My Dark Secret (COMPLETED)

By harryssimp_

150K 5.7K 1.1K

this is literally SO BAD and i wrote this when i was fourteen but i won't stop you from reading lmao it's abo... More

Chapter 1: My New Life
Chapter 3: Lightning Strikes
Chapter 4: Troy...
Chapter 5: Lo's Crush Confession
Chapter 6: First Show
Chapter 7: 3 Months Later
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: Christmas PT. 2
Chapter 10: Stupid Austin
Chapter 11: Oh Lauren
Chapter 12: Tour, Alren is real, and Mami?
Chapter 13: Happy New Year
Chapter 14: Tour Meeting & Problems
Chapter 15: Harsh Comments
Chapter 16: Cutting Confessions & Death Threats
Chapter 17: Recooperation
Chapter 18: Vacation Before Tour
Chapter 19: Vacation Before Tour Pt. 2
Chapter 20: Night Without Riley
Chapter 21: Ally?
Chapter 22: Tour Cancelation, Ally, & Riley's Guardian
Chapter 23: Mommy, Bad News, & Depression
Chapter 24: Fights & Quiters
Chapter 25: What? (Short chapter)
Chapter 26: Prayers and Miracles
Chapter 27: Coming Home
Chapter 28: Coming Home Pt. 2
Chapter 29: No... (Short chapter)
Chapter 30: Explanation & Awnsers
Chapter 31: Serious
Chapter 32: Baby
Chapter 33: Apologies not Accepted
Please Read!
Chapter 34: Stitches Out and Apologies Pt. 2
Chapter 35: Make Up and Finally, TOUR!
Chapter 36: Austin Texas!
Chapter 37: Good and Bad
Chapter 38: Our Date
Chapter 39: Court
Chapter 40: She's Ours
Chapter 41: Celebrate
Chapter 42: Weirdo and Caminah date
Chapter 43: Hi Arizona
Chapter 44: Downhill
Chapter 45: Uncle Si...
Chapter 46: Hold Each Other
Chapter 47: What's Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Chapter 48: Brent Rivera!?
Chapter 49: Baby Girl
Chapter 50: Just The Beginning
The One series!

Chapter 2: Twit Cam

4.9K 175 101
By harryssimp_

Ally's POV
The girls and I decided that we'd all move in together in LA by Simon's place so we can keep an eye on each other. I didn't have much at the house in San Antonio so my parents sent it to California and I moved in with in a week.

I was sitting down with Riley on the couch when I saw I got a phone call from Demi.
D: Ally!?

A: Hey Dems! What's up?

D: The tour's in two days! Ya ready?

A: Um, well. Not exactly.

D: What do you mean!?

A: We haven't done a Twit-Cam yet and it haven't exactly introduced Riley to the Harmonizer's either.

D: I suggest you do that now Ally, we leave in TWO days!

A: I'll tell the girls.

D: Good! Bye Als, love ya!

A: Love ya too.

I said and hung up. I kissed Riley on the head.

"Who was that mama?" She asked.

"Auntie Dems." I replied.

"What do you think about introducing yourself to our fans?" I asked smiling.
She looked nervous then nodded in agreement. I then had to go talk to the girls. Camila was in the kitchen with Lauren and Mani and Dinah was, ofcourse, still sleeping.

"Hey Mila." I said helping her put syrup on the banana pancakes she made.

"Hey AllyCat, what's up?" She asked putting the pancakes on plates.

"We need to do the Twit-Cam. We go on tour in TWO days!" I said shaking her a bit.

"I'll go wake up Dinah, she only wakes up to me! I don't know why, but whatever." She said and ran upstairs.

We got the girls gathered and I tweeted out, (Now that I got my Twitter back)
'Twit-Cam in 5! Big news!" I sent out and then we set up.

"Okay Riles, I'll tell you when to come over to the camera and just say hi, okay?" I asked cupping her face in my hand.

"O-okay." She said nervously.

"Hey, they'll love you! But not as much as I do!" I said and she laughed. I sat on the couch with Normani and a sleepy Dinah next to me. The camera went on and it was go time.

"Hey guys, 5th Harmony here! If you haven't's been awhile." Normani started and made a worried face that made us all laugh.

"Well, we have an announcement to make, it's kinda big! Plus a little surprise!" Camila said jumping up and down. Lauren then motioned me to bring Riley over. I got out of the shot and made my way over to my baby girl.

"Come on Riles, they'll love you." I whispered and she took my hand.

"Guys, this is my daughter, Riley. Can you say 'hi' Riles?" I asked shaking my daughter a bit.

"Hi..." She said and hugged me shyly. We all giggled and Lauren kissed the top of her head. I instantly got Tweets saying, 'OMG Alren family!' And 'She's a mini Ally!!!' I laughed at all the Tweets I got from our Harmonizers and was glad they never forgot about us.

"She's a part of the family now, so I swear if I see any hate we're canceling the tour with Demi!" Camila yelled into the camera. We all facepalmed because we were going to announce the tour later.

"CAMILA!" We all yelled at her and laughed. Camila mouthed 'Sorry' and I shoved her arm playfully. After the surprise announcement we asked if anyone had questions and we'd awnser them.

"Okay dawgs, first question and it's for Riley!" Dinah said shocked. "Riley, what's your favorite song on the Reflection album?" Dinah asked. I looked at Riley knowing I've made her listen to it a million times, she awnsered, "We Know!"

"You don't even know what that song's about!" I said tickling her. I heard my phone go off and it was again, more Tweets, 'Awww Riley and Ally are family goals!' And we continued with questions.

"Well y'all, thanks for watching and can't wait to see you at the tour!" I said and I shook Riley so she'd say bye.

"Bye!" Riley said and we all giggled and waved. Dinah turned the camera off.

"Riley, let's go pack before your dad gets here so he can say bye to you before we leave!" I said and took her hand.

"Troy's coming?" Normani asked walking in.

"Yah, just for the day huh baby?" I asked Riley brushing away the hair in her face.

"But he left you two." Lauren said looking angry.

"Umm Riles go upstairs and get the suit cases out, I'll be up there in a bit." I said and she obeyed.

"He has a right to see her, I have no choice." I say picking up the stuffed dog Riley left out.

"Well, imma give him a piece of my mind for leaving you two when he gets here!" Dinah said punching the air making me laugh.

"Okay calm down Dinah Dawg before you run out of breath." Camila joked. I walked upstairs and helped Riley packed.

"Mama? Why do I have to go with dad?" She asked.

"Baby it's only for a day, plus you haven't seen him in 5 months! Don't you miss him?" I asked packing her bathing suit.

"I guess, but I love you more." Riley said melting my heart even though that would crush her dad.

"Aww baby, it's ok you'll be back before 5." I said hugging her.

"HE'S HERE!" Normani yelled out.

"I'LL GET IT!" Dinah yelled. I looked at Riley and we both had fear in our eyes because she would rant.

"Go get your Tia Dinah." I said and she ran downstairs. I ran after her and Dinah was already at the door.

"You leave them and then you have the guts to come back and-" I grabbed Dinah's arm and dragged her into the kitchen. I walked back saying under my breath, 'aye tú pinche madre!'

"Hey Troy." I said and picked Riley up.

"Hi, Ally." He said awkwardly.

"Umm her back pack has snacks and two water bottles in it with a book she's starting to read. Also if you could I've been having her call certain things in Spanish so I know I taught you some when we were dating so if you could that'd be great." I said smiling and nodding.

"Wow I have a checklist don't I!?" Troy said and tickled Riley a bit but she just got more nervous as it was almost time for Troy to take her.

"Okay baby, have a good time with daddy!" I said putting my baby down.

"No mommy! I don't wanna go! No!" She screamed with tears in her eyes.

"I know baby just please it's only for awhile." I said starting to cry.

"Noo! Please mommy no!" She said screaming more and more making me cry. Troy grabbed her hand and he struggled to pick her up and he walked away with her crying in his arms.

"MOMMY!" Riley yelled which made me break down into tears. I felt Lauren put her arm around me and kiss my head. Camila closed the door but I could still hear Riley yell.

"She's only done this once before and it's s-so hard to let her go." I said crying into Mani's shoulder while Lauren held me.

"I know Ally Baby, I know." Lauren said.

It later became 4 and Troy and Riley came back.

"MOMMY!" Riley yelled rushing towards me with puffy eyes from all the crying she did.

"Hi baby! Have fun?" I asked hugging her tight. She didn't respond so I just kissed her head.

"Okay, we'll talk later." I whispered, "Upstairs por favor." And she obeyed. Once she got upstairs Troy came to the door and I invited him in.

"How'd it go?" I asked giving him a bottled water from the fridge.

"She struggled but fell asleep in the car seat. I took her out for ice-cream and we hung out at my house and then I brought her back." He said looking down.

"I'm so sorry, I know she loves you." I said comforting him.

"I know, maybe I ca-" he got interrupted.

"Oh no ya don't! Get out Riley doesn't wanna see you!" Dinah yelled running towards us.

"Okay, enough Deej." Normani said and picked her up from behind and walked her to the couch.

"I'm sorry about her." I said laughing.

"Anyway I should get going back to Texas, I'll see you guys when you get back?" He asked.

"Yah, bye Troy." I said and he left. I ran upstairs and saw my baby on the bed on Lauren's lap.

"Mommy!" She said and ran over to me. I hugged her and brushed hair out of her face.

"Let's make dinner!" I said and she ran downstairs.

"Thanks for watching her." I told Lauren.

"No prob, anything for her." She said and we went downstairs for dinner.

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