Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

By ClayNotDead

189 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... More

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...

3 0 0
By ClayNotDead

It had been a couple of days since... The dream, and if I'm being honest I mostly forgot about everything.

...Until I was woken up at the ass crack of dawn a week after the whole ordeal by Toby.

"Wakey wakey~."

I groaned and tried to kick him while still having my face smushed in the pillow.

Eventually, I turned enough to fall off the bed, and he chuckled.

I sat up and glared at him before standing up.

"Why are you waking me up so early?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes and he just looked at me longingly, or something.

"Training." That was all he said, and I immediately froze.

"Huh?-" I started, but before I could continue, he held up his finger and I shut up.

"You get actual training, Heart. I... Took the liberty of talking to Slender and you'll get actual training from us!" He smiled softly, and I returned the favor before standing up.

"To be honest? I'm a bit excited." I mused, rubbing my slightly sore neck as he looked at me with a faint smile on his converted lips.

"Me too, it'll be fun to help with really training a person, and not watching them get ruthlessly tortured by Slender." He muttered, looking at me with an ever-so-faint nervous expression on his face.

When he said the word torture I quietly brought up a thumbs down, followed by my tongue slowly sticking out, yet the rest of my face was deadpan as I stared into his soul.

And for a moment, we stared at each other in silence until...






After that disaster, we luckily made it out in one piece.

The issue was we were standing in the forest because these idiots didn't even have a proper training room, and the three stars of the show that were supposed to 'train' me had no idea what they were doing, seeing as they never had to do this before.

Toby was on his phone, Tim was staring at me awkwardly, and Hoodie looked like he would smack these two at any given notice.

"Sooo... You guys really don't know what you're doing, huh?" I quipped, my hands on my hips as I looked at them.

"Look, none of us have... Actually trained someone before, and just watched Slender torture them to no end until they were molded how he liked." Hoodie quietly remarked, scratching his head as he turned towards his partner.

Tim, or should I say Masky now? Eh, whatever, turned to face Hoodie with what I could assume was an exasperated look on his face.

"What do you want me to do??" He questioned, before turning back to me.

"Black Heart, do you even want to do this?" He questioned, and I lowered my head slightly in thought.

Eventually, I looked up, my head slightly tilted as I shrugged.

"I mean, I dunno? We went through all of this trouble so I didn't get fuckin' tortured, but none of you know what to do, so it weighs out?" I tried to reason with practically myself, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Suddenly, Toby lifted his head and raised his hand as if he were a child asking to go to the bathroom.

"Ooh, ooh! I have an idea!' He exclaimed, and we all turned to look at him as he grinned under his mouthguard.

It took a moment before he realized we were all quiet so he could speak before he started.

"I mean, they've already been out multiple times, and we could call it 'active training' of sorts? I mean, tell me I'm wrong!" He chirped, and we all came to the collective realization that he was right.

As soon as all of the eyes were back on me, I shrugged with a faint smile on my lips beneath my mask.

"He ain't wrong, guys." I plainly said, and they all nodded, Toby's being a bit more enthusiastic than the others.

"Speaking of your active training theory... Would you mind taking on my next mission? I have... Other errands I have to run." Masky asked, and Toby looked at him in surprise and exasperation.

"Why me?!" He spluttered, and Masky simply looked at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I think you misheard me. It wasn't a question." Masky 'clarified', and Toby looked at him in defeat.

"Fiiine, but can Black Heart come with me?" he asked with pleading eyes, 'innocently' blinking.

Masky sighed, facepalming before he nodded.

While Toby celebrated, the realization hit me and I gasped.

"Why are you dragging me into this?!" I scoffed, and he simply looked at me with an excited grin.

I sighed, accepting defeat, "Fine, when is the mission?" I asked Masky.

"It was supposed to be after your... Makeshift training session, but you could go now I suppose."

I groaned as Toby excitedly squealed, running up and taking me by the hand.

Masky smacked him in the back of the head with a small folder containing what I assumed was information, and Toby gave him a small smile before practically running off with me.

I shouted an apology as he pulled me along, a wild grin on his face as he finally got the two of us alone for this mission.

Y'know, maybe this won't be so bad...

Who knows.

At least I'll be here with him.

( :) )

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