It's Always Been You

By SanjJeon

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Jungkook and Taehyung. And their almost broken Marriage One is Forest military officer and other one is a doc... More

Main Protagonists
The Beginning of Journey
Begin Again
The Truth Untold
Mother & Hatred
Reverse Karma
New Book

New Place

752 32 7
By SanjJeon

(Before starts reading I would like to point out that all the animal references in this book are for the entertainment of the readers only, it has nothing to do with history, and what I write will be taken as a fantasy. I do not support the killing of any animal, so I will say again, do not judge a fantasy story by science, or the comment will be blocked and reported to the originator. thanks)

Traffic jams have not started in foggy Seoul's roads yet.

How is the weather today?

The weather is gloomy and everything seems to be at a standstill.

It's march's ending afterall, this weather gathers a crowd of people inside the cherry blossom park from the previous night because people go and sit hoping to get a place.

It's already spring.

And today is such a perfect picnic day but those beautiful pink and white flowers are not flying as usual but falling under the trees.

Not a drop of wind blowing like the silence before a storm.

A black and red wrangler jeep and running in the clear road at very fast speed.

(My dream car)

Probably in a hurry to get somewhere.

A very handsome man with army shaggy hair drives that vehicle, a man with a fair complexion and muscular body and he is wearing his Forest Ranger's khaki uniform.

His body is covered in sweat, he is sweating even in this beautiful weather.

Anger in his eyes, his ears are red, another sound is constantly blaring in his bluetooth.

But that man is trying to reach his destination very calmly and also trying to controlling his raising anger.

"Again you're fucking late work and work, because of this i made this decision and now it seems i was right", said the voice.

At last the handsome man said,

"It's been a long time than taehyung, there is nothing left in our relationship but one more fucking word and your divorce is not happening today, I will immediately go with uturn to my work", Taehyung's husband Jeon Jungkook screamed.

He has been controlling his anger for a long time.

"You are a scoundrel jungkook, I want to get out of this crappy house of yours, it's disgusting that I'm still there", Taehyung yelled at him.

"I'm coming and I'm stupid too that I loved you", Jungkook hung up the phone in anger.

He can't take it anymore day after day of the same turmoil, fighting, crying, jungkook can't take it anymore, it's unbearable for him now.

It's not like they have an arranged marriage, they did love marriage, they both had 10 years of love relationship and then 2 years of happy married life before that.

Few months ago everything was fine but who knows what happened and the result of all this is the divorce.

Two wounded people struggling with whose fault it was.

Even though many people could not stop such a sweet relationship, how it is going to end today is beyond understanding.

Jungkook wanted everything to be the way it was before, he prays to god every day that taehyung understands his words,

Jungkook sighed and drove his car towards his house.


Arriving home, Jungkook honked loudly.

Taehyung hurried down from the house, he brought a huge trolly bag,

"Where are you going after today? I don't think you'll come back to this house after the divorce", Jungkook asked,

"What does it matter to you where I live or not?", Taehyung exclaimed.

"Look I don't want to start the turmoil again", Jungkook said.

"I'll stay with sehun, he has a recent breakup and is a bit sad", Taehyung said and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Sehun again", jungkook thoughts.

(Before the reader has started commenting that my books are always cheating free then let me clear it that it's still cheating free. Taehyung or jungkook didn't cheat, it's just a misunderstanding)

"Do whatever you want i won't say anything", Jungkook said and started the car.

The attached clock in the car showed 10 am in the morning Jungkook left his office at 6 am.

In between he stopped for the breakfast only.

For several days the two stayed apart jungkook wouldn't come home and even when he did taehyung wouldn't let him in.

The jeep is again started running on the beautiful road.

Taehyung stared out the window,  the two of them had gone out this morning many times before, but today the intersection about them was going to end,

"God do something, I'll change but please don't take taehyung away from me, I love him so much", jungkook was praying to god as their divorce lawyer was waiting in the court.

Taehyung who is so playful, sociable and always smiling has become quiet.

Jungkook didn't realise that Taehyung was crying silently, not holding back the tears anymore.

"Why did you do jungkook? Why did you do this, I'll be what you promised me, then why did you push me away, can't you pull me closer, can't you say shut up baby, come closer and kiss me", Taehyung thoughts and cried.

Because both didn't want the divorce.


An hour passed like this, today is the day of their separation, after that the two will not be able to see each other again, the last thread of love is about to break,

After today Jeon Taehyung will no longer exist.

Both held their favorite wedding rings.

And just a little more,

Jungkook set his home locality in a quiet place because no matter how loud taehyung moans no one can hear, a few minutes ago a new flat was built in their neighborhood, so now there are some shops and neighbours or they were empty before.

For such a location the court and the railway station are a little far away the rest is 10 minutes drive away.


Jungkook and taehyung were both praying that something would happen to delay the court hearing.

Jungkook stopped the car in the red light.

Suddenly everything started shaking.

Before the two knew it, the road began to crack and the ground of some shops along with their car started to fall down.

They were watching in shock at how the earthquake was coming down and the trees and shops were going under the ground, before the two could do anything they too fell under the ground along with the car.

Jungkook wanted to let go of the staring and hugged taehyung, but didn't.

The same incident was repeated in several areas of Seoul, Instant earthquakes and fissures in the ground which caused the cars and houses to collapse.

But surprisingly, not a single person or animal was harmed, except for the Jeon couple.

Almost everyone on the busy road at 11bam was safe except for one car.

Which car, whose car how many people were inside? Who is the driver? no one knows.


Jungkook opened their eyes,

They were in the middle of a field surrounded by greenery, mountains can be seen in the distance and Jungkook looked around in surprise.

Then he looked at taehyung who was still unconscious, jungkook looked at him and calmed himself down,

Jungkook wanted to touch taehyung's beautiful face with his hand and his hands go towards him.

But no he did touch Taehyung, there was a day when the two spent day after day, night after night, in bed, touching and feeling each other for hours, made love and only love.

Jungkook has to think about touching his own husband today.

So killing his desires jungkook called taehyung out.

"Taehyung get up", said jungkook as he got out of the car.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes.

He saw the same scene as Jungkook.

The beautiful sight of the figure caught his eye and his eyes widened in disbelief.

He also wanted to open the car door and get out.

"Absolutely no don't you dare to think about it", jungkook growled.

Taehyung stopped in a daze.

But he didn't say anything.

Jungkook can tell what his husband is thinking.

Jungkook took out his pocket gun to get out of the car and looked around, then said in a serious voice,

"You can get off now", Jungkook said.

Taehyung rolled his eyes because there was no point of doing this.

"Where are we now?", Taehyung asked looking around.

"How can i say", jungkook said,

"If you don't know who will? Who was driving the car?", Taehyung immediately snapped.

"I told you not to do shitty behavior like this to me, because you wouldn't live a minute without me in this fucking jungle", Jungkook shouted.

"Big up the king of the jungle," Taehyung mocked him but he knows jungkook is right.

He hates jungkook's job and he absolutely hates the jungle, forest and things.

Jungkook was about to say something but a loud roar startled them both.

Looking ahead, the eyes of the two widened.

The heads of the huge trees in the forest are swinging hugely for something.

"Get in the car taehyung, don't waste time", jungkook ordered taehyung.

"No I won't", taehyung was about to scream but there was something in jungkook's eyes that taehyung couldn't ignore.

He got into the car.

Jungkook frowned and locked the car door.

Jungkook looked around the area and took one of a small oil container and spread it around and immediately got into the car.

"Lock the door", Jungkook whispered when he noticed something.

"Why are you whispering?", Taehyung said in a normal voice.

"Do as I say, you'll see for yourself in a moment," jungkook growled.

Taehyung did without saying a word.

They realised very well that the animal that was approaching was much bigger, because all the small birds and animals around started running through that field.

Now both of them got a little scared and waited with bated breath to see the animal, because both of them could not understand anything.

What is this place?

How did they come here because they were last in the traffic, near the court, and the sudden earthquake and they fell into the ditch then how did they get here.

Suddenly, with a loud sound the creature came out of the thick darkness of the forest into the field and Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of it.


Konnichiwa Minna,

Hope you are doing great and this is the first chapter.....

Yesh this would be a fantasy -romance-adventure story......

Please support this book too......

Ignore the mistakes.....

Comments please......

Love, Alina.....

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