naughty neighbour

By jess_romanoff

42.4K 1.8K 577

Y/n Y/l/n moves into a new apartment complex and meets her mysterious redheaded neighbour. What will Y/n disc... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

chapter five

1.5K 67 27
By jess_romanoff

hello, soooo i've had a couple people ask if i can start posting twice a week, since once a week is too long a wait. i feel your pain, i would hate that as well. the only issue ill have will be running out of my pre written chapters. so i wanted to ask, would you guys want me to start posting twice a week? just have to understand i may run out of chapters sooner. let me know 🤗


"i moved into my apartment with her, well we were together at the time and basically living together. in a way we worked together, we had earnt all this money together so we bought the apartment. it was great for a while but i started noticing changes in her. coming home late, texting people i didn't know, not being honest with me, pushing me to do things i didn't want to do. long story short i caught her cheating" I gasped at that part of the story. Natasha looked over at me, i just gave her and apologetic smile.

"i kicked her out, by that point i was making my own money so i didn't need her. she was bringing me down anyway" Natasha stopped talking, however i waited a moment before speaking.

"im sorry that happened to you, you definitely don't deserve to be treated like that" Natasha gave me a small nod before her whole expression changed.

"enough about that, can we build something else now?" I bit my lip a little giving her a nod. She immediately hopped up taking my empty plate along with hers and putting them in the dishwasher.

"coffee table?" Natasha enquired pointing to the box with the coffee table in it.

"yeah sure" I just agreed plopping down as Natasha opened the box immediately handing me the instructions.

We were about half way through making the coffee table when my mind started to wonder. "uhh can i ask you a question?" I asked into the other wise silent space.

"you just did peach" Natasha quipped, i giggled at the somewhat cheesy joke as Natasha gave me a nod of approval.

"you said earlier that you in a way worked together with your ex. what did that mean? what did you do?" I asked genuinely curious.

Natasha took a moment to think before answering, i didn't try and rush her letting her take her time.

"we were..." She started before stopping herself. "influences, we were influences" She finished giving herself a small nod in a way agreeing that she had said the right thing.

"like youtube?" I asked, in hindsight it sounded kinda dumb but it slipped out before i could think.

"um no not youtube, like instagram, tiktok and other sites" I nodded understanding social media fame.

"right, so you make money from that?" I asked, i kinda regretted it the second i did, it may have come across rude. "i didn't mean that in a mean way, im genuinely interested" I clarified.

"it's okay sweetheart, uh yes. together we gained a following but then i started going off on my own and managed to gain an even bigger following. which meant i started earning more than her, which she didn't like" I hummed, we were still somewhat building the coffee table as we spoke.

"what kind of content do you make? like on tiktok?" I asked handing her the next piece to attach.

"uhh" Natasha smirked screwing the piece on. "i make.. different kinds of content, mostly for mature viewers" I hummed not thinking about it too much. I don't spend much time on tiktok but maybe i'll have to try and find her page.

"can we talk about something else?" Natasha asked as she leaned back on her hands. The coffee table was all done, all it needed was some decor to finish it off.

"yeah sure, uhh side table?" Natasha nodded as we pushed the coffee table to the side giving us room for the next item.

"oh i wanted to invite you to a party im having this friday. you can invite Jade as well" Natasha spoke as we attached one of the side tables legs.

"oh, im not really a party person" I kept my head down as Natasha groaned. That was until she placed a finger under my chin to tilt my head up.

"you have to come, to be honest it's not a big party just a bunch of my friends. come on it'll be fun" I hummed as i shrugged attaching the last leg.

"pretty pleaseeeee" Natasha cooed, when i looked over at her she had a pout and her eyes were big and round. She had also leant forward slightly showing off more cleavage as well as pushing her boobs together.

I swallowed thickly trying my hardest not to look down. Natasha's pout was quickly replaced with a smirk, clearly she could tell i was struggling.

"you can look baby" Natasha husked scooting closer. I just shook my head turning to look away from the sweaty redhead. "aww come on, you know you want to"

I felt Natasha place her hand on my thigh, softly she traced patterns on the flesh. "cutie" She purred drawing my attention back to her.

When i met her gaze her pupils had dilated slightly, not sure what that means. "you're so pretty" Natasha whispered, i wasn't expecting it and due to our close proximity i felt her hot breathe fan against my face.

For a second i felt myself leaning in, it was kinda like her lips were magnetic and so were mine. I slowly let my eyes flutter closed until...

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* My intercoms went off effectively ruining our moment. I quickly stood up hearing Natasha groan as i walked away.

"h-hello?" My voice came out super raspy due to my extremely dry mouth.

"Y/n?" Jades voice came through the speaker. I sighed, it was only her.

"oh hi, um sorry. i-ill let you up" I clicked the unlock button for the gate hearing Jade hum before the speaker cut off.

When i looked over at Natasha she was laying down on her back. Her hands were on her stomach as her chest rose and fell with each breath.

"Jades coming up" I announced, i watched as Natasha pushed herself up onto her elbows.

"i heard, i was enjoying having you all to myself though" Natasha tilted her head as i fiddled with my fingers blushing a little. "fuck, stop being so adorable" She huffed falling back down just as there was a knock on my door.

"Natasha you're still here?" Jade immediately noticed the redhead laying on my rug. She gave me a look as she raised her eyebrow.

"we've still got furniture to build, so yeah" Natasha somewhat sassed. Is she really that upset that we were interrupted? Were we actually about to kiss?

"true, what's left?" Natasha pointed to the last remaining box being the arm chair. "sweet, well i didn't really want to build it so you guys knock yourselves out"

I groaned walking past Jade to grab the last box. Natasha moved the side table giving us room to work.

"i love the outfit Natasha" Jade complimented as she got settled on a bar stool.

"thanks, it's keeping me cool" She winked as Jade chuckled, i just ignored them as i opened the box. "Y/n hasn't been able to keep her eyes off my tits all day" Natasha added.

I closed my eyes as i internally face palmed myself. "is that right, Y/n were you being respectful at least?" Jade chastised, i could practically hear the sass knowing full well she would be crossing her arms.

"respectful? not really, were you babe?" Natasha answered for me. I looked up giving her my best stern look but it wouldn't have been very threatening.

I saw Natasha glance up quickly before she leaned in to peck my cheek. "don't stress sweetheart, i'm just kidding" She whispered before pulling away.

I know for a fact my cheeks turned red, i felt my face flush with heat. "hey Y/n, when are you going grocery shopping?" Jade asked however i was still caught up with the whole Natasha pecking my cheek thing that i completely ignored her.

"uhh hello? earth to Y/n?" Jade repeated, i heard Natasha chuckle before she was nudging me.

"what?" I snapped turning to look over at Jade as she stared at me blankly. Natasha was finding this whole interaction hilarious.

"when are you going grocery shopping?" Jade spoke slowly so i heard her this time. I rolled my eyes as i turned back to the armchair instructions.

"well, i have no food so i should probably go today" I answered handing Natasha the next screws.

"can i come?" Jade answered eagerly, i looked over at her seeing her sat at the literal edge of her seat as she waited for my response.

"can i say no?" Natasha cracked up at my reply turning my attention to her as she practically belly rolled laughing.

"bitch, no you can't. i'm coming" Jade huffed turning back to her phone as i paid more attention to Natasha.

"i wanna come too" Natasha added after her laugher died down.

I just gave her a nod as i screwed in the last leg. The arm chair was done, meaning all of my furniture was built.

Well all the furniture i got today, i still need my sofa to come and a dining table and chairs. It's still a work in progress but we're getting there.

"now you have a chair to sit on!" Jade exclaimed. I chuckled standing back to see my now living room almost full of furniture.

"now it looks more like a living room" Natasha commented, she popped her hip out as she placed her hand on the opposite hip.

I gave her a smile which she returned before looking back at our handy work. "fabulous, now let's go get some food" Jade jumped off the stool almost pushing it over completely. "oops"

I glared at her as she slowly pushed it back under the benchtop. "don't you dare break that" Natasha growled before i had the chance to.

Jade put her arms up in surrender as she slowly stepped back. "its all good, i caught it" Natasha hummed smugly as she continued to glare at Jade.

"um okay, let me go put some shoes on" I tried to break the tension as i did just that, seeing as how we were going grocery shopping, together, all of us.

This is going to be interesting.

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