The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

101K 7.4K 3.8K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Chapter

Chapter 31

3.2K 160 129
By mehhh024

"Shahmeer! Oh my God!" Meerab exclaimed loudly, almost in disbelief, as she rushed towards Shahmeer, who stood there with an equally surprised expression. She engulfed him in a tight hug, unable to contain her excitement.

"I can't believe this. I never thought that I'd be seeing you here," Shahmeer said as he wrapped his arms around Meerab, his face beaming with happiness. As Meerab broke the hug, she couldn't help but wear a wide grin.

"Tell me about it. Is this your party?" Meerab inquired, eager for details.

"Yeah, that's my father, Dawood Ali Khan. Remember I've told you about him," Shahmeer explained, connecting the dots for Meerab. Pakistan, Karachi, Politician, Dawood Ali Khan.

"Oh, my, yes, you did. I just... it feels so good to see you. It's been ages," Meerab expressed with genuine joy.

"I know, right? I missed you so much. And look at you, you look so different. I mean different as in very pretty," Shahmeer complimented, his eyes filled with warmth.

Meerab chuckled, "Well, life happened, you know. But it's incredible to see you again. I thought that you never wanted to return back to Pakistan?"

Shahmeer grinned, "Baba insisted that I should come back and spend a year or so here to get familiar with the country's situation and to see if I'd be interested in the politics here. Surprisingly, in a few months, I realized that I did actually want to work for the betterment of the country, so yeah, here I am after wrapping things up back in London."

As Meerab and Shahmeer continued catching up, the lively atmosphere of the party seemed to amplify with their shared laughter and animated conversation.


As a hearty reunion unfolded between the two friends, Murtasim, on the other hand, couldn't shake off the growing twinge of unease that he couldn't quite comprehend. He gazed at his own hand, still tingling from the lingering warmth Meerab had imparted just moments ago. The sudden absence of her touch left it exposed to the cool night breeze, a subtle reminder of her departure as she hastily moved toward the mysterious stranger standing before him.

As he was in the midst of processing that, his eyes moved towards Meerab hugging Shahmeer, and Shahmeer wrapping his arms around her. Murtasim felt an unsettling feeling swirling within him as he witnessed the scene before him.

Clenching his jaw, Murtasim tried to inhale deeply, attempting to rationalize the emotions churning within. He was an open-minded man, but an unexpected discomfort lingered as he watched Meerab and Shahmeer hug. It wasn't a possessive nature; it was just an unsettling feeling, a reaction to the unexpected sight of Meerab in another's arms.

He tried to reason with his own thoughts. After all, this was just a reunion among friends – a simple normal meeting after years of separation. Then, why should he be burdened with this irrational sense of discomfort? It felt absurd, yet Murtasim couldn't shake the feeling.

His internal struggle only intensified as Shahmeer voiced how much he missed Meerab. Logically, friends missed each other; it was ordinary and expected. Yeah no big deal but then when Shahmeer called Meerab pretty, Murtasim's internal turmoil erupted. PRETTY!!?? Obviously she did look pretty but why was he calling her that? Murtasim couldn't help but feel annoyed by the compliment.

But, apart for all of this, to his surprise, Murtasim found himself questioning his own reactions. Why was he feeling this way? Was it jealousy? What? No way! He wasn't jealous. Surely, this was just a natural, normal response to witnessing his wife in the embrace of someone else. It's just a biological reaction right?

Murtasim's attempt to rationalize his emotions was interrupted by Dawood Ali Khan's voice, pulling him back to reality. As Shahmeer and Meerab stopped their conversation and turned towards Dawood, he remarked on their apparent familiarity.

"Looks like you guys are much familiar with one another," Dawood observed, glancing at both Shahmeer and Meerab. Shahmeer nodded and walked towards his father, with Meerab following him. "Yeah, Baba, didn't I tell you about Meerab before? We were in the same university, had a few courses together, and that's how we interacted and became friends. But after graduation, you called me over, so I never really got a chance to meet her again," Shahmeer explained.

"Oh yes, yes. I remember. Meerab, the one you used to talk about on and on, right?" Dawood chuckled. Shahmeer turned red with embarrassment, and Meerab laughed at the remark. However, Murtasim didn't even crack a smile. Talk about on and on? What exactly did Shahmeer talk about Meerab during those lengthy discussions? Murtasim wonder as he let out an annoyed huff.

Meerab's gaze inadvertently shifted towards Murtasim, a sudden realization dawning upon her. She had been so caught up by Shahmeer that she had completely forgotten to introduce the two of them. As she turned towards Murtasim, she said, "Oh Shahmeer, I almost forgot. I'd like you to meet Mr. Kh—Murtasim Khan. He's my—"

But before Meerab could say something, Murtasim extended his hand forward and completed, "husband. I'm Meerab's husband. Khan Murtasim Khan." His voice was deep and authoritative, leaving a distinct mark in the air.

Shahmeer reciprocated the introduction with a firm handshake, his face breaking into a genuine smile. "Wow! Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Khan. I honestly didn't expect Meerab to get married so soon," he exclaimed, his curiosity evident.

Why? What was it that he didn't expect here? Who is he to feel so surprised by this? Murtasim internally scoffed as Meerab spoke, "Well, you know what they say, life doesn't always go as planned."

"Yeah, that's true. But Mr. Khan, I've heard so much about you from my father. The developmental milestones you've achieved for your people are truly admirable," Shahmeer expressed, genuine interest gleaming in his eyes.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Murtasim's lips, his surprise evident in the raised brow and the appreciative nod he gave. "Thank you," he replied with a modest tone, acknowledging the compliment.

"And Meerab, we need to talk about everything that had happened in your life after graduation. Come on, I'll show you around, and we can catch up as well," Shahmeer said as Meerab excitedly nodded. Both of them navigated through the bustling party, leaving Murtasim standing there like a statue, his gaze fixed on them. He felt like he was eating his heart out, a strange, unknowing feeling rising within him as he observed their departure.


Khan Murtasim Khan had always been a paragon of active listening and awareness of his social settings. However, at this moment, he swore he couldn't hear a word of the political banter Dawood Ali Khan was enthusiastically sharing because Murtasim's attention was entirely caught up by his wife and an unexpected guest he hadn't anticipated meeting tonight.

Dawood Ali Khan's speech on about politics, elections, and something about Shahmeer wanting to visit somewhere kept on going on. Yet, to Murtasim, it all sounded like the muffled soundtrack of an uninteresting documentary. His ears were tuned into Meerab's laughter, even though she was standing at a distance. He recognized the melody of her laughter, a sound that had been absent from her for weeks. Murtasim couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her smile properly, and he knew it was his fault. The way Shahmeer and Meerab bantered, the laughter echoing in the air, made Murtasim feel like a weird feeling boiling inside of him.

Dawood continued his animated discourse on political intricacies, while Murtasim stood there contemplating the mystery of the unseen joke cracking between Shahmeer and Meerab. What was so funny, and why was he not part of this clandestine comedy club?

Another thing that irked Murtasim was the fact that Shahmeer's hands seemed a little too comfortable around Meerab. He held her hand while talking, lead in and even ruffled her hair, all of these things were stirring up a bubbling concoction of annoyance within Murtasim.

"Murtasim, Murtasim?" Dawood Ali Khan's voice broke through, bringing him back to the political realm. Murtasim nodded absentmindedly. "Yes, yes. Of course," he agreed, not having the slightest clue about the subject at hand.

"Great then, I'll inform Shahmeer about this as well. Thank you so much," Dawood said humbly, and Murtasim smiled. What he was being thanked for remained a mystery, but he couldn't care about that right now.


The party finally wound down, and Murtasim couldn't have been more relieved. He had spent the entire evening simmering with an inexplicable mix of emotions, and the prospect of heading home to sleep on it brought a small spark of joy to his tired eyes. As he approached Shahmeer and Meerab, Murtasim forced a smile that seemed more at home on a mannequin.

"Let's go back home, Meerab," he chirped, his tone a tad too cheerful for the emotional rollercoaster he had endured. Meerab, seemingly disappointed, protested, "What? Already? Shahmeer and I were just getting started."

They had been engrossed in conversation for four hours, and Murtasim couldn't help but wonder how she felt they were just getting started.

"Yeah, it's really getting late, and it looks like it's about to rain as well. So, we better leave before we get caught in it," Murtasim explained, as he drew Meerab closer, his arm casually finding its place around her waist. The move caught Meerab off guard, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected physical contact. She shot Murtasim a look, a mix of contemplation and curiosity, as if trying to decipher the sudden shift in dynamics. But Murtasim remained indifferent to it.

Murtasim extended his hand with an insincere smile, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Shahmeer."

"Likewise, Murtasim. I hope you don't mind me calling you that," Shahmeer said, his smile almost irritatingly genuine.

"Yeah, not at all," Murtasim replied with a nod.

"Shahmeer, I can't wait to show you the adorable kids at the school, and there are these baby goats—cutest things you've ever seen," Meerab enthusiastically shared, leaving Murtasim perplexed. "What—um, what do you mean, Meerab?" he questioned, his confusion etched across his furrowed brows.

"Um, Shahmeer would be coming to the gaon for a tour and we'll accompany him. Uncle Dawood said he talked to you about it, and you said yes," Meerab explained, as she confusingly looked at him.

So, that was what he was being thanked for? Murtasim cursed himself silently for not paying attention earlier. How is he going to survive another day with Shahmeer being around Meerab?

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry; it slipped my mind. You're welcome to come over anytime you want, Shahmeer," Murtasim forced the words out, grinding his teeth together in an attempt to maintain his social mask.

"Thank you so much, Murtasim. You're too generous," Shahmeer replied with a beaming smile. "Bye, Meerab," he waved at Meerab, who was still glued with Murtasim who made a hasty exit from the party, trying to calm his racing mind.


The night enveloped Murtasim and Meerab as they stepped out of the party, leaving the laughter and music behind. The air was thick with tension, a silent exchange of emotions that lingered between them throughout the car ride. Raindrops began to dance around them, a soft prelude to the impending downpour. The city lights twinkled, casting a gentle glow on the wet pavement.

Murtasim, driving them to their Karachi house, couldn't shake off the feelings that had engulfed him throughout the party. Why was he so bothered by Shahmeer, and why did he react the way he did back at the party? The way he had encircled his arms around Meerab – what was he even trying to prove? Murtasim never realized he could be so petty until he recalled all his actions at the party tonight.

Meerab, on the other hand, was overwhelmed by the memory of how Murtasim had held her by the waist back at the party. Why did he do that? She pondered, the sensation of his touch lingering in her mind, sending a cascade of butterflies through her stomach. Despite her earlier promise to herself to move past these feelings, Murtasim's unexpected gesture reignited a flame she thought she had extinguished.

She couldn't shake the vivid images playing in her mind—the gaze Murtasim had being casting to her throughout the night and the way his touch had felt, sending shivers down her spine. The subtle warmth of his arm around her waist lingered and the way his thumb gently caressed her, left her feeling conflicted. He was acting as if this gesture was something normal between them and Meerab couldn't help but be unsure of how to interpret Murtasim's actions.

She stole secret glances at him, attempting to comprehend the emotions behind his composed exterior. The air between them felt charged with unspoken tension, and Meerab found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions she had hoped to leave behind.

However, the loud rumbling of the sky broke their trances as a deafening thunder struck. It started pouring down heavily, drenching everything. It was as if the sky was unleashing its emotions as well. To add to their misfortune, their car suddenly sputtered and came to a shuddering halt. Murtasim, frustration etched on his face, tried to turn the keys again and again, but it wasn't working. He contemplated getting out; however, Meerab, with her anxiety rising with the intensifying rain, stopped him.

"Mr. Khan, it's raining cats and dogs. You can't just go out like this," Meerab urged, her voice laced with concern, as she held his arm.

"But we can't stay here forever. Let me check the engine," Murtasim insisted with determination in his eyes.

"I'll come with you as well," Meerab said as Murtasim shook his head.

"Meerab, don't be silly. Let me just quickly go and check what's wrong," Murtasim said as he got out of the car. The raindrops played a melody on the car roof as Murtasim popped the hood, trying to make sense of the car troubles. The rain, a relentless accomplice, soaked him within seconds. The glow from the city lights reflected on the wet pavement, creating a surreal ambiance. Meerab watched from inside with concern etched on her face.

Minutes passed as Meerab, unable to stay inside any longer, switched on her phone torch and grabbed an umbrella from the back seat. She stepped out, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of her phone.

Murtasim, struggling with the engine, looked up to see Meerab standing beside him. Frustration crept into his voice. "I told you to stay inside, Meerab. It's not safe out here."

Meerab, undeterred, shot back, "I can't just sit there and do nothing. I could see that you're struggling so much. So stop bossing around and let me help as well."

The glow of her phone cast a soft radiance on her face, revealing a mix of determination and concern. Murtasim shook his head as he delved into the task at hand, determined to resolve the issue. His hands, smeared with grease, meticulously examined the engine. Meerab, realizing the gravity of the situation, glanced around, searching for any sign of help in the deserted stretch of road.

Finally, Murtasim identified the problem. "It's just a loose wire. I can fix it, but I need you to hold the flashlight," he said, his frustration giving way to a practical determination.

Meerab nodded, her phone's torch providing a focused beam of light as Murtasim began to work on the engine. The confined space under the umbrella required them to be in close quarters, as Meerab's heart beat a little faster in the dim glow of the phone's torch.

However, a sudden flicker in the flashlight caught Murtasim's attention. He looked up to see Meerab shivering in the cold rain, her phone slipping slightly in her wet hands. Concern etched on his face, Murtasim halted his work and gazed at Meerab. She was shivering, the rain had completely drenched the thin fabric of her saree. Her nose had turned a shade of red, and her brows furrowed softly as she stared at him with her doe eyes.

"Meerab, you're shivering. You should have stayed in the car. I told you I'd manage," he said, his voice softer now, his protective instincts surfacing.

But Meerab, determined to contribute, insisted, "I can't leave you alone in this. Unlike you, I have a sense of empathy for others." Meerab said the second part of the sentence in a low whisper, but Murtasim heard her. The words hung in the air, laden with unspoken emotions. She was referring to that day, when she had been crying her eyes out, and he just—he left her. Murtasim felt a pang in his chest as the weight of that memory lingered in the rain-soaked air.

"Hurry up now," Meerab said, her voice breaking through the heavy atmosphere. Murtasim shifted his focus back to the issue at hand as He quickly finished securing the engine, closed the hood, and finally sat back in the car. The raindrops on the windows created a soothing backdrop to the unspoken conversation between them.

Meerab kept on shivering, and Murtasim looked at her with concern. He glanced back at the car, trying to find something to warm her. He saw his coat laying there that he had taken off as they started their journey back home. He picked it up and gently placed it on her shoulders.

The warmth of the coat, infused with a touch of his lingering concern, enveloped Meerab like a comforting embrace. The scent of rain and Murtasim's cologne mingled, creating an intimate cocoon within the car.

"Thank you," Meerab said, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and affection. Murtasim nodded, a silent acknowledgment that went beyond words.


As they continued their journey, the city lights cast a soft glow on the rain-kissed streets. Murtasim stole glances at Meerab, who now looked not just relieved but also cozy in his coat. The shared warmth, both literal and metaphorical, infused the car with a sense of unity and understanding unlike the cloud of avoidance that had been hovering upon them for weeks now. However, the atmosphere shifted when Meerab's gaze fixated on a small, dimly lit hut by the roadside.

"Mr.Khan, can we stop for a moment?" Meerab's voice cut through the soft ambiance, and Murtasim, glancing at her with curiosity as he nodded in agreement.

The car came to a gentle halt beside the humble hut. A thin wisp of smoke rose from a makeshift stove, casting a warm glow on the scene. The structure, crafted from bamboo and adorned with vibrant cloth, held an unassuming charm. Meerab's eyes gleamed with an unexpected delight as she spotted a "challi wala" inside, the aroma of roasted corn wafting through the air.

"Can we please get some of those?" Meerab asked, breaking the silence. Murtasim looked at her, realizing that this was the first time they were having a normal conversation, without any awkwardness or hesitation between them, after their earlier argument.

Murtasim lightly smiled as he obliged, "Sure." As they approached the stall together, the atmosphere seemed to shift, a subtle ease settling between them. The rain outside had transformed into a gentle drizzle, adding a serene cadence to the moment.

Inside the hut, the air was thick with the scent of roasting corn, the small space filled with the comforting crackle of the open flame. The corn vendor, a weathered yet friendly face, greeted them warmly. Meerab's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed to the corn, indicating her choice. The vendor prepared two steaming hot corns, their golden hue glistening with droplets of rain.

Murtasim watched her with a softened gaze, captivated by the childlike joy that had momentarily replaced the earlier tension. Wrapped in Murtasim's coat, Meerab's silhouette looked even smaller against the backdrop of the cozy hut, as he felt a surge of warmth in his heart.

As Meerab took the first bite, the crunch of the corn echoed in the quiet night. The sweet, smoky flavor filled her senses, and a genuine smile played on her lips. Murtasim, standing beside her, couldn't help but smile at her as he observed her relishing the simple pleasure.

As Meerab savored the corn, her eyes closed in bliss, Murtasim realized that he had missed her carefree spirit. The corners of Murtasim's lips mirrored Meerab's joy as he observed her lost in the simple pleasure of the moment. He realized how much he had missed the sparkle in her eyes, the infectious smile that could brighten even the gloomiest days. The tension that lingered between them from their previous argument dissolved in the air thick with the scent of roasted corn. Murtasim's smile mirrored the contentment that Meerab radiated.

However, as he noticed a tiny piece of corn clinging to the side of Meerab's lips, Murtasim's tender smile transformed into an instinctive gesture. Without thinking, he gently brushed it away, his thumb grazing her skin delicately over the side of her lips. In that fleeting touch, Meerab's eyes opened, a silent emotion passing between them, transcending any words and smoothing away the rough edges that existed between them.

Their eyes locked in a moment of shared vulnerability and unspoken connection. Time seemed to pause, allowing the weight of the unspoken to linger in the air. The touch became a subtle reassurance, a bridge over the emotional gap that had opened between them.

Meerab, caught in the warmth of Murtasim's gaze, bashfully tore her eyes away, focusing on finishing her corn and enjoying the soothing rain. Meanwhile, Murtasim's eyes remained fixed on Meerab as he felt his heart skip a beat.


After reading all those comments and the response of the chapter yesterday, i just couldn't resist the urge to write more and i spend the entire night drafting this.
You guys are literally so cute🥺😂💞

This one's for the reader who said their exams are finishing and they need the chapter as a present for that!! There you go🤍

Oh and you're all in for Murtasim's jealousy era and I'm totally living for that😂😂😂 Also mini spoiler, an interesting scene is coming up🌚

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