A Hero's Journey

By LemonAiden

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April 15th, 1965: A Day That Altered the Course of History. After a meteorite introduced 'Powers' to Earth, S... More

Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome To The Old World Near Hell!
Season 1 Episode 2: Explosion
Season 1 Episode 3: The Birth Of A New Age
Season 1 Episode 4: Unraveled
Season 1 Episode 5: Focus
Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack
Season 1 Episode 7: Our Missing Angel
Season 1 Episode 8: What It Takes To Become A Hero
Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind
Season 1 Episode 10: Cycle Of Hatred
Season 1 Episode 11: Behind The Act
Season 1 Episode 12: The Day History Changed
Season 1 Episode 13: Rebirth
Season 1 Episode 14: Experimentation
Season 1 Episode 15: Debut
Season 1 Episode 16: Loss & Perseverance
Season 1 Episode 17: Standing Inside The Ring
Season 1 Episode 18: The Rouge Vs. The Ward
Season 1 Episode 19: An Expanded Horizon
Season 1 Episode 20: Staging Ground
Season 1 Episode 21: A Moment Of Reconciliation
Season 1 Episode 22: Calm Before The Storm
Season 1 Episode 23: Paranoia
Season 2, Episode 1: An Ever Growing World
Season 2, Episode 2: The Sparks Of Change
Season 2, Episode 3: New Age Heroes
Season 2, Episode 4: Attack On The HQ
Season 2, Episode 5: Changing Of The Wind
Season 2, Episode 6: The Day Before Doomsday
Season 2, Episode 7: Our Found Demon
Season 2, Episode 8: Reawakens.
Season 2, Episode 9: Waiting For The Spark To Return
Season 2, Episode 10: Cycle Of Pain
Season 2, Episode 11: In Face Of Reality
Season 2, Episode 12: Where The Wind Blew
Season 2, Episode 13: One Man's Despair
Season 2, Episode 14: The Final Sparks Of Research
Season 2, Episode 15: The Drums Of Wars To Come
Season 2, Episode 16: Memories

Season 1 Episode 24: Graduation Day

24 4 2
By LemonAiden

What does it mean to "Be A Hero?" Does it simply mean to do everything in your power to defeat the bad guy and protect those who look up to you? Can anything really be that simple?  I mean, what about the bad guys? Is there truly no other alternative than defeating them? Shouldn't a Hero also extend their hand to them as well?

But is it even worth attempting to save them? I mean, at what point does someone commit a crime that can't be forgiven? And, more importantly, who determines when that line is crossed? 

Looking at things from that perspective, it becomes clear that simplicity is merely an illusion in this complex world. Acting with goodness, fulfilling the role of a considerate older brother, and embodying the qualities of a hero may sound straightforward, but in reality, the complexity of these roles becomes apparent. In this world, nothing is simply black and white.

I used to believe in concepts like 'Good' and 'Bad'. However, I've recently come to realize that these are subjective terms we use to label those who disagree with our beliefs. In reality, every individual operates within a spectrum of motivations, each driven by their own worthy aspirations for freedom.

When does an individual's freedom cross the line into sin? At what point, should your freedoms be restricted by someone else? And when that time comes, do you have a right to fight for your beliefs, or should you admit defeat and accept a new status quo? How can someone learn to play this game with a balanced approach when the lives of many depend on both answers being correct?

What I'm ultimately realizing is that... the sad truth is: this world is not equal. Nothing about this world is Heroic when terms like 'Good' and 'Bad' are subjective, when noble goals of protecting others puts yourself in danger, and when being the Hero means being the Villain to so many others.

Maybe I'm the wrong one for this job. Maybe... I shouldn't be a Hero. Because when the time eventually arrives, as it inevitably will, can I truly claim that I am capable of taking away someone else's freedom? If they're human, I don't know, but if they're not; if they're a monster, then... then I'm sure I could do it, but I doubt a monster simply exists in this world.


Date: May 27th 2018 - 2 Hours Before The Ceremonial Siege

Location: UGC Base | Flame's Office

Flame was seated at his desk, the red-tinted window projecting a large shadow onto the office floor. The villain carefully reviewed the reports he had received from the initial reconnaissance of the ceremony building. This was the sixth time doing so, but Flame made sure to take note of everything. He was determined not to overlook a single detail. Anything to save a life or two.

Suddenly, Flame's serene happiness was shattered as the lights in his office started flickering. Within moments, the sound of thunderous footsteps reached his ears, growing louder and closer with every passing second. However, the Villain appeared unfazed by the sounds, showing no signs of being bothered in the slightest.

Flame shifted his focus to the office door, and in a matter of seconds, a powerful blast sent the sliding door flying off its hinges. Yet, the explosion did not originate from gunpowder or any other man-made explosive. Instead, it surged forth from a being composed entirely of dark energy and malice.

Purple-tinged bolts of dark lightning cracked through the open door before the figure responsible for the intrusion stepped forward, revealing itself. Once more, it appeared as a Caucasian man with dark, flowing long hair, dressed in a black suit and tie. "Alister Blaise!" it exclaimed, its arms thrown into the air. "It's so great to finally see you again." The entity spoke with a high-pitched voice filled with enthusiasm and delight for death.

Flame scoffed, not impressed with the theatrics. "I must admit, Akuma, that I found my time away from you rather pleasant," he declared, a fiery glint in his eyes.

As Akuma bellowed, "How... rude!" his body became a vessel of untamed energy. Seemingly out of nowhere, two colossal lightning bolts surged from within him, fiercely striking the walls. The impact was so powerful that it sent books and shelves soaring through the air. "Whoops, sorry!" Akuma said, curling its fingers as if it were embarrassed.

"Akuma, do you really think that scares me?" Flame inquired, a slight smile playing on his lips. "You'll have to do better than that. So, what do you want?"

A massive smile illuminated Akuma's face as the being gracefully danced across the floor. "I thought you'd never ask!" Akuma said before effortlessly levitating a few inches off the ground. "So, as you know, today's your special day," Akuma said, tapping Flame's chest as if it were a button. "And I just wanna know your thoughts on the matter." In an instant, Akuma gracefully propelled himself backwards through the air, effortlessly evading Flame's futile attempt at capture.

Flame began, "The only thing I will tell you is this," before placing his arm back on his desk. "Following today's operation, we will be one step closer to completely eliminating you from this world."

"Ooooooooooh, I feel incredibly special!" exclaimed Akuma as he floated on his back. "But, I can't help but question: how does clearing level ten enemies help you defeat the end-game boss?" Akuma raised both hands in the air, conveying his confusion through expressive gestures. "I mean, I can't even call it grinding, they're so weak!"

Flame couldn't help but let out a mischievous chuckle. "You have the freedom to choose how you spend your time, and yet you choose to play such juvenile games," Flame said, rising from his seat, and turning to face the window behind him.

Akuma swiftly sealed his mouth with his palm, simultaneously directing his other hand towards Flame. "You're just jealous because you couldn't have such a childhood," Akuma teased.

'Yes. Perhaps," Flame conceded, before turning back to face Akuma, his eyes narrow and burning with malice. "But killing those... pests isn't the primary objective for this operation."

"You desire their powers!" Exclaimed Akuma, leaping into action, spinning around with vigor to acknowledge his accurate assessment.

"If you knew all of this, why bother coming to me?"

"Because I wanted to tell you," Akuma said as he gracefully lowered himself to the ground, one leg poised like a ballerina's. "I'll still DEVOUR you!" Bolts of lightning crackled violently, resonating Akuma's menacing voice as they struck the ground and walls. The sheer force of the lightning reverberated through the room, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

Flame and Akuma's faces were just inches apart from each other. "So you say," Flame responds, before turning around once again, and looking up towards his shattered window. "But let me ask you something."

"Proceed," Akuma responded, his voice unaffected as if the events that transpired had never occurred.

"You falsely assumed I was killing those kids in order to defeat you," Flame said. "You also mentioned how they were weak, and not worth the time - assuming I understand the vernacular of the youth these days."

"So I did," Akuma replied. "And good job, Gramps!"

"But then why do you know of them?" Flame questioned, his gaze piercing through the bottomless abyss that comprises Akuma's eyes. "I mean, if they're beneath me, then... what does that make them in comparison to you?"

Akuma's smirk expanded further, with lightning flashing around his eyes for a brief moment. "What a perceptive observation," Akuma remarked. "But to answer your question, you must remember why I wait for you anyway."

"Do you care to explain it as if I don't already know?" Flame mocked.

"Perhaps another day, people will uncover more about my intriguing self," Akuma playfully replied, offering a playful wink in a mysterious direction. "But I'd rather not say too much right now. I mean, you never know who's listening."

"Very well," Flame calmly replied. "Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Pretty much," responded Akuma, and with a sinister flash, he materialized beside the wide-open entrance. "Oh, but I must warn you: you better not lose today." Akuma's neck and head suddenly twisted, and on its face were two dark, sinister eyes emitting a deep, all-consuming purple glow. "As if you do, you won't be the only one to witness the full force of the power I've been holding back in accordance with our... agreement."

Akuma's head and neck snapped back into position, as it gracefully strolled down the hallway, only to mysteriously disappear into thin air. Flame's smirk sparkled with amusement, while his eyes hinted at a different, more deadly, intention. 


Present Time

Location: Outside The Ceremony Building

Above, the resonating echoes of metal reverberated through the air, capturing the attention of everyone as Ground Zero swiftly made his way down the trailer. Suddenly, a powerful explosion erupted, followed by a fierce burst of gunfire, silencing the once tumultuous sounds. Jackson gazes at the other soldiers, his eyes fixating on one of them wearing a yellow armband.

With a resounding voice, one of the officers proudly exclaimed, "Men, that was the signal! Stand up!" Upon receiving the command, the entire trailer was poised and ready for combat.

Jackson, however, was less than amused. He considered the soldier routine to be tedious and clichéd. "Don't forget, Master specifically ordered us to capture Zane," he reminded the men. "So make sure you shoot to disable, not kill." As the boy spoke, the back of the trailer swung open, revealing a swarm of men bursting forth with their weapons at the ready, prepared to eliminate anyone who crossed their path.

In no time, the weapons struck their intended targets: the police officers concealed behind their vehicles. Within mere seconds, officers were ruthlessly shot and brutally killed in a hail of bullets. Zane watched in horror, momentarily being unable to react, however the sounds of Cole's cries brought him back to reality.

"Come on, we have to help Isaac!" the boy yelled, and prepared to begin running after his Hero.

"Wait!" Zane yelled out, stopping the boy from running. "Get back inside, and I'll-" Zane was interrupted as Cole swiftly threw off his hand and charged towards Isaac. "Damn it," he groaned before taking off.


Isaac lay in excruciating pain, his back firmly pressed against the wall of the building. A warm liquid trickled down his face, eventually landing on his hands. No... he muttered to himself. Not... like this, the boy clenched his fist, and attempted to stand once again, only to fall back down towards the ground.

Isaac grunted in pain, and the back of his head hit the building. Frustration seeped from his lips as he surveyed the chaotic scene before him. One after another, officers were falling victim to Ground Zero's relentless onslaught, and the resolve of those under his command. With each passing moment, it became painfully clear that the defense would not endure under these perilous circumstances. Something needed to change.

"Isaac! Isaac!" Cole yelled as he knelt down beside Isaac. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah," Isaac weakly replied. "I just... need help up."

"Yeah, alright!" Cole exclaimed, springing to his feet and enveloping the Hero in a tight embrace. "Are you ready?"

"Wait," Zane called out. "Isaac, are you absolutely certain that your body can handle another fight?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine," Isaac replied. "I just need to get up."

Zane glanced at Cole and nodded. In no time, Isaac was back on his feet. The young hero momentarily stumbled, but quickly regained his balance. "Thanks," he said, before turning his attention towards Ground Zero, his eyes narrowing. 

"You can't do this without a plan," Zane said, nodding towards Isaac's body. "Just take a look at yourself - your clothes are torn, your body is bruised. If you rush into this, you'll only end up with the same result."

Isaac looked down at his body and was amazed to see that Zane was right. However, that's when the boy recalled something Braun said to him. "I need you to buy me time. Can you do that?"

A smile appeared on Zane's face. "Of course we can," he replied, before turning his attention to Cole. "Stay close," he ordered, before rushing towards the chaos. Cole quickly shot a glance towards Isaac, who simply nodded in response. Brimming with determination, Cole shifted his focus to Zane and sprinted to match his pace, leaving Isaac alone.

"Go get revenge," Isaac muttered, before turning his attention to the van Braun mentioned earlier. "Debuting it here might seem cliché, but it's my best chance at protecting whatever little privacy I have left." Isaac took a hesitant first step before picking up his pace and dashing towards the rear of the van where his spare clothes were being stored.


(Inside The Ceremony Building)

| "Several of our patrols around the building aren't reporting in," Braun revealed. "So, we can only assume the enemy is preparing to breach from multiple directions." |

Before the Chief left for the 'frontline', Mr. Connor carefully reviewed the words spoken by Braun. Mr. Connor carefully pinpointed the areas potentially under UGC control, while also mapping out a secure path for everyone to ensure their safety. "Evacuating the students alone would be a simple task, but when we take into account the presence of parents, the extra bodies will undoubtedly slow our progress."

"Mr. Connor," Daniel cut in. "What exactly is our plan for this?"

Mr. Connor shifted his gaze towards his student. "We'll gather everyone we can, and make our way to the east of the building," he explained. "From there, we'll have multiple exits setup that lead into the forest. And after that, everyone can run until they reach the highway or... just anywhere far from here."

"Once we gather everyone in the main hall, we can divide into several groups and take different routes towards the exits," Daniel suggested. "If that's the direction we want to go, then James, Adrien, and I are more than capable of leading the other groups."

Mr. Connor's face tensed as he thought over Daniel's suggestion. Although the plan carries risks by splitting their forces and stretching the Heroes thin, it could be the sole means to guarantee a safe evacuation for everyone. Mr. Connor turned his attention towards James and Adrien, the former nodding with determination. "I'll think it over," Mr. Connor said, before angling his body towards the door. "For now, let's just gather your parents. Come on, everyone! We're moving out!"


(Outside The Ceremonial Building)

Zane lets out a powerful battle cry as he forcefully drives his foot into the ground, causing a spectacular surge of water to propel towards the unsuspecting gunmen, delivering a decisive blow.

"Thank you!" shouted an officer before quickly taking cover.

Zane wasted no time and quickly moved forward, his gaze already fixed on another office that needed help. Zane pointed his palms downwards and propelled himself several feet into the air. Afterward, he pulled back his right arm and summoned a lengthy restraint with a noose at the tip.

As he descended, Zane found himself dangerously close to the ground, surrounded by enemy forces. With remarkable agility, Zane swiftly dodged and counterattacked, effortlessly overpowering his assailants and swiftly bringing them to their knees.

"Y-You bastard!" shouted one of the gunmen, who was just beyond arm's length. However, before he could discharge his weapon, he sensed an unexpected force wrap around his leg. In an instant, his head was forced downward, ruthlessly colliding with the ground.

Zane glared towards the unconscious man. He scoffed in disdain before straightening his posture and relinquishing his restraint. Zane shifted his focus to the officer he had desperately wanted to rescue, only to discover him lifeless on the ground, a bullet piercing through the back of his head, with his legs directing towards the building.

Zane scanned the horizon with care, but was suddenly startled by the cries of people behind him. While looking around, he witnessed a man and a woman simultaneously collapsing to the ground, both having a dagger-like object embedded in their chests.

"Shouldn't it be your job to tell me to be careful?" Cole teased, although his voice carried no hint of emotion.

Disregarding the boy's words, Zane shifted his focus to the battlefield. There seemed to be an endless number of enemies, and to make matters worse, Ground Zero was tearing apart the officers. It was just a matter of time until they were forced to withdraw back into the building. With determination, Zane fixed his gaze upon Ground Zero, his resolve solidifying. 


Braun hastily exited through the door to confront the harshness of reality. "Have we really been pushed back this far already?" he wondered, his attention then caught by something in the periphery of his vision. Soldiers wearing green armbands were rapidly advancing toward the outer police line, carrying what appeared to be bombs in their hands. The men could have been easily handled, but the overwhelming gunfire kept the police suppressed and limited their options.

Braun narrowed his eyes and raised his gun, ready to take action. Taking aim at the UGC soldier who was leading the way, Braun skillfully aligned the sight of his weapon before pulling the trigger with precision. With a powerful explosion, the bomb held in the soldier's hand erupted, sending a blazing fireball soaring several feet into the sky. After the dust had cleared, it became apparent that all the soldiers wearing green armbands had been caught in the blast.

Braun lowered his weapon back to his side, his gaze returning to the battlefield as a whole. While Zane valiantly held the left flank, offering his unwavering support, the right flank found itself relentlessly besieged, barely managing to evade defeat. Braun's mind was instantly made up. He refused to hide in a place of safety; instead, he fearlessly positioned himself in the most perilous part of the battle, accepting death if it came to that.


Jackson forcefully thrusts his arm into the officer's chest, swiftly removes it, and then lunges toward a group of other men. One by one, they're defeated, just as those who preceded them. By the conclusion of the massacre, Jackson's arms are completely drenched in blood.

"How disgusting," Jackson scoffed, as he looked down to his arms before returning his gaze upward. The boy firmly planted his foot into the ground, causing a massive spike to shoot up, violently colliding with multiple police cruisers and sending both vehicles and officers seeking cover flying backwards.

In a matter of moments, we'll storm that building and take them all down, Jackson thinks to himself, amidst explosions and gunfire. The boy then turns his attention towards the sky, his eyes narrowing. "Is this the world that frightened you so much, Wallace?" Jackson asked, dismissing his doubts and resolutely moving forward, prepared to shed even more blood.


Zane surged through the air, a vortex of blue swirling around him, crashing into anyone who strayed too near. As he touched down, the vortex erupted and struck anyone beyond its grasp. Multiple men collapsed onto the ground, their faces marked by bruising and purplish discoloration, while blood trickled from their noses.

Zane swiftly removed the water from his face, promptly refocusing his gaze, but time was running out. Out of nowhere, a rapid burst of gunfire pierced the air, prompting Zane to swiftly leap and spin to evade the bullets. As soon as he spotted the gunmen, he extended his arms and two tentacle-like objects grabbed the men, forcefully bringing their heads together and incapacitating them.

Zane landed on the roof of a police car, but his focus was abruptly drawn by a powerful explosion that rattled the ground. At the center of the police's defense was Ground Zero, where he had successfully broken through. The officers were now starting to retreat in waves towards the ceremony building. Despite the danger, a few courageous individuals remained behind to regroup the soldiers. Sadly, their efforts were met with a swift and merciless hail of bullets aimed at their vulnerable backs.

So it happened again, Zane realized and shifted his gaze towards the roof of the building, where he spotted a man with a scoped rifle. Suddenly, the man's right eye started to emit a captivating glow, and in an instant, his intense gaze shifted towards Zane. The two individuals gazed at each other for a moment before the man waved his hand, turned, and disappeared.

"Zane!" Cole shouted abruptly. Zane forcefully slammed his foot against the car roof, creating a barrier that intercepted the oncoming bullets. With complete control, he ordered the wall to swiftly crash into the gunmen, ferociously forcing them aside. However, his efforts were tragically short-lived. Additional men arrived at the scene, ready to open fire.

BOOOMMM!!!! An explosion sent the men flying backwards, their weapons discarded to the side. "We have to fall back!" Cole shouted, conjuring and hurling yet another explosive ball. The boy was right: with the withdrawal of the police, they were now in hostile territory, and if they remained, they would inevitably be surrounded and killed.


As the smoke curled from the barrel of his gun, Braun persisted in pulling back on the trigger, his bullets narrowly managing to lodge within the attackers. Braun cursed as he ducked for cover, just barely avoiding getting hit.

"Sir?!" an officer yelled out.

"I'm fine!" Braun replied, loading another magazine into his gun. They found themselves confronted by a highly skilled opponent, whose extensive training was apparent. It became clear that this was a battle they would not be able to win, as their adversary effortlessly breached their defense lines. "At this rate-"

A familiar voice cried out in distress, prompting Braun to quickly turn to his left. There, he saw Sergeant Williams lying on the ground, clutching his arm. Emerging from cover, Braun swiftly spotted two gunmen heading towards the downed officer. The Chief aimed his gun and unleashed a barrage of bullets. He hadn't bothered to count or pay attention; his only focus was on protecting his Sergeant.

As the bodies dropped to the ground, Braun ran over towards Williams and propped his head up. "Are you okay?!" he asked, as an explosion tore through the air.

"I... I'm fine!" Williams weakly responded, grimacing with pain in his eyes.

"I'm going to get you out of here," Braun said. "Don't you worry-"

"Chief, watch out!" Williams exclaimed, pointing to three gunmen coming closer. In an instant, Braun spun on his heel, only to find the world suspended in stillness. In a split second, Braun grasped that he wouldn't be fast enough to stop the gunmen. However, his attention was quickly drawn to something else that caught his eye.

In a dazzling blur, a combination of red and white lightning abruptly struck one of the gunmen, propelling them upward into the air. The other gunmen attempted to respond, but their quick reaction wasn't fast enough. Their bodies twisted in agony as they were violently driven into the ground, leaving Isaac the only one standing tall.

He adorned a striking black uniform with a sleek gray outline and captivating bolts of red and white lightning elegantly streaming down its sides. His forearms were exposed, while his hands were gracefully concealed by a pair of sleek black gloves.

 In an instant, the boy's body vanished and materialized next to Braun in just a matter of seconds. "I'll ensure his safety," Isaac declared, as he swiftly extended his hand and firmly grasped onto Williams. "Just focus on getting as many officers to safety as you can!" Isaac said as he wrapped the injured Sergeant's arms around his neck and then turned his attention to Braun. "We'll have to win this inside. It's the only option we have left!"

With noticeable deceleration, the boy leaped into the air. "Indeed," Braun muttered under his breath, his gaze transfixed on the battlefield. In an instant, an immense explosion erupted, propelling numerous vehicles and soldiers high into the air, leaving their mangled and torn bodies in its wake.


(Inside The Ceremony Building)

"Attention, everyone! Mr. Connor exclaimed, his voice cutting through the chaos provoked by the deafening blast outside. From a distance, Daniel, James, and Sarah observed Mr. Connor's efforts to capture the attention of the group and lead them according to the plan.

Sarah tuned her attention to James before asking, "Why do you think they're attacking?"

James's eyes narrowed and he pulled his head away. "I don't know," he muttered, before clinching his fists.

"You're lying-"

"We both know why they're attacking!" James snapped, turning his glare on Sarah. "So do you really expect me to say it out loud?!" He spoke in a high-pitched voice, sounding like a desperate child in need of help.

From the corner of his eye, Daniel observed two individuals carefully watching the situation: a man and a woman, who were likely Sarah's parents. "Hey!" Daniel barked. "Now isn't the time to be arguing with one another," he added while keeping a watchful eye on the parents. "Right now, we should just focus on keeping everyone safe."

Sarah surveyed the vast room, taking in the palpable fear reflected in the eyes of each person. Afterwards, she notices her group of friends clustered together, sobbing and consoling each other. Fear had gripped everyone, causing them to hold onto their loved ones tightly in the midst of this crisis.

"Do you think Isaac is doing alright?" James muttered, which caused Daniel's body to tense. In truth, he had actually been pondering the same question ever since the explosions started.

"We can't worry about that right now," Daniel replied, his fist clenched. "He has his job, and we have ours. The only way this works is if we have faith in each other."

For a brief moment, James's face remained devoid of any emotion, only to be suddenly illuminated by a radiant smile. The young boy nodded in admiration at the calmness displayed by Daniel at a time like this.

Suddenly, the booming voice of Mr. Connor echoed through the room, causing everyone to come to a halt. Mr. Connor explained the plan loudly, projecting his voice from the top of his lungs. Certain parents attempted to express their opposition, but their viewpoints were promptly dismissed. Shortly after, both parents and students started gathering in their respective groups.

"You ready for this?" Daniel asked, shifting his gaze to James.

"Assuming I read the layout right, then yeah. I should be good," James replied.

"Alright," Daniel said, turning to face his group. "Just... don't be surprised if you're forced to fight or take a different route. Try to be prepared for anything."

James let out a forced laugh. "I feel like I should be telling you that," he said. "I mean, you don't even have a power and yet... you're being a Hero."

Daniel's gaze momentarily dropped to the ground before shifting back to his group, where he noticed his parents anxiously watching him. "Being a Hero doesn't require having a power," Daniel replied. "Isaac proved that to me a long time ago,"

| "Daniel, run!"  | - Season 1 Episode 1

"Isaac, huh?" James muttered. "Why does it always seem like he's at the center of everything?"

"Couldn't tell you," Daniel shrugged. "It's almost like he's the ma... what the?" Daniel abruptly paused as he caught sight of Adrien, isolated and alone, hunched against the wall. "Should you... say something to him?"

James turned his attention towards Adrien. "How come you don't talk to him?" James asked, extending his palm into the air. "I mean, it couldn't hurt."

"Because," Daniel said. "I don't know him like you guys do, and we don't have the time to waste."

"Alright, I'll go talk to him," James replied. "But, if there's one thing I've learned from being in his position, it's that: its helps to hear these sort of things from multiple people." James drew in a deep breath and approached Adrien, leaving Daniel by himself with his group.


(Outside The Ceremony Building)

"Take aim!" "Eliminate every last one as they retreat!" shouted a group of UGC soldiers, their gunfire raining down upon the officers desperately trying to escape. "Watch out!-" a voice cried from behind, before it was drowned.

One of the soldiers questioned "Huh" as he turned around, only to be met by Zane's intense, deep blue gaze. "Behi-" exclaimed the man, his voice abruptly silenced by a powerful blow to his abdomen. As if in a cruel symphony, water immediately surged forward, seizing his leg and violently pulling him down to the ground.

As the last two soldiers aimed their weapons at Zane, Cole swiftly struck them both on the back of their heads with a conjured blunt object, taking them down. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Zane muttered, trying to regain his breath. "Let's... just keep going-"

"Where do you think you're headed?" questioned Ground Zero from behind. Zane turned and saw the man standing before him, with a smirk on his face, and his body drenched in blood. "It's been a while, huh? How's the kid?"

"Shut it!" Cole barked back, slashing his arm through the the air. 

"Huh, snappy isn't he?" Ground Zero mocked, before extending his hand forward. "I guess I'll just have to make quick work of him."

Zane's voice boomed, "Don't you dare!" as a powerful surge of water, shaped like a fist, burst from the ground and drove into Ground Zero's chest, propelling him upward. Ground Zero didn't respond at first, but then his eyes quickly rolled and locked onto Zane.

Pointing one arm towards the ground and the other off to the side, The Villain unleashed a series of simultaneous explosions, propelling him towards Zane in a whirlwind of energy. "Die!!!" he shouted as he pulled his fist back, ready to strike.

Zane leaped out of the way, allowing the Villain's fist to collide with the ground. Zane raised his hands in the air, adopting a combat stance. With water flowing around his right hand, Zane lept towards the Villain.

Ground Zero slammed his hand against the ground, unleashing a powerful explosion that sent him soaring into the air and allowed him to gracefully touch down behind Zane. Then, the Villain attempted to strike Zane's head with his fist, but a powerful wall of water blocked his attack.

Zane swiftly pivoted, lifting his leg and delivering a powerful blow to Ground Zero's arm, eliciting a pained reaction from the Villain.

Ground Zero extended his left arm, releasing another powerful blast and propelling himself straight toward Zane.

A surge of water rose up at Zane's feet, lifting him into the air and enabling him to dodge Ground Zero's attack. With a menacing grin, the Villain firmly planted his feet into the ground, abruptly halting his movement. Then he propelled himself into the air. If Zane desires an aerial battle, then he shall have it.

What ensued was an intense exchange of blows between two experts in their own fields. Ground Zero unleashed relentless attacks with the energy of a man in his prime, while Zane, with the diminished energy of an older man, resorted to dodging and blocking, only launching attacks when certain of success.

Fire and explosions ripped open the sky, unleashing a torrent of water that drenched the battlefield. Cole looked on in awe at the fierce battle. He had never witnessed his master fight in such a manner before. However, that wouldn't last for long.

Ground Zero soared through the sky, bouncing with unfathomable energy, before propelling himself straight towards Zane. After taking several deep breaths, the older man pushed himself higher into the air, successfully evading the initial attack. Ground Zero spun in the air, targeting Zane with the palm of his hand, unleashing another explosive attack that finally hit its mark.

Cole watched in horror as his master fell to the ground, before colliding with a police cruiser. "Zane!" the boy yelled, running towards his master, but before he could arrive, Ground Zero slammed into the ground, sending debris flying.

"You put up a good fight, old man," Ground Zero said, while reaching for his belt. "But this is where your life ends." Ground Zero detached the syringe-like object from his belt and advanced a few steps. "See you later," Ground Zero said just as the high-pitched cries of piano keys filled his mind. "...what the-"

Just as Ground Zero was about to finish, he suddenly felt a powerful impact strike his back, nearly causing him to collapse. As the Villain turned, he caught sight of Isaac's fierce stare fixed on him, while holding Cole in his grasp. "You...little," Ground Zero growled, smoke seething from his fingertips. "I'll kill you!" he shouted, and lunged towards Isaac.

Isaac didn't engage in a fight, but instead leaped into the air, effortlessly tracking Ground Zero's movements with his eyes. Once Isaac touched the ground, he was immediately bombarded, compelling him to evade and retreat constantly. Even without Cole in his possession, this wouldn't be a battle he desired to engage in. Despite his ability to track Ground Zero, Isaac was well aware that he is still far from defeating him.

"Isaac, hurry! Run!" Zane's voice cut through the chaos of the battle, from behind, revealing that he had successfully slipped away while Isaac was keeping Ground Zero occupied. Isaac's attention abruptly turned to the man, a gleam briefly flickering in his eyes before his instincts abruptly interrupted.

Isaac leaped high into the air, skillfully evading being hit by the relentless barrage of automatic gunfire. "Tsk, bastards," he muttered as he leapt through the air, drawing closer to Zane, who was now standing near the front of the building.

"Zane!" Cole shouted, tears running down his face, as Isaac released the boy, giving him the freedom to run towards Zane. "Thank god!" he added before wrapping his arms around the man.

"We should leave," Isaac stated, redirecting his focus towards Zane, who weakly acknowledged with a nod. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," Zane replied, pulling away from Cole. "Let's just get inside, quickly."

As Isaac took a step forward in agreement, he cast a final glance behind him, sensing an unsettling presence drawing near. And then he caught sight of him. Flame strolled onto the battlefield with an air of indifference, as if the entire scene was beneath his notice. Isaac, bearing the scars from his previous battle with Flame on his arm, made a decisive choice to retreat into the building, reserving his strength to fight another time.

"Scour the field, and dispose of any injured officers,' Flame ordered, his glare locked on the building. "Ground Zero; Jackson I want the both of you to breach the building, and begin taking care of the pests that lurk inside. I want them all dead."

"On it," Ground Zero replied.

"I'll kill them all, Master," Jackson responded, his cold glare locked where Isaac once stood.

"Good," Flame said, before turning around. "Squads One and Two are to set up and prepare for enemy reinforcements. The rest are to make their way inside and assist with the extermination. When you locate Zane, contact me immediately."


(Inside The Ceremony Building)

"Group One, move out!" shouted Mr. Connor as he closely observed the individuals under his supervision embarking on their journey through the labyrinth of hallways. The teacher shifted his focus to the other side of the room and noticed James standing before his group, while Daniel walked confidently towards Adrien.

"Hey," Daniel said, causing Adrien to look up towards him. "You alright?"

Adrien muttered "I'm scared" as he tucked his head between his legs. "People... under my watch. Scary."

"How do you think they feel?" Daniel questioned, gesturing towards the crowd of terrified people. "They've spent their entire lives despising people like you and my brother, but now they find themselves forced to depend on all of you to safeguard and lead them towards safety."

Adrien raised his head up, giving the crowd another glance. "I... I know," he stammered. "But... still-"

"There is no 'still'," Daniel interrupted. "You made a promise to help Isaac down this path, so you can either man up and stick to your word, or you can leave." Adrien's eyes widened and trembled, on the verge of shedding a tear.

"I... I sorry," Adrien whimpered. "I... I just waste of space." Daniel's eyes widened with guilt and regret. He didn't intend to cause this much pain, but before he could speak up, Mr. Connor's voice yelled across the room.

"Daniel, my groups almost cleared out. Get ready to move!"

Daniel turned to face Mr. Connor, his body tensing. "U-Understood!" he shouted back. For a brief moment, he felt the urge to apologize to Adrien, but ultimately decided to rejoin his group in silence. That was until Isaac rushed into the room, Zane and Cole trailing a few paces behind him.

"Daniel; James!" Isaac called out, breathing heavily. His eyes widened as he realized the significant number of people still residing in the main hall. "You all have to go, now!" he shouted.

"Isaac!" Daniel and James yelled in unison as they ran over towards him.

"Look, we don't have much longer," Isaac revealed. "At this rate, they'll be in here any-"

"Isaac!" Angelica yelled as she leaned in and hugged her bruised and bloodied son. "Are you okay?"

"Yes! I'm fine!" Isaac shouted, pulling away from his family. "Look, you guys have to go!" Isaac turned back towards the main hallway and scanned for any signs of movement. All he could hear was the continuous sound of gunfire as officers laid down their lives to delay the UGC.

"Get away!", "This is your fault!", "Get out there and fight!" a few parents began yelling, their eyes fueled with anger and hate. Zane shifted his attention towards the parents, momentarily contemplating whether to speak, as Isaac was caught off guard. Really? At a time like this? Zane questioned. Other people began joining in, however they fought against the parents' words. 

"Isaac..." Thomas muttered, his fist clenched and shaking.

"It's whatever," Isaac muttered. "I'm used too it." Isaac's words broke his mother's heart, however the worst was yet to come-

"This world would've been better if you were never born!" an older man shouted. "It's because of freaks like you that we have to live in this hell!" Suddenly, a gunshot tore through the air. Everyone turned to face the threat, however were shocked to see Mr. Connor with his smoking gun pointed towards the floor.

"If Isaac says we should get going, then that's that!" he shouted. "Now you can get your ass moving, or you can stay back and die with your ignorant beliefs! Your choice." All eyes locked onto one another, whispers quietly circulating, before the various groups started moving towards their assigned hallways.

"You guys should get going too," Isaac muttered, turning his attention to his family.

"Alright," Thomas replied, grabbing onto his wife's arm. "Just... Just watch yourself, got it?"

"Of course."

"Isaac, come with us," Angelica pleaded. "Please! This isn't your fight!"

"It is," Isaac muttered.

"No, it's not! Please, come on!"

Zane and Cole shifted their focus to Isaac, who then muttered, "If I don't slow them down, then..." Isaac's body tensed and his head tilted low. "Then everyone here will die."

Angelica let out a staggered breath before nodding her head reluctantly. "Please... just, once you're done protecting us... please, just remember to save yourself." 

"I'll make sure he stays safe," Zane reassured. "You have my word." And with that, Thomas and Angelica gave the man a quick nod before walking away, joining up with Daniel's group.

"Are you sure you guys can handle this on your own?" James asked, his face tense. 

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Isaac replied. "I know it's not reassuring but... we'll just have to make it work." Reluctantly, James glanced at Isaac for a moment, but quickly turned and sprinted towards his group, placing his trust in his friend's words.

"Adrien can help you out," Daniel said.

"What?" Isaac asked, looking over towards the scared boy. By now, only a few stragglers remained within the hall.

Daniel shifted his gaze to Zane. "Look, no disrespect, but you're in no position to fight," he said, before turning to Cole. "And this isn't exactly the best place for a kid." Daniel then turned his attention towards Adrien. "Give your group over to the old man," Daniel said. "You were already having concerns about leading a group of your own, so this is a win-win."

"Where are you evacuating the civilians too?" Zane asked, letting out a slight groan. 

Daniel shifted his focus to Zane, swiftly outlining the plan to compensate for their limited time. Zane turned to Isaac, then to Cole, before looking back to Daniel. "We can get them there," he finally said.

"Good," Daniel replied, before turning his attention to Adrien. "Alright, you stay here with Isaac, and do whatever to make yourself useful," Daniel said. "Just... look after my brother. Can you do that?"

Adrien raised to his feet, his face horrified. "I... I don't-"

"Yes, or no."

Adrien froze for a moment, before looking up to Isaac. "Y-Yes..." he finally muttered.

"Good," Daniel declared before he started to turn to run, but then he abruptly halted. Without hesitation, he pivoted and embraced his brother, enveloping him in a warm and heartfelt hug. They remained embraced for a few moments before Daniel finally released the hug and stated, "You better not die, Jerk."

Isaac let out a faint laugh before responding, "No promises."

With a tear glistening in his eye, Daniel brushed it away, his cheeks flushed with emotion. "I love you, man," Daniel muttered. "I love you."

Isaac smiled, before replying, "I love you too, brother." And with that, Daniel turned and ran to catch up with his group. That was until Cole stopped him-

"Wait," the boy whispered softly, capturing the attention of all those around him. "You should take these," he muttered, handing Daniel two conjurged daggers. The blades shimmered with a razor-sharp edge, contrasting against the ghostly white handles. "You never know what might happen."

Daniel graciously accepted the gift and nodded appreciatively at the boy before striding towards the hallway, disappearing from view. Isaac then turned his attention to Zane. "I guess you should get going," he said before turning to face Cole. "Look after him."

"I will," Cole replied. "I promise."

"You don't have to worry about us," Zane said. "You just focus on yourself right now."

"We'll buy as much time as we can," Isaac replied. "After that, we'll pull out. No need for us dying, right?" Isaac let off a faint smile.

Zane acknowledged with a nod, then redirected his attention towards the assembled group whom he now held responsibility over. "No need to die," he repeated, before finally breaking a smile. "Yeah, you're right." Zane then began walking forward towards the group.

"Thank you," Cole expressed, embracing Isaac briefly. "If it weren't for you... I don't know what would've happened out there."

Isaac gazed at the boy momentarily before shaking his head and responding, "You don't need to thank me. It's just part of the job, remember?" After giving the boy a quick smile, he gestured for him to go, and at that moment, Cole turned and hurried after Zane.

For a moment, all was silent. The deafening noise of war had subsided, giving way to just sporadic gunfire. Suddenly, Isaac heard Adrien's light footsteps approach from behind. "You... good at that" Adrien murmured with a cautious tone.

"I already failed once to convince someone with my words," Isaac replied, facing Adrien. "Like hell I'd ever let that happened again," he declared, his words layered with a serious tone.

"Don't... understand," Adrien stated, unsure of what Isaac was referring to.

"It's fine," Isaac replied, turning to face the main hallway. "Look, right now we need to keep the enemies from reaching our parents. Think you can manage that?"

"I... I don't-"

"Run!" "Move, move, move!" yelled several officers as they hurried into the main hall, sweat and blood running down their faces. "He's right behind-" the officer's words were abruptly interrupted as something impaled his chest from behind. "No!" shouted another officer as he raised his weapon to shoot, but was met with the same tragic outcome.

Isaac and Adrien fixed their gaze upon the hallway, the former seething with a righteous anger acquired through countless confrontations, while the latter concealed his fear behind a facade of false confidence.

"Yo," Jackson said, raising a bloodied hand into the air. "Been a while, huh?" Isaac fixed his gaze on the young villain, while a wave of gunmen poured into the room behind him.

"I-Isaac..." Adrien stammered, with his eyes swiftly moving to the gunmen around them. Isaac remained unresponsive, completely absorbed by the presence of Jackson.

"Whatever," Jackson muttered, lowering his arm. "Kill them, then proceed to take care of the officers hiding behind them," he commanded as he stepped back, making way for a soldier to take his position and complete the encirclement. Isaac released a deep growl, his body emanating sparks.


Daniel strode confidently down the hallway, leading the anxious group forward. The boy gazed down at his hands, the blades still grasped firmly. He felt a sense of unease about his ability to wield these weapons, given that he had little experience training with melee weapons, focusing instead on firearms. However, Daniel didn't let that get to him. Everyone was feeling pressured to do things outside of their comfort zones, so he just had to find a way to overcome it.

All of a sudden, the voice of an elderly woman intruded, questioning, "Excuse me, but do you actually know where you're going, or are we lost?"

"We didn't exactly have all time time in the world," Daniel said. "But don't worry, I know where we're going." The reply didn't appear to alleviate the woman's anxiety, but it did cause her to slow down, and rejoin the crowd.

Walking down the hallway, the group persevered while consumed by an ever-present dread that any of the gunshots or explosions they heard might be aimed at them. Daniel attempted to maintain a steady pace, but the mounting fear was starting to impede their progress as individuals started to crack under the immense pressure. Thomas, Angelica, and a few others made an attempt to improve the situation, but their impact was hardly noticeable.

At this rate it'll probably take us ten minute before we arrive at the exit, Daniel pondered, casting a quick glance over his shoulder to observe the formation. All of a sudden, Daniel's sharp ears caught a faint sound, prompting him to immediately signal the group to stop by raising his arm in the air. His breath caught in his throat as he instantly recognized the unmistakable sound: boots thumping against the ground - a multitude of them, no less.

As the sound spread, it stirred a cascade of reactions from those around, unearthing a chorus of curses, hushed whispers, and even the unsettling cries of infants. Just great... Daniel thought, tilting his head low, scanning the hallway for any signs of attackers.

Seconds passed, and the sounds grew louder, drawing nearer. Daniel lifted his arms, one slightly more forward than the other, with both blades pointing towards the ceiling. This was it: the moment he had been preparing for. "Everyone, please step back," Daniel whispered urgently, his voice carrying the weight of concern.

"Chief, over here!" someone yelled. "I think we found the civilians!" Daniel felt his heart sink, his legs about ready to join. Behind him, the murmurs of the group grew louder as they, too, started to grasp the reality of the situation. All of a sudden, two officers appeared, guns raised, from around the corner.

"Hands, hands!" one shouted. "Let's see your hands, now!" the other officer added, and in an instant, everyone instinctively raised their hands, except for Daniel, who was too shocked to react. "It's them!" an officer shouted. "Chief, we found the civilians!"

Chief Braun suddenly turned the corner and his eyes immediately fixed on Daniel, a smile slowly appearing on his exhausted and ragged face. "You're leading them to safety?" he asked, turning his attentions to the hallway.

"Y-Yeah!" Daniel replied, lowering his arms.

"I'm going take a long shot and say you planned on taking 'em down this hallway?" Braun asked, gesturing towards the hallway, which garnered a nod from Daniel. "Well look, I hate to be the one to tell you the bad news but, our forces have been pushed back pretty deep. There's no telling how safe this passage is anymore. Sorry."

Daniel's body tensed. "But... if we're forced to go another way, we'll be stuck in here longer," he murmured.

"Better safe than sorry," Braun said, before motioning for more officers to appear. "I'll have my men take it from here. You did a good job, Hero." Braun turned his attention to the officers and gave them a nod. Right on cue, the small group of officers started guiding the civilians down the hallway once more, this time opting for the longer, more secure path.

Alone, Daniel and Braun watched as the group vanished around the corner. Daniel turned to the officer and said, "Isaac and Adrien are in the main hall" before shifting his gaze. "I should go back and help-"

"No," Braun cut in. "By now, that place is flooded with UGC soldiers. You'll just end up dead."

"What do you suggest I do then?" Daniel inquired, tightening his grip on the daggers in his hands. Braun shifted his focus to the boy, his eyes weighed down by the burden of pain.

"Just... stick with me for the moment."


Red Eye strode through the expansive corridors of the ceremonial building, each step flooding his mind with memories of the Tenith Raid. Out of the blue, the Villain came to a halt, directing a scornful gaze towards his rifle. Taking down enemies of the UGC was one thing, but taking the life of a child wasn't something Red Eye was fond of.

Of course, if it came to it, he'd do it. Although he would deeply dislike it, he would ultimately muster the strength to make the tough choice, just as he has done in the past.

"Maybe I'm in the wrong," he muttered, before laughing. "No, I'm definitely in the wrong. I mean, look at me: what right do I have to complain about who I kill?" Red Eye glanced down at his pocket, where the blood-stained badge of Officer Morris shimmered. "I did say you wouldn't make it to summer," he said before forcing himself to chuckle. "God- what am I doing?" he shook his head. "Get your head in the game, and figure out how to learn more about Project 2-7 - that's all that matters right now."

Red Eye abruptly turned his attention towards a hallway, tilting his head slightly. He heard a sound: faint, yet definitely the sound of footsteps - multiple. A smile spread across the man's face as he swiftly slung his rifle across his back and confidently grasped his handgun. I guess my plan will just have to wait.


Isaac's defiant roar echoed as his foot collided forcefully with the body of a UGC soldier, swiftly coming to a halt on the solid ground. However, the boy wouldn't have long to rest, as the remaining soldiers turned their guns on him.

The skirmish could have ended in just a few minutes, but due to Isaac being the only one capable of fighting, it prolonged the conflict. The boy's only option was to bound effortlessly from one side of the room to the other, utilizing every tactic at his disposal to fend off the attackers. However, there was one element that Isaac was uncertain about, and that was Jackson.

Currently, Jackson refrained from joining the fight - observing it from afar. Yet, it was unclear how much longer he would remain on the sidelines. Isaac delivered a powerful blow to one of the gunmen's stomachs, then swiftly kicked into the air, and drove his knee into another.

Adrien stood frozen, his eyes locked on the unfolding chaos. He wanted to help, he wanted to be of some use to Isaac, but his body refused to listen. Why... Why am I always like this? he questioned. Isaac is doing everything he can to protect us, and yet... all I can do is cower... just like when I watched my parents die... Adrien's body tensed and his fist clenched. Suddenly, he turned around, directing his attention to the injured officers.

They were traumatized. They narrowly escaped death, only to depend on Isaac to ensure their safety. Adrien took a quick glance around the room, and noticed the attacker's forces were beginning to thin out. "You..." he muttered. "You guys... should run," he finished. What was he doing? Was this even the right call? It didn't matter, he had to do something.

Isaac whirled through the air before forcefully planting his foot on one of the gunmen, driving him into the ground. The boy landed and then came to a pause. Exhausted from the continuous motion, he could feel his heart beating rapidly. Uncertain of how much longer he would endure, the situation took a turn for the worse as he was suddenly met with a wave of applause.

"I gotta say," Jackson said, his voice devoid of any emotion. "I'm quite impressed with how far you've come."

Isaac quickly fired back, "Spare me the lecture," as his emotions began to escalate. Unamused, Jackson took a subtle step forward and surveyed the room, now filled with unconscious UGC men.

"Well, I guess we know what happens now," Jackson muttered, hardening his arm. "Any last words?"

"Yeah," Isaac growled, circling Jackson. "Do you still believe that you can use your power however you want?"

"Excuse me?"

"You made such a big deal about it," Isaac replied. "You rejected my words for a better future when I told you we can use our powers for good and try to change society for the better. And now look at us. Look at where we are. Is this what you wanted?"

Jackson scoffed, before replying, "Are you really trying this? That's pathetic."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Isaac replied. "But you once showed me that you were a good person." Jackson's body tensed. "You saved Daniel from Flame, and despite everything that's happened since, I still remember that. Someone who believes society's a lost cause wouldn't do that."

"How cliche," Jackson responded, his gaze fixed on the hallway. "You're reaching for something that doesn't exist. The person I used to be is gone-"

All of a sudden, Isaac soared through the air, his right arm drawn back, and his waist twisted. Isaac brought his fist forward, and slammed into Jackson's hastily put up guard.

Isaac quickly pulled back his arm and, as he descended towards the ground, he effortlessly performed a flip, landing a kick to Jackson's chest, causing the Villain to stagger backwards.

Before Jackson could fully recover, he was relentlessly bombarded with escalating attacks. Tsk, don't get cocky, Dumbass! With a swift motion, Jackson lifted his arm, welcoming the force of Isaac's fist crashing against it.

Isaac hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the pain of colliding with Jackson's arm. Damnit, Isaac snarled in defiance and swiftly flipped backward, evading Jackson's assault.

While Isaac tried to concentrate, he suddenly heard the piercing noise of spikes ripping through the earth. Isaac swiftly dodged to the side, only to be met with a relentless assault of punches from Jackson. Isaac effectively defended against the attacks, countering with his own strikes, before swiftly dropping and attempting to sweep Jackson's legs.

Jackson anticipated the attack and swiftly dodged it, then countered by driving his fist into Isaac's cheek as he rose from the ground.

Isaac was taken aback and found himself defenseless against a barrage of attacks coming his way. The boy attempted to mount a meaningful defense, but as exhaustion started to take its toll, his efforts were somewhat impeded.

For a moment, Jackson circled around Isaac, rapidly absorbing as much information as possible. He partially rotated his body towards the boy, creating the impression that he was about to strike with his right arm.

Isaac, being insightful, saw through Jackson's move and effortlessly countered his attack. He quickly defended against the boy's left arm and then swiftly raised his leg to counter, but Jackson did the same, prompting Isaac to leap back, creating significant distance between them.

"Okay..." Isaac muttered, attempting to catch his breath. "So you're still good."

"And you're still an annoyance," Jackson responded, taking a slight step forward. "Doesn't it tire you to fight knowing you can't win?"

"Doesn't it annoy you to fight knowing you're on the losing side?" Isaac retaliated, his gaze growing more intense. "Flame's influence won't last forever, and when it goes, what do you think will happen?"

Jackson scoffed, his gaze shifting to the side. "And you really think your influence would last longer than his?"

"No," Isaac replied. "But at least my death wouldn't lead to a bloody power vacuum."

"That's assuming you live long enough to gain such a following."

"Yeah, you're absolutely right," Isaac agreed, swiftly diverting his attention to Adrien, only to redirect it back to Jackson. "But hey, at least I'll actually be living for something."

Jackson shifted his focus back to Isaac, a smug grin forming on his face. "Excuse me?"

"What's there to be confused about, huh?" Isaac asked. "You're a slave to someone else's dreams."

"And you're not?" Jackson retorted. "I mean, this whole Hero shit wouldn't be a thing without Shingek Middle School."

"You're wrong," Isaac growled back. In truth, he wasn't sure why he got so angry. "I was a good person long before coming here."

"And where exactly did that get you, Isaac?" Jackson asked. "What's the point of being good in a society that hates us?! What's the point in protecting them!" Jackson forcefully stomped the ground, causing a colossal spike to shoot toward Isaac, who leaped into the air.

"Who ever said I was protecting society?" Isaac asked, landing on the ground before charging towards Jackson. "I said I was a good person, not a Hero!" Isaac added before throwing a punch.

Jackson swiftly tapped his foot, conjuring a protective wall to stop Isaac's attack. Yet, in a matter of moments, Isaac reappeared above the barrier and launched himself at Jackson once more.

Isaac forcefully struck Jackson's cheek with his fist, then followed with a swift kick to make him stagger backward. Jackson regained his footing, locking his eyes on Isaac, before quickly closing the distance between the two of them. Once again, the two sides engaged in a fierce brawl, with each one blocking and attacking whenever the opportunity arose.

However, this time, Isaac's strategy was different. Realizing he couldn't defeat Jackson in a direct confrontation, he focused on leveraging his speed and swift strikes to disorient Jackson, creating an opportunity for a powerful follow-up attack.

The plan proved successful. Isaac observed with satisfaction an increase in the number of his strikes hitting Jackson and drawing blood. Nevertheless, uncertainty crept into his mind regarding how much longer this favorable outcome could be sustained. As exhaustion gradually took over him, his strikes became weaker and his speed diminished. This fight needed to end soon, or else it would turn to a slaughter.


Zane strolled purposefully down the hallways, his thoughts solely consumed by the desire to reunite with Isaac. He had successfully led his group to safety and convinced Cole to stay behind and watch over them until more police forces arrived.

In just a few more minutes, all the civilians should be evacuated, Zane thought to himself. Isaac, hang on a bit longer - Zane stopped in his tracks, drawn by something unknown down a hallway. With bated breath, he rotated his body, anticipating the reveal of the mysterious presence. Luckily, he wouldn't have to wait long.

With a booming voice, Ground Zero declared, "Found you," his words echoingdown the hallway. Zane tensed and took a deep breath. This was something he would have to take care of before meeting Isaac. Two whip-shaped objects fell to his sides, gripped by his hands.

"You really think you can fight?" Ground Zero questioned, a smirk on his face. "I mean, you had to be saved by a kid last time."

"We'll just have to see," Zane boldly proclaimed, only to be swiftly greeted by Ground Zero's sudden surge, unleashing a duo of minor explosions. Zane didn't wait around though. He sprinted towards Ground Zero, swiftly diving to the ground as he approached, then slid underneath the villain, expertly entwining the whips around the villain's arms.

Ground Zero yanked his arms up, tossing Zane to the side, however Zane didn't let that stop him. Unable to restrain the Villain, Zane let go of one of the whips and thrust the palm of his hand forward, unleashing a powerful blast of concentrated water into his back.

Ground Zero swung around, his arm slashing everything it touched. Nevertheless, Zane was already near the ground when he unleashed yet another forceful attack, which made Ground Zero stagger back.

After wiping his face, the Villain extended his hands forward and unleashed a power blast. Zane was caught in the explosion, causing his body to be propelled down the corridor. Desperately releasing multiple tendrils, Zane attempted to anchor himself to anything that could hinder his momentum. Sadly, every object he clung to proved either too feeble to withstand his weight or was obliterated by Ground Zero.

A few moments later, Zane's body crashed into the wall, creating a crack in it. The old man attempted to gather himself, but Ground Zero didn't let up. Zane was forced to quickly dodge to the side as another explosion ripped through the hallway. When he looked back, the wall that stopped him was gone - torn to bits.

"I'm shocked to see that you're still alive," Ground Zero mocked as he walked down the destroyed hall. "That won't last for much longer," he added, raising his arm.

Zane let out a pained cough before planting his hands onto the ground. This was it, the final attempt he could make to potentially halt his opponent. Zane shouted, "This is for Amara, you bastard!" before creating a towering wall that extended from floor to ceiling.

With resentment burning in his eyes, Ground Zero unleashed a furious barrage of explosions, determined to obliterate the wall and eliminate its creator. However, that didn't happen. Ground Zero believed the wall was constructed to shield Zane, but that was only partially accurate.

As the explosions ripped into the wall, Zane's body tensed as he felt his strength draining. He simply required a bit more time and only needed Ground Zero to consume a little more power.

It didn't take long for both criteria to be met, and when they were, Zane put all his effort into his final attack. Zane let out a bone-chilling roar as he poured every ounce of his remaining energy into fortifying the wall. The barrier expanded rapidly, ripping through the hallway, and losing its previously elegant form.

Before Ground Zero could fully grasp the situation, Zane intentionally let the wall collapse, and as soon as it did, the water gushed out as if a dam had been breached. Water surged into the hallway, forcefully crashing into Ground Zero.

Zane attempted to stand, but his body remained motionless. Combining Water Wall and Great Flood in their ultimate forms completely depleted his energy. Zane's eyes widened as he scanned the waterlogged hallway, and to his utter dismay, he gazed upon Ground Zero, still defiantly standing.

The Villain's right arm was stretched forward, while his left arm hung limp by his side, broken. "That... was a bit too close," Ground Zero said as blood and water coughed from his mouth. Zane's vision blurred as he observed Ground Zero extending his hand towards something, whilst simultaneously uttering words. Zane tried to fight off his exhaustion, but it was pointless. When the Villain turned his attention back to Zane, he felt his eyelids grow heavy, and soon darkness engulfed his sight.


While the battle between Isaac and Jackson raged on, Adrien watched from afar, pondering what he can do to help. He wants to get involved, but he's unsure of how well he and Isaac would be able to work together, especially given the nature of his power.

There has to be something I can do, right? Adrien questions. I... I won't just be a hindrance... would I?

Suddenly Daniel's words from earlier flood into his mind, and he feels his body tense up. I... I have to do something...

Isaac attempts a punch, but Jackson skillfully dodges and swiftly strikes Isaac's side with his fist. Isaac gasps as he is suddenly brought to the ground by a strike to his back. Damnit...

Isaac plants his hands on the ground and attempts to push himself up. My sparks... they're almost gone. My energy... is almost depleted- Isaac's instincts suddenly tingled, prompting him to swiftly roll aside, narrowly evading the forceful blow of Jackson's fist.

Isaac's gaze shifted towards Jackson, their eyes locking intensely. They stood there, breathless, in an unspoken challenge. After a moment, it was Jackson who broke the silence. "Why do you keep fighting?"

Isaac raised himself up, sitting on his legs with his left arm resting on the right side of his body. He then uttered, "Because... I still have a job to do."

"This world; these people, they will never care about you," Jackson said. "You have to see that by now."

"But my family does," Isaac growled, rising to his feet only to be kicked down by Jackson.

"Don't give me that cliché!" Jackson yelled. "This isn't some movie. That bullshit won't get you far."

"I don't care," Isaac growled, forcing himself back up. "I'll keep fighting till I know they're safe. So you better kill me now, or else I'm coming for you..." the Rouge declared, his eyes locked on Jackson as blood streamed past his eye.

Jackson fixed his gaze on the Rouge, his eyes carefully studying him for a brief moment. "Tsk," he scoffed. "We both already know I can't kill you." The Rouge's eyes grew narrower with each passing moment. However, the resentment he felt would only turn to fear as a certain someone entered the room.

"Ahh, good work, my Ward," Flame said, taking a good look at the defeated Rouge sitting before him. "And you're right about that: you won't be killing him." Flame then turned and scanned the room, making sure no one else was present. "There was another boy in here," he called out. "Where is he?"

Jackson turned and finally realized the other boy was gone. "He must've escaped, but don't worry, master, I'll find him."

"No, don't bother," Flame said. "If he runs east, he'll run into Red Eye or Ground Zero eventually, and if he goes anywhere else, well, he'll be found." Flame released a subdued chuckle before striding confidently toward Isaac, each step exuding control. "How's the arm treating you?"

Isaac's gaze locked onto his right arm, fixed on the permanent mark left by Flame. But the boy was too scared to speak. Flame noticed that and, before speaking, he looked around at the balcony of the floors above. "I just want you to understand that, I didn't intend to harm you on that day. It's just that my anger towards my Ward left me... well, I'm sure you understand."

"That... day?" Isaac finally mustered the courage to ask. Wrong move. Flame smirked wickedly before abruptly lifting his arm and propelling Isaac across the room with a single blow. The boy coughed and grunted in pain, only to feel a powerful force strike his stomach and launch him into the air.

Before he got far, another strike slammed him back to the ground. Isaac's face was covered in blood as he tried to roll away, but his attempts were futile as he was slammed against a wall by another blow. Isaac's eyes were completely white, with the sparks around his body barely alive.

"I don't know how you managed to do it. I really don't," Flame said as he towered over the boy. "But you somehow managed to gain the attention of a certain something." Flame snapped his fingers, conjuring a burst of fire that swiftly coiled around Isaac, lifting him off the ground by the arm. "A certain something which dares to threaten me and my men."

"Master," Jackson chimed in, nodding towards one of the hallways. Flame's attention immediately shifted, a broad smile stretching across his face as his eyes fell upon Zane, who was being forcefully escorted by a group of soldiers.

"Bring him here," Flame commanded, and with a flick of his fingers, the flames compelled Isaac's head to rise, forcing him to witness what was about to happen. Isaac lay there, completely still and powerless, unable to resist. "You know, this should've happened months ago, but instead all Ground Zero managed to do was kill one of his students."

Flame reached down and grabbed a device attached to his belt, and Isaac's eyes widened. He realized what was about to happen. "I may not have any intention to kill you, but when it comes to him," Flame said, his gaze shifting towards Zane. "He doesn't share the same use as you do."

In an instant, Flame forcefully plunged the device into Zane's neck, swiftly extracting his power. Within mere moments, Zane's lifeless body lay before them, completely devoid of vitality. Isaac was filled with disbelief. Was Zane dead? Just like that? There was no ultimate confrontation, no ultimate battle. Just like that, a human life could be extinguished.

Ba-Bump. Isaac let out a breath. Ba-Bump. He felt a surge of anger, hatred, and despair growing inside him. Ba-Bump! Zane, the man who had trained him and brought discipline back into his life, was dead. BA-DUM!!!

Isaac's eyes blazed with fierce sparks of rage. Jackson looked at him with a hint of caution on his face. "Mast-" before Jackson could finish, Isaac unleashed a tremendous explosion, causing red and white energy to surge through the room.

The Rogue's body collapsed to the ground, and he immediately lifted his gaze, his eyes locking fiercely onto Flame. "I'll Kill You!" he shouted before charging at Flame, his body vanishing into thin air.

"Unlikely," Flame calmly responded, before raising his arm and blocking Isaac's attack. The Rouge vanished once more, only to suddenly materialize on the opposite side of Flame, his attack once again blocked. Isaac made several more attempts to launch an attack, but the result remained unaltered every time.

"Don't you get it?" Flame questioned, blocking once again. "You're far too weak." He blocked another attack. "Far too weak to protect yourself-" And another. "Far too weak to protect those around you-" and another. "Far too weak to protect your family," Flame ended, catching Isaac's hand. "So just stop. Give up and accept that you've lost."

"I'll... I'll kill... Every. Single. One Of You!" Isaac shouted before slamming his fist into Flame's arm. Flame glared towards the boy with disappointment clear in his eyes.

"How... Heroic," Flame remarked, before throwing Isaac to the side. "Don't ruin my opinion of you, Hero. I'd rather not have to kill you early," Flame added before turning his attention upward, his hand following soon after. Out of nowhere, a wall of fire erupted above, and was struck by something, causing the flames to ripple downward.

Isaac barely had time to react before Adrien landed in front of him, arms raised and ready protect him. "Go... away," Adrien said, his eye narrow and full of anger.

"Ahh, there you are," Flame said, amusement entering his face. "Thank you for saving us the trouble of having to hunt you. Jackson, if you would-" With a swift movement, Flame lifted his arm, conjuring yet another protective barrier.

Adrien retracted his arm, causing the crimson, spider-like, appendage to follow suit and to withdraw from Flame. "Won't let you hurt him!" Adrien yelled.

"Oh?" Flame's eyebrow raised. "And do you think you can honor those words?"

Adrien declared confidently, "I know I can," as he dramatically ripped the eyepatch off his face. "Just watch me." His words were filled with anger, his eyes glowing crimson, and then, the battle came.

Adrien dashed towards Flame, delivering another powerful blow with the very same limbs as before. But Flame didn't budge an inch. Instead, he held his ground, allowing the barrier to block the attacks. Hmm, how interesting.

With a crude motion, Adrien lowered his additional limbs and propelled himself skyward, infusing his palm with a surge of energy that conjured a mesmerizing spiral of blood cascading down his arm.

Flame couldn't resist a smirk as he observed the boy approaching him. All of a sudden, the entire world burst into a brilliant blaze, the flames dancing through the air as Adrien's fist collided with the barrier. Impressive.

Adrien landed roughly and, in a manner reminiscent of Isaac, drew back his arm and lobbed a punch towards Flame. An attack which barely managed anything. Adrien slowly turned his attention to the Ringmaster of Death, his eyes trembling.

"You made a valiant effort," Flame said. "But now, it's my turn." With a swift, fiery motion, Flame's powerful arm struck Adrien's face, causing the boy to lose his balance and stagger backwards. Then Flame swiftly continued with a relentless onslaught of attacks, forcing Adrien to counter with the aid of his power's extra limbs. However, Flame's incredible speed and strength rendered Adrien's efforts ineffective.

Adrien leaped back, putting some distance between him and Flame. Despite the pain coursing through his body and his mind urging him to flee, he chose to stay motionless, displaying an unwavering sense of calmness. Adrien then turned his attention towards Isaac's body, an idea entering his mind.

"So, what's next?" Flame questioned, taking a step forward. "Do you wish a second round, or shall you fight a more even opponent?" Flame gestured towards his Ward.

Without hesitation, Adrien firmly declared, "Neither," as he directed the palm of his hand towards Isaac. In a mesmerizing display, numerous tendril-like objects swiftly ensnared the defeated boy. Jackson's body became tense as he hardened his arm, but Flame remained calm, almost as if he was okay with what was happening.

Adrien swiftly retracted his arm, commanding the tendrils to mimic his movement, drawing Isaac's body closer to him. Adrien shouted, "Dont follow!" before two additional limbs materialized, propelling him and Isaac into the air.

Flame's gaze lifted, captivated, as Adrien and Isaac burst through the roof, disappearing from view. "Shall I go after them?" Jackson questioned.

"There's no need," Flame replied, lowering his gaze. "I didn't want to kill the Hero anyway, and as for the other," Flame turned his attention to Jackson. "Well, I think I see a use in allowing him to culminate that power for us."

"Are... Are you sure, master?"

"The time to kill them will come," Flame replied. "We just have to be patient. Besides, we already achieved quite a few victories here." Flame turned his attention to Zane, and smirked at the lifeless corpse.


"If victory depended solely on the death toll, the UGC would have decisively won this battle. Out of the hundred UGC soldiers gathered for this fight, only thirteen laid dead, with an additonal twenty rendered injured. In contrast, of the two hundred officers gathered to defend the ceremony, only thirty-five would survive to see the light of day."

Daniel and Chief Braun continued down the hallway. Having completed a thorough last round of the adjacent corridors, their mission was to ensure that there were no remaining stragglers or injured officers desperately seeking safety.

"I'm sure he got out," Braun said, turning to Daniel.

Daniel quickly responded, "I'm certain he did," before abruptly halting upon hearing a noise behind him. Braun quickly caught on to the situation and swiftly spun around, brandishing his gun in the air. However, a quick explosion dislodged the weapon and left Braun defenseless. Daniel's eyes widened as he realized the threat in front of him: Ground Zero.

"I gotta say," the Villain muttered, his words weak. "I wasn't expecting a final catch." The Villain coughed, blood pouring from his mouth.

Braun took a step forward, his arms raised in the air. "Look, we don'thave to fight," he said. "You're injured. You need to heal."

Ground Zero painly laughed. "Like hell I'd listen to you!"

Daniel turned his attention down to the blades grasped by his hands. Could he do it? Could he maybe bring down a threat like this? Only one way to find out. "What do you plan on doing? he asked.

"It's quite simple, really," Ground Zero said. "Flame explicitly warned us not to harm your brother, but he conveniently failed to mention anything about eliminating you." Abruptly, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the dying cry of a fatal bullet, which cut off Ground Zero's last words.

Daniel and Braun's eyes widened as confusion took over. What the hell happened? Who shot him? "Shut up," someone jeered from behind Ground Zero before peeking around his body.

"Reed," Braun muttered, his body tensing.

"The name's Red Eye," Red Eye replied, kicking Ground Zero's leg, sending the Villain to the ground. "By the way, no thanks are necessary."

"Why the hell did you do that?" Daniel asked, a hint of caution and anger residing within his voice.

Red Eye scoffed before turning his attention to Ground Zero. "Please, don't make this a whole thing," he replied.

"And why's that?" Braun asked, fixing his gaze on Reed, who immediately turned his eyes in his direction.

"Can I tell you something?" Red Eye asked. "There's a threat far greater than Flame on the horizon. I don't have proof, but I trust my gut. And well, at the end of the day, I'll always do what's best for me."

"But how do I fit into this?" Braun replied.

"How do you know you do?"

"You could've let him kill us," Braun replied. "That, and I can see it in your eyes."

Red Eye smirked. "To tell you the truth: it's just a hunch," he said. "But, if humanity is supposed to be plunged into hell, well, I figure it should have someone capable at the helm to lead it to safety."

"I get it," Braun replied. "You don't care for Flame, the UGC, or anything. You're just following who ever gives you the best odds at survival."

"Ahh, so you've finally caught on," Red Eye replied. "Thank god. Having to explain it over and over again was getting tiring." Red Eye then threw his gun to the side, before directing his focus to, the barely alive, Ground Zero. "You should finish him off before he heals. Just a suggestion."

"How does killing him help you?" Daniel asked.

"Oh, come on now kid, I can't reveal all my secrets," Red Eye replied. "So, you gonna capture me or what?"

"You're surrendering?" Braun questioned.

"What can I say," Red Eye raised his arms into the air. "I've done so much that I just can't live with it anymore." Although the words were serious, his mocking tone created a web of uncertainty, making it increasingly difficult to discern reality from fiction.

After that, Braun approached and Red Eye allowed him to place the cuffs on him. The situation was definitely perplexing, even bizarre, but Braun understood that he had to turn this defeat into a victory, and capturing a villain alive certainly fulfilled that requirement. "You coming?" Braun questioned, turning to face Daniel.

"Yeah, go on without me," he replied. "I'll be right behind you." Braun's eyes examined Daniel head to toe. The boy's arms shook while his pupils were small and trembling.

"Are you sur-'

"Just go," Daniel interuppted. "People are gonna need your help sooner rather than later," he added with a gravelly yet gentle voice. Braun glanced away, swiftly reviewing the boy's words before nodding reluctantly. Deep down he knew he could force Daniel to follow, but something within the boy's eyes freightened him. Braun gave the boy one final glance before turning and walking away, disappearing down the corridor.

The world around Daniel blurred into insignificance, with the only clear focus being the discarded gun lying on the floor with Ground Zero. Daniel's grip loosened, causing him to drop the blades, the sudden noise catching him off guard. 

The boy's face appeared pale and his breathing was irregular. Beads of sweat streamed down his face. Then he began moving. Daniel staggered toward the firearm, moving unsteadily as though he were intoxicated. Barely managing to prevent himself from falling, he stooped down and lifted the gun. Peace.

His breathing stabilized, and his eyes widened. Despite the world around him remaining a blur, it started to become more gentle. Daniel turned his gaze to Ground Zero before looking back to inspect the gun, ensuring that a round was chambered.

With an unquenchable thirst for safety, Daniel boldly approached the nearly lifeless villain, his eyes brimming with anger and disgust. "You... You better... pray that Flame never finds you," Ground Zero murmured, his voice barely audible, filled with a haunting sense of impending death.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Daniel muttered, his body slowly filling with... enjoyment. His arm lifted, the gun barrel directed towards the center of Ground Zero's forehead. Daniel's eyes filled with curiosity and a burning desire to pull the trigger. "The same can't be said for you though."

Ground Zero laid there for a few moments, his breathing feeble and unsteady. "Pah..." he finally spoke. "Is this... what you felt?" In an instant, his eyes grew wide as he caught the enchanting sound of a piano, beckoning him to venture to the other side. "Is this... the fleeting piano sound you heard, Pah? Alister... did we... make the right decision-"

Daniel pulled the trigger, the air filled with the deafening sound of gunfire, determined to prevent his enemy from feeling any regret or remorse in his last moments. "Shut up..." he muttered, emptying the magazine. "Just shut up... you inferior trash."

"You don't have the right to feel sorry after everything you've done," he added sternly before tossing the gun aside. Daniel stood tall, looking down upon the lifeless body. His body still, his eyes calm, his mind safe. Serenity.

"Many officers sacrificed their lives fighting for causes they did not believe in. As a result of that message and the devastating impact of this defeat on people's minds, the police force was on the brink of collapse. But not all was as bad as it seemed."

"Thanks to the courageous efforts of those who confronted the darkness head-on, all the civilians successfully managed to escape. For some, this was a clear indication that things were beginning to get better, as in the previous two police operations, civilian casualties were far too high. And with that, the siege was over."


Date: May 30th 2018 - Night

Location: Desbine Regional Hospital

Isaac rested against the hospital roof railing, gazing down at his scarred arm. Suddenly, James's voice echoes behind him, "Hey, mind if I join you?" he asked.

Isaac sighed. "Sure."

James approached and, for a long moment, nothing was said. The two just stood there in silence, listening to the cruel world and gazing at it's blanketing stars. Finally, James broke the silence, "I... I'm sorry," he muttered. "About Zane. I never got the chance to really get to know him, but... I know he meant something to you."

"It's fine," Isaac replied, his voice devoid of any emotion, his eyes bloodshot from countless hours of crying. "I just... wonder if it was worth it."

"What... What do you mean?"

"Zane died... and yet," Isaac's voice shook and raised in pitch. "All we have to show for it is a Villain's death and... Red Eye's capture. Was that... a good trade?"

James freezes, unsure of what to say. The boy then gazes down to the ground before redirecting his focus to the moon, and the stars. "I promise to get stronger," he mutters.

"What?" Isaac asked, finally shifting his gaze to James.

"I was useless during everything," James muttered. "So I promise to get stronger. I promise: I'll turn Zero into the name of a Great Hero!"

A sense of relaxation washed over Isaac, causing a smile to slowly appear on his face. After all the hardships and challenges they faced, it's easy to overlook the fact that they aren't alone. "Yeah," Isaac muttered, wrapping his arm around James's. "I know you will."


Date: May 31st 2018

Location: UGC Base

Flame, Nova, Ferrum, Jackson and a few other advisors are gathered around the meeting table. The topic at hand: Ground Zero's death to the police, as well as Red Eye's capture. "It's unfortuanate, but we will endure," Flame said. "I'm sure of it..."

"You don't find it a little odd?" Jackson questioned. "I mean, how the hell could the police have killed Ground Zero?"

"You know, Boss, the kid has a point," Nova added, before shooting a wink towards Jackson.

"What are you implying?" Flame questioned. "That someone within our ranks helped them? Don't be foolish!" he yelled while slamming the desk.

The group looked around to one another. It was obvious that the death was affecting Flame. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking," Ferrum spoke, his voice deep but elegant; refined. "Are you sure you're in a position to lead us right now?"

"What are you suggesting?" Flame questioned, glaring towards his subordinate.

"It's just... maybe you should consider resting," Ferrum explained. "It's okay to take a break."

"Please," Flame scoffed. "This is nothing more than a setback, but we'll be fine." Before anyone else in the room had a chance to speak, an eerie, diabolical laughter filled the space. Jackson shifted his gaze towards the doorway, and was met with the intimidating stare of two piercing purple eyes.

Two men by the doorway brandished their weapons to confront the intruder, but they were swiftly met with a gruesome fate. Like wire threads, thin tendrils inserted into their flesh and threw them across the room, effortlessly mauling their bodies. Suddenly, a mostly unknown indivisual stepped into the room, his finger pushed against his lip. "Shhhh, the adults are talking," he taunted.

Flame then turned towards his Ward. "Jackson," he said. "Meet Akuma." Akuma started to cackle, his eyes widened and his smile grew even wider.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Akuma commented, bowing. "I'm sure we'll get along sooo~ well."


Our peaceful innocence has been shattered, and the world has been torn from us. Now, we embark on a new journey to prove ourselves to a society that does not deserve our help. Next Time On A Hero's Journey: An Ever Growing World.

-To Be Continued In: A Hero's Journey Season 2-





Lemon's Note: I don't do these normally anymore, but I just wanna say, thank you to everyone who joined me on this incredible journey. I never thought I'd reach this moment so quickly and yet... here we are. Telling this story has been amazing, and I thank everyone who's read it. Special shoutout to my Good Friend, Scrumpy, who has transformed this story in more ways then he'll ever realize. Thank You For Making AHJ The Series It Is Now.

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