─ nepenthe ; jjk

By LivelyPotter

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─ in which solaris celeste vesper, a sad girl with an unfortunate upbringing meets a man far old... More

─ nepenthe ; synopsis
─ act one ; THE NEPENTHE
─ chapter one ; hiraeth
─ chapter two ; the chairman jeon
─ chapter three ; the return
─ chapter four ; ataraxia
─ chapter five ; friends?
─ chapter six ; bandaids
─ chapter eight ; the signet ring
─ chapter nine ; dum spiro spero
─ chapter ten ; my nepenthe
─ act two ; THE SUN
─ chapter eleven ; a new chapter awaits
─ chapter twelve ; a new home
─ chapter thirteen ; a force of nature
─ chapter fourteen ; mister jeon knows best
─ chapter fifteen ; can i stay with you?
─ chapter sixteen ; do i make you happy?
─ chapter seventeen ; on edge
─ chapter eighteen ; family is a choice
─ chapter nineteen ; my sun
─ chapter twenty ; his primal desire
─ act three ; THE FINAL CHAPTER
─ chapter twenty one ; i'm sorry rosy
─ chapter twenty two ; not a reverie
─ chapter twenty three ; saying goodbye
─ chapter twenty four ; heart calling to his
─ chapter twenty five ; courage of the soul
─ chapter twenty six ; a powerful feeling
─ chapter twenty seven ; always my angel

─ chapter seven ; you make the hurt go away

246 25 9
By LivelyPotter


January 23rd, 2024
Charleston, SC


What if they didn't want to see me again? Or if they get angry at me? Would Chairman Jeon be here?

My tummy gurgled unhappily – from nerves and not eating today – as I stood in front of Ataraxia, behind a couple of nice young ladies with really short dresses. I couldn't help but admire their pretty hair and elaborately done makeup, wishing I could look like them. Be skinny like them.

Was that why Father had me on a diet and restricted me from having fatty and starchy foods?

Now that I was standing behind two women had had perfect bodies, I could understand why Father was so harsh with my eating habits.
I had chubby thighs. I didn't have a flat stomach, my cheeks weren't thin and defined. I was short and chubby. My hips were too wide and the stretch marks that were on the inside of my thighs made me ashamed.

You won't find a man with an unattractive body, girl. Father's words were on repeat inside my mind and I couldn't but but huddle into myself and worry those pretty women wouldn't turn around and see how ugly and meek I was compared to them.

I self consciously crossed my arms around my body and ignored the hunger in my tummy as I waited in line.
Looking ahead, I shivered and rubbed my cold arms.
The line to enter the club was long and I wondered when I would be able to enter since I was the last person in line. 

An hour passed, more and more people were allowed inside the club, and finally, I could see Theo's curls when I stood up on my tippy toes.
Suddenly, all nervousness left my body once I took in the sight of Theo standing beside a women with the same gorgeous dark skin as he had, and beautiful fluffy dark hair.

"Hi, Mister Theo!" I waved happily, jumping up and down on my toes as the women in front of me entered the club and I was standing in front of Theo and the pretty women.

Theo's lips parted and he glanced down at me, "Ah, hello, little Tesoro!" he chuckled when I hugged him around the middle and smiled my best smile to the women. "You didn't have to wait in the back of the line, you know."

"Really? Sorry!" I flushed and looked down with a pout, "It...would seem rude if I skipped the line." I giggled and turned my attention to the pretty women with ark sparkling eyes.

"Hi, miss! You're really pretty! I love your dress!" I told her, remembering my manners and hoping to make a good impression.

Theo chuckled happily as the women cooed and brought me into a hug. She was a good bit taller than me, basically towering over me in her high shoes and smiled.

"Thank you, darling." she said, voice laced with the same thick accent as Theo. "You're so sweet." she affectionately pinched my cheek between her manicured fingers, "and so beautiful! Is this the adorable girl that Jungkook terrified?" she turned to peek up at Theo as he playfully rolled his eyes and pecked her temple.

"Yes, amore. This is Solaris – my new friend!" he boasted proudly, big hand coming down to pat the top of my head. Theo's words made the women laugh happily and her pouty lips pull back in a wide smile.
"This is my wife, Arilie." Theo introduced with a proud smile as he brought the women to his side with a hand on her waist.

I basked in their affection and praise, not used to it, and giggled. "Oh! Are you the one who's gonna check my head, Miss. Arilie?" I asked, happily, neck craning to get a good look at the both of them.

Arilie and Theo shared a look, before Arilie turned towards me with soft eyes. "Of course, darling! Let's take her to the private room, yes?" she asked her husband, stepping forward to place her hands on my shoulders.
I tensed slightly at her hands before forcing myself to relax.

She wouldn't hurt me.

"Yes." Theo nodded, opening the door. "Come." he said, allowing Arilie to guide me inside. I winced at the loud music once the door shut behind Theo and walked hesitantly inside the club.

Soon, Arilie, Theo, and I stood in front of the private room, and I inwardly hoped I wouldn't get in trouble for being in this room like last time.

The couple ushered me inside the room and closed the door.
Peeking around the room, I relaxed once I found the room empty.
No scary Chairman Jeon in sight.

Darn it! I was so excited to see him!

A pout formed on my lips once I surveyed the room once more and found it empty — save for Arilie, Theo, and me.

"Okay, darling!" Arilie clapped her hands, bringing my attention to her. I looked up at her with big eyes and waited for her instructions.

The women smiled and secured her pretty hair back with a clip, "Just get settled on the sofa and it'll be done soon, okay? And then we can spend time together."

"Okay!" I smiled and bypassed the stage with the silver pole in the middle of it — and once again, I was lost on what it was for beside maybe climbing it for fun.

Setting my bag beside me, a grunt left my lips when I hopped up on the couch and wiggled my bottom until my back touched the cushion behind me.

"May I take my shoes off, Miss. Arilie? I don't want to spread dirt anywhere." I asked politely, twiddling my thumbs.

Arilie laughed sweetly and squeezed her smiling husband's bicep and came forward, taking off her own shoes.

"Of course! Do whatever makes you comfortable."

"Thank you!" I wiggled my loose shoes off and set them neatly on the ground before resuming my place on the comfy couch.
My tummy gurgled again, and I giggled out in embarrassment, hoping it wouldn't do it again.

I avoided Theo's amused eyes once Arilie pressed her gentle fingers against my tender head.

January 23rd, 2024
Charleston, SC


By this time, Miss Arilie had finished her inspection of my head, and even my knees. I was given a small magazine to read over happily as Theo and Arilie talked quietly in a corner.

Laying on my tummy, I cringed as it grumbled again — I was growing hungrier and hungrier as the minutes passed.

Whenever I got home, I should find another apple to eat like I did yesterday.

To my disappointment, Chairman Jeon hadn't come by yet — and by this time, I wondered if he was even here.
I hoped to see his pretty eyes before I had to go home.

"Are you hungry, little Tesoro?" Theo's voice roused me from my inner musings and reading. I peeked up at him when he raised his double pierced brow, urging me to answer.

"I..." my words were cut off by yet again another tummy rumble. I flushed bright red and avoided his eyes. "Maybe, Mister Theo." I whispered, ashamed.

"Good!" Arilie cut in, sending Theo a sharp look, "We were thinking of getting something to eat at the place down the road." She said, smoothing my hair away from my face with gentle hands. "We'll get you something. Is there anything you're allergic to?"

I felt shame wash through me. Although I was grateful for them wanting to buy me food, I wanted to have money to give them so I wouldn't feel like a freeloader.

Theo watched me closely from behind his wife, and took his phone from his pocket.

"Ummm...it's okay, Miss. I forgot to bring my money with me." I shook my head with a big smile, "I'll just get something to eat when I get home."

Arilie frowned softly and peered down at me, "That won't do! I'll feel terrible eating when you won't have anything — plus it's been a long time since Theo and I had dinner with someone! Won't you change your mind?" She asked nicely.

I looked at them both and felt my resolve crumble. "...okay, miss." I agreed hesitantly, matching her smile when she stood back on her feet and clapped her hands.

"Wonderful! Now, allergies?"

My bottom lip jutted out as I thought. "...umm...I'm allergic to strawberries, egg whites, and blueberries." I told her with a pouty lip.

"Do you want to come with us?" Arilie asked sweetly, slipping a trench coat over her pretty black dress.

Theo peered up from his phone with a grin, "I just let Gguk know that little Tesoro is here, and he'll soon be here."

I perked up instantly.

"Ohhh! Chairman Jeon is here, Mister Theo?" I couldn't let but squeal and giggle at the thought of him.

Arilie watched with an amused grin and nodded. "He has been here, darling. Theo and I just...forgot to tell him you arrived so we could spend time with you."

"Oh, okay!" I responded with a little grin, excited to see the Chairman once more.

"You want to wait for the Chairman, little Tesoro?" Theo asked, seemingly already knowing my answer. He snickered the moment I kicked my feet happily back and forth with a grin and a nod.

"If that's okay. I just hope he won't be upset with me being in this room again like last time..." I swallowed, feeling my throat clog. "He's really scary sometimes." I admitted in a whisper.

Arilie and Theo burst into laughter at my words and I brightened, happy that what I had said brought them happiness.

"Ah, he can be scary at times, darling. But I promise he won't be mad at you. Jungkook is quiet most of the time and very calm." She soothed my worries.

I relaxed instantly at her words and hoped for the best outcome.

"Okay, Miss. Arilie!" I waved as they said their goodbyes and rushed towards the door. "Goodbye, be safe!"

Once the door was closed, I hummed to myself and went back to reading the business section of my magazine.

Not much time had passed until the door handle rattled and opened.
Hearing this, I perked up and flipped onto a new page of the magazine and looked over my shoulder.

A loud gasp escaped my lips when Chairman Jeon's intimidatingly huge figure stalked inside the room, this time, dressed in a gray suit that clung to every curve and crevice of his god-like body.
Like the last time I saw him, his silver jewelry sparkled underneath the light, rings catching my attention, as well as the pretty tattoos on his knuckles.

The chairman's back was to me as he closed the door, before bringing a blinged out hand to his effortlessly styled black hair. His fingers combed through the shiny strands, making it even more pretty than it was before.

A squeak left my lips.


Joy like never before rushed through me as the man in question turned towards me, face blank, like before, but pretty eyes glittering and sparkling underneath the lights.

I wiggled off the sofa and scuttled towards him, and without wasting a second, I threw my little arms around his tiny waist and hugged him.

His body tensed in my hold once my cheek resting below his pec as I sweetly hugged him. Feeling his arms hover awkwardly above my body, I giggled and stepped back with a light flush.

"Did you have a good day, Mister? I hope so!" I prattled on and on, pouting my lips cutely up at his.

Amusement gleamed within his pretty eyes as he apprised me with a small quirk of his double pierced bottom lip and slightly nodded.

"I did, Solaris." He chuckled, his deep orotund voice sending pleasant shivers up and down my spine. "I hope you did as well."

"I did, Mister!" My neck craned up to keep looking at the handsome man, "I didn't have much to do today." I prattled on and on, now feeling relaxed and happy in his presence.

I could feel him watch him as I scurried towards the couch again and wiggled up on it.
I now faced him with an even bigger smile.

"Miss. Arilie checked over my head, too, Mister." I told him, watching happily as the big man took a seat in the armchair across from me.
I tugged the magazine on my lap again and look closely at the words, finger pressing on the sentence I left off on after finding it.

Chairman Jeon made a small noise in the back of his throat and ran his fingers along his sharp jawline as it rocked back and forth.

"Are we friends now, Mister?" I asked suddenly, peeking at his pretty eyes again as they watched me closely.

The chairman's brows furrowed and he looked at a loss for words. "...if you'd like. Why?"

"Oh," I shrugged and wiggled my toes happily with a smile, "if we're friends that means you won't grow angry with me and make me disappear to never be seen or heard of again! Friends don't do that to each other, you see?" I told him, feet kicking back and forth.

For a few moments, Chairman Jeon looked dumbstruck — tattooed hand coming up to cover and hide his mouth once the beginnings of a smile started to perk them up.

For a minute, I thought I had upset him. Starting to slowly curl into myself, my limbs relaxed once his soothing deep, throaty chuckle lit up the room.

It didn't take long until I was giggling nervously beside him.

Chairman Jeon tapped his hand along his thigh, a small smirk resting on his pretty lips, "I won't hurt you...or make you disappear, Solaris." 

"Promise?" My eyes grew big and sparkled happily as I beheld him. Wow!
This was easier than I had originally thought!
Thank you, dear lord!

Chairman Jeon released another chuckle and nodded. "You have my word." He conceded.

"Okay! Thank you, mister! It makes me worry less, you know?" I told him, going back to my magazine. "Plus, I like having friends and you seem nice..." I trailed off slightly, "but still scary."

"How so?" He questioned, dark brows arching slightly as he watched me squirm underneath his intimidating gaze. His tongue peeked out from beneath his lips and licked them slowly

Chairman Jeon's huge shoulders squared and relaxed with his breathing when he adjusted himself in the armchair.
I smacked my lips cutely, earning another gleam to show within his eyes.

"You look scary, Mister." I sweetly reminded him, toes wiggling in my socks. "You're really big and muscular and if you tried, I'd bet you could kill me deader than a door nail with a single blow to my head. When I first met you and saw those—" I pointed to the tattoos on his hand that spelled JEON, "I felt my life flash before my eyes!" I waved my arms through the air dramatically, with widened eyes, "so that's why I fainted. Thought it would be better for me to be unconscious if you murdered me and then threw my body in the ocean so I wouldn't have to remember the feeling of dying. It would be like I was simply falling asleep and never waking again."

"Hmm." Chairman Jeon only watched me in amusement after my little speech. The corners of his lips twitched to withhold the urge to smile.

"You don't talk much, do you, Mister Chairman?" I questioned happily, feeling like I was becoming better friends with this mysterious pretty eyed man.

"I do not." He cleared his throat, lips drawn into a thin line. Oops, did I push too far? Opening my mouth to apologize, I was cut off by his next sentence.
"But you like to speak, don't you Solaris?"

There was a hint of something in his usual deep blank of emotion voice. Something I couldn't place. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

"Yup!" I giggled happily, "I usually only have myself to talk to, Mister. So it's nice to speak to other people sometimes."

The Chairman's face twitched curiously, "What about your parents?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "My mama died when I was nine. And Father doesn't like to talk to me much, Mister." I said sadly, avoiding his eyes.

The Chairman hummed curiously again. "Did you ever go to school?"

I shook my head, "Nope — I wished I could've though! My mama homeschooled me before she passed away and went to heaven."

Chairman Jeon poked his tongue against his cheek and stared hard at the wall behind my head. "And what do you do everyday?"

Happy that my new friend wanted to get to know me more; I happily entertained his questions.

"Oh! Well, I get up, change, cook Father breakfast, and while he's eating I pack his lunch and I clean the rest of the day when he's gone!" I ticked off everything I did in a day, "and then when Father gets home, I make sure supper is cooked and then I clean up everything again and go to bed! Sometimes Father's friends come to dinner, too. I don't like them very much." I shivered at the remembrance of their unwanted touches on my body.

I blinked back unwanted tears and hoped I wouldn't look like a crybaby in front of him.

Chairman Jeon's eyes snapped to me in an instant, anger flashing within his eyes. Slowly I avoided his eyes and stared down at my lap shamefully.

I hope father won't hear of me speaking ill of his friends.

I heard the Chairman move from his seat and the sounds of him kneeling down on his knee in front of me made me look up into his eyes.
Slowly his hands, adorned with rings, cupped my face and looked closely into my eyes.

I was mesmerized. His perfectly sculpted face was so beautiful and effortlessly handsome so close to mine. I could see the scar on his cheek more clearly, as well as the double piercings in his lip, and the dark freckle underneath his pillowy bottom lip.

His eyes were thunderously dangerous looking as he saw the fear from the memories creeping back on me.

"Solaris?" I shivered yet again from hearing my name leave his lips. "Look at me."

My eyes lifted to his, unable to disobey his command — a light red hue lit up my cheeks due to his closeness, and my tummy and its incessant grumbling.

I blinked back tears and just stared back at him. The butterflies were crazy fluttering around in my tummy at the unknown feelings the man in front of me was able to arouse.

Chairman Jeon sighed and finally, his eyes softened just a little. The rings on his fingers were cool against my chubby red cheeks as I watched him with my jaw ajar.

"Come here," he murmured, suddenly my body of lifted with, shockingly, little effort, and I was tugged against his comforting, yet hard chest.
I sniffed and snuggled into his arms as he took a seat on the edge of the couch and perched my bottom on his knee.

Why was he doing this? I wondered this more than once, but being as affection seeking as I was, I wasn't going to argue. With him, it was like home, in a way. I wasn't scared of tomorrow, or of Father.

I was safe and protected as long as I was near him. He made all the hurt go away with a single warm hug.
He was the balm for my wounds.

"Shhhh." He tutted, patting my back in a way that reminded me of mother's burping their babies. I released a tearful giggle and inhaled his scent.

Ohhh! He smelled so good!

I wondered what body mist he used.

"You make the hurt go away, Mister." I began to feel sleepy minutes after he took me in his caring arms and let me clutch onto him like he was my anchor. "I like your hugs very much. Will you hug me more, Mister? Please?"

Chairman Jeon tensed slightly at my admission, but his soothing pats and rubs on my shoulders didn't let up — of anything, they became even softer. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as I sleepily played with his rings.

"If that's what you wish." His huge muscular chest rumbled against my cheek as he spoke gently.

"Thank you, Mister. I'm glad we're friends. You're a really good one."

Was it odd to confess I had a large amount of trust in him already?

I twiddled with the signet ring on his right pinkie finger and felt my eyes flutter closed.

"This..." I yawned, snuggling closer, "...is really pretty, too. Like your eyes."

I was too far gone in my sleepiness to detect his sharp intake of breath. 

author's note ;

hi! Sorry for the late chapter lol!
But I still hope you enjoy the new chapter and lemme know
what you think! ❤️✨

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