The star crossed lovers || Jo...

By Sapphiresmoon_

6.1K 83 139

Mr. Brightside II How will Sofia and João's relationship survive the new hardships they face ? More

F I V E . F I V E
F O U R T E E N . F I V E
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O


187 3 8
By Sapphiresmoon_

August 31st 2023

"How are we getting to the hotel ?" Nessa asks.

"Uber, duh," I say yawning as we grab our stuff from the baggage claim. We just landed in Barcelona and it's late. We had booked an earlier flight but it got pushed back unfortunately. "Are you all sure you grabbed everything ?" I ask as we walk towards the waiting area to wait for the Uber, "I don't want y'all complaining saying you forgot things."

"Oh shit, I dropped my bag," Fer says as she stops in her tracks.

Nessa groans as we make our way back to baggage claim. Fernanda notices her bag in the hands of a guy in his early twenties who seems to be walking up to us.

"You dropped this," the guy smiles at Fernanda.

"Thanks," Fer smiles at him politely taking her bag.

"This isn't a meet cute pal, she has a boyfriend," Ivone tells the boy who sheepishly smiles.

"We all do," I laugh as I see he turns his attention to Nessa.

"Thanks again for the bag though," Nessa says as we begin to walk away.

"You didn't have to be mean to him," Fernanda says.

"Please, that was us being nice," Ivone says, "he was looking at us like a kid in a candy store. Poor boy probably knocked your bag down on purpose so you'd come back to get it."

"Whatever, let's just go wait for the Uber," Fernanda laughs.

We make our way to the waiting area, sitting through a few minutes until I get a notification saying the Uber was arriving soon. I informed the girls and we all grabbed our stuff to head out.

"Fernanda, grab all your stuff, we don't need you leaving with 50 airport boyfriends," Ivone says.

We all laugh as we make our way out of the airport to the Uber waiting for us outside. We load our luggage onto the suv and climb inside. The Uber driver makes small talk as he drives us over to our hotel.

Once we arrive at our destination, we climb out and get all our luggage, making sure no one (Fernanda) is forgetting anything. We make our way inside to check in and we arrive at our first problem.

"What do you mean you don't have my room ?" I ask the attendant.

"I'm sorry, must've been a scheduling mix up, we've double booked," she sighs apologetically. "On the bright side, the guests should be checking out tomorrow morning at 11AM, I'll have housekeeping go in there and clean, it should be good to go at 12PM."

"So what, we're supposed to wait til 12PM tomorrow to get some sleep ?" Ivone groans.

"Ivone," I say in a warning tone, "forgive her, she's irritable when she's tired. Do you have any other rooms available ?"

"Of course," she smiles, "they're not as luxurious as the suite of course, but they'll do for the night. I'm terribly sorry for the mix up, I'll get you guys checked into four rooms on the house and then get you all settled in the suite later."

"That's not necessary, we could do two double rooms." I say.

"Just get one double, it's only for the night, we can get situated fine," Fernanda says.

I look over at Nessa and Ivone for confirmation. Nessa nods and Ivone grumbles, "I just want to sleep," she whines.

"One double is fine," I smile at the woman helping us, "you have my card on file, go ahead and ring it in for the same nights as the suite; I won't be sleeping with them if they get annoying," I whisper to her and she laughs.

"First night will be free," she nods handing me the keycards.

"Thank you so much," I smile taking the cards.

"I'm so sorry again for the mix up," she smiles.

"Don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault," I reassure her, "you've been so helpful."

We make our way up the elevator searching for our room. Once we arrive, I open the door using the keycard and we all walk inside. Ivone throws her stuff onto a corner in the room and plops down on one of the beds.

Ferenanda groans gently placing her bags close to the bed and picking up Ivone's things before shoving her to one side of the bed and climbing into bed with her. "Goodnight guys," she says.

"Goodnight," I laugh. I place the keycards on the nightstand and move my stuff to the opposite side of the room.

"I'm exhausted," Nessa says moving her things next to mine and climbing into bed, "don't take all the blanket," she warns.

I laugh going to the bathroom to wash up. I take my phone out to text my family group chat.

Familia <3

Me: I'm in Barcelona now 🤗
We landed safely, we just settled into the hotel room :)

I don't expect a text back from anyone knowing it's late. I exit those messages and open the ones with João.

My golden boy <3

Me: Mi amor, I'm sorry I've been ia :(
You know how the girls are about our time and whatnot
Look what I've found

(Yellow card because I miss you || A N || I don't know how to explain it but in Spanish foul is falta, so it makes more sense 😭 BUT this meme was the one that sent me down the path of them because I thought it was so cute)

My golden boy: I've missed you ☹️

Me: What are you doing awake pouty ?

My golden boy: Missing you ☹️
Also that meme is so cute, I'm stealing it 😚

Me: You should be sleeping, you have your presentation in a few hours

My golden boy: Can't sleep :/
Can't shake off the nerves
When are you going back to Madrid ?

Me: We should be getting on a flight soon :/

My golden boy: You're gonna miss my presentation ?

The plane has wifi
I'll FaceTime you before or after too :)

My golden boy: Or both

Me: Or both ;)

My golden boy: Can we FaceTime now ?

Me: Yeah, let me just go to the bathroom to not disturb Ness

My golden boy: It's day time, tell her lazy ass to get up 🫣

Me: It's been a crazy night 🤭
Let the girl rest

My golden boy: You better be behaving 😒
Oh my my, what a view 🤤

Me: I am so behaving 😇
Isn't the waterfall just to die for ?

My golden boy: Good girl
What waterfall 🧐
I mean yeah the waterfall is pretty

Me: You're so silly
Ft now ?

I wait for a response, but it never comes, instead my phone loudly rings. I quietly laugh to myself turning my ringer off. I walk off to the light to shut it off since he was probably in a dark room, the bright hotel bathroom light would be blinding.

I answer the call and his beautiful face appears on my screen. "Hi baby," I smile as I see him.

"Why's your light off ?" He pouts "I want to see your pretty face."

"Sorry," I laugh to myself, "I thought your light would be off." I walk over to the light turning it on so he can see me. "Better ?" I ask.

"Much," I see him nod, "you look so pretty, I miss your pretty face."

"I miss you," I pout.

"Liar," he sighs, "you couldn't wait to get away from me, you went to a whole different continent."

I laugh, "for work, silly," I groan, "if it were up to me, I'd never leave your side."

"Ugh, I miss you, so much," he pouts.

"What's tomorrow look like for you ? I ask trying to change the subject, if I don't, we'll be telling each other how much we miss each other for the remainder of the call.

"I don't know," he sighs, "I'm getting breakfast with the guys, and then heading over to the Camp Nou," he shrugs. "What are you up to ?"

"Now ?" I ask, "waiting for my text from the team to start checking out," I sigh. "I have enjoyed Mexico but I am ready to go home. How are you feeling ?"

"About my presentation ?" he asks trying to suppress a yawn, "I mean, I'm excited, just extremely nervous."

"Why ?" I ask.

"It's a big day," he shrugs, "I'm once again in the spotlight."

"Don't stress, tomorrow is gonna go by amazing," I smile at the screen, "everything is gonna be perfect."

"Nearly perfect," he corrects, "you won't be here so It'll be nearly perfect."

"I'll be there in spirit," I say, "I'm sorry I can't be there in person."

"Yeah, I get it," he sighs.

"I tried to fly your parents out, but," I pause.

"School's started," he finishes for me.

"Yeah," I nod sympathetically. "Gio wanted to go too, but everyone is back to work."

"Including you," he sighs.

"I'm really sorry," I sigh, "why don't we change the subject so we- you don't go to sleep on a sour note."

"Deal," he smiles nodding.

We make lighthearted conversation, avoiding the topic of his presentation; just trying my best to lift his spirits and his confidence. He asked about my time in Mexico and I had a blast telling him about all the enjoyable things I have done including practice. He began telling me about his time in Barcelona, and all the things he's seen so far. I'm happy for him, he seems to be having a blast.

He asked me about my game and for the first time, I get a chance to go into full detail with someone about everything. I was in the middle of explaining my thought process or lack of for the goal when he pauses me.

"baby," he says with a questioning tone.

"Yeah ?" I ask.

"I love you," he tells me.

"I love you more," I smile at his words.

"Keep talking," he mumbles, "I might fall asleep so I just wanted to let you know I love you in case I do."

I laugh to myself, I hop off the sink counter to turn off the bathroom lights. I continue talking to him about the game occasionally checking up on him. He'd mumble something to let me know he was still awake until he didn't.

"Baby," I whisper checking to see if he's awake. No response. "Sweet dreams, my love," I whisper before hanging up.

I check the time, trying to count how much time I have to sleep. Truthfully, I'm not worried, it's 2AM and João's presentation isn't til 4PM, meaning I have plenty of time to get enough sleep. I open my messages with João sending him one final message before getting some sleep.

My golden boy <3

Me: Mi vida, you fell asleep :( hope you have sweet dreams
Call me when you wake up

I'm not tired anymore, I was dying earlier and after talking to João I lost my desire to sleep. Nevertheless, I walk over to my bag digging for my phone charger, I walk over to the nightstand plugging it in and crawling into bed next to Nessa. I sigh forcing myself to go to sleep.


I wake up in the morning at 10AM. The girls and I decide to get room service to avoid potentially being seen. We had breakfast together, all of them FaceTiming their boos while calling had to suffice for me because my man thinks I'm on a flight to Madrid.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna go because the girls and I have to start getting ready," Fernanda tells Miguel.

"I'll go get us check into the suite, you guys can start getting ready or wait if you want to get ready in the suite," I say.

"What time do we have to be at the stadium ?" Ivone asks.

"3," I inform her.

"And what time is it ?" She asks.

"12:37," Nessa says.

"Oh, go see if the room is ready, we have time," Ivone says.

I nod walking out of the room. I zip my hoodie all the way up, putting the hood on. I walk towards the elevator making my way down to the lobby. I get into the line waiting for my turn making time on my phone, checking my messages.

Pepi <3

Pepi: Don't forget, be here at 3 !!

Me: I KNOW !!
He doesn't know right ?!

Pepi: No Sofia, he doesn't
I've got jerseys ready, you want me to hold onto them or drop them off for you ?

Me: If you can drop them off, that'd be AMAZING !!

Pepi: Send your location, I'll get them to you

Me: You angel, ILY

I pocket my phone seeing as how it's my turn to walk up to the front desk. "Hi," I smile at the woman, "checking in for dos Santos."

"Sofia ?" She asks and I nod.

"I've got you ready to go," she smiles handing me the little booklet with the keycards and the suite number. "I'm sorry about the mix up last night, I see they put you in a different room, my colleague said to charge you the same nights here, but I wanted to double check with you first."

"Yeah, that's right," I smile at her, "you have my card on file, right ?"

"Yeah, I could go ahead and get that processed for you," she tells me.

"Thank you so much," I smile at her walking away and back to the room. I knock on the door waiting for the girls to open who luckily have their things ready. We walk out of the room, I make sure I have my keycards for both rooms. We make our way up to the suite to begin getting ready.

We settle into the room and begin to get ready. I head to one of the bathrooms grabbing my small bag that's in my suitcase for my hair products and a change of clothes to shower. I start the water, getting in quickly, and showering as fast as I can. I get out, drying myself and throwing a robe over my body. I dry my hair a bit, lathering it with product, and scrunching it to get the curls as pretty and bouncy as possible. I plug in my hair dryer adding the diffuser part for the curls.

Once I finish doing my hair, I apply a coat of lotion to my body, getting my undergarments on. I slip on some blue jeans and white socks to go with my Air Forces. I take off the robe completely, slipping a white tank top on.

"How do I look ?" I ask the girls stepping out of the bathroom.

"Basic," Ivone says, "hair is cute, though."

"I'm not wearing any makeup," I explain, "and I'm waiting for Pedri to tell me he's here with our jerseys."

"We're getting jerseys ?" Nessa asks, clapping her hands excitedly. "Wait, you're wearing a jersey ?"

"Yeah," I shrug.

"Real Madrid royalty wearing a Barcelona jersey ?" She asks.

"Puta Barca !" I smile raising a fist in the air.

Just then, my phone begins to ring. I rush to the bathroom, taking the call. "Hellooooo," I drag out.

"What room number are you ?" the voice on the other end asks, "couldn't get away from your lover boy, so Fernando is on his way, he's in the lobby."

"He's amazing," I say, "we're room 514," I tell him.

"I'll send him your way," Pedri says, "he'll give you girls a ride to the stadium."

"Thank you, Pepi," I smile although he can't see me.

"Don't mention it," he says, "I'll see you soon," he tells me before hanging up.

We don't wait too long before we hear a loud knock on the door. Fernanda opens the door, allowing Fernando, Pedri's brother to come inside. "I have jerseys," he says walking in.

"Nando," I smile extending my arms out for a hug.

"Hi, Sofi," he smiles at me hugging me tightly. He hands me my jersey as we pull apart and I slip it on over my top.

Fernando greets Nessa who he already knows and introduces himself to Fernanda and to ivone.

The girls excuse themselves to go get their jerseys on. They finish up and walk back out to the common area.

"Are you ladies ready to go ?" he asks and we all nod.

"Let's go," I say excitedly.

I grab my bag, shoving my necessities in and my keycards for both rooms. We walk out of the room, and head down to Fernando's car. We get inside and he drives us to the Camp Nou.

A N || I was gonna give yall the reunion you want this chapter but I'll save it for the next ||

|| I went through so much stress thinking I lost all my progress :( ||

P S A || I know a lot (if not all) of my readers are culés, so I'm here to tell you that I'm the writer and Barcelona will not be wining against MY MADRID. I know it's not a problem when it comes to the men's team, but when it comes to the women's team 😬 we kinda struggle beating Barcelona... not in my fanfic though 😚 HALA MADRID. If any of you say Visca Barça, I'm deleting my acc 🥱

Just so you all know, I have been a Madridista since I was little, I poke fun at Barça because it's fun to me, it's all in good nature and fun, part of my silly little personality. I don't hate Barcelona, rivals not enemies 🤝 it's all for laughs, don't take anything I say to heart :) Atlético Madrid I do hate though, so if you're an Atlético Madrid fan... WHY ?! Are you okay ?! I hate that club with a burning passion ||

P S A 2 || Have I mentioned I hate writing fillers ? ||

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