By LPOrtiz

793 78 10

For as long as he could remember, Jungkook's whole life has revolved around when or where he would get his ne... More

The Fun Police
Enough Games
Not Worth Saving
Gentle Kisses
I See Right Through You
His First
Skittles and Sex

Dinner and a Coup

41 4 0
By LPOrtiz

Jimin had his arms back around Jungkook's neck and had handfuls of black hair as he pressed against Jungkook's chest. He hungrily kissed Jungkook, his tongue licking its way inside Jungkook's mouth and exploring that delicious heat. Jimin whimpered again, this was more than he had ever done with anyone but he didn't want to stop kissing Jungkook. Jimin breathed heavily through his nose as he clawed at Jungkook's shirt on his shoulders and he made another soft and needy noise.

Jungkook responded to that sound and his hormones. He tumbled Jimin out of his lap and onto his back on the couch. He shed his shirt and covered Jimin's body with his own as he reclaimed his plump lips. The electric touch of bare flesh had him shivering against Jimin. His bandages also brushed between them. There was a little twinge of pain but a quick shift fixed that. Normally he would be insecure but his head was flooded with hormones. Years and years of instant gratification had him ignoring the part of his brain that reminded him he was disgusting. He followed the part of his brain reminding him of pleasure. It had the same edge as the crystal craving.

Jimin was breathing heavily as he grabbed Jungkook's neck, pulled him down, and kissed him heavily. He didn't want to stop kissing Jungkook, it was quickly becoming one of Jimin's favorite things to do. The kisses were hot, heavy, and needy. Jimin's mind was completely fogged over and he was completely lost in Jungkook's kisses. Jimin pulled Jungkook down as close as he physically could and wrapped himself around him, wanting to be surrounded by the older boy.

Jungkook was about to press his luck and see if he could work Jimin's pants off when the doorbell rang. He pulled away from Jimin regrettably unwinding himself from the teen. "Pick a movie you like I'll go get dinner," Jungkook dumped the remote in Jimin's lap and picked up his shirt pulling it back on. He felt very exposed in the light of the living room now. Hormones were a good thing until reality had butted back in. For the first time, something was stronger than his craving for drugs. The pull of Jimin and that smooth pale skin was stronger. He wanted to go back and strip him down and move together until they were satisfied and spent. His mind shied away from that image. Sex was dirty and it hurt, he didn't want to hurt Jimin or make him dirty. Worthlessness and shame reached up and wrapped their smothering arms around his head as he retrieved the food.

Jimin missed the warmth of Jungkook as soon as he shifted off of him. He pouted a little as Jungkook left the room to go and get the food but Jimin grabbed his shirt anyway from where it had been thrown to the floor. He pulled it on and settled back on the couch, picking up the remote control and flicking through the movies whilst Jungkook grabbed the food. He settled on a comedy and selected it, pausing the movie just as it started so Jungkook could see the start as well. He curled up in the corner of the couch as he waited for Jungkook and let his mind wander.

Jungkook came back with the bags of food, a few plates he'd retrieved from the kitchen, and the bottles of soda. Sugar did help. He was sure it wasn't good for him on top of the crystal but he didn't care. He set the haul on the table and gave Jimin a small smile. "You didn't have to wait for me," he said, gesturing to the frozen movie. He handed Jimin a bowl.

"Yes I did," Jimin said simply as he shifted forward and started removing the lids from the various dishes before scooping some of the noodles out and dumping them in his bowl. "If you miss the beginning, you won't know what's going on and I don't know if you have seen this movie before, so I didn't want you to get confused," Jimin explained simply. He always hated it when he missed the start of movies, he always felt like he missed a vital part of the story and never enjoyed them as much. He piled some of the spicy chicken on top of his noodles before settling back in his spot.

Jungkook decided it was prudent not to argue. He watched as Jimin loaded his bowl, wondering briefly where Jimin was going to put it all. Well, he was a teenager, and Jungkook remembered being constantly hungry as a teen. He scooped a small pile of rice and an even smaller pile of chicken into his bowl. He doubted he would even finish this amount of food. His stomach had long ago stopped accepting full meals. More than a few bites and he was nauseous. He settled back so his arms rested against Jimin. Being in contact with Jimin even innocently helped.

Jimin watched out of the corner of his eye as Jungkook ate. It was only a small bowl of food but it was something and it made Jimin warm inside to know that Jungkook was trying. Jimin shifted a little so he could reach the remote control and pressed play on the movie before sitting back against Jungkook. He leaned into Jungkook's touch and rested his head on his shoulder as he balanced his bowl on his knees and he started on his mountain of food, enjoying the close company of Jungkook.

Jungkook was right, three bites in and he wanted to barf and dose, not necessarily in that order. He set the bowl on the table and tried to focus on the movie. Despite Jimin waiting for him, the movie held little interest for him. He settled back on the couch and soon found his attention focused on Jimin's hair. He didn't even notice but he started running a lock of Jimin's hair through his fingers. It was silky and smooth against his skin so he kept running it between his fingers. It was nice just sitting with Jimin and not having to do anything, not trying for anything else.

Jimin smiled as he felt Jungkook play with his hair, he hadn't told anyone but he loved it when people played with his hair, it was relaxing and soothing. He stayed curled up against Jungkook as he watched the movie, soon becoming completely engrossed in the storyline, steadily making his way through his Korean food. He giggled at the characters on screen as he popped the last piece of chicken in his mouth before giggling again. He had seen this movie before but he had forgotten how much he enjoyed it. Jimin for the first time in a long time, was completely relaxed and happy as he watched the characters move around on screen, eating one of his favorite foods as he curled against his... Jungkook? Who was playing with his hair and Jimin was content.

Jungkook glanced at Jimin's face as he giggled. It was a surprisingly innocent sound. He had seen Jimin play innocent but knew better this was different. Jimin was genuinely enjoying the movie. It was clear on his face. His walls were down. He was about to kiss Jimin when he heard it. The voices outside. "Off," he urged and moved Jimin off of him. He immediately moved to the other chair as far from Jimin as he could get and still be in the same room. A moment later Namjoon and Hoseok walked in. Jungkook tried to look bored and doped.

"Hey Chim, looks good. Jungkook, go get me and Hoseok bowls," Namjoon said sitting on the couch where Jungkook had recently been. Jungkook bent his head and did as he was told. "How was your day?"

Jimin grinned as he looked at his brother and automatically shifted a little closer to him. "It was really good Joonie," he said as he turned to face his big brother. "Oh, there's a parent-teacher conference in two weeks but I have the letter in my bag. I got my art project back and I got eighty percent and when I got home I did all my homework before putting the movie on," Jimin quickly added, he knew Joonie wanted his schoolwork out of the way before he watched television. Regardless of Jimin being eighteen, Namjoon told him as long as he was in high school he would follow the house rules and maintain his grades.

"Good," Namjoon smoothed Jimin's errant hair just as Jungkook came back in and handed them each a bowl before skittering away to stand in the corner. Namjoon smirked as Jungkook tried to make himself as small and invisible as he could. Jungkook's fear would keep him away from Jimin. He served himself some of the chicken and the noodles. "Just leave the note where I leave the notes for you and I'll add it to my calendar."

Jimin nodded as he finished off his chicken. "Okay, I'll put it there before bed," Jimin said with a smile. He loved how Namjoon always made time to come to his school to see how he was doing, he loved that no matter how busy his big brother was, he always made time to see Jimin and see how he was doing. "How was work?" Jimin asked innocently, he always made sure to ask. Namjoon had told him he worked in the city which is why he had to do long hours.

"Boring, I need to get a new man to handle some of the houses. He was being rude to the girls," Namjoon said. He had told Jimin his harems were halfway houses for runaways and foreign girls to save them from living in a detention center while they sorted out their papers. It was true the man he'd put down had been rude to the girls. Mistreatment didn't bother him, what bothered him was bruising or wounding the merchandise. Bruises and marks were saved for dogs like Jungkook who didn't need to look pretty. There were ways to hurt someone without leaving a mark as he had shown the man before shoving a pistol in his mouth. He'd left Jackson there to watch the girls and make sure they worked while he looked for someone new.

"Oh, that's not good. I hope you have a better day tomorrow," Jimin replied, keeping up his completely innocent act of pretending he had no idea what Namjoon did for a living. Jimin finished his meal and shifted so he could stand up. "Did anyone need anything whilst I'm up?" Jimin asked. He always made sure to ask if anyone wanted anything before going into the kitchen. He always tried to keep the house tidy too and put plates in the dishwasher as soon as he finished with them. He knew Namjoon appreciated a clean house.

"No, I'm good thanks Mimi," Hoseok smiled from his chair as he grabbed more chicken from the half-eaten containers on the table. It was his name for Jimin that he had used ever since Jimin was little and it had just stuck since then. Jimin was like a little brother to him, he and Namjoon were like family and he was one of the only people Namjoon allowed to hang around the house and have normal conversations with Jimin. The trust had come from years of being friends and Hoseok practically watching Jimin grow up and never acting on anything like many of the other members did.

Jungkook watched Jimin head to the kitchen. As soon as he was out of sight he found himself getting a bag thrown at him. His nightly pay. He tucked it away quickly and glanced up at Namjoon. "I heard Tao and Kris talking earlier. They're planning a coup," Jungkook said checking to make sure Jimin was still busy in the kitchen.

Namjoon glanced toward the kitchen as well and back over at Jungkook trying to decide what he would get out of this lie. "Why tell me this? A coup could only be good for the little doggy. Might get you better treatment," Namjoon said and Jungkook shook his head lowering his eyes again. He had to be careful now. Saving Jimin was easy, but explaining to Namjoon why he was speaking up was more complicated. It was well known that Namjoon kept Jungkook in check through a cycle of fear and abuse.

"No, Kris hates me and Tao has advised you more than once to kill me. They would kill me or cut me off, worse case they'd keep me chained up and sober for their amusement," Jungkook said back. "No matter how bad the abuse you keep me supplied. I can stand paying my debt for that." It was true. Happily high Jungkook could take anything. Clear-headed like this was dangerous. It allowed him to remember the things he had done, the debt he had paid. He hated it, he hated agreeing to not drugging for the evening.

Namjoon exchanged a dark look with Hoseok. "Well thank you doggy. I don't know if I believe you but you know if it turns out to be true you'll be rewarded. I want you to stay with Jimin overnight until I find out whether or not you're lying. I don't want Tao or Kris to have a chance to get him." Jungkook fell back against the wall. The best way to avoid getting beat was to stay out of Namjoon's way, out of his reach, and whenever possible out of his eyeline.

"I'll get G-Dragon to keep watch out front," Hoseok said as he shifted forward and sat on the edge of the chair he was sitting on as he glanced at Jungkook. "He can keep an eye on the shed too, make sure the filthy doggy doesn't try and get in the shed overnight. He could be the thief," Hoseok said darkly as he glared at Jungkook. They had been trying to figure out who the thief was for a while now, but so far, they had no luck finding the missing stash.

Jungkook sank back as far as he could, his back touching the wall. He had not experienced as much abuse at Hoseok's hands Hoseok was the one usually tasked with cleaning him up but he had experienced Hoseok's speciality. He didn't need a gun or his fists. He had a special skill with ropes and a whip. Jungkook had been sixteen the first time he'd been whipped. He didn't even remember what he had done. He knew they had waited until Jimin was out of the house. He'd been strung up on a post in the yard outside stripped and whipped until blood ran down his back and onto the concrete. He'd been forced to scrub up his blood after being hosed off. In a cruel twist of fate, Hoseok had been the one bandaging the wounds before he had his way with Jungkook's young body. So Hoseok may not have abused him as frequently but that almost made it worse. He couldn't remember every time Namjoon had hurt him, he could remember every instance of Hoseok hurting him. Those brown eyes focused on him usually meant bad things.

"Jungkook wouldn't steal from me and even if he did, he would take more. He's got a serious problem. The person stealing from me is taking just enough to make a little extra cash on the side. Maybe it's Tao or Kris. Just have G-Dragon look after the shed and see if he can catch him. Jungkook has things handled here. He's in lust with my baby brother. I can't wait for him to act on it so I can shoot him," Namjoon said smugly. Jungkook's fear and issues were threatening to strangle him. It was Namjoon and Hoseok's favorite way to mess with him. To talk about all the things they wanted to do to him.

"If he so much as looks at Jimin the wrong way, he's fucking dead," Hoseok warned as he shot another look at Jungkook. Hoseok was just as protective of Jimin as Namjoon was, Jimin was practically his little brother as well. He had seen the boy grow up from a toddler. "I'll have to get some use out of my ropes before you put a bullet between his eyes," Hoseok said, his voice quiet but dark. They never let Jimin hear what they were talking about.

Jungkook fought the urge to flee. He was to stay put and he knew it. It was worse hearing them talk about it. He wished they would just do what they were going to do and stop messing with him. He knew they would make good on their threats. The first time they had talked like this in front of him was the first time he couldn't pay for his habit. Namjoon had said they were going to turn him out. Cocky, sixteen-year-old Jungkook had just scoffed. Two days later aching and standing on a corner offering a ride had taught him a lesson. They always followed through.

"Oh I don't know shooting him might be too kind. He doesn't flinch when I mention killing him. Maybe you string him up, we sober him up completely, take his debt out of his flesh with that lovely new whip of yours, and then feed him to the gang. They get so frustrated if they don't have a whore to tear apart every few weeks," Namjoon said to Hoseok. His tone was pleasant as though they were discussing the weather. Jungkook wondered where Jimin was. He might be snacking on the back deck. Jungkook noticed Jimin had a fascination with the night sky.

"You always know how to put me in a good mood," Hoseok laughed as he picked up a can of soda from the table and sat back in the chair again with a smirk. "I was wondering when I would be able to try it out. Maybe tomorrow will be the day," Hoseok continued, raising his eyebrows, his eyes dark as he looked at Jungkook. Hoseok shifted a little when he noticed Jimin walk back into the room, making himself look more casual. "Thought you got lost Mimi, did you finish the book that you borrowed from my sister? She says she has another one for you," Hoseok said lightly and he gave Jimin a soft smile as the teen sat down next to his brother again.

"Sorry, I was cleaning the kitchen. Yeah, I finished it last night. It was really good," Jimin grinned as he sat cross-legged on the couch next to Namjoon. He always liked it when his brother and Hoseok hung out in the house like this, without it being about work. Jimin missed hanging out with his brother as much as he used to. "I'll get it in the morning for you to give back to her," Jimin smiled as he curled up in the corner of the couch.

Jungkook felt a little relief as Jimin deposited himself on the couch. With the teen in the room Hoseok and Namjoon were forced to stop talking about him. He appreciated that even as he feared what might happen tomorrow after Jimin went to school. Namjoon laughed and ruffled Jimin's hair before pulling Jimin back to lay against him. Unlike Jungkook's hold which was usually affectionate, Namjoon's hold was hard and intended to control. Jimin didn't have a choice but to cuddle. "We have a maid Chim. Anyway, Jungkook will be staying in your room overnight from now on." Namjoon said aloud and focused his malice-filled dragon eyes on Jungkook. He leaned down to whisper in Jimin's ear. "If he tries something and I'm not in the house, G-Dragon will be in the shed, go find him."

Jimin looked up at Namjoon and nodded as he cuddled against his big brother. "Joonie, why does Jungkook have to stay with me? Is Taeyang still around?" Jimin asked, pretending to look worried. He knew Taeyang would not be there, but still, he had an act to keep up. The last time Namjoon asked someone to stay in the same room as Jimin, it was because an ex-guard was in the neighborhood. Jimin wasn't complaining this time though, he had been hoping Jungkook would be able to stay in his room again. Maybe he could sleep with the light off again and things would be okay again.

"The bulb went out in the lamp in my bedroom when I was showering after school. Can you make sure the hall light stays on please Joonie?" Jimin asked as he stayed curled up against Namjoon's side. Namjoon always made sure the lights were off before he went to bed, but considering Jimin didn't like the dark, he wanted the hall light to stay on so he got a small beam of light into his bedroom through the crack in the door. It also meant he would have light if he needed the bathroom at night.

"No Taeyang has been dealt with, don't worry just me being overly cautious. I would never let anything happen to you," Namjoon pushed the dark hair back and pressed a kiss to Jimin's forehead. "You're mine, no one will be allowed to get at you. One day you have to get over the dark thing Jimin. You're an adult now. Adults don't need a nightlight. I'll leave it on until I go to bed." He knew he babied Jimin and it might come back to bite them when he moved Jimin to be his second in command. He needed to start toughening Jimin up now.

Jimin nodded and smiled as he pressed his forehead against Namjoon's chest as he was wrapped up. "I promise I'll try Joonie," Jimin said into the older man's chest as he stayed in his position wrapped up in Namjoon's arms. He knew Namjoon didn't go to bed until really late so he would be fast asleep by the time the hall light went off. He knew it was silly to be afraid of the dark, but he couldn't help it. He hadn't liked the dark for as long as he could remember.

Jungkook wouldn't have ever told someone not to feel something. He believed fears were valid. He could see the obvious love Namjoon had for Jimin but it had a possessive dark edge to it. Something along the lines of he could have Jimin, and no one else could. It was scary. He hated that he could see so much so easily, this was another reason to dull his senses. He was sharp, his mother used to say he could be spy material. He lowered his eyes not wanting to be caught staring at anything but the carpet.

The room was silent except for the movie. Namjoon held Jimin not loosening his arms even when Jimin tried to adjust. Hoseok kept looking between the TV and Jungkook so Jungkook kept his eyes very carefully focused on the ground. Jimin was watching the movie uncomfortably, but it seemed Namjoon was the only one truly at ease. When the credits rolled he lazily waved his hand at Hoseok who turned off the TV. "Off to bed, you have an early morning," Namjoon said, releasing Jimin.

Jimin sat up and nodded. "I'm tired now anyway," Jimin smiled as he stretched a little from the uncomfortable position he had been in before leaning forward and kissing Namjoon's cheek. "Goodnight Joonie, love you," Jimin said as he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck to hug him before shifting and standing up. "Night Hobi," Jimin smiled as he gave Hoseok a sleepy wave. Hoseok was the only person, alongside Namjoon, he was allowed to have a nickname for. He smiled at Namjoon one last time before heading upstairs, he wasn't lying when he said he was tired. He brushed his teeth before climbing into bed.

Jungkook glanced at the two men before quickly following. His skin crawled as their eyes followed him upstairs. He hoped Hoseok wasn't going to whip him the next day. He didn't feel he had done anything to earn it, well anything they knew about. He glanced up as Jimin climbed into bed. He sat on the couch heavily, the cravings were growing and the aches were starting to make themselves known.

Jimin looked at Jungkook as he settled under his blankets, his head on the soft pillow and he frowned. He patted the bed next to him, wanting Jungkook to be near, he had been hoping to cuddle Jungkook again before he went to sleep. He didn't think he would be able to sleep in the dark with Jungkook on the other side of the room, he needed him next to him instead. Maybe kissing him. "Come here," Jimin whispered as he kept his dark eyes on Jungkook.

Jungkook shook his head. It was far too risky with Namjoon and Hoseok right downstairs. He wanted to be close to Jimin but his fear kept him sitting. He pulled out the phone that he very rarely thought about and pulled up Jimin's number. Not with him downstairs. When he comes to check on you I will end up in the worst way possible. Sorry. He hit send and after Jimin had opened it, he deleted it from his phone. He didn't want anything incriminating if Namjoon decided to check it. He had no illusions of privacy.

Jimin read the message and pouted. Namjoon didn't go to bed until late so he probably wouldn't check on Jimin until late. Jimin huffed to himself as he rolled over to face the wall. He might as well get some sleep if Jungkook wasn't going to come and cuddle. Jimin's room was dark apart from the small amount of light coming through from the hall light and the moonlight came in through the window, it would be enough for now. Jimin closed his eyes as he faced the wall and tried to sleep.

Jungkook hated that he had upset Jimin but there was the risk of messing with Namjoon's teenage brother and then there was straight-up recklessness. He heard Jimin softly snoring and got up. He went into the bathroom leaving the door cracked. If Namjoon snuck in again and was touching Jimin maybe he would doubt Jungkook and let Hoseok have at him. He quickly whipped out the bag Jimin had threatened to take and felt his nerves relax. That was better. He stepped back into the quiet room and settled on the couch.

Namjoon and Hoseok stayed downstairs chatting for a bit longer. Namjoon was mostly hanging around to hear what went off after everyone went upstairs. He heard silence and eventually gestured for Hoseok to follow him to the shed. "Stay out. I haven't seen Tao or Kris tonight. I don't know that I believe they're that stupid but you never know," Namjoon said to Hoseok right before they stepped inside. He hoped they weren't that stupid. He liked their ability to get their grubby little hands-on information.

Hoseok nodded. "Yes boss," he said as he paused and stood near the entrance to the shed, his arms crossed against his chest. He stood next to the doors, scanning the house, the yard, and the path next to the house for any sign of movement. He had no idea who the thief was but if they came tonight, Hoseok was going to have them. He didn't care who it was, no one messed with their supply.

Namjoon stepped in. They were that stupid. Kris was standing by the desk looking casual and if Namjoon hadn't been prepared he wouldn't have noticed Tao lurking in the shadow by the door. He carefully placed his hand in his pocket and speed-dialed Hoseok. "I thought you were done for the day?" he asked, making his way over like nothing was amiss. He really should have a gun all the time, it would avoid stuff like this.

Hoseok immediately stepped into the shed. As soon as he saw the scene in front of him, he pulled his gun from his waistband. He normally didn't carry a gun on him, but since everyone else had gone home for the evening, he had taken a gun just to be on the safe side. He now knew it had been one of the smartest decisions he had made. Hoseok watched as Kris stood near the desk but out of the corner of his eye, he saw quick movement. In less than a second, three shots had been fired off and Tao was now slumped in the corner by the door.

Kris looked startled but pulled his gun and leveled it at Namjoon's head. "I'll kill him, drop the gun," he said. Unfortunately for Kris, Namjoon saw the tremor in his hand and heard the fear in his voice.

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter," Namjoon said and walked up to him. He pulled the gun away and shot Kris' foot. "Go check that we didn't wake up Jimin while I put him in a room. We can teach him a lesson tomorrow and perhaps reward Jungkook's loyalty." Namjoon said this to Hoseok as he twisted Kris' arm. "Seems like your whip will know flesh tomorrow."

Hoseok smirked as he headed out of the shed. He closed the door behind him and made his way inside the house. It was still quiet as he made his way up the stairs. He knew the layout of this house like the back of his hand and he was soon outside Jimin's bedroom door. He carefully wrapped his hand around the handle and twisted it, pushing the door open, and looked inside. Jimin was curled up on the far side of the bed, facing the wall. His dark hair sprawled out across the pillow as he softly snored. Hoseok glanced at Jungkook who was sitting on the couch, but he didn't speak to him. He retreated and closed the bedroom door with a soft click before heading back downstairs, making sure the hall light stayed on.

Jungkook had tensed at the soft steps but when Hoseok's head had popped in he had removed his hand from the gun and settled back into his original position of watching the moonlight travel across the walls. He had heard the shots in the shed and had briefly thought of asking questions but he would be told tomorrow. He heard Hoseok exit and sighed, relaxing a little more. He had so far escaped.

Hoseok had just finished locking Kris up in one of the old stalls, they called rooms. It had been a barn when this house was a farmhouse. He had bandaged up the foot and strung him up so he couldn't commit suicide. "Rough week. Lost Taeyang, and now Tao and Kris. Am I not as scary as I used to be?" Namjoon asked, settling at the desk and checking the stash. "Check his pockets."

"I think they are just getting more stupid boss," Hoseok said as he stepped forward and roughly moved Kris so he could rummage in his pockets. Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he pulled out three little bags and a small blade. "I think we may have found our little thief," Hoseok said as he held up the bags. He didn't remember giving Kris anything. Hoseok quickly delivered a hard punch to Kris' stomach, making him cry out in pain before turning and walking back to Namjoon and handing the little bags over.

"Probably. I found five on Tao. Dumbass. Bury him under the roses. Jimin's been on me about new fertilizer," Namjoon said. This was usually a job for the dog but he was going to give Jungkook the night. He could reward loyalty. He put the bags back with the rest of the product. He got up before Hoseok could move him and dug out the wallet. "Seems like he wasn't just stealing product." Namjoon held up a wad of cash. He tossed the wallet into the fireplace.

Hoseok grabbed Tao by the feet and dragged him outside with ease. Hoseok was fit enough that it took next to no effort to drag the body outside. He grabbed a spade before making his way back to the roses. He remembered when they planted the roses. Jimin had been adamant the shed looked boring and needed something added to it. He had made Namjoon plant roses all along one side so it didn't look as boring. Hoseok was careful as he dug, not to disturb the roses. He knew Jimin liked to look after them so didn't want to disturb them and upset the teen. He quickly shoved the body into the freshly dug hole before covering it back up again.

Namjoon looked up as Hoseok returned. "Keep an eye on him tonight. We'll deal with him in the morning. Don't kill him if he tries to run. I want to know what he planned to do to Jimin while you peel off his skin." He got up and gave the fit brunette a familiar pat on the shoulder. "Do whatever else you like with him." Namjoon wasn't usually into men. He used males when he felt like truly breaking them. Jungkook is the most recent example but he knew Hoseok was into men. He usually gave him treats like this. He left the shed as Kris started screaming at him to just kill him.

Hoseok grinned as the door to the shed was closed. He stepped forward to Kris with a glint in his eye, he always liked it when Namjoon gave him presents. He stepped forward, tore Kris' pants open, and yanked them down and off his legs along with his boxers. Hoseok spun him around before opening his own. This was going to be a fun night.

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