We are not meant to be

By malecfangirlbane

3.7K 284 66

In a perfect world, an alpha/alpha relationship would not raise any eyebrows, but the world is imperfect, and... More

Introduction to this world
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 7

353 20 3
By malecfangirlbane

"I have been a fool. I didn't listen to my inner instinct, and I have been acting as an even bigger fool, so this time, even if it takes a decade or even more, let me make up to you." Alec looked like he could cry any second. Magnus observed Alec's face for another minute or so. Alec looked as he had all his walls down, and he was baring his naked heart in front of Magnus. Magnus's alpha wanted to lean in and scent Alec and make him feel all better. His alpha was whining, and the word mine kept on ringing in Magnus's ears. Yet, Magnus felt as if he was stuck. He refused to believe these words. 10 long years. Magnus waited for Alec for 10 years and accepted all the rejections without asking a question, but now? Alec wants to make up to him? He refused to let his alpha take over, and he refused to swoon over Alec's words. 

"Where is this coming from?" Magnus finally asked. 

"The day I met you, I knew there was something different about you. My inner instinct told me to pursue you. My alpha said you are mine and like a fool, for 10 years, 10 long years I did everything I could think of to make you interested in me. It was my fault, I understand, but now that I am finally ready to move on, what are you playing at?" Magnus got up as he could feel himself getting a little bit too worked up. Alec got up a second after Magnus. Magnus walked towards his bar to get himself another drink. He knew why he was getting worked up, but he couldn't understand what gave Alec Lightwood was playing. 

"You go as far as to ask to mute your alpha. You refused my advancements for years. You refused to treat me as an equal whenever no one was around. You made it clear you didn't want me near you or your institute unless it was for business."

Magnus stopped mixing his drink mid-way when he had a light bulb moment. Magnus started chuckling to himself. He felt rage filled pheromones pouring out. His normally Indian sandalwood scent started getting more and more bitter, but he had no intention of stopping himself. 

"It makes sense. It all makes sense." Magnus turned around and looked at Alec, who was a few feet away from him. 

"You are scared that I would not be there for your service 24/7 if I give up on you. Of course, you would have to pay more money and actually respect my existing appointments, You won't be able to make demands like you used to."

Magnus started laughing louder. He has lived century after century. He has been taken advantage of by so many people over the years, but the last person he thought would do something like that was Alexander Gideon Lightwood. But it seemed like he was wrong by a mile. 

"Guess the selfishness run in the Lightwood family." Magnus closed his eyes and tried to centre himself. The last thing he wanted was to lose his control and show his golden colour eyes to Alec. 


"I want you to leave my house right now." Magnus didn't want the conversation to go on for another second. 

"Please, let me explain myself." Alec carefully took a step towards Magnus. He gave enough time for Magnus to lash out his magic and threw him out of the loft, but when Magnus didn't, he took it as a small achievement. 

"Magnus, I was naïve. I was extremely naïve. I refused the alpha within me the one thing it ever asked for, and it made me sick to the point that I lost control over a day. I.." Alec took another step toward Magnus, who was refusing to look at Alec. 

"I didn't remember anything when I woke up earlier today, but do you know who I looked for first?" Alec took one more step toward Magnus, and he still refused to look at Alec, but his scent was getting less bitter. Alec took a deep breath in, and the beautiful sandalwood scent immediately grounded him. Alec had never stood this close to Magnus willingly, and Magnus's beautiful scent made him a bit lightheaded as if his body was finally getting what always has been his. Alec observed Magnus's boy language, and his alpha was beaming with happiness when he noticed how Magnus relaxed his tensed shoulder and unclenched his jaws. Magnus was relaxing thanks to his scent just as how he was relaxing because of Magnuss scent. 

"I looked for you. All I could remember was I lost my control completely when I watched you walk away from me, and I felt as I could die then and there from heartbreak, and I didnt even resist when the alpha took over. I just let him. For once, I took the most dangerous decision of my life because I was too heartbroken about you leaving me." Magnus watched as Alec slowly reached his hand to hold Magnus's free hand, and he made sure to give enough time in between for Magnus to react and Magnus just started into Alec's hand as Alec went ahead and cupped Magnus's palm. 

"Please look at me." Alec was surprised by how vulnerable his voice was, but he couldn't care less. Alec watched as Magnus looked up, and his breath got caught in his throat when he finally saw Magnus's eyes. Those beautiful golden eyes were staring back at his, and Alec lost for words. He licked his lips subconsciously as all he wanted to do was lean in kiss Magnus and whisper into his ears how beautiful and perfect his alpha eyes are. Instead, Alec took Magnus's invitation to let down his guards and let the alpha take over. He closed his eyes and opened again, letting the alpha take control. He could feel with every fibre in his body when the alpha excitedly took over the body. He made sure not to give the complete control but control enough that alpha would not hold back because of the turmoil of feelings Alec was having. He saw how Magnus looked surprised by his pitch-black eyes when he opened his eyes. He had control of himself, but for once, it would be alpha who talks to Magnuss alpha. 

They needed their pure chemistry to take control over instead of all those complex real-life problems he had to worry about. The lightwood name, his position at the institute, the clave, the disappointment his parents would feel, or how he might even get deruned for mating with an alpha downworlder. All these problems seemed like nothing in front of Magnus's beautiful scent and golden eyes. 

"Mate.." Alec's alpha said before Alec could stop himself, and he could see in slow motion, Magnus's eyes going wide. Alec imagined his eyes would have been the same if Magnus's alpha said that to him. The word itself contained what 1000s of words could not say. 

The primal nature of alphas and omegas could not lie. Rather, they would just exactly they need, and they mean. So, when Alec's alpha goes ahead and says the word mate, it means one and only thing, and that is the alpha seen as Magnus as his mate. It didnt care that Magnus is not an omega or a beta, it did not care that Magnus is a man and not a woman and they would not be able to have their own offsprings but from the bottom of its heart, the alpha had accepted Magnus as his mate. Alecs alpha leaned in and cupped Magnus's face. Oh, so softly and lovingly. The alpha was so in love with the other alpha in front of him, and it was beautiful to observe how pure their connection was after finally letting them get close to each other. Their scents started mixing so beautifully, and it felt like finally all the puzzle pieces came together to make one beautiful image. It just looked perfect and felt incredible. It was amusing to see their scent mixing up even without them intentionally scenting each other. How strong their pheromones would be if they actually scent each other? Alec felt his heart skip a beat just from the thought. 

'How much pain they might have been in?' Alec wondered. He couldn't help but scold himself for making dragging their alphas through all that pain because of his stubbornness. 

"Mate." Magnus's alpha said as he looked into Alec's eyes. Alec's alpha beamed in happiness as Magnus accepted him. The primal nature of alphas was not good at talking but rather showing what exactly they felt, so Alec's alpha leaned forward and pressed a soft but quick kiss on Magnus's lips. Alec leaned back and looked into Magnus's eyes. A second later, Magnus opened his eyes as he bit his bottom lip softly. His lips looked sinfully inviting, and his eyes were glossy and looked not completely in focus, and it was because Magnus had let down his guard just like Alec. 

Alec watched as Magnus's eyes travelled from his eyes to his lips. The look of desire, lust, and love in Magnus's face made Alec feel naked in front of Magnus, and he didn't care at all. Instead, he was happy that he was finally completely true to his heart in front of Magnus. This time, rather than waiting for Alec, Magnus leaned in and kissed Alec with a little bit of force. His hands roam slowly from his neck to his cheeks to his hair. With Magnus's whimpering into their lips, Alec gladly deepened the kiss. His alpha knew exactly where to put his hands on. Alec balanced them as he sat on the sofa without breaking the kiss, and Magnus got on top of him, with his thighs on each side of Alec's thighs. As their kiss got deepened, Alecs hand travelled down to Magnus's bare chest and slowly worked on slipping Magnus's bath rob over his shoulders. The silk robe slipped slowly over Magnus's shoulders and set on their thighs. Magnus's alpha inhaled sharply as Alec's lips moved from Magnus's lips to his to his chin to his neck. Magnus looked up, giving Alec more access to his neck. Magnus's whole body moved rhythmically as if he was riding Alec, and the thought itself made both Alec and his alpha completely lose it. The beautiful friction of their groins as Magnus moved his hips, made Alec almost push Magnus down and claim him as his then and there. Instead, Alec pushed his hip forward to meet Magnus's movement, which seemed to catch Magnus by surprise as he gasped. 

Alec loved that reaction, and he needed to see it more and more, but he also knew he was going to a very dangerous territory. Both of them were so close to losing their control completely and giving into their alphas. As much as Alec wanted to mark Magnus and let Magnus mark him and make love to him till the sun came up, that 1% percentage of the brain told him he had to stop it. The last thing he wanted to do was lose control to Alpha the very first time he made out with Magnus. To be honest, he was not sure how the painful conversation they had earlier diverted to their heavy make out on the couch, but he had no complains. Rather, he enjoyed moving his fingertips over Magnus's bare chest and kissing him on his neck as Magnus ridding him. But before he would lose control anymore, he stopped his hip movement and stopped exploring Magnuss body with his hands. He put his arms around Magnus and pulled Magnus close to his chest. Magnus seemed surprise by the sudden move. His eyes looked into Alecs eyes, looking for answers, but he didn't get an answer as Alec just kept on staring into his eyes. 

Magnus closed his and clenched his jaws as he tried to centre himself. After a few minutes, as Alec observed Magnus, Magnus was finally able to take control over his body, and his eyes were back to his chocolate colour eyes. Alecs alpha seemed little taken back with the loss of golden eyes. 

"Alexander." Magnus called Alec to gain Alec's attention. Alec's alpha was still staring into his eyes. Magnus didn't know just what happened. Especially as being an alpha over 400 years, he thought he would have much more control than he just showed, but it seemed like they finally crossed a line they potentially could not cross back. 

"Alexander, I need you to come back." Magnus said as Alec's alpha was staring at him with his hands tightly hugged around Magnus's waist. Magnus felt a bit too exposed sitting on Alec with his chest exposed and obviously with his hard on pressed against Alecs groin. Oh, how much he wanted to just give in, but he knew both of them had to stop. 

Alec seemed to understand his words, and a few seconds later, Alec was staring at him with hazel colour eyes. Magnus cleared his throat as he didn't know what exactly to say. 

"Magnus." Alec sounded breathless. The pants, after calling Magnus's name, were a clear indication as to how aroused Alec was.

"I think this is a very good place to put an end to this night." Magnus was quick to reply. His heart pained a bit when he saw Alec looked disappointed. 

"Also, if you want to make up to me, as you said, I believe actions speak louder than words. So Mr. Lightwood, if you want to make up to me, show it with your actions. As you know I have all the time in the world." Magnus pulled back from Alec's hug as he got up from Alec's lap. The lose of warmth made both Magnus and Alec growl softly, but they both knew Magnus was right. Alec watched as Magnus pulled his robe over his shoulder and tightened the silk belt across his waist. The loss of beautiful sight of Magnus's body made Alec's alpha whimper, but Magnus was right. Alec got up from the couch and winced as how tight his pants felt. He was in desperate need of a release, and Magnus's scent was not helping it. He promised himself to stay under a cold shower till all the blood drained from his lower region as soon as he got to the institute. 

"Yes. Thank you so much, Magnus." Alec scratched his head as he didn't know where to look or what to do with his hands. What are you supposed to do after you just stopped a heavy make out with a man you had a crush for a decade? Make small talk? Run away from his loft and not look back? Let the animal nature within him take over and take Magnus to his bedroom and make love to him till the sunrise? Watch him as Magnus covered in nothing but sweat and maybe their own liquids and then knot him, mate him, and then? 

'ALEC!' Alec cleared his throat. He didn't like where his mind was going. 

Alec walked to the main door, and he could feel Magnus walking closely behind him. Once he was at the main door, he turned around and looked at Magnus.

"I.. um, I will see you around?"

"Yes, you will." Magnus's voice was as beautiful as well. Alec felt a bit jealous of how unaffected Magnus looked, but he loved how Magnus's scent betrayed him. Alec smiled softly as he smelt the arousal in Magnus's pheromones. 

"Good night, Magnus."

"Good night, Mr. Lightwood." Magnus smiled back. 

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