Rogue Enchanted

By adjoaq

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Jaxon Spencer vs. Catherine 'Kate' Stevens Jaxon Spencer has been a loner for as long as he can remember. Se... More

Chapter 1: The source of his joy, the center of her world...deadly agenda!
Chapter 2: The source of his joy, the center of her begins!
Chapter 3: The source of his joy, the center of her world...let it burn!
Chapter 4: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the meet!
Chapter 5: The source of his joy, the center of her world...turmoil!
Chapter 6: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the itch!
Chapter 7: The source of his joy, the center of her world...Oops!
Chapter 8: The source of his joy, the center of her world...I've got U!
Chapter 9: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the talk!
Chapter 10: The source of his joy, the center of her world...whipped!
Chapter 12: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the ruling!
Chapter 13: The source of his joy, the center of her world... banished!
Chapter 14: The source of his joy, the center of her world... Revelations!
Chapter 15: The source of his joy, the center of her world... fiery reunion!
Chapter 16: The source of his joy, the center of her world... destined hearts!

Chapter 11: The source of his joy, the center of her world...letting loose!

4.4K 231 199
By adjoaq

Jaxon Spencer vs. Catherine 'Kate' Stevens

Pix: The elegant Mama G!

Video: Monica by Kwame Eugene

Dedicated to iam-a-pretty-babe

Apologies for the delay, guys!


It was nine p.m. in Los Angeles and six a.m. in France, but four friends didn't care at all that it was too late or too early. They roared with laughter on a Zoom call as one recounted a silly story about one of their mutual friends.

"I won't believe this until someone confirms it, Stan," Paige laughed as she wiped tears of mirth off her face. "Ronan Davis tied up and left to be discovered? Shiiiiit!"

"I kid you not," Stan laughed. "If Will were not asleep, he would have corroborated this story. Trust me, we were all shocked." He folded his arms and leaned back in his seat. "They're calling him the chained alpha now," he laughed.

"Serves him right," Philip chuckled. "Next time, he will think twice before he deals with those half wolf half witch babes."

"I can't believe he didn't smell the wolf's bane on the rope," Jeremy said, shaking his head in surprise. "Must have been drunk out of his skull."

"Maybe he wasn't," Philip drawled. "When you're desperate for pussy, senses don't necessarily work." The four laughed harder.

"Shit, dude can never live this down," Jeremy groaned. "Anyway, when are you two coming back?" he addressed Stan.

"In two days. I'd wanted us to spend some extra three days and just laze about but Will has to go back to work so..."

"Good, I've missed you so you better get your arse back here," Paige said. "Why is Kate back though? I only heard it this morning. I tried to call her but her phone was off. Couldn't get through on her mid-link either."

"She found her mate, Slip," Philip dropped the news without preamble.

"Shut the front door," Paige gasped, her eyes filled with surprise and joy. "When? Who is the lucky motherfucker? And why am I now hearing this?"

"When? I'd say about a month ago," Philip said.

"What?" Paige screeched, her eyes going wide with disbelief.

"Who?" Philip went on. "The rogue." The blood visibly drained from Paige's face and her eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of their sockets. "As for you now hearing it, we only found out yesterday, thanks to Sylver."

"You okay, Slip?" Jeremy muttered with concern even as Stan erupted into laughter. "Will you shut up, Stan," the alpha of alphas growled. "Paige?"

But the pack's resident badass looked lost for words. Meanwhile, Stan continued to laugh. A laughter that was so contagious Philip couldn't stay unaffected. His body shook with laughter which he was clearly trying to suppress.

"Listen sis," Philip cleared his throat after a while. "This is..."

"Is that why she deliberately turned off her phone and mind-link?" Paige sounded as if she had a frog stuck in her throat.

"Oh, she was busy fucking her brains out, I'm sure," Philip chuckled.

"What?" It was Stan's turn to screech. "Y'all gave the buffoon permission to claim her? Are you out of your frigging minds? Wait, isn't he supposed to be rotting away in the dungeon? What is going on over there?"

"Calm down, Stan," Jeremy sighed. "Taking into consideration the fact that he marked her before you guys left for the conference, she..."

"What!" both Stan and Paige gasped in unison. "Oh shit!" Stan groaned. "So that was it."

"I thought you told him about the mark," Jeremy addressed Philip.

"I didn't get to that part because he was about to start his address when I called."

"She smelt different and also looked sick," Stan muttered. "She looked like a shell."

"And it didn't occur to you?" Paige snapped.

"How was I to assume that? I rather thought the worst...that whatever it was had to do with her health because as far as I knew, she wasn't mated."

"The pain she must have gone through," Paige groaned. "But why didn't she tell anyone?"

"He was a condemned prisoner, Slip," Philip sighed. "But for Ryan, he would be dead already. I mean we all recall the grief we gave Ryan when he asked us not to touch him. The entire pack hates him."

"She didn't want us to feel like she wanted us to pardon him because of her," Jeremy added quietly. "She feared she would be shunned if anyone knew that he was her mate."

"Oh my god, Kate," Paige groaned, her hand going to her chest. "She actually preferred to go through all that pain than trust us, her family, with the problem?" she whispered, unable to mask the gloominess in her eyes. "Why would anyone shun her for wanting to be with your mate? She should have told us who he was to her and demanded he be pardoned no matter what. It is her right. And it breaks my heart that she doesn't feel confident enough to speak out for fear of rejection. She is pack for goodness sake. If this is truly how she feels, then we've failed her as a pack," Paige said shakily, voicing out what was on the minds of the three men she was on the call with.

Even though Kate had been a member of the pack from birth, she clearly lacked the confidence to demand her due and that was concerning. For instance, even though Paige knew that her mate was automatically condemned for her role in the assassination attempt of Jeremy, she had pleaded for Amber's life and had even been ready to spirit her away if her brother hadn't agreed. If push had come to shove, she would have fought her pack for her mate. One should be confident in their family's love for them. Kate should have trusted her pack enough to share her problem and expect the family to put her happiness first in such a situation. That was the beautiful thing about being part of a family.

"It kills me to think she felt she had to carry that burden alone." Paige angrily wiped at the tear that slipped down her cheek. "Why would she even think we won't have her back?"

"What Jaxon did was terrible, Paige," Philip said. "I think she feels there's no way the pack can forgive such atrocity. We can't blame her for..."

"I don't blame her, Lip," Paige growled. "I blame us. She should have felt entitled enough to look out for her own happiness. I did the exact same thing by pleading for my mate who should have been executed." Her voice rose. "How about that time I had that stupid deal with the Jackal? I was forgiven even though it nearly cost the lives of both Jer and Ryan. How about what Jer did to Ryan? Even Luna pardoned him and allowed Ryan to bring him back earlier than expected. How is this any different?"

"Calm down, Slip," Stan breathed.

"Think about it, Stan. Our parents were and are respected elders of this pack, dead or alive." Paige sniffled.

"Facts!" Stan nodded.

"I'm just wondering... do we get these privileges because of who our parents are? Is it that we feel entitled, get away with shit, feel confident to make demands because of who we are? If yes, how's that fair? If people like Kate don't even have the confidence to ask and rather think the worst could happen to them if they do, then I think this pack has a lot of work to do."

"I agree," Jeremy sighed. "But that's something that cannot be worked on in a day. We need to work at it. To let the pack know that the leadership has their back so they need to trust enough to voice out their problems."

Stan snorted. "What happens if it's a leader who doesn't trust enough to speak out?"

"Yeah, if even a leader couldn't, what should we expect from the others?" Paige said. "This shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Once in a while, things happen that prompt us to work on ourselves and right the wrong," Philip said. "This is one of them. I promise to work on it." At his sister's nod, Philip smiled. "So y'all cool with Jaxon being pardoned?" he asked.

"Anything for Kate's happiness," Paige said without hesitation. "That son-of-a-bitch got hella lucky. How does he feel about her besides the bond pull?"

"We're yet to speak to him but according to Ryan, he's madly in love with her," Jeremy stated.

"Shiiiiiiiit!" Stan grinned. "Can't blame the idiot. Who wouldn't fall if they're beholding that body?"

"The funny part is that he doesn't even know it himself," Jeremy added, drawing chuckles from the others.

"The idiot," Paige sniggered. "Is it mutual though?"

"Need you ask?" Stan drawled. "Chic left an all-important conference just to get with the rogue."

"Well, that could be the mate pull and not necessarily love," Paige pointed out.

The strong bond between mates was a given. They didn't have to be in love with each other to have the urge to protect or care for each other. Falling in love with one's mate was not common. After all, they were animals. Some wolves, however, ended up falling for their mates which made such relationships just perfect.

"I spoke to Kate when she got back," Jeremy said. "She was... let's just say she was at the stage where she didn't really give a fuck what anybody thought or would say."

"Fuck!" Stan breathed. "She has it bad."

"They did spend a lot of time together," Philip added. "It is only natural to develop strong feelings when two people share such a secret and long for each other to the point of desperation."

"Yeah, it begins to feel like you can't live without each other," Jeremy muttered.

"You said Sylver made it known." Paige sat forward, her eyes filled with curiosity. "How did he even know? And how did it go down?"

By the time Jeremy was done recounting how Sylver outed Kate, all four were screaming with laughter.

"Oh my god, Kate is going to whoop that boy's arse when all this is over," Paige laughed. "That was a good one."

"How did you react?" Stan asked.

"Let's just say I wasn't amused," Jeremy chuckled. "It wasn't funny then. But what she said to me humbled me quickly enough. The fear and misery in her eyes undid me. But beneath all that was an intense determination that I haven't seen in her before. What can I say?" he shrugged. "It is what it is."

"I guess what Mama G always says is right," Paige sighed. "There's a reason for everything."

"Well, this 'everything'," Stan growled, giving the word air quotes. "...was not only dangerous and annoying but also a bitter pill to swallow."

"Tell me about it," Paige muttered. "All that shit that twat did."

"Blowing up Will's car," Philip sneered.

"Blowing up his apartment and all his shit," Stan growled.

"Shooting at us," Paige breathed. "Injuring most of us."

"And setting fire to our woods," Jeremy added, sounding almost bored. "Who does that!"

"Apparently Kate's mate," Stan snorted. "What do we know about the motherfucker?"

"He's a successful motherfucker," Philip chuckled. "Owns a fleet of airplanes. He owns Air JAX in Australia. Graduated with a first-class honours from the University of Melbourne. No family. Keeps a low profile. He..."

"Shit, Air JAX is ranked as the second top private domestic airline in Aussie," Stan muttered, obviously checking on Google.

"So why was he doing all those shady deals?" Paige groaned. "Because clearly, he didn't need the cash."

"The thrill," both Jeremy and Philip said in unison. "From what Ryan tells me, he hardly gives his wolf a free rein," Jeremy added. "No runs, no frolicking, nothing. That energy had to be channeled somewhere. We will know more when we meet with him tomorrow."

"Also, these shady deals were the proximate cause for him being here and meeting Kate," Philip added. "How else would they have ever met?"

"True." Paige nodded. "I pity that wolf," she muttered. "I'm surprised he hasn't gone insane already from leaving him inactive inside him."

"Who says he isn't mad?" Stan snorted. "'Cause why would Will simply doing his job trigger him into pulling such a shitty stunt?"

"I agree," Paige chuckled. "He must be weird as fuck. Can't even find one photo of him."

"Hang on," Philip muttered as he clicked away on his laptop.

"Oh shit, he's one sexy motherfucker," Paige breathed, drawing chuckles from the men. "Err...didn't we include Kate in the kissing pact?"

"Noooo..." All three men bellowed and then burst into laughter.

"Aw come on guys, I remember Kate asking to be part," Paige laughed.

"That was because she wanted to kiss Will," Stan chuckled. "Silly girl wanted to know whether we were open to new members. Told her to fuck off. So no, she wasn't included, you slut."

"What a waste!" Paige groaned. "So... are we on the same page then? Jaxon walks."

"Not fair to Will," Stan groaned.

"Have you spoken to him yet?" Philip asked.

"To be honest, I'm dreading that conversation," the beta groaned.

"Chicken!" Paige muttered with an amused glint in her eyes. "Want me to do it with you?"

"Will you?" Stan's eyes lit up.

"Gladly." Paige nodded. "Why don't I fly there tomorrow? I really need to tease Ronan about what happened. We can spend an extra day after the conference. I'm sure Will can manage a day."

"Shouldn't be a problem. And he will be thrilled to have your crazy self here."

"Salim will be flying to Belgium in the morning so you can join him," Philip informed Paige.

"Perfect. It's settled them," Paige said, rubbing her hands with glee. "See you tomorrow."

"Can't wait. Love you, Slip."

Paige answered by blowing him a kiss.

After promising Paige and Stan to let them know the outcome of their conversation with Jaxon, Philip ended the call. The alpha was relieved that all the friends were on the same page about Jaxon's fate. Although he was confident that his big sister and Stan would be able to talk Will out of his anger, he didn't envy them at all.


"Who do you think that is?" Jaxon groaned as he turned to look at the clock on the bedside table. "It's four a.m."

"It can't be Ryan," Kate mumbled, getting out of bed in her naked glory and heading for the door even as Jaxon pulled on boxer briefs. "Mama G!" Kate gasped when she opened the door.

"Hey sweetie."

Gloria Stanton stood at the door, looking very good in a black crossback running bra and tights. Her black-and-white Adidas trainers and hairband completed her sporty look. She looked sexy, elegant, and younger than her age.

"We weren't expecting you this early," Kate said, stepping back to allow Gloria in.

"Yeah, I haven't been able to sleep since you left last night," Gloria said, hugging Kate.

"You mean today," Kate chuckled, hugging the elderly woman back tightly. She'd left Gloria's after midnight. "Sorry for pouring all my frustration on you," she whispered.

Kate had finally done what she should have done from the get go. She'd poured her heart out to Gloria. She had told her exactly how she felt about Jaxon and that she didn't think she could live without him. What had scared Gloria to tears was the finality and seriousness with which Kate had said that. Both had had a good cry. Kate didn't remember seeing Gloria cry that much.

"I'm glad you did," Gloria whispered back. "As I told you, you should have done that sooner. I am always here for you. Everything will work out, okay?"

"Okay, Mama G. Thank you."

"Now, where's that mate of yours?" Gloria asked, looking around.

"I think he went to brush his teeth," Kate said as she went to the wardrobe. She grabbed one of Jaxon's shirts and wore it. Thanks to Ryan, the wardrobe was filled with enough stuff for Jaxon. "He should be out soon. Are you going for..." she trailed off when Jaxon entered the room.

"There he is," Gloria chuckled, starting towards Jaxon. "Come here." She opened her arms and then laughed at Jaxon's shocked expression.

Jaxon hugged the beautiful, dark-skinned woman, surprised that a pack member would even want to hug him. People didn't usually hug him because he was very reserved and didn't give people the chance to get that familiar with him. But in the warm embrace of the motherly lady, he couldn't help but acknowledge silently that it was a great feeling.

When they stepped away from each other, Gloria smiled up at Jaxon. "The infamous rogue," she chuckled. "Glad to finally meet you. Come on, let's go for a run."

"What?" Jaxon gasped. So did Kate. "I don't think I'm allowed outside this room," Jaxon mumbled.

"We both know you won't be making a run for it so that is not a problem," Gloria chuckled. "Why don't you admit the real problem? That you dread letting your wolf out because you usually don't."

"How did you..."

"Let's just say your mate and I had a lengthy chat last night," Gloria said smoothly. "Get ready to let that wolf out. Come on!" With that, she turned to leave. "See you later, Kate."

Kate and Jaxon exchanged looks, hers filled with encouragement and his filled with surprise and wariness. Without a word, she ran to the wardrobe and grabbed a t-shirt.

"You heard her," Kate said as she threw the t-shirt at Jaxon and went to grab his trainers.

"I haven't been outside in over a month," Jaxon breathed, pulling on the t-shirt.

"Enjoy it then." Kate dropped his trainers in front of him and watched as he slipped them on. He didn't bother with shorts. "See you later." She went on her toes and kissed Jaxon, who still looked surprised.


"Know what," Gloria chuckled as she jogged alongside Jaxon. "I've never been prouder of my son."

"Jeremy or Troy?" Jaxon asked.


"Thought he was your..."

"Son-in-law?" Gloria said, cutting Jaxon off. "From the very first day I laid eyes on him, I saw him as a son. He'd been treated so cruelly by my son, Jeremy. When I entered that room and saw him lying so forlornly on that hospital bed, I loved him instantly. I just wanted to take care of him like a mother would want to protect her son. So yes, he became my son that day."

"Good for him. I'm sure you gave Jeremy hell for whatever he did."

"May Luna forgive me for what I'm about to say but... I hated my son with a passion the moment I found out what he'd done to Ryan," Gloria breathed.

"Damn!" Jaxon glanced at the elderly lady. "That's rather harsh. Whatever he did must have been terrible. Wasn't he remorseful?"

"Oh, he was," Gloria said, steering them onto another path. "Extremely remorseful. And that was the only reason I suppressed my emotions. You see, I don't believe in kicking a man when he's already down. When my son came to tell me what he'd done, I think my spirit left my body for a moment."

"That bad, huh? What did he do if you don't mind me asking?"

"He raped Ryan."

"Fuck!" Jaxon stopped and stared after Gloria, who kept going. "Didn't he know Ryan was his mate?" Jaxon asked when he caught up with Gloria.

"That rather triggered his anger," Gloria snorted. "He hated that he'd been given a male as a mate. He was so angry that he allowed his murderous spirit to take over and unleash pure hell on Ryan. I will tell you all about that another time."


"People don't know just how hard that hit me," Gloria whispered. She seemed to be lost in thought. "I'm going to tell you something that only a handful of people know. Not even my children know this. How I met Jeremy's father." Gloria went quiet for a while before speaking again. "He rescued me from a group of men when I was only fourteen. They were taking turns to rape me. They were human beings so Sylvester didn't kill them. But I know they wished he had after he was done with them."

"People are just evil," Jaxon muttered. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Everything happens for a reason." She shrugged. "It was a terrible experience, but I guess I wouldn't have met Sylvester if that hadn't happened. Some people say every misfortune is a blessing in disguise. My situation could be one of such."

"Not in my case," Jaxon snorted. "Losing my family at that young age was hell."

"Yes, but it made you who you are today."

"You mean me facing execution and potentially leaving the woman that means everything to me alone in this cruel world?" his laughter was without humour. "I don't see the blessing there."

"Hmm, clearly you don't know this pack very well," Gloria smiled. "Kate's happiness is more important to us than your stupid vendetta." If Jaxon was surprised at Gloria's words, it didn't show. "So Sylvester brought me to his pack, nursed me back to health, and then trained me in combat."

"Ryan did tell me you are the best warrior that this pack has ever seen."

"Well, Sylvester ensured I had the best training. Every warrior in the pack at the time was tasked with imparting knowledge and skill to the little human girl. It went on for years."

"So you were not his mate." It wasn't a question.

"No, I wasn't. That didn't stop us from falling for each other, though," she said with a soft laugh. "At age eighteen, he turned me and then took me as his mate. Hands down the best day of my life," she grinned.

"And your human family?"

"Foster family. My foster father was part of the men who were..."

"Fucking hell!"

"So I stayed. The pack became my family. The best thing that happened to me. Anyway, I digress. So when my son committed that sin, I knew there was no way Ryan would forgive him. It is very difficult to let go of something like that."

"I get that. It takes a very unique person to forgive such an act."

"It does. There's no doubt that Ryan is a beautiful soul. But Jeremy had to put in the work. Because no matter how sweet Ryan is, it was only natural for him to never trust Jeremy. So Jeremy had to first of all acknowledge his mistake, forget who he was, throw out his ego, and show his mate how remorseful he was. Luna did punish him... sent him to purgatory, but..."

"What the..." Jaxon gasped.

"Remind me to tell you all about that another time. Jeremy's main aim was to show Ryan that he was sorry for what he did to him. And he succeeded. No sin, in my opinion, is more grievous than what he committed against Ryan. But my son was able to prove to his mate that he was repentant, and his mate wholeheartedly forgave him. Now, look at them."

"He worships the ground Jeremy walks on," Jaxon muttered. "His eyes light up whenever he speaks about Jeremy."

"In this life, undesirable things may befall us. They may be so annoying and painful that we might feel like we can never let go. But we need to move on because life goes on."

"Sometimes it's easier to move on after you act," Jaxon muttered. "It helps when you make the other person feel pain."

"There are more important things in life, Jaxon. It is essential to learn how to forgive and also admit when we are wrong. Peace must always prevail; don't you think?" she asked, stopping by a huge tree with shelve-like branches.

"I agree," Jaxon stopped beside Gloria, who had started stripping. "But revenge hits differently, ma'am."

"So stubborn," Gloria muttered, rolling her eyes. "Just ensure that whoever you're confronting is genuinely at fault, son. It's wrong to simply act out of wounded pride. Always remember that."

"Fair enough." Jaxon nodded.

"And like Jeremy, if you reflect on your actions and find even the slightest inkling that you might have behaved in an inappropriate manner, admitting your mistake will not diminish who you are. It takes a man to accept when he's wrong. Got it?" she asked softly.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now, show me your wolf." With that, Gloria shifted into a beautiful brown wolf.

Jaxon stared at the wolf for a moment and then reluctantly began to strip. He slowly removed his trainers as if he had all the time in the world and placed them on a shelf. Then he took off his boxers and t-shirt, folded them, and placed them on a shelf. Gloria could sense the fear, anxiety, and tension pouring off of Jaxon. She knew he was deliberately stalling, but she waited patiently. According to Kate, her mate hadn't let out his wolf in years. Gloria understood that it wouldn't be easy for the rogue to give up control willingly to his wolf. But she was determined to ensure Jaxon took that step. She waited.

"Gloria, I..."

'Shift, Jaxon.' Gloria's wolf didn't look like it was ready for excuses.

With a sigh, Jaxon went on all fours, took a deep breath, and then shifted into a huge grey wolf. The brown wolf gave a nod and then took off into the woods. The grey wolf followed at a slower pace but in no time, it gathered momentum, allowed itself to breathe in the earthy breeze, and then became one with nature. Jaxon's wolf felt free. It felt as if it had been released from bondage. It would have cried with joy if it could. Instead, it howled its joy as it ran. Gloria couldn't have been happier.

The two wolves ran for three hours straight, loving the serenity the woods offered. They frolicked, got to know each other, and then hunted. The two shared their kill and ate their fill. After their meal, they went to the stream to drink and relax. Then they finally had a serious talk.

'So... do you enjoy bullying ladies who show your human affection?' Gloria went for the jugular. 'Why were you so mean to my daughter?'


"You're sure they left at four a.m.?" Jeremy asked as he dished some food onto his plate.

"Well, she got there at exactly four a.m. and they left some minutes later," Kate said.

"Nine hours," Troy murmured. "Wonder what they are talking about."

They were in the alpha's suite, having lunch. Philip hadn't seen Kate since she got back from France, so had suggested they all have lunch together. Paige had already left for France, so it was just Philip, Troy, Jeremy, Ryan, and Kate. Before she left, however, Paige had gone to see Kate.

She'd called Clara to ask Kate to meet her in the foyer that morning. She hadn't bothered going to Kate's house because from the Zoom meeting the night before, she knew that Kate was in the mansion with her mate. Paige had always seen Kate as a younger sister. There was no way she could leave for France without seeing her first. When they met in the foyer, Paige had simply gathered Kate into her arms and given her a fierce hug. For minutes, the two women held each other, one silently showing her support and the other drawing strength from the older woman.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Kate sniveled.

"Next time you keep anything as serious as this to yourself, imma whoop yo' ass," Paige murmured, pressing a kiss to Kate's temple. "Everything will be fine."

"Thank you." Kate wiped at her eyes as she stepped back. "You look good," she said, giving Paige an appreciative look. Where to, this early morning?"

"France." Paige linked an arm through Kate's and started for the entrance. "Want to spend some time with Stan and Will." Her response drew a groan from Kate. She just knew what Paige was going there for... Will.

"Does Stan know?"

"Of course, he knows," Paige chuckled.

"I have to call him."

"Do that. And switch on that damn phone," Paige growled, making Kate laugh. "We need to speak to Will. You know your boss turns into a wuss where Will is concerned." She opened the door of her kickass Bugatti Chiron. "That mate of yours is damn hot, by the way," she drawled.

"I know," Kate grinned. "Can't keep my hands off him."

"Well," Paige got into the car. "Show him that no-holds-barred side of you. But remember, as a rogue, he's probably used to emotionless, rough sex. So blow his mind with a slower and more passionate fuck that will let him drool and forget his name. Show him that Stanwood pack bitches don't play."

By the time Paige was done talking, Kate was laughing her arse off. And as she watched the Bugatti disappear through the massive pack gates, Kate couldn't help but feel loved. She knew that everything was going to be okay. After speaking to Gloria the night before, she felt less burdened because she had made her intentions known to the woman whom she respected and loved. But after her encounter with Paige, she felt hopeful.

The people Kate was most worried about were Stan, Philip, and Jeremy. But she knew that with Paige on her side, those three stubborn men would be lenient with her. She had always had a beautiful, fun relationship with those three. They always teased her mercilessly, just as she did them, but were also very protective of her and would sternly call her to order whenever she acted wrongly. Well, she had acted wrongly by withholding vital information from them and was therefore expecting a grilling from them.

She'd turned on her phone as Paige had advised and winced at the number of messages waiting to be read. Kate listened to the voice note that Stan had left her and teared up at his comforting words filled with empathy and support. So when Philip asked her to come to his suite for lunch about two hours after Paige had left, Kate breathed a sigh of relief.

"Earth to Kate." Troy snapped his fingers to get Kate's attention. "A penny for them."

"You'll have to pay more than a penny, baby," Philip muttered. "She's currently carrying all the troubles in this world on her shoulders."

"I think it's more of guilt, really," Jeremy smirked as he took a sip of this wine.

"And what's she feeling guilty about?" Troy looked at his brother curiously.

"She realized the rogue was her mate, didn't tell a soul, got marked by the rogue, still kept mute about it, and then proceeded to fuck him."

"Jeremy..." Ryan growled, glaring at his mate.

"And still haven't said shit about it," Philip added, his intent gaze on Kate.

"I'm sure she had her reasons," Troy murmured. "You two don't have to be dicks about it."

"It's okay, Troy," Kate sighed, putting down her fork. "I deserved that," she murmured, feeling too content to be angry at the two men. Besides, she'd been expecting that. "I know what I did wasn't right..."

"Damn straight, it wasn't," Philip growled, cutting Kate off.

"And I'm sorry about it," Kate went on as if Philp hadn't interrupted. "But like I told Jeremy, I didn't know how to go about it. He a persona no grata. What was I supposed to say? That I'm the better half of the villain? Mind you, one must try to understand and support their mate in all things. I didn't understand why he did what he did. And I definitely wasn't in support. But I couldn't condemn him either. Do you have any idea what I've been through these past few weeks?" her voice shook.

"Kate, you don't have to..."

"I have to, Ryan." Kate threw Ryan a sad look. "I need to make them understand. There I was, watching my mate in a dungeon. A man who was supposed to bring me joy in this life condemned to death. Both of you are mated, so must understand how painful it is to know that you can never be together with your mate."

"How about trusting those same people who have mates and therefore would understand the pain that comes with the possibility of losing a mate?" Jeremy snapped.

"I know what he did, Jer. It is unforgivable," Kate whispered.

"And yet that's exactly what's going to be done," Philip rasped. "There's no compromise when it comes to the happiness of a member of this pack."

"Even if we didn't care about you, do you think anyone would want to risk ending up at the Fort?" Jeremy drawled, staring Kate down.

"I didn't know what to think," Kate groaned, throwing her hands up.

Ryan cleared his throat. "You found out who he was to you and didn't plan on making it known because of all the reasons you've outlined. How about after he marked you and the feeling intensified? What exactly was your plan? To still keep it to yourself and watch him get executed?" he looked curious.

Kate remained so quiet that the people around the table thought she wasn't going to respond. Then, with a sigh, she dropped the bombshell; "My plan is to...bow out after his execution," she said quietly.

"And by bowing out you mean..." Troy asked in the midst of the gasps that fell out of the other three around the table.

"Your brilliant plan was to fucking kill yourself?" Jeremy bellowed.

"Is Jaxon aware of this stupid plan?" Philip snarled.

"No, no, no," Kate groaned, her eyes wide, pleading for understanding. "How could I have told him something like that? Besides, I only made that decision yesterday after..."

"After you consummated the mating," Ryan said softly. "That's understandable."

"There's nothing understandable about wanting to kill herself, Ryan," Jeremy snapped.

"What I meant was..." Ryan tried to explain himself but trailed off at Philip's next question.

"Has she always had suicidal tendencies?" the alpha asked Jeremy who looked livid. "Do you remember anything like that?"

"I'm right here, Lip," Kate groaned. "No, I've never had suicidal tendencies. I just don't think I'll be able to go on alone after he's gone. Not after what we shared," she added softly.

"So you thought it would be best to follow him into the afterlife just so he can keep slipping you that bone, huh?" Jeremy growled.

"Okay, that's it, Jeremy," Ryan angrily yelled with a flick of his hand in Jeremy's direction. The alpha of alphas instantly disappeared from the table, to the shock of the others.

"What the..." Philip turned disapproving eyes on Ryan.

"He shouldn't be here." Ryan scowled. "He needs to cool off."

"Prof, come on..." Philip murmured. "He has every right to state his opinion."

"I'm this close to sending you away too, Mister so don't push me," Ryan growled angrily, his thumb and forefinger almost touching. His face was flashed with anger.

"But this is my suite..."

"Try me," Ryan breathed, staring Philip down.

Philip raised his hands in a sign of surrender which his mate found so comical he erupted into laughter. Just as Kate joined in, Jeremy reappeared, drawing gasps from his brother and Kate, a glare from his mate, and a pleased chuckle from Philip.

"Forgot I have a powerful son, huh?" He smirked at his fuming mate as he took his seat and grabbed his glass of wine. "Where was I?" He turned his gaze on Kate.

"I am sorry," Kate said simply.

"Sorry doesn't cut it," Philip said. "Planning your suicide and keeping it quiet is the worst."

"Who broadcasts their suicide?" Troy threw his mate a bemused look. "Please send him away, Ryan. Anywhere outside the pack house would do. That way, he can't call Syl to teleport him back like my brother clearly did."

"Shut up, baby," Philip chuckled, drawing Troy onto his lap. "Did you hear when Kate said you needed to support your mate in all things?" He murmured against Troy's lips.

"Not when said mate is being an asshole," Troy breathed just as Philip closed the distance between their lips. He tried to pull back but the alpha slipped his fingers into his hair to hold him still. Then with deliberate slowness, Philip took his mate's lips in a gentle kiss.

"I told Mama G last night, Jer," Kate said quietly, her eyes pleading.

"You told mum that you plan on killing yourself?" Jeremy looked surprised.

"Immediately I made up my mind, yes." Kate nodded. "I knew it was the wrong way to go but I was desperate. Maybe I told her because I needed to say farewell. Maybe I told her because I knew she could prevent it. I just felt I needed to tell her," she groaned. "All this is so overwhelming."

Jeremy visibly softened at her words. "I'm glad you told her."

"What did she say?" Ryan asked.

"She cried," Kate sighed. "I've never seen her cry so much. Then she told me to go get some sleep."

"I'm surprised she didn't hand you your arse," Philip chuckled, hugging Troy to him.

"Know what? When you expect that woman to hand you your arse for playing the fool, she shocks you by crying instead," Jeremy chuckled. "She did the same thing when I told her about... what I'd done to Ryan."

"I'm pretty sure the other option would have been to murder her own son, you twat," Troy muttered. "Still pisses me off, not gonna lie." Even though years had passed, he'd given Jeremy an earful when his brother eventually told him about how badly he'd treated Ryan.

Jeremy reached out to ruffle his brother's hair even as he apologized to his mate on their mind-link.

"That mate of yours had better treat you like the gem that you are," Jeremy said, making both Kate and Ryan smile. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. Hearing you talk about taking your life was just..." he shook his head. "It wasn't a pleasant thing to hear."

"You didn't have to be nasty about it," Ryan mumbled.

"I'm sorry." And Jeremy sounded genuine. So his next question threw everyone. "How about we save you the trouble by executing you together?"

It took two full seconds for the laughter to erupt. That definitely broke the tension in the room. They finished their food and then spent some quality time together. As occurred in every family, there were misunderstandings, arguments, and even fights. But they always talked it out, apologized where necessary, sorted out their differences, and forged even stronger bonds.

Kate felt at peace.


Meanwhile, in the Stanton Woods, two wolves shifted back to their human forms and dressed up.

"I enjoyed that very much. Thank you," Jaxon told a smiling Gloria.

"I'm glad you did. Let's do it more often."

Jaxon snorted. "Hope I live long enough to do it again."

"Think I'd be wasting my time with you if whatever you're thinking was going to happen?" Gloria scoffed, turning to head back.

"I don't know." He shrugged, falling into step beside Gloria.

"We are not monsters, son. You might think that's how packs operate. With cruelty. Some do but not Stanwood. Here, we are a family. We don't just act. We analyze situations before we act. In this particular instance, Ryan stopped your execution for a reason. Yes, he didn't know the reason himself but we all respected it and waited."

"I must admit it still surprises me that I wasn't attacked in my cell by angry pack wolves," Jaxon murmured. "Instead, I..."

"...ended up getting visits from a very beautiful lady," Gloria laughed softly, linking her arm with Jaxon's. "You, my dear, are a very lucky fella."

"Think so?"

"Think about it; your parents could have taken you to that party or meeting but they left you behind. Then they were killed. Someone then helps you to escape rather than kill you as I'm sure they'd been instructed to do. Let's not forget all the stories you told me about the unexpected breakthroughs you had growing up. Fast forward to that day in these beautiful woods when you had that bright idea to set it ablaze." Gloria chuckled when Jaxon groaned. "Under normal circumstances, Deloris would have been called to handle the situation. She would have killed you without a thought or handed you over to the wolves to tear you apart."

"Well, thank god for Ryan," Jaxon muttered.

"I still, for the life of me, don't know why Stan decided to call Ryan to handle it instead of Deloris. If that's not luck, I don't know what else it was."

"Then I met Kate."

"What are the odds? See how lucky you are?"

"I am a lucky bastard," he breathed.

"Glad we're on the same page. Remember what I said about mistakes?"

"I need to accept when I'm wrong," Jaxon muttered.

"For a rogue, I know that would be a difficult thing to do but you are a gentleman and the mate to the loveliest lady. So you need to do the right thing." She stopped and turned to face him. "Will wasn't at fault here."

"I know," Jaxon breathed. "I was wrong."

"There you go," Gloria started walking again. "Wasn't so difficult, was it?" She was so happy that Jaxon had listened to what she'd told him.

After interacting with his wolf by the stream for a moment, they had shifted back to their human forms and talked some more. They had only shifted back to wolf form to run back. She had definitely enjoyed being with him.

"But I did feel violated by him," Jaxon growled beside Gloria. "It wasn't a pleasant feeling."

"What exactly did he do?"

"He was in my head. I felt compelled to answer his questions."

"That's just his abilities," Gloria explained. "He doesn't have control over that. I'm sure when the two of you eventually speak, you will hash it out and allow peace to reign."

"But what I did... how can anyone forgive that?" Jaxon asked quietly.

"Even Jeremy was forgiven," Gloria whispered softly, her eyes brimming with comfort and tenderness.

The seasoned warrior adored the rogue already. She felt he was going to be a good addition to the pack.


In the alpha's suite, five satisfied individuals relaxed on the balcony and conversed. Kate's head was in Ryan's lap, enjoying the feel of fingers running soothingly through her tresses. Philip and Troy were in the hammock with Philip on his back and Troy fast asleep on top of him.

"They're back," Ryan announced.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, "Jeremy groaned just as Philip burst into laughter. "Calm the fuck down, Kate."

"At this rate, I won't be surprised if her heart pops out of her chest," Philip teased Kate who was now sitting up. "Fucking hell!"

"Get off her case, you two," Ryan said but even he couldn't wipe the amusement off his face. At his announcement, Kate's heart had jumped in excitement and then started pounding like a sledgehammer inside her chest. As werewolves, they'd all heard it. "Relax, sis," he told a squirming Kate. "Jaxon will give me hell if you pass out."

"What's the matter, honey?" Philip grinned. "Got an itch that needs scratching?"

With a groan, Kate buried her face against Ryan's neck. 'I can't bring myself to calm down,' she murmured on her mind-link to Ryan. She didn't want Jeremy and Philip to hear her and tease her more.

'Just breathed,' he advised. 'Should I teleport you back to the room?'

'Oh, please I'm in need of your expert assistance to navigate my way into his sexy arms,' Kate purred, trying to be jovial but she couldn't have suppressed the longing in her voice even if a gun filled with silver bullets was pointing at her head.

'Say less. Ready?'

'Been ready since he and Mama G walked out of that damn room this dawn,' she snorted. 'She was such a clam jam.'

Ryan burst into laughter then.

And even as Jeremy and Philip gave Ryan curious looks, Kate disappeared.

"The power of the D," Philip muttered with a shake of his head. "Can't wait to meet the dude."

"Me neither." Jeremy chuckled.


Jaxon dropped his toothbrush into the brush holder and proceeded into the shower stall to take a much-needed shower. He stood under the hot spray and allowed it to pour over his aching muscles as his mind wandered to his time spent with Gloria. He didn't recall feeling that free before. It felt damn good to have company as he ran freely in his wolf form. He knew his wolf had enjoyed it. Hell, he could still feel that damn furball buzzing with excitement inside him. The sweet feeling he'd experienced that day was going to be etched in his memory for life.

His lips widened with a smile when he recalled all that Gloria had told him. She was a woman of many colours. She would be stern one minute and funny as hell the next. Jaxon understood why Kate loved the woman so much. She definitely gave off motherly vibes. Even before they parted ways, he was thinking about their next run.

"Gloria Stanton," he muttered with a smile as he reached for some shampoo.

He washed his hair and body, rinsed himself, and then applied more shampoo to his hair. He wanted to be very clean for his... Kate chose that moment to materialize before him in the shower, fully dressed.

Jaxon started and then wondered for a moment whether his thoughts had conjured his mate. And what a sight for sore eyes she was! Kate looked so sexy in pale green cargo pants with a flimsy white top that was becoming see-through by the second, thanks to the pouring water. His cock definitely took notice. Was it even normal to want a person that much, Jaxon wondered as he watched Kate with a heavy-lidded gaze, a gaze filled with predatory heat. She wasn't wearing a bra so Jaxon could see those hard nipples begging to be sucked.

Whatever Kate saw in her mate's eyes drew a gasp from her. He looked like he wanted to eat her alive but surprisingly, didn't make any move to touch her. He rather closed his eyes and tilted his head back to allow the hot spray of water to wash the suds out of his hair.

Kate swallowed hard in arousal, her gaze greedily drinking in the sight of Jaxon's ripped body under the hot spray. His body, which to her was no less than perfection, flexed rhythmically as his fingers combed through his hair. She stared as if she were storing away in her mind the vision for times when he wasn't with her. When her eyes dropped to his rapidly hardening cock, she licked her lips with a if she could already taste him.

"See anything you like?" Came a sexily husky voice that caused Kate's knees to wobble.

"Don't tease me, please," Kate breathed shakily, her hand reaching out to touch Jaxon on the chest.

He grabbed the hand and pulled her to him, drenching her from head to toe in seconds. Their lips met as he took a handful of Kate's pant-covered arse and squeezed. They kissed as if they hadn't seen each other in months rather than mere hours.

"I missed you," he groaned against her lips when they came up for air.

"I can see that," Kate murmured, taking his hard, pulsing length in her hand.

"You might wanna leave that because I'm this close to blowing my shit," he drawled, his lust-filled eyes on her nipples.

Jaxon had never wanted to fuck someone so badly in his life. The need had worsened since their first fuck. It was almost as if he was addicted to her. And the sight of those nipples through that damn wet blouse was driving him insane. With a groan, he bent and caught one pebbled flesh between his teeth through the fabric that was plastered against Kate. Then he gave it a tug.

"Oh, shit..." Kate mewled. She could have sworn she felt that tug right between her legs. When she felt Jaxon's fingers on the buttons on her pants, she panted in anticipation. And when the pants began to roll down her delectable curvy hips, she wriggled her arse to help it along, making Jaxon smile.

Fuck, she's sexy. "No panties, huh?" Jaxon let go of the nipple in his mouth to murmur.

Kate could hear the appreciative smile in his voice. It made her smile. "I didn't want you ruining another one."

"Good call." Jaxon crouched before Kate to pull off her pants. "Thank god these are not jeans. Would have been hell pulling them off while wet."

"Talking from experience?" Kate's tone was deceptively neutral but the amused gleam in Jaxon's eyes when he stood up told her he wasn't buying her indifference. As lame as it was to be jealous of women in his past, she couldn't help herself.

"Don't," Jaxon husked as he rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, his smoldering gaze boring into Kate's. "You and Ryan practically sat at that dining table the other day and told me that you fucked Jeremy." Kate gasped but Jaxon went right on. "I'm not stupid."


"The most important thing," he breathed, turning Kate to face the faucet and wrapping her fingers around the steel pole that held the shower. "Is to ensure that neither of us gets intimate with any other person besides each other going forward." His voice was low and raspy, filled with warning. Kate whimpered when she felt one of her legs being raised and the warm hard length against her folds. God, she couldn't stand it. She needed him inside her so bad. Then Jaxon was whispering in her ears... "I will tear anyone who touches you apart." And with that fierce promise, he impaled her to the hilt, possessing her completely with his glorious thickness.

"Yes..." Kate cried out as her head fell back against Jaxon in bliss. The hot water felt good raining down on her but even better was Jaxon's cock inside her again after so long. She was on cloud nine. Kate rocked back against Jaxon, loving the feel of every long, hard inch of him inside her.

Jaxon wrapped an arm around her waist and pounded into her so urgently and relentlessly she couldn't suppress her ecstatic cries. They fucked, pure and simple! The steam from the shower swirled around them, wrapping them in their own world. If Jaxon's erratic rasps was any indication, he was enjoying every second of that fuck. Both completely lost themselves in carnal bliss, the sound of the shower drowning out their gasps and moans of pleasure. Then suddenly, Kate stiffened...

"Ahh Jax..." she gasped in shocked delight when her orgasm slammed into her unexpectedly. At the first jolting contraction, she cried out, her legs quaking. "Jax..." She chanted his name and babbled nonsensically as sensations flooded her. She cried out as her core contracted rhythmically around Jaxon's plunging length, the muscles clenching on him so hard it pulled Jaxon into an intense climax.

"Shit, shit, shit," Kate heard Jaxon groan just as she felt the hot jet of his cum fill her. Jaxon's head dropped to Kate's shoulder as his body bucked helplessly, the intensity of his orgasm surprising him. His teeth fastened on the spot on her neck, just below her ear, in a possessive hold, muffling his shouts of pleasure. Kate's response to her mate's show of possessiveness was to squeeze her internal muscles around him, milking him more and prolonging his pleasure. For a moment, Jaxon wondered whether something was wrong. "Fuck Kate, I can't stop," he gasped, clinging to her as if he would never let her go. "Feels so fucking good."

Kate smiled dreamily, thrilled that she could do that to him. They stood under the spray of water, both panting, trying to come back to themselves. Kate gasped when Jaxon pulled out of her without warning, leaving her empty. Surely he wasn't done, she groaned in protest. In the short time they'd been intimate, she knew her mate had mad stamina. Hell, Jaxon was a freaking legend when it came to stamina. Kate knew from experience he was nowhere near done. So why did he pull out...

"We're not done yet," Jaxon replied to her silent question. "Turn around," he demanded gruffly, turning off the water. Then he lifted her into his arms and left the shower stall.

They didn't go very far. Jaxon deposited Kate on the porcelain surface of the vanity in the bathroom and finally pulled off her top, leaving her completely naked. The look he gave her then was easily the highest form of compliment any woman would wish for. It was filled with helpless adoration and something else that made Kate's heart race. With a groan, Jaxon stepped between her thighs and began to kiss her on the neck.

"You don't know how badly I needed that," Kate whispered shakily. She didn't know whether she was referring to the sex or what she'd just seen in her mate's eyes.

"You're not the only one," Jaxon husked, his thump finding a hard nipple and moving in slow, sensual circles over it. "Now we can take our time," he murmured just as the tip disappeared into the warmth of his mouth. Kate lost all ability to breathe.

"Oh, god," Kate cried out as Jaxon's lips, teeth, and tongue did some incredible things to that flesh which sent little stinging jolts through her and made her tremble.

Jaxon released the nipple and shifted his hips, his throbbing length seeking entrance into her body. Kate reached between her thighs and directed him to her wet folds even as she drew his head down and took his lips in a kiss that had both of them gasping with desire. True to his word, Jaxon took it slow, gliding in and out of her in a long, sweet, languid manner that drew ecstatic whimpers and moans from Kate.

Jaxon didn't let his mate leave the bathroom until he'd made her orgasm two more times.


Jaxon lay on his side, gazing at Kate, who stared back with eyes that looked soft with contentment. He reached out to trail his fingers through her hair, which was still damp from the shower.

"In bed at last," Kate said softly. "What're you thinking about?"

"About how much I love being here with you and how much I want all this hovering hassle to go away." He drew Kate close and pressed his face against her temple. "I just want us to enjoy one another each and every day." Jaxon's deep but soothing voice and the touch of his lips on Kate's ear made her press herself even further into his arms.

She sought his lips and gave him a heart-stoppingly sweet kiss. "You are such a sweet person, you know that?" Kate whispered when the kiss ended.

"Till I'm setting fires," he snorted.

"Stop it. How did it go with Mama G?"

"Isn't there an actress called Mama G?" Jaxon asked. "What did her G stand for?"

"G usually stands for general, doesn't it?" Kate chuckled. "Everyone calls Gloria that. Tell me how it went."

"I don't remember feeling that carefree ever," he breathed. "It felt like I'd been set free from a prison. I think having her by my side made all the difference because I didn't feel alone. It was a great feeling."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have to do it more often."

"We have to go for a run together," Jaxon said. "Can't wait to meet your wolf."

"I'm dreading meeting yours after that first encounter," Kate murmured.

"I'd be worried about something else if I were you," he murmured huskily, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips suggestively.

Kate felt the blood rush to her face at Jaxon's blatantly sexual hint. She had never had sex in her wolf form. With a shy moan, she drew a pillow over her head. Only Jaxon could make her act like a shy teen with just a sentence.

"What do you say we do it tomorrow?" Jaxon laughed, trying to pry the pillow from Kate's tight fist. "Think about how hot..." Jaxon trailed off when they heard a knock on the door.

"Probably Ryan," Kate said, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"I can hear two voices," Jaxon muttered, reaching his boxer briefs. "None belongs to Ryan."

Kate flung the pillow away and rolled out of bed, wrapping the comforter around herself. She went to open the door and stared at her alpha and the alpha of all alphas who stood outside the door.

"Uh-huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"Step aside," Philip said as he pushed past Kate into the room.

Jeremy remained outside, leaning against the railing. He returned Kate's stare with an amused one. "What's your problem?" He finally gave in to the laughter which had been bubbling within since Kate opened the door covered in a comforter. "What happened to the good little girl I once knew?"

"You really need me to answer that?" she laughed, stepping out.

Meanwhile inside, Philip was shaking Jaxon's hand. "We meet at last," the alpha boomed.

"Yes," Jaxon relaxed visibly due to the unthreatening stance of Philip. "Which one are you?"


"Oh shit!" Jaxon groaned. "The alpha. Hey, I'm sorry for attempting to burn down your..."

"Not just that," Philip interjected smoothly. "You shot up a storm on my basketball court, injuring a lot of my pack...including my big sister."

"I'm sorry about that too," Jaxon had the grace to look regretful.

"Hey, I know how much of a pain in the arse soldiers can be." Philip spoke as if he was letting Jaxon in on a secret. "If you want to kick the arse of one of those motherfuckers, by all means. But to target innocent civilians? Come on!"

"What can I do to make it right?" Jaxon sighed.

"You've gotta make it right with the motherfucking soldier," Philip stated with a look which Jaxon didn't know whether to classify as seriousness or amusement. The alpha's contradictory response definitely threw him.

"But you said..."

"I know what I said, buddy. That soldier is pack too. And you burned down his shit. That car was a great ride. Drove it once when those two swapped it for my bike. Trust me, so smooth. And you blew it up."

"I'm sorry."

"Tell that to the fucking soldier." Philip threw up his hands.

"Okay, I give up," Jaxon groaned, confused. "Which of the apologies do I give you and which do I reserve for the soldier?"

"Well, you've gotta give me all of it because I'm his alpha." Philip didn't miss a beat. "But you have to repeat all of it to Will too. Not forgetting his mate... whom you shot."

"I guess I have a lot of apologies to deliver." Jaxon sighed.

"Damn straight, you do. You better start with the man out there. He's the scariest creature when he's pissed off. In fact, the only reason you're still alive is that he fears Ryan too much to go against him."

"I suppose that's Jeremy."

"I see you've been given the necessary tutorials," Philip chuckled and turned to go. "Get dressed; we're going out."

"We who?" Jaxon's eyes went wide. He was supposed to be a prisoner so what was Philip talking about?

"You, Jeremy, and I." Philip threw over his shoulders. "We will be waiting downstairs."

And as a still confused Jaxon watched Philip go, he didn't know whether to be worried or pleased.



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Jah bless!

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