Experiment Gambit (Abused Exp...

By GranytKaiser99

3K 67 13

I own nothing RWBY related. A boy born to an unloving family, thought to be a legend in his small village of... More

Chapter 1: Experiment Gambit
Chapter 3: Beacon
Chapter 4: Initiation
Chapter 5: Hatred
Chapter 6: Superior Leader
Chapter 7: Rest and Secrets
Chapter 8: Bullies 'n' Blackouts
Chapter 9: The Docks
Chapter 10: The Break (F)
Chapter 11: Investigation

Chapter 2: Vale

344 9 0
By GranytKaiser99


I woke up in a daze. I felt a warmth on my back, as I came to. I had to wrench my eyes open, the sleepiness still trying to take me back to unconsciousness. I tried to move but felt a pair of arms pull me slightly closer. I looked behind myself as much as I could and saw Blake snuggled against me, still fast asleep. I moved a bit more and she stirred. It was a few moments before she blinked her eyes and looked at me. A huge blush reached her face and shot out of bed, apologizing.

"I'm so so sorry!!" She stammered. "I thought- I- I can't-"

I held up a hand and shushed her.

"It's fine, it was a mistake." I said. She calmed down and nodded, her blush still on her face. I grabbed the blanket from the top of the bed and wrapped myself in it, tying it as best I could to look like a toga. It somewhat worked. By now, Blake's blush was gone and she nodded at me as I finished. "You ready?" I asked.

"As ready as I can be." Blake responded. "Look Y/N I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do that, I was just having a dream and-"

"It's fine Blake, honestly." I said. She nodded in response and checked her weapon. She led the way as we left the dank basement. We saw the main part of the cabin was overturned. Blankets thrown around, glass broken, and furniture destroyed. Adam did a number on the small building. I felt a small bit of fear rise from Blake as we moved forward. We exited the building, the sun barely rising over behind us. Early spring started, making the morning very cold. I shivered under my toga as we moved through the forest of Forever Fall.

A full day of travel, nothing much happened, we checked over our shoulders every once in a while, stopped for a small bit of time, and continued on. We caught a small glimpse of Beacon at the top of a hill, but we quickly moved past on, not able to take in any details. Finally we reached Vale a few hours before sunset.

"Stay here, I can do our plan, okay?" Blake asked. I nodded, stepped off the road and into a bush as Blake moved towards the city gates.

The gates were massive, had to be at least fifty, maybe seventy feet high, and I have no idea how thick. I sat there for a while, waiting. I pulled grass out of the ground, threw it in the breeze, watched bugs pass by, and watched the town guard outside of the city gates yawn, almost fall asleep, and play rock, paper, scissors. The sun was setting and I was enjoying the purples and oranges the shot over the wall as I saw Blake approach where we were previously standing. I stood up and walked over to her. She held a bag in her hand, which I only assumed were clothes.

"Here, try these on." Blake said, looking around a little warily. I grabbed the bag, moved behind the bush, and threw my blanket onto the ground. I put on a simple pair of underwear, socks, jeans, combat boots, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket. I stretched in the clothes, trying to break them in a bit, and smiled. I moved towards Blake and saw the inspiration.

"I look like-" I was cut off before I could speaks.

"Me, I know." Blake said, blushing. "I'm not super fashionable. Come on, we have to hurry. I missed my appointment with Professor Ozpin and he just messaged me and told me he's at the police precinct."

"Alright, let's go then. Lead the way." I said, putting my hand out in front of me. I followed Blake as we moved towards the gates. The guards put their hands up and waved us forward.

"Where ya from?" The guards asked.

"My friend and I are from Mistral." Blake lied.

"And why didn't your friend just enter with you before?" The guard asked, looking us over a bit.

"We were attacked by Grimm, I was able to defend us from them, but.. he lost his clothes. I needed to get him more before entering, you know how it is." Blake tried to plea with the guards, still lying.

"Hmm..." The guards looked us both over. "Seems legit." The guard nodded and pressed a button on his helmet. "They're clear. Open up." The gates opened and we entered. Soon after, the gates closed and we walked through. The walls were very thick, at least thirty feet to get through. The thick walls echoed around us as we entered the Vale overlook. The outcropping overlooked the city, showing the main highway that ripped through the city. Beacon shined on the left, and the port was filled with shipping containers. The district's shone with light and I couldn't help but smile.

"What's up?" Blake asked.

"First time I've ever been to the city." I said. "Just had to take it all in." Blake smirked a little bit and we moved into forward. The rest of the walk was a little bit of a blur, so many lights and cars passed us as we walked. The city seemed to come alive at night, people tried to pull us into alley ways and gambling dens, but I stuck close to Blake. Eventually we arrived at the police precinct. We started walking up the steps, and saw a black haired girl with red tips walk by. She seemed extremely content, and in her own little world. Blake moved into the building and we saw someone stand up when we entered.

An older woman, blonde hair in a bun, a curl on the right side of her face, green eyes, and glasses. She had a fairly large bust in a white shirt and wore a black skirt with leggings under it. She had a small cape that looked like arrows instead of tatters. She held a scroll pad and a riding crop.

"Good evening Miss Belladonna. I am Professor Goodwitch. Professor Ozpin is waiting for you in the other-" Goodwitch was cut off as what I assumed Professor Ozpin exited the interrogation room.

"Ah, miss Belladonna." He spoke. I looked him up and down and saw he was wearing a black suit, with a green vest with silver buttons, a green scarf with a silver cross brooch with a sapphire in  the center, and a cane. He had a cup of coffee in his hand. Gray hair and green eyes accented his outfit, and a slightly hawkish face. "You brought a friend?"

"I'm sorry Professor." I began. "We met in Forever Fall and just kind of stuck together. I have no where else to really go so.." I ended my sentence awkwardly. I didn't really know what to say, this man's aura was intimidating. Everyone usually has a small amount of fear, panic, anxiety, or some variety of negative feeling emanating from them at all times, at least from what I've noticed while walking through Vale. This man had none.

"Ah, no matter." Ozpin said, a warm smile lighting his face. "Miss Belladonna, if you'll follow me, Glynda, please wait out here with the boy." Blake moved forward and walked to the back room with Blake. The now revealed Glynda and I stood there awkwardly. I rolled back and forth on my feet a bit awkwardly, looking around. Glynda tapped her data pad, seemingly not paying attention.

"Sooo.." I tried to break the awkward air in the room. Glynda looked up from her data pad and towards me with a raised eyebrow. I hadn't had much experience talking to people from the city, the only thing I knew was stuff I picked up from movies. Being a mostly sheltered and abused kid will do that to you. I decided to start with a line I'd seen from a movie. "Come here often?"

Glynda looked taken aback. Her face went slightly red and she pushed her glasses up further onto her face. "Young man! Flirting with a woman much older than you?!"

"F-flirting?!" I asked, astounded. Heat rose to my face as I felt myself blush and I panicked. "N-no that's not- I mean, I- Uh.. I don't think you look that much older than me?" I stammered, raising my hands and shrugging my shoulders. Glynda blushed madly as she stared at me in shock. I mentally facepalmed as I realized I was off to a horrible start.

"Young man, I'll have you know I am a well respected teacher and huntress. You may not be from Vale, but you will certainly treat me with respect and not flirting with a woman much too old for you." Glynda spoke.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I explained. "I don't know how to talk to city people I grew up in a small village outside of Vale. I barely knew how to talk to women there you think I know how to-"

We both stopped talking as the doors swung open and Blake and Ozpin stepped out.

"I am excited to see you at Beacon, Blake. Let's hope you pass the entrance exam. It should be fairly easy for someone with the experience you have." Ozpin spoke.

"Yeah.." Blake trailed off awkwardly. The two of them stopped in the main room looking at Glynda and I, both blushing. Glynda refusing to look at me.

"Don't ask." Glynda said. "Can we-"

"No, I want a word with the young friend of Blake's." Ozpin said, holding a hand up to Glynda as she walked towards him. Glynda was taken aback as was I.

"M-me?" I asked.

"Yes. Someone who traveled with such a skilled warrior must be well suited for combat, and I can't exactly turn away young talent that comes right to my proverbial door step, now can I?" Ozpin explained. "My dear boy, would you care if you and I had a talk?"

"Not at all." I said simply, a bit intimidated.

"Good. Come now, with me." Ozpin said. I followed him. He led me to an interrogation room. An empty plate with crumbs on it sat on the table, and a single light illuminated it. I made my way around the table and sat down. Ozpin sat down across from me. Silence ensued between us as Ozpin stared at me, his glasses glazed over from the reflection of the light in front of him, his expression unreadable.

"Have you ever considered being a Hunstman before?" Ozpin asked, breaking the silence.

"All the time." I responded. "But, I doubt I can achieve that. I'm scrawny, weak, and have no training."

"We can accommodate that." Ozpin started. "Beacon is the world's most prestigious school for officially licensed Huntresses and Hunters. Thousands beg to go to my school, and I must sift through all the paperwork and accept only the best of the best. Tiring work, really. But training does not stop when you come to my school, in fact, it is only the beginning. I have accepted many people like you before, weak of body, but strong of mind and heart. They have made themselves stick out amongst their peers, and some have even made it to the Hall of Heroes in the academy. So, I have a proposal; would you be interested in coming to Beacon Academy to learn with the rest, start your life fresh, and become a hero of legend?"

"Anyone who wouldn't would be a chump. What's the catch?" I asked.

"There is no catch. I am interested in the protection of Remnant, and people like you, who have troubled pasts, usually end up being the best heroes amongst the rest." Ozpin smiled at me. It felt genuine, but a hidden knowledge was behind it.

"How do you know about my past?" I asked.

"Blake told me a bit. About your home before, and the bandit troubles. About how you only just managed to escape them alive, along with her help of course." Ozpin said. "Y/N, I think you would prove a valuable asset to the world."

"Then I'm for sure in." I said, smiling.

"Good. See you in two weeks for initiation." Ozpin said. We both stood up, and Ozpin held his hand out. I grabbed it, and shook it.

•••••[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ozpin and Chibi Y/N having a stare down]•••••

[Ozpin POV]

Glynda and I had arrived back in the CCT at Beacon. The gears clanked familiarly as I overlooked Vale. It was just past midnight. A long and eventful night had final leg wrapped up.

"So, we have Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Weiss Schnee, and two late additions, Ruby Rose and Y/N L/N interviewed today. Hundreds more to come in the next few weeks." Glynda said. A bit of silence occurred then she burst out with a question. "How you of all people found the missing cold case of the past five years beats me, but.. should we not let his parents know?"

"No." I spoke simply. "Y/N is the adopted son of the notorious mobster Drei Longlance. Qrow apprehended the bandits who sacked the village of Kirin, Y/N's hometown long ago, on my orders. The bandits had already sold Y/N off, but they revealed they had been paid by Longlance himself to be rid of the boy."

"Atrocious." Glynda said. "If I had known that I-"

"That's not the only thing, Glynda." I cut her off. "I sensed Salem within that boy. A fraction of her power. Salems powerful magic pulses stopped a while ago, but started back up this evening. But now there's a faint heartbeat of magic, sort of like a corrupted maiden within that boy."

"Professor, if he's one of Salem's spies, he can't stay here! He could end up hurting one of the students!"

"I don't think he will, Glynda." I sighed and turned to face her. She was standing next to my desk, a bit of fear across her face, hidden by anger. "We must keep an eye on him, if he is indeed one of her's." I approached the teacher and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What's better, that we let him loose to hurt people on behalf of Salem, or keep an eye on him, to contain and counter spy?"

Glynda sighed and closed her eyes. "You're right." Glynda moved towards the elevator as I turned back to face out the window. "If anything happens to any student because of him-"

"It will be on my head." I finished her sentence for her. "Goodnight, Miss Goodwitch." I heard the elevator slide closed, and hum softly as it left my office floor. I sighed and squinted slightly towards the city. "You are a very interesting specimen, Y/N. I only hope I'm making the right decision here." I spoke my thoughts out loud.

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