Yours Sincerely, Harry

By larryndonuts

10.4K 172 88

The new nerdy boy, Harry Styles has recently joined Doncaster Comprehensive. He ends up falling for the most... More

Cherry Pie
I Know Your Secret
Can You Keep A Secret?
Triple Threat
Settle Down
The Dark Ages
Time To Get Real
Baby Lydia
Mr & Mrs
Yours Sincerely, Harry.

What's A Posh Git Like You Doing Here?

1.6K 29 30
By larryndonuts

Hiii! So this is my first ever fan fiction omg here we go! Just to say, I'm only 15-years-old so if there's any spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes then I apologise oh and if you enjoy it please tell me, much good comments would be appreciated thanks :) Enjoy x 

The amount of nerves fuelling Harry at this point was mad. He knew it was coming, ever since Anne got a promotion at work it has been non stop packing and planning from day one. Sure, the move to Doncaster was going to be hard; he expected considering all his friends are way back in Holmes Chapel which is at least an hour train ride back, ugh. The fact of the matter is, he'd just have to stuck it up until college and he did not plan to stay on till Doncaster Sixth Form.

Harry was a nerd. A complete and utter nerd. He had a tumblr blog completely dedicated to 'The Avengers' with comic books taking up half of the moving van. He wore baggy jumpers and had long wavy hair that he scraped back so his forehead was showing loud and proud. I guess you could say he was the cross breed between a nerd and a hipster. Nerdster? Hiperd? God knows.

First day at a new school, time to make an impression. That's what Harry kept constantly repeating over and over in his head like a record stuck on repeat. It was the perfect chance to reinvent himself. To make himself 'cool' and 'relevant' and not the indie music obsessed snotty nosed boy that made no significant impression at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive. But, his in Year 11 almost one year to go and he can finally be on tumblr all day, everyday, who wouldn't love it?

There was absolutely nothing extraordinary about Harry. He was just... Harry. Plain, boring, English, Harry. If he was an ice-cream flavour he'd be vanilla, for having no originality or taste what-so-ever. There was only one thing different about young Harry Styles. He was gay. He knew since the day he wasn't interested in Vanessa Hudgens in High School Musical, but was more interested in what Zac Efron had to offer under his wildcat's basketball uniform. This mere fact didn't change Harry dramatically, it didn't change his outlook on life, it's just something to add to the pot of 'Harry Facts'. The truth is Harry never actually has had a crush on a guy before. Never had sex. Never thought about it. Never even been kissed. His just waiting for that special guy to be his 'first' I guess but, right now his focusing on his GCSE's, which happen to be English, Maths, Science, History and Food for some odd reason? Harry made an awesome apple crumble in year seven an that kind of spurred on his interest I guess.

The gates were big. That was his first though, the gates were big. It was 11:15am and it had already been two hours into school time. Shit. His late, on his first day. How more stupid can you get? The loud piercing ring of the bell was sending shockwaves through Harry's body, the decibels so annoying, the bell at Holmes Chapel was nothing like this, Jesus what are they trying to do? Deafen me to death? For gods sake. Harry walked through nervously through the gates and filed himself into the reception. There was a woman sitting behind the desk with mountains of paper covering her whole desk. She was on the phone. Not wanting to be rude, Harry just waited. And waited. And waited until a whole ten minutes passed and she was finally free to talk.

"Hi, um, I'm a new student here today I was just wondering do I sign here?" Harry said almost shakily clearing his throat.

"Yes darling it is, may I get your name?" the bubbly receptionist replied.

"It's Harry. Harry Styles" he said really unsure of what his name was for a second there.

Almost suddenly, she got up out of her chair and went to the back room to find a folder. The folder had in big black letters HARRY STYLES. The folder was new but yet filled already. She took out two pieces of paper. Handing him one piece of paper she said;

"This is your form that your mum filled in, if you could just sign there that would be great" Harry signed in a shaky fashion "Thanks, and this is your timetable, your first lesson is History and that's in the back building on Floor 2, okay have a nice day!" She quickly ushered Harry out the door.

Suddenly, he was alone. Confused. Nervous. But, the timetable seemed pretty easy to understand. Okay, Monday? Yep. 11:15 - 1:15, History with Mr Gershwin. B2, must be building number two and room.... 2.3. Okay easy enough. Surely Harry could do the simple task of entering his lesson not looking like a twat? Surely it could be possible.

The walk seemed like forever, a hike. After many long strides and casual breaks and steep stairs he came face-to-face with Room 2.3. This is where he'll meet his classmates for the year. This is where they'll judge him on his hipster jumper and tacky converse. This is where it could make or break for young Harry Styles. With one big, deep breath he knocked a beat that seemed to oddly match his heartbeat hm, strange. He enters the room and doesn't even look at the thirty pairs of eyes piercing on his every move. He just looks at Mr Gershwin. The first thing he notices, is grey hair, nice. Tall man, head touching the ceiling, ouch. Glasses okay his starting emulate the Doc from Back To The Future, what are they learning? Glance at the whiteboard. Medicine Through Time? Harry knows that unit like the back of his hand. With a massive conversation with Mr Gershwin over his placed onto a seat next to some blonde dude with good teeth. He must be Irish, Harry thought.

Harry slowly scanned the room and saw that everyone looked pretty much more up-to-date than him. With their trendy Timberlands and Vans, they look way better than 'Harry The Tramp' which is probably what they'll call him by tomorrow. The hour passed. Harry learned shitloads. He learned that the boy next to him, Niall, is Irish and had a thick Irish accent. The girl in front of him called Eleanor is the most popular girl in the year and is apparently one half of the school's power couple. The Asian boy diagonal from him called Zayn smokes. Enough said. And that Mr Gershwin has dementia and forgets everyone's name. That probably explains why he kept calling Niall, Nathan.

It was break and Niall invited Harry to come sit with him and his friend Liam, who were both really cool. Liam was into video games which is automatically best friend material in his book. It wasn't until Niall was showing Harry how to open his locker when the doors slammed open and the crowd walked through the corridor and by crowd I mean, the 'popular'. You could tell by all the girls around them dressed in slutty cheerleader outfits whilst the lads (one of them was Zayn) were all in either football kit or punk clothes. At the very front was Eleanor clinging onto the arm of some boy. Harry didn't bother examining the boy at the front, he probably won't end up being his friend anyway.

The bell rang again and looking on his timetable Harry noticed it was Food up next, Harry's favourite. Walking in and looking at the seating plan he was placed next to some boy called Louis. Whoever that is. Then he realised. Louis walked in fixing his hair and straightening out his polo when he sat down next to Harry. Harry got a better look. Louis' eyes were a sea blue and he had a pixie nose with upper pouted lips. He had eye crinkles and his Ralph Lauren Polo toned every torso muscle he had. Harry thought he was fit. Like really fit. He wasn't realising he was staring until Louis said something.

"Hello?" Louis repeated himself

"Oh god, Hi um yeah hi" Harry mumbled

"I'm Louis, your new here yeah?"

"I am, I've moved from Cheshire"

"Cheshire? Well then. What's a posh git like you doing round here?"


Luckily, the teacher interrupted their little introduction. Harry found Louis rude and found his snarky comments and smug little grin on his arsehole face quite annoying and Harry was determined to let out his sassy beast and let him know. By doing a cheeky eye roll. Louis gave a glance back. A glance that said a thousand words, basically he looked at Harry probably thinking at this point "What the fuck is this kids problem?".

They were set with a task to weight out ingredients for the pie there making next week. Harry was just about to weight out how much flour he needed before he realised Louis was using there scales, weighing HIS flour before Harry's. Louis saw the annoyance on Harry's face and gave him a cheeky smirk. Harry thought he was cute at least, when you get passed the arsehole personality. Harry saw Louis was hogging the whisk as well so Harry went behind Louis to get it. When Harry was on the move he felt a sharp snap in his left butt cheek. Unless he has arthritis in his butt, Louis pinched his bum. Why did he pinch his bum? Why did he feel the need to? Harry was both dazed and confused.

RING RING. The class is over, thank god. Harry quickly filed out in the hope to get away from Louis who was obviously horny and obviously frustrated. Harry sat with Niall and Liam again for lunch and they ate and talked about Marvel and video games and it was great. There was only one thing annoying Harry, from the corner of his eye he could see a pair of eyes watching him, examining him. It came from the bustling huddle of students in the middle of the canteen, it was Louis. What is Louis' deal with Harry? Does he know that his gay? Has he found his tumblr blog? Actually, Harry wouldn't know what to do at all if Louis knew. The bell rang again and it was English. English went quick like real quick. Before he knew it, Harry was on route to his new house.

He liked his new house. For starters he had his own room and didn't have to share with his pain of a sister, Gemma. He can also fit a mini fridge in his room and his new shiny iMac for bigger more definition of the beauty of his tumblr blog which is old PC didn't show at all. Harry was lost in all thoughts but was rudely interrupted when he heard giggling. Glancing behind him he saw both Zayn and Louis smoking a cigarette, oddly this made Harry uncomfortable. He then heard an exchange of goodbyes and Zayn was gone turning into an alleyway probably on the way to his house or to deal drugs or whatever. Louis was now on his own and Harry had no interest in talking to him but, Louis had lots of interest in the new boy.

Louis quickly joined him and smacked his bum when doing it. It began tipping it down and Louis was prepared. He got his tartan umbrella out of his bag which shielded both him and Harry. It was awkward at first, both not sure what to say and then began the exchange of awkward looks that to Harry, were oddly endearing. But Harry shouldn't be having these thoughts, he was with Eleanor, and the fact they have lasted three years already must mean there solid. Harry was about too take a different route to avoid the awkwardness but Louis dramatically spoke.

"So, you don't know anyone?" Louis asked with a smirk on his face.

"Nah just Niall and Liam really"

"Ah, I see. Niall Horan. His got good street cred just for being Irish and is reportedly talking to Amy Green but, I honestly don't think that's true."

"Niall was really nice to me on my first day, he was surprised by all the facts I know about Medicine Through Time"

"Your good at History? What grade?" Louis was intrigued in Harry's knowledge

"I'm an A to A*"

"Whoa. Your like proper clever. I'm jealous man, I wish I was as smart and attractive as you are" Louis made a crack and Harry found it funny. Laughing began. "I'm like an E and maybe if I'm lucky, a D" Louis began to explain with despair on his face.

Harry then began to get an idea. Should he say it? No. Does he want to say it? Definitely.

"I could tutor you. You know, that is if you want me to, I don't want to invade or whatever"

"Um, yeah that'd be great thanks, mine after school on Friday? I can give you a lift"

"Yeah sure"

"Okay then, it's on. See ya later sexy" With one cheeky wink and grin, Louis pecked Harry's cheek and began to walk down the connecting street.

It was happening. Harry was starting to fall for Louis. AND HARD.

So yeah. That was the first chapter. I really couldn't care less if you hated it or if you thought it's moving too fast, I didn't want it to be a fic that moved to slow cause those are the worst lets me real. This is also on Archiveofourown so if you would prefer reading it on there then that would be cool yeah. Thanks for reading, enjoy Chapter 2 xx

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