A Hero's Journey

By LemonAiden

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April 15th, 1965: A Day That Altered the Course of History. After a meteorite introduced 'Powers' to Earth, S... More

Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome To The Old World Near Hell!
Season 1 Episode 2: Explosion
Season 1 Episode 3: The Birth Of A New Age
Season 1 Episode 4: Unraveled
Season 1 Episode 5: Focus
Season 1 Episode 6: Eve Of The Attack
Season 1 Episode 7: Our Missing Angel
Season 1 Episode 8: What It Takes To Become A Hero
Season 1 Episode 9: A Subtle Blow In The Wind
Season 1 Episode 10: Cycle Of Hatred
Season 1 Episode 11: Behind The Act
Season 1 Episode 12: The Day History Changed
Season 1 Episode 13: Rebirth
Season 1 Episode 14: Experimentation
Season 1 Episode 15: Debut
Season 1 Episode 16: Loss & Perseverance
Season 1 Episode 17: Standing Inside The Ring
Season 1 Episode 18: The Rouge Vs. The Ward
Season 1 Episode 20: Staging Ground
Season 1 Episode 21: A Moment Of Reconciliation
Season 1 Episode 22: Calm Before The Storm
Season 1 Episode 23: Paranoia
Season 1 Episode 24: Graduation Day
Season 2, Episode 1: An Ever Growing World
Season 2, Episode 2: The Sparks Of Change
Season 2, Episode 3: New Age Heroes
Season 2, Episode 4: Attack On The HQ
Season 2, Episode 5: Changing Of The Wind
Season 2, Episode 6: The Day Before Doomsday

Season 1 Episode 19: An Expanded Horizon

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By LemonAiden

Date: February 8th 2018 - Night

Location: Desbine Regional Hospital

Isaac gazed up at the stars, their breathtaking beauty overpowering Desbine's artificial light.  His arms rested on the metal railing which lined the entire hospital roof. This was the first time in almost a week Isaac could leave his bed. At first, nurses and doctors alike were stunned by his rate of recovery, however they soon came to understand it. Individuals like him, individuals endowed with extraordinary powers, possessed an extraordinary capacity for healing, in addition to numerous other physical and mental enhancements.

No matter which power you possessed - be it speed, strength, levitation, or gravity manipulation - you were guaranteed these incredible benefits. That being said, Isaac's case was still unique. His body was healing far faster than Zane and other documented cases.

Isaac's eyes darted down towards the roads. For a moment, his eyes trailed cars, people, even the occasional animal. He then sighed, and his eyes became heavy. "To think," he muttered. "I thought I could beat him. I thought I could be a Hero."

Isaac shook his head, his fists clenched. "Stupid. I'm so stupid," he told himself before looking back up to the stars. Suddenly Jackson's words from months ago entered Isaac's mind. 'You're worthless, you're a pathetic failure! You're A Terrible Human Being Who Would Be Better Off Dead! That's What Society Thinks About You, So Just Go And Fucking Die Already!'

"Yeah, you're probably right," he murmured. "I failed to save anyone during the raid, I failed to stop you just under a week ago," his breath shook and wrinkles formed on his forehead under his hair. "I've been terrible to everyone. I justified it all by telling myself I had to do this in order to keep them safe but... the truth is: I was just scared." 

Isaac's head dropped, his tears reflecting the white light of the moon. "I knew I couldn't keep them safe, I knew I was pathetic. So pushing them away was the only thing I could think to do," Isaac gripped the railing, wrapping his fingers around it. "If I was stronger - like Daniel - or smarter - like James - then maybe I could've found another way. Just maybe..." he trailed off, looking down towards his right arm. Underneath his sleeves, lied something even his body couldn't heal: the permanent reminder of his failure against Flame.

For some reason, Isaac's body couldn't fully heal the damage caused by Flame. His arm, for the most part, was fine. It was still sore, and he couldn't do much with it, but it was improving with time. However, the skin that was touched by Flame was still charred and black; its texture coarse and rough.

Isaac reached with his left hand and carefully touched his right arm. At first, he winced with pain, but after a quick moment, he was used to it and kept his hand in place. "I wonder," he muttered, his eyes darting back up towards the dark sky. "Will I ever be a Hero?" 

There was a loud creek behind Isaac, signaling to him that someone had opened the door and joined him on the roof. "Hey, didn't think I'd find you up here," James laughed before walking and joining Isaac by the railing. 

"Just wanted some fresh air, I guess," Isaac said, his voice rough and lacking emotion. "Is there something you need?"

"I just wanted to know how you were doing," James said. He then turned his attention to Desbine's horizon. "Man, it sure is beautiful up here, huh?"

"Yeah, it's quite something."

James then turned and faced his, obviously pained, friend. "Seriously man, are you doing okay?"

Isaac turned his head in the direction of James, and their eyes met. "I think so, yeah," he said. He was lying and James could tell.

James sighed before looking down to the road. "I'm sorry, you know." he muttered. "Sorry for being a bad friend. Sorry for not being able to help out more during the fight," the high spirits he came up here with were gone. His eyes were narrow, his forehead tensed, and he had a knot deep within his stomach. 

"You did enough during our fight with Jackson, and I never said you were a bad friend." Isaac said, his gaze intense and genuine.

James let out a faint laugh. "Then why don't you trust me enough to tell me how you really feel?" he asked. There was a brief pause in their conversation. He could tell Isaac was trying to process and come up with an answer for what he asked.

"I don't know," Isaac muttered. There was no snappy remark, no witty comment, no anger or resentment behind his eyes. That was it.

James let out a confused breath before asking, "What?" He observed as Isaac lowered his arms from the railing and pivoted, pressing his back against the metal half-walls.

"Maybe I'm just scared of you being too close to me," Isaac muttered. "Yeah, that sounds just like me."

"But is that really a bad thing?" James asked.

"I don't know," Isaac muttered. "I really don't."

Once again, a pause overtook the conversation. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional gust of wind and the frequent sound of tires on the pavement, punctuated by faint conversations from people on the sidewalk.

"How," James started, "How's your arm?" he questioned, trying to jumpstart the conversation.

"It's fine, I guess," Isaac said. "The bone itself is pretty much healed, it's just the muscles and what-not that are pretty stiff."

"And, what about the scarring?"

"It's still there," Isaac said. "My best guess is: when things are so severally damaged on the cellular level, our powers have a harder time repairing that. I don't know for certain, of course, but that's just my initial theory."

James's eyes narrowed and his forehead tensed. His mouth hung open ever so slightly. "But then," he began. "Wouldn't that mean...any fight against Flame would be suicide?" His entire body shivered at that one word: suicide. At the peak of Jackson's bullying, that word first entered James's vocabulary. 

Isaac couldn't help but notice the immense pain that the word caused. "Yeah, it's possible," he said. "But on a better note, I should be discharged tomorrow, which means: we'll be figuring out about this new place Chief Braun has been hyping up."

Because of Jackson's reveal, the Caddel family was forced into a special Police Protection service. This plan encompasses various measures, such as ensuring continuous financial support for both parents, relocating the family and acquaintances to a secure undisclosed residence under constant surveillance, and granting exclusive access to the second floor of the Police Headquarters.

James's face perked up as he let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said. 

Isaac could feel his face lighten as he watched James's smile grow. There was something pure and innocent to it; he couldn't help but smile.  This was nice; it was peaceful. 

"I wish Daniel could see this," James said, his eyes turning back to the starry night sky. 

Isaac's eyes danced for a moment as if he was thinking of something to say. "Do you think," he muttered. "Daniel hates me? I mean, I wouldn't blame him after what I said."

James laughed, which caught Isaac off guard. "I mean, yeah, you said some pretty stupid stuff," James said. "But come on, this is Daniel we're talking about! He could never hate you."

Isaac wasn't sure how to take that. He should've been happy, relieved even, but he wasn't. A part of him had a hard time believing James's words.

"I'm telling you man, if you just go and apologize, and explain everything to him, I'm sure he'd understand." James explained.

Isaac thought it over in his mind. Yeah, that did sound like Daniel. The old Daniel. "Yeah, maybe you're right," he said before walking away from the railing. "Thanks."

"No problem," James responded before watching his friend make his way towards the door. "Oh, by the way!" he shouted, prompting Isaac to pause and turn to face him. "You're far smarter - and stronger - than myself and Daniel. You just gotta believe in yourself."

Isaac blinked a few times and a faint smile grew on his face. Of course James was listening to him. Isaac shook his head and just smiled before turning and vanishing through the door.

James turned and gazed back up towards the stars, his smile still present on his face. "Even if this is all I manage to save, are you both proud of me? Am I doing a good job, Mom; Dad?" A single bright star caught the attention of James. Far past the city horizon, in some unknown constellation, was a bright and pulsating star.


Date: February 9th 2018

Location: UGC Base

"Well, good on Ground Zero then," Red Eye said, his gaze locked on Flame. He studied the tall and broad man standing before him. Even without anger in his eyes, he still managed to release a toxic all consuming aura. Truly, the Master of Fire was a natural-born leader.

"When Ground Zero returns with Doctor Pharos it'll take time and convincing for him to work with us," Flame said as he read something on the tablet in hand. "Of course, if the good Doctor refuses to listen to you, I have other ways of making him work for us. I'd just rather not risk losing him."

"Don't worry, Boss, I'll take care of him," Red Eye said, his gaze still strongly locked on Flame. "Gotta say, it's weird seeing you carrying that thing around," he stated, nodding towards the tablet. "You missin' ol' Craig yet?"

"Craig's capture was a necessity for future operations," Flame said. "And as for this," he shook the electronic device. "It shouldn't be that unsetting; I'm not that old." Flame cracked a smile.

"Ohhh, of course not sir. I meant no offense," Red Eye raised both his arms as if he were surrendering to the police or someone else. "Say, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on with Jackson?" Flame's smile dropped, and his face tensed. Clearly a sensitive subject.

"The boy made a mistake. A mistake which has the potential to cost us greatly," Flame growled then took a breath.

Red Eye dropped his arms and a smirk crossed his face. "Maybe I'm just behind on protocol due to my absence, but tell me: what do we lose by allowing others to kill Isaac?" Red Eye observed Flame's eyes narrow.

"With our recent experiment proving successful and confirming our theories, I'd rather save the boy until his power has grown stronger," Flame explained. "That, and more recently, the younger generations of Desbine City are beginning to shift in their beliefs. They're far too young to even know about our show of strength ten; fifteen years ago," he added.

"You desire to use the child to ignite the flames of heroism in the hearts of the people, so that when the moment arrives to harness his power, you can also quash the spirits of this movement," Red Eye continued, and based on the satisfaction on Flame's face, he was sure he was right.

"My Ward compromised this plan," Flame spoke, motioning with his finger for Red Eye to follow. "Now, I must spend influence and energy making sure no one outside the UGC makes a move."

Red Eye and Flame walked together for a long moment; the former staying two paces behind. Red Eye knew where they were heading. They were heading straight for the holding cells. Eventually, they arrived at their destination, and Flame pressed his hand against the metal door, opening it with ease.

Flame walked in. The room was vast and covered in darkness. As Red Eye entered, the only thing he heard was the dripping sound of liquid and the brief rattling of chains. "Man, we should get some lights in here!" he teased.

Flame disregarded his comment and kept moving ahead. Red Eye scoffed to himself before continuing to follow behind. Finally, they reached the deepest, most shadowy corner of the room. There, Red Eye discovered Jackson, firmly fastened to the wall with sturdy iron chains encircling his neck, arms, and legs. An I.V. ran into his arm, pumping him full of some unknown liquid. Probably a drug to prevent him from using his power.

"Maaasster..." Jackson muttered. His voice was scratchy and dry. He sounded like he had been tortured recently.

Red Eye's gaze dropped to the floor, where he spotted dried blood and vomit. He was right about what was happening. It made him sick. Despite keeping a calm and collected expression, Red Eye hated everything he was watching.

"This is the cost for crossing me," Flame announced, his voice low. "I have no time, or need, for failures and liabilities."

"Yeah, I can tell," Red Eye said, his tone almost sarcastic. "Gotta say, I love the decor," he lied, knowing Flame wouldn't catch on.

"Master?" Jackson muttered, his voice still weak and droopy. Definitely drugged.

"What you did was foolish at best," Flame stated, turning his back on the Ward. "All you did was prove Zane right. You are just a pathetic boy lashing out in anger to hold whatever power you can," he added, changing around some of the words Zane said.

"So, this is where you've been the past week. I was getting worried," Red Eye said, his voice monotone. "I thought you died or something."

"Listen here, boy," Flame said, turning around and cracking his arm against Jackson's cheek, causing his head to violently turn. Blood began streaming from the boy's mouth as he coughed out in pain. "From this moment onward, the free rein you possessed is no longer available. Everything you do will be approved by me. Do you understand?"

Jackson tried to speak, but all he could manage were a few grunts.

"You're lucky you brought me Wallace's power, or I'd leave you here to rot away like the failure you are," Flame stated, turning his back once again on his Ward. "You know, I'm starting to think your Father may have been right about you."

Jackson's breath stopped, and his eyes widened. If not for the chains and drugs stopping him, he would've cracked his fist against Flame's thick skull.

"Red Eye," Flame said, turning to face the Villain.


"My Ward here, now, understands his place. Please, get him down and have him properly groomed and fed," Flame ordered before raising a single finger into the air. "One more thing: From this moment onward, you are to discipline and watch the boy. If something like this is to happen again, it'll be both your heads mounted to the wall."

Red Eye watched as Flame lowered his finger and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone. "You hear that you cocky shit, you screw up again it's both our heads. So don't do that please," he said, smiling.

Jackson's eyes glared towards the door through the darkness. His anger could be felt by anyone. "Master," he growled, his eyes as narrow and sharp as a dagger.


Location: Shingek Middle School

"This world has fallen on fear," Mr. Connor stated, his words drawn out. "People apply a one size fits all approach to so many things, and we're forced to watch as it backfires. Our world urgently needs individuals to cultivate open-mindedness and strive for higher levels of critical thinking. From this moment onward, your worlds' are going to get so much bigger, and it's up to you to decide how you'll handle this expanded horizon."

Adrien bit his lip. He tried to pay attention to Mr. Connor's morality and ethics lesson, but something kept distracting the young boy. That something being Isaac. For a little while now, Adrien has wanted to talk with his classmate - like Police Chief Braun keeps instructing - however, something always prevented him from doing so.

Adrien averted his gaze to the student in question, who sat two desks in front of him. Adrien could tell Isaac was having a hard time keeping still. The boy's arms were noticeably rigid and aching, and his hands were trembling violently; it was truly a miracle that he even managed to come to school. Or more fittingly: a problem.

Since Isaac's identity was disclosed, numerous parents have come forward demanding his exclusion or even outright expulsion from the class. Adrien could see where the parents were coming from; it was a risk after all. A risk to which the 'school' responded by placing armed guards - led by Director Bryce - near the doors. No one was getting in or out without their knowledge.

After a few more moments, the bell to the school rang out; signaling the end of the day. The kids quickly began packing up and splitting into groups as they prepared to leave. That was, except for Isaac. The boy struggled to pack his belongings into his bag, but even such a simple task proved to be quite challenging. Luckily, Isaac had James nearby who was quick to offer a helping hand. 

As Adrien strapped his backpack on, he gave another glance towards the group of boys in front of him. Daniel walked away silently, leaving the other two alone to pack the notebooks into a backpack. Adrien looked to the ground, a hint of sorrow entering his eyes as memories of his past invaded his mind. He hated this. He hated seeing family at odds.

"Thanks for the help," Isaac said, sliding his backpack on. "It really means a lot."

"Yeah, no problem!" James said, his face beaming. "You'd do the same for me." Isaac let out a faint laugh before turning and walking towards the door, James following a few paces behind him.

"Uhhh...Isaac?!" Adrien asked. His voice was shaky and ripe with doubt. Isaac and James turned and faced Adrien, the former sporting a confused expression.

"Yeah?" Isaac asked, slightly tilting his head.

Adrien nervously shuffled towards the two of them, his mind racing with things he wanted to say. "Outside? Talk?" he said, his eyes refusing to make eye contact.

Isaac and James shared a quick glance before the latter shrugged his shoulders. Isaac rolled his eyes before looking back towards Adrien. Something about him was strange, and no it wasn't the eye patch; it was something else. "Sure. Lead the way," Isaac responded, keeping a cautious eye on the boy.


Location: Teacher's Lounge

The door to the room swung open, prompting Mr. Connor to avert his eyes towards the noise. He watched as Director Bryce stepped into the room, a pleasant smile on his face. 

"Most of the kids are on their way," Bryce reported. "Only a few stragglers remain, but I'm sure they'll clear out soon." He paced around the room, making his way closer towards the desk in back where Mr. Connor was sitting.

"That's good. Good work," Mr. Connor responded, his distant eyes looking back towards the stack of paperwork resting on the desk. 

"You don't sound very pleased. What's wrong?"

Mr. Connor let out a sigh, before waving a piece of paper in the air. "They want Isaac gone. And with Chief Braun under fire himself, he can't exactly help us," he explained.

Bryce reached over and grabbed the paper. As his eyes quickly skimmed through the document, he found himself surprised at how well-worded and formatted it all was. This wasn't simply an angry letter put together by a handful of parents; this had legal backing. "What the hell," he murmured. "No way the Hero Project allows this to go through."

"You think the committee has that much say?" Mr. Connor questioned, his voice higher in pitch. "In the event of a trial, none of the members of High Command would be delegated to defend or testify. Their priority lies in safeguarding their own reputations. No, they'd let the committee handle this, and they'd fail."

Bryce couldn't control his frustrations. He scoffed before throwing the paper to the side. And with his hands now resting against his waist, he paced back and forth. "Of course," he muttered. "Those cowards make us do all the hard work and take the blame, but yet they still want to take all the credit if this thing actually works," he clicked his tongue.  "To hell with politics."

"I'm with you there," Mr. Connor sighed. "Anyway, how are you feeling? Getting adjusted well?" he asked, the stress on his face and voice fading.

Bryce let out a faint laugh. "Please, it's going to take longer than a week to get adjusted to life outside bars," he said, his fingers slightly twitching and his eyes narrowing. "But, I'm getting there."

Mr. Connor watched as his friend attempted to smile. "Oh come on, I know you can smile better than that," he teased. "Try thinking about-- oh, what's her name? You know, the girl from Sophomore year."

Bryce smirked and rolled his eyes. "You mean Elise?" he asked. 

"Yeah, that's the one!" Mr. Connor extended his finger. "God, I remember how you were always tripping over yourself anytime she was around."

"Heh, that was one time."

Mr. Connor laughed. "One time?" he sarcastically asked. "I can recall at least three times: the library during first quarter, Mr. Gillard's class, the winter dance--" 

"Okay, okay! Yep, got it, bud," Bryce interrupted, shooting his friend an embarrassed glare. Moments later, the embarrassment died down, and Bryce's eyes once again narrowed. "God, I miss those days," he muttered.

Mr. Connor lowered his head, slight sorrow filling his throat. "Yeah, so do I."


Location: Outside Shingek Middle School

Isaac and James continued to follow Adrien. They were already outside when they noticed that the sun's rays were barely noticeable. It's another chilly and gloomy day. Adrien didn't stop until he was halfway between the school entrance and the sidewalk, then he paused and turned around to face them.

His face and posture alone were screaming that he was embarrassed. "Uhh, so, I..." he muttered, rubbing his hands. "Heh, cold," he stated, as he felt his face heat up.

"Yeah, it's still kinda cold," James agreed before raising a single finger into the air. "But, here's a little tip to help out: don't worry about saying the wrong thing. We're all friends here; no one's gonna make fun of you for misspeaking."

The results that that had on Adrien were clear as day. His eye was sparkling with new found confidence and he eagerly nodded his head. He straightened his back and turned his attention to Isaac. "So, you know...Chief Braun?" he asked, his face still slightly flushed.

Isaac felt his body straighten. "Yeah?" he responded, the word lingering in his mouth. He wasn't sure why he was so on guard.

Adrien took a step forward before slightly humming to himself. "Well? What...what think?" he asked.

Isaac was confused. What did he think about what? Was Chief Braun supposed to mention something about Adrien? Isaac shot a confused glance towards James before returning his eyes and stating, "What do I...think about what?"

Dread filled Adrien's face as the small amounts of confidence he built up faded away. He repeatedly switched his gaze from Isaac to James, hoping maybe the other boy could provide some help, however even James was confused.

Isaac thought back, attempting to recall recent conversations with Braun, however nothing was coming to mind. With the public calling for Braun's removal, Isaac hasn't had much opportunity to speak with the Chief. Suddenly, one conversation entered his mind.

"You should pay closer attention to your classmates. You might learn a thing or two." |

Skepticism flooded Isaac's face as he glanced at Adrien. Was Braun talking about him? Isaac was sure their wasn't another Enhanced Individual in his class, however he never once attempted to get to know the 'new kid'. "Look, I don't want this to sound rude but," Isaac's voice was calm; his words slow and planned, however they possessed a hint of reluctance. He quickly scanned the area to make sure no one was listening in. "Do you have a power?"

A strange feeling flooded over the group. It was as if Isaac had asked about murder. James glanced towards Isaac before returning his gaze to Adrien. He wasn't sure why Isaac would ask such a bizarre and random question. What did Isaac see that he couldn't? What was he missing? Could Adrien have a power like them?

Adrien looked off to the side, his hands fidgeting. He recalled the advice James had given him just moments earlier. With his right hand, he covered his eye patch, and nodded.

Isaac took a step back and drew a long breath. He looked to his left - towards Shingek Middle School - then back towards Adrien. "What's your power?" he blatantly asked.

James shot Isaac a nervous glare, but Isaac ignored it. He kept his gaze on the timid boy standing before him.

"Scary. Not mine," he muttered, before dropping his left arm. "Mother's devil power."

"I...I'm sorry to hear that," James said, trying to be as comforting as he could. "Can you show us?" he heard Isaac ask.

Adrien hastily spun around and placed his hands against his chest. He shook his head while muttering, "Nuh-uh. Too scary."

James attempted to say something, but found himself cut off by Isaac. "Then what was the point of this conversation?" he asked. "I mean, by mentioning Chief Braun, you clearly wanted to talk about this."

James turned to Isaac. "Talking about it and showing it are two different things," he said before turning to Adrien. "You don't have to show it if you don't want too, trust me."

"No," Isaac chimed in. "Don't coddle him. He wants to get involved; he wants to be useful, but he's far too scared to do it on his own," Isaac explained. "He wants us to force his hand."

Their was no movement from Adrien; no sound. James glared at Isaac; his eyes narrow. "We can't do this on some assumption, Isaac," James said. "What if you're wrong and this isn't what he wants?"

Isaac's answer came quick. "Well, then that's too bad. Cause not even we had a choice in the matter." he said, recalling his conversation with Bryce and Mr. Connor from months prior. "If you don't wanna show your... Mother's power, fine so be it, but can you at least explain it?"

James quickly went to protest but was stopped as Adrien spun around and said, "It's fine. I...I do that."  James turned and faced Adrien, his fist clenched, "Adrien..." he muttered.

"Blood," Adrien said. "My Mother's devil power is blood."

"Can you...go in a little more detail?" Isaac asked and Adrien nodded.

"Mother turned energy into blood, then blood into weapons," Adrien stated, his eye beginning to narrow. "I turn energy into blood and weapons as well, but also use energy for more. Kind of like you," he pointed towards Isaac. "But not to same level. Much worse, far less impressive."

"So, it's some form of Energy Manipulation," James muttered, his mind quick at work to piece things together. 

"When I use Mother's power, my eye glows with blood," Adrien stated, pointing towards his covered right eye. "It scary, so I hide it. For everyone." he muttered, before looking away out of shame.

Isaac looked down for a moment. He felt his stomach knot as he dissected Adrien's words. Isaac knew, all to well, the feeling of hiding your power in order to appease society; they all did. "Would you," Isaac tilted his head and clenched his fist. He hated what he was about to ask as he knew the risks and trauma that came with it. "Would you...join us," he finally stated.

James hastily looked towards Isaac. Us. James never thought he'd hear someone include him in something so important. Sure, he may have jumped the gun; Isaac could've been referring to someone else, but for right now, James wanted to believe he was included.

Adrien's breath shook. He felt his stomach tighten and his muscles stiffen. This was it. The moment Adrien had been wanting. Isaac was right; Adrien was far too scared to make a move on his own, so he needed someone to force him into this. The only thing that remained uncertain was what he would say now.

"I...I wanted this for months," Adrien said. "I wanted to talk more with you, but..." he trailed off, almost as if he was hesitant to say what was on his mind.

"Go on," Isaac said.

"I thought you were a bully, so I was scared too."

Isaac's eyes widened and he took a step back. Was that how people actually saw him? He knew he had been an asshole, but hearing the word 'bully' made it seem like he was being compared to Jackson.

Adrien noticed the fear in Isaac's eyes. "But, I know you're not now! You good person! Just, broken," he explained, frantically waving his hands around. 

"Yeah, thanks," Isaac muttered, his heavy eyes glued to the ground. 

"So, what's your answer, Adrien?" James questioned, trying to move the conversation along. Adrien stared at him for a moment before confidentially answering--

"I'll join!"


Location: Desbine Police Headquarters | Braun's Office

The door to his office swung open, and Braun averted his eyes from his desk towards the door. The room was dark; darker than usual. "Ahh, Officer Morris, thank you for arriving with such haste," Braun said before extended his arm out. "Please, take a seat, young man."

Morris did just that. It had been a while since he'd entered the Chief's office but one thing was apparent: the pictures contained more red X's than before. "Did I...disappoint you, sir?" he hesitantly asked, the muscles in his throat tightening. 

Braun shook his head and waved his hand. "No, of course not. It's nothing like that," he stated, putting down some of Morris's concerns. "But, I do have to ask you about one thing: Officer Reed. Do you know where he is?"

Morris was speechless. He had no clue. He had tried several times to call and reach out but, each time ended the same. His superior vanished after the massacre at the warehouse. "No, sir, I do not," he finally spoke.

Braun sighed and rubbed his face. Those weren't the words he had wanted to hear. "So, not only did I lose far too many officers during our past two engagements, but I'm also down one of my most skilled." Braun said. 

Morris remained quiet. He had no clue what to possibly say to the Chief that would help improve his mood.

"For the time being, I want you to stick with Fredrich," Braun ordered. "He's also one of my best, so I hope the two of you can get alone."

Morris shook his head and accepted the new assignment, however something was still clawing at him. He should be happy; thrilled even, but losing Reed hurt. Morris grew to see Reed as a genuine friend who cared greatly for him. Morris opened his mouth to ask a question but before he could, the door to the office slammed opened and someone yelled--

"Sir!" their voice was high-pitched and full of panic. Sweat ran down their face, indicating they hauled it to deliver the news. Braun rose from his seat, and something within his eyes flickered.

"What is it?" Braun asked, his voice filled with the same confidence that possessed his eyes.

"There's been a bombing!"

Morris's stomach dropped. A bombing, where? Who, in their right mind, would bomb Desbine City in broad daylight? The UGC maybe? No, they'd never do something so careless.

"Was anyone caught in the blast?" Braun questioned, a sliver of his confidence being replaced by grief.

"Sir," the officer began, their head dropping to the floor. "It was Officers Casey and Jarret."


Location: Outside The Lucky Hollow Apartments

Braun slammed his car door shut, his eyes glued to the massive blaze which was consuming a portion of the second floor. Firefighters were already on-scene and were working tirelessly to douse the blaze, but nothing was working. Braun heard someone call out for him, and when he looked over, he saw Officer Lauren running towards him.

"I have three questions, Captain," Braun spoke up. "Is everyone safely evacuated, who's apartment got bombed, and why the hell are the tips of the blaze white?"

"I got answers for questions one and two," Officer Lauren stated. "We know, for the most part, everyone is out. There were a few...casualties but everyone else is safe. And as for who: apartment number 217; currently owned by Doctor, Phillip Pharos."

"Doctor Pharos?" Braun sharply questioned. The name was all too familiar to him. Pharos had helped them develop the anti-power bullets before the research was ultimately shut down for unknown reasons. Braun turned his attention back to the blaze, something was gnawing at his brain. "The fire," he muttered. "It's staying in one spot. It's almost like a barrier preventing anyone from getting inside. Do we have any suspects or leads as to who was behind this?"

"Besides for the initial 9-1-1 call which brough Officers Casey and Jarret out here," Lauren looked back towards the blaze. "No, sir." Lauren knew Casey and Jarret for a while now, as they all went through the academy together. They weren't extremely close, but Lauren considered them her friends.

Braun looked to Lauren then back to the blaze. "Get this thing put out, and figure out what's causing the color," he ordered. "After that, comb the place. I wanna know why someone's targeting Pharos, and where he is right now."

"You don't think he was in the apartment when it blew?" 

"If the culprits were smart, they'd want to harness his brain," Braun said. "There's always a chance I'm wrong, but I've lived long enough to know when to trust my intuition. Now, my apologies, but I must get going. Something, more urgent has come up." And with that, Braun gave one final glance to the blaze, before returning to his car. Lauren watched as her Chief drove off, leaving her and her forces to deal with the aftermath.


Location: UGC Base

"Yes, store this ability with the rest," Flame told a nameless scientist who was carrying a vial with the label 'Enhanced Durability' wrapped on it. As Flame watched the scientist walk off he muttered to himself, "The last thing Craig did was gather that for us before he was "captured". 

"Master," Jackson muttered. "You wanted to see me?" His words were soft and full of despair. His posture mimicked his voice.

"I did," Flame said as he turned around. "Are Ground Zero and Red Eye done planning for their raid on Tenith?" Flame sounded uninterested in what he was speaking about, however his eyes burned with resentment; almost as if they were mocking the boy.

"They are, Master," Jackson said, his head tilted low to avoid Flame's glare. 

"Good. Inform them they may head out whenever they are ready," Flame ordered before turning around. He waited until he heard Jackson begin to walk away before adding, "Also, I want you to know that you would've been a part of this, had you not crossed me."

Jackson paused for a moment before biting his lip. A dozen things came to his mind - none of them good. Without turning to face his Master, the boy responded, "I understand, Master," and walked off.


Location: -REDACTED-

"Welcome to your new paradise!" Braun yelled as he pushed open a door, revealing a massive space. The Caddel Family and it's friend followed Braun, stepping into the massive room before taking it all in. Currently, they were in the dining room, connected to it on the left was the kitchen.

"Woah", "Oh my God!" Both parents exclaimed in unison. Thomas made his way into the kitchen and gave a quick examination of the mechanical appliances, while Angelica stared at the blank canvases in front of her; imagining all  the decorating she could do with the empty white walls.

The effect wasn't lost on the kids. Daniel and James stepped further into the space where they found a massive black couch big enough to seat them all as well as flatscreen TV mounted to the opposing wall. Neither boy had really even seen something quite as amazing as this.

Isaac however, had a different take. He examined and took in everything with resentment and guilt. In his mind, it was his fault they had to move; his fault for the inconvenience. Isaac made his way into the center of the living room; both behind and in front of him was a hallway with several rooms attached to it. 

"The one behind you is for your parents," Braun stated, pointing towards the hallway. "It contains a bedroom, bathroom, and two empty rooms which can be turned into anything. Same goes for the other hallway; 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. I bet you guess who that's for."

"This is...amazing." Angelica yelled out, as she continued to take in the new living space.

"It's far too much for us," Thomas stated, turned to face Braun. "Seriously, we don't need something this fancy."

"Please, it's a single floor house under constant surveillance," Braun reminded them, extending an arm into the air. "This is far from fancy."

"You said this our hallway?" Daniel questioned, pointing with his thumb towards the hallway. Braun gave a quick nod, and Daniel and James glanced towards one another before running down the hallway to check out the rooms.

"No running indoors!" Angelica yelled out but it didn't matter. She let out an embarrassed laugh before stating, "I'm sorry for them. You know how kids are."

Braun shook his head and explained how it was all good; this was their place now. He then turned to Isaac and stated, "You should go check out your room, all your stuff is already moved." Isaac gave a quick nod and disappeared into the hallway.

The expression on Braun's face changed almost immediately. "Is something wrong?" Angelica questioned. Thomas walked from out of the kitchen and joined his wife.

"I just want to say: I'm sorry," Braun stated. "If it hadn't been for the Hero Project, none of this would've happened to you."

Thomas looked down to his wife before back to Braun. "Look, we're not happy with what happened," he said. "But...we understand there are some things you can't control, this was simply one of them."

"You have no idea how grateful I am to hear how understanding you all are," Braun said. "And I promise, I'll continue to strive to make sure your children aren't in anymore unnecessary harm."

"Thank you for that," Angelica stated. Thomas shook his head before responding, "I'll hold you to that."

Braun laughed to himself. "Anyway, enough with that," he said before raising his arm and pointing towards their hallway. "This is your day to explore as well. Have at it." Thomas and Angelica nodded before making their way down the hallway. Braun simply watched from a distance before turning and walking towards the opposing hallway.


Isaac examined the massive space. In his old room, he had everything arranged in a way to make the place seem crammed, however that wouldn't work here. There was simply too much room. Outside, Isaac heard the muffled sound of a door shut. It was probably Daniel or James he told himself; brushing it off.

He then paced around the room, making sure not to accidently kick or trip on any of the boxes. He looked around the at gray colored walls and attempted to imagine them decorated with various pictures and posters, but after a while he just couldn't do that. He sat on his bed with guilt in his eyes. "This is all my fault."

In reality, it wasn't. Jackson caused this; their was no denying that. And deep down, Isaac knew that. But right now, with every emotion hitting him at once, he just couldn't see that far down. He was trapped by his guilt. His world confined by anger and disgust.

Isaac rose to his feet and exited his room. Down the hallway, he heard James moving things around in his room while humming something to himself. Isaac turned to his right and made his way out of the hallway. Once out, he turned to his left and glanced towards the massive black couch. He then turned to his right and took in all the brand new and fancy kitchen appliances. These things were supposed to be gifts; to make them all feel as if they were at home, but for Isaac it did the opposite. It made him feel even more guilty and home sick. 

Isaac walked further into the living room, his eyes watching as his shoes stepped on the black carpet floor. It wasn't the tiled floor that he grew up with. Isaac sighed. Why was he doing this? He should feel grateful for what Braun is doing - and he must certainly was - but why were small things like this plaguing his mind? Did he really miss home that much?

Behind him, he heard Braun exiting from one of the rooms and begin approaching him. "So, what do you think?" he asked.

Isaac tried as hard as he could to hide his true feelings before turning to face Braun. "It's great," he lied. "Thank you."

Braun smiled for a moment before motioning for Isaac to follow. "I get it, it's not your old place. And I'm sorry we couldn't make it feel like home," Braun said as he guided Isaac towards the front door. "But look, from this moment onward everything we do has consequences. There's no avoiding that anymore."

Isaac's face was filled with confusion. Was all of this not a consequence? "Y-Yeah, okay," he said. 

"Alright well look," Braun said, opening the front door, revealing the hallway they were standing in before coming in. "There's a gym nearby, just for all of you. It took some convincing, but we got it done. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to gawk at; just a simple track as well as some other equipment."

"Thank you!" Isaac said. "It's more than enough. Really."

Braun smiled for a moment before looking down towards the ground, hoping to hide the guilt he was about to feel. "Well look, I have to get going," he said, raising his back into the air. "But , uh, I got a quick question for you." Isaac gave a quick nod, and with all the confidence Braun could muster, he asked, "What if Daniel joined you in becoming a Hero?"

The smile on Isaac's face faded as well as any attempt to hide his emotions. "What?" he questioned. His voice was quiet, still taken aback, but rough and harsh nonetheless. Everything he has done; everything he as sacrificed has been to protect Daniel, and now Chief Braun was wanting to throw him on the frontlines? Fuck no; that wasn't an option. "No. Absolutely not."

"Look, I understand your concern, but let me explain," Braun said, which only pissed Isaac off more as that meant Braun had planned for this enough to have rebuttals to Isaac's concerns.

"Hell no," Isaac cut him off, but made sure to keep his voice quiet enough so no one would hear them. "Daniel is not getting involved in this, and that's final."

"You may not like it, but regardless of what you want, it's not up to you," Braun said. He watched the anger boil on Isaac's face for a moment before stating, "Nor is it up to me."

"You better watch what you say," Isaac growled, his eyes narrow and ready to kill.

"Your brother has working out recently, right?" Braun asked, and Isaac nodded. "Well, are you also aware that he's been training James?"

"No," Isaac barked. He found it weird that James was able to fight during that engagement with Jackson, but he never bothered to question it.

"Think about it Isaac," Braun said. "Your brother is training his own body, while also training James. What do you think he's planning?"

Isaac shook his head, refusing to answer any riddle Braun throws at him.

"Isaac, he's learning as much as he can about powers so he can incorporate that into his regimen," Braun said. "Don't you see, he was already planning to join the fight; it was only a matter of when."

Isaac looked to the ground, his breathing sharp. He wanted to punch Braun right where he stood. "That's- That's bullshit," he said.

"Is it?" Braun questioned. "Because I just had a talk with Daniel, and he confirmed all of this on his own."

Isaac's eyes narrowed on Braun. It was taking everything he had from snapping. "You offered this to him already?" he snapped.

"Only after he confirmed my suspicion," Braun responded.

"What the hell?" 

"Isaac, what did you want me to do?" Braun questioned. "Like I said, it was only a matter of when; not if. And I'd much rather him be trained by a professional than him go off on his own and end up dead. I'm doing this for the both of you," he explained.

Isaac bit his lip, and glanced off to the side. He was beyond pissed, but he still attempted to rationalize what Braun was saying. 

"The way I see it, it's not so bad of a deal," Braun stated. "He's gets the training he needs to survive, and you gain a valuable partner to cover your back while you're fighting Jackson, Ground Zero, or Flame."

"A police officer, or Adrien - yeah I learned about him - could fill that role," Isaac replied, his eyes darting back to Braun.

"If you know about Adrien, then you know his power would be better suited against someone like Jackson," Braun said. "And on top of that, are you really willing to put your faith behind one of my officers? You know how the wider public views you."

Isaac shook his head. No matter what he said, Braun had a counter. "My parents are never gonna be okay with this," he stated.

Braun looked to the ground for a moment, his lip twitching. He then looked back up to Isaac and stated, "Well, they'll just have too." His words were full of regret and guilt even Isaac could feel. Braun turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him, leaving Isaac alone with his dying anger and resentment.


Location: UGC Base | Flame's Office

"This attack is gonna be quite big," Ground Zero stated. "Are you you're okay with that after what's happened?"

"It's fine. Securing Pharos is worth the risk," Flame said.

"Very well," Ground Zero responded. "We'll make it rain and bring him back into the fold. Not sure how you plan on convincing him to willingly work for us, but that's all you"

"I'll entrust Red Eye to that, however if his efforts are in vein, I have other ways of making him work for us," Flame said. "I just wish to avoid running the risk of killing him."

"Sure," Ground Zero responded. "So tell me, what's the plan with Zane and the Hero?"

Flame rose from his seat, a slight smirk running down his face. "We'll allow Zane to live in hopes he gets closer with the School Yard Hero," Flame stated. "After that, it's just a matter of waiting till Graduation Day."

"Graduation day?"

"That's when we'll attack," Flame said. "And by then, hopefully the Hero and Zane have grown close enough that the latter will attend. We can use that event as a final message to the Hero that nowhere is safe, as well as kill Zane and secure his power. And then, it's just a matter of waiting until the night of the final battle draws near."

"That's when you wanna kill the Hero?" Ground Zero questioned, a slight smile growing on his face.

"That's when we'll kill all of them." Flame responded, his amusement burning within his eyes.


Location: Outside The Police Headquarters

Isaac stopped outside the massive building, his breathing rapid and in short bursts. He tried to accept Braun's words, but he couldn't. So he ran out and attempted to catch up with the Chief, however he was long gone. Isaac taught maybe he could catch him outside the HQ building - which wasn't a long run; only about 15 minutes - however even that proved useless.

Isaac sighed and straightened his posture. "Damn," he muttered under his breath, before he felt someone bump into him. Isaac turned around in a panic and watched as man - around 30 - rose from off the ground. "Sorry," Isaac muttered, although he wasn't quite sure why he was the one apologizing.

"Yeah, you should be!" The man yelled. "Your kind should've never been born!"

Isaac's eyes widened. Shit.

"Yeah, that's right! I know all about you!" The man yelled. "I watched as you and those other freaks tore apart that city block! Do you know how many people ended up injured because of you people?!"

"No, sir," Isaac muttered, guilt entering his eyes.

The man scoffed. "Of course you don't. Just do us all a favor, and die." he said before walking past and purposely hitting Isaac with his bag.

Isaac remained still for a moment, attempting to hold back his anger. Eventually, Isaac decided to begin walking away, however something caused him to pause.

"Isaac!" someone shouted. Their voice was high and filled with youthful energy,

Isaac turned around and watched as a ten year old boy with brown hair waved towards him. "Do... I know you?" Isaac questioned.

"No, you don't," the boy stated. "The name's Cole, but more importantly: Zane wants you!" Isaac's eyes widened as he heard the name.

"What does Zane want with me?" Isaac asked.

Cole stood up straight, one arm resting against his waist, the other pointing towards Isaac. "It's about time you really learned what makes a power special."


With a new revelation and offer known, one must prepare for the trials ahead. Next Time On A Hero's Journey: Staging Ground

-To Be Continued-

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