Hidden rainfall

By Speedforceninja152

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A world like ours but without technology. Instead this world had magic. This is a story of epic conflict and... More

Chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two

chapter three

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By Speedforceninja152

She eventually does wake up but not where she expected to. She was no longer laying in mud. And now she was now in a building. In a room, a nice room with a soft bed. And her clothes were clean, no longer stained by the filth of war. But how did she get there, and why for that matter. Not to mention that most cities have only huts, because the war has crippled their once beautiful and luxurious architecture. But this was nicer than nice. Her thoughts were put on hold when a girl dressed in a maids outfit entered the room. She had brought with her a bowl of soup. The maid sat on the bed and greeted her in a kind voice. My name is Haru, and I am sure you have many questions but first you must eat. When you were brought in here you were almost dead, so you will need to recover your strength. Sumi tried to lift her arms but they wouldn't respond. In fact none of her limbs or anything of the sort is responding to her commands. She could still feel but she couldn't move. It must have been a result of her previous battle. Don't worry you will recover, said Haru , obviously knowing what was wrong. So she then began to feed Sumi. Now Sumi wasn't happy being fed like a baby but she couldn't do anything about it. Eventually she finished that experience and Haru said she would explain the situation. This is the last great city and the only one not crippled by the war. The main force still fighting in this conflict. This is Muteki city. Our commander who is also the ruler of this city is the one who found you. He brought you back here, once you have recovered a bit more you can speak with him and he will explain a bit more. And with that Haru left the room and Sumi's thoughts began to swirl once again. Muteki city, she had heard of it but to not only be seeing it, she was inside it. Not a dream she had but it wasn't a bad thing either. Although she doesn't know why she was brought here yet and she can not relax until that happens. In any case she must focus on recovery now because good or bad she will need all the strength possible to face the reason for her arrival. Or at least she thinks that is the case.
  A week goes by and Sumi's recovery is going well. She can't stand on her own but she can move. It is rather embarrassing to have to be nursed like a child but that is what she gets for overdoing it. In any case she is rather intrigued by this commander. She knew only a little of the city and while it obviously had a leader she was unaware of who. She wanted to meet him. For so long she has been barely scratching at the dirt and mud to survive. She wanted a change and this was how she was going to achieve it. Strength is what she needs and this commander can help her get it. But to do that she will need to focus on recovery. Although she was not one who enjoyed being bedridden so it was irritating to say the least. If it were an illness she would just power through but physical injuries are different. She can not power through those. In war she has seen much of both but never to this extreme. In any case, sitting tight and waiting for this to heal was just about the only thing she could do. So for now she would have to endure.

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