
By RiKaOt70608

985 134 8

6 Murders 1 Savior 1 Suspect The story of 8 friends who fall apart due to misunderstandings!! But after many... More

First Day .1
Stabbed Again.2
War Of Hormones.7
Adult Thing.12
Moive Night.15
Why so loving?.16
She is Back!.17
Dance Studio.18
Dance Competition.21
Things Changed.22
This is End.23
4 Years Later.25
3 Dead Body.26
Embracing Death.27
Last Death.28
I'm Back.29
Kiss Me Please.30
Feel It.31
Sleeping Pills.33
Viba Club.38
Its Me!.40


16 4 0
By RiKaOt70608

Namjoon Pov

She was walking towards me seductively damn I am loving this as far as I know myself if any other girl will be doing these things

Then I will surely not feel like this I mean I will surely touch her and fuck her but the feeling I get with Luna is different we are really Yin Yang

She sat beside me only in her inners fuck what she wants from me I was still staring at her shamelessly afterall soon she will be my wife

Luna:you don't want to touch me hmm? *smirk*

Namjoon:well tell me what you want then I will touch you *smirk*

Luna:such a basterd *rolls eyes*

Namjoon:well also a gentleman but only for you darling *snuggled in her neck*

Luna:ahh....come on let's do it Namjoon *creasing his hair*

Hearing her words I slowly hovered over her and leaned towards her face kissing her lovingly today I will love her like I always wanted to

She was creasing my hair and body I am feeling loved after 4 years I really love her and I know that my future will be very good with her

We will have a family and we are together I can't imagine myself alone with her ahh...I am feeling little tired and maybe after 1 round

I will be fully tired it's ok we will sleep she was smiling at me and I was slowly undressing her the weather was cold


Luna Pov

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in his arms well I was not fully slept but now I have to find the book I slowly get up and sat on bed

Ahhh.....I will never do the planned sex again this was hella boring It's ok this is the last and first time I checked if he is in deep sleep or not

I slowly get down the bed and wore my long coat I don't have time to wear my clothes I tip toed towards his study room there was books everywhere

Wow....what a nerd nevermind I started searching here and there but it was nowhere to found ahhh.....what should I do now

I just remembered if I will take his book then how will he do the ritual ahhh....it doesn't matter first let me find the book

I was searching the drawers when suddenly I found a drawer with password what the fuck should I ask the password from Namjoon

Ahhh......Luna you're senior officer and talking like a fool I don't know the password he can also wake up anytime cuz Abraxas is powerful

I pulled my hair in frustration and again searched his cupboard full of books and newspapers suddenly I saw some papers stapled together

I read few pages oh...ok I was right Namjoon is very smart I just found the print of that book ok I am taking this but where should I hide this

Oh...yes my office bag I tip toed to hall area and hide those prints in the bad ahhh....but I still wonder where is the original book I want to see it

I was thinking about all this thank God that monster didn't woke up yet suddenly someone backhugged me ahh....ok realx Abraxas is awake

No...what I am saying he is not Abraxas he is in possession of Abraxas ahh....I am really getting crazy day by day I rolled my eyes at myself

Namjoon:what happened its been 5 minutes I am hugging you but you didn't replied me *licks her neck*

Luna:ahh...n-no it's just I was still processing *smile nervously*

Namjoon:hmm....why are you acting like a thief did you stoled something? *teasing tone*

Luna:what no way I am a police Namjoon *annoyed tone*

Namjoon:chill darling I was just joking *laughs*

Luna:its 2 o'clock in the night why are you wondering around like a ghost *glared*

Namjoon:its my house and actually what are you doing here wearing your long coat? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:i-i w-was ge-getting ready to go to my house *smile*

Namjoon:what's the rush?go in the morning *walks away*

Luna:no....ac-actually Mingyu gave me a file and I have check it tommrow I have to send the reports to headquarters *smile*

Namjoon:ahh......its your job and I never want to be a hurdle in it so ok go by the way Luna promise me that we will never do planned sex again *rolls eyes*

Luna:ahh...same thinking Namjoon I mean ok that was not fun ahh....so ok I am going *smile*

Namjoon;atleast wear your clothes darling I can't let everyone see the most beautiful thing *creased her bare waist*

Luna:ok love I will be going I will see you tommrow *smile*

I walked towards his room and started wearing my clothes in hurry I can't stay here what if he will get to know what I did I walked outside

Namjoon:ok bye Luna *smile*

I walked outside and soon I reached my home cuz just like earlier this time he also lives near me so yeah its easy I sat on the couch

And without wasting time I started reading the printed pages so...according to this book when Abraxas completes our desire then after 4 years

The person have to sacrifice 6 souls wait so does that mean Namjoon killed them?but 4 of them was sucide 1 was natural death and 1 was accident

So maybe he killed Jk ahhh...I don't know let it go let me read further I was very concentrated in the pages I want to know everything

Soon I realised it's already morning I yawned and kept the pages in my cupboard I changed my clothes and sat on bed with Bible

Yes I am again reading Bible maybe I will find something I already read those pages twice so yeah let's do it again I opened the Bible

According to Bible if we want to finish any evil thing we have to burn that thing so when I will get that book and the eagle locket I will burn both items

Ohh.....so holy water will help me according to Bible I have to do a ritual and after that the water will become holy water I have to sprinkle it over

The persons and they will forget every bad memories of there life well it will work over 6 of them ahhh.....let me sleep few hours

--*1 Month Later*--

Luna Pov

During these one month I understood everything related to Abraxas now I also know how to finish this possession I am just waiting for full moon night

I also shifted the bodies in my basement yesterday night cuz tommrow is full moon night and I know Namjoon want the bodies

I was working in my cabin suddenly I saw Namjoon coming inside he came and stood infront of me smiling at me ahh...let me just die

Namjoon:so how's you doing? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:good, just work *smile*

Namjoon:well you know some of my papers are missing from my house *side eyeing luna*

Luna:so?do you want to file a complaint?go to Mingyu *eyes on file*

Namjoon:the papers are missing from the night we did planned sex *walks towards her*

Fuck so he is talking about those prints its ok Luna act cool I looked at him boringly and rolled my eyes he chuckled and stood beside me

Luna:so are you doubting on me? *raised eyebrow*

Namjoon:ummm....I don't know *teasing tone*

Luna:look.....Mr.Kim I only stoled one thing from you and that was your heart and mental peace *smirk*

Namjoon:fuck I totally agree with this statement Mam.... *bows*

He was bowing and I am loving this I smirked and pushed him more down towards my feet well I am Luna Ruiz it feels good

Namjoon:what the hell? *annoyed tone*

Luna:I like it when you bow infront of me it reminds me how much power I hold especially over you *whispered in his ear*

Namjoon:ohh.....yeah you're powerful Miss.Ruiz now let me stand up my back is paining *calm tone*

I leaved him and he stood infront of me looking at me deeply I can't believe that he manipulated our friends to do sucide

Namjoon:darling remember one thing I love you *creased her cheek*

Luna:I love you too *smile*

Namjoon;Luna tonight will you come to my house? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:no I have to leave for Busan *smile*

Namjoon:ohhh.....its ok we will meet day after tommrow *smile*

Saying this he smiled and walked away from my cabin ahhh.....I love you and I promise I will fix everything I want all of us back together

And I will do it I smiled at myself ahh....I lied to him that I am going to Busan but that was important I sighed and leaved my cabin

I was walking to my house sneakily so Namjoon will not able to see me here I walked towards the basement and saw the bodies lying on the carpet

I walked towards Jin body and sat beside him just one more day Jin I will fix it your butterfly will bring you all together again

I can feel the tears rolling down my eyes I wiped my tears and my eyes fall on Jimin and Yoongi bodies they are opposite of eachother just like me and Namjoon

One embraced the water and one embraced the fire I wish that they will live a good life after tommrow and they will find a motive in there life

I sat between the bodies I was not feeling scared infact I was feeling like my old days I miss us Hoseok I miss how Tae used to care for me

I miss how Jk tries to flirt with me I miss Yoongi with whom I shared a silent conversation while smoking I miss Jimin who used to understand me

I miss Jin who used to call me his butterfly it's ok just one more day ahh.....Yoongi I really wanted to apologize I never wanted to hurt your feelings

I was just helping Jimin but I am glad atleast now I am sure that you both love eachother I smiled at them and leaved from there




Author=so this is for today I hope you all will like it well I will see you all in the next one bye for now by the way what you think about Luna feelings bye.....

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