Run for the hills, Sam Larusso

Bởi bizzle3603

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Growing up in the valley was hard especially when having a single dad who seemed to never really want a kid l... Xem Thêm

Run for the hills


475 13 4
Bởi bizzle3603

Chapter two

"It only takes a spark to light a fire."

Having driven his bike to the strip mall that the convenient store was at, Jackson took his helmet off and got off his bike, as Miguel road up on his bicycle on the sidewalk "hey." he told him, as Jackson chuckled "hey, man, now all you need is an engine and that thing will really get going." he told him, as Miguel chuckled "very funny." he told him as he took his helmet off "so where's your dad?" he asked him, as Jackson motioned with his head to the new store in the strip mall "inside." he told him, as the two began walking to the doors.

Having headed inside, the two changed their outfits into gym clothes as they came out, Jackson's dad was standing there in a karate gi as the two walked up and stood in front of him and at first everything was dead silent until Miguel spoke "so are we gonna get the karate pajamas too?" he asked "quiet!" Jackson's dad yelled, and while Miguel jumped, Jackson was so used to him yelling, he didn't even flinch "a student only speaks when he is spoken to, is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked "yes." Jackson and Miguel told him, as Jackson's dad then looked at them with raised brows.

"Yes, sir?" Miguel asked "yes, sergeant? I mean I don't really know either I just looked at a bunch of YouTube videos of you fighting. It's been a learn as you go process." Jackson shared "you will always address me as sensei is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked "yes, sensei." Miguel and Jackson told him "and these aren't pajamas, this is a gi. And you'll get one when you've earned it. Alright, are you ready to begin your training?" Jackson's dad asked "yeah, sensei." Miguel told him, and when he did, Jackson watched as his dad lunged forward, he quickly stepped out of the way as his dad grabbed Miguel and slammed him down onto the mat.

"Oh my god." Miguel groaned "yeah, that was not about to be me." Jackson shared, shaking his head "lesson number one. Strike first." Jackson's dad told them as he stood back up, Miguel struggled to get up "never wait for the enemy to attack." Jackson's dad added on "got it." Jackson told him "you could've given me like a warning.." Miguel told him "quiet!" Jackson's dad yelled, as Miguel finally stood back up "we do not train to be merciful here." Jackson's dad told them, as he began walking around them, Miguel pulled an inhaler out of his pocket and shook it, taking a hit from it "Mercy is for the weak. Here, on the street, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy." Jackson's dad told them as he made it all the way back to the front of them.

"Dude, why didn't you say you have asthma?" Jackson asked Miguel "well, I didn't really think of it until he punched me..." Miguel was saying, as Jackson's dad stepped forward, grabbing Miguel's inhaler and throwing it across the room, where Jackson and Miguel watched it hit the wall and break "not anymore. We do not allow weakness in this dojo." Jackson's dad told them, as the two turned back to him "so you can take your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made up bullshit outside. Is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked.

"But dad, you can't just get rid of someone's asthma.." Jackson was telling him as his dad gave him a look "never mind." Jackson told him, as he cleared his throat "understood sensei." he and Miguel told him "cobra kai is not just about karate." he told them, as he turned to the wall they were facing and pointed to a message "it's about a way of life." he told them, as the wall read, strike first, strike hard, no mercy "take that first lesson." he told them, as he turned back to them "striking first is the initial step towards victory. Ok? Like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe." he told them "yeah." Miguel and Jackson told him.

"You don't wait for some other guy to go talk to her first, do you?" Jackson's dad asked, and when he did, Jackson furrowed his brows, as he thought of Sam LaRusso and how freshman year, he thought he was gonna go up and talk to her for the first time when he decided he was gonna ask her to go to homecoming, but then Kyler stepped in front of him and he decided to turn around and walk away, which essentially ended up with him bumping into Moon but at first it was mostly a business transaction rather then a relationship or if you could even call it a relationship "um..depends on who the hot babe is because in my experience not talking to one ended up bumping me into another so it was kind of a win, win situation." he shared.

As Miguel turned to him "really? Because I've never been to a party." he told him, as Jackson turned to him "well neither have I. It was more of a school hallway thing." he was telling him, as Jackson's dad looked between the two of them "big surprise. All right, look." he told them, as the two turned back to him "striking first is about being aggressive, all right? If you're not being aggressive then you're being a pussy. You don't want be a pussy, you wanna have balls." he shared "don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing?" Miguel asked "what?" Jackson and his dad asked him.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing, sensei?" Miguel asked him "no, no, what, as in what the hell are you talking about?" Jackson asked him "oh, um, my guidance counselor says that certain words perpetuate the sexist world view that can trigger.." Miguel was saying, as Jackson turned to him, putting his hands on his shoulders, making Miguel face him "no, no, no! Do me a huge favor and when you get to school don't get wrapped up in counselor Blatts nonsense, okay? That women is all kinds of crazy!" he voiced "yeah, from now on your not gonna listen to your guidance counselor, you're gonna listen to me, is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked.

"Uh, okay and yes." Miguel said, as he looked between the both of them "good. Now stop yapping like a bunch of little girls and give me fifty push ups on your knuckles." Jackson's dad told them "okay." Miguel said, as Jackson took his hands off his shoulders, the two got on the ground and Jackson did one push up while Miguel was even struggling to do one "all right, just do some crunches. Don't you have gym class or something?" Jackson's dad asked "yeah." Miguel told him, as he got onto his back, Jackson looked up at his dad "well, let's just say the school gym teachers don't really care about there jobs." he shared.

As the door opened "howdy there, Mr, uh..Lawerence?" a man asked, as Jackson got up off the floor and turned looking at the man who was in slacks and a button down, paired with a tie and some kind of satchel "it's sensei." Miguel said "Miguel, shut up." Jackson's dad told him as he walked toward's the man "what brings you in? Looking to lose that gut and learn how to kick some ass?" he asked him, hitting the man in the stomach, making Jackson's eyes go wide "what are you.." he was questioning, as the man spoke up "no. I'm from the city health department." he said, as he opened his satchel "this is a list of requirements needed to open up an exercise studio." he shared holding it out.

"Three.." Miguel said, as Jackson looked down at him "dude, stop before you pull something that you don't even know you have." he told him, as Miguel looked up at him "like what?" he asked, as the man looked to him "you two? Are you customers? Here?" he asked, as Jackson turned to him "no, we're uh, helping setup this place. It's our last part time job before school starts back up." he shared "really, well my job is to make sure this place is up to code. You don't want a scabies outbreak like that hot yoga place over on Tujunga." the man shared "no, we wouldn't want that." Jackson told him.

As Miguel looked up at him "scabies?" he asked, "shut up and do your crunches." Jackson told him, as Miguel furrowed his brows "but you said..." he was telling him "I know what I said, but then I realized, no pain, no gain, now keep going." Jackson told him, as Miguel continued his crunches, as the sound of the door opening could be heard, a booklet then hit Jackson in the head, as he looked to his dad "you could've given me a heads up?" he asked "should've striked first." his dad told him, as he turned walking to the locker room, and as he did, Jackson huffed, bending down to Miguel, he hit him in the shoulder "come on, get up. We've got actual work to do." he shared, walking off toward's the locker room, as Miguel got up and followed him.

Changing back to regular clothes, Jackson and his dad had gone out to the store as they walked back into the dojo, Miguel was cleaning the matts "looking good, make sure you get both sides." Jackson's dad shared, as he then turned to him "you take care of these exposed wires." he shared, and when he did, Jackson's eyes went wide "seriously? Last time I worked with wires I knocked the entire electrical box out." he shared, as his dad shrugged "well you fixed it after." he told him, as he walked into the office, Jackson followed him as the two put their bags down.

"What does any of this have to do with karate, sensei?" Miguel asked, as the two walked out, Jackson had gloves on and goggles as he walked over to the exposed wires, while his dad walked out behind him with a beer "do not question my methods." he said, as he took the cap off of his beer "just be thankful your not sumo wrestlers, those guys have to wipe their sensei's asses." he shared, flicking his beer cap and sending it across the room, as Jackson then jumped having shocked himself.

"So, I see you were a karate champion, sensei." Miguel mentioned, looking at the trophies in the box "you don't have to call me sensei every time." Jackson's dad told him "I'm sorry, Sensei. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Miguel told him "I won a couple all valley tournaments. Didn't lose a single point my junior year." Jackson's dad shared "alright! What happened your senior year?" Miguel asked, and when he did, Jackson shocked himself again "ah!" he voiced, as the two turned their attention to him "electrical wires are so not my thing!" Jackson voiced, as his dad chuckled, he then turned back to Miguel "this ain't twenty questions get back to scrubbing." he told him.

And as he did, this strange music then started playing as Jackson and his dad furrowed their brows "where's that garbage coming from?" his dad asked "I don't know, I thought it was cause I got electrocuted." Jackson shared, as Miguel answered his phone "hey. Yeah, uh, debates running a little late. Uh, okay. Love you too." he said, as he then hung up "don't tell me you have a girlfriend." Jackson's dad said "no, no, if it was a girlfriend he so wouldn't tell her he was on the debate team that's lame as shit." Jackson shared "you are right, Jackson, cause that was my mom." Miguel told them, as he chuckled "I told her I joined the debate team cause she doesn't approve of violence." he added on.

"Yeah, what about your dad? Is he okay with you getting your ass kicked up and down Roseda boulevard?" Jackson's dad asked him "well, uh, I never really knew my dad, so.." Miguel told them "well, if it makes you feel any better, I never knew my mom. She died the day I was born." Jackson shared, and when he did, Miguel's eyes went wide "oh.." he said, having not expected that, and with the share circle that was happening, Jackson's dad began to feel uncomfortable starting to recall that day where he got the phone call and had no choice but to pull himself together and rush to the hospital and take care of Jackson or else he would've truly had nobody and he didn't want that.

In which he then looked between "all right, well, stop standing there, both of you and get back to training." he told them "ok, yeah. Sorry, ok." Miguel told him, as he turned going back to scrubbing, Jackson turned around and continued working on the wires "and change that ringtone get some guns n roses or something." Jackson's dad told Miguel, as he turned walking back to the office "what's guns n roses?" Miguel asked, and when he did, Jackson turned to him "just..just stop. Don't say anything else." he told him, as his dad chuckled as he headed into his office, leaving the two to their work.

The next day, school was back in session, as Jackson road his motorcycle to school, everyone's eyes turned to him as they heard the rev of the engine arrive, as he pulled up and parked in his parking spot, the three most popular girls in school, Sam, Moon and Yasmine all turned and looked at him "ugh, there he is. The trash from the wrong side of the tracks." Yasmine shared, as Moon smiled "oh, come on, he's kind of hot." she told them, as Yasmine looked at her with raised brows "seriously, Moon? He makes a joke almost every class. And he looks like he hasn't washed his hair in days." she was saying, as they all watched Jackson take his helmet off.

"He's not that bad." Sam told them, as Yasmine looked to her "not you too! And especially not when you and Kyler are doing so well!" she voiced, as Jackson turned to them, Moon quickly fixed her hair making sure she looked pretty, making Sam chuckle "seriously? What next your gonna ask him for a ride on his motorcycle?" she asked, as Moon turned to her "who says I haven't?" she asked, as Yasmine furrowed her brows "is that a code for sex?" she asked, as Moon shrugged "maybe." she told them, as Yasmine scoffed, she turned heading into school, leaving Moon and Sam.

"Wait, so you two.." Sam was asking, as Moon shrugged "well, we're not official but he gives me weed and he's not terrible looking, I mean you should seriously see him shirtless, his six pack is too to die for." she shared "Moon!" Yasmine yelled, as Moon turned following after her, she left Sam there alone, as Sam watched Jackson, he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one, as his two best friends Demetri and Eli walked up to him "you know, smoking on school property is breaking all kinds of laws." Demetri told him, making Jackson scoff as he took the cigarette out of his mouth "tell that to all the stoners who hangout in the bathrooms and under the bleachers, Demetri." he told him.

As Eli looked at Jackson's motorcycle being able to tell that it got a new paint job and possibly some new wheels "you change up your bike, looks awesome." he told him, as Jackson looked down at it "yeah, needed some work. But with how much I worked all summer I was able to pay for it." he told him, getting off the bike, dropping down his cigarette, he scoffed it out with his boot.

Demetri then looked behind him seeing Sam LaRusso eyeing him "wow, that's the opposite of how it usually goes, normally your staring at her but right now she is watching you like a hawk." he said, as Jackson furrowed his brows "what?" he asked him, turning around and when he did, he caught Sam LaRusso of all people looking at him, as he brought his hands up and lifted up his sunglasses, feeling like he was in some sort of dream, as he shook his head "nah, she ain't looking at me." he told them, as he turned motioning to school, the three of them began heading over.

In which as they got inside, so much chaos was going on, as the three quickly moved through the sea of people who were all catching up with old friends and gushing about their summers even if some of them spent every few minutes with each other, where before Jackson could follow Demetri and Eli down the hallway, a shrill voice filled his ears "Mr Lawerence!" Counselor Blatt voiced, as Jackson rolled his eyes, stopping in his tracks, he turned around "counselor Blatt, if this is about your no smoking policy, I put my cigarette out in the parking lot when your hall monitor Demetri reminded me of all the laws I was breaking." he shared.

"Sunglasses off your head." Counselor Blatt told him, as Jackson took them out of his hair and hung them off of his white t shirt "happy? Can I go now?' he asked, pointed behind him, and going to turn around to leave "no, because I called you here to show our new student around." Counselor Blatt told him "you've gotta be kidding me." Jackson mouthed as he turned around, forcing a smile "counselor Blatt, I am not a tour guide! I'm sure you can get thousands of other people to do it for you like Kyler and his goon squad who are on the wrestling team! Or Yasmine and her posse who think it's just amazing to come to school everyday! Or Aisha the smart one!" he voiced.

"You can't get out of this Mr Lawerence." Counselor Blatt told him, as Jackson raised his brows "worth a shot!" he voiced, chuckling, as Counselor Blatt turned around "Diaz!" she voiced, and when she did, Jackson's face fell, as Miguel walked out of the main office "I'll leave you two." Counselor Blatt told him, as Jackson turned his head "you asked for me personally didn't you? Hmm? Trying to ruin my first day?" he asked him, as he turned on his heel and began heading down the hallway, Miguel quickly followed behind him "well she asked me if I knew anybody already and I mentioned you because I do, I mean were friends? Kind of sort of?" he was saying.

Jackson huffed, seeing as he was rambling "what's your schedule before you talk my ear off?" he asked, as Miguel held it out to him, Jackson took it and looked at it scoffing "we barley have any classes together, but we do have the one before lunch today together which happens to be English so I'll see you then and I'll take you with me to lunch, have you meet my buddies but fair warning they're the strangest people you'll ever meet but you'll get used to it." he shared, as he handed him the schedule back "your first class is upstairs, to the right, try the computer lab." he told him, as he began walking off, and as he did, he ran into Demetri as he headed into social studies "where the hell did you go?" he asked him "Counselor Blatt nabbed me, just go to class before your hair starts frizzing cause your late." Jackson told him, as Demetri turned heading into the classroom, Jackson followed him in, as the bell soon rang.

And the rest of the classes weren't so bad, especially since everything was an intro day and was going by at lightning speed, where you knew every day after this minus upcoming holidays were gonna be utter hell, except for the school cafeteria that could also be hell or even the library or anywhere that a guy named Kyler and his jerk off friends could hang around and run free, as Jackson and Miguel were now standing on line for lunch "don't look at Kyler and his friends. Don't talk to Kyler and his friends. Hell don't even acknowledge them! Same goes for the popular girls, they took one look at you it's worse then Kyler and his goons cause all of a sudden you go from being a normal guy to something awful where everyone's just laughing at you and you don't know why tell someone comes into your face and calls you a greaser or shop class guy." Jackson shared.

As him and Miguel grabbed their trays for lunch, Miguel furrowed his brows "they can't be that bad can they?" he asked, as Jackson scoffed "you think rheas bad? With that flannel on you'll probably be told that you like one of their grandpas." he shared, paying for his lunch, Miguel then did the same, as the two then turned looking around "right there, come on, it's almond out. Come on!" Kyler voiced, as Miguel turned to them at the vending machine "I told you not to look." Jackson told him, as he spotted his friends, he walked over to them, as Miguel quickly followed after him.

Jackson then threw his lunch tray down on the table "sup, guys, this is my friend, Miguel, he's knew in town, make him feel welcomed." he shared, as he sat down next to Eli, Demetri and Eli looked to Miguel "so this is the guy you got your ass kicked by Kyler for?" Demetri asked, and when he did, Miguel's jaw dropped, as Jackson looked up at him "well, don't just stand there, sit." he told him, kicking out the chair next to him, Miguel then began to sit down "the loud mouth is Demetri, and the quiet one is Eli but once you get to know him speaks a little more." Jackson shared.

And as he did, Demetri looked passed them and at who was walking behind them and without even guessing, Jackson already knew who it was "dude, for the thousandth time it's never gonna happen." he told him, as Demetri brought his attention back to him "says the one who was being gawked at by a rich girl this morning." he shared, as Miguel furrowed his brows "do you ever talk to them?" he asked, and when he did, Jackson turned to him "did you listen to a thing I told you on the lunch line? If anyone here has ever talked to one of them, it's me and that's only because I bumped into Moon in the hallway and she knew I had a good supply of weed and started buying from me and yeah, we might've had a little thing going on but I'm sure now that it's completely over. So, look at me and look at my friends, do you see anyone else around her trying to walk up and sit with us? The two behind me will even be lucky to lose their virginity before college and now that you got your ass kicked by Kyler so will you." he shared.

"Shit, Yasmine's looking at us." Eli shared, as Jackson turned to him "well don't look at her! That's like staring into medusa's eyes, your giving her power! Don't give her power over you!" he voiced "she's probably just making fun of me." Eli shared "screw her. And not literally, Demetri." Jackson told him, as Demetri rolled his eyes "I don't think she's making fun of you. Just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." Miguel shared, as Jackson looked to him "I can bet you right now that she is over there talking about Eli's sweater." he shared.

And as he did, Aisha walked by there table, as Jackson quickly turned "hey, Aisha!" he called out and when he did, Aisha turned to him having not expected him to talk to her "hey, Jackson.." she told him, as she quickly turned around and walked off to her table "I don't care if Yasmine's the meanest girl at school.." Demetri was telling them, as Jackson huffed "here we go again." he said "I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face." Demetri added on "but see there's something wrong with your deductive reasoning because if you did kill us she'd probably be thankful for it and then wait till you went out as well and she wouldn't feel sorry for any of us." Jackson shared.

"True! Because us remaining in the shadows keeps us from suffering a humiliating rejection, we're at piece with our depression. Because just like me and Yasmine, Sam will never go out with you even though you've been pining after her for years." Demetri shared, as Jackson shrugged "well, I don't like her anymore so.." he told him, drinking his water and as he did, Miguel looked to him with furrowed brows "but your dad's been telling us all about striking first." he told him, as Jackson chuckled "yeah, but newsflash, dude, she's dating Kyler and her dad would never like me." he shared, drinking his water again "why?" Miguel asked him, as Jackson then huffed "what's with the twenty questions?" he asked him, getting defensive, as they all then spent the rest of the lunchtime eating in silence.

After school, Jackson and Miguel were back at the dojo as they stood in front of a punch dummy "you can't strike first if you don't know how to strike. The cobra strike is composed of two parts. The lunge which requires the use of the whole body." Jackson's dad shared, as he stepped toward's the dummy "and the bite." he told them, punching the dummy "which is everything that happens after you make contact. All right?" he asked, bringing his fist back and then back toward's the dummy "you don't stop here where knuckle hit's the bone. You punch through the bone like the guy you really wanna hit.." he shared, bringing his fist away "is standing behind this asshole. All right?" he asked, as he then lunged forward "hyah!" he yelled, punching the dummy.

"All right?" he asked, bringing his fist up to the dummy's nose "strike here, you bloody his nose." he told them, moving his fist to the mouth "strike here, you break his teeth." he told them, as he then brought his fist to the throat "strike here, you can severely damage his trachea." he shared, as Miguel and Jackson furrowed their brows, as Jackson's dad turned to them "obviously, that's only for extreme situations." he told them, as he looked back at the dummy "all right, Jax, your up first, line up." he told him, as Jackson stepped forward "focus, I want you to practice." Jackson's dad told him, as a phone began ringing, but more specifically his dad's.

As Jackson punched the dummy "keep punching. Punch through the dummy." Jackson's dad told him as he walked away, and when he did, Jackson punched the dummy again "look, about what happened at lunch.." Miguel was telling him, as Jackson scoffed "you don't wanna listen to me that's fine. It's not like I've been going to school with these idiots for years and watching everyone who isn't on the wrestling team, or cheer squad or a size two get shit on daily." he shared, punching the dummy again.

And when he did, Miguel furrowed his brows "what exactly did Kyler do to you?" he asked, and when he did, Jackson huffed "well when I was in elementary school, I was walking in the cafeteria with my lunch tray and the floor was wet so I slipped on it and fell into the garbage can and when I did, instead of people caring.." he was telling him as he punched the dummy again "they all started laughing and then someone say "look, it's garbage kid!" he voiced, punching the dummy again, harder "and it was Kyler! In which I was no longer not just not as rich as everyone else and lived on the wrong side of town but it gave a new meaning to me being trash." he shared, punching it again as all he thought about was punching Kyler in the face over and over.

Where that night, they were cleaning up after Miguel even learned how to punch, in which Jackson and Miguel were finishing up cleaning the windows, while Jackson's dad was doing paperwork in his office "hey, sensei, is there any particular way you want me to wash these windows?" Miguel asked "no, I don't give a shit. Whatever's easiest. You know what? Just go clean the toilet, we'll call it a night." Jackson's dad shared "okay." Miguel told him, as he stopped cleaning the window to the office and turned heading toward's the bathroom.

Jackson turned away from the front windows and began walking toward's his dad's office "and do that one on your hands and knees." Jackson's dad told him, chuckling, in which Jackson chuckled as he stepped into his dad's office "so, um, who..who called you?" he asked him, as his dad looked up at him "cause I know you don't really have any friends or at least not one's you talk to on a regular basis. And I'm a hundred percent sure you don't have a girlfriend." Jackson shared, as his dad scoffed "wow, you make me sound like a dweeb." he told him, as Jackson raised his brows "well.." he was going to tell him, as his dad waved him off "it was a call from Robby's school, nothing you need to worry about." he shared.

And when he did, Jackson nodded, having never actually met Robby but he remembered his dad arguing with some women on the phone about him and how they had a picture on their fridge of a young boy who played soccer, but that was kind of all he knew about him, and sometimes he wondered if that was what he knew about him, what did Robby know about him?

But before his thoughts could run wild the sound of the door opening could be heard, as his dad stood up from his desk and walked around him, heading out "welcome to cobra kai." he said, and when he stopped in his tracks, Jackson turned seeing Daniel LaRusso of all people standing there "some things never change." Mr LaRusso said "yeah, what are you talking about?" Jackson's dad asked him "I heard your son beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot out there." Mr LaRusso shared, and when he did, Jackson realized that Kyler must've told everyone what happened, including Sam's dad, as Jackson's dad turned and looked at him "oh that." he said, as he then turned back to Mr LaRusso.

"No. He didn't beat up any teenagers." he told him, as he stepped forward "he kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it." he shared, as Mr LaRusso scoffed "wow. Johnny Lawerence calling someone else an asshole. That's rich, man." he told him, as Jackson slowly walked out of his dad's office "what's that supposed to mean?" his dad asked "uh, look..I'm not here to rehash the past. Just tell your son to stay away from my daughter and her friends." Mr LaRusso shared, as Jackson's dad raised his brows "your daughter and her friends? Yeah, that makes sense. Nice company she keeps." he told him.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Mr LaRusso asked as he furrowed his brows "it means those friends of her's were not only wailing on a kid half their size but.." he said, pointing to Jackson "they've been doing the same crap to his nerd friends for years and did the kid who told you this happen to mention how he tried to strangle him before I stepped in?" he asked, as he then brought his arm down "maybe you don't know your daughter as well as you think you do. Get your house in order, LaRusso." he told him, as Mr LaRusso then stepped forward "who the hell you think you're talking to?" he asked him.

"bathroom's clean!" Miguel called out as he came walking out "is there anything else you need me to do?" he asked, as Jackson turned to him with wide eyes, knowing he had awful timing, as Miguel then took his headphones out "oh! I'm sorry, sensei, I.." he said, as Jackson then ran his hands through his hair, knowing he just lit the match of an old feud "sensei?" Mr LaRusso asked as he looked to Jackson's dad "really?" he asked him, as Jackson's dad stared at him blankly, as Mr LaRusso looked back at Miguel "oh my god, kid. I don't know what these two have told you, but you shouldn't believe a word this guy or his son says, or you're gonna end up exactly like them." he shared.

And when he did, everything Jackson always knew about how Mr LaRusso would feel about him came true, as he turned and looked at him "watch it, LaRusso." Jackson's dad told him, as Mr LaRusso looked back at him "you and I...this..we aren't done." he told him, as he turned walking out, Jackson's dad then held his arms out "I'm right here, man." he told him, as Mr LaRusso stopped, scoffing, he turned back around and seeing Johnny standing there, he shook his head and waved him off, turning around and walking out.

In which Jackson's dad then walked forward "Jackson, who.." Miguel began to ask him, as Jackson took a deep breath "that's Daniel LaRusso. Remember how you asked what happened his senior year and why Sam's dad would never like me? This is why." he shared, and when he did, Miguel's jaw dropped having not expected that, as Jackson's dad had a stair off with Mr LaRusso.

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