By mary4561

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April Jones life has not been perfect. Yes she had a happy childhood. Then she learnt she was adopted and th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapper 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22(23on word)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 33
Chappter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 32

3 1 0
By mary4561

"Tomorrow I'm going to cook you guys breakfast."

"Meghan you really don't have to do that."

"I know but I want to so please allow me to do that for my sister."

April squeezes her hand, "Thank you. I'm looking forward to breakfast."

"Let's go it's almost time for dinner and we are not being great hosts right now my darling," Ashton reminds her.

That night,"I'm glad you and Meghan really talked. It seems you both had a conversation you didn't know you both needed to have."

"Yes we did and she should've sent you an email. Her cousin is looking for a job and he's interested in being your deputy."

"I'll look into it but right now I'm more interested in making sure my wife is okay. How are you feeling?"

"Have you noticed we ask each other a lot of questions?"

"We are still getting to know each other's likes and dislikes."

"I think we know each other's like and dislikes Ashton. It's just we have moved into a more intimate part of our relationship and I don't mean sex."

"The party was great and we know each other well well but we have only known each other for three and a half months. We are still finding out things about each other. It's not a bad thing it's just the journey we need to go on."

She hugs him, "I love you."

He looks at her then blinks a few times,"I'm not ready to say it yet. I feel very strong emotions towards you. Please don't be mad at me."

"You're being honest with me why would I be mad at you Ashton? Just because I tell you love you doesn't mean you have to lied and say you do too if you don't."

"I'm not going anywhere April always remember that."

"I know Ashton, I know."

"You're emphasizing my name April."

"Am I. I'm sorry it's just I expected you to say I love you back to me, but you can't force someone to feel what they don't."

"Don't let this tear us apart April."

"It won't. I was going to say because we love each other but we don't."

"Wait for me okay I will say it, I promise."

"Ok I will since you're worth the wait Ashton."

"Please remember you said that April."

The following weeks were very busy both Ashton and April met with Prince Julio and liked him. It helps his resume and references were outstanding. They gave him a six-week trial after April checked him out throughly in her other role.

"My mom wants us to go to Nebraska this weekend. It's the anniversary of my dad's death. I've not visited his grave since last year."

"Wait you've been to Nebraska for the last five years without your family knowing?"

"I think my mum knows but never says anything about it. Do you want to go?"

"Are we staying at her house and does your siblings still live at home?"

"As far as I know mum lives by herself but there's a bed and breakfast we can stay in if you would like."

"I prefer to stay in a separate house to your family and let's agree to not speak about anything important in front of them. Or in your mother's house we don't want to hear back later what we said in the newspapers."

"Agree, I'll make the booking."

"As far as bed and breakfasts goes this is cute. I mean the colors are a bit much but I love the farmhouse feel to it. Since you grew up here April I would like you to take me on a tour of your life."

She salutes him, "Yes sir."

He laughs and takes her hand.

"This is where I had my first kiss and where someone asked me to be their girlfriend for the first time."

"Are you going to show me the place where you did it for the first time?"

"No but I'll take you to somewhere where you will have the best blueberry pancakes in your life."

"Lead the way."

"You're right these are very good I'm surprised people aren't staring at us."

"People don't care they will gossip when we leave or are not around."

"Everyone seems so nice but they talk behind your back."

"Small towns are no better than big ones I'm afraid."

They walk into April's mother's house and Ashton was surprised at how modern and updated it was. "You grew up here?"

"I wish, mum bought a new house not that long ago. I grow up in a three bedroom house with a big backyard and a massive basement."

"I've put that house up for rent after paying off the mortgage darling. So if you want to give Ashton a tour of the old place later you can."

"I most definitely will mum."

"I can't believe it's been seventeen years since he died time really does fly."

"It's been a long time. Where are my siblings?"

"I don't know but they should be back tomorrow so we can all go to the graveside together."

Is there anything you want to do mum since I'm here?"

"You have a husband sweetheart. Us going for a meal together later and tomorrow is enough for me."

"We came here for you mum you must be lonely in this old house?"

"I'm, your sister and brother doesn't stop by much anymore. A part of me wants to move to New York to be nearer to you."

"If you don't feel this town is offering you anything move. You can always visit dad's grave whenever you want."

"I'll think about it."

"Come sit," April joins Ashton on her bed in her childhood bedroom. "Your mum seems lonely."

"She is. Why don't we, wait I'll tell you later."

Understanding shows on Ashton's face April couldn't be sure they wouldn't be overheard.

"I used to climb this tree and sneak up to my bedroom when I broke curfew."

"You were a bad girl then?" asks Ashton.

"Not really just the normal teenage rebellion like I'm sure you did as well."

"I wish I did more bad things I was too strait-laced as a teenager."

"Come on mum is waiting for us,' April locks the door to her childhood home. Later In the car, "I want to invite mum to stay with us for couple weeks Ashton."

"Your siblings don't have our new address. If she stays with us, they will want to know where she is April, explains Ashton.

"I never thought of that. My apartment is free she could stay there or tell them she's staying there."

"We will talk to her about it at dinner."

"You want me to come for a visit I would love that and I can look for someplace to buy while I'm there."

"You won't find something straight away mum please bare that in mind okay."

"Ok and yes I'll come for a visit."

At the graveside the next day April, Ashton and her mother waited for over an hour for her siblings. "Your sister is in medical school maybe she couldn't find the time."

"She's in her first year it's not like she's seeing patients. No wait she isn't school hasn't started yet for her. This is very disrespectful to dad."

"Really because for the last five years I've never seen you once at his gravesite April."

"Kimberly you're finally here."

"Hi mum."

"Do you know where your brother is?"

"No let's start without him."

"He is right behind you Kimberly and he bought someone with him. How disrespectful bringing a girlfriend to this important event," says her mother.

"She isn't a girlfriend mum she is my wife."

"Everyone this is Jade Jones my new bride."

Jade smirks at April and Ashton, "It's nice to meet you mum."

"It's Mrs. Jones to you, I don't know you. You could be a stripper for all I know or a gold digger." April felt proud of her mother in that moment.

Jade points to April and Ashton, "You guys know me isn't that right April?"

Mary was shocked, "Really?"

"We fired her a while ago for putting April's life in danger. When you told April you would have the last laugh this is what you meant. You are seeing her brother."

"Yep, and he sent me some nice snaps of your wedding Ashton which I shared with a magazine."

"Did you know she did that Ethan?" Ask Kimberly surprising everyone.

"Of course, I did since it was my idea and I took the photos."

"When did you two meet?" Ask April.

"Well big sister it was three years ago, I called her and ask to speak to you many times. She never put me through to you. I arranged to meet her at a restaurant to find out why and the rest is history. Mindy sends her best by the way."

"Mindy?" Ask her mother in confusion.

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