Forced ✔️

By arshi_fan_204

53.4K 4.6K 1K

She was Excited to come back home after several years but she didn't know that what is waiting for her at h... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

2.7K 229 51
By arshi_fan_204

Happy reading. 

I couldn't understand what I've heard right now. Is it true or all  my hallucination. I try to register his words. But I'm not able to understand what's happening.  I rub hand on my forehead trying to erase all the question "which are coming in my head"But nothing is sitting can he say that she is not his girlfriend. When all the time ' he stays with her and take care of her like he loves her more than anything.   And if I agree that she is not his girlfriend. then who the fuck she is?? These  thoughts plays in my mind and makes me crazy  not able to reach on conclusion.   Now it's only him" who can answer my  all of this question. He has to tell me that if she is not his girlfriend then who is she. And why he is doing so much things for her. And that baby '  if she is not his girlfriend and have no relationship with him "then whose baby she is carrying.   I huffs thinking all this and got up from my seat deciding to ask him itself "instead making my condition  worse thinking about these impossible things.  I rub my forehead and   left towards that way where he went.

I stood infront of the study room and found it closed.  I sighs and knocked on it. But there's no answer from another side.  After trying three four times   When I didn't get answer. I went inside without permission "and found him standing near glass window looking outside.   I fidget with my fingers and walk towards him.  

Err I wanna know about  what you said outside.  I instantly come on the point instead bullshiting around.  As  he heard my question he turns look at me sternly having his hands in his pocket. 

You don't trust me. And if I told you the truth. Then I'm sure " you won't believe on me. So better if I don't say anything. Saying this he try to pass by me "but I catch his wrist and bring  him back infront of me.

If you won't tell me anything "then how can you expect me to trust on you . It's been nearly 3 months of our marriage. And in those three months. I don't think so a day went " when I didn't cry because of you.all the time you just neglect me and leave like "I don't exist in your life. I've became a mate showpiece for you. Whom you  keeping to display. Other than that you don't have anything to do with me.  I wanna know what's going on in my life. What have stored for us in future.  Or either if we have future or not. That also I wanna know. And your girlfriend " whom you saying "she is not your girlfriend. If she is not then who the hell is she. And then why she is with you. Why as she calls you .. you run back to her like a lost puppy.  I wanna know each and everything I .... I about to say more but he held chin and kissed my lips yet again shutting my mouth.he gave me a long smooch and then part away still holding my chin in his hand and with another he is  caresses my face lovingly. 

She is not my girlfriend.  She is nothing to me. Means nothing. But you .... He move closer to me more and pulled me towards him holding my waist. 

You are special. Very special to my heart.  First time when I'd seen you my heart had forgot to beat.  I'd instantly knew that you are the only one "who can be my wife.  No one else.   You are not showpiece khushi. You are my wife. Whom i admire.   Whom I care of. Don't you dare to say that I've nothing for you.  This heart " he held my hand and kept my palm on his chest making me feel his loud heartbeat. 

It's beats for you.  It want you with me all the time.  Infront of you no one is important to me means no one. And ridhima then .... Then she is different chapter.  She is no where to be near me.  I'm just fulfilling mum's wish. She wants me to take care of her.  As she has no one  in her life.  But other than that we share nothing with each other.  So stop thinking that. I've anyone else in my life except you. Did you understand.  Hearing him my eyes filled with tears and roll down from my cheek " which soon  sucked by him.  

I hate tears in your eyes.   It pains me. He whispered and kiss my corner of lips...

But you are the only one who always makes me cry. I sobs. 

I'm so sorry jaan. I'm so sorry ... I will never do that again he mumbles and kiss my forehead softly. .  I  muffles snd hugged him like a child who's been deprived to be loved.  

Finish this mess.  I can't handle it.   I sobs hiding my face into his crook.

I will ..I promise.  I'll make everything  fine.  He caresses my hair and peck it many times soothing me.  After couple of minutes" when he felt I'm fine.  He broke a part and tuck my hair back looking at me lovingly. 

Tomorrow I'm going Greece for business issue. Will you come with me. He smiles caressing my face with his back palm...

You want me to come. I whispered being in daze of his soft touch.

Yes sweetheart. I want you to come with me. So that you could  stay with me 24/07 and we could solve all the problems" which are happening between us.  He smiles kissing my nose.

Then I'll come. When we have to leave.   I says keeping hands on his  arms.  

Tomorrow  morning.  Just keep your bags ready.  I don't want anything leave behind on meantime.    He said passing me smile.

Ok I'll pack our luggage. But before that can we have something.  I'm starving.  Hearing me "He chuckle and shakes his head.

Ok baby let's go. He kept hand on my back and led me outside towards dining  table " where we completed his dinner. I know he didn't tell me whole thing. But still I wanna trust him for once. If he is saying" she is not his girlfriend then surely she is not.  So better I leave on him that when he wanna tell me about whole matter. I guess its good for  our relationship. 

In morning

I come down stairs all ready to go when I stopped seeing my husband talking with someone on the phone.   Seems like he is again talking to her.  But I guess when I've decided to give him chance. So let's see "what he has stored us. Better I don't reach on conclusion and trust on  him for once. .

Yeah mrs reena. I've asked aman to be there  all the time. And If he won't be there. then there will be two security guards. Whatever you need" they will provide you.  And if something emergency happen then still they will be there to help you. Yh I'm leaving today.  Thank you mrs reena.  He smiles and cut the call. 

Are we ready to Leave ??? I said as he finished his conversation on the phone.

You are looking beautiful.  Out of no where he complimented me holding my hand having a small smile which barely I see on his face. 

Thank you.  I smiles... Now shall we leave.    I says showing way of exit.

Yh sure let's go. He held my hand and we both left for our  journey.  

At airport. After going through legal procedure " two people led us towards a plane.  I thought " it will be full of people as we will entered. But nothing sort of happened like that. It's all empty making me confused. 

Mam this way  " air hostess passed me warm smile showing me way of my seat.   Which I followed snd took seat on a big chair.  Arnav smiles seeing me wondering my eyes around and took seat near me fixing his coat.

Where are the other people ???  I says instantly as he took seat near me. 

Which people you are talking about ?? He chuckle.

Err other passengers. I frown. 

It's private jet. Except me and you there's no one gonna travel.   He says leaning on the chair closing his eyes.

What ?? Really. He baffled.

Yes really. Now sit properly. I want you to be comfortable here. Saying this he move towards me and tied my seat belt with his own hands. 

If you need anything then let  air hostess know yh. They will provide you. I nodded silently and set there comfortably.  Suddenly as plane started moving I clutch arnav's hand in fear. Looking at me he understood " I'm not fond of plane journey and kept his hand on my back palm.

It will be fine. But when he saw I still didn't relax " he sighs and pulled me into his arms keeping my head on his chest hiding my face into his Crook. 

Just be here till we don't take off.  I Ned silently and hide my face into his crook which soon made me drowsy and I went into slumber feeling peace  in his warmth

After  some  hours of sleep

I open my eyes and found myself on the bed instead being on my previous place.  I got up and look around being confused.  As per as I know I was in plane. Then how come I landed here.  These thoughts are running my head that  my  eyes fell on my husband" who came from bathroom drying his hair unaware about me being all awake gawking at his wet dripping body. Seeing him naked first made me gulp. I try to divert my eyes but it just got stuck on his well built physic.

Wear your damn clothes. When I couldn't take my eyes off from him. I covered them with my hands pressing my lips tight. Arnav smirk seeing my state and walk towards me with slow steps. He set infront of me and remove my hands from my face but finding my eyes closed he chuckle and kiss them softly.

Open them. I don't think so it's bad to see your husband naked. He grin.

It's my first time it's so embarrassing to seeing someone naked. I pout having my eyes still closed.

Really I gasp when he held my leg and pulled me under him hovering me properly. I try to come out from his hold" but he just pinned me on the bed intertwining his hands with me.

Open your eyes sweetheart. Just look at me. But instead opening " I shake my head no pressing my lips together.

Open them otherwise I'll do that whicn you can't imagine. Hearing him I immediately opened my eyes and look at his face which is looking so beautiful having grin .

You are so cute khushi He lean and nuzzle into my crook making me wet with his hair.

You are wetting me. He whispered breathing heavily. 

Really shall I check. He slid his hand down and about to cup ny core. But I closed my legs immediately caging his hand in between.

I I mean you are drenching me. Just get off. I curse myself for using wet word instead drench " which made him talk so boldly with me.

Yh I get that. That's what I was checking. Seeing smirk on his face i rolls my eyes and pushed him away getting down from the bed .

You are so so so .... I point finger at him trying to say cheap but when nothing came out from my mouth he held my wrist and pulled me in his lap homding my waist tightly.

I'm so what baby?? Just tell me. He tuck my hair back kissing my cheek

Err nothing let me go. I wanna take bath. As he heard about bath he nods his head and spoke.

Let's take together. He said having teasing smile.

Shut up and let me go. I wanna take bath alone. I try to remove his grip putting pressure on his arms"But he is too strong to shove away.

Why are you so strong. God my own hands started paining.  I pout rubbing my hand with my fingers.

Awww baby I'm sorry. Here you go. Go and take bath. As he lose Grip from me. I got up and step back immediately.

Someone is blushing. Doesn't she.  He smiles raising his brows up.

Shut up No I'm not blushing ok. I just wanna take bath. That's all. Saying this I grabbed the towel and immediately run inside the washroom leaving him laughing Behind.

After sometimes

I came out drying my hair when I found him sitting in balcony using his phone. Seeing him there smile erupted on my lips and I went towards him. I open my mouth to say something but next second my mouth fell open when I saw the view infront of me.

We have been reached all ready. Hearing my scream he left his phone and immediately took me in back hug resting his chin on my shoulder.

What you think ?? Are we still in plane. We have been reached here before four hours. It's just you were sleeping so you couldn't get to know.

Why didn't you wake me up. I wanted to see all this in proper light. I pout turning my face gazing at him sadly.

You were sleeping so acutely so I didn't want to disturb you. But it's ok. We are here for a week. So you can see day light for whole seven days. I giggle while jumping like a child and take him in hug which he immediately reciprocated kissing my hair.

I'm so happy to be here. I can't tell you. I expressed my feelings hugging him tightly.

Me too baby. Me too. He whispered into my ear and give me a kiss there.

You are just so much addictive. He whispered inhaling the fragrance of my hair sucking my jew. My brains pursuing me to to pull myself away from him. But Heart want me to stay into his warmth and enjoy our proximity.

Just never leave me. Can't afford to lose you. Hearing him tears made their way from my eyes. First time in my life somsone said that he doesn't want to lose me. And that also that person "who was unexpected. I never thought that arnav Singh Raizada would say me this 'who was hating me till before few months.

I would never. I mumbles in his ear and closed my eyes feeling so much peace being with him.

After sometimes

He ordered food after knowing I've been starving and now we are enjoying it sitting in the balcony while mesmerising the night view "which is so breathtaking. Seeing my gobbling the food so fast he chuckle and wipe my mouth witn his finger and then instantly licked it.

Slowly tigress . It's yours only. He smiles seeing my eating bread like a hungry child.

I'm so hungry. I didn't eat anything since morning. I say chewing my food taking my plate in to my lap

Ok fine. Eat however you want. But just don't choke. Ok. I nods my head and took full spoon of yogurt and shoved into my mouth.

After dinner

I've been laying on recliner in the belcony looking at beautiful sky when he comes there. He silently slid besides me and rest his face on my temple while wrapping his arms around my waist. Being with him so peaceful. I never thought that I will experience like this in my life. But  when it's happening then it's feeling so good. Suddenly a gasp left my mouth when his hand travel towards my face and make me face him.

Arnav I whispered looking at his face with so much love that he couldn't control himself and take my lips in deep kiss " which first shook me but then I started reciprocating it travelling my hands towards his hair gripping them into my fist.

God girl he whispered and suck my bottom lips giving me access to suck he's top one. His lips feels os good on me. They fit perfectly on my mouth. And his taste it's little sweet and Smokey which made me addicted of him and I kiss him wildly giving him chance to enter into my mouth and fight with my tongue to suck each and every corner of my mouth. But maybe our moment was short live and his phone started ringing . First he ignore it pulling me more closer to him. But when it didn't stop ringing " he broke apart and pick it up fuming in anger.

When I'm not picking up the call then that's mean I'm busy.  Why the hell are you disturbing meeee. He screams in frustration making me jump on my place in fear seeing his anger

Precap ....Their cute moments and then he took her in a party

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