─ nepenthe ; jjk

Por LivelyPotter

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─ in which solaris celeste vesper, a sad girl with an unfortunate upbringing meets a man far old... Más

─ nepenthe ; synopsis
─ act one ; THE NEPENTHE
─ chapter one ; hiraeth
─ chapter two ; the chairman jeon
─ chapter three ; the return
─ chapter five ; friends?
─ chapter six ; bandaids
─ chapter seven ; you make the hurt go away
─ chapter eight ; the signet ring
─ chapter nine ; dum spiro spero
─ chapter ten ; my nepenthe
─ act two ; THE SUN
─ chapter eleven ; a new chapter awaits
─ chapter twelve ; a new home
─ chapter thirteen ; a force of nature
─ chapter fourteen ; mister jeon knows best
─ chapter fifteen ; can i stay with you?
─ chapter sixteen ; do i make you happy?
─ chapter seventeen ; on edge
─ chapter eighteen ; family is a choice
─ chapter nineteen ; my sun
─ chapter twenty ; his primal desire
─ act three ; THE FINAL CHAPTER
─ chapter twenty one ; i'm sorry rosy
─ chapter twenty two ; not a reverie
─ chapter twenty three ; saying goodbye
─ chapter twenty four ; heart calling to his
─ chapter twenty five ; courage of the soul

─ chapter four ; ataraxia

213 22 14
Por LivelyPotter


January 22nd, 2024
Charleston, SC

"Damn it, gguk." a deep voice filters inside my ears as awareness creeps upon me. "What the hell did you do?"

I felt a softness underneath my head and I unconsciously nuzzled my head into it. My body felt like it was laid on a soft surface.
What was happening?

"I scared the girl, okay?" a deep voice snarled back, "What else was I supposed to do when I found this little girl in my private room?"

"I don't know," a voice shot back sarcastically, "Maybe be calm and nicely ask her what she's doing in here. I mean, come now, gguk, she's a tiny thing – what harm could she cause?"

"You can never be too careful." the deeper, scarier voice spat back. "Don't question me, Theo."


My lips parted as the memories of tonight came flooding back.

Father calling. Ataraxia. Theo...and...and the Chairman finding me.

Bile rose in my throat and I nearly felt like passing out again.
Embarrassment flooded through my veins.

Oh goddess; what would Father think of me embarrassing not only me...but also damaging his image in front of Chairman Jeon? He is also known as his boss.

Oh God, please save my soul.

"Anyways, what were you doing in here? I thought you were in the other room with Mr. Caponeiv and his team?"

Chairman Jeon released a rough sigh, seemingly closer than expected to me. My fingers curled into my palms to ground myself.

How would I get out of here without being noticed?

I held perfectly still, holding my breath – listening closely to the Chairman's reply.

"Brittany came by."

"Called her didn't you?" Theo's accented voice rose an outcave in amusement.

A snort came out of the Chairman. "I'm going to be here longer than I'd like to. She offered. How could I refuse?"

Okay. It was time to 'wake up' now. Right?

Suddenly, a painful throbbing erupted at the back of my head, where I had hit it when I had taken a tumble off the soft couch. A loud whine of pain left my lips, and my tiny hand came out to grasp it.


I kept my eyes clenched shut to not only hide behind my eyelids but to also keep the throbbing at bay. Shuffling was heard and the sound of the door closing was heard and I relaxed.

"Hello, little tesoro." I heard Theo say and then a big hand placed itself on my forehead. My body unwound from its tight posture in happiness.

If he was here then the Chairman must have left! Sweet Jesus, thank you!
I'm not going to die today!

"Is your head paining badly? I can get you medicine," he asked kindly, helping me into a sitting position.

"N-no thank you, m-mister T-Theo." I stammered out in a rush, "d-did you find my Father?" I asked quietly, shoulders hunching.

My eyes were still closed as I cradled the back of my head.

"I did, little Tesoro. I gave him the money from your bag. He thinks you already went back home."

"Thank you. Is...is the s-scary man gone?" I whispered for clarification. Fear had the blood pumping through my veins rush at a faster rate.

I just wanted to go home and hold Mr. Carrots.

Theo let out a loud laugh, and I imagined his big shoulders shaking in the rhythm of his laughter. His hazel eyes sparkled in mirth as he beheld my trembling frame in front of his.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon, he had to step away from a moment."

Did he have to step away so his anger wouldn't get the best of him and he killed me? An audible gulp left me at the thought.

"Come, little tesoro, let's get you up on our feet." he smiled softly, grasping my hands in his and carefully helped me stand on my feet. The world spun for a split second, and I ground my stumbling feet to the floor.

"Thank y-you, Theo." I sent him a wobbly smile, finding my crocheted bag on the couch and slipping it across my body. My knees stung as they bent.

"C-can I go h-home now?" I asked, unable to look into his eyes without craning my neck back. At this gesture, a flash of the Chairman came to mind.

Goosebumps popped out upon my skin. He was even scarier and bigger than Theo was.

I'd do well to leave this place before he came back.

A look of hesitance crossed Theo's dark complexion; "You must wait a moment, tesoro. The Chairman may want to speak with you."

Paling, I stammered out a sentence.

"...w-why does h-he want to s-speak with me?" faintness passed through my body again.

The sound of the door opening had my feet stumbling forward to hide behind Theo's bulky body.
The man I was hiding behind chuckled after the door closed and made his entrance known.

"Where is she?" he said.

My little fingers grasped the back of Theo's shirt in fear, huddling closer to the man.

"All is well, little tesoro. No need to hide." Theo spoke deeply, "He will not harm you."

"How are y-you so s-sure, M-mister Theo?" my voice came out small and meek in the Chairman's presence. I couldn't see him, but I feel him.

He could be in a crowded room and everyone would stop. Because that was the effect he had on people.

I heard an unfamiliar sigh and stiffened.
I clenched the fabric of Theo's shirt tighter.

"Theo, Arilie needs you at the bar. Go help her." Chairman Jeon commanded, his orotund voice leaving no room to argue. In front of me, Theo said nothing, but I watched the back of his head move in a nod.

My pulse raced when Theo moved away, thus putting me right in front of the Chairman. Through my terror; I took the time to inspect the huge man in front of me.

As 'legend' goes; he was as intimidating as those women told me he was.

He towered over Theo by at least three inches. I would have had to put him at six foot four. His black suit and tie clung to every curve and crevice of his toned body to with every move of his arms – his biceps rippled underneath his jacket.

A tiny little gasp left my lips as my neck craned back to zero in on his face.

In short; his face was just perfectly breathtaking.
Stunning, gorgeous, handsome, too perfect to put in simple words also fit.

It was his eyes that drew me in.

Chairman Jeon's deep brown irises were strikingly beautiful, his eye shape was something between rounded and almond-shaped and they even sparkled. His pretty eyes captivated me at first glance. It was as if he had a special power that drew people into wanting to know about the hidden shadows within his eyes.

His skin was a beautiful shade of tan with honey undertones.

My eyes squinted just a bit to catch a scar on his cheek and the freckle beneath his chubby double pierced bottom lip.

The Chairman's sharp jawline rocked back and forth as he turned his head, pretty eyes watching Theo retreating back.

I also looked at his pretty black hair, brushing against the back of his neck. It looked fluffy and inviting — my fingers twitched to get rid of the urge to play with his hair.

The door closed with a resounding thud and I was left alone to face the man that stood merely feet away from me. My teeth came down and captured my bottom lip between my teeth and bit down – a sting of pain rolling down my neck at the sensation.

I didn't know what to do with myself.

My white shoes scuffed along with marble floor, head hanging low while watching them kick at nothing. Unknowingly, I had drawn his attention to my silent figure.

"Come here." he acknowledged me, pretty sparkly eyes finding mine. I screached his eyes for any emotion, yet I couldn't detect one.

I quivered in my shoes and aquiesced to his demand without a word leaving me. It wouldn't do me any good to fight against him – I knew I would lose. I shrunk underneath his notice and slowly moved to stand in front of him.

It was then I realized, with a flush, that if I were to stand by his side – I'd only reach his bicep. How embarrassing.

Chairman Jeon watched with scrutiny, "Your name is Solaris?" he asked, gigantic body relaxing just a bit. He shoved his tattooed hands in his pockets, hiding his tattoos from view.

I nodded meekly, staring up at him with fear and admiration. Wow!
He was terrifying, as expected, but I couldn't believe I was standing in front of him! He was basically a legend! World Famous and he said my name!
It felt prettier and most important coming from his lips.

He rose a brow, entirely unamused once I fought to swallow past the lump in my throat. "Are you going to speak?" he asked carefully, eyes glimmer just a bit more than before.

I flushed and tore my eyes away from his. "U-um...y-yes, sir." I simpered weakly, unable to look at the Chairman. I could only force myself to look at his shiny black shoes.

He was too appealing to look at.
Way too perfect for someone like me to be allowed to stare at him.

"...m-my name is Solaris Celeste Vesper." I continued, pride flaring up within my soul as I spoke my full name aloud. My name was the prettiest thing about me, I believed.

Chairman Jeon made a small noise in the back of his throat.

It was soft and somehow relaxed my tense body.

"And how old are you, Solaris?"

It was official.
No one had ever said my name the way he did.
It made me love it even more.

I gnawed on my bottom lip, "...I'm n-ninteen, sir." I stammered respectfully, bowing my head in a show of upmost politeness. If I wasn't on my best behavior...well, it was just be my last day on this earth.

"Hmmm." Chairman Jeon clicked his tongue. Too frightened to take a peek at his face, I admired his shoes and how the color of his suit complimented his skin.

"Take a seat and I'll get your knees patched up, yes?"

My tummy fluttered as I wordlessly nodded and took a seat on the sofa and wiggled my bottom to get further up on the seat, feet swaying back and forth as they hung inches above the ground. I hesitantly looked up and was fixated as the Chairman walked behind me, pulled up slightly on the fabric of his pants and knelt down infront of my sitting figure.

I watched him open a small box with a bright red cross on the front and adverted my eyes when he glanced up.

"This may sting a bit," he said, lips pressed in a thin line as he tore open a small square packet and withdrew a white wipe.

"O-okay." I grimced in discomfort as he pressed the little wipe on my skinned knee, thoroughly cleaning my knees.

I rubbed my lips together and allowed myself to stare at the top of his head once his face was pointed downwards, focused.

He didn't seem so scary now.
He was cleaning my wounds and being gentle, too. If he was helping me...well, he couldn't be too mean, right?

I was drawn to look at his hands once more.

His right hand had a plethora of pretty tattoos and I traced over every once of them with my eyes. My mouth formed a little O as I took in his pretty rings, they looked really expensive.
But my favorite one would have to be the simpler golden ring, the one on his pinkie finger – it was classy and elegant all the same – with a engraved J on the flat surface of the ring.

A signet ring — telling all who looked at it exactly who he was and where he had come from.

Out of all of them; it was the prettiest in my opinion.
Most of the time, the simpler things were the best.

My mouth opened and words came tumbling out before I could stop them.

"...y-you are scary...but not as s-scary as some p-people say, Mister." I uttered with a tiny flush as the q-tip swiping ointment along my knees stilled.

I paled, fearing that I had upset him, when he finally chuckled.

"Is that so?" he articulates, his perfectly chiseled face raising up to look at my pale face. I slumped back against the seat in relief when a small quirk lifted the side of his lips. Thank goodness he wasn't angry.

Chairman Jeon efficiently finished up cleaning my knees and placed pretty pink hello kitty bandaids on my knees that I giggled at.

I was beginning to relax around the man, enough to where I wasn't stammering my words in front of the man.

"Thank you, Mister!" I beamed up at him, wiggling my legs as I sat on the seat. My knees felt so much better after he doctored them and butterflies swarmed lowly in my tummy at his kind gesture.

"When is Mister Theo coming back?" I wondered, lips pouting out.

Chairman Jeon loosened his tie and blinked down at me, a light kindleding withing his eyes. "I have to go home soon, Mister. May I leave?" I admired his strong body as he took a seat across from me, and resting his ankle across his knee.

"Wait just a moment," he said, looking at my arms quickly, his glare sticking onto my upper arms. My eyes followed his and landed on the bruised skin. I covered my arms in shame and couldn't look at him in the eyes for a couple minutes.

His sharp jawline tightened when my hands covered what I could to shield the bruises from his sight. He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek, creating a bulb shape, and stared right into my eyes.

"I'll have Theo drop you off at home," he offered kindly, smiling gently at me – acting completely different to the man that I had met when he came into this room. My lips parted.

"...okay, Mister."

The Chairman nodded, face held in a blank expression, but eyes still kind. "Good." he remarked, taking his phone from his pocket. I watched him type something on his phone underneath my lashes, until he pocketed the sleek phone once more.

"Theo's waiting at the entrance." he passed on, running his fingers along his sharp jawline, his smokey sounding voice making me shudder.

"Thank you, Mister." I beamed and wiggled my bottom off the couch. I scurried across the room and opened the door.

I stopped myself before I closed the door. Remembering my manners, I poked my head back inside the door, and saw Chairman Jeon lick along his bottom lip, observing me in amusement.

"Bye, Mister! I hope you have a good night! And thank you!" I cheered, about to close the door – when I gasped once more. I poked my head back inside the room, "Oh – and I hope you sleep well! Goodnight!" I waved happily, feeling more at ease in the presence of Chairman Jeon.

The last thing I heard before closing the door, was his throaty chuckle.

author's note ;

Solaris is so cute 😭😭🥹
I love her so much ❤️✨
I've had this chapter completed for a day and a half
and I'm sorry I'm just now getting to post it!
( tumblr currently has my attention )
As always, thank you so much for reading and enjoy!

Their height difference >>>>>> 😩😩😩😩
I LIVE for height differences

ME ^^^^ 😭😭😭🥲

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