Adler | The Aces of St.Sincla...


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Book One of the Adler series ** St. Sinclair, the illustrious academy honoured nationwide as a catalyst for t... More

Prologue & Aesthetics
Summoned | A ONE
Coeus | A TWO
Throne | A THREE
Hangman | A FOUR
Recruitment | A FIVE
Visit | A SIX
Deduction | A SEVEN
Influence | A EIGHT
Disarray | A NINE
Odds | A TEN
Evens | A ELEVEN
Partying | A TWELVE
Thursdays | A THIRTEEN
Exposed | A FOURTEEN
Mistakes | A FIFTEEN
Doomsday | A SIXTEEN
Obscure | A EIGHTEEN
Revelation | A NINETEEN
Virtue | A TWENTY
Excuses | A TWENTY ONE
Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO
Stranded | A TWENTY NINE
Honesty | A THIRTY
Reflection | A THIRTY TWO
Bradford | A THIRTY FIVE
Tapestry | A FORTY
Everything | A FORTY FOUR
Goodbye | A FORTY SIX

Designated | A TWENTY SEVEN

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Ms. Shepherd and miss Ivanov were the depiction of good old friends. Chuckling, whispering to one another and arms linked. When the chummy pair grew closer to the academy grounds, they took in the mass of spectators. Miss Ivanov waved curtly at a few fans, as sophisticated as a simple wave could get. Like most posh girls, she seemed to feel inclined to display her class in any form from her mannerism to speech. Apparel being no exception.

Her slim figure was wrapped in a frock coat with feathered shoulders and legs gloved in the type of knee high boots I'd ogle in catalogues. Her graceful umber hair in French braids was especially beholding. An envision of my own curly hair arranged in that style flickered through my mind.
Maybe this was a potential new look I'd been searching for— I took note to try it at my suite later.

I caught a glint in the headmaster's' eyes at The Aces when they grew nearer. Well more specifically, her grandson.

"And I'm sure you're familiar with this young gentleman," Ms. Shepherd started.

Miss Ivanov wore a broad smile in recognition but I saw when the corner of her lips twitched. "Yes, of course."

Garren's expression was neutral, his focus not even on the brunette but instead the older woman.

"The drive down here from Cambridge must've been exhausting." began Ms. Shepherd with a tenderness I assumed was sympathy. Since sitting back at the passenger seat while your chauffeur was driving for an hour and a half was apparently very tiring. "You alright?"

"Well now that you mention it, I'm a little dehydrated," Ivanov proclaimed, a hand brushing her temples.

"Oh dear. Let's go have you settled in my office first and fix you up some tea, how's that sound?"

"Oh, perfect. Thank you miss."

"No problem." Ms. Shepherd flashed a smile of seeming endearment. I pondered if the scheming woman had any genuine ones she shared with anybody. "Now all of you get to class. Miss Ivanov will be guest speaking later on this afternoon at the auditorium and there’ll be plenty of time to ask for photos or anything. Garren..." A subtle bass drop in her velvet tone. "There's also something I need to discuss with you. Why don't you come along?"

His jaw was taut in what seemed ready to be a protest but against the steely stare down by his nan, he followed behind as the two women made a start to the headmaster's quarters.

The crowd was dispersing but Will, Ben and I still stood with lingering gazes on their figures, wary of what was about to unfold.

"Hey, Will," said Ben suddenly, "would the speedboat work on gays too? Or would I just need to get one that looks like a vagina?"


The buzz of the celebrity vlogger Virtue spread rapidly throughout the academy. I hadn't stepped into the classroom before overhearing the whispers from peers and groups in the halls. Speculations on some kind of showdown between her and Garren for the blatant trash talking or more ignorant claims Ivanov was here to personally boot him out of St. Sinclair.

Either way, all were eager for the auditorium segment as acclaimed by the headmaster. I, however, was too jittery to be patient so I scheduled a meet up with Will by the west archway leading to the football pitch for hopefully, an enlightenment on this sudden appearance.

It was clear as day the batty headmaster called Esme Ivanov down here once realising her grandson wasn't going to do a single thing about the ruckus the video made. I couldn't complain but I simply had my own concerns about Ivanov.


Will nodded. "Garren said Shepherd is forcing him to take her out to our usual on Thursdays in order to 'talk things out'."

"Oh god, that's not sounding good."

"Hell yeah it's not." huffed Will. "I know his nan is only doing this to protect the school's image but come on, ambushing this on him and forcing him? That isn't going to work. He's not the kind of dog who you put a leash on and he goes."

"Uh, I guess—"

"And did she really have to make him go to Risoni with her? Like, seriously? There are boundaries. If you want a diplomatic reconciliation, a fancy Italian restaurant is just a huge no. The other people there will think they're on a date and what if it reaches the media? Isn't that going to be problematic? And even if she is an undergrad princess from Parr, isn't she a bit overdressed? Certainly a different look from the hideous cardigan she doesn't mind wearing in front of a camera for millions to see. What's all that about? I mean..."

Will abruptly halted in his seemingly endless track one registering my crossed arms and pointed look.


"Oh, nothing." I replied. "Just other than the fact, you're totally sandy."

His brows creased. "What?"

I cursed under my breath. "Dammit, I've got the term wrong." That was the last time I tried to deliver one of Ashton and Liam's art of language. "I mean, you're jealous."

This time, I was certain, the message was conveyed.

Will's mouth unbuckled, tonsils in display by the ajar entrance for a few seconds before he sealed it back and attempted to mask his moment of flustering with clearing his throat. Hands fitted in pockets to give the illusion of composure, like I hadn't seen right through him.

"I'm not jealous, Stevie."

"Right, you just normally go on a rant about acceptable dining venues."

"I wasn't ranting!"

The echo which resounded in the deserted arch was the ultimate contradiction to the denial, evident to Will himself by the stifling silence that followed as I stared wordlessly. He tore his gaze to the blades of grass, ears turning red.

I'd heard that jealousy brought out the ugliest side, yet on Will Butler it was nothing less than utterly adorable.

I cautiously held his arm. "Will you have nothing to be worried about. Ms. Shepherd said it herself, Ivanov isn't after sex."

"Oh sure, that's why she drove all the way down here from Parr University that's almost two hours in distance. For a nice little chit chat." He spat snidely and my lips pursed. He perceived my expression as shock from his tone and all edge left his voice, replaced by guilt. "Oh god I'm sorry, Stevie. You're right I am and I don't have any right to be but—"

"No, no no." I shook my head. "You made a good point. It is suspicious that she drove all the way down here."

Unlike Garren who had the visit sprung up on him, most likely so he couldn't escape or dodge it, Ivanov looked compliant. Everything in her body language said so but I still detected the malice behind the faux smiles when she saw Garren. So why?

"Stevie what is it? What are you thinking?" questioned Will.

"Ms. Shepherd invited Ivanov down here, that parts obvious."

St. Sinclair was a privately owned establishment with very strict access only freely permitted to current staff and pupils. It had a rural architecture which made it a keen eye to spectate the design by tourists but it was revoked from a landmark hotspot ten years ago and any outsider could only go near the vicinity after gaining a warrant from the administrator.

"And the negotiations must've been done very quickly like there wasn't any force." I frowned. "Or maybe, there hadn't been any because Ivanov intended to have the headmaster reach out to her."

"What do you mean?"

"Celebrity vlogger or not, Ivanov has no validation to come on this property without a warrant. She graduated so she's familiar with the rules, you need to state your purpose and your time of stay but it only goes through if the headmaster accepts." I recited. "And what's a better way to have someone give you something you want by making them think it's their idea? Ms. Shepherd's interest only lies in the school's image. Say if some popular figure in the public eye slanders a student in St. Sinclair that's well recognised— Ms. Shepherd can't ignore it."

"You're saying Ivanov made that video and specifically picked Garren so Ms. Shepherd would make her come to the school?"

"It's definitely an efficient and creative way. Much less suspicious than randomly claiming to want to pop by. Ms. Shepherd is sharp and could possibly snuff out a lie. This way, Ivanov has a perfect justification."

Will looked incredulous. "That's... wow." He ran a hand through his hair, eyes darting. "Okay, okay wait. So you're saying Ivanov thought up this whole scheme to avoid suspicion— what suspicion? What's there to be suspicious of if she gave in the real reason she wanted to come?"

"Because the real reason isn't something that would be approved." I concluded. "And that reason is linked to the target she can only get close to by being on school grounds."

Will's eyes were livid with bewilderment. His brows craned, Addams apple dipping slowly as he swallowed. "A-And what's her target?" His voice but a whisper.

I scooted closer, indiscreetly checking over my shoulder and masking all emotion as I spoke equally as quiet. "No clue."

He stared, thick lashes batting and I cracked, letting out a snort.
His brows dropped drastically and he exhaled the breath he'd been holding back. "Bloody hell, Stevie..."

"Sorry, but you just looked so serious and it felt like those climatic moments so I wanted to play along."

"Glad you had your fun. Now, do you actually have any clues on this target Ivanov is desperate to get to?"

I shook my head.

"Stevie, come on. Be serious."

"I am. I really have no idea."

"Then what was the point of riling me up in suspense for?!" He groaned, leaning on a pillar.

"To let you know what I've got so far."

"Which doesn't really help without the most important bit. It's basically just pointless."

"Hey, you can't expect me to figure out everything. I've been trying."

"Yeah, well now you've got me anxious. God, now I won't be able to concentrate in class..."

"Sorry, okay? I can't think as fast as Garren."

"And what you did wasn't fast? Right, geniuses really are in another league."

"I'm not a genius, Will."

"But Garren is?"

"Definitely. You've seen what he can do, haven't you? Compared to me—"

"What's there to compare?"

I paused.

"You're both clever and very intelligent but in a completely different sense from the rest of the eggheads in Coeus. And Ben." Will added. "Garren's not as invincible as he lets people think. You'd have to be the oblivious public or an admirer to still buy that..." He paused. "Are you?"

"No." I reassured him. "I have another boy I admire."

Will had a spark of intrigue. "Name?"


"In case I know him. So I can verify he's not some douche."

"He isn't, I'm sure."

Will didn't look convinced. "Fine, we'll come back to this later. Anyway, the way you and Garren are is not in measure and speed, but on how you use it. It's unique. You two are equally unique."

I stood, still staring and probably with a stupid expression but the boy in front of me held a gentle smile. For the first time, I didn’t hate being called different. To be isolated from everyone else. A fluttering feeling swelled up inside.

The Aces all seemed to have words that were imbedding. Like a tattoo inking the skin.

"Thanks." I murmured.

"You're welcome." said Will. "So, it's safe to say Garren's figured out Ivanov is scheming something too right? Let me text him so you two can like, 'brain up' and find out what the target is."

"Actually," I stopped him before he could bring out his phone, "you shouldn't bother. Even if he does know, since he's aware the target isn't him he doesn't care."

"Oh, wonderful." sighed Will. "Fine, what are we doing for lunch then?"


"Yeah, me and you. With Garren not being around, Ben will just go invade a table with a girl for 'seconds' or sit with the football team and I seriously can't stand those knobheads. Way too much testosterone. They find any dumb reason to chant and put each other in headlocks but they're scared of me getting touchy." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, that does sound unappealing." I concurred. "But don't you have other choices? I mean, you're an Ace. Anyone would want to have you for lunch."

Will passed me a look and only then did I realise the unintentional innuendo in my words.

"I-I mean, to have you join them for lunch." I corrected with the blonde in front of me in stitches.

"I got what you meant and you're not wrong but there's a matter of conflict to consider."


His lips pursed. "How should I put it...? Okay look; It's like being a parent and challenged to choose the favourite kid. If I pick one, the others will inevitably feel less loved." He declared.

"But isn't that just the truth?"

I blurted out and surprise surfaced on Will. "You can excuse it as not wanting to step on toes but favourite means favourite." I retorted.

A wide smile spread on Will's lips and it was my turn to be surprised. "You're right. That's exactly what it means... but I can't have them knowing that. Otherwise they wouldn't fight over me anymore and that's no fun."

I'd never seen a self satisfied smile on the boy I considered a saint's face before. I was struck, I wasn't sure if it was in shock or awe.

"So what'll it be, Stevie? Lunch with me or—"

"Will!" chirped a voice.

A boy with hazel eyes and face full of freckles appeared from the corners. "There you are! Ms. Winston's about to blow her tits. She's threatening to book you a month of detention if you're not in class in the next two minutes."

"And she sends you?"

He grinned. "I volunteered."

"Of course you did." There was something laced in Will's tone. It was more soft and intimate— flirty, to be precise. It vanished when he reverted to me. "You'll see me at the lunch hall, just flag me down if you want me or have any clues on the target. Okay?"


He offered me one final angelic smile and started to the boy who'd been pensively observing from the sidelines. A leery eye focused on me, specifically. "And who's she?"

"A friend. Now quit staring, you're creeping her out."

He did no such thing and persisted in staring me down as Will left my side. It was only until Will's footfalls began treading across the field that the focus diverted.

"Will where are you going? Ms. Winston's class is the other way."

The blonde threw him a small smile over his shoulder. "I know." He gave a nod, signalling to follow.

I saw the boy straighten, eyes blinking repeatedly before he beamed. The 'child' flashed me a look that must've been triumph, then stuck out his tongue and dashed over to the obscure Ace that was Will Butler.


When I entered geography, my eyes were immediately searching for pretty greens. They quickly found them and when they locked, Shaun immediately dropped his head to his desk. I felt something in me drop even further. What was that all about?

In the midst of this, Mr. Hill chose now as the perfect time to lecture me about punctuality as if I'd ever been late in my life to his droning lessons before. My regular reasonable thinking failed to initiate and I felt my lips etch into a scowl. The wrinkles on Mr. Hill's for head shifted by his brows pushing them upward, an almost perturbed look on his previously stern face.

I was issued detention on the spot.

I ignored the lingering glances I got from peers at my supposed 'attitude' that probably earned to supply entertainment to their drabe lesson and sat in my seat, gaze on the boy three rows across.

Why had Shaun looked away? He definitely knew I liked him. I made it very clear at the art exhibit— there was no room for any more misunderstandings so why?

Maybe he disliked forward girls. He hadn't struck me as the kind but I was far from a mind reader. The instance the lesson ended, I marched over to Shaun with an apology I'd spent the half hour scripting while Mr. Hill's droned on about soil erosion. Before I could get one single word out, Shaun beat me to it.

"Are you free next Saturday?"

Those five words had grilled my perfected ninety seven word long apology to the dust. "Next Saturday?"

"Yeah, I'll be out of town next week with my dad so I was wondering if we could go to the movies when I come back, if you'd like."

I stared agape. He was asking me out. He was asking me out on a date and I had convinced myself of the complete opposite. Had I had such little faith?"

"Or is movies too boring?" questioned Shaun, misreading my silence. "We could do something else like the amusement park—"

"No no. Movies are fine. It's good. I'd love that."

A tender smile emerged on Shaun's face as he concurred and I felt elated at being the cause. I was a cause for his happiness. Me, all on my own. I quickly took my leave before I accidentally revealed the massive grin that was fighting to surface.

Never had I imagined myself experiencing this sort of thing up until lately. Up until I thought of wanting more than being just content with my life. Up until I thought of desiring more without the fear of being greedy. I felt great.

I definitely had to start planning and researching for a fitting hairstyle that would fully satisfy me once I got to my suite. Currently though, my body was itching to share the exciting news. As if fate would have it, I came to spot my two friends cruising by the column of lockers up ahead.

If I just called out, I'd have their eyes finding me. Right before I spoke, something in me hesitated and I stopped. I found myself speculating on waiting until noon rolled in to inform them. If I waited til lunch, I could have Will be gathered with us and tell him too.

I grew drawn to the idea. As much as I was happy, I also didn't want to share it with him later than Ashton or Liam.
By now, their figures had long since past earshot range and my legs were non compliant to attempt to even run after them.

The bell wailed in my ears but my feet still stood. Soon, the hoards of students stalking to their classes had slipped through the doors and the corridors were deserted.

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