex, Leah he didn't like it and a couple weeks later when we were coming home in our wolf forms he heard me thinking about her and he got mad at me. Then he attacked me and then threw me into a tree and when I shifted into my human form that's when he went to attack me and scratched my arm before two of our pack mates took him off. I then passed out from blood lost. I was out for four days and woke up in the hospital." I explained to her. Rae moved my hand from my scars as she touched them. We made it to her home before she hugged me and then watch her go into her house. I see her looking at me in the window as we both smiled at each other. I turned to the woods and shifted and ran back home.

Two months later

Me and Rae are finally together after we gotten to know each other and I met her parents and older sister while she met my dad and brother. Both of our families are close now because of us and her dad approves of me dating his youngest daughter. We were currently in my room laying down on my bed and was watching tv. Rae was focused on the movie while I was so focused on her to watch the movie at all. Rae looked at me as I smiled at her making her smile as well before kissing me. One thing led to another we were each others first. Thank god my dad and brother aren't home or else they would've heard some things in my room.

A couple weeks later

Me, dad and Xolo were at the Hofstetter's place having dinner when I see Mrs Hofstetter giving a look. "Okay, I have an announcement to make." Rae said making stop eating and look at my imprint. I see Rae's dad give her an encouraging smile while her sister rubbed her back. "I discovered yesterday that I'm pregnant." Rae said making me freeze and look at her. "I think you broke her?" Xolo said as he laughed making me go back to reality. I smiled and got up to hug her. "This is so amazing, we're gonna be parents!" I yelled excitedly as everyone congratulated us. "Yes! I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!" Xolo yelled excitedly as we all laughed at his excitement. I couldn't wait until my son or daughter is born.

After dinner I called Emily and told her the news and she was excited to be an aunt, I also told her after my baby is born I'm gonna stop phasing and she was supportive. Emily even told me that she is pregnant as well making me even more happy. After that we hanged up the phone. I decided to spend the night at Rae's while my dad and brother went home. Rae loves to cuddle into me because she said I'm her personal heater.

Three months later

Me and Rae have an appointment with her doctor to see what gender our baby is. My brother went with us as we were in the waiting room as dad is waiting for us in the car. We got called in as Rae sat down on the bed while me and Xolo sat down on a chair. The nurse pulled up Rae's shirt to uncover her stomach that has a bump. The nurse put the gel on and rubbed it with a scope. "You two are having a healthy set of twins." The nurse told us making us shocked. "Really? What gender are they?" Rae asked as I froze again looking at the screen where I my two babies. "A girl and a boy. Congratulations you two." The nurse said to us.

I broke out of my frozen state as I hugged Rae as Xolo kept looking at the ultrasound. The nurse took a picture of the ultrasound and printed it out and gave it to us. After that the nurse wiped off the gel and left. Rae put her shirt down and got off the bed and walked out of the room. Dad picked us up and drove us to Rae's house. We all got out of the car and went in the house where Rae's parents and sister were waiting for us. They got up once we entered the house. "What gender?" Mrs Hofstetter asked us. "We're having twins, a boy and a girl." I told them as they squealed in excitement making me and Rae laugh.

I helped Rae sit down on the couch. "I gotta patrol but I'll be back in two hours." I told her. She nodded before giving me a kiss. I headed outside and ran into the woods and shifted. I patrolled around Rae's house before I smell another leech around. I growled when I ran into two bloodsuckers I knew too well, Alice and Jasper. They both saw me as I stopped growling at them. "Hey, Y/n. Can we talk please?" Alice asked me. I huffed before I walked behind a tree and shifted back and put on shorts and a sports bra. I walked out and stood in front of the two vampires.

"What's up, pixie and cowboy?" I asked confused on why they are out here so far? "Bella and Edward got married and Bella is now a vampire but we also need a witness." Alice told me. "Why? What's going on?" I asked them. "Bella became pregnant with Renesme and was imprints on Embry. The Volturi thinks that Renesme is an immortal child but she isn't. She is a hybrid, half vampire and half human. We need you Y/n." Alice explained to me. "I wish I could help you but I can't. My imprint, Rae is currently pregnant with my son and daughter. Sorry." I told her. "It's okay, you want to stay with your imprint. Thanks, for letting us talk to you, Y/n." Jasper said. "Hey, when you get back to forks, tell the pack that I'm doing fine and make sure that Edward doesn't tell them my whereabouts." I told them.

"We will." Alice said. I smiled a bit before turning around and shifted. I looked back at them one more time before running back to the house. I shifted back and changed into shorts and a tank top. I walked in the house and immediately went to Rae's side and gently caressed her belly where I feel the twins kicking. I still can't believe Embry had imprinted on Renesme. I know the pack will protect her especially Embry as I know he won't let her get hurt.

Jake POV

It's been a couple months since Y/n left and Sam is blaming himself for hurting her which he should be, she was only 14, she needed her brother but he wasn't there for her. Leah acts like Y/n disappearance is nothing but I know she is hurting deep down, she just doesn't show it to us. The pack and I helped the Cullens with Renesme since Embry imprinted on her which made Bella pissed off at him but knew he couldn't control it. I have been trying so hard to find Y/n but it seems like she doesn't want to be found.

Alice and Jasper left us while we were all preparing for the Volturi since they think that Nessie is a vampire even though she is not. Embry has been spending more time at the Cullens. Paul and Jared are angry at Sam for what he did to Y/n, Seth misses his best friend. Y/n was there for all of us when we first phased, she helped us with this lifestyle even though she was only 13 when she phased, she was the youngest of us to phase. I was in my wolf form with Leah and Seth as we were patrolling when Leah keeps on thinking of Y/n. "You should have never rejected her, Leah. She was only 14, you two would've been friends and protectors." Seth told her angrily.

"Why did you rejected, Y/n?" I asked her. I hear her sigh in the mind link. "I don't know, I guess because she was a girl and I was nervous, also because she was Sam's sister." Leah told us. "You know she is not Sam. Once she imprinted on you, she never thought about anything else." Seth told her. "I know, I want her back." Leah whimpered. Me and Seth didn't say anything for the rest of patrol.


I was in my room after Carlisle re broken my bones when the rest of the pack came in with my dad who looked sad. "What's the long face, dad?" I asked him. "Y/n was discharged earlier today and she left LA push and the pack." Dad said sadly. Sam looked at him. "What?! No, she is only 14, she has no where to go." Sam said making Paul scoff at him. "You were the one who almost killed her in the first place just because her and Leah imprinted on each other." Paul said. "Quiet, all of you!" I said in my alpha voice making them stop as Paul only glared at Sam. "I want everyone to find her." I told them as they all nodded and left the room. Where are you, Y/n?

December 31, 2007


Rae is now 7 months pregnant. Both of our families are in our cabin for New Years. I already patrolled around the area so I'm here for my family. Me and Rae were laying down in our room as I caressed her stomach softly. "So what names do you want for the boy?" I asked her. She made a thinking before speaking. "Lucas Uley seems fitting enough. How about a girl name?" She asked. "I wanted to name our daughter after my mom, Allison Uley." I said as she smiled at me before bringing me into a kiss. "That sounds like a lovely name for her." Rae said once we let go of the kiss. I snuggled into her hair inhaling her scent making her giggle.

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