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By Seraphis88

41.2K 1.3K 82

Haseki Zeynep Sultan Born an English Princess, the formerly named Jane Tudor was abducted by Crimean Tatars w... More

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1.5K 66 12
By Seraphis88

There are hunters, and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience, and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.

Jim Mattis


After spending some time in the Harem with the girls, Zeynep and her younger children returned to her chamber to wait for the hakime to confirm her suspicions. She believed she was pregnant as she had been late for the past couple of months, but she wanted to make sure before she announced it. Looking at Emine, Hakan, and Kadir, she couldn't help the soft feeling she had as she brushed her hand over her belly. She hoped she was pregnant again, she loved the feeling of carrying her children. Felt every flutter and kick they gave to show they were there.

A knock sounded from the doors and she called out, "Enter." The doors opened to let in one of the girls guarding her room, Aergul Hatun. The brunette woman was one of her spies who guarded Mahidevran's rooms. "Is the physician here?"

"Yes, my Sultan," she replied. "Shall I send her in?"

"Please," Zeynep nodded before turning to her younger maids. "Miray, Zehra, can you take the twins to the other room? I think it's time for them to take a nap."

"Yes, Sultana," they replied with a curtsey before holding out hands to the twins.

Emine and Hakan ran over and kissed their mother's uninjured cheek before following the maids into the next room. A moment later, the chief physician walked into the room and curtseyed, "Sultana. What seems to be ailing you?"

"A suspicion, hakime," the Haseki told her from her spot on the couch. "I've been late for the past two months. I just want to make sure before I announce it."

"Of course, my Sultan," the older woman gestured to the bed. "If you would lay down, I'll be able to confirm it."

Nodding her head, she stood up from her seat and walked to her bed. Turning around, she sat down and took off her slippers before gently scooting back until her feet were at the end of the bed with her knees bent. Laying back, she stared up at the ceiling as the physician poked and prodded her nether regions to either confirm or deny her hope.

After a few moments, the hakime stood back and bowed her head. Straightening out her skirt, she sat up and scooted back to the end of the bed. Taking a deep breath, she looked at the older woman in anticipation, "Well, am I pregnant, hakime?"

"Mashallah, my Sultan. Congratulations, you are with child," the hakime smiled at the Haseki. "I would guess around two months now."

Unable to smile because of the wound on her cheek that was mostly closed but still healing, Zeynep Sultan looked over at Defne with tears in her eyes as she held her hand over her belly. Knowing what her mistress was thinking of, the blonde handmaiden went to the cabinet by the door and took out a pouch of gold.

Going over to the physician, the maid handed it to her, "Thank you for the wonderful news, hakime. Please take this as thanks."

"Inshallah, may the child be healthy Sultana," the older woman smiled brightly before bowing and leaving the rooms.

Defne squealed in excitement as she grinned at the sultana, "Another one, Sultana! Oh, I can't wait! Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"I don't care, Defne," Zeynep said honestly. "I just want them healthy." She thought for a moment before saying, "I want to have a family dinner tonight. The Sultan, Valide Sultan, Hatice, Gülfem, and the children. I'll have to go to the Valide to make it happen. Have Zehra come collect Kadir."

"Yes, my Sultan," the blonde continued to grin in excitement before going to speak with the young brunette.

Once the young maid walked inside and took Kadir to finish his nap in the next room, the Haseki Sultan and her maid walked to the Valide Sultan's chamber to ask for a family dinner before the Sultan goes on his campaign. When she got there, she waited to be announced before walking inside.

"Valide," she greeted her mother-in-law before taking the older woman's hand, kissing the back of it before pressing it to her forehead. She turned to the woman's daughter on the couch and curtseyed in respect, "Sultana." Seeing the last woman there giving her a curtsey, she gave a sympathetic gaze, "Gülfem, how are you?"

"I'm surviving, Sultana," the former concubine gave a sad smile. "To know I wasn't at fault for my son's death and that his murderers were brought to justice gives me some relief."

"No one will ever replace sweet Mahmud," Zeynep told her. "But his memory will live on in those that knew him." She leaned in and whispered, "And Ahmed, when he has a son, wants to name him after your son. You know how close they were."

Gülfem got misty-eyed that Ahmed wanted to honor her son that way and bowed her head in thanks. "He would have been honored, my Sultan." She said emotionally.

The Haseki pulled her friend into a hug before pulling back and turning to the Valide Sultan who was watching the interaction in content. She always preferred the two women over the others her son had taken to bed and was glad that they were such good friends. She felt peaceful for the first time in a long while.

"Valide," Zeynep spoke up, "I want to organize a family dinner for us before the Sultan leaves for the campaign. We don't know how long it'll be before we see him."

"What a wonderful idea," her mother-in-law smiled. "I will organize it for tonight. I would love to see all my family together enjoying themselves."

"Yes, my Sultan," her son's wife bowed her head in agreement. "If you will excuse me, Valide, I must go pick up the children from their lessons."

"Of course," Ayşe Hafsa Sultan nodded her head. "And bring the children by tomorrow so I can see them again. It's been too long since I've seen them play."

Nodding her head again, she turned to leave but stopped. Facing her mother-in-law again, she spoke, "My Valide, I thought I would let you know that I've had Hürrem Hatun taken to the dungeon after she attacked Ayşe Hatun and disrespected me."

"That impudent girl!" The older woman scowled. "I knew she was trouble when she was brought here, but I thought it would be beaten out of her. I suppose I was wrong. I will handle her tomorrow."

Bowing to her, the Haseki left the chambers to get her children while the three remaining women stayed behind. Silence filled the space as Hatice and Gülfem started embroidering to the side and the Valide Sultan stared off into space, thinking. Apparently what she was thinking agitated her as she stood up and paced back and forth in front of her throne.

"Valide," Hatice asked, confused, "are you all right?"

"No, I am not," her mother replied as she continued pacing. "Ever since this woman entered the Harem, there has been no peace. She has tried to destabilize the entirety of the Harem by trying to overrule the traditions of the empire. She said she would make my son her slave!"

"How dare she?" Hatice scowled. "Who does she think she is? She's only been with the Sultan a few times. What makes her think she is so important?"

"Thankfully, our Padishah is in love with Zeynep Sultan," Gülfem pointed out. "She is his most important treasure. I don't see Hürrem able to displace her in his heart."

"Yes, luckily she hasn't succeeded, but I worry that she'll do something drastic to get ahead. We don't need another Mahidevran, someone who will harm the dynasty by trying to rid it of its heirs," Valide Ayşe Hafsa Sultan pointed out. "Right now, I can't do anything. Not until he leaves for his campaign and there is no chance she is pregnant. But if she is not pregnant, I'll decide what to do with her. I will not allow her to lead our dynasty astray."


In the Sultan's private chambers, Suleiman was going over last-minute plans for the campaign, wanting to make sure there were no loose ends that their enemies could take advantage of. Looking at the map on his desk, he shuffled the marbles in his hands when he remembered the game of mangala he played with Mustafa months ago. When they talked about their tents.

Getting an idea he placed the marbles back on the map and split them into two separate points on the map. It was brilliant, he thought to himself as he smiled and looked up at his concierge with a glint in his eyes, "Pargali, are we ready to depart?"

"We are almost ready, Your Majesty," Ibrahim told him with his smile. "We received word from the foundry. They have cast the two-piece cannon."

"Good," the Sultan said. "Let's go at once." He stood up and went around his desk as he said, "I expect there are many spies about. They are worried about the time and target of the campaign."

"They know nothing," his friend smirked. "They will understand what's going on when we begin shipping out."

Turning back to his desk, Suleiman pointed at the map, "We will erect command tents and raise our standard in two separate places. One in Üsküdar for the East. One towards the Davutpaşa Field for the West." He gestured to each camp with a smirk, "East and West. They will be confounded."

Ibrahim nodded in agreement, and as the Sultan turned to get dressed, he spoke, "My Sultan, the Valide Sultan is holding a family dinner tonight in honor of the upcoming campaign and hopes you will be able to make it. She wants the whole family to be together before you leave."

"Thank you, Pargali," the Sultan nodded his head. "Let her know I'll be there."

Making it to the foundry after disguising themselves, the Sultan and Ibrahim were with Matrakçı Nasuh Efendi as they looked over the new cannon the builders constructed. Carefully running his eyes over the sleek design, he spoke up, "Tell me, Matrakçı."

"Your Majesty, we have cast an incredible cannon with the brave and skilled craftsmen here," the man spoke up with praise for the men who built the cannon.

"We shall see, Matrakçı," Suleiman said. "We shall see how much it is worth. Pull it together."

The craftsmen came forward and grabbed different parts of the cannon, "For Allah. In the name of Allah." With difficulty they put the two parts together, making the Sultan happy as he smiled.


Later that night, Zeynep decided to forgo the nijab and allow her face to be seen by the children since it was mostly healed, just showing where the cut is covered by the spider silk patch. Changing into a mint green dress with tan, gold, and emerald green detailing, she paired the dress with her emerald and diamond jewelry and matching mint green veil. Defne brushed her hair while her other maids got her children ready. Ahmed was dressed in a dark blue kaftan while Mustafa was in dark red. Dilara wore a pale pink dress while the twins wore matching outfits in light blue. Kadir was in an emerald green kaftan to match his mother.

Once they were done getting ready, and after tucking her veil across her face for the walk to Valide Sultan's chamber, the Sultana picked up her youngest son and carried him while walking out of the room with her children and chief maids following behind her. Ahmed was the next in line, with Defne behind him holding the hands of Mustafa and Dilara. Burcu was in the rear holding the hands of Emine and Hakan, making sure the two troublemakers didn't run off. The Haseki gave Miray and Zehra the evening off to enjoy with the other girls of the Harem, knowing it had been a while since they were able to see their friends.

Walking up to their destination, the Sultana nodded at the maids guarding the chamber and they opened the doors to let them inside. A large table was brought into the room with her mother-in-law sitting at one end with Hatice on her right and Gülfem on her left. Curtseying to the women in respect, Zeynep led her children to their seats as they waited for the Sultan to join them. She as the Sultan's wife would sit to his right with Kadir in her lap. Dilara and Emine would be next to her. To the Sultan's left would sit Ahmed, then Mustafa, and finally Hakan.

After a while of the adults conversing and the children playing, the doors to the chamber opened to let the Sultan inside. Hearing and seeing the happiness of his children, he couldn't help but have a large smile on his face. Seeing their father, they gave a large smile and ran toward him.

"Baba!" They yelled in excitement.

"My lion cubs," he said lovingly as he kneeled to catch them. Holding them close, he looked up as his wife stood from where she was sitting with Kadir in her arms and walked to him. Stopping behind their children, she curtseyed at him before raising her head to meet his gaze.

"My Sultan," he could see her dark brown eyes were soft as she stared at him and their children.

"My Zeynep," he said softly as he stood back up after releasing his hold on the children. Looking down at Kadir, he took him from his mother's arms and held him close, pressing a kiss to his head. "My Kadir."

"Come, my love," Zeynep grabbed his hand and urged him to follow her. "The food will be here soon."

As the family sat down at the table, after Suleiman greeted his mother, sister, and former concubine, the food was soon brought in and the remainder of the evening was spent in happiness, laughter, and contentment. As their night came to a close, the Haseki Sultan cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Before we end the night, there is some news I want to share," she spoke up with a small smile on her face. Once everyone focused on her, she continued, "We'll be having another little şehzade or sultana by next year." She held her husband's gaze, "I'm with child."

"Already?" The Sultan asked shocked as a grin spread across his face.

"About two months, yes," Zeynep nodded as she pursed her lips to stop from grinning as well.

"Praise Allah for this wonderful news," the Valide said happily. "Daye, distribute the sherbet, lokma, and gold in the harem. This child must come with blessings."

"Yes, Sultana," the chief treasurer said happily as she quickly left the room.

"There's going to be a new baby?" The twins asked in wonder as they stared at their mother's belly.

"Indeed, your younger sibling is growing as we speak," Suleiman told them.

"This one is not going to leave like my mother's did, right?" Mustafa asked in fear. Fear that he would cause another sibling to leave.

"Mustafa," Zeynep whispered as she reached across the table for his small hand. The young boy looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "What happened to your mother's baby was not your fault. The truth is, your mother didn't take care of herself, and the stress she was under affected the baby. You had nothing to do with that."

"Zeynep is right, my son," her husband told the young boy. "This is not your fault."

"Don't worry, Mustafa," Ahmed spoke up as he wrapped an arm around his younger brother, trying to remember how Mahmud comforted him. "We'll all be the best siblings to the new baby, just like we are with Kadir."

"We get to have another baby sibling to play with Hakan!" Emine squealed in delight as she bounced in her seat.

"I hope it's a girl," Hakan said with a big smile. "I always wanted a little sister."

"You may get your wish, Hakan," his mother said with a knowing look in her eyes. "I have a feeling this one is a girl."

"Boy or girl, doesn't matter," their father spoke as he held his wife's hand. Kadir squealed in his father's other arm, waving his arms around in delight. Suleiman laughed at his youngest son's actions, "It seems Kadir is also excited, my love."

"I bet he will be her fiercest protector," she said tickling her youngest's belly. Laughing, the infant boy kicked out his legs, barely missing his mother's hands. "He is going to be a little warrior when he gets bigger."

"I think you are right," the Sultan agreed. "Ahmed is the strategist, Mustafa is the explorer, Hakan is the poet, and Kadir will be a warrior."

"What about us Baba?" Emine asked curiously.

"Dilara will be your brother's advisor while you dear Emine, will be a musician," Suleiman told his youngest daughter. 

"Did you here that Anne?" The young girl said excitedly. "I'm going to be a musician!"

"I did," her mother said. "How about tomorrow, I'll start teaching you how to play the harp?"

"Yay!" Emine cheered in happiness. "Can you show me the harp Baba gave you too?"

"Of course," Zeynep nodded her head. "But first I'll need to get one for you to play on."

"Okay," the young girl continued to smile as she went back to talking with her twin. 

Soon the night came to an end as everyone went back to quarters for the night. Before Zeynep left with the children, Suleiman pulled her aside and told her to meet him in his chambers. Giving a small smile at her husband, she curtseyed to him before she, Defne, and Burcu led the children back to her room to put them to bed.

Once all of them were asleep, she changed out of her dress into a white silk short-sleeved nightgown with gold detailing covered in a gold robe. Slipping on her matching gold slippers, she put on her pearl and gold jewelry to finish the look. Walking out of her room with Defne and Miray, she is met with Sümbül Agha and Nigar Kalfa who had irritated looks on their faces.

"What has happened?" The Sultana asked as she continued walking to the Golden Road.

"Hürrem has been causing a ruckus in the dungeon demanding she see the Sultan," the agha told her. "The aghas guarding the area are close to killing the girl if nothing happens."

"Tie her up and gag her if you have to," she told him. "I will not have her rewarded for her immature behavior. Then in the morning, drag her before the Valide Sultan. She'll decide her additional punishment."

"Yes, my Sultan," the agha bowed before leaving to follow through with her instructions.

"Nigar Kalfa, what do you have to report?" Zeynep asked as she stopped at the beginning of the path.

"Ibrahim Agha and Hatice Sultan have been exchanging letters and poems," the kalfa reported. "I found some of their correspondence in his office when he was out. He calms to have feelings for her..."

"...when we both know that is a lie," the Haseki finished her thought. Pargali Ibrahim Agha was not as discreet as he thought with his feelings for her. It was quite obvious if you were paying attention. Unfortunately, her husband was blind to the actions of his best friend. "He's using her as a source of power. Marrying a sultana of the dynasty will increase his rank to a pasha. I wish I knew how to stop this, but I know Hatice will not listen. She is enamored with him."

"What do we do?" Nigar asked confused. "We can't let him get more power. Who knows what he would do to your children?"

"Allah forbid he become a Pasha, especially the Grand Vizier," Zeynep muttered before turning to her. "Keep an eye on him and continue to stay close. If anything, try to start a relationship with him. If Hatice finds out he was lying, that he has a lover other than herself, it might break their so-called bond."

"Yes, my Sultan," the kalfa curtseyed before leaving, allowing the Sultana to walk down the path to her husband. Coming up to the doors, the aghas immediately let her inside without announcing her.

Curtseying to the Sultan standing in the middle of the room, she looked up to see him with his arms wide open for her. Running to him, he caught her as she leaped to him, spinning her around in his happiness for another child with her. He would never get tired of seeing the love of his life, his light in the darkness, pregnant.

When he placed her back on her feet, she leaned up and whispered in his ears, "I have a song and dance for you."

"Really?" He asked, amused.

"Defne, Miray, bring the instruments in," his wife called out.

The doors opened to let the two concubines inside, each carrying an instrument. Defne had a qanun, a type of zither, while Miray had a zurna. Sitting to the side, the two women tuned their instruments while Zeynep took off her robe and slippers to prepare herself. Once they were ready, they began the song as she moved her body:

"Lilac flowers

And berries where we lie

Behind these violet eyes

A fire"

She goes in a circle around him, casually brushing up against him before turning and going the other way. She gave him a sultry look with mischief in her eyes as she continued the dance as she sang:

"Tragedy's child

Born into cruelty and crooked form

The hateful twist of rejection

Bends my heart

Powers volatile

Lightning awakes in a rising storm

The doors to hope and ascension

Creak apart"

She rolls her hips side to side, bending down and turning to make a come-hither motion with her fingers. Smirking a little at how focused he was on her, not just her body but her voice, made tingles run through her body:

"In the shards of the broken mirror

Many faces are shorn

In the agony I have

Been reborn

Reside in dreams of

Lilac flowers

And berries where we lie

Behind these violet eyes

A fire

No price or power

Can ever satisfy

Behind these violet eyes

A fire"

She continued the dance, getting close to Suleiman before pulling away. She knew she was driving him wild, but he loved that about her. She could see her friends were enjoying her teasing of the Sultan, by the amused smiles on their faces:

"Torn apart

To become a living work of art

Chaos kindled in my burning heart

Tear the creaking doors apart"

She went back to walking in a circle around him, this time not touching him, but he reached out to brush his hand over her silk gown. Stopping when she was to his left, she continued to sing, but this time softly:

"My obsession and endless yearning

As our paths they align

Bound together by more than spell or sign

I'm in your dreams of"

She was in his lap by the third line, brushing her fingers down his cheek as their foreheads touched. At the end of the next line she sensually stood up to go back to the middle of the room. Drawing attention to her curves, she sang:

"Lilac flowers

And berries where we lie

Behind these violet eyes

A fire

No price of power

Can ever satisfy

Behind these violet eyes

A fire"

She repeated the last verse one more time before the song ended as she kneeled at his feet with her head down, breathing heavily from the exertion. Feeling fingers on her chin, she looked up to make eye contact with her husband, not noticing her maids leaving the room. The feral look in his eyes made her smirk before he pulled her to him in a bruising kiss. From there, their night of passion continued into the early morning, as the two lovers couldn't get enough of each other.

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