See you in hell (Male OC X Ni...

By Young-Ringleader

9.1K 226 187

Heya, bois and girls, welcome to the happy hotel! since Hazbin Hotel released as a series, i wanted to make a... More

Context here :D
No purpose?....or lack of hope?
Building closure
Worthless Lifestyle
Changing...for the better? or for worse?
Meet your friends. Read their souls
Pure in all aspects
Not that strong
Frustrating feelings
Looking for a lost sheep
A showdown uncalled for
One hell of a party
Over my friends
The "Big" Boss
Fake Paradise pt 1
Fake Paradise pt 2
Cute Seraphim (side story)
The sun sets even in Paradise (side story)
Last day with you
Counter Genocide
Annoyance incarnate
Lil' Note

I'm always watching

263 8 1
By Young-Ringleader

Word count: 3103

His eyes shot open, it was morning...

He saw the same usual ceiling, with red and golden decoration

He spread his wings to the side, a few bones cracking here and there, Alex let out a long yawn

Weirdly enough, he felt something wet on his leg, he looked down and saw some sort of substance stuck on his clothes...

"What the?"

He inspected his leg closer, it was kind of sticky, and smelled weird

"The hell is this thing?"

He looked back at the bed and saw a huge stain on it...


Leaning closer, the stain was awfully close to where Niffty usually slept, she had a grin on her face as she hugged his jacket tighter

Suddenly realization hit him like a truck




Rather perplexed by this, he slowly backed away, on his way to get cleaning products...and a new sheet

When he came back though, she was already awake, having the "dirty" sheet in hands

They both stared at each other in silence

Niffty: "Uhhh..."

Alex: "...." a flash she took the sheet and ripped it to shreds

Alex: "Wait-!"

Then she burned it

Alex: "That was so uncalled for!"
He exclaimed, his voice cracking from sheer disbelief

Niffty: "It was NECESSARY"

Alex: "Why!?"

Niftty: "Cuz it's embarrassing!!, i was drunk yesterday!! I wasn't thinking straight!"

Alex: "Neither was i! I-"

A second moment of realization hit him as he remembered what he tried to do last night

Alex: "Holy...shit"
"What the hell did i do last night?"

Niffty: "Missed an oportunity!"

She crossed her arms and walked away pouting...

Alex was left speechless, not even he knew that he was this...horny...
After recovering from the shock, he just cleaned the bed and put on a new sheet on it

He walked towards Niffty who was, surprisingly, sitting by herself on the corner of the second floor

Alex: "Um?...sorry?"

Niffty: "For what?"

Alex: "For...disappointing you?"

She kept quiet for a few moments, then sighed

Niffty: "Y''re the first good boy i like"
"I...never thought i'd like a nice guy"
"And um...yesterday, i-i don't know..."

While she talked, Alex just sighed in relief, he thought she was upset

Interrupting her little yapping, he gently grabbed her face and gave her a kiss, which left her dazed...

Alex: "'s's not weird to...y'know, feel lust"
"You don't need to justify that for me"
"I got your hopes up yesterday, moved too fast, and then you ended up like that"
"So sorry...i didn't think it would have that kind of effect on you, especially since i don't really consider myself attractive"

Niffty's face softened up a little

"I...honestly, sigh, first of all: "

She got awfully close to him


Her face was a great mix of cuteness and creepiness...

"You're hot! For crying out loud..."

She inhaled deeply
"I don't mind waiting y'know..."
"Especially since...i'm lucky to have you"

Alex chuckled


She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, quickly running downstairs to clean the hotel

As Alex walked down, he heard people talking, Sir Pentious had brought a huge...thing?
It looked like a canon

"Hello! Purple female..."
He tipped his expressive hat to both Charlie and Vaggie

"It'ss my new invention! The ssskin flayer 11.000!"
"I'm reaally looking forward to shooting the other residentsss!"

What the???

Charlie: "What? Why?"

Pent: "Everyone is being too nice, i can sense they are planning to kill me!"
"But when?"
"I musst be prepared!"

He looked over to the door with a pleased smile

"Oh! The new parts of my machine are here!"

He said as two young women walked in with a cart full of boxes

One of them handed over a document

"Sign please"

He excitedly signed the waver and went over to see the parts he bought

"Thank you for your business, enjoy your Carmine purchase"

Vaggie frowned at this

"Carmine?, as in Carmilla Carmine??"
"You're buying parts from an Overlord!?"

Pent: "Err, of course, she's the top weapons dealer in Hell"

Vaggie: "Well great, that stops right now"

She walked past him and took away the cart with the parts he bought

Pent: "HEY!"

Vaggie: "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel, no one is trying to kill you, people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome"

At this remark Pentious looked over to the other members

Husk was drinking from a bottle, he simply showed him the middle finger

Angel was occupied using his phone and did the same

Niffty simply tried to smile at him but came off as creepy

The only one who looked somewhat normal was Alex, but even he was a bit too awkward, he just shrugged at Pentious with a "meh" face

Pent: "..."
"I have my doubtsss"

Vaggie: "Well it's true, you have to trust us"

Pent: "But i don't"
He replied dryly

Charlie noticed the dim mood and attempted to lighten up the situation

"Then why don't focus on that for today's activities!"

But Vaggie interrupted her

"Not before we lay some ground rules:"
"No more building weapons"
"No more plotting against the other guests"
"And you need to get rid of these...things"

She said while pointing at the little egg boiz Pentious carries with him

They were toying with a laser weapons and accidentally shot the ceiling, making a whole in it and frustrating Vaggie

Vaggie: "UGH! what did i just say, what did i just say?!"

Pent: "What?! Not my little egg boiz!, they do my evil bidding for me"

Vaggie: "Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?"

Pent: "...yesss?"

Vaggie: "Then no more eggs"

While at the verge of tears, Sir Pentious dismissed his minions

Pent: "A-alright little've got to go"
"I....i can't keep you anymore!"

"Alright boss!" They replied with no hesitation

"No! Don't resist! It has to be this way!"

He wept aloud while Vaggie took the eggs to Alastor

Alex saw the whole scene and decided to keep an eye on Alastor, he would never trust him even if he helped him before...

Vaggie: "Alastor!"

She called out to him inside his room, which was a swamp he teleported inside the hotel, he was eating a dead venison raw

Alastor: "Do you mind??? I'm in the middle of breakfast"

Vaggie: "Pentious' eggs are all over the place and i need you to get rid of them"

His face brightened up, and he got up from his chair immediately

Alastor: "Oh in that case i would be delighted to!"

She narrowed her eyes

Vaggie: "Humanely"

Alastor: "hm...well that's a lot less fun"
"But i guess i could take care of that on my outing today!"

Outing? Alex thought

Vaggie: "Right...great!...that looks disgusting"
She said while glancing at the rotting deer inside his room

Alex stared as Alastor left to go somewhere

I should follow him

Charlie: "Alright guys!"

Alex: "..."

...after we're done with this

Charlie: "Thanks for coming here"
She said, referring to the other guests, all reunited in one place

"It has been brought to our attention that there's a liiiiittle......tension, in the hotel"

Vaggie: "Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here"
She said as she snatched a railgun from Pentious's hand, who was trying to shoot Niffty with it

Alex ripped her away from him and held her protectively

"Calm the hell down" he said glaring at Pentious while trying to shield her from him

Charlie: "Sooo, we think that this group could really benefit frooom:"

Vag and Charlie: "Trust exercises!!"

Everyone stared awkwardly

Alex: "Right..."

Charlie decided to let Vaggie take the lead on this exercise

Although she was hesitant at first, Charlie convinced her

More confident in herself, Vaggie began catwalking from side to side like some sort of model, but speaking up out loud like a soldier

"Alright, we're starting with trust falls!, each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards, while the rest of the group catches you...Got it? Who wants to go first?"

Charlie excitedly volunteered, she said she loved all of them, which earned an "aww" from Alex...

She threw herself backwards, although only Vaggie catched her, Alex took a while to react, while the rest didn't really care

Charlie was satisfied, saying it felt good, she encouraged Angel to go up next, he despondently got up on the stage

Angel: "Somethin' about myself huh? Well how 'bout this?..."
"I LOVE to suck-"

Husk: "I swear to fuck if you say dicks!!"

Angel: "Popsicles! Ya sicko! Get yo mind outta the gutter"

After Angel dropped himself he looked at Husk, who catched him, with a smirk

Angel: "but you know...dick's too"

With a low growl Husk dropped him, after this Sir Pentious went up next, declaring he could not live without his eggies, and then asking for no one to catch him...
Surprinsingly, everyone catched him

Niffty tried the trust fall too, she seemed excited
"Sometimes!, i kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others! Hehehe!"

She threw herself but everyone backed away

Startled, Alex rushed to catch her
Alex: "Woah woah....gotcha babygirl..."

Niffty: "Hehe~"

She cuddled closer to him, snuggling on his cheek

Although went he put her down she climbed up again and threw herself on the floor, celebrating the pain aswell

He just sighed and rubbed his forehead

While Charlie and Vaggie walked away a bit to talk

Charlie: "i don't know if this is working as well as we hoped...maybe we should-"

Vaggie: "Honey i got have to trust me, i'll figure something out"

Angel suddenly showed up behind them

"If you're in the market for some ideas, i got just the thing for buildin'..."

Alex was listening attently the whole time
"Well sh*t i have a bad feeling about this"

Unsurprinsingly, Angel took them to a BDSM club, where the main course was...bondage

Alex: "why am i not surprised?"

Vaggie: "Angel what the actual fuck?"

Angel: "whaaat?~ no activiy requires more trust than BDSM baby"
"No bond is stronger than those formed through bondage~"
"Heh...that's their motto"

He proudly declared, pointing to a poster of two demons practicing the activity and the motto above them

Charlie: "i uh...appreciate the enthusiasm but...emmm..."

Vaggie: "What makes you think anyone would be into this?!"

Meanwhile Husker was enjoying a light massage another woman was giving him

Husk: "Ya know i...hmm...i don't hate this"

Alex facepalmed

"Nope...i'm outta here, i'm not into this crap"
He said while leaving, walking towards the door

Niffty suddenly showed in full bondage gear, which made her curves a little more visible

"I'm ready to punish a bad boy~ hehe~"

Alex immediately returned with widened eyes and a serious expression, he inhaled deeply, clapping his hands together in front of his face

"Alright...maybe i am"

Vaggie was frustrated, trying to keep Charlie away from all the other demons, then she got a brilliant idea

Vaggie: "Maybe i need to teach them the way i learned!"
"Alright guys follow me!"

Alex: "Damn it..."
Niffty: "Aw..."

They both said, throwing away the tools they had in hand

"Those two are hornier than me sometimes..."
Angel whispered to Husker

"That's a high bar..."
Husker responded
"And i don't even doubt it"

Vaggie brought them to the top of a building, in front of a warzone

Charlie: "This is how you learned to trust people?!"

Vaggie: "There's nothing stronger than the bond between comrades in arms!"
"Buckle up, buttercups! Because today you boys become MEN"

"YOU!" She said while stomping towards Sir Pentious

Pent: "W-wait! Wait!, i can't fight without my minions!"

She ignored him and threw him onto the battlefield

Vaggie: "You're going to survive out there!"
"And you!"

Angel: "D-don't even think about it!"

Vaggie: "Are going to make this hotel work!"

She also threw Angel with him

Niffty: "My turn!! M-my turn!!"

Alex: "NO!"

He desperately tried to snatch Niffty away from Vaggie

Alex: "Husk!! HELP!"

Husker quietly left in the background while all of this happened

Alex: "Motherfuc-"

Charlie: "Vaggie No!"

She managed to grab Niffty and avoid her being thrown down, although she did want to get thrown

She demanded upsies from Alex

Niffty: "Lex!! Throw me too! Pleeeaase!!"

Alex: "Why?!"

Niffty: "Just do it! Let's go have fun!!"

Alex: "Argh! Just don't kill anyone!"

He grabbed her and threw himself down with her

Meanwhile Vaggie and Charlie were discussing something

Vaggie: "I took charge today and it all went sideways!
"I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality!"
"I'm supposed to never fail you"

Charlie: "'s okay, you do so much, you're not..."

Vaggie: "I....i need some time alone....please"

While in the battlefield, Alex remembered Alastor and knew this was his only chance, so he whispered to Niffty

Alex: "Hey...imma leave real quick, don't tell them 'kay?"

Niffty: "Oooh what'cha gunna do??"

Alex: "Erm...bad stuff?..."

Niffty: "Hehe, you're such a bad boy sometimes~"
"Alright!, go go go...shoo"

He quickly used omniscience to know Alastor's location, seeing how he was inside of a room full of other Overlords

Alex: "Alright teleport, don't fail me now..."

He began compressing energy between his palms, though it was quickly becoming unstable

"C'mon, c'moooon!"

He clapped his hands and spawned right in front of the door that led to the meeting


He walked towards the door and passed through, turning himself invisible

He remembered how Husk taught him that little trick, as a magician he was hesitant, but because he took a liking to Alex, he decided to teach him just once

Thanks Husk...this really came in handy right now

There were several different Overlords, the attendant from the Emporium was there aswell

She's an Overlord?

She was just talking casually with Alastor...they seemed to come a long way

There was a huge dinosaur-like Overlord, she looked like an eyesore yet also so beautiful at the same time

Leading the meeting, there was Carmilla Carmine, with her two daughters, she greeted another demon who she referred as Zestial

This same demon locked his four eyes with Alex, and smiled

Which sent chills down his spine

He...he saw me?

But he did not say a thing, only subtly observed Alex with a few glances as the meeting went on

Suddenly the door opened and slammed on Alex's face

He didn't make a sound, but was really pissed off


A short demon came in, which earned a blush from Alex

Woah she's actually pretty...

This short demon was on her phone, rudely interrupting the meeting

"Yes Vox i know you got your ass handed by that angel kid, this meeting will be a cakewalk"
"What? You're doubting me? Really?? Me???"

"That's what i thought"
"Yes, i know, hehe, they're all a joke"
"Thanks Vee, kisses darling!"

Carmilla: "Nice of you to join us, Velvette"

That's Velvette?

"Will your...colleagues be joining?"

Velvette: "No...they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who think she's tough shit"
"Chuckle i'm here to represent"

Carmilla: "...Charming"

Welp...what a bitch Alex thought

Carmilla attempted to proceed with the meeting but was interrupted...once again, by Velvette, who threw an exorcist's head on the table, saying they should declare war on them since they could be killed

Witnessing this, Alex was in shock

They...actually killed one of them?, who??...i thought it was fake...

But before she could continue, Zestial interrupted her, sipping his tea outloud, he spoke in old english

Zestial: "If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such...meagre proof"
"Thou art far more...foolish than i be thought"

Velvette: "Tch! 'Meagre proof?', it's a dead fucking exorcist, i'm sure that's pretty fucking definite"
"You going blind old man?"

Zestial: "We know not how this perished, mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all"
"If we rush to war without knowledge mightn't they purge all of hell for daring an uprising?"

It seemed like Velvette had lost the argument, but she noticed how Carmilla was rather...flustered

Looking away from the table, seemingly hiding something

She instantly smirked, having a plan in mind

She provoked Zestial on purpose, which caused Carmilla to argue back, although they suddenly started...singing

What the?...where the hell is this music coming from??

Alex witnessed the entire song, seeing how Carmilla was overly defensive about the dead exorcist, he figured she was the one who killed it

To make sure of it, he used omniscience on her, although limited it to only knowing about the exorcist

It was true, she did kill it, for a noble cause, which took Alex by surprise...

She was trying to protect her daughters...

In an outrage, Carmilla ended the meeting sooner, afraid for her family's safety

Having gathered some important information, Alex decided to walk away from all of this, although when he saw Alastor tell one of the eggies to follow Carmilla and Zestial, he was curious, and followed it, he protected the little egg boi, making sure he was not seen

Zestial sang to comfort Carmilla, and she also sang, admitting how she would do whatever it takes to protect her family

After the little egg left, Alex left aswell, wiping a small tear from his eye, he was touched by the song and washed in relief that Overlords had the ability to care so much about each other

The egg boi informed Alastor about how Carmilla killed an angel...

Alex was worried about this information falling into the worst possible hands, but he could do nothing about it now

Afterwards he reunited with the others

Vaggie seemed to be feeling better now, being comforted by Charlie

Alex got there just in time to witness a heartwarming view, seeing Angel, Sir Pentious and Husker talking and bonding together, he was happy they were doing better

Vaggie: "Hold on...Niffty where's Alex?"

Niffty: "Oh! He went out"

Vaggie: "To do what?"

Niffty: "Bad stuff"

Vaggie: "What the?"

Alex: "I'm right here"

He said, showing up right behind Niffty

Husk: "Ha! You learn fast kid"

Alex: "Heh...guess i'm a prodigy"

Vaggie: " know what? I'm not even gonna question it"

Alastor arrived shortly after, and Sir Pentious was reunited with his egg boiz, although Vaggie warned him to not build more weapons

"AHH! My eggss!!, it's so good to have you back!"
"Now go clean my quarters this instant!"

It was a great day today, despite all the chaos

They all went to sleep in peace

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