RWBY: Remnant's Blond Bard


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When Jaune unlocked a Semblance based on a game system, he saw it as a chance to become more popular and impr... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

126 4 1

Jaune glanced at the redhead as she stared back at him in confusion. He got the feeling he'd said something wrong – Charisma couldn't stop him putting his foot in his mouth, apparently. Chances were he just looked slightly better wearing his own soles as dentures. Though he hadn't bothered for a while, he decided to check out her "status". Or what he'd been calling that. His Semblance quickly provided.


Pyrrha Nikos

Lvl: 30

Title: Rising Star

Exceptionally skilled and beloved by many, Pyrrha Nikos is fast becoming a household name in her hometown of Argus. Though the attention is beginning to get to her, she still feels proud of her accomplishments. Pyrrha is highly competitive and often can't help but want to win at things, even when she's doing her best to go easy on someone.


Whoah. She was level thirty!? That... He didn't know if that was amazing or depressing. She didn't look any older than him and yet she was five times his level. What was she doing that he wasn't? Movies? Maybe that made sense. If his viral video had given him this much growth, then starring in some hit movies would probably be even more.

Other people didn't have his Semblance, of course, so it might also just have been his Semblance putting arbitrary numbers on people to suit him. Even so, Raven Branwen had been level sixty-four and Pyrrha was only a little under half her level.

The shocking part was that assuming an even stat distribution – aka, not throwing everything in Charisma – this girl was probably stronger, fitter, quicker and smarter than him even if he'd thrown every stat of his level-ups into one attribute.

Even if I put all my free points into Strength, I'd only have around thirty-five or so...

The redhead tilted her head. "You're... not from around here. Are you?"

"Nope. I arrived today with my sister and her girlfriend. They're getting married and starting a life here. I'm just tagging along before I move on. I'm travelling. Argus is just my starting point. I'm from a little village in Vale."

"That would explain it." Pyrrha giggled. "You'd have heard of me otherwise. I'm Pyrrha. Pyrrha Nikos. And sorry, but I'm not a movie star. Though it'd be fun to star in one."

"Really? But I saw your movie poster."


Pyrrha followed his hand when he pointed, then snorted a little at the poster on the inside of the shop window. "Oh, that. I guess it does kind of look like a movie poster. I'm actually a competition fighter, though."

The words "pit fighter" came to Jaune's mind but he quickly dismissed that. "Like a huntress?"

"That's the long-term plan, yes. The competitions are for amateur huntsmen and huntresses. It's just a bit of fun. Do you really not have anything like this in Vale...?"

"I'm sure we do but not where I lived," he said, feeling a little awkward. It made him realise he was going to come across as a backwards country yokel to a whole lot of people. And he'd thought himself quite clever, too. "My dad is a huntsman, but he doesn't want any of us following in his footsteps, so I guess we never saw stuff like that. Not even on TV. And we live in a tiny village so there's definitely no tournaments or fights. That's why I'm here!"

"For the fights...?"

"To see more of the world and learn stuff, to attend big stuff like that and also experience things that I wouldn't be able to back home. I'm a travelling minstrel."

Pyrrha's expression was somewhere between amused and doubtful. "Is that a thing...?"

"Uh. Well... I'm travelling and I'm planning to pay some of my way through music and live performances, so kinda."

He wasn't sure if he could be called a minstrel, but he was making absolute bank as Guitarc, so it fit. Professionally speaking, as in having a paying profession, he was a musician. He was also travelling. Ergo, he was a travelling minstrel.

"Can I hear some of your music?"

"Uh. I left my guitar back at my sister's place, but I guess I could show you some later." Without the Bardic Skills, of course. "I might do a little charity busking tomorrow to practice. You can always come by and listen in."

"That sounds grand! I do a lot of charity work as well. It's really fulfilling."

"Yeah, it is." Common ground acquired, Jaune relaxed into the conversation. Pyrrha seemed like a genuine person, even if she was apparently quite famous. "I only started a few weeks ago, and mostly just as a way to practice my music, but it's been fun. Maybe it sounds selfish, but I feel really happy after."

"Same. And I don't think it's selfish to feel proud of yourself for helping others. I wasn't so sure at first on taking some sponsorship deals," she added, "but my agents said I could donate half of the money to a charity of my choosing and it feels amazing to see what the charity is doing with the money. The real changes they're making." Her own smile was a little more natural now as well. "There's a park nearby that's pretty much in the centre of Argus. It'd be perfect for busking. Do you want me to show you it?"

"Yeah. That'd be great!"

As they walked side by side through the town, it quickly became obvious that Pyrrha was a notable figure. People waved at her, others stopped to chat, and several children bounded up to her and asked for hugs. Pyrrha would laugh every time and comply and seemed to know a lot of their names – something that always impressed the people she talked to. Even when they didn't come over, shopkeepers would wave at her merrily from a distance.

"Wow. You really are famous!"

"Ahah." Pyrrha blushed as she laughed. "It's more like Argus is so small a town that I stand out. I'm not really that big a deal. There are tournaments in Mistral that draw the really big names. I'm thinking of joining one of those in a few months. I'm sure they'll all be bored of me by then, especially if I lose in the first round."

"Do you think you will?"

"I hope not. Not to boast, but I think I have a chance to make it really far." There was a competitive edge to her voice, and she stood a little taller. "I've been watching their fights and analysing them with my coach, and she thinks I can take a lot of them. I might be able to make it to the quarter or semi-finals. Maybe even the finals themselves!"

"I guess I'll have to check the news and cheer you on. Or I could come watch."

"You should! You're travelling all over Remnant, right? You should come to Mistral to watch the tournament."

"I've just been there recently, actually. I promised some friends I'd be back in time for them graduating and attending Beacon."

"They're huntsmen?"

"Huntsman and huntress. I met them when I was busking in Mistral. They were doing some charity work as well, but they study at Sanctum."

"Maybe I know them." Pyrrha smiled. "I go there, too."

"Really? Small world."

"Ha. It really is a small world when it comes to huntsmen and huntresses. There are only four schools we could possibly go to, so there's a 25% chance any huntress you meet will have known another from school."

"I guess so. They're Nora and Ren. Orange-haired girl. You really can't miss her."

"Hm. I think I've seen her around, but we haven't talked." Pyrrha tilted her head and rubbed her chin. "Isn't she always hanging off the boy with pink eyes?"

"Yep. That's Ren."

"I think a few girls in our year have a crush on him but don't dare approach because of her."

"Yep." Jaune laughed awkwardly. "That sounds like Nora. They're the ones who suggested I travel. I'm going to do Atlas or Vacuo first, then the other, then sweep back to see them again in Mistral and travel with them to Vale when they apply to Beacon."

"Then maybe we'll see one another again there."

"Or here in Argus. I'll be coming back between destinations to plan out my next and drop off souvenirs for the family." And to film more videos in his alter-ego, but he really didn't need every cute girl he met knowing that.

"Sure. That sounds like— Oh, here's the park."

It was a large and open area where grass and artful slabs of concrete mixed, set aside with a playpark for children that put anything in Ansel to shame. Even at sixteen, Jaune found himself tempted by the huge jungle gym. There was even a big platform with sprinklers pointed upward that kids were playing around in, getting soaked by thin jets of water.

"It's a lot nicer than our park," he said.

"Yes, well, Argus is quite well developed compared to a lot of places. Some people are saying it could become the fifth great city in time—"

"Oh, if it isn't young Pyrrha!" An old woman interrupted, strolling over with a grandmotherly mile. "Out enjoying the sun?"

Pyrrha smiled instantly. "Hello Mrs Altree. How are you today?"

"I'm well, dearie. I'm well." The woman smiled at Pyrrha, but quickly turned a stinky eye on Jaune. "And who is this? You ought to be careful of handsome young men like this, dear. He looks like the type of pretty-boy to lead a woman on and break her heart."

Jaune's jaw dropped. "Whaaaat!?"

Pyrrha snickered. "I'm sure Jaune isn't like that, Mrs Altree."

"I don't know. Boy looking like that, out here, talking to young women like you. I bet he had ten girlfriends back home who don't know where he is."

He could hardly find the words. "I—I do not!" he cried, horrified. "I've never even had a girlfriend before!"

"Mmm. Is that so?" The old woman rubbed her jaw and looked him up and down. "You know, I have a granddaughter a year or two older than you. Single. Bit of a shut-in, but she could use a man to draw her out."

"Didn't you call me a playboy that girls should avoid not ten seconds ago?"

"I don't think so, dearie, but my memory hasn't been the same since the dementia."

Jaune's jaw hung open.

Pyrrha burst out laughing.

"Don't tease him, Mrs Altree. And Jaune, she doesn't have dementia or a granddaughter. She has two grandsons. And they're ten and twelve."

True enough, the old lady cackled. "But if I did have a granddaughter, I might set you up. I just wanted to make sure you weren't some creep looking to take advantage of our Pyrrha. The jewel in Argus' crown, she is."

"Mrs Altree, I'm not that important."

"You will be one day, dear. Mark my words. Everyone will know the name Pyrrha Nikos. They'll be talking about you in the same ways they do Guitar Cutie!" Jaune squawked again, going bright red. "Hmm?" The old woman peered at him, making Jaune sweat. "Oh, I see," she said. "You have a crush on Guitar Cutie, do you? Ha! You and half the young men in Mistral!"

He hoped that was an exaggeration. He really did. "I don't have a crush on her!" he yelped. "I don't even think she's that good looking."

"Ha. Look at your blush. Nothing wrong with falling for a pretty face, boy."

There was something wrong when it was your own face. What was he meant to do? Make out with a mirror? Jaune groaned, and both Pyrrha and Mrs Altree probably assumed it was for all the wrong reasons.

"Come to think of it," said the old lady. "My grandson showed me a video this morning. Aren't you the Dolphin Musician? You have the same clothes and hair."

"I saw that too!" Pyrrha gasped, looking at him properly. "You are!"


At least it was a video with him in it, instead of her.

"Yeah," he said. "I was just playing some music to ward off seasickness when they arrived. I guess it was kinda cool to see them playing."

More interesting to talk to them and find out things that marine biologists would have sold their souls to. It was crazy to think he'd been able to hold a full conversation with a pod of dolphins and even befriend some. People said they had good memories, so it was entirely possible they'd remember him for years.

"I thought you looked familiar," said Pyrrha. "Something was tickling my mind. Ha. You're more famous than I am!"

"For one video. They'll forget about me soon enough."

"It was a very lovely thing to see and hear," said the old woman. "I envy those sailors being witness to it. Well, you can't be all bad if animals like you. They say animals are good judges of character. I suppose I can trust you with our Pyrrha."

"I'm fairly sure your Pyrrha could bend my body into a pretzel if I upset her," he muttered, eyeing Pyrrha's rather shocking level count once more.

Mrs Altree was only level eight by comparison. And yes, it was embarrassing she was a higher level than him as well, but she looked to be in her seventies or eighties so that really wasn't the same. How was Pyrrha such a high level? Was it the fights? Most RPGs did work on the idea of combat as the main source of EXP.

Even those with other methods of earning it like crafting and such normally had that be much smaller compared to killing monsters. I guess my playing music is kind of like crafting in a video game. It's a lot slower and I only improve the one skill. Meanwhile, Pyrrha actually fights other people. I bet she's killed Grimm as well if she's going to be a huntress.

How many years did it take her to reach that level? Probably a lot.

"I was wondering..." he said, when Mrs Altree had left. "I wanted to be a huntsman when I was younger, back before my father refused to train me. How early do people start at Sanctum?"

"Tuition begins at eleven, though I started training earlier. A lot of people from huntsman families do that." Pyrrha smiled uncomfortably. "I don't think they take people who start more than one or two years late."

Was she uncomfortable because she thought his dreams were about to be ruined?

"Oh, it's not that. I'm not planning to become a huntsman. I mean, I'm sixteen. That's definitely too late when Beacon starts next year. I came to terms with that ages ago." He watched her relax. "I'm just curious, I guess. It sounds crazy to start so young. I assume you don't fight real Grimm until you're older."

Monsters like Grimm were what would give EXP in a normal game, so he was curious how early she – and most people – would start "farming". Not that they were, but for the sake of his Semblance's arbitrary definition of their level.

"They definitely don't make first years fight Grimm if that's what you're asking. I think most watch a teacher fight a Grimm a few times, and there's a lot of recorded footage you get shown and taught about. They want to be sure your aura control is good before they let you risk your life. However, it's a little different for those born to huntsman families. Technically, I killed my first Grimm at nine—"


"I said technically!" Pyrrha interrupted, laughing. "All I really did was pull the trigger, while my father steadied the rifle and taught me how to aim and my mother kept the Grimm occupied. I wasn't in any danger. They let me fight a Nevermore the month before I went to Sanctum, but that was a really small one. About the size of your arm with its wings spread."

That was still a big deal. He'd been wondering whether he could have – or if it was even a good idea to – points into other stats and try to build into a fighter. His Charisma was already high, so it felt like he should spread them out as he had with his last level. But hearing how early Pyrrha had been fighting Grimm, he wasn't sure if it even made sense to anymore. They'd had almost ten years of training to his zero.

Even with his Semblance, he couldn't hope to reach a point where he could join Beacon. Not if Pyrrha had the potential to join and she was this high a level already. Ren and Nora had been twenty-one and twenty-two.

And really, even if he could reach the same level – would that change anything?

He didn't know how to use aura, didn't know how to fight, didn't know the first thing about being a huntsman. And there had to be more to it than just being strong, otherwise they wouldn't need dedicated schools with specific lessons and teachers.

And if it's taken seven years for Pyrrha to reach this level – and she was fighting real Grimm – then how long would it take me when the best I can do is crank out quests? It really is pointless to even think about it.

Though he supposed it wouldn't hurt to keep spreading his stats out.

Because an extra one to five points into Charisma at this stage really didn't feel worth it.

In fact, most of his Charisma gains now had come not from level-ups at all. Even if he had – from the very first moment – carefully put his points into a pure fighter build, it probably wouldn't have mattered.

In fact, he knew it wouldn't have because he wouldn't have been able to trick Raven away.

His "combat build" would have seen him beaten down by a huntress over level sixty, and then enslaved along with his family. Sold off into what even his own Semblance called a "dark backstory". The simple fact was that life wasn't a game even if his Semblance quantified it as one. Characters in games got to go out and fight monsters carefully scaled to their level, with creatures kindly stacking up so that low-level enemies were there to fight you in low-level areas, and the dangerous monsters kept away.

That wasn't how real life worked. He could have walked outside of Ansel as a level five character and bumped into a level fifty Grimm. Much like he's gone to a freaking bar and bumped into a level sixty-four criminal.

The problem was less his Semblance and the more the fact the world wasn't level scaled.

"The power creep is real..."

"What was that?" asked Pyrrha.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking how insane it is to train from that young. Makes me think children of huntsman families have a huge advantage."

"They do, sadly. There are initiatives and assistance for children from other families, but Beacon and the upper academies still post statistics of some 85% attendance being from children of currently serving huntsmen and huntresses. It's more than just the extra help you get at home. It's the culture. Children of huntsmen just grow up different. We're raised different. I only started training around eight or nine, but even before that I was watching my parents spar. I learnt how to clean and operate a gun when I was seven. Even simple things like fitness. Children of huntsmen parents are usually more athletic solely because they grow up in a home where fitness is prioritised."

That didn't sound like home at all, but then Nicholas did work outside of Ansel. He was gone for long periods, risking his life to support eight children, and coming back refusing to talk about any of the things he'd seen. Pyrrha probably grew up on stories of her mom and dad's adventures, whereas Nichoals hated talking about his past. He'd much rather hear about what they had gotten up to and distract them with gifts brought back from wherever he'd been.

"I'm sorry if that if bringing up bad memories," she said.

"What? No. Seriously, it's fine. I'm lost in my own head." He laughed it off. "So, you wanted to hear me play. How about I introduce you to my sister and I can grab my guitar and give you a little concert while I'm there."

"Sure. That sounds like fun."


Jaune was an odd boy but seemed nice.

Those were Pyrrha's thoughts as he told her about his village – which, to her, sounded very small and a little boring. Not that he was boring, but she couldn't imagine living in a place with so little to do for so long. There weren't even any fights to join. Yikes. Of course, she knew better than to express that. Her agents had been teaching her how to act and what not to say.

They'd probably have words at her for following a boy home but, as he said, she could fold him like a flat-pack table if he tried anything. It wasn't like she was in any actual danger, and he'd have to be crazy to try something like that. He also just didn't seem the type.

It was a new experience having someone not recognise her, though. Deep inside, though she'd never admit it, she'd been a little bummed out when he didn't look on her with awe and amazement when they'd run into one another. She'd gotten used to being asked for autographs, and even if it was embarrassing, it was also kind of fun.

He was the first in forever to not know her – and to even think she was a movie star! Being from outside Argus explained it, though. It wasn't that he was blind and deaf. Her name just hadn't reached his village. Which was fair enough. Pyrrha knew she was huge here, but she fully expected to lose in the Mistral tournament.

Though imagine if I didn't... imagine if I won it all...

The familiar rush of excitement returned.

But really, she'd be lying if she said the main reason she stayed to talk with him wasn't that she found him cute. Mrs Altree had hit the nail direct on the head. He was someone she hadn't met, he wasn't awkward around her, and he was really cute. Handsome, even. He looked like he could star in a movie himself, and he wouldn't have looked out of place on the cover of a fashion magazine if he'd ditch the hoodie and ripped jeans. Maybe a suit, with a black tie and a devilish smirk as his blue eyes stared deeply into hers—

"What's so funny?" the walking hunk asked.


"You were laughing to yourself."

"O—Oh, nothing. Just some memory. Haha. Ignore me." Pyrrha waved it off and tried hard not to blush. It was probably a good thing he wasn't a playboy like Mrs Altree suspected, because she had a feeling she was being more than a little obvious. "I do that sometimes. So... About what you said with Mrs Altree. Was that true?"

"About not being a playboy? Yeah, that's true."

"And the girlfriend part?"

"Ah, well." He blushed and scratched his cheek. Somehow, in some way, she found that cute.

I'm doomed, she thought.

"It's not like there were that many girls my age in Ansel, and I was never very confident talking to women."

"Do you want to?"

The words tumbled out before she could stop them.

"Want to what?"

"G—Get better, of course," she stammered, looking away and laughing weakly. "I mean, I could help you practice. We can be friends."

Nooo. Coward. Just tell him you're interested.

"I'm interested!" she blurted out.

His eyebrow rose. "In helping me improve?"

"Yes!" No. "Yes, that's right. It's my duty or something."

Damn it, she sounded like such an idiot. Where had all those public speaking lessons gone? Where was her agent? No, she'd only make this worse. Deep breaths. Stay calm. Pyrrha took a deep breath and let it go, then tried again.

"What I mean is that if you're going to be here for a few days, I might as well show you around Argus. Maybe I can help with planning your travels, too." Any excuse to spend more time with her new friend. Maybe that'd help her get over this feeling, too. It was just a silly crush.

Then Jaune Arc closed his eyes and smiled, grasping both her hands in his.

And Pyrrha's stomach didn't just do flips. It completed an Olympic routine.

"That sounds great! You're amazing, Pyrrha!"


What big hands he had.

All the better to—

No, no, no! Pyrrha wildly shook her head. Bad brain! No!

Luckily, he turned his back on her to open the door to a small home, giving Pyrrha a chance to catch her breath and get her thoughts under control. Once inside, she glanced around the home. It was small compared to where she lived, but it was probably a good size for a couple who just started living together.

Aaand the intrusive thoughts were returning.


"Saph. Terra? I'm back."

There was no answer.

"They must be out signing the marriage forms," he said, accidentally making Pyrrha feel even more frazzled. "Come on, I'll take you to my room—" Guh. "—and you can listen to me play the guitar."

"Y—Yes please!"

Realistically speaking, it wasn't her first time in a boy's room.

But it felt like it.

Those male friends she'd had when she was younger really didn't prepare her for this, and she couldn't be sure where to rest her eyes. The guitar felt safe, up until he sat and pulled it onto his lap in a way she wouldn't have minded he do to her, and then rested his fingers on the strings in a way she wouldn't have minded he do to her.

And that didn't even make sense!

"Sorry I don't have any chairs. You can sit on the bed if you like."

"I—Isn't this all too fast?"


"Nothing!" Pyrrha threw herself down, hands in her lap, smile on her face. "P—Please play a song. I'd like to hear some music!"

Maybe some bad music would help clear her head. He was her age, so it'd probably be some simple songs that she could smile and clap at, but which wouldn't shake her world or anything. It wasn't like he was a legitimate musician or anything. It'd be some current songs, maybe a few missed chords, and then—

Jaune played.

If asked after, and when her mother very much did ask later, she would say she couldn't remember what song he played. Only that the music seeped into her ears and possessed her body, making her shiver and shake. His fingers plucked and strummed with perfect precision, and his eyes closed softly, letting him concentrate on the music and, to her relief, completely miss her gobsmacked expression as she stared at him.

We want! Pyrrha's brain, heart and hormones said as one.

I know, Pyrrha replied. I want as well!

It wasn't fair for him to be this good on the guitar as well as being this handsome. Why wasn't he on a stage with legions of fans? Wait, what happened if he did end up on a stage with legions of fans? They'd be all over him. That was bad. Really bad! Pyrrha felt a spark ignite in her that only tended to show up when she got in the ring with a strong opponent and met their eyes across the arena, weapon in hand.

That was what this was.

An arena.

Of love.

"How was that?" he asked.

"A—Amazing," she whispered. "That was incredible! I'm so happy you let me hear you play." And now very nervous at the thought of him busking tomorrow in the park. People might see him. They might talk to him. "Um. You know, if you want to play to raise money for charity, then maybe we could do something together."

"Huh." He smiled. A good sign. "Can you sing?"


Yes, technically, she could sing, but she sure as heck couldn't sing as well as he played, and that'd only make her look so much worse. It was one thing to sing bad for karaoke and another thing entirely to sing bad at your crush's performance.

"Not exactly. I was thinking you could maybe come to my tournament the day after tomorrow. It's a regional one only, so it's here in Argus. There'll be a few important people there and I'll be doing a signing session after with some merchandise. Maybe you could play. I was thinking of donating any money to charity anyway."

And Jaune could see her being incredible in the ring. That was her domain, and he'd be stunned at how fierce and powerful she was in the ring, dominating her opponent until he would begin to wonder if she could dominate—


"You're going that giggle again," he said. "And is that drool?"

The door slammed open before she could answer. "Oh brother-in-law!" a dark-skinned woman crowed. "Your sister and I are now officially marri—" She paused, looked to Jaune, then to the girl on his bed and the guitar.

"Terra, it's not what it looks like!"

The woman, Terra, leaned back out the door. "Saphron! Jaune's got himself a girlfriend!"

"WHAT!?" There was a sound like a stampede of Ursa crashing up a staircase. "Let me see! Let me see! Let me see!"

Girlfriend? Her? But he— and sister? Future sister-in-law maybe?


That didn't sound so bad...

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