Unfolding Blossom

By Fawkes_0520

243K 12.8K 662

Jeon Jungkook, a single father to a beautiful angel called Nabi, a 11 months old sweet and pure soul, he is t... More

Chapter-40: Epilogue
Special Chapter 1
!New Book!


6.9K 392 32
By Fawkes_0520

Knowing both agreed to the marriage was enough for the families to arrange their engagement in the next two days, because they couldn't take the risk of change of minds of Taehyung and Jungkook.

Kim's mansion is heavily busy with lots of workers who are doing the decorations for the engagement. It was on very short notice that they had to pay extra for everything but they could care less about it!

Taehyung is upstairs with his makeover and designer team, Getting a perfect dress for him is a big task at this short notice, but lucky him, he got the best team out there, and his designers picked the right outfit for him!

"Tae, sit still" Taehyung yawns nodding, his hair is getting done by a stylist, while make up is done by another, he just left his body for the people to finish their work. "I am so sleepy" one of the stylists, Yerin, coos, they completely adore him, "come on Taebear, today is such a big day for you!" "Or soon to be Mrs. Jeon?" Blush crept on Taehyung's cheek from neck, "Noona" he whines with a pout, "come on Tae! People die to be in your place, do you know that?! Jeon's are very influential you already know that, but Jungkook-ssi is super hot and handsome!"

Of course Taehyung knows how super hot and handsome his soon-to-be "husband" is, he did his homework. "And Taehyung is the hottest... Both are perfect for each other!" Hayun squeals, "you look so beautiful" "so pretty" "thanks" Taehyung smiles politely which he always does after getting a makeover by his team, "perfect! You are ready for your day!" Taehyung sighs, licking his lip ring, flicking it with his tongue.

The door of his room opens revealing Ji-Eun, who smiles politely at the team greeting them before going to Taehyung, "you are beautiful Tae!" She lightly combs his hair making sure not to damage the girl's effort, "are they here?" Taehyung asks, nervous spiking, "not yet, but in a few more minutes" Taehyung nods, "Taebear, calm down" Ji-Eun gently squeezes his shoulders, "can't help" the younger whispers, "you are so beautiful and I am sure Jungkook-ssi will be stunned by your beauty, we will get you when they are here, I will be down stairs"

When Ji-Eun gets downstairs, she stands beside her husband, "is he okay?" "A bit nervous but he is okay, where is Hyunjin?" Ji-Eun asks the younger suddenly disappeared in the middle, Hoseok tiredly rubs his nape tiredly, "no idea" "did you call him?" "It's switched off" as they are talking the Jeon's arrive.

"Our little Nabi is so cute" Min-Young coos at the girl in Jungkook hold, the said girl looks at Min-Young hearing her name but immediately let's her head rest on her dada's shoulder, "it's hard to get her ready" Ye-Jin chuckles remembering their efforts of making Nabi wear the dress, but alas in the end Jungkook came up with a cute cotton gown which the baby wore without complain, afterall comfort is everything!

"Is Taehyung ready?" Ye-Jin asks once they are settled, Jungkook is having Nabi with him, the baby girl is observing the familiar surroundings with her doe eyes, as much as Jungkook seems calm, he is freaking inside, he doesn't know how to feel about getting engaged and married when he got a child, it's so different that it's eating him up inside, no..he is not at all embarrassed for having Nabi, it's just that this feeling is so different to get engaged tho it's his first marriage.

"Ji-Eun can you get Taehyung down?" "Sure Mom" Ji-Eun goes upstairs, straight towards Taehyung's room, she opens the door without knocking "they are here" "oh god" Taehyung bites onto his lower lip, hands turning cold, heart thumping loudly, both make their way downstairs.

Once Taehyung came into everyone's view, Jungkook was again stunned by the beauty of the red haired male, he is looking so beautiful, the v neck is giving the site of Taehyung tattooed flowers which are amazingly done, he was snapped when Nabi became so excited in his arms, "hey baby" Jungkook catches her in place but as Taehyung nears it became impossible to catch Nabi, "maybe she is wanting to go to Taehyung" Hyun-Bin utters earning everyone's attention, Ji-Eun makes Taehyung sit beside Jungkook.

The younger observes Jungkook from the corner of his eyes, Taehyung felt that the blonde is flawless and effortlessly handsome after seeing the young CEO from near, the cologne is overpowering him and the aura radiating from Jungkook is so dangerous and dominant yet the interaction with little Nabi is so soft that Taehyung wondered how many more Variations that the elder got.

well, more than he could imagine.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a weight on his body, watching Jungkook struggle with Nabi, "Hey baby" Taehyung coos as he held Nabi on his lap who emits giggles, eyes crinkling, Jungkook let her go seeing how carefully Taehyung held Nabi, and the family can't help but feel proud for their decision of coming forward with this
marriage and more happy that their sons agreed and Kim's, they are just grateful for Nabi and proud of their Taehyung who is taking care of Nabi so well.

"Owww baby Nabi love her Mama a lot" Taehyung cheeks flushes red at Ye-Jin's comment, Jungkook can't help but be awed at the cute interaction Infront of him, Nabi sure liked Taehyung, hell he himself is so dazed by the younger, not to mention that scent, it's so fucking addictive and Jungkook wonders what products the younger use that he smell like milk, like a baby, does he taste the sam--oh fuck! What am I even thinking?! The older cursed himself in his mind.

"Where is Hyunjin between?" "I am sorry, I am late" a very late Hyunjin, rubs his ear as he apologises and sits beside his eldest brother, Min-Young glares at him which almost screamed 'you are dead later' "Let's exchange the rings!" Ji-Eun says, trying her best to divert the whole attention from the boy, which worked as everyone agreed.

Ye-Jin hands the rings that she got a day back, luckily they got the correct pair, with Nabi Taehyung's lap, who is sitting peacefully as they faced each other, looking at her Dada with her doe eyes, "here" Jungkook takes the ring from Ye-Jin, with a deep breath, taking the hand of the younger, feeling how soft and delicate it is, he slides the ring, he held the urge to place a kiss, the same followed by Taehyung, taking the rough hands, he slides the ring as everyone claps and cheer, baby Nabi too seeing everyone followed as she claps with her little hands and smiles, babbling.

"When do we arrange the marriage?" Seo-Joon asks, "Probably in two weeks? Nabi birthday is next week so maybe the week after that" Hyun-Bin says, it's their Nabi first birthday and they want it to be grand, the preparations are already started, "well if it's not a problem can we have it on the day of Nabi?" Taehyung meekly asks earning everyone attention in the room, "I love it" Jungkook finally talks, a fond smile on his face as he watches Nabi trying to stand Taehyung lap but kept falling on her bump which Taehyung is holding.

"Okay then! Next week is the marriage" and the family is more than welcome to agree. Afterall they want them to get married as soon as possible.

The aqua orbs meet the blonde dark orbs for the first time in the day, their heart unfolds a new emotion like a blossom in a garden full of emotions.

Hey Buns!

I though you guys would gush about how Taehyung has a lip piercing and tattoos .. me ish sulking in the corner 😗

Next is wedding... He he he he 😈

I am feeling evil.

Don't forget to like and comment your thoughts 💜

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