Yugioh Arc-V: The Spirit King

By SpectrePhantomForce

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Shiryu Busujima was a young boy who was oblivious to the dangers of the world. All it took was one incident... More

Prologue: Into the Shadows
Chapter 1: Tragic Origins
Chapter 2: The Arrival of the King
Heads Up!
Chapter 3: Enter Duel Academy!
Chapter 4: Escaping the Clutches of Academia Part 1
Chapter 5: Escaping the Clutches of Academia Part 2
Chapter 6: Forces Align
Chapter 7: The Pendulum Swings
Chapter 8: Sister's United
Chapter 10: Requiem of the Phantom Duelist
Next Chapter On The Way.
Chapter 11: Conquerer of the Vanquished!
Guys, I need your help!: 👍
Chapter 12: Clash of the Ages: Reji VS Shiryu!
Chapter 13: ........
Announcement! New Chapter on the way!
Annoucement: Not Discontinuing this Story
Finally Conquered Highschool: New Chapter coming this Week.
Chapter 13: Revenge of the Forgotten

Chapter 9: Once Broken Now Healed

1K 24 27
By SpectrePhantomForce

Shiryu was looking around upstairs and picked out a room for himself.

"So, you took the opportunity to claim the biggest bed for yourself." Zarc stated with a smirk.

"Damn right." Shiryu said. "Can't fight me for it if they're to busy talking with each other."

"Smart thinking." Zarc said in approval.

Shiryu put his bag on the ground and flopped on his bed while letting out a sigh.

"This has been a long day." Shiryu said.

"Not surprising since you've been awake for nearly 48 hours." Albaz said appearing.

It wasn't just him as Ecclesia, Kitt and Fleurdelis also appeared. Fleurdelis was in a more casual outfit.

"Are you sure you're okay Shiryu?" Ecclesia asked in concern.

"Yeah, especially in your duel against that creep Yuri." Kitt said, remembering how he looked when she was summoned to the field.

"You need to take better care of yourself Shiryu." Fleurdelis scolded the young adult like an older sister.

"Yeah, yeah." Shiryu said with a small smile.

Shiryu was really happy to have gained the ability to speak with Duel Spirits because it gave him the chance to talk to others about things. He has Zarc sure, don't get him wrong cause he likes having a partner. 

It's just nice having others' opinions and different viewpoints to discuss about while also getting advice. For the male Spirits, it gave him plenty of "guy time" to relax about things. As for the female Spirits, it gave Shiryu the opportunity to try and be a better boyfriend for Serena. 

Shiryu then looked out the window towards the moon. Thinking about his friends back in the Fusion Dimension.

'I hope they were able to get to the mainland and met Yusho safely.' Shiryu thought.

"Shiryu!" Serena's voice was heard. "We're done talking! Come and make us dinner!"

"Eh?! Shiryu can cook?!" Rin exclaimed in surprise.

"That's surprising." Ruri was heard. "Not many guys learn how to cook."

"Well now the other 2 know." Shiryu sighed. "No doubt they'll want me to be their personal chief."

"At least you'll be getting brownie points from them." Zarc said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Shiryu said as he got up and opened the door. "The reason I learned to cook was because Serena blew up the kitchen the first and last time she tried to!"

"Shut up Shiryu!" Serena yelled in embarrassment. "You Baka!"

The Spirits all faded when Shiryu left the room. The camera pans toward the moon and closes in on it before retracting to show the scene had changed with a different person looking at the moon. That person being an Asuka, who was sitting on top of a building in the shipping yard.

"It's been 2 years since that day." Asuka said to herself. "When we fled from Academia and learned the truth about Leo Akaba."

She then takes a card out of her pocket and looks at it.

"Why didn't I listen to you and Shiryu." Asuka asked herself. "Because of my foolishness, you paid the price."

The picture on the card was that of her friend that begged them to escape with her.

(Flash Back 2 Years Ago)

The day when Shiryu convinced them all to leave, they waited until nightfall to escape. The group of Asuka, her friend, Syrus, Rei and Johan stole a speedboat and made their way to the mainland. 

While Syrus, Rei and Johan agreed to leave after what they were told what was happening to the Xyz Dimension citizens, Asuka didn't. She trusted the Professor and only went with them because she had planned on trying to convince the rest of her friends to return to Academia, except that plan went out the window after they made it to the mainland. The second they all stepped off the boat, bright lights had shined on them.

"What the?!" Johan said.

Using their hands to block out the lights, they saw 3 duelist's called "Enforcers" that patrol through the town standing in the middle of the stairway.

"Even the disloyal can serve a purpose in the Aquaria Project's cause." Enforcer #1 said.

Aquaria Project. That's the name the Professor gave their mission to unite all the Dimensions together. The very reason why they had invaded the Xyz's Dimension.

"Serve a purpose?" Asuka asked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Syrus asked.

Knowing what it meant, her friend immediately ran in front of the group to shield them.

"Stand back!" she ordered.

"Wait! What are you?" Rei started to ask before the Enforcer cut her off by creating a bright purple light from his disk.

When it died down, the group saw their friend was gone and in her place was a card that floated in between them. Looking at the picture that slowly appeared, they saw it was their friend.

"No..." Rei whispered in shock and disbelief.

"You bastards!" Johan snapped at the Enforcers.

Asuka's eyes widened in horror.

"Why?!" Syrus demanded. "Why would you do this?!"

"Why you ask?" Enforcer #2 mocked while smirking.

"It's because the Professor ordered us to." Enforcer #3 answered with a grin. "And what orders he gives, we follow.

It was at this moment she realized what kind of man Leo Akaba truly was and Shiryu was right not to have trusted him. But before the Enforcers could do anything else, they were suddenly attacked. 

Their monsters that were had been shining the lights on them were destroyed and the Enforcers knocked into the water. Asuka, Syrus, Rei and Johan looked behind them as they watch.

"Hey! Are you 4 okay?" A voice asked them.

This caused them to look up at the top of the stairs, they say 2 people. The first person, who owned the monster that attacked the Enforcers, was wearing a red jacket with a purple lining and red pants over an orange waistcoat with a blue collar and lined with yellow.

 A purple top hat with green goggles on the bottom side with feathers on its side rests on top of his black hair with inky-green shading. He also wears a handkerchief around his neck. Hanging from his belt is a red staff topped with a blue orb. This was Yusho Sakaki. The second person was –

(Flash Back End)

"Hey! There you are." the same voice spoke up behind Asuka.

Looking behind her, Asuka smiled. Standing there was the person that was with Yusho. He wore a dark red jacket over a black t-shirt, blue jeans with red boots. His hair it 2 different tones of brown with the top being lighter. A red old style Fusion Dimension Duel Disk is strapped to his arm. This is the hero from the Yu-Gi-Oh GX series, Judai Yuki.

"Was wondering where you went, Asu." Judai said.

"Hey, Judai." Asuka greeted. "I was just thinking is all."

"I get ya." Judai said as he sat beside Asuka. "So whay were you thinking about?"

"About how we met you and Sensei?" Asuka answered. "As well as my 2 other friends back at Academia, that I hope were able to escape safely."

"Oh yeah, the 2 love birds, right?" Judai asked in a joking manner.

"*giggles* Yes the 2 love birds." Asuka confirmed with a giggle. "Speaking of "love birds, are you ready for our date?"

"Yup, that's part of the reason I came looking for you." Judai said while standing up.

"Oh? And what's the other reason?" Asuka asked.

"That I was worried about you." Judai said while offering his hand.

"Well, aren't you sweet." Asuka responded with a smile as she took his hand.

Over the 2 years since meeting Yusho and Judai, Asuka fell in love with Judai and became a couple.

"Well, I'd be a terrible boyfriend if I didn't." Judai chuckled. "But in all seriousness, if your friend Shiryu is as kind and a strong duelist you say he is, then there's nothing stopping him from protecting Serena."

"Yeah, you're right." Asuka said.

"Come on." Judai said walking forward. "Best not keep Johan waiting, or else Jun will end up challenging him to another duel."

"Right behind you." Asuka said before turning to look at the moon one last time. 'Shiryu and Serena. Wherever you 2 are, I hope you're safe and happy. I just know we'll see each other again one day.'

She then quickly caught up to her boyfriend.

Back in the Standard Dimension, the 2 other sisters demanded to try out Shiryu's cooking to see just how good it was. Having no other choice, Shiryu cooked up some Firecracker Salmon. A light dinner due to it being so late and they were heading to bed soon. The girls loved how it tasted.

"This is so good!" Rin sighed happily.

"It really is!" Ruri said happily. "This is better then anything I made before! Can you please teach me Shiryu?"

"Sure thing Ruri." Shiryu said. "It'd be nice for a change to not be the only 1 that knows how to cook."

"Don't think I didn't notice that being a backhanded comment at me, mister." Serena said with a pointed look.

"Now whatever could you mean by that?" Shiryu said innocently.

The raven and light green haired girls giggled at their sister. Soon after, while the girls looked at which room they wanted, Shiryu took a bath to clean all the sweat and grim off himself. When he was done, the girls picked out their rooms and proceeded to take their boxed clothes to their rooms. Once done, the sisters decided to take their baths.

"You better not peep on us Shiryu!" Serena said.

"My value to live outranks my hormones, thank you very much!" Shiryu responded.

"Oh my...does that mean you 2 haven't done it yet?"..." Rin asked with a teasing grin,

"Shut up Rin!" Serena snapped with a blush.

While Ruri was also blushing, she let out a giggle too.

'Oh for god's sake.' Shiryu groaned inwards. "I'm heading to bed now! Goodnight girls!"

"Goodnight Shiryu!" Rin said.

"Goodnight/Night!" Ruri and Serena also said.

The next day, after making breakfast with Ruri for everyone, Shiryu got dressed in his new clothes. He wore a new black tank top with a picture of a dragon, dark blue jeans and a white over shirt. 

On his feet were black and gold runners. Hey, he wasn't the one buying them so why not? The group then made their way to YSD, making conversation on the way, shortly arriving at the mismatched building. Walking into the main lounge where they see Sora talking to Tatsuya, Futoshi and Ayu.

"Hey you 4." Rin greeted.

"Rinnee-chan, Serenanee-chan and Rurinee-chan!" Ayu cheered happily.

"Hey-o Shiryu!" Sora greeted.

"Hey Sora." Shiryu greeted back. "I figured you'd be stalking Yuya."

"He's at school so I decided to wait for him here." Sora responded with a shrug.

"Hey, hey. Shiryu?" Tatsuya asked. "Can we see you duel today?"

"We'll see, okay." Shiryu said.

"Okay!" Futoshi said excitedly.

"Hey big bro Shiryu?" Sora said.

"What's up?" Shiryu said.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Sora asked.

Having a feeling what its about, Shiryu agreed.

"Sure buddy." Shiryu said.

The 2 stepped out into and walked down the hallway. Once they were away from listening ears Shiryu spoke.

"This is about what Serena told you yesterday, isn't it?" Shiryu asked the candy loving boy, who's hair was shadowing his eyes.

"The Professor..." Sora started off. "Did he really see us as nothing more then pawns for his plan and was then going to abandon us after he got what he wanted?

"*sigh*Yeah, most likely." Shiryu confirmed. "He was probably going to tear apart the 4 dimensions to make one to shape in his image while leaving everyone with whatever scrapes were leftover for dead."

Sora was so angered he bit down hard and shattered the sucker in his mouth.

"Damnit!" Sora yelled as he took the stick out of his mouth and through to the floor. "So everything he said and promised was a lie right from the start!"

"Only to us but not to him." Shiryu said as he took off his bag. "Hand me your disk."

"Why?" Sora asked.

"Well, if your job was to be a scout, then most likely Leo put in a program so you could return back to Fusion right?" Shiryu asked.

"That's right." Sora confirmed as he took off the disk.

"Then that also means he could force you to return by pressing a button from Academia." Shiryu pointed out as he took the disk.

"Oh man you're right!" Sora realized.

Shiryu hooked up the duel disk to his laptop and began running a search through its programing to find the return program.

"Ah-ha. There it is." Shiryu said as he pointed to his screen. "Now just have to delete it and you're good."

"That's good, but I don't understand." Sora said while putting his hands behind his head. "Even if I did go back, I wouldn't have told him anything."

"You wouldn't have needed to." Shiryu responded as he tapped on his keyboard."

"What da' yea mean?" Sora asked.

"The Professor has a machine that lets him see into people's memories." Shiryu revealed. "I know because he used it on Serena, and she told me."

"No way!" Sora exclaimed.

"Yes way." Shiryu said as he finished deleting the program. "All done."

Shiryu hands it back to Sora.

"Thanks big bro!" Sora said happily.

"No problem buddy." Shiryu said as he rubbed Sora's head. "Now let's go back to the others."

They walked back to the lounge and waited for the rest to show up. Later is when Yuya and Yuzu arrived.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Yuya announced as he opened the door. "The envoy of entertainment Yuya Sakaki has arrived-"

Yuya stops when he sees Sora.

"Sensei!" Sora exclaims.

Yuya proceeds to faceplant.

'Did he really just faceplant?' Shiryu thought.

"People don't faceplant in your Dimension?" Zarc asked.

(Not unless they slip on something like a normal person.) Shiryu said.

"You're even here?" Yuya asked Sora.

"Yuya, you're late." Futoshi said.

"Yeah." Ayu said. "Your apprentice was waiting for you."

"But he's not..." Yuya tried to argue before he was pulled back by his collar by Skip.

"Yuya, since he's your apprentice, that means he's enrolled in You Show School." Skip said. "Which means it's your responsibility to teach him."

"Like I said, he's not my apprentice!" Yuya said as he pushed Skip off him.

"Sensei, let's duel!" Sora said. "And show me Pendulum Summoning! Everyone's told me how awesome it is, and I want to see it with my own eyes! I want to see you bring out monsters with a bang! I'm looking forward to dueling you, Sensei!"

"Why do I have to duel you?" Yuya asked.

"What? I can't?" Sora asked "Sensei, you're not going to duel me?"

Sora then used the strongest attack any kid could use... the dreaded "Puppy Dog Eyes"!

"Are his eyes sparkling?!" Zarc asked.

(Yes....Yes they are.) Shiryu confirmed.

The only people weren't affected by Sora's attack was Shiryu, Zarc, and Yuya. Everyone else blushed at how cute Sora looked.

"I feel bad for him, Yuya." Ayu said.

"Let him duel you." Futoshi said.

"Yeah, what's the harm anyways?" Tatsua said.

"Huh?" Yuya responded in disbelief.

"C'mon. 1 duel is fine, right?" Yuzu asked.

"Yuya! I don't recall teaching you to run away when you're challenged to a duel!" Skip scowled.

"Sensei! Duel me." Sora said as he got closer to Yuya.

"Even with those eyes, no means no!" Yuya denied.

Sora's response was to somehow make more sparkles.

"How about a bet then." Shiryu chimed in since he knew what was going to happen next.

Everyone looked at him.

"If Yuya wins, Sora stops calling him Sensei and gives up becoming his student." Shiryu said. "But if Sora wins, Yuya agrees to be his Sensei and teaches him. Sound fair?"

"Gong says that sounds reasonable." Gong

"Fine, I'll duel him." Yuya said.

"Yatta!" Sora cheers.

"Just make sure you agree to the deal." Yuya said.

"Only if you do." Sora responded.

Afterwards the 2 dueled which went exactly how it did in the anime. Shiryu quickly filled in Zarc about Action Cards. Action Cards are special cards that are usable only in Action Duels and you can only hold 1 Action Card in your hand at a time.

 Sora didn't like the first duel field picked and Skip changed it into Candyland. They finally began to duel and made their opening moves, with the girls commenting their thoughts about Sora's Fluffal Bear and Lion monsters.

"Kawai!" both Yuzu and Ayu exclaimed.

"So fluffy!" Rin and Ruri said.

"Don't underestimate Sora's monsters because of their looks." Serena said. "They can get pretty nasty."

Of course, Yuya being the block head he is, wasn't paying attention to where he was going due to looking at the girls and not understanding their reactions. Thus, causing him to fall into a pond of juice.

 Sora lunches his first attack but was negated due to Yuya's protagonist luck finding an Action Card in the juice... but he then ran into a giant chocolate log. Which resulted in him finding another Action Card to save him.

"Did he know that Action Card was in there?" Skip asked.

"No, he was just lucky." Shiryu said. "Like with the juice."

When Yuya started his turn snagged an Action Card that Sora was trying to get.

"I've noticed that Yuya seems too reliant on these Action Cards." Zarc commented.

(Yeah. It's one of his flaws.) Shiryu said. (Something shared with a lot to Duelists in this Dimension.)

Yuya then used his Pendulum Summoning for everyone to see and summoned Performapal Skeeter Skimmer, Performapal Sword Fish and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

"So this is Pendulum Summoning." Ruri gasped.

"Amazing!" Rin gasped.

"Incredible." Serena said.

"No wonder Reiji wants to learn the secret of this summoning method." Zarc said. "And it seems Odd Eyes has evolved."

Yuya began his attack by using the Action Card by increasing Odd Eyes power to deal heavy damage to Sora by comboing it with Sword Fish's ability to lower Sora's Lion's power. Yuya decides to end his turn. 

Sora starts his and begins to counterattack by fusing his monster's together to create Frightfur Bear. The sweet, cute and cuddly bear wasn't looking like that now. Ruri flinched slightly at seeing the new bear. Shiryu placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Ayu saw her reaction and was worried.

"What is the matter, Ruri?" Ayu asked.

Everyone looked at Ruri upon hearing Ayu's question.

"Some people bullied her and some friends with Fusion Monsters in the past and it left some mental scares." Shiryu said.

"That's not very manly. Those people are a disgrace!" Gong said.

"I can handle some Fusion Monsters." Ruri said. "Just not ones that remind me of Ancient Gear's."

"I've never heard of Ancient Gear monsters before." Tatsuya said.

"We'll be sure to keep an eye out for them." Gong and Yuzu shared a look and nodded.

Sora destroyed Yuya's monsters until he had only Odd Eyes and Sword Fish left. Yuya could only play set a card and switch his fish to defence mode then tried to get an Action Card to help him, but Sora showed off his skills from Academia to grab it before Yuya could. 

Sora then attacked Odd Eyes and destroyed him. This caused Yuya to become distressed before laughing. Shiryu then narrowed his eyes and walked away without anyone but Serena noticing.

'Shiryu...' Serena thought.

"What do you plan on doing?" Zarc asked.

(Taking care of something before it becomes a problem.) Shiryu answered. (Just need to make a few changes first.)

From there everything ended like it should have. Everyone finding out that Pendulum monsters go face up in the extra deck upon being destroyed. Yuya resummons Odd Eyes to win the duel.

"He did it!" Futoshi cheered.

"Yuya won!" Tatsuya cheered.

"How wonderful!" Ayu cheered.

As the field fades away Yuya sees Sora leaning against the wall, so he walks over to him.

"Do you remember your promise?" Yuya asked. "Since I won, you're not my apprentice-"

He was cut off by Sora laughing.

"That was fun!" Sora exclaimed. "Dueling you was really fun, Yuya! Just like Shiryu said!"

"Why are you calling me Yuya instead of Sensei?" Yuya asked.

"If you won't let me be your apprentice, then I'm going to be your friend, Yuya!" Sora said. "If we're friends, I can call you Yuya."

"That's not your choice-" Yuya tried to argue.

"Yuya..." a voice said.

Turning to it, both boys saw Shiryu walking towards them.

Everybody at the viewing window was surprised to see him on the field.

"Huh? What's Shiryu doing out there?" Skip asked.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen." Serena said.

Everyone looked at her.

"What do you mean Serena?" Ayu asked.

"You'll see." Serena answered. "But promise me none of you will interfere."

"Why?" Yuzu asked.

"What Shiryu's about to do is what he believes will help Yuya." Serena said.

Back with the 3 boys.

"Shiryu? What are you doing here?" Yuya asked.

Shiryu didn't answer Yuya but instead spoke to Sora.

"Sora, go back to the others." Shiryu said.

Sora could see the look in Shiryu's eyes and knew it quite well.

"R-Right." Sora said and left the duel field.

"What's wrong Shiryu?" Yuya asked again.

"Yuya, we're going to duel." Shiryu said as he put his duel disk on his arm.

"Oh okay." Yuya smiled. "We can pick an Action Field and-"

"No." Shiryu said. "No Action Field. A standard duel between us."

Shiryu walked past his brother and stood on the opposite side of the field before turning to him and activated his disk's blade. Yuya was surprised at Shiryu's sudden attitude.

"No Action Field?" Skip asked shocked.

"How come?" Yuzu asked.

"Probably wants to teach Yuya a lesson." Serena guessed.

"What kind of lesson?" Ayu asked.

"The kind that works." Sora answered as he joined the group. "Trust me."

"How do you know Sora?" Futoshi asked.

"Because he did the same to me." Sora said. "In the past, I used to think that Fusion Summoning was the superior method and looked down on the others along with those who used them. That is until Shiryu knocked some sense into me. Hard."

"How?" Tatsuya asked.

"The only way a duelist can." Sora said. "By dueling. So like Serena-nee said, don't stop them. If Shiryu is doing this, then Yuya needs this."

Everyone looked back to the field. Yuzu was nervous about what was going to happen. Back with Shiryu and Yuya, the tomato haired boy finally took his spot and got ready to duel.

"Why are we doing this?" Yuya asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Shiryu said. "Ready?"

Yuya nodded.

"Duel!" the brothers shouted.

Shiryu and Yuya LP: 4000

Turn 1: Yuya

"Looks like I'm first!" Yuya said.

He looked at his hand and smiled as he took 2 cards from his hand.

"I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1: Stargazer Magician and Scale 8: Timegazer Magician!" Yuya announced.

The 2 magicians appeared in columns of light behind Yuya while numbers showed beneath them.

"I can now summon monsters that are levels between 2 to 7 at once!" Yuya said. "Welcome to the stage Performapal Silver Wolf, Performapal Elephammer and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Performapal Sliver Wolf

Attribute: Dark

Star: 4 (Pendulum)

ATK/DEF: 1800/700

Pendulum Effect

All "Performapal" monsters you control gain 300 ATK.

Monster Effect

When this card declares an attack: All "Performapal" monsters you currently control gain 300 ATK, until the end of the Battle Phase.

Performapal Elephammer

Attribute: Earth

Star: 6

ATK/DEF: 2600/1800

If you control 2 or more "Performapal" cards, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing. Cannot attack unless you control another "Performapal" card. When this card declares an attack: You can return all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls to the hand.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

Attribute: Dark

Star: 7 (Pendulum)

ATK/DEF: 2500/2000

Pendulum Effect

You can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0. During your End Phase: You can destroy this card, and if you do, add 1 Pendulum Monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each Pendulum Effect of "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" once per turn.

Monster Effect

If this card battles an opponent's monster, any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is doubled.

(I will be using the anime effect for Odd-Eyes where the opponent's monster must be level 5 or higher to deal double damage.)

All 3 of Yuya's monsters appeared on his field. Odd-Eyes looked at Shiryu and felt the light of an old friend.

"With that I end my turn." Yuya said. "Over to you Shiryu."

Turn 2: Shiryu

"I draw." Shiryu said.

"Odd-Eyes." Zarc said. "The first of my Dragons that I got."

(I know how you feel.) Shiryu said. (Are you okay with what I told you?)

"I am." Zarc simply said. 'This is to help Yuya.'

Shiryu nodded to him and looked at his cards before picking 1.

"I activate the continues spell card Dogmatikamatrix!" Shiryu said as he played the card.


Spell: Continues

When this card is activated: You can add 1 "Dogmatika" Ritual Monster or 1 "Dogmatika" Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand, then if your opponent controls a monster, you can add 1 "Dogmatika" card from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, if you control a "Dogmatika" Ritual Monster: You can look at either player's Extra Deck, and send 1 monster from it to the GY. You can only activate 1 "Dogmatikamatrix" per turn.

"With this card I add the ritual spell card Dogmatikalamity to my hand." Shiryu said as he drew the card from his deck.

"A ritual spell card?!" Yuya gasped.

"Then if you control a monster on your field, I can add 1 Dogmatika card to my hand." Shiryu informed as a new card popped out of his deck. "The card I picked is the ritual monster Dogmatika Alba Zoa!"

"Now he has both the ritual monster and spell card!" Skip gasped. "He got them so easily too."

"What's a ritual monster?" Ayu asked.

"And a ritual spell card?" Futoshi asked.

"A ritual monster is a special monster that can only be summoned using a spell card called a ritual spell card." Tatsuya informed his friends. "You have to tribute a certain number of monsters that either equal or surpass the ritual monster's level to summon it."

"I normal summon Blazing Cartesia, The Virtuous!" Shiryu said.

Blazing Cartesia, The Virtuous

Attribute: Light

Star: 4 (Tuner)

ATK/DEF: 1500/1500

If you control "Fallen of Albaz" or it is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can Fusion Summon 1 Level 8 or higher Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material. During the End Phase, if a Fusion Monster(s) was sent to your GY this turn: You can add this card from your GY to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Blazing Cartesia, The Virtuous" once per turn.

The counterpart to Ecclesia appeared on Shiryu's field.

"How come he didn't ritual summon?" Yuzu asked.

"Shiryu probably already has a plan." Rin guessed.

"I now activate her ability." Shiryu said. "During my main phase I can use monsters either on my field or in my hand to fusion summon a level 8 monster."

"Here we go." Serena said.

"Will you be okay Ruri?" Ayu asked.

"*nods* Yeah, Shiryu's dragons don't scare me." Ruri said.

"I fuse Fallen of Albaz and Incredible Ecclesia, The Virtuous in my hand!" Shiryu announced. "I Fusion Summon Level 8: Albion the Sanctifire Dragon!"

Albion the Sanctifire Dragon

Attribute: Light

Star: 8

ATK/DEF: 3000/2500

Fallen of Albaz (plus) 1 LIGHT Spellcaster Monster

Cannot be used for Fusion Material. Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects. You can only use each of the following effects of "Albion the Sanctifire Dragon" once per turn. During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can target 2 monsters in any GY(s); Special Summon both monsters, 1 on each field. If this card is in your GY: You can Tribute 4 monsters, the 2 in the Extra Monster Zones and the 2 in the central Main Monster Zones, and if you do, Special Summon this card.

Albion took to the field in its evolved form as everyone looked at it in awe.

"Wow!" the 3 kids gasped.

"What a magnificent dragon," Skip exclaimed in awe.

"Now I'll tune level 4 Cartesia with level 8 Albion!" Shiryu announced.

"She's a tuner?!" Yuya exclaimed.

"I Synchro Summon Level 12: Despian Luluwalilith!" Shiryu yelled.

Despian Luluwalilith

Attribute: Light

Star: 12

ATK/DEF: 2500/2500

1 Level 4 Tuner (plus) 1 or more non-tuner monsters

Once per turn, if a card(s) leaves the Extra Deck (except during the Damage Step): You can make all monsters you currently control gain 500 ATK (permanently), then you can negate the effects of 1 face-up card on the field, until the end of this turn. During the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was sent there this turn: You can Special Summon 1 LIGHT Spellcaster monster from your hand or Deck whose ATK equals its own DEF. You can only use this effect of "Despian Luluwalilith" once per turn.

Next to show up was Fleurdelis in her corrupted form.

"First he fusion summoned and then went into synchro summoning." Skip gasped.

"Next I'll play Monster Reborn to bring back Albion!" Shiryu informed as he took his fusion monster out of the GY and replaced it on the disk.

"I now active the ritual spell card Dogmatikalamity!" Shiryu said. "But after I ritual summon, I can no longer summon from the extra deck for the rest of this turn."



Spell: Ritual

This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Dogmatika" Ritual monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field, whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon or send 1 monster from your Extra Deck to the GY, whose Level equals the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck. You can only activate 1 "Dogmatikalamity" per turn.

"That's why he didn't use it until now." Rin said.

"Normally to ritual summon, you use monsters that are in your hand or on your field." Shiryu said. "But my spell card gives my 1 more option to choose from."

"It does?" Yuya asked

"As long as it equals the ritual monster's level, then I can choose a monster in my extra deck." Shiryu informed.

Everyone was surprised at that.

"From the extra deck?!" Yuya exclaimed.

"The monster I chose is the level 12: 5 Headed Dragon!" Shiryu announced.

A big rift opened above Shiryu as he tossed the Fusion Dragon card into it.

"I now Ritual Summon Level 12: Dogmatika Alba Zoa!" Shiryu yelled.

Dogmatika Alba Zoa

Attribute: Light 

Star: 12

ATK/DEF: 4000/4000

Cannot be Ritual Summoned, except by "Dogmatikalamity" or another "Dogmatika" card effect. "Dogmatika" monsters you control are unaffected by activated effects of your opponent's Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters' effects. During your Main Phase: You can make your opponent choose and apply 1 of these effects ('you' in these effects means that opponent).
For every 2 cards in their Extra Deck, send 1 card from their hand or Extra Deck to the GY.
Return all Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters you control to the Extra Deck.
You can only use this effect of "Dogmatika Alba Zoa" once per turn.

'Why hello there... tasty snacks...' Alba Zoa says to everyone even though only Shiryu can hear him as he sweat drops. 

Everybody gawked at the ritual monster in shock due to how big it is.

"W-what in the world is that!?" Yuya screamed

"Sorry Yuya but I'm afraid that's not all you see." Shiryu said. "Now that a monster was removed from the extra deck, Luluwalilith's effect activates."

"What does her effect do?" Yuya asked.

"Once per turn all monsters currently on my field get a permeant 500 power boost." Shiryu said.

Albion the Sanctifire Dragon ATK: 3000 – 3500

Despian Luluwalilith ATK: 2500 – 3000

Dogmatika Alba Zoa ATK: 4000 – 4500

"Now they're all stronger then Yuya's monsters." Futoshi said.

"That's not all." Serena said. "They're just strong enough to take out all of Yuya's LP this turn."

"Oh no. Yuya!" Yuzu gasped.

Yuya was looking at the monsters in shock.

'Oh man! I'm in a tight spot.' Yuya thought. 'If only this was an-'

"Action Duel, then I could find a way out of this." Shiryu suddenly said. "That's what you're thinking right, Yuya?"

"How did you know?" Yuya asked.

"Whoa he guessed right." Gong said.

"It's easy to know what you're thinking because you're so obvious." Shiryu said. "You've become too reliant on Action Cards that you don't even trust your own deck to help you."

"My deck?" Yuya asked as he looked at it.

"Not only that, but you're holding yourself back." Shiryu stated.

"W-What?" Yuya gasped. "What do you mean?"

"Battle!" Shiryu said ignoring Yuya's question. "Albion attack his wolf!"

Albion unleashed a white flame at Silver Wolf destroying it effortlessly.

"Ahh!" Yuya cried.

Yuya LP: 4000 – 2300

"Now Luluwalilith, strike down his dragon!" Shiryu commanded.

"It shall be done." Fleurdelis said as she charged at Odd-Eyes

Odd-Eyes tried to counterattack by swinging its tail, but Fleurdelis jump and swung her sword downwards, cutting Odd-Eyes in half before it blew up into pixels.

Yuya LP: 2300 – 1800

"Odd-Eyes!" Yuya yelled. 'Wait it's okay, when Pendulum Monsters are destroyed, they-'

"Go face-up into the extra deck." Shiryu said. "Like I said Yuya, you're obvious. Besides it wouldn't help you at all."

"What do you mean?" Yuya asked.

"If you Pendulum Summon, then you'll activate Luluwalilith's effect." Shiryu pointed out. "Making my monsters stronger. Plus, they have effects that makes them be unaffected by your card effects."

Yuya gasped.

"He's right." Skip said. "Shiryu said when a monster is taken out of the extra deck, he never said it had to be just his."

"Which means his Synchro monster is an almost perfect counter to Pendulum Summoning!" Yuzu said.

'Now for the final nail in the coffin.' Shiryu thought. "I noticed something during your match with Sora after he destroyed Odd-Eyes."

"Yeah, what about it?" Yuya asked.

"You gave up hope." Shiryu said. "A true duelist doesn't give up hope."

"But I still fought." Yuya argued.

"Only after you found out Pendulum Monsters go face-up into the extra deck when destroyed!" Shiryu snapped. "But how would you feel if you couldn't?"

"What do you mean?" Yuya asked, starting to feel afraid.

"I activate Dogmatikamatrix's effect!" Shiryu shouted. "When I have a Dogmatika Ritual monster on my field I can look at both of our extra decks and send 1 monster from either to the GY."

Yuya's eyes widen in realization as did everyone else besides Serena and Sora.

"No... please don't..." Yuya begged.

"I chose to send Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to the GY!" Shiryu announced.

Yuya looked at his duel disk's screen and saw his dragon being moved from the extra deck to the GY. He fell to his knees in shock and despair as he looks at the floor.

"I end my turn." Shiryu said.

Turn 3: Yuya

"Poor Yuya..." Ayu looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"This has gone on long enough!" Yuzu said as she started to run to the field door.

Except Serena got in her way.

"Move it Serena!" Yuzu demanded.

"No." Serena said. "Not until they're done."

"Shiryu could've ended it right there, but he didn't!" Yuzu shouted. "He's just toying with Yuya, and I won't let it happen!"

"So you're just going to continue to coddle Yuya forever?!" Serena shouted back. "Every time he's feeling down, or when something doesn't go his way?!"

Yuzu took a step back in shock at what Serena said while everyone also looked at her.

"W-What do you mean?" Yuzu asked.

"Look at him!" Serena pointed at the field.

Everyone turns to look at Yuya to see him put his goggles on and do nothing else.

"What do you think happens if he duels against someone outside of this school?" Serena asked. "What if he gets like this? The opponent or referee isn't just going to let him take his time and sulk! That's what Shiryu is trying to help him overcome, but the only way to do so is with "tough love"!"

Shiryu watched Yuya do nothing else but kneel. Finally having enough, he walks over to him.

"What's he doing!?" Gong asked, angry at how Shiryu is treating Yuya. 

"He's going to hurt him!" Yuzu accused.

"No, he won't." Sora said getting everyone's attention. "Just keep watching Yuzu."

Shiryu stopped right in front of Yuya who was still looking at the floor.

"Get up." Shiryu said.

Yuya didn't say anything. Shiryu then pulled him up by the shoulders and ripped off the goggles, throwing them to the side.

"Yuya!" Yuzu cried in fear for her childhood friend.

"Shiryu stop!" Skip yelled.

Everyone else besides Serena, Ruri, Rin, and Sora were about to rush onto the field to stop Shiryu before they heard him yell.

"IT'S OKAY TO CRY!" Shiryu yelled.

They all stopped and looked at him. Yuya slowly looked Shiryu in the eye in shock.

"I get it, okay?!" Shiryu said. "You put on an act for an audience during your performances so they can smile and have fun! But you're not in front of an audience now, you're in front of your friends! Hell, you yourself aren't even having fun when you try to entertain your own audience!

You've been keeping all these negative feelings bottled up, so you don't worry them but its not healthy! Eventually that bottle is going to break, and you won't be able to handle it! It's okay to let out those feelings here and know!"

Yuya just stared at Shiryu shock at what he said, while Sora grinned at Shiryu. Serena, Ruri and Rin smiled gently at Shiryu. Yuzu stared at Shiryu, finally realizing what he was doing.

'He's trying to help Yuya come to terms with everything that's happened.' Yuzu thought. 'Serena was right... We've been coddling Yuya, and it hasn't truly helped him, just eased the pain.'

"I-Is it really... okay?" Yuya asked with tears forming in his eyes. "Is it okay for me to do so?"

"Yes! Absolutely!" Shiryu said. "And if you need a shoulder to cry on, then I'll gladly be that shoulder!"

Unable to hold back any longer, Yuya cried as he buried his face into Shiryu's shoulder. Shiryu simply held onto him as he let the boy unleash his hidden frustrations. All the anger and sadness he's been piling on top of each other for years as people ridiculed him, his family, his friends, and the disappearance his father as people labeled him a coward. Unable to stay standing, the 2 kneeled on the floor as the sound of Yuya's crying was the only thing that was heard.

-To be continued 

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