Karaoke - ArthurTV

By slushyboobz

8.2K 305 256

'Oh, I love her because she moves in her own way' When a night out at a bar introduces Maeve to someone new... More



685 28 10
By slushyboobz

It was the night of the party and it was safe to say Maeve was shitting herself. She'd been told by Josh that the party was being held at Georges with the help of Arthur Hill setting everything up after Chris hadn't even realised it was Georges birthday. Maeve wondered who thought it was a good idea to surprise a jetlagged, irritable and tired George as soon as he got home from the Airport after a long flight since whoever it was, she loved them for it. Yet she was currently wondering how, now as she stood in the living room, Chris had been oblivious to the celebration occurring in his house. Large banners had been hung on the walls reading 'Happy birthday George' along with a big blue '24' balloon with his face printed on the side of it. I mean, could it have been more obvious? 

"Bad eyesight." He shrugged when Maeve had asked which had made her laugh since it was hard to miss the sight of Georges grinning face plastered all around the house. Chip had even thought it'd be hilarious to print small versions of the picture of him and put them on every wine glass, beer bottle and packet of food. But for some strange reason he'd assumed Maeve would just do it for him after he'd brought up the idea so now they were just left with a good 100 copies of George. He'd replied that they could give them out as a treat in a goodie bag when she'd asked what he was intending on doing with them. 

"Oh yeah right, the goodie bags that we don't have. Are those the ones that you mean?" 

"What, we don't have goodie bags?!" He exclaimed in shock at her statement. 

"Are you five Josh? Obviously we haven't bought goodie bags." 

"Someone say goodie bags?" Stephen asked as he came wandering into the living room where they were stood arguing. Maeve sighed in defeat and collapsed back onto the sofa whilst Stephen looked around the room taking in the sight of the decorations and the pile of Georges face on the floor. 

"Is it just me who's got a hard on right now?" He asked in a way that sounded a little too serious for Maeve's liking. 

"To be fair I'm bricked too." She answered and he gave her a high five in response. 

"Can't blame you George is pretty handsome." Josh sighed. 

"I'd smash." Maeve added which made him hit her arm in disgust. 

"Oh, you two were on about George? I was hard because of the picture of Chris' cat on the mantle piece but to each their own." Stephen laughed quietly, unable to contain himself even at his own joke. Maeve only rolled her eyes, distracted by the night ahead. That was until she realised what Stephen was eating.

"Don't you dare tell me you're eating the cake I spent hours making for Georges party tonight. Hours." She seethed, staring him dead in the eyes as he stopped with the fork held up to his mouth that was slack wide open. 

"I'm not eating the cake you spent hours making for Georges party tonight." He replied with a gulp. 

"Okay, thank God." She laughed and let out a sigh of relief. 


"I don't like where this is going." Josh huffed, trying to hide his smile behind his hands. 

"Just speaking hypothetically..." 

"Stephen." Maeve warned.

"Let's say that the cake you made was that chocolate one sat on the counter." Stephen giggled nervously, licking away the crumbs that were acting as evidence by sticking to the corner of his lips. 

"You're dead mate." Josh chuckled, giving him a harsh pat on the back as he got to his feet and walked out the room, "Wouldn't want to be you right now."  

"Listen, Maeve." Stephen tried, backing away from her on the sofa as she raised a pillow in the air and brandished it like a weapon. "I think we can talk this out!" 

"I'm actually going to fucking kill you. Do you know how long that took me to make?" Maeve exclaimed, waving the cushion around in the air. 

"Hours?" Stephen joked, already knowing the answer as it was the thing she'd emphasised throughout the ordeal. With that she struck down on him as he screeched in peril, curling up on the sofa as she whacked him as hard as she could. He profusely apologised to the girl amidst all the yelling and cursing that flew his way from her furious mouth. But it was no use and the cushion continued to pound against his body violently, which Stephen would say Maeve seemed to be enjoy a bit too much from the wide smile across her face.

Suddenly another man walked into the room, plate in hand and a contempt smile on his face until he saw exactly what was happening on the sofa. And more importantly that it was over a piece from the same cake that was placed neatly on his own plate. 

"Arthur, I swear on everything I'll hit you if that's Georges birthday cake." 

"How come he doesn't get threatened with murder but I do? Seems a bit unfair to me." Stephen commented which earnt him another thump across the face from the pillow. 

"Maeve I'm really sorry, I promise I didn't know." Arthur replied with guilt evident on his face. 

"It's okay, just please go and buy a new one whilst I get ready." She instructed with a sympathetic smile, getting up to hug him after not being able to bare another second of his sad expression looking at her. 

"Oh fuck right off! Where was my hug? Where was my forgiveness? Nowhere!" 

"And take Stephen with you please!" She smiled sweetly and with a squeeze of his hand left a complaining Arthur along side an equally displeased Stephen with the task of going to the shops. 

"You ready?" Chris sighed as Maeve finally rose to her feet, placing down her mirror on his desk and walking over to him lying in bed on his phone. 

"Just about." She teased and he gave her a look up and down.

"You look nice." 

"Was that a compliment?!" She asked in a shocked tone, making him glance over at her to roll his eyes and shove against her shoulder playfully. 

"Only so you'll come downstairs with me cause I'm bored waiting." He complained, "Besides, George will be here soon." 

Maeve let out a complacent sigh and hauled him off the mattress up onto his feet. She hadn't dressed up massively since nobody else had really put in that much effort, but she had put on a little bit more makeup than usual to show George that she cared about his special day. Not that anyone would really notice; still it was the thought that counted. 

The crowd downstairs had slowly but surely grown and just by the sounds of it Maeve could tell there was certainly more people there than she'd been told would be attending. And as she and Chris wandered down, her assumption was proven correct as the hallway was packed full of people like sardines in a tin. She clung onto the sleeve of Chris' top whilst he pushed his way through the group that stood chatting aimlessly and forced through into the kitchen, making sure she didn't let go and end up lost in the endless sea of bodies surrounding them. 

"Chris!" A man called out from across the room and ushered the pair over to the island in the middle of the kitchen where they were stood making drinks. 

"What do you want?" He asked and Chris shrugged, turning to Maeve for ideas. She just pointed at a random drink, not really paying attention as the man poured it and instead looking around the room for any other familiar faces. She spotted Cam stood in the corner laughing with Chloe at something on his phone and Arthur Hill with Chip who were playing beer pong against Freezy and Theo. 

"Have you seen Arthur TV, Harry?" Chris asked the man as if he were able to read her mind and knew exactly who she was searching for. But just as Harry handed her the drink and was about to reply, Maeve was whisked away by a slightly drunk Flossie who span her around in circles with a laugh. 

"Hey!" She slurred, dancing to the quiet music playing behind all the chatter that filled the room as she led her outside towards two other girls. Maeve took a deep breath of fresh air upon leaving the humid room that she hadn't even realised smelt musty until she'd finally smelt clean air again. 

She spent a moment admiring her surroundings and smiled to herself at what a wonderful job everyone had done. The garden was lit up with glimmering lights that had been hung across each fence panel and twirled around every tree trunk. Smaller groups of people were sat around the perimeter of the space, clearly trying to get away from the noise inside, talking and laughing quietly to each other. Maeve thought it looked gorgeous now that she had seen it under the cover of darkness as when Arthur H had called her over to see it during the day once he'd finished setting it all up, she'd been slightly underwhelmed.

"Maeve!" Sabina called out to her when they came closer, throwing her arms around the girl in a warm embrace. Maeve giggled as she swayed in the girls grip for a moment - making sure she didn't spill her drink - before pulling away with a grin. 

"Josh says you ruined the night, only gone and forgotten the goodie bags haven't you!" Sab joked making Maeve groan at the mans stupidity. 

"What! There's no goodie bags?!" Mia complained, "Right, I'm leaving then!" She joked, throwing her bag over her shoulder and pretending to strut away which earnt laughs from all the girls.

"You made a cake?" Flossie asked, already knowing the answer but wanting Maeve to tell the other two the story since it was too funny. 

"Don't even." Maeve warned making everyone laugh. As they all chatted, catching up on each others lives and busy schedules, she felt a pair of familiar arms snake around her waist. She could practically smell the alcohol on his lips as he let out a huff of air, leaning down to place his head on top of hers. 

"Arthur." Flossie groaned, "You've come to snatch her away?" 

"Nooo." He giggled in the most insincere way possible as he pulled Maeve closer into his grasp. "I just came to say that George is nearly here."

"Oh good!" Maeve smiled, slipping out from his arms and turning to face him. He was clearly already drunk with heavily dilated pupils and a stupid grin across his flushed face.

"You look nice." 

"Just nice?" She teased, giving him a frown as he looked down at her lovingly. 

"You already know what I think about you." He answered simply and took a sip of his drink. Maeve grinned to herself as Flossie pretended to gag at the interaction but it was clear she found the pair cute even if she didn't want to admit it. 

"I miss Basil." Mia stated, "He loves me." 

"Surprised anyone does, am I right!" Arthur replied earning a glare from everyone. "Okay. Tough crowd." 

Suddenly Arthur Hill came jogging into the garden shouting about how George's uber had just pulled up outside and everyone went rushing in. Arthur, Maeve and Flossie weaved through people making their way to the front to stand beside Chris and a smiley, blonde man with his phone out ready to take a video. 

"Sorry love." He announced to the trio as Maeve nudged into him slightly. 

"Oh my gosh no, I'm sorry!" She replied, shaking her head vigorously.

"Don't think we've met, have we? If we have you'll have to excuse me since I'm probably just too drunk to remember." He asked Maeve making her chuckle. 

"This is Maeve." Arthur announced with an arm around her shoulder and the man looked up at him in realisation. 

"Oh! You're Maeve! I'm Max, I do a podcast with George." He replied in a hushed tone with Maeve nodding to acknowledge what he had told her. 

"He's really funny Maeve, carries Georges dreadful jokes the whole time." Flossie added.

"Sounds difficult, I pity you." She laughed.

"I have no trouble being funny, unlike him, so it's actually pretty easy."

Their conversation was abruptly ended as the door handle began to move up and down and the sound of a key in the lock was the only thing that could be heard. Everyone stood waiting in anticipation with their phones out, holding back their laughter. Arthur smiled as he glanced over at Maeve, even if his vision was blurry and his head was spinning she always seemed to catch his attention. Just as he was about to whisper something in her ear that he'd probably regret saying, the door flung open with a bang, saving him from the embarrassment . 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled whist setting off party poppers, with Stephen throwing as many little cut outs of Georges head that his hands could hold, at the stunned man who stared at them all with wide eyes. 

"Okay, what the fuck." 


George had been surprised to say the least, not expecting a cake let alone a secret party from his friends. He'd wasted no time however working his way around the crowds and thanking everyone for coming, especially Flossie once he'd learnt that it was all her idea much to Arthurs annoyance who was planning on claiming it as his own doing.

 Maeve had also moved around from group to group following Arthur as he dragged her around to introduce her to everyone. He was much more sociable now that he was pissed, but Maeve could clearly see a few peoples disinterest when he would go on tangents about animals or some shit. Obviously she found it adorable but it wasn't for everyone. Flo had Facetimed Darcy, their other roommate, who had been on holiday for the past two weeks to wish George a happy birthday and also to meet Maeve as she couldn't wait any longer. She'd found herself curled up on a sofa chatting away for at least half an hour on the phone, sandwiched between Flossie and Arthur who were constantly trying to shove each other out of frame. Darcy was funny and kind and Maeve couldn't wait to meet her when she came back home again. 

As Darcy gave her goodbyes and blew them all kisses, Maeve was given no time to rest with Arthur yanking her up and pulling her outside. 

"Arthur!" Isaac yelled as the two came rushing outside in stitches. 

"ItalianBach!" Arthur replied making Maeve cringe a little. 

"Help." He sighed, signalling towards a teary-eyed Chris that was sat next to him. Maeve threw her hand up to her mouth and quickly rushed over to Chris' side, pulling him in for a hug as he looked up at her sadly. 

"You upset about the cat again?" Arthur asked.

"No! Stop saying that!" Chris replied with a scowl, hugging Maeve's waist tightly.

"What's the matter Chris?" Maeve whispered as she crouched down on the grass in front of him.

"I've been wondering the same thing for the last fifteen minutes." Isaac sighed with his head in his hands, clearly exhausted by Chris' antics. 

"Nothings wrong, m' just...I don't know okay, stop attacking me!" He answered, flailing his arms around in the air and becoming increasingly more frustrated as Arthur and Isaac laughed at him. 

"What's Debbie-Downer over here wining about?" Stephen asked, walking over and standing right in front of Chris. 

"Get your crotch out of my face." Chris groaned, trying to shove the man out of the way. 

"That's the first time you've said that to me when my dicks in your face!"

"Bit of a mouthful that was." Arthur chuckled, poking fun at Stephens long winded joke. 

"I'll show you a mouthful!" 

"Enough." Maeve sighed, "How about we go and find George to sing him happy birthday?" With that Chris' eyes lit up and he jumped to his feet with a grin. Everyone else followed after him, making sure he didn't go toppling over to the ground on his way over to the fridge. Maeve opened the door for him after he'd repeatedly tried to pull it from the side where the hinges were, obviously with no success, and what she saw left her speechless.

"Who's Mimi?" Josh asked as he and Sabina peered over their shoulders, down at the cake. 

"Oh my god!" Flossie cried, quickly snapping a picture of the cake with a cackle as Maeve placed it down on the dining table. 

"Whoops!" Stephen replied, trying to laugh it off as he wiped away the name that had been written on the icing with his thumb before licking it. 

"I have to laugh otherwise I'll cry." Maeve stated with a wide grin and a twitching eye. 

"Oh come on it's not that bad!" Arthur chirped but quickly turned quiet when Maeve shot him a disapproving look. Flossie couldn't stop laughing which was only making the situation worse as more people came wandering over to see what all the fuss was about, including George.

"He won't care, he probably won't even be able to tell." Sabina whispered to Maeve reassuringly, handing her a lighter so she could light the candles before George reached them. 

Sure enough, before she knew what was happening the room had erupted into song. Maeve felt herself relax as her friends surrounded her singing happily, even George had a smile on his face despite the initial look he had given the cake on first glance. 

The room was spinning but Maeve didn't care, her head was pounding, her hair was knotted, her face was hot and sweaty. Yet all she could think about was the moment she was in and how happy she felt. 

"Thank you." George laughed into her ear and she gave him a grin. 

"I'm just glad that you like it."

"I love it."

maeverobber ; happy birthday mimi! why have u got a fatter back than me in the first picture anyways love you lol😁

tagged ; georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill , arthurtv, theburntchip, camkirkham, chrismd10, italianbach, stephen_tries, see more...

18,293 likes | 707 comments

@ georgeclarkeey : my name is george but thanks ig

↳ @ maeverobber : wait what who is this? it was my friend mimis birthday today i think ur mistaken...

  ↳ @ georgeclarkeey : your sooooo funny

    ↳ @ maeverobber : omg thanks

@ theburntchip : Mimi is leng can you introduce me

↳ @ maeverobber : shes taken lad and so are you

  ↳ @ theburntchip : Sorry I forgot

    ↳ @ sabinablair_ : i see how it is

@ chrismd10 : may have had one too many drinks

↳ @ italianbach : youre telling me

@ stephen_tries : Not my typical party, a bit out of my age range. Fun nonetheless! 

 ↳ @ maeverobber : so glad you could make an exception for us 

  ↳ @ stephentries : Anything for some desperate fans

so so sorry for late update, had a funeral last week then didnt have a fucking clue what to write. still think this is wank but didnt know what to write really, so itll do. also feel like i need to clarify some things here incase anyone is confused : idk flossie or darcys last name (i dont even know is this is public knowledge or if theyre also youtubers or what) so i am using a random last name as their users on ig, remembered halfway through this chapter that cam doesnt even live in London so go along w the fact that hes down there now cus he's staying there, trying to introduce more characters and progress the story is difficult enough so i am really sorry for any innacuracies. this chapter feels so shit i dont even want to publish it but ive put it off for long enough. also have exams soon so i might be a bit more slow w updates as a warning. thx for reading and for ur patience, vote and comment💗💗💗

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