See you in hell (Male OC X Ni...

By Young-Ringleader

9.1K 226 187

Heya, bois and girls, welcome to the happy hotel! since Hazbin Hotel released as a series, i wanted to make a... More

Context here :D
No purpose?....or lack of hope?
Building closure
Worthless Lifestyle
Changing...for the better? or for worse?
Meet your friends. Read their souls
Pure in all aspects
Not that strong
Frustrating feelings
Looking for a lost sheep
A showdown uncalled for
I'm always watching
Over my friends
The "Big" Boss
Fake Paradise pt 1
Fake Paradise pt 2
Cute Seraphim (side story)
The sun sets even in Paradise (side story)
Last day with you
Counter Genocide
Annoyance incarnate
Lil' Note

One hell of a party

294 11 2
By Young-Ringleader

Word count: 2003

Despite all the endeavors, and recent problems they faced....

They were all having fun inside the hotel, the night was still young, Alex carefully sipped a little bit of beer from his cup, and his face contorned from the taste

Alex: ''I still don't get how people can like this....i can understand wine, but beer? it tastes so weird''

Husk:''Pff- you'll get used to it''

Alex: ''No i won't! i don't plan on drinking this crap again''

Husker laughed a little, which surprised Alastor, he took the chance to talk to him when he finished his chat with Alex

Alastor: ''Growing fond of him are we?''

Husker's smile almost faded, but he kept it, almost as if to mock Alastor...

Husk: ''Yeah, the kid's likeable, whether you accept it or not''
"It's....weird....fuckin' weird actually"

"When you talk to him, you don't feel like he's lying, or trying to get a rise out of you....unlike your dumb ass"

Alastor winced slightly, feeling offended
"I am already aware of that my old friend"

Husker snickered
"Reminders are a good way to avoid headaches"

While they talked Angel threw himself on Alex

"Heeey~ you stupid, hot winged prick...ya were so cool back there~~"
"Lemme give you a kisss~"

Alex gently pushed his face away

"Uhh no thank you"

Angel insisted
"C'mon~~! Just one! Gotta give you a reward"

Alex was extremely uncomfortable, though he was surprised that Angel was as soft as Niffty...

Alex: "Y-you can reward by just, not doing this, please?"

Suddenly a terrifying one eyed shadow appeared behind Angel when Alex lifted his eyes, which spook the soul out of him

Alex: "Niffty NO!, no stabbing! STOP!"

Angel: "The heck are u talking abou-"
When looked behind him he saw her holding a needle, and about to stab him

"HOLY SH*T!!!"
The needled stopped an inch close to his face

Niffty: "Excuse me...he's taken..."
She said with a bone chilling smile

Angel backed away slowly and awkwardly, then just gasped

"Oh! So that's why you're so pissed off when i'm close to him..."
"Shoulda told me earlier y'know...that way i can avoid a few stabs and heart attacks here n' there"

After a bit of convincing Niffty withdrew her needle, she was a bit under the weather aswell, despite being a little tolerant to alcohol

The night advanced, and now she was in a bit of an embarrassing situation, Alex was openly flirting with her without a care in the world

His face was completely red, Husker was stuck in a laughing fit

Husk: "The kid's a lightweight! Pff- haha!!, fuckin' hilarious!"

Alex: "Heey~, Niff darlin'~ how 'bout i get a lil' kiss? Please??"

Niffty was in an inner turmoil, feeling conflict about this, she sat nervously as the drunk angel kept leaning closer to her

Bad boy? Good boy? What is he!? He keeps switching!!

Angel was already feeling jealous

"Tch! If he wasn't taken i'd get him all for myself hic..."

He looked over to Alastor
"Hey Smiles~"

Angel: "How about we-"

Alastor: "No"

Angel: "Ugh! Go fuck yerself!"

Alastor: "I will gladly not do so my fellow"

Alastor was already having a little bit of fun messing with the little egg boiz that Sir Pentious had brought with him

Husker was rather curious about him this night

Husk: "Not drinkin' any strong stuff? You usually prefer those"

The radio demon grinned at him

"Not today dear Husker, i have an important meeting to attend to tomorrow!"

Husker simply stared at him a little, narrowing his eyes
"Right...just keep me outta your bullshit"

Meanwhile at one corner of the party, Charlie drank by herself, looking down with a sad expression...

A certain stylish demon approached her

Pent: "Excuse me, misssy? I have noticed you might be feeling down, sshare a few thoughtsss?"

Charlie smiled weakly at him

Charlie: "Th...thank you...Sir Pentious i uh....i'm just...a little sad"

Pent: "Why is that? Is thiss not a joyous occasion?"

Charlie: "i-i just...feel like i messed up again, like i should've protected Angel better...i don't know"

Sir Pentious looked at her with pity

Pent: "Why pity yourself? I believe you did a...great job! So far desspite all thesse...imprudent shenanigansss"
He said, pointing at Angel leaning way too close to Husker, who was at the verge of punching him in the face

"Or these youngstersss with relentless hormones"
He then pointed at Alex who was already pinning Niffty down on the sofa near the fire

"I think you are doing great sso far...when i first got here, despite jusst as a dirty traitor, you still accepted me, we have a lot to learn ssstill..."

Charlie already had a few tears on he face

"Thanks Pentious...that...means a lot"

"It is nothing, though i suspect some of the residents here..."
He said, looking around a little hastily, like he was paranoid

Then he tipped his hat to her, and went to his beloved eggies

The moment Pentious scattered away, Vaggie came back with two cups on her hands

Vaggie: "Here hun, drink a little..."
"What was Sir Pentious here for?"

Charlie: "Oh! He...he was just helping me out a little..."

Vaggie: "Helping in?"

Charlie: "As in hyping me up!...he sounded very honest...he said i was doing great despite all...the fuck ups"

Vaggie: "Aaand i'm willing to bet he didn't say it like that but...i'm glad he comforted you, that's progress right?"

Charlie: "Y-yeah...i guess it is..."

They both smiled at each other

Vaggie: "Don't worry hun, i'm right here, i'll protect you, and we'll make this hotel work"

While they were drinking and talking a little

Angel...or rather, Anthony was enjoying a party like he had never before...
No drugs, no sex...just a "little bit" of drinking, flirting...
But overall, he was happy...

And Husker was a "little bit" more willing to endure his advances, due to that hug from before, he felt that moment that the real Anthony was talking, not a fake persona...

Now...back to the youngest of the group, or at least the biologically youngest...

Alex was...rather wild at the moment
And Niffty, despite enjoying these kind of things, was not prepared for it at all

Our little winged protagonist has never gotten drunk before, nor had he felt such strong feelings for anyone, both romantically...
And sexually

Niffty helplessly watched how this towering beast was already all over her, not that she was doing much to resist...although when he tried leaning closer to her, he felt a strong pain in his wrist, since he had sprained it earlier

"Ow fuck!"

He yelled as he fell down the sofa, making a loud thud when he hit the floor, Niffty was frozen in place

That was...dangerous

She got up to see if he was okay, and saw how he fell asleep on the floor

"What?, No!"
She started kicking his back lightly

"Where's my bad boy!?, augh!"

Feeling a little frustrated, she sat down on the sofa in disappointment, she wanted to see a little more of this side of his...

Then she scoffed, and walked away, though when she arrived inside her room, she saw his jacket thrown on the floor...

And, after picking it up, she sniffed it...and smiled

"Maybe i can wait a little longer..."

The smell was rather pleasant, she threw herself on the bed with the jacket in hands, soon fell asleep...

Alex on the other hand, woke up rather quickly in the living room


He looked around, seeing himself on the floor, he winced and held his forehead from the pain, it was burning hot...

" head..."
"I'm never drinking that crap again..."

He looked to the sofa and blushed slightly

"What a weird dream...i could've sworn i was...sigh"



He walked over to Husk, who was still drinking from his bottle, Angel was next to him there

Alex almost tripped over the wood planks of the bar, due to it being teleported inside the hotel

He threw himself over the the table and let out a huge sigh

Husker flinched at this

Husk: "Kid? You ok?"

Alex: "i'M"

Husk: "'re already on hangover? Jesus, you're fast"

Alex: "Ngh...i feel like i really screwed up on something...dunno why"

Angel: "WoaAaAh...reaally?, i feel like that all the time~"

Silence was present for a few minutes, until Angel began recovering from his drunken state

Angel: "Hey...your name was...Alex right?"

Alex: "huh? Uh...yeah"

Angel: "I wanted to tell ya..."

He lifted up his hair slightly, looking over to Alex
" saved my ass back there saved the princess too..."

"Val is...too much, he's a fuckin' prick and i don't want him to hurt Charlie"

"And...sorry...i acted like a bitch to you too, i think i kinda had that coming when we first met"

Alex was relieved, to know that they could build a friendship was a huge relief, despite starting with the wrong foot

Alex: "sigh, i should be the one apoligizing...i said all that stuff to you...and it was supposed to be personal"

" had all the right to shot me at point blank after that, haha!"

They both chuckled in unison

"But don't underestimate Charlie alright?...she's strong...really strong"

Anthony smiled warmly at him, for the first time in a while he smiled genuinely, although this moment was interrupted by Husker clearing his throat

Husk: "ahem, alright you fuckos, it's late as shit, and as heartwarming as this is, i'm closing for the shoo"

Angel: "Ha!, aight alright, i'm goin'...i'm exhausted anyways"

Alex: "Sure thing old fella...we're going...ow my head"
"Hangover sucks"

This was a moment of bonding, a little bit of trust built between them, but once Angel arrived at his room, he felt a strong, pulsing pain in his chest...
Confused he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket
The message inflicted pure terror in his very soul

"You thought you were safe?"
"That i'd let you just walk away?"
"Sorry Angie, but daddy's not done yet"

A red chain formed in his neck, tightening every second

"You better reply now, or else you'll be dead the next minute, i don't care how much money you bring me, you went too far"

"So...when i tell you to come to the say?"

The chain kept tightening, he felt his bones nearly cracking, his windpipe was being crushed

"You say???"




"Good boy"

He gasped for air as the chain loosened and disappeared, as if it didn't matter...

He shrinked into a ball, and lied down on his bed, tired...and confused

He could've sworn he saw the contract get burned...

So why?...why was he back to this nightmare?

Back to Alex...he threw himself on the bed, seeing Niffty sleeping while hugging something, she had her hand between her legs


He wandered closer, he felt a peculiar smell, but he was far too sleepy to be able to process it properly

So he just slumped down on bed, and hugged her from behind

The stitches on his severed arm were nearly snapping, as his flesh was regenerating and reconnecting his muscles, veins...

Oh the nerves...he felt like he was missing out on something important...

He was feeling nervous, and so far his nerves never failed him

But as much as his eyes desired to wander, he was too tired...

The smell, the strange humidity on the bed, Niffty's increased body heat...

It all felt strangely alluring, yet so relaxing

And so his mind decided to rest, his wings wrapped up to meet the sheets

His arms hugged tight, and his senses turned passive

Finally he was asleep at last...

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