Slytherin boys reacts, prefer...

By DaisyJones9990

579K 5.5K 1.4K

Exactly what the title says. This will include. Tom, Matteo, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Enzo and Regulus More

When you hug them from behind
When you ware their clothes.
Storm (Draco Malfoy)
Protector (Tom Riddle)
The bet pt.1 (Matteo Riddle)
The bet pt.2 (Matteo Riddle)
When you kiss them and run away
Group Chat messages pt.1
Cheating on your boyfriend with Draco Malfoy
A/N. Thank you
Cheating on your bf with Matteo Riddle
You send them a spicy pic in class
They wake up and your in their bed. (you wernt their when they went to bed)
gc messages pt.2
What they would post on Insta for your bday
Dating Draco Malfoy would be like.....
When their clingy
Cheating on your bf with Tom Riddle
Dating Tom Riddle would include....
Dating Matteo Riddle would include.....
You ask them to come back when their out
A/N please read
They find out your pregnant
You feel the baby kick for the first time
You go into labour
When your baby walks for the first time
Your baby speaks for the first tim
You ask them to buy you tampons
Theodore Smut
You being on your period
gc messages pt.3
Draco Smut
Random texts with Draco Malfoy
Random texts with Matteo Riddle
Gc mesagges pt. 4
Their lock screen and home screen
Gc messages pt.5
Matteo x Y/N smut
Gc messagea pt.6
Gc messages pt.7
Gc messages pt.7 again
What they would get you for your birthday.
What they would do for your birthday.
Gc messages pt.8
How would they cuddle you
You text them on someone elses phone.
you ask them what your name is on their phone
You ask for their credit card.
You getting a tattoo of their name.
Group imagine pt.1
You not saying 'i love you' back after an argument
You text them someones following you at night
Group imagine pt.2
Gc messages pt. 9
They slap your ass
You ask them if they would still love you as a worm
Names they call you
When THEY accidentally text you instead of their friend.
When THEY accidentally text you instead of their friend (again)
Regulus catch up
Regulus catch up pt.2
Early Bird (Tom Riddle)
gc messages pt.10
Your insta stories of you went to Hogwarts.
Them Finding Out You Speak Another Language.
Not exciting.
Group imagine pt.3
You give them a hickey
You ask them to take your V-Card.
โš ๏ธA/N....READโš ๏ธ
They ready your mind while in class.
Happy Birthday Amore (Theodore Nott)
Matteo Riddle Instagram Stories
Them losing a quidditch match.
Theodore Notts Insta Stroies
You text them 'Shes busy' as a prank
Your insta stories if you went to Hogwarts pt.2
Pathetic Potter (Draco Malfoy)
Regulus Blacks Instagram Stories
Trust fund baby pt.1 (Regulus Black)
You ask them for hand pics
Lorenzo Berkshire Instagram Stories
Random texts with Tom Riddle
Them finding out your famous in the muggle world
Draco Malfoy Instagram stories
Group messages pt.11
Lost Friendship
Them breaking up with you and later seeing you with their child
Revenge Bitch (Lorenzo Berkshire)
Clingy (Enzo Berkshire)
Late night date (Draco Malfoy)

Violent Psycho!

6.7K 56 7
By DaisyJones9990

This is a request from HannaBlack1239

A/N. I'm sorry for everyone who loves Theodore. I love him too this is purely for the story line.

I was lying down panting next to Tom. We had just finished doing the deed. I got up and put on my clothes.
"No where you going" he asked
"To Theos dorm" I responded putting on my bra.
"No why dont you stay the night" he said fake pouting.
"Y'know I cant do that"
"Why not" he wined.
"Cause if I dont sleep with Theo he'll hi...." I stopped myself before saying anything else.
"He'll what"
"Get upset. He'll get upset" I said.
He looked hesitant but brushed it off.

When I was changed I kissed Tom before walking out.

Theodores POV

I was waiting in my dorm for Y/N. She was normally here by now. I saw her Phone on the side. She must of left it here earlier. I decided to check it. I went in it but the password she told me didnt work. What is she hiding. I tried a few until finally one work. I started to go through her messages. I saw Tom's contact. Labelled.

Hot stuff🥵💖

I was furious. Why was that her name for him. The only reason I knew it was him was because of his profile picture. I decided to snoop through her messages.

Hot stuff🥵💖
Are you coming mine tonight?

Yes baby dont worry.
I'll be there

Hot stuff🥵💖
Good. Y'know I'm better
Than Theo


I could feel the steam coming out my ears. How could she do this to me? And with my best friend. That's when I heard the door open.


I walked to Theos dorm. When I opened the door I saw him in my phone. With murder all over his face.
"Your cheating on me with Tom!"
"DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME" he said slamming my phone on the floor causing it to smash. "HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME. WHY DID YOU DO IT"
"Cause.....hes nice and doesnt hit me and comforts me protects me.  I feel safe around him"
He walked over to me grabbing me by the throat. Choking me. Not in a sexual way in a violent way.
When I was on the verge of passing out he dropped me causing me to fall to the floor. He started punching and kicking me.
"Please ...... stop" I managed to breathe out
"Aww can you not handle it. Well to bad" he went back to beating me up.

I felt weak I had a black eye and a broken arm for sure. Who knows what other injuries I have. He was about to stomp on my stomach when he was pulled away by someone.

Tom's POV

I was walking along the corridor when I heard someone's cries for help. Me being me was just gonna ignore it but then I recognized Y/Ns screams. I ran into the direction of the screams. Y/N is the only person I will ever love I'm hate it when shes hurt. I barged open the door to see a weak Y/N on the floor and Theo about to stomp on her stomach. I didnt think twice. I pulled Theo off and started attacking him. After a while he passed out. I ran over to Y/N.
"Tom..." she breathed out.
"Yeah baby I'm here" then she passed out. I picked her up and ran to Madame Pomfrey.

"Oh dear" Madame Pomfrey said taking Y/N. She did a few spells and the blood cleared up. She tended to Y/Ns cuts while I held her hand the whole time.


I woke up to a bright light. Was I dead? I looked to my left to see Tom holding my hand.
"Hey you're up" he said "how are you feeling" I tried to sit up but the pain was too much causing me to wince.
"Take It easy" he said
"What happened"
"I found Theo beating the shit out of you. I beat him up then bring you here"
"How long have I been asleep"
"2 weeks"
I groaned.
"You're gonna be ok"
"Promise" I said sticking out my pinky.
"Promise" he took my pinky in his and then kissed me.

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