Forced ✔️

By arshi_fan_204

53.2K 4.6K 1K

She was Excited to come back home after several years but she didn't know that what is waiting for her at h... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

2.2K 210 63
By arshi_fan_204

Happy reading

Hearing his loud voice ' I set up and kept hand on his shoulder making him Little calm. He rub his forehead to erase the tension from his head and speak passing me little smile .

What do you want. ??? He says without moving from beside me.

Where are you. Aarav. I thought today we gonna do dinner together. But mrs reena is saying " you went out of country somewhere. Please come back home. I wanna see you.  Ridhima  cry on the phone making me shakes my head. Seems like everything is same the way it was. He had promised me that he will spend time with me. But the way this woman is talking on the phone. I guess whole  trip she gonna disturb us. I exhale the breath tiredly  and got up to leave but he held my wrist and pulled me besides him holding my waist.

I can't come. I'm not two mills away that in seconds I'll land near you. I'm out of country that also for business issue. . So for god sake " take rest and don't disturb me. If you need anything then ask Mrs reena. I can't just do your little little stuff. Did you understand ... he speaks trying his best to control his anger which is clearly visible into his eyes. But he is handling it very hard.

Why are you talking like this Aarav. Please don't be so rude. You know that I can't handle your anger towards me. I can hear her sobs on the phone making me little feel bad. I'm feeling like a second woman"  who came between these two people " who deserved to be with  each other.  Might if I won't had been here. Then maybe "they would had been together and won't had been separate like this.  

Ridhimalisten " I can't come back. Just be  good and cooperate with mrs reena. Stop calling me again and Again. Saying this he cut the call and rub his forehead  which seems like  has started banging while talking to her. 

Arnav are you alright ??? I said softly takin his palm in my hand. 

Arnav look at me and  take me in hug resting his  chin on my shoulder. 

Yeh I'm fine.  I'm truly fine.  He mumbles in my ear and kiss my head. 

Arnav I think she needs you. You should go to her. It's not nice to be rude with someone " whom you are in love with. Hearing me he broke the hug and  look at me  with rage. 

I don't love her.   How many times I've told  you  khushi.  I don't fuckin love her.  Stop assuming things on your own.  Yesterday only we talked about it. And I've explained to you. But seems like you haven't not understand.  

But arnav I .... I try to initiate"  but he  just shakes his head and stood up keeping hand on  his hip.

As much as I'll explain to you. I guess you won't trust me. So better if I don't it.  Whenever I try to be with you. You always try to push me towards that woman ' with whom I don't have relationship. He says shaking his head in disbelief having  disappointment in his eyes. 

It's nothing like that. It's just  she was crying and I can't see someone crying like that I just.  I about to say more. But he set infront of me and kept
Finger on my lips shutting my mouth.

You shouldn't be that sensitive khushi.    If you will behave like this. Then anyone can take advantage of you. And about Ridhima. Then  it's my responsibility to handle her. You don't need to feel anything towards her.  Did you understand.  He smiles kissing my forehead making me little calm. 

Ok fine.    I pout and join my forehead with him closing my eyes. 

After sometimes

I'm  watching tv laying on the bed  keeping my face on her  palm. when i felt  a hand slide around my waist. I closed my eyes and dropped the  remote on the floor   which i was having in my hand.

You are awake.  I thought you must have been slept. He turns me and kiss my forehead caressing my hair lovingly . 

I wasn't feeling sleepy. So thought to watch the tv.   I mumbles feeling  his breath on my face.

Aww baby you were waiting for me ha. Hearing him i immediately  up and nods my head no. 

No I wasn't.  I wasn't waiting for you. I've told you na. I wasn't feeling sleepy. So that's why " I decided to watch the tv.  I said looking here and there without letting him catch my eyes. He chuckled snd pulled me towards him making me fall  in his arms.

Aaha it's ok you  don't need to give me justification baby.  I can understand "it's hard  to accept this thing .  He winks  pulling me more closer making me irk.

Let me go mr raizada. I'm not able to breath. I said wiggling in his arms.  But instead leaving me " he took me under him  homding my hand above my head.

Now you can breath right.  He smirk nuzzling  into my hair making hard for me to suppressed my moans.  The way he is trailing kisses on my neck to shoulder it's making weak   And breathless.

Khushi he whispered and give me wet kisses on my cleavage  breaking all my barriers and I let out a moun loudly.   As he heard it  " He smirk and  look at my red face lifting his head up.

Don't create these noises otherwise I won't able to control myself.  As he said that I pushed him and set on the bed  sweating in nervousness. He chuckle and and keep his head on the pillow  winking at me.

You are such a pervert.  I hit  his arms and ran away from there towards washroom before he stops me and start his mischief again.

Don't take cold shower baby.  I really don't want you to fall sick. I  puffs my cheeks hearing his Laugh from outside. 

Shut up arnav. Don't tease me. I roll my eyes and lean on the  sink looking at my face " which is all red thinking about our moment....

In morning

I yawn and open my eyes lazily keeping hand on my forehead. I look around and immediately set up being shocked finding myself in unknown place. Then suddenly I remember that I'm not at home but Greece. I groan and chuckle on my own stupidity.

God khushi I whispered and look around remembering about arnav "who is now where to be seen. I'd thought in morning "he will itself wake me up. But seems like he is not here.

Arnav i calls his name and got down from the bed. I about to head towards belcony "when I found a little note sticking on the bed drawer.

I'll be back in 2 hours wifey. Till then get freshen up and Don't forget to eat breakfast ok. And yes be ready before I come. I'll take you out. ...

Reading his note  blush formed on my cheek and I think about him and our last night moment.

Come back soon. I whispered and caresses the note.

After sometime

I came out after taking bath and as per as my husband's order. I called for breakfast and in few minutes it arrived. I thanked the server and closed the door having tray in my hand. Seeing the delicious food " my stomach grumble and I started devouring on it. I wish if arnav would had been here. Then we would had do breakfast together. But maybe he had some important work " so he didn't stay and left. And  I really don't wanna be so clingy with him that he can't even do work.

After taking a last sip of my coffee" I rest the cup on the tray and went towards belcony to enjoy the view. I set on the recliner and started looking around having joy like a little child. But during this " when I fall sleep I even don't know. People says that food gives them energy. But whenever I eat. I feel so sleepy and drowsy.


I've been sleeping there I don't from how many minutes " when I felt something wet on my neck. I moan and try rub my hand on my neck to remove the thing "which is sucking my skin. but when I felt a warm mouth on my ear. I immediately set up snd Widen my eyes finding arnav sitting infront of me having his famous smirk

When did you come back. I says shockingly while looking at him.

Just now. But seems like my wife was enjoying being alone. Does not she. He says pulling me into his arms"Which resulted me me to set on his thighs .

No it's not that. Actually after eating" I felt so drowsy o thought to take a little nap. But where you had been. I thought we will do breakfast together. I pout making him aww seeing my face and he  patch a kiss on my lips.

I wanted to do as well wifey. But I had meeting to attend. So I left for that in early morning. But don't worry"  my whole day is reserved for you. First we will chill out outdoor. and then we will go for some party. He smiles tucking my hair back caressing my cheek witn his thumb.

Party ??? I frown.

Yes party. My Client kept a party ... so we will go for that.Anyways if your interrogation has finished then go and get ready. We are leaving in few minutes.

Ok I'm coming in just two minute. I kiss his cheek and immediately left to get ready leaving him chuckling behind seeing my excitement.

Stop looking at me mr raizda. Please look away. You are making me uncomfortable. I puffs my cheeks feeling his burning gaze at me while walking in the mall. Before coming here we went to visit famous places here then we ate lunch and now we are roaming around in the mall to get me a fantastic dress which I'll wear in the party tonight.

What to do , you are looking so irresistible in this dress. I can't get enough of you. He says tracing his hand on my stomach while clutching my waist.

What to you doing mr raizada we are in public for hod sake. I try to come out from his hold. But instead leaving me he took me in the corner'  where seems like no one is there and latched his mouth with me. I try to come out from hos hold " but instead leaving me. He pinned my hands on above my head and pressed his chest with my breast while sucking hell out of me. The hands which were clasped around my wrist they slowly started going towards my shoulders to face. Feeling his sensual touch I felt week on my knees and about drop down when he  grasp my waist and pulled me towards him breaking the kiss.  I breath heavily having swollen lips and hit his chest earning grin from him

You are such pervert arnav. I shakes my head  while glaring him.

Just only for you. He peck my lips and then left me making me sigh in relief. 

Come let's go.  He clasp my hand in his and took me towards clothes  shop. 

Seeing loads of  beautiful dresses made me feel anxiety. After almost spending half an hour I still couldn't decide which dress I'll pull off in the party. After fighting  from ages. I exhale in tiredness and went towards arnav who is busy in his phone emailing to someone.

Arnav tell me na which one should I go for. This one or this.  I whined having pout on my face making him chuckle.   He stood up and kiss my nose finding me looking cute in grumpy mode...

Don't take tension wifey ' your husband will help you.  He peck my forehead and started checking the dresses.

What about this one. He pulled a long  off shoulders dress which I'd liked as well. But still I wasn't sure "should I take it or not. 

Ok fine thank you. I grab the dress and about to run towards counter "but he held my hand and stopped me.

Where are you going.  Aren't you going to buy matching shoes and jewellery. Come I'll help you. Saying this he held my elbow and started choosing things for me. After almost ten minutes we able to  buy everything and then we decided to go back to hotel. As it's getting dark and in some hours  we  have to go for party as well. So better we take little rest before leaving. 

At night

I'm feeling nervous to go infront of him.  I don't know how will he react to seeing me in this dress.  But I really can't stand here like that. I do have to go out  unwillingly. So keeping my shyness aside I  open the door and slid out of the bath. And here you go, he is already standing infront of me all ready in black suit with white shirt  looking all handsome and irresistible.  

You are looking so beautiful.  He pulls me towards him and kiss my forehead three four times. I blush and bend my head down fidgeting with my fingers.

Am I. I whispered still looking down. 

Yes !! He  kept fingers under my chin and made me look at me.

You are looking most beautiful girl in the world ...
I can't describe you how hard it is for me to control myself for making love to you.  Hearing him I've got crimson red and hit his chest giving him fake glare.

Don't think about that and let's go for the party.  I really don't want us to get late because of your mischief.

Come let's go. He interwind his  fingers with me snd left from there.


Looking at many people in the party I got nervous and immediately clutched his arm alerting him about my discomfort.

Don't worry baby. I'm here with you.  Nothing gonna happen. Come let's go.  He pat my hand lovingly and took me towards the people

Mr arnav Singh raizada.  His one of client came and Greet him while shaking hand with him.

It's so nice to have you here. I thought  you won't come mr raizada. .   Mr j said patting his hand

I had to come. After all you asked me many times. He said having a smug smile on his face.

That's really good you done.  Suddenly he stopped when his eyes on me which didn't go unnoticed by arnav and he tighten his grip around.

Who is this pretty lady. Mr j held my hand and placed a soft kiss on my hand which I guess didn't like by arnav. But he controlled his rage Holding me possessively.

She is my wife. Khushi raizada. He said proudly kissing my forehead making me blush.

Must say mr Raizada . You are so lucky to find such a pretty wife ha. She is really beautiful. He complimented still tucking his eyes on my face. Which started making me uncomfortable which arnav noticed immediately and spoke.

I've to meet other people as well . So excuse me mr j. He excused himself and pulled me along with him before that guy say something more.

Hey you alright. As he felt we are in less crowded place. He cups my face and ask me about my well being.

Yes I'm fine. It's just I barely been in parties. So it's little uncomfortable.

You want us to leave. If you want we can go back. He instantly said making me nods no

No it's fine. I'll be ok soon. Don't worry. You don't spoil your evening like this. I said holding his hand in my palm

I don't care about all this khushi. All  I think  about "is you. So if you want we can leave.

Don't he ridiculous mr raizada. I'm fine. Trust me. Infect I'm planning to do dance with you. So shall we. Hearing me he smiles and sneak his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

As you say mrs. He peck my lips and took me in middle of the floor and started dancing making other people join as well. As they saw us dancing.

Precap ............ their first night .. later khushi get call from his mother

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