Flower Husbands and Desert Du...

By microwave_shark

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This book is all about flower husbands and Desert duo one shots! I'll take suggestions :D I'll take ship sug... More

🏜 Heroes and Villains
Kingdoms part 1
Kingdoms part 2
Kingdoms part 3
Second best
Send Me No Flowers Part 2
Dear Soulmate
You Won Scar...
Execution Part 1
Execution Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 1
The Flower Shop Part 2
Eyes Part 1
Eyes part 2

Send Me No Flowers Part 1

347 4 47
By microwave_shark

Another Flower Husbands Story. If you can tell from the title this story was inspired by the song Send Me No Flowers By Doris Day :D 

Whatever I write will not be accurate to what happened on the actual session cause it is painfully hard just rewriting it and I have way more fun writing what I think is right. I'm sorry if you want it accurate I just can't do it.

I got the idea by listening to the song and thinking about Flower Husbands... The story will be placed in 3rd life :D I hope you enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying writing for you guys. 

Lyrics ⬇

Ever since the day that you went away
You've been sending flowers to me
Send me no flowers today
Instead of sending flowers come back to me
And hold me in your arms again
There is nothing that a flower can say
That your lips can prove with a kiss
Send me no flowers today
Got a lot of flowers and what I miss
Is being in your arms again
After a break up
To kiss and make up is divine
My darling
It doesn't matter
Just who was right or who was wrong
As long as you're still mine
Call me up and say that you're on your way
Til you're back how lonely I'll be
Send me no flowers today
Instead of sending flowers come back to me
And love me just as I love you
Send me no flowers today
Instead of sending flowers come back to me
And love me just as I love you
And love me just as I love you
And love me just as I love you

In every universe Jimmy and Scott would find each other, and it would always be an inevitable fact... A fact that would continue on forever and ever. The two of them were fated to be together, and they would always give each other flowers in an attempt to show their love and affection. However, time and time again, they would always end up in an unhappy ending, but the flowers would remain, as if to symbolise that their love would still exist and still be a constant factor in all universes. 

The Watchers were gods that would go through all the universes and pick out 14 individuals to participate in their world. Every Friday they would go to this world, and they would stay there for five days until they would go back to their original universe like nothing had happened. During the five days they would have to take part in different activities and challenges, and they would live like they would normally in their original world. However, when the five days are over, they would go back to their original world and no time would change. It would have all just been a dream for them.

As the 14 individuals had finally spawned into the world, they were all very confused and scared. They didn't know what was going on or why they were here, and they were just trying to make sense of this new world. After a couple of minutes, a text had appeared in front of them, informing them that they had been invited to participate in a game called, "3rd Life." The game had a few simple rules such as the three different coloured heart systems, and the fact that they'd only have three lives in this game. The text also states that they would have a total of fourteen players participating in the game, each with their own colour of heart on their arms, indicating how many lives they had left. The game would also involve players being able to attack other players, but the attack would only be possible when the player's heart is red, which means they would be on their third and final life. The colour of the heart would act as an indicator of how much life each player has left. And with that the game will begin! 

Everyone was isolated when they had first spawned, so when the text finally disappeared, everyone began rushing around, trying to find one another who would be able to provide some explanation or guidance to their existence and their whereabouts. The other people in the game would be able to feel a bit more relieved, as they would know that they were not the only people participating in this strange and new game. However, there would still be a lingering sense of confusion and curiosity that would persist within each of them. 

As Scott ran around, he looked up at the sky and wondered just what this was all about. He noticed the transparent barrier that encased the entire field, keeping them all sheltered, and he was confused about what it could mean. While he was running, he could hear someone talking, and he was intrigued and alarmed by the sound. It was coming from a cave nearby, and he decided to approach that direction slowly, and cautiously. "Hello?" Scott said into the darkness, asking to see if there was anyone in the cave who could answer his questions. "Oh is someone there?" A British accent responded, coming from deep within the cave, and Scott felt a bit relieved when he realised he wasn't alone. As the light popped on and he saw who was talking to him, he saw that he was indeed a stranger to him and not someone he knew. 

Scott climbed down into the cave, meeting the boy face to face. The boy had dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, and he was wearing an unbuttoned short-sleeved blue button-up shirt, with white shirt underneath and jeans. Scott couldn't help but stare at the boy, who looked very familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. As the two of them stood facing each other, Scott wasn't sure what to say, and he waited for the boy to make the first move. Jimmy had greeted Scott with a friendly smile, and Scott responded shortly afterward, giving him his name. "Nice to meet you, Jimmy. " Scott said, in a polite but straightforward manner. There was a strange sense of recognition when he heard the name Jimmy, as if he had known him before, but he couldn't remember where or when...  

"You seem familiar, as if I've known you before..." Scott said, staring into Jimmy's eyes, feeling a strange sense of connection to him but not sure where it was coming from. "No, not at all. It feels like I've known you for my whole life, too..." Jimmy replied, in a friendly and understanding manner, trying to relieve the tension and awkwardness. It was a strange feeling, but they both felt a level of warmth in the moment, despite not being able to pinpoint why. "You eyes seem so..." Jimmy had stepped closer to Scott, making Scott's cheeks turn red with a bit of embarrassment and blush as he felt his face lightly touched with Jimmy's fingers. "Your eyes are just so..." Jimmy had continued, not able to finish his sentence because he was lost in the deep and dark eyes of Scott. But when Jimmy realised what he was doing, he pulled back swiftly and apologised, giving Scott enough space and time to collect his thoughts. "They are like sapphires." Jimmy had finally managed to complete the sentence he had tried to say earlier, and Scott could sense his admiration for his eyes. "Thank you Jimmy." He smiled as he received the compliment. It was quite rare for Scott to get such beautiful compliments like that, and he was a bit taken aback. But at least for once, it seemed like he was the one who was being admired instead of admiring. 

"No need to apologize." Scott said, brushing off the encounter with Jimmy, since he had realized that it was simply Jimmy's emotions that took over at the moment, and it wasn't really his fault. He then turned his attention to the red poppy that Jimmy offered, taking it into his own hands and gently touching it, admiring the petals and how smooth and soft it felt. "Thank you Jimmy, this flower is beautiful."  "It is my favourite flower. A poppy." Jimmy smiled back at Scott, happy to share this interest and admiration for the poppy.  "Confused, my love. No, I mean for poppies, for poppies!" Jimmy had said, making Scott laughed. The two of them had gotten lost in their thoughts, and their hearts were speaking to each other, even if their minds were not aware of it, yet. As the two got back to the present, Jimmy was slightly flustered, but he tried to play it cool. "No, for me." Scott had replied in a light tone, causing Jimmy to get a bit flustered and softly laughing in return. The two of them had gotten lost in the playful banter, and it was almost as if they had forgotten who they were or where they had come from. They had only just met, but it felt so natural and easy to talk with one another, and they seemed to have a strong and comfortable connection. "Should we go up to the surface?" Scott asked, feeling curious about and drawn to the sky-like barrier above the land. "Yeah, sure." Jimmy had responded, agreeing with Scott that they should try to explore the surface area. The two of them had been caught up in this cave for a while and had almost forgotten about the surface world above them. So, they now decided to try and go and explore that side of the land, and see what they would find there as well.

As time has passed, Jimmy and Scott have decided to team up and explore all of the different parts of this new landscape. They had come upon this hidden flower forest, surrounded by mountains and a huge pristine lake in the middle. They took their time to set up their own bases, separated by the lake, and they both put in a lot of effort to make their new homes as comfortable and safe as they could. Jimmy spent his days foraging for food supplies and exploring the area, while Scott took his time to build a small farm and a pathway around the lake. 

Every time Jimmy would come back from foraging, he would bring a flower with him for Scott since it was his favourite flower. It had been about five days now since they had arrived in this strange new world, and Jimmy and Scott were beginning to catch feelings for each other. They didn't want to admit their growing love initially, but the more days passed by, the more they felt like maybe there could be something between them. However, at the end of the day, they would have to part ways, and return to their original universes, as if nothing had ever happened here. 

Scott's eyes opened after being asleep for over an entire night, and he couldn't help but think about his strange and vivid dream. Everything had felt so real and vivid, like he had experienced an entire life in it, including all the people he had met. There was this boy named Jimmy, and they seemed to have a very strong connection. But as his mind slowly started coming back to reality, Scott realised that everything was just a dream, after all. But what a dream it had been. "King Scott, are you awake? " His servant Owen called from the other side of the door. "Yes, I'm up, Owen." Scott replied, as he rubbed his eyes and got up to stand. " I have a letter for you my King, it's from The Ocean Queen and King of Mezalea," Owen told him, handing over a rolled up piece of parchment paper. Scott took it and sat back down on his bed with his table beside him. He then opened the letter and started reading its contents, feeling eager and curious to see what the message said. 

As Scott read the letter, he felt overwhelmed with its content. Not only had he been invited to the wedding of the Ocean Queen and the King of Mezanea, but it had been made clear that it was a formal invitation. The wedding would be held at a place called Mythlands, and it was on the 19th of August. He could not help but feel overwhelmed with the news and the sudden invitation, as he had no idea how he had come to be involved with royals from another kingdom. 

Scott had spent the last few days getting ready for the wedding. He was not only looking for a suitable wedding present for the couple, but he had also been ruling his kingdom and taking care of his other duties as a king. However, the thought of visiting another kingdom and attending the wedding of such important people was still daunting for him, and he felt like he would have a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders soon. He still had a bit more time before the wedding day, and he was hoping to prepare himself as much as possible before that day arrived. 

As the day of the wedding had finally arrived, Scott woke a little bit later than he had intended and was now feeling a bit rushed to get ready. He quickly chose a navy suit with a mix of golden and white adornments, and he was about to brush his hair when he noticed something on his bedside table. It was a beautiful flower crown. He wondered who had left it there, and it felt like it could be a good omen for the day. As he placed the flower crown on his head, he looked in the mirror and felt a sense of deja vu, as if he had seen this before or that it was a familiar feeling. The crown felt like a nice touch to his outfit and he couldn't help but feel his stomach tingling with anticipation as he admired himself in the mirror, feeling ready for the wedding to come. 

When he arrived at the Church of Blood Sleep in Mythlands, he wondered why they had chosen a place like this to hold a wedding. The church was set in a remote area and it was known for its history of death and sorrow, which was a strange setting for a happy event like a wedding. However, after realising that there were no other churches in the entire world, he thought maybe it was the only option they had. It was not a pleasant place to visit, but at least he was here for a lovely and joyous occasion. 

As he entered the church, Scott was greeted by one of his good friends, Shrub Berry, the ruler of the Undergrove who hugged him warmly and greeted him with enthusiasm. "It's so good to see you again, Scott!" Shrub told him with a big smile, pulling back shortly afterward. "It's good to see you too, Shrub." Scott smiled back at Shrub, appreciating his friend's warmth and kind words. More rulers started to enter the church and take their seats, and Scott would soon meet even more of them. 

The sight of Lady Katherine arriving to take her seat next to them had caught Scott's attention and he looked over at her, trying to place her face, but he could not seem to remember where they may have met before. Lady Katherine, whom Shrub seemed familiar with, was beautifully garbed in a pink a white dress with flowers on the skirt, and dark hair that looked elegant and enchanting. "Nice to meet you, Lady Katherine..." Scott greeted her with a friendly smile, still trying to remember where they had met before. "Good to met you again King Scott since our last encounter?" Lady Katherine had said as she sat down next to Shrub. Once he had heard her voice and seen her face, Scott remembered her right away. She was the ruler of the Overgrown, and he had met her before. It felt so familiar that she was sitting next to him now. "It's been well. More and- " Scott got a bit distracted when the music started playing, realising that it was the entrance of the bride and the groom. 

As the music began, Queen Lizzie, the massive 10-foot goddess who had pink hair and patches of blue scales on her body, was walking down the aisle, wearing a beautiful navy blue dress. The sight was a spectacle, as she was the most powerful and famous ruler of the entire universe, and Scott felt a bit intimidated by her presence. But he also felt a sense of excitement as he watched her approaching the altar, where her fiancé King Joel was waiting for him, and the priest. 

As the priest was talking about the ceremony and how it should go, Scott couldn't help but have his attention drawn to someone standing next to King Joel. He had patches of brown scales on his skin like Queen Lizzie and had dirty blonde hair. He was one of Joel's best men, and he was wearing a dark green suit that fit him very well. Scott couldn't take his eyes off him, feeling drawn and curious like he wanted to know more about this person. With the priest's words, both the bride and the groom kissed, sealing their bond and uniting in marriage. There was a brief moment of silence and a bit of laughter before the crowd erupted in a roar of cheers. Scott was delighted to see the happy couple together, but he was also still feeling curious about what would happen to the person he had been drawn to. 

When King Mythical Sausage, the ruler of the land of Mythlands, led everyone outside of the church, Scott had thought maybe there would be a feast or party of some kind. However, a big bang suddenly went off, and everyone looked upwards toward the night sky, where fireworks had started going off in celebration of the wedding. The sight was stunning, with the fireworks shooting into the air and lighting up the sky with beautiful colours. 

When the fireworks illuminated the night sky with their colourful display, Scott looked around and saw all the different rulers who had gathered here for the wedding. He noticed that Shurb and Katherine were huddled close to one another, just like the newlywed couple, and there were smiles on their faces. But the sight of the person he had been looking at before caught his attention once again. Scott's eyes suddenly met with someone else's, and all other distractions faded into the background. The boy looked adorable with his eyes filled with colours and admiration, with a massive smile on his face as he enjoyed the fireworks. His cute look got Scott's attention, and he could not stop watching him. 

As the fireworks started winding down and the last blast of colours faded from the sky, everyone seemed to head in the same direction. Scott looked around and saw that the crowd was moving toward an area, and he figured that it was the area where they would be going to continue the celebrations of the wedding. He followed along, curious to see where everyone was going, but his eyes were still glued to the boy with the bright eyes, who was also moving toward the same location. 

When everyone ended up at the ocean queen's kingdom, they were greeted warmly by their royal host. They were welcomed into a large hall with many tables and chairs, and there was an air of elegance and festivity. Scott stayed at the front of the crowd with Shrub by his side, but his eyes were still glancing at the man next to Joel.

As Scott continued to stare at the man next to Joel, Shrub soon became confused. She wondered why he wasn't answering her or paying attention to her, and she noticed that he was looking at a different person. The people around him were staring at him briefly, but Scott got startled and pulled his gaze away from the man, giving her his complete attention. "Scott!" She called his name, and he was shocked a bit and a few people stared at the two of them for a moment.  The sudden change of focus made Scott's eyes widen a bit with surprise. " Oh, I was just... I was- " Shrub had called him out on his staring, and Scott felt a bit embarrassed. " I don't know, I - uh, I guess I was intrigued by him..." Scott was not good at hiding things, but he had been caught by Shrub, who kept asking him about it. "He's Lizzie's brother, the Codfather?" Scott asked. "Oh, I see..." Scott couldn't help but start blushing when Shrub teased him. She had pointed out that there were so many other attractive men there, much more interesting and "better" than the Codfather. However, she was missing something. "But there was just something different about him..." Scott said, feeling like he needed to explain. She would never understand, and he had no idea what it was either, but the way he felt about the man got him feeling embarrassed. 

As Shrub continued talking, she mentioned that the Codfather was someone she had seen around before, mainly when she would visit the queen. She also brought up the fact that Katherine was one of his best friends and always kept her updated about people and their lives, which was an interesting piece of information. 

As Scott asked Shrub more about the man, who happened to be the Codfather, she refused to tell him anything else. She teased him a bit, saying that if he was so curious he should talk to the man himself and stop asking so many questions. Scott was beginning to panic a little bit. It was indeed a pretty daunting task, and he felt too insecure to do it. "But what if he thinks I look weird? How can you be sure that I will be fine?" He insisted.  

When Shrub smirked at Scott, leaving him to his own devices, he started feeling more and more panicky, feeling like she had just abandoned him. Then suddenly she went to the Codfather and said something in his ear, before pointing at Scott, and he could not help but feel a new wave of dread and fear flooding through his body. He was getting nervous with each passing second, as he felt like he was in some kind of a cruel game. 

When the Codfather took a seat in front of Scott, he felt his face going red from his close proximity. The man's cute look definitely made it a bit difficult not to feel nervous. The fact that he did not know the man's name made it even more intimidating for him, and the Codfather quickly noticed that Scott was a bit flustered. "King of Rivendale? It is a pleasure to meet you too... " The codfather said with a bit of a smile on his lips, making Scott's eyes widen a bit, which made him feel even more shy. Scott couldn't remember a time when he had met the Codfather before, especially at Lady Katherine's kingdom meetings. The fact that the codfather remembered something about him made him feel even more embarrassed, as it seemed like he had known about the king's existence longer than just today. In response to what the codfather had said about the encounter at Lady Katherine's kingdom meetings, Scott shrugged his shoulders, thinking for a bit. "I've not thought about you much either..." Scott admitted. 

The fact that the Codfather had attended Scott's coronation made him feel even more awkward, as he wondered what impression he might have left. The idea that Scott had appeared so nervous caused his face to blush more, as he was not sure what to say in response. It made him realise how vulnerable he had felt at the time, and he was embarrassed that it had shown so much. "It was a nervous day for me... " Scott said with a smile, still feeling a bit flustered. As the Codfather complimented Scott on his ruling skills, the king felt a bit surprised. He never thought that his ruling skills had been praised in such a way, and his cheeks felt a little warm. He was feeling a tiny bit more at ease with the Codfather's kind words, but the compliment also made him feel even more shy, as he could not stop his smiling at the thought. "Oh, you think so?" He replied, still feeling a bit embarrassed. 

When the codfather suddenly started touching his face, then the flowers on Scott's crown, the latter started feeling really shy and flustered once more. He did not understand why the codfather was so infatuated with him, and the way he was talking to him was making it extra hard for the young ruler to resist his charms. "T-th-thank you!" Scott replied shyly, still feeling his heartbeat race from the compliments. Scott's attention was caught by the Codfather's ring, and he pointed out the poppy flower engraving. He was still wondering why the man was giving him so much attention and thought that maybe he was married, but when the Codfather replied that it was a flower he had found while swimming in the ocean with Lizzie, Scott realised that it might be nothing more than a pretty thing he liked. "Oh, I thought it was a wedding ring." Scott said, now feeling a bit embarrassed for having assumed wrong. 

As the Codfather was about to ask Scott his name, Queen Lizzie walked up to him, and he immediately switched his attention to her, forgetting that Scott was there. His heart fluttered a bit as he saw the queen approach. "Hello dear little brother..." The queen said, teasing him just as she had done it before, and she pointed to him. As the two of them began talking, Scott felt forgotten and dismissed. The queen looked so elegant, and her sweet voice was hard to resist.  The feeling of jealousy and forgotten started to grow inside Scott as he saw the queen take the Codfather's attention away from him. He decided to simply take the opportunity to leave the Ocean kingdom and go back home, knowing that the queen and the Codfather would probably be busy with their own lives and not care much for him. As he said goodbye to the Codfather and the queen, he hoped to meet again but had no idea if that would actually happen. 

As Scott drifted off to sleep he felt his mind wandering to a dreamlike state. He no longer felt the emotions he had felt during his encounter with the Codfather and the queen, but instead seemed to have come back to his old self. The last thing he knew was that he had gone to sleep, which now reminded him of when he had been trapped in his third life. Now, however, it seems as if he has returned to normal and is himself once more, with no memory of the events that had taken place the evening before. 

Scott walked over to the house across the lake from his, which belonged to Jimmy, and knocking on the door, he waited a few minutes before Jimmy opened it. He looked a bit groggy, as if he had just woken up, and as soon as he saw Scott, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Hey, Scott, what're you doing here so early?" He asked, looking at his friend with a confused expression. As Scott suggested they make an alliance with the desert people, Jimmy was instantly taken aback. He was worried for his friend, wondering what could happen if they struck up an agreement with them. Jimmy asked Scott what if they hurt him, and pointed out that they didn't know what Grian and Scar were like, which could be dangerous. He also brought up the fact that Scar was on his last life, so he could be extremely desperate and unpredictable. 

Seeing how Jimmy was so insistent on keeping him safe and being so protective of him made Scott feel incredibly shy, causing him to blush. He was aware that their interactions were getting more intimate and that this may not be the right time to talk about an alliance with the desert people. Yet, he couldn't help but feel drawn to his friend's closeness, which made his heart beat faster. "Jimmy... " He started saying and was about to talk about the desert people again, but he felt his friend's hand on his face and holding it. As Scott tried to say something and Jimmy's hand remained on his face, stopping him, he started feeling a new rush of emotions. The sensation of Jimmy's hands on his face made his heart race with joy. As Jimmy's soft touch sent shivers down his spine, he couldn't help but lean into the gesture, and his heart rate was going even faster now. The blush on his cheeks was growing and it was starting to become embarrassing. Jimmy's sudden kiss on Scott's forehead took him by surprise, and he was instantly flustered. He felt a bit embarrassed to be so overwhelmed by such a small gesture, but he could not help but feel touched by Jimmy's concern and his affectionate act. Then, Jimmy decided to return inside his house, presumably to get some stuff for the trip. As he watched his friend walk away, Scott realised that he was being left alone again, and his heart started beating even faster, feeling like it had jumped out of his chest, as the adrenaline rushed through his body. 

As the day passed, Scott was consumed with thoughts about Jimmy and was finding it hard to focus on anything else. He tried to keep himself preoccupied with tasks around his base but would keep stopping and thinking about Jimmy. Then, as the sun was going down, he noticed Jimmy walking through the wall gates and immediately rushed over to him. He felt incredibly happy to finally see his friend again and was eager now to start talking to him once again. Scott started immediately with the bombardment of questions, feeling like he had a million things to ask Jimmy. He was anxious about Jimmy's safety and couldn't help but feel incredibly overprotective in that moment. Jimmy didn't answer his questions, however, and instead just smiled softly. "Your so cute..." The response left Scott feeling both flustered and a bit confused, but he could not help but have a soft little blush forming on his cheeks once again. 

It was hard for Scott to handle the attention that Jimmy was giving him, causing him to look away from him and hiding his blushing face in his hands. He couldn't help but feel his cheeks burning red from everything that Jimmy was saying. Then, when Jimmy placed a flower crown on his head, Scott carefully took it off, looking at it. He was impressed by its beauty but was still feeling extremely shy in front of his friend, who wouldn't seem to let him off the hook either. The beauty of the flower crown was undeniable, and when Scott asked if Jimmy had made it himself, the latter simply nodded, not really saying anything else. Scott was still shy and felt embarrassed to have gotten such a nice gesture from someone who was just his friend. He could not understand why Jimmy was treating him in such an affectionate way and feeling so comfortable making flirty remarks. 

I just realised how many words I've done so far and I really need to shorten it so.... FAST FORWARD BACK TO EMPIRES!!!!!!

As the week passed, Scott and Jimmy were becoming more and more flirty with each other. They didn't realise it yet, but their bond was becoming extremely strong and deep, and they were both slowly starting to develop strong romantic feelings for each other. They were becoming more comfortable with each other and enjoyed spending time together more every day. They never expected things to take such a turn, but they were quickly falling in love without realising what was actually happening. 

As the night came to an end, Scott fell asleep, and when he woke up the next morning he was back to his kingdom and was feeling confused, disappointed, and even a bit hurt. He felt broken from yet another dream about the mysterious man who had been in his life and seemed to be constantly changing him. He felt so overwhelmed by these weird dreams, and as he sat there feeling lost and sad, he just felt broken and unsure of what was happening to him. He didn't know what was happening to him and didn't understand why he couldn't just feel normal. Scott was about to leave his room when he heard Owen calling him and telling him about the letter he had received from the Codfather. Scott took the letter and began reading it, and as he read on, he realised that the Codfather wanted to meet up again after their previous encounter. he felt a bit excited and nervous, thinking about the encounter, and decided he wanted to know the Codfather better as well.

That afternoon, Scott flew over to the Cod empire with his owl wings, and he arrived at a dock right outside a house. He saw the Codfather walking out of the house, carrying a barrel, and the Codfather smiled as he saw him. "Oh hey!" The Codfather said in a friendly way, and Scott could feel himself feeling a bit nervous as he approached him. After they had talked for a bit, the Codfather asked Scott if he could close his eyes. "Do you trust me?" The Codfather asked Scott, making him feel a bit nervous but still trusting him. Scott closed his eyes and waved his hand around, confirming that he did indeed trust him. The Codfather took his hand and they started walking somewhere, making Scott feel even more nervous as they went on, not knowing where they were going or what was going to happen. 

After they had been walking for a few minutes, the Codfather told Scott he could open his eyes now. He did so and was instantly taken down by the beauty of the forest he was in. It was like he had stepped into a completely different world, and was amazed by its beauty and the way it looked. The colours of the flowers were so vibrant, and the scent in the air was so soothing. "Wow..." Scott managed to utter, feeling completely bewildered by the scenery and amazed. As Scott looked around at the colourful flowers, the Codfather said this place reminded him of him, which surprised Scott. The Codfather continued and pointed out that the flowers also reminded him of Scott's own flower crown, which had been so pretty. "Your flower crown." The Codfather said again, referring to the one Scott was wearing. "Th-thank you..." Scott said, feeling a bit shy again. 

"I-I didn't actually get your name..." Scott said, feeling a bit embarrassed now that he had just realised he couldn't remember the codefather's actual name. "Oh I didn't get your name either my name is Jimmy." The codfather replied, and the second he said this, Scott felt his heart stop. Jimmy? His heart dropped to the floor when he heard the codfather say his name, making him feel like he was in his third life all over again. Scott tried to get back into the moment and focus back on Jimmy, though this was hard to do since the shock of the codfather having his same name was still overwhelming. "Sc-scott!" He immediately replied, feeling a bit uneasy and wondering if this guy might actually be him. For a moment he felt as if he was dreaming, but there was no way this could be a dream as he was totally alert and awake. 

Scott was getting more and more shocked by the minute, and his jaw dropped to the floor when he heard Jimmy mention that the person in his dreams was Scott Smajor. "Tha-thats my last name... Smajor." He tried to confirm, and Jimmy simply nodded, seeming just as shocked as him. "Jim-Jimmy?" He said, getting even more confused and unsure of what was happening.

 This was all too much for Scott to wrap his head around for a moment, and he was feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed. He needed time to process what he was hearing, and he took a few steps back, looking down with his hands on his heart. "You're joking right?" He finally managed to say, his chest feeling tight and heavy. "Jimmy... You can't be real..." Scott's thoughts kept running wild and he couldn't shake the feeling that this whole thing was just too good to be true. After a few moments, he was suddenly pulled back into reality by the touch of Jimmy's hands on his head, making him stop and come back to his senses. He looked up, now feeling extremely worried, and he saw Jimmy who was looking back at him. Jimmy spoke up and said, "I'm sorry! But please stop your worrying me!" 

Scott was speechless, and his brain was still trying to process what was happening. It all felt completely surreal, and the idea that this Jimmy person was actually the one from his dreams was hard to accept. He was trying to keep up with the conversation, but it was difficult. "H-how?" Those were all the words he could get out. At this point, he was feeling so overwhelmed that he could barely manage to form complete sentences. Jimmy had heard Scott's response but had his patience with his friend ran out. He took Scott's hands and made him look at him, and his tone was soft and caring, but he also tried to express his frustration. "I'm right here Scott! My name is Jimmy and I feel like I have a connection with you. I don't want you to keep saying I'm not real when you know that's bullshit. I'm here because I can't stop thinking about you!" 

Jimmy was beginning to tell Scott more about his own dreams about him, and the way he spoke made it seem like he was still surprised by the fact that their dreams seemed to be connected. As Jimmy said he felt like he was connected to Scott, his eyes were locked with him and he spoke in a soft way, not letting go of his hands. "That first dream with you..." began Jimmy. "You know what my reaction was? I woke up and searched everywhere in my kingdom and the Ocean kingdom to see if you were real. But I couldn't find you! I wasn't satisfied when I couldn't find you so I kept going to places I thought you would be at, but I still couldn't find you. I was scared you might not be real... If you weren't just someone in my dreams. But when I saw you..." Jimmy continued, and Scott felt like this was all just too much, but his friend didn't leave his side and kept holding onto his hands.  

"At the wedding, my heart stopped. I couldn't think of anything else but you." Jimmy was now getting very emotionally caught up in the moment. His eyes were focused on Scott's and he looked incredibly sincere and genuine. He was speaking as if his world had been turned upside down by this connection he felt with Scott, and he was almost pleading for Scott to believe him. 

I really need to hurry up and finish so time skip :D (very very sorry for those who wanted to read the entire thing)

That night, Scott lay in his room tossing and turning, not able to stop thinking about what had happened that day with Jimmy. The moment they had shared, where they both realised that they were connected in a deeper way than either of them had thought, and the way Jimmy had just left without warning, it all left Scott feeling incredibly confused and hurt. He was feeling like he was losing it, which caused him to leave without thinking, not realising  he was still holding the flower crown on his head that was given by Jimmy. 

Heya my lovelies this chapter is way way too long to just be one chapter (6800+) and I have so many ideas so there's gonna be 2 parts (maybe) This took me way too long to finish...

So sorry that I haven't been posting for a while high school is just so time com-summing and plus my problems login back onto my computer so thank you so much for being patient with me :D

Anyways have a lovely day/noon/night and I hope you enjoyed part one of Send Me No Flowers :3

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