In The Clear - Out Of The Woo...

By CuteTayFanfics

52K 1.4K 1.1K

16 year old Madison struggles to find her place in the Swift family after Taylor and Travis have a baby girl... More

Chapter 1: School Rebellion
Chapter 2: Echoes of Change
Chapter 3: The Nightmare Returns
Chapter 4: Dad & Daughter Time
Chapter 5: Travis and Taylor Find Out
Chapter 6: Injury at Cheer Practice
Chapter 7: A Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 8: Caught
Chapter 9: A Much-Needed Visit
Chapter 10: Hero
Chapter 11: The Scream
Chapter 12: Brunch with Friends
Chapter 14: Visiting the Grave
Chapter 15: Confrontation
Chapter 16: The Panic Attack
Chapter 17: Madison Returns to School
Chapter 18: Madison Stands Up For Herself
Chapter 19: Sabrina's Support
Chapter 20: Girls' Day Out
Chapter 21: Secret Sessions
Chapter 22: New Friendships
Chapter 23: A Silent Promise
Chalter 24: 2 Years Later
Chapter 25: Dinner
Chapter 26: Date Night
Chapter 27: Confronting Madison
Chapter 28: Making Music
Send your suggestions :)
Chapter 29: Collapse
Chapter 30: In The Hospital
Chapter 31: Road to Recovery

Chapter 13: First Therapy Session

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By CuteTayFanfics

Author's note: I have no idea how to write family therapy sessions this was hella frustrating to write haha 

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the Swift residence as a car pulled up to the driveway. Dr. Elena Martinez stepped out, carrying a leather-bound notebook. Her demeanor was calm and reassuring, the kind that immediately put people at ease. She approached the front door, her steps measured and confident.

Taylor and Travis were waiting, their expressions a mix of nervous anticipation and hope. As Dr. Martinez rang the bell, Taylor adjusted her blouse, trying to ease the knots in her stomach. Travis paced a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering a supportive smile.

The door swung open, and Taylor greeted Dr. Martinez with a polite, somewhat tense smile. "Dr. Martinez, thank you for coming. We really appreciate this," she said, her voice betraying a hint of anxiety.

Dr. Martinez offered a warm smile, extending her hand. "It's my pleasure. I'm here to help in any way I can," she replied, her tone soothing. "Shall we?"

As they led her into the living room, Madison emerged from the hallway, her posture stiff, her expression a clear indicator of her reluctance. She eyed Dr. Martinez warily, crossing her arms defensively.

Travis, noticing Madison's discomfort, gently nudged her forward. "Maddie, this is Dr. Elena Martinez. She's here to help us understand each other better," he said, trying to sound encouraging.

Madison offered a nod, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Hi," she muttered, not quite meeting Dr. Martinez's gaze.

Dr. Martinez, unfazed by Madison's cool reception, smiled kindly. "Hello, Madison. It's nice to meet you. I understand these sessions can feel a bit daunting at first, but I'm here to support you, not to judge."

Madison shuffled her feet, looking towards the window, her expression unchanged. "Sure," she replied, her tone flat, signaling her skepticism.

Taylor, sensing the tension, tried to bridge the gap. "Maddie, why don't we all sit down and see how this goes? We're all here to learn and grow."

Madison sighed, a sound that carried a mix of teenage rebellion and resignation. Reluctantly, she moved to take a seat, keeping her distance from Dr. Martinez. Her body language spoke volumes, even as she remained silent.

Dr. Martinez, with a practiced ease, took a seat, opening her notebook. "Let's start with simple conversations. This is a safe space for all of you to share and listen," she began, her voice calm and inviting.

"Let's start with some general insights into your family dynamics. How would each of you describe your roles and relationships within the family?" Dr. Martinez asked, her pen poised above her notebook.

Taylor, taking a deep breath, was the first to respond. "I'm the mom, trying to juggle between my career and the youngest in her terrible twos," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of guilt.

Travis nodded in agreement. "And I've been trying to be a support system. Coaching does take up a lot of my time, but I want to make sure everyone in the family knows they're just as important."

Dr. Martinez jotted down some notes, then turned to Madison. "And Madison, how do you see your role in the family?"

Madison, who had been fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, looked up with a wry smile. "The forgotten child, I guess. You know, not the cute little baby. Just Madison," she said, her tone carrying a mix of sarcasm and underlying hurt.

Dr. Martinez observed her closely, then gently prodded, "Do you feel overlooked, Madison?"

Madison shrugged, her defenses still up. "Maybe. It's not like it's a new thing, though. I'm used to it," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant but failing to mask the pain in her voice.

Taylor and Travis exchanged a glance. Taylor leaned forward, her voice soft. "Maddie, we never wanted you to feel that way. You're so important to us."

"Yeah, kiddo," Travis added, "You're not forgotten, not even for a second."

Madison let out a small, humorless laugh. "Sure, until Olivia needs something or there's a tour to plan."

Dr. Martinez interjected smoothly, "It sounds like there's a feeling of competition for attention. Is that how you feel, Madison?"

Madison looked away, biting her lip. "I guess. It's like I'm on my own most of the time, anyway."

After some initial discussions, Dr. Elena Martinez introduced a new element to the therapy session. She handed Madison a set of colored pencils and a large sheet of paper.

"Madison, I'd like you to draw a picture of your family as you see them," Dr. Martinez instructed gently. "Don't worry about making it perfect. It's about expression, not artistry."

Madison hesitated, her fingers playing with the pencils. She glanced at her parents, then down at the blank paper. After a moment, she began to draw, her movements tentative at first but growing more assured.

Taylor and Travis watched, a sense of unease growing as they waited to see what Madison would depict. Dr. Martinez observed quietly, giving Madison the space to express herself.

Finally, Madison set the pencils down and slid the paper across the table to Dr. Martinez. The drawing depicted Taylor, Travis, and Olivia huddled together in one corner, with smiles and what seemed like a bubble of happiness surrounding them. The other side of the paper showed a figure, unmistakably Madison, alone in a room, sitting on a bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, a window showing a dark sky outside.

Dr. Martinez studied the drawing carefully before turning it towards Taylor and Travis. "Tell me about this, Madison," she encouraged.

Madison shrugged, a hint of defensiveness in her voice. "That's just how it feels sometimes. Like they're a family, and I'm just there, in the background."

Taylor's eyes filled with tears as she looked at the drawing. "Maddie, I had no idea you felt so isolated," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I know... we spoke about this before. But I didn't know you thought this was your identity. I'm so sorry we made you feel this way."

Travis, too, was visibly affected. "We never wanted you to feel that way, honey. We thought we were doing enough to make you feel included," he added, his brow furrowed with concern.

Dr. Martinez nodded, acknowledging their reactions. "This drawing speaks volumes. It's a powerful representation of Madison's perception of her place in the family. It's important for us to understand and address this feeling of isolation."

Madison watched her parents' reactions, relief and apprehension visible in her eyes. It was clear the drawing had struck a chord, opening up a path for deeper discussion and understanding.

The room was quiet, save for the soft rustling of paper as Dr. Martinez carefully placed Madison's drawing on the table, making sure everyone could see it. She turned her attention to Madison, her voice gentle but probing.

"Madison, can you tell us more about what you were feeling when you drew this?" Dr. Martinez asked, indicating the stark contrast between the two halves of the drawing.

Madison took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the image she had created. "It's like... ever since Olivia was born, I've just felt more and more like an outsider in my own home," she began, her voice tinged with a vulnerability she rarely showed. "I love Olivia, but it's like there's this bubble around her, mom, and dadthat I just can't seem to break into."

Taylor's hand instinctively went to her mouth, her eyes welling up with tears. "Baby, we had no idea you felt so left out," she said, her voice laced with regret.

Travis leaned forward, his expression one of concern. "You're such an important part of this family, Maddie. We never meant to make you feel otherwise," he added earnestly.

Madison looked down, fiddling with the hem of her sleeve. "I know it's not on purpose. That's why I tried to make my own space, you know? Being popular at school, focusing on cheerleading... It was easier than dealing with feeling left out here."

Dr. Martinez nodded, acknowledging her coping mechanism. "It sounds like you found a way to feel seen and important outside of the home. But it also seems like it's been a way to avoid dealing with some deeper issues."

Madison bit her lip, then added softly, "And I stopped visiting my biological mom's grave. It was just another thing that made me feel different from everyone else."

The revelation hit Taylor and Travis hard. Both exchanged a glance, their expressions full of sadness and understanding.

"We just thought you were moving on, finding your own way to deal with her loss," Taylor said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Martinez leaned in, her tone encouraging. "Madison, it's okay to have these feelings. Acknowledging them is the first step towards healing. And remember, your family is here to support you through this."

Madison nodded slowly, a sense of relief washing over her as she finally voiced her long-held feelings. It was a difficult but necessary conversation, one that opened the door to deeper understanding and healing within the Swift family.

Taylor, her eyes still moist from earlier, took a deep breath. "Baby I'm so sorry. I want to make sure you know that you're just as important and loved as Olivia."

Travis nodded in agreement, his voice firm with resolve. "We both do. We've been so caught up in adjusting to life with Olivia that we didn't see how it was affecting you. That's on us, and we're going to fix it."

Madison shifted in her seat, her defenses slowly breaking down. "I guess I could have been more open about how I was feeling," she admitted, her voice soft. "I just didn't want to add to the stress or seem needy. But I'll try to be more honest with you guys."

Dr. Martinez smiled encouragingly. "That's a great start. Open communication is key in any family. It's about finding a balance and ensuring that everyone feels heard and valued."

Taylor reached out, taking Madison's hand. "We're a family, Maddie. We can get through anything as long as we're honest and supportive of each other."

Travis added, "And we'll make sure to create more family time, just for us, where we can all connect without distractions."

Madison squeezed her mother's hand, a small smile appearing on her face. "I'd like that."

Dr. Martinez nodded, pleased with their progress. "Remember, change takes time and effort from everyone. But the steps you're taking today are laying the foundation for a stronger, more connected family."

As the session drew to a close, there was a sense of renewed hope in the room. The Swift family, though facing challenges, was ready to embark on a journey of healing and understanding, committed to strengthening their bond and ensuring Madison felt valued and loved.

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