ELECTRIC TOUCH, ricky bowen


6.8K 247 68

"all i know, is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life got a feeling your electric touch ... More

000. electric touch
001. promicide
002. i love...
003. junior year
004. auditions
005. the read through
006. separate ways
007. act of war
008. necklace truths
009. you're on, lovers
010. late night talking
011. homecoming
012. to kiss in cars
013. start of something new

014. #savemissjenn

187 10 3

as manny turned the key in the lock to her front door, she expected the usual empty silence that greeted her when she arrived home from school. however, as she pushed the door open, the lights were on, and the house seemed unnaturally alive with activity.

stepping cautiously into the foyer, the brunette's heart sank as she entered upon her parents and odesa standing there chatting, as if they were waiting for her to get home.

her mother's forced smile sent a shiver down her spine, and odesa's presence only added to the sense of foreboding. "oh my god." manny whispered under her breath.

"manuella, it's so good to see you." odesa's greeting was laced with false warmth, making manny recoil slightly. she detested being addressed by her full name, especially by her sister, who wielded it like a weapon.

"hi, odesa," manny replied tersely, keeping her distance from her sister's embrace. "w-what are you guys doing here?"

her mother's smile widened, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "we just wanted to surprise you, sweetie," she said, her tone saccharine.

manny's suspicion grew, her gaze darting between her parents and odesa. "surprise me?" she echoed, her voice tinged with skepticism.

"yeah, we thought it would be nice to spend some quality family time together," odesa chimed in, her expression tight with forced cheerfulness.

manny's stomach churned with unease, sensing that something was amiss. "but you guys never come home unannounced like this." she pointed out, her voice tinged with apprehension.

her father shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze. "well, we thought it would be a nice change of pace," he mumbled, his words lacking conviction.

odesa stepped forward, her demeanor oozing with false concern. "we just wanted to catch up, see how you've been," she said, though her eyes gleamed with something darker.

"come on, girls, let's all sit down," her mother suggested, motioning toward the living room.


just as manny was beginning to resign herself to the situation, the front door burst open, startling everyone in the room. in rushed ricky, standing on the threshold, a sheepish smile on his face.

"hey, why was the door locked?" ricky's voice trailed off as he realized the situation he had just walked into. his eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene before him – manny sitting with her family, all of them staring at him in awkward silence. "oh, hello.. everyone,"

"how did he get in? ..you gave him a key to our house?"  odesa's hushed accusatory tone sliced through the air, her suspicion evident as she eyed ricky with narrowed eyes.

"it's ricky, don't be so dramatic." manny whispered in defence, a note of annoyance creeping into her voice. she'd totally forgotten about inviting him over in the midst of all this.

feeling caught between a rock and a hard place, manny mouthed "i'm sorry" to ricky, hoping he'd understand the predicament she was in.

"well, ricky, since you're here, why don't you stay for dinner?" odesa's invitation caught manny off guard, her heart sinking at the thought of spending more time with him in her family's presence.

"uh, i don't want to intr—" ricky began, but odesa waved off his protest with a dismissive gesture. "nonsense, it's no trouble at all," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument. "we could use the company."

manny felt a knot forming in her stomach as she watched ricky hesitate, his eyes flickering to her for guidance. she knew she should speak up, object to odesa's invitation, but the words caught in her throat, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

finally, ricky turned to manny, silently seeking her approval. with a heavy sigh, manny nodded reluctantly, her heart heavy with resignation.

"sure, ricky," she forced a smile, her voice barely above a whisper. "stay for dinner."


the mood around the dinner table was charged with an uneasy tension, the air thick with unspoken words and simmering resentment.

manny sat rigidly in her chair, her gaze fixed on her plate as she picked at her food, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. across from her, odesa lounged casually, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she surveyed the room with a haughty air. manny's parents sat on either end, their strained smiles failing to mask the energy that hung heavy between them.

and amidst the familial drama, ricky sat somewhat awkwardly as well, his presence adding an unexpected dynamic to the already fraught environment.

"what happened to that guy you were dating? what was his name, cj? dj?" odesa's question cut through the awkward silence, her tone tinged with mockery as she turned her attention to manny.

"it's ej.. and we broke up, like four months ago." manny replied, her voice tinged with irritation at her sister's prying.

"ricky and i are actually starring in the school musical together. we have a new drama teacher, miss jenn, and she wanted to put on high school musical because east is the same school w—" manny attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"i'm bored. starpower anyone?" odesa interrupted, her impatience evident as she attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"no— i-i don't think ricky w—" manny started to protest, but odesa ignored her, steamrolling ahead with her suggestion.

"what's starpower?" ricky interrupted, his confusion evident as he glanced around the table.

"it's a stupid game. we don't have to—" manny tried to dissuade them, but mrs. mendoza chimed in. "ricky can play too." the woman insisted.

"i—i don't know how." ricky admitted, feeling out of his depth. "you'll catch on." mrs. mendoza smiled while manny hid under her palm. this was going to be humiliating as always. "just jump in when you're ready."

"i'll go first. we just started our first week of winter classes and i've already been nominated to serve on the business school's leadership committee." odesa bragged, taking a sip of wine.

"odesa likes to play the game when she's fairly certain she'll win." mr. mendoza remarked dryly, earning a sharp glance from his daughter.

"well guess who i learned that from?" odesa shot back, her tone defiant as she locked eyes with her father.

"yes, but don't go tasting victory just yet. cause the judge ruled on my brief today, the class action suit against winslow has been dismissed." mr. mendoza countered, a note of pride in his voice as he shared his own success.

ricky's expression shifted, a dawning realization crossing his features. he suddenly understood the rules of the game. it was a competition to show off your achievements, where each person would try to one-up each other with their successes, contributing to a sense of zealous competition.

manny harbored a deep-seated disdain for this game, a creation of odesa's, naturally. despite countless rounds, victory had always eluded her grasp. it wasn't merely the act of losing that gnawed at her; it was the relentless mockery from her family, a constant reminder of her perceived inadequacies.

"manuella, you're up." mr. mendoza prompted, his eyes expectant.

"um.." she hesitated, glancing around the table as she tried to think of something to say. ricky noticed her discomfort and wanted to help.

"i'll go." he offered with a gentle smile, "i got.. a great parking spot today, right in front of your house.. and that's a big deal because this block is usually packed!"

manny's lips twitched into a grateful smile, appreciating ricky's attempt to ease the tension. "he's just kidding," she added, her laughter ringing with relief as her family stared in confusion.


as manny sat on her porch alone outisde, she couldn't help but contemplate how horrible that went. "is it like this every time they come home?" ricky's voice broke the silence, his tone tinged with disappointment as he joined her on the porch.

"pretty much." manny confirmed with a solemn nod.

"why wouldn't you tell me it was this bad?" ricky questioned, his concern evident in his voice. he always knew odesa could be a monster but the fact that her parents allow it to happen was beyond him.

the brunette sighed, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her emotions, "because it's humiliating? your family's supposed to be the people that love and support you no matter what.. and mine can't stand me." she admitted, her voice filled with resignation.

manny hesitated for a moment before broaching a delicate topic. "can i ask you something?" she inquired, her tone tentative.

ricky nodded, his expression softening as he turned to face her. "what happened last week.. at hazel's?" manny's voice was barely above a whisper, filled with uncertainty.

ricky scoffed in realization, "i knew she was gonna tell you. so i guess, you know.."

"yeah." manny nodded in understanding, silently urging ricky to continue.

"so uh, my parents are getting divorced, and my mom moved to chicago." he revealed, his voice barely above a whisper. manny's face dropped, "ricky, i'm so sorry." she softly whispered, her heart aching for him.

"i'll be okay." ricky voice broke through the silence, his words carrying a quiet resolve as he gently wrapped his fingers around hers.

she reached out with her other hand, gently brushing her fingertips against his cheek, a silent gesture of comfort. caught in the warmth of the moment, ricky's eyes softened, mirroring the affection in manny's gaze. with a shy smile, he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to manny's lips.


manny and ricky sank onto the plush couch in big red's basement. the weight of the day lifted from their shoulders as they nestled closer, seeking comfort in each other's presence.

ricky draped an arm around manny, pulling her gently against his chest. "you okay?" he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

manny nodded, snuggling closer. "yeah, just tired," she whispered back, her words barely audible as she closed her eyes.

the feeling of manny sleeping in his arms just felt natural. he held her close, letting her rest her head on his chest while he ran his fingers through her hair.

unbeknownst to them, the peaceful embrace had lulled them into a gentle slumber. meanwhile, upstairs in big red's house, the faint sound of footsteps echoed down the staircase as big red made his way to the basement. his intention was to go watch tv while he waited for some people to come over, but what he found at the foot of the stairs took him completely by surprise.

big red's eyes widened as he took in the sight of manny and ricky nestled together on the couch, fast asleep. he paused for a moment, a mixture of shock and curiosity playing across his features.

however, his presence did not go unnoticed for long. stirred by the creaking of the stairs, manny and ricky began to rouse from their slumber. with a gentle nudge, manny opened her eyes to find big red standing at the bottom of the staircase, his expression quiet and astonished.

quickly, the two untangled themselves from each other's embrace, their cheeks tinged with a hint of embarrassment. manny offered a sheepish smile as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "uh, i'm gonna go get a soda. do you guys want anything?"

"no thanks." ricky replied tersely, his gaze flickering to big red before immediately looking away.

"okay. be right back." manny muttered, her eagerness to escape the awkwardness evident in the way she hastily rose from the couch and hurried towards the stairs.

"dude, what the hell was that?" big red demanded, his brows knit together in confusion as he turned to face ricky.

"what?" ricky feigned innocence, though the tension in his voice betrayed his unease. "did something happen after the dance?" big red questioned once again, his tone firm.

"yes? no? i— it's confusing." ricky stammered, his words halting as he struggled to articulate his feelings

"it's really not. either something happened, or nothing happened. which one is it?" he pressed, leaving no room for evasion.

ricky sighed, conceding to the truth, "well, yeah. something happened. but i don't know what it meant or if it was serious." he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

big red's gaze held a hint of skepticism as he met ricky's eyes. "looks pretty serious to me," he remarked, his words punctuated by a sense of conviction.

as manny returned to the room, her steps were hesitant, betraying the lingering unease that hung in the air. despite her attempt at nonchalance, a faint tension lingered in her posture.

"it's weird. not being at rehearsal. how stupid is that?" ricky sighed, sinking into a chair and setting his guitar aside.

"what if we just did the show without her?" big red suggested, sprawled out on the couch opposite them.

"we can't even take a picture without her." manny remarked, her arms crossed in frustration.

"no offense." ricky quickly added, shooting manny a knowing glance. she didn't exactly phrase it in the kindest way.

"no, she's right, dude." big red agreed solemnly, acknowledging the truth in manny's words.

suddenly, the three were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell chiming from upstairs, "down here, kaden!" bed red's voice rang out, guiding his incoming guests.

"hope it's cool i invited stef and rico." kaden announced, descending the stairs with the other two in tow, their footsteps echoing through the house.

"what's up, guys?" ricky raised an eyebrow, curious as to what they were doing over. "hey." manny quietly waved, just as perplexed.

"uh, when you didn't text back i reached out to some peeps. i wanted some company tonight." big red explained, earning nods of understanding.

but just as they absorbed this information, the doorbell rang again from upstairs. "it's open!" big red called out, his confusion palpable as he attempted to manage the influx of visitors.

ashlyn and hazel descended the stairs next, adding to the confusion of the room as they joined the gathering, "okay, how many people are coming?" manny questioned, her expression bewildered as she surveyed the growing crowd.

"uh, that should be it." big red responded uncertainly, mirroring the others confusion.

"actually, give it a minute." hazel grimaced, a sense of foreboding creeping into her expression.

as if on cue, a parade of drama club members entered the house from upstairs. manny and ricky stared up in confusion at the staircase as they watched every single club member make their way downstairs.


the club sat in somber silence in big red's basement, the air heavy with the weight of the day's events. each member grappled with their own thoughts, unsure of what to say.

"this is a terrible party." natalie badgley broke the silence abruptly from the corner of the room, "there aren't even pretzels. what are we all doing here?"

ashlyn spoke up, "we all ended up in the same basement after a really bad day, so someone should say something." she remarked, her tone gentle but firm.

"fine. i will say something." carlos announced, "i'm mad at miss jenn."

"why?" gina raised a skeptical brow, "because she's got a couple skeletons in her closet?"

"no, because she's giving up." carlos explained, his frustration bubbling to the surface, "she was the first teacher to not see me as a punchline, and now she's not even a real teacher?"

"define real teacher." ashlyn interjected with a scoff. "he's got a point." nini acknowledged, her tone thoughtful. "does he, though?" natalie countered.

"guys." big red intervened calmly. they weren't getting anything done this way. "so, why are we all here then?"  natalie pressed on.

"yeah, good question. this is a waste of time." ej added as he dropped his phone down, his frustration evident.

a long silence settled among the room as they grappled with their emotions.

"honestly? because she gave me a shot. and it's been a long time since someone gave me a shot." carlos finally spoke up. "yeah." seb nodded in agreement, placing a hand on his leg.

"she gave me a voice." hazel added softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

"yeah, and now nobody is gonna to get to hear it because miss jenn screwed up." kourtney interjected, crossing her arms in frustration.

"okay, does anyone here actually care if her past is a little bit sketchy? anyone?" ashlyn questioned to the group.

"i do." ricky asserted, the only one to utter a word. "seriously, dude?" big red scoffed as everyone stared at ricky with dirty glares.

"what, because you live some perfect life?" kourtney sharply accused him.

"not at all." ricky clarified, standing up to address the group, "because she put our show in jeopardy and now we're all here, maybe for the last time, together.. and for some of us, this has become... i don't know.."

"family." manny finished for him, her voice soft yet resolute, her eyes lightly brimming with water.

"what team?" ricky prompted to the group, wearing a small smile.

"wildcats!" everyone lightly chimed in unison, their voices echoing in the basement. "okay, wildcats. so, what are we doing about it?" manny asked with a grin, more determined than ever.


the drama club had stayed up all night, meticulously choreographing a routine for the crucial school board meeting. this was their last-ditch effort to save the musical and miss jenn's job.

manny sat beside gina, their nerves taut as they awaited ricky's cue to begin singing.

principal gutierrez's voice echoed through the room as he spoke into the microphone, "miss jenn, it may not surprise you to learn that we've heard plenty about your unorthodox style ever since you arrived at east high. personally, i always chalked it up to the well-known fact that people in the dramatic arts are a bit... eccentric."

miss jenn responded calmly, her voice steady as she spoke into the microphone, "thank you."

"but now, we have news that your resume is exaggerated, your teaching credential is from some obscure online university, and even your official name might be some version of a stage name. what do you say to this charge?" principal gutierrez pressed, his tone more serious now.

"i have always done my best by these kids," miss jenn replied, her words firm and unwavering.

"just answer the question," principal gutierrez reiterated, his tone indicating that he wasn't going to let her off easily.

"excuse me, can i say something?" mike bowen's voice interrupted, his presence commanding attention. "i'm sorry. we're not opening up the floor to parents on this," principal gutierrez replied dismissively.

"let him speak," nini's mother interjected, advocating for mr. bowen's right to be heard. "go ahead, mr. bowen," principal gutierrez reluctantly conceded, allowing him to address the room.

"I'm a little late to this party, but I've got to say, the real crime here would be booting a teacher who's making a positive impact," Mr. Bowen began, his voice steady and determined. "I have never seen my kid this invested in anything, and I don't think that's something we should punish. Your... honor?"

"mr. bowen, i appreciate your statement but i think we can all agree that theater is not unique in this regard. it doesn't have some special fairy dust that can't be filled by another extracurricular." principal gutierrez responded, underlining the need to assess the situation pragmatically.

suddenly, a faint humming filled the air, catching principal gutierrez's attention. he tapped on the microphone, scanning the room in confusion. "what's that? who is humming?"

ashlyn rose from her seat, followed by ricky, who was giving eyes to an already standing manny. hazel stood atop the balcony with kourtney and big red holding #savemissjenn posters in solidarity. as the rest of the drama club stood up, miss jenn began to sense something was afoot.

as the beat dropped, manny gestured towards ricky, who in turn pointed up to kourtney, who was holding a boom box over her head. "don't say another word!" her voice boomed as she belted their lyrics.

"some of us need to be heard" manny chimed in, seamlessly joining the song. "you want her big confession?" ashlyn walked over, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, singing the next part with her.

"she never saw dear evan hansen!" kourtney belted while the drama club dramatically gasped for effect.

"whatever you think about her, the show can't go on without her!" ricky and big red moved closer to thr center, joining manny and ashlyn.

"maybe her class could be a little more classy!" kourtney's voice soared from the top, her tone filled with determination and resolve.

"maybe her head is not in the game!" manny, ricky, big red, nini, and gina sang from the ground level, their voices blending harmoniously as they danced to the choreography.

"maybe her past is just a little bit sketchy!" carlos's voice rang out. "we need her all the same!" the club sang together in unison, their voices rising with conviction and unity.

"she's the one who cheers us on!" seb's voice carried through the room as he moved gracefully towards ashlyn and big red in the dance.

"so what if she is dropping the ball?" nini's voice echoed with determination as she moved forward with purpose.

"she stands for truth, justice, and songs in our key, she stands for us and we believe!" the drama club sang the chorus with fervor, their synchronized choreography adding visual impact to their powerful message.

as the beat dropped, manny made her way to the middle of the floor, her movements fluid and confident. "what's my motivation?" she sang, jumping off the platform and up to miss jenn. "she provides the inspiration!"

"whatever about her reputation!" kourtney's voice remained strong and unwavering as she continued to sing.

"seems about time for a modulation!" ashlyn's voice joined in, adding a dynamic shift to the performance.

as the dancers performed their group solo, manny couldn't help but smile at the energy and passion surrounding her. whether this worked or not, they had given it their all. "she stands for truth, justice, and songs in our key, jazz squares in the choreography!"

"sharpay and ryan, you know they would agree, she stands for us and we believe! She stands for us and we believe!" as the song concluded, the group stood around miss jenn, holding up jazz hands as the room filled with a reverent silence.

thankfully, nini's mom stood up, applauding, which prompted everyone else to join in.

"settle, people! settle down, settle down. do we have any further questions?" principal gutierrez's voice cut through the applause, bringing attention back to the matter at hand.

manny grimaced, feeling as though all hope was lost. she doubted principal gutierrez would let this slide.

but then suddenly, a voice rang out, breaking the tension. "just one."

"so, how do i snag two tickets for opening night?" the woman stood up, revealing herself to be martha from the original high school musical film.

cheers erupted from the crowd, and manny wasted no time, darting over to hug hazel. as she moved through the jubilant throng, manny received hugs and high fives, basking in the shared elation. finally, she reached her destination—the real prize: ricky.

the moment ricky caught sight of her, he reacted instinctively, grabbing manny by the waist and pulling her into his arms. with effortless grace, he spun her around in a jubilant celebration of their victory.

"oh my gosh, i cannot believe we did that! you were amazing!" manny beamed at him, resting her hands on his shoulders once she was back on solid ground.

"me? what about you? you killed it!" ricky complimented, full of admiration as his hands remained around her waist.

manny was eager to say more, but natalie badgley grabbed her arm, pulling her away, "come on!"

as things seemed to be falling into place for the pair, little did they know that nini and ej were watching their interaction, both wearing equally sour expressions.

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