My misunderstood love [JinKoo...

By jimininiiiii

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Jin lived a hard life, one where misunderstandings surrounded him always. His parents didn't understand him a... More

"I'm going to make your life a living hell".
"H..Hyung it hurts a lot".
"I don't go by the name park anymore but sure".
There's no space in this house for you.
"Stop gawking at me and tell me where I'm sleeping".
"Yeah but I'm bored of him".
"I think the feelings are mutual".
I guess trauma does that to you.
Their happily family was always fighting because of me.
An annoying kind of different.
Jin thought he didn't deserve good things.
Comfort, relief, and safety.
No one's comparing of course.
Wise idea Jungkook.
Yoongi liked arguing with Jimin.
I talk about investments not feelings.
Reality is different to fantasy.
His eyes held a million stories each one I wanted to uncover myself.
They grew up with completely different lives
He didn't know any different and no one taught him any different.
They were in the same situation but miles apart.
He had an idea but he wanted clarity.
2 million? Is that all?
Into Yoongi's love.
He wants yoongi but yoongi doesn't want him.
I can't take it, my omega can't take it.
Heal the scars he didn't create.
"Everything that you'll never feel for me".
The only love he's ever known.
I read him wrong, I read him so wrong.
but I deserved it...Jin hyung never did.
It scared him because Jungkook was only temporary.
"I love it when you kiss me like I'm unaware".
"It may just be stories to us but it was reality for Jin".
I'm fighting a battle of my own.
I'd take the pain a million times if it means he doesn't have to.
Memories....memories that can never be relived.
I found my soulmate but owed karma and I paid it back in full.
Jimin was fighting for the only love he's ever known.
I wanted to cry but I had nothing left to cry for.
It was better to NOT get blood on their hands.
Would they be okay?
Anger to plan the perfect revenge!
The park brothers are broken.
I'll never know what love is.
If I lose Jin then remember you will lose me!
You fell first Jimin but I fell harder.
They should be given as a symbol of forgiveness!

A price has to be paid

730 47 5
By jimininiiiii

Authors POV:
The room was silent as Yoongi broke down on the floor, no one said a word as he cried his heart out. Namjoon looked at his brother and realised that it was serious, very serious because Yoongi never cried.

It was Jin that walked up to him and held him tightly as he said "You're always helping me, let me help you Hyung".

Just like that Yoongi held Jin tightly and cried into the omegas embrace. Jimin who was coming back noticed the two of them and the acidic liquid came up again. He hated being this way.

But what could he do? He was selfish and he wanted Yoongi to himself. He wanted to hold Yoongi when the Alpha broke down the way he did.

Why did Jin have that privilege? In fact why did anyone besides himself have that privilege?

Jimin sighed as he held his heart tightly and to himself and his omega he lightly mumbled "We will get through this, Jin isn't our enemy he's our brother. We can't be jealous of him. And Yoongi Hyung isn't crying for us he's crying for Jin. We need to realise that right now Jin Hyung needs his revenge we have to help - not break down".

Then he turned back to the bathroom knowing he's going to have his coughing fits and the blood would also accompany it.

"It's Jimin!" Was the first thing Yoongi said as he tried to open up to his brothers.

"Someone is blackmailing me about him, saying they're going to harm him. I can't let anything happen to him. And the only way I can keep him safe is to stay away from him. I DON'T WANT TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM! He's mine!!!"

Then he cried harder but you couldn't hear him cry - it was all to himself, silent tears.

Namjoon sat besides Jin and Yoongi before saying "You know we can provide good security to Jimin right?"

Yoongi shook his head "That's what I thought too but earlier today despite our guards surrounding Jimin this person sent me several pictures of Jimin doing daily things".

Namjoon's face went firm at that he really wasn't expecting such an answer.

Hoseok too sat beside them after putting Taehyung down on the couch who thank gosh had fallen asleep.

"We can always tell the police". He stated and Yoongi shook his head once more saying "I tried, he found out the second I dialled the number. The person has connection clearly which means they aren't a nobody. Maybe one of our rivals?"

Jungkook came and sat with them too before saying "What if it's Irene's Apa? I mean you did say Apa is going to speak to them about ending the so called alliance right?"

They all thought for a second before Jin softly spoke out saying "Apa hasn't told them yet because he went straight to London after the conversation about speaking to them".

The others nodded in understanding still utterly confused as to who it could be.

"Hyung for now it may be best to follow their instructions and keep Jimin away from you even though it may hurt. It might even be a wise idea to send him back home until the whole marriage thing to ensure his safety since the blackmailer just wants you away from him right?" Jungkook spoke out.

And Yoongi nodded, hating the idea but knowing that Jungkook was indeed correct.

"You're right kook, I don't know what else to do in order to keep him safe. We will figure it out and Jimin will be in my arms again. But I can't just tell him what's going on. So that's why I've been so harsh with him. If I make him hate me even if it's for a little while then when it's time for him to go - if the blackmailer is lurking around he'll think there's no chance of us getting back together". He spoke out.

Jin sighed before saying "Just don't hurt my Jimin, he's very sensitive and if you're gonna make him hate you then be prepared for Jimin's hate." Yoongi despite the situation chuckled because only he knew that he had already seen Jimin's hate and despite that he had made the omega like him in some manner and he too maybe fell along the way.

Hoseok spoke up saying "So until Jimin's gone you're just gonna hurt him? Like say cruel things so he goes away and doesn't care for you? How will he come back to marry you then if that's the case?"

Yoongi sighed before saying "I'll ensure that this whole mess has been stopped before the marriage so Jimin comes back to me willingly".

The others nodded as they just sat around Yoongi trying to comfort him.

But Yoongi knew that even if he didn't sort this mess out then Jimin will still come back because they both have that contract and agreement to follow.

But for now Yoongi needs to check up on Jimin. Jimin didn't exactly look okay when he ran away.

"Why did he say he deserved to be sexually abused and Jin didn't? Im making him hate himself and making him believe he is deserving of such things. Im a horrible partner I didn't mean to hurt his feelings whatsoever." Yoongi spoke out.

It was Hoseok that hit his head and said "Good you mentioned it, I needed to whack you for that. Jimin doesn't deserve this hate but I can understand why you're pretending. Just make it up to him properly the way he deserves too."

Yoongi rubbed the area Hoseok hit him on knowing he deserved it and nodded still slightly scared of Namjoon's omega since he was a feisty one. But not as feisty as his own.

"Jiminah, you're going be the death of me" Yoongi mumbled and the others around him laughed as he got up and said "I should check up on him".

They nodded and as Yoongi left they looked to one another and Jungkook spoke out saying "I hope they work it out and we get to the bottom of who is actually blackmailing Hyung and trying to hurt Jimin."

Everyone nodded as they stayed there letting the situation sink in.

Jimin was still puking into the bathroom when Yoongi entered. Yoongi didn't realise Jimin's state was this bad.

So he quickly went up to him rubbing his back and helping him. Jimin despite his pain shook his hand telling him to leave.

But Yoongi wouldn't even budge and neither did he cover his nose not wanting him to feel bad.

Once Jimin was done he turned and said "You don't need to stay here please you can go".

Yoongi smirked and said "Scared to show your enemy the weak side of you?"

Jimin tired to laugh but his body and omega wouldn't allow it. So he did a half smile before letting his body fall into Yoongi.

"Ugh". He mumbled as he fell limb into Yoongi. The Alpha chuckled as he held Jimin and made him stand up.

"Rinse your mouth first Jimin". He said and the omega nodded trying his best but he couldn't do it so Yoongi helped him by putting the shot glass of mouth wash into his mouth and getting him to gargle out.

Once that was done Yoongi took Jimin to their shared room.

Jimin held onto Yoongi, he knew it didn't look good I mean Yoongi practically hated Jimin but here he was clinging onto him any chance he got.

Going into the room Yoongi laid Jimin down and even threw his hoodie at him. "Sleep it off Jimin". He mumbled and tried to leave but Jimin who was hugging the hoodie like it might disappear spoke up saying "No where are you going?"

Yoongi knew if he entertained Jimin and took care of him the drift apart would be painful. Yet still the second Jimin spoke up and asked him to stay almost indirectly the alpha couldn't deny him.

"You want me to stay Jimin?" Jimin looked away and said "Of course not!" Yoongi smirked and said "Okay then I'll just leave".

Jimin quickly scrambled out of bed and said "Nooo you have to stay". The omega had back hugged Yoongi and said "Please stay".

The alpha chuckled and helped Jimin back to bed and stayed with him. The two didn't say much until Yoongi asked "Why are you suddenly puking? Did you eat something funny?"

Jimin sighed and said "Something like that".

Jimin then suddenly pulled Yoongi so he was sat on the bed and put his head on the male's shoulder.

"Let's stay like this for a little while, I know you don't like me and things aren't the best right now but can we just pretend?" Jimin spoke out.

Yoongi didn't say anything and this is because he knew this wasn't pretending, he actually wanted this all with Jimin.

"Whatever you say Park". He said instead and maybe Jimin smiled because even "Park" rolled off of Yoongi's lips so smoothly.

Eventually Jimin fell asleep and Yoongi kissed the omega's forehead before pulling his phone out and rereading the message again and again and again.

"I hope I can save you Jimin, I hope that I can be better too. Maybe I'll fix this, maybe I won't but amidst it all I don't want anything to happen to you". He said lightly as he let another tear fall.

Mira POV:
Staying isolated in my home made me realise many important my children were to me and if they all went against their Eomma, the one who raised them for Jin then it means there's truth in him rather than myself.

They saw goodness when I was blinded by the lies.

My guards got back to me with the news of Jin and some of the things I heard and read made me feel a little bit sick.

"What have I done?" I lightly asked myself as I read more about Jin and even Jimin.

Jin was abused by his parents, there were pictures of his scars, him as a kid looking horrible because they didn't care for him.

"So it was never Jin's fault?" I asked no one in particular.

I blamed, degraded and hurt an innocent soul?"

There was a name that kept popping up too and turns out that it was a fake name given to Jin so that he couldn't ruin the Park name.

Choi Soobin - that was the name Jin had to live under when he studied the very little he did. No one even knew of him and that's why when you searched the sons of the Park's only Jimin showed up.

I sighed as I put the files of information down and pulled at my hair.

"I've ruined the poor omegas life and I've hurt everyone around me in the process. I hope one day Jin...I hope you can forgive me".

Authors POV:
Namjoon and Hoseok happily laid in each other's arms as Taehyung slept beside them.

Namjoon played with Hoseok's hair and the pair of them scented each other. It felt good because they hadn't gotten the time to simply be in each other's presence since so much had been going on lately.

They don't talk about the situation and neither did they let themselves worry too much about it because right now it was only them two.

Of course Taehyung too.

Namjoon showed his affection to Hoseok my placing tiny kisses on his face, neck and hands. But Hoseok was a little different.

He got cuteness aggression and whenever Namjoon got too unbearably cute which was always then he would bite him.

Tae wasn't safe either but the pup didn't have the worst of it. Namjoon would be sat down doing nothing and Hoseok would take his arm and bite him.

Not too hard because he didn't want to leave a mark but he just wanted to show his affection in a the Hoseok way.

At first Namjoon was confused but as time went on he just accepted his fate and called it a day.

He let Hoseok do as he please which was funny since the omega always got what he wanted anyways.

So as Namjoon played with Hoseok's hair Hoseok played with Namjoon's fingers with the unoccupied arm.

"You're so cute Seokie". Namjoon said and the omega laughed covering his mouth and said "Of course I am".

Namjoon frowned and said "Why do you keep doing that?".

Hoseok being confused asked "Doing what?"

"Covering your laugh". He mumbled.

Hoseok shrugged and said "It's not a laugh, it's some sort of strangled dying animal sound and it's embarssing".

It was Namjoon's turn to be confused as he said "Well now that would be weird".

Hoseok asked "What would be weird?"

Namjoon kissed Hoseok's pout before saying "when someone asks me about my favourite sound am I to describe it like that?"

Hoseok went beat red before hitting Namjoon's chest "Stop flirting with me".

Namjoon stopped his hands and kissed them before saying "I can't baby we gotta keep the romance alive".

Then he pulled Hoseok to him kissing him softly.

~ With Jinkook ~

Authors POV:
Jin and Jungkook were in their balcony getting to know each other. Jungkook was adamant that he finds a way to understand Jin and even though they may not have had the easiest start to their marriage he wanted to make it better.

"I'm gonna tell you my childhood stories and then you will tell me something that you like doing. Because your childhood stories aren't happy ones okay?"

Jim nodded as he sipped on his tea facing Jungkook on the couch they sat on.

The balcony was gorgeous lit up with fairy lights and candles. The atmosphere was nice and the late night made it a vibe too.

"So when I was a kid..." Jungkook began.

~ Flashback ~

A tiny Jungkook ran around the house with a plane in his hand. He made whoosh sounds as he talked to himself about landing safely.

"Aircwaft BTS213 will land in jeju island from Seoul in approximately two minutes. Passengews remwain seated as the pilot Jeon Kookie will be landing".

Mira fondly smiled at her 4 year old from the dining table where she sat with Yoongi and Namjoon forcing them to finish off their home studies.

The air craft controlled by Jungkook landed and the child jumped up and down giggling in happiness.

His brothers looked on upset they couldn't join in. Mira clapped alongside Jungkook and suddenly the kid got all shy and ran up to her burying his face in her stomach.

"My kookie seems like he will present as an omega". She mumbled to herself and she was happy mind you because both her older sons were alphas.

When a child is ready to present their status they show it - some are earlier than others for example Tae presented as soon as he turned four and he's an alpha pup.

But Jungkook presents later on and for now his Eomma is determined to believe he is an omega.

Jungkook pulled away and said "Kookie is tired and Eomma needs to put him down for a nap. Kookie just landed aircwaft Eomma".

Mira smiled at her son picking him up and cradling him in her arms pulling him into a deep slumber.

Yoongi too fell asleep doing the equation as Namjoon practically whizzed through it proudly showing his mother his work.

Mira glances at Yoongi before saying "Aish what will I do with this kid? He's so lazy and then I have my Joonie as diligent as ever".

Mira knew what type of omegas her sons would have, Joon would have one that keeps him on his toes and is constantly helping him thrive and even pulling him down off his high horse to make sure he isn't getting too boastful.

Later on he will meet Hoseok who will do just that.

To Mira Yoongi needs an omega who will talk and eat his ear off but in the good way since Yoongi likes to listen and simply be there for his loved ones. He will also need an omega who is willing to fight with him to keep the spark alive, a feisty, sassy and dramatic omega will be perfect for Yoongi.

Later he will meet Jimin who will make Yoongi want to pull his hair out but surrender himself completely to the omega.

And Jungkook? Well since she doesn't know his status yet she rocks him to sleep and hopes for the best.

~ End of Flashback ~

Jin giggled as Jungkook finished off his story "So Hyung aunty thought you will be an omega?" He asked for the nth time making Jungkook groan but internally smile.

"Yes she did because I was always shy and I had a petite omega like form. Stop laughing Jin". He pouted and Jin now feeling comfortable enough to do so continued to laugh and to Jungkook that was the best gift he has ever received.

Jin's smile.

"It's funny hyung because you look nothing like an omega, you literally have such a bulky hot body and your face is not soft has hard features like alphas. You have piercings and tattoos come on hyung you are an alpha".

A:N: MF is so hot like you cannot tell me Jungkook isn't your bias wrecker if he isn't your bias cause DAMN.

Jungkook smirked before saying "Am I appealing to you Jin? Do I make you blush with this hot body?"

Jin went beat red and he avoided eye contact until Jungkook pulled him close and made his hand touch his hard chest.

"This is your husband Jin you can touch me all you want". Then he winked and Jin hit his chest as he said "Shameless".

Jungkook only laughed as he pulled the omega in hugging him and Jin rested his face on Jungkook's hard chest.

Soon enough a comfortable silence lay in the air as the two watched the sky. Jungkook after five minutes asked "What are you dreams Seokjin?"

Jin didn't know what to say until it came to him "My dream was to be happy with my loved one. To find a way out of that awful place, it was to fall in love well - whatever that means since I don't actually know what love is. It was to spend every living day with the one I love and the one who reciprocates that. It's to cook for those who appreciate me and it's to see my loved ones happy".

Jungkook smiled at Jin's words and said "I hope some of the cams true". Jin nodded saying "Maybe all of them have".

Jungkook didn't question what Jin meant and Jin didn't further elaborate.

Between Jinkook...all was well.

Unknown POV:
Yoongi and Jimin have a relationship that does not make sense to me and maybe I don't even care all I want is Jimin away from Yoongi and Yoongi away from Jimin.

Does the world not see how perfect they are for one another? They will be a powerful couple and I cannot possibly allow that not when I'm suppose to be the important one.

A price has to be paid and whether that's through peaceful actions or bloodshed is completely up to Yoongi.

I looked at the picture of the said alpha and smiled to myself. There is so much that needs to happen and it's going to turn the Jeon's life completely upside down.

I took the sand timer and looked at the sand fall into the other side.

"Tik Tok Yoongi - time is ticking!" I mumbled before laughing and planning my next steps.

Hey a filler chapter is always needed so here I am updating late night again.

A few of you had some confusion with the last chapter and why the Park's made an entry and it's simple the guys wanted to find out anything they could from the Park's. It was no confrontation because they didn't directly ask about Jin. They just wanted to see how they would behave around him.

I hope that clears stuff up!

What are our thoughts on Mira? What's going to happen between Yoongi and Jimin and who is this person that is after them both? Keep reading to find out.

And as always eat healthy drink plenty and stay safe my lovelies 💜💜💜

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