His Muse ~ Rafayel x Reader

By Horizon513

21.5K 533 46

Hired as a bodyguard for Rafayel you'd had no idea how boring the job would be. That was till one day a group... More

⚠️ Disclaimers ⚠️
Author's Digression
Ch.1 ~ Blood
Ch.2 ~ Herte Knaves
Ch.3 ~ Cave
Ch.4 ~ Luminivores
Ch.5 ~ Support Arrives
Ch.6 ~ Explanations
Ch.7 ~ Stabilisers Vs Clusters
Ch.8 ~ Lumina Potentiae & Herte Knaves
Ch.9 ~ A Forgotten Memory
Ch.10 ~ Close Call
Ch.13 ~ Realisation
Ch.14 ~ Dreams Are Memories
Ch. 15 ~ Asking Caleb About The Island
Ch.16 ~ Rainstorms
Ch.17 ~ Feelings Resurface With A Kiss
Ch.18 ~ Where'd He Go?
Ch.19 ~ My Muse
Ch.20 ~ Lemon/Fin

Ch.12 ~ Hospital

794 17 1
By Horizon513

Y/n's POV

"I can barely remember what happened." I whisper sat up in a hospital bed with bandages covering almost every inch of my body. Wires attached to my arms and chest connected up to the medical equipment besides my bed. The steady rhythm of the ECG filled the silence as I awaited a response.

"You hit your head pretty hard shortly after the Deluge Wyrmlord showed up." Xavier's response was soft. He sat at the foot of my bed watching me with careful eyes as Zayne lent over me shining a torch in my eyes and asking me to follow his finger.

"Her vitals are looking good. I suspect the memory loss to be caused by a minor concussion." He responds in his professional monotone voice.

"However she over exerted herself. I advise her to take some medical leave to recover and rejuvenate." Zayne says to Xavier as I stare down at my hands resting upon my hospital blanket covered lap.

"The stinger of the Velox will leave scarring on her back. Until the wound heals, she'll need to have it cleaned regularly and the bandages changed." The doctor continues, Xavier listening closely and nodding along to his order.

"What happened to Rafayel?" I asked in a dull voice. Since I'd woken up every time I asked about the boy the topic was somewhat avoided and the conversation changed.

Worry engulfed my mind at the silence which followed as I cut off their talking. I had had that same dream during the 7 days I was unconscious. My heart clenched as I thought the worst.

"The man with the purple hair you came in with?" Zayne asked. I meekly nodded in response. "He was discharged a few days ago. Against doctor's orders of course. I believe some manager named Thomas picked him up." The doctor said adjusting his glasses while letting out a sigh.

"The man was awfully dramatic and whiny." He shakes his head.

"H-his wounds?" I asked with slight hesitation.

"Bad, he needs to be very careful he doesn't pop a stitch or else his condition could become fatal again." Zayne sighed once more.

"He visited you before he left." Xavier said catching my attention as I looked up and locked eyes with him for the first time since regaining consciousness.

"And he stayed with you for a few hours each day. Even tried to have us move you into the same room as him. However I know how much you hate sharing a hospital room with other patients." Zayne adds.

"He left something on your bedside table this morning when he visited." Xavier juts his chin towards my right where I see a folded piece of paper with my name written artistically on it. Below it was another piece of paper with the contents facing the table away from prying eyes.

'Artists... typical.' I thought as I reached over to the folded piece of paper to read the note.

Hey sleepy head,

So whenever you decide to wake up and stop slacking off, I've left you a little gift under the note. Hurry up and get discharged. There's been hunters knocking on my door every day since the attack and I need my scary bodyguard to scare them off.

Get well soon,

~ Raf

After reading the note I shook my head with a small laugh and reached out for the upside down piece of paper. I flip it around in my hands to find it's a sketch of me sleeping but not in a hospital bed with wires coming out of me. Instead I lay on Rafayels studio sofa, lying peacefully as the sun rays kissed my skin.

'Just like that day.' I thought as I stared at the image of me peacefully sleeping, each line and curve drawn with delicacy. Rafayels art truly never ceases to amaze me. He really captured everything about me in this simple image.

I couldn't draw my eyes away from the picture.

It was so captivating.

"You okay, Y/n?" The deep monotonous voice of Zayne cut through my daze as I looked up at him blinking before laying the picture back on the bedside.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" I asked, turning my attention back to the company in my room.

"Nothing, I'll be leaving you two now as I have other patients to see." Zayne says turning to leave.

"Uh, wait a minute, Zayne." I called out to him, waiting for him to turn around as he stood in the doorway of the room. "When am I able to leave?" I asked when he nodded for me to continue.

He sighs. "Usually I'd keep you in for a few days of observation but something tells me you're not gonna settle for anything more than the night."

I nod my head to show his assumptions were correct. "Then I'll only keep you the night for observation. But please, Y/n, try being more careful. I do not wish to keep seeing you lying unconscious in my hospital again."

With that he left, leaving me and Xavier alone. Turning to face the platinum blonde haired man, who now supported a few bandages of his own, I stared into his puppy blue eyes.

"What happened with the Deluge Wyrmlord?" I asked after a moment.

"I had a feeling you'd ask about that..."


To Be Continued

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