The Madness of Vultures

By DareTooDefyyyy

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The Hunger Games has entered the 4th Quarter Quell. It is time for Lucas Sinclair to become a Mentor due to h... More

Trailer - Sneak Peak
Prologue: The New President of Panem
Chapter 1: The Game Reaper
Chapter 2: Celebrations and Surprises
Chapter 3: Mentoring Assignment
Chapter 4: Reaping Day
Chapter 5: Meeting The Tributes
Chapter 6: Welcome to the Capitol
Chapter 7: The Tribute Parade
Chapter 8: May the Odds be Ever in your Favor
Chapter 9: Deals
Chapter 10: Training Sessions
Chapter 11: Scorings
Chapter 12: Practical Advice
Chapter 13: Interviews
Chapter 14: Let the Games Begin!
Chapter 15: MadWheeler Madness! #1
Chapter 16: MadWheeler Madness! #2
Chapter 17: MadWheeler Madness! #3
Chapter 18: MadWheeler Madness! #4
Chapter 19: MadWheeler Madness! #5
Chapter 20: MadWheeler Madness! #6
Chapter 21: MadWheeler Madness! #7
Chapter 22: MadWheeler Madness! #8
Chapter 23: MadWheeler Madness! #9
Chapter 24: MadWheeler Madness! #10
Chapter 25: We're Victors Now, Bitch
Chapter 26: Victors Village
Chapter 27: Settling in
Chapter 28: Victors Celebration Party
Chapter 29: Victors Celebration Party #2
Chapter 30: Victor and Mentor Interviews
Chapter 31: Explanations
Chapter 32: Assistance Required
Chapter 33: Achieving Things
Chapter 34: Victor Tour
Chapter 35: Numbing Feelings
Chapter 36: University of Conversations
Chapter 37: Trying New Things
Chapter 38: MadWheeler Reeling
Chapter 39: Performer of Panem
Chapter 40: Making Moves
Chapter 41: Maddening Feelings
Chapter 42: The Day After
Chapter 43: Decisions Decisions
Chapter 44: Soft Touches
Chapter 45: Interventions
Chapter 46: Rough Touches
Chapter 47: Figuring it Out
Chapter 48: Giving out Ideas
Chapter 49: Playing With Fire
Chapter 50: Taking A Stand
Chapter 51: Welcome to the Rebellion
Chapter 52: Madness of Rebellion! #1
Chapter 53: Madness of Rebellion! #2
Chapter 54: Madness of Rebellion! #3
Chapter 55: Madness of Rebellion! #4
Chapter 56: Madness of Rebellion! #5
Chapter 57: Madness of Rebellion! #6
Chapter 58: Admitting Vulnerability
Chapter 59: The Grand Headmaster of Panem
Chapter 60: Saddened Conversations
Chapter 61: Harsh Realizations
Chapter 62: Let's Give A Reality Check
Chapter 63: Bonding Together
Chapter 64: The Funeral
Chapter 65: Discussing Decisions
Chapter 66: The New LawBook
Chapter 68: Welcoming Names
Chapter 69: Events of Remembrance
Chapter 70: Knights in Shining Amour
Epilogue: Welcome to New Panem!
Authors Note

Chapter 67: Smooth Tides?

182 14 23
By DareTooDefyyyy

Summary: Chapter takes place 7 months later. The body of the Capitol discusses a nagging topic with Eleven and Lucas that the Capitol has been complaining about.


Seven months

Seven long and busy months.

But Lucas cannot complain though, him and Eleven both cannot complain. It has been some busy months but it has also been tremendous progress made.

More respect has been given to Eleven and definitely much praise because of her assisting with her powers when it comes to the building projects within the Districts. She assisted with making already hundreds of houses, District 12 being especially grateful that they finally have a living space that is not dirty and in poverty, and that the District is no longer starving as well.

It makes her enjoy her work more, her knowing that she is making a difference for people. She mostly participates with building projects and of course attending different monthly and mandatory meetings along with Lucas, but Lucas mostly dealing with the meetings and the statistics of things. She has assisted with the new Panem statue that she helped the construction team make in each District in the middle of the Districts. A pot of land is around the statue's as well as benches that way people can enjoy a lunch or just sit and admire the New Panem.

Lucas has enjoyed the progress they have made. It took a little time but for the past few months there has been no complaints when it comes to the Districts based on the Mayor's reports. The Memorial Center for the fallen tributes has already been built up, Max assisting with supplying the building with flowers, them just waiting on Dustin and Suzie and their team to get done with finding all of the names of the tributes.

And of course more important jobs being given to women, things being more equal for them. There now being women soldiers within Peacekeeper's and women in strong influential positions now. And of course women, men and children occasionally come forward to let their mayors know of any abusers or rapists or prosecutors that they have seen or know that way they can be rightfully punished.

Basically, ever since their rule and ever since they have changed the LawBook of Panem things have changed for the complete better.

But that doesn't stop some things that happen.

Rather....nagging things, one of the nagging things that Lucas and Eleven have grown to not look forward to.

The monthly body meetings.

Every month Lucas and Eleven gather with the Mayors of the Districts and the body of the Capitol to discuss the suggestions and the feedback the Capitol and the Districts are giving to be sure if they need to make any room for improvement with things.

But it has mostly been the body of the Capitol nagging about one particular thing.

"Okay." Eleven starts, her hair being in a low ponytail, her being in a white blouse and black pencil skirt with white heels on, her and Lucas being seated beside each other at the large oval table. They sit at the end seats while the body of the Capitol...consisting of seven members sitting at the left side of the oval table while all thirteen Mayors of the Districts sit at the right side, District 13 now being included within the New Panem.

Lucas slowly looks down at his small screen on his Holographic watch device, him going to send Sue a message while Eleven talks, him being in his normal attire of a suit and vest, the sleeves to his shirt being rolled up.

Lucas: How is Max doing, mom?

Mom: She's doing good, she's sleeping now.

Lucas is glad that Max has been getting closer to his family. Now she feels comfortable talking with them, especially with Erica. Lucas and Max are married, them deciding they wanted to do a intimate wedding with just close ones invited only, Max not wanting a big wedding, and that is exactly what Lucas gave to her, them getting married a few weeks after he proposed to her.

Since then Max has been talking more with Sue Charles and Erica, her now feeling comfortable to go and spend time with them on her own while Lucas is working. At first she would need Lucas there with her because of her shyness and guarded personality, but since she has grown to trust them and grow closer to them she now feels comfortable to be alone with them.

"So as every monthly body meeting suggests we are here to hear the feedback and suggestions or just kudos of what the Districts and Capitol are saying." Eleven says. " all can start first."

"Well District 1 is especially excited about the Memorial Center. They cannot wait to see it." Victor says.

"Oh yes and speaking of which...." Dustin starts with a big smile.

Lucas smiles more while placing down his thermal bottle holding his fruit and mint water. "Did you and the team get all of the names?"

"We sure did." Dustin smiles more making all of them cheer and clap. "I let the construction team know and they are now working on getting all of the names by each name plate and section. They said estimated time of completion should be in a few weeks since six teams are on it."

"Amazing! That definitely deserves another round of applause." Lucas smiles as he claps, all of them going to clap. "Alright what else?"

"Well I can definitely say that District 7 is loving the kid games and Holographic Games that District 3 has been making." The District 7 Victor says. "Says it keeps their children entertained."

"Okay that's good. What about the Portable watch devices are those working well for businesses quickly communicating with clients and others?" Eleven asks.

"Oh yes very much so." The Victor from 9 says.

"Yes definitely agree."


"I just have one little suggestion or request it really is." The Mayor from 13 says. "Since we had to do a lot of our building surface projects during the cold season my people have a lot of colds and such. Is it okay if some more medicine supplies from 12 can be made and sent over to us? There are a lot more colds and fevers because of the projects."

"Absolutely." Lucas nods his head. "I will send out suppliers to stock you guys up."

"Thank you so much sir."

"No problem." Lucas responds. "Anything else you guys?"

"Just really compliments now." Sean shrugs. "People are just loving their new peaceful lives."

"Yeah no more starving. No more freezing during the winter or passing out during the summer from dreadful heat." The victor from 12 says.

"No more fights, war." The victor from 5 says. "People are just enjoying themselves. And they all thank you both for it."

Eleven and Lucas both smile at one another. "We're happy that we are making a difference."

" the Body of the Capitol..." Lucas turns over to them, Victor and Sean immediately rolling their eyes while leaning back, the other Victors lightly glancing around at each other with dreadful expressions on their faces, Eleven releasing a little quiet sigh to herself.

"Only what we have been saying for the past few months, sir." They start.


Here it is.

"Sir, Ma'am. The Capitol wants soul shaking entertainment just as the Hunger Games were—"

"Again the Hunger Games may have been entertainment for them but for the tributes it was nothing but trauma and pain for them." Eleven interrupts.

"I understand, we are not asking for the Hunger Games to be brought back, we know that is against the LawBook." One of them state. "All we are asking for is something like it. Something annual just as the Hunger Games was to where the sponsors can make bets as before, provide sponsorship as before and come out and see the contestants as before—"

"So you all are basically asking for another Hunger Games." Sean states.

"You know throughout this whole body of Panem or family...." Victor motions. "You guys are like the spoiled rich kids."

"Victor!" Eleven scolds.

"I mean come on it is finally peace! Be happy with that!" Victor states.

"We are only stating the suggestions and wants that the Capitol citizens have! That is our job!"

"Okay stop it!" Lucas holds out his hands. "Look I understand. You all have been telling us that for the past....six months really but as I said this isn't a high priority issue. We have more projects that we need to attend to so just let them know again that their suggestion is still being considered and looked over."

"Yeah that's the thing sir they are growing tired of that response." One of them say.

"Of course." Sean murmurs.

"Have they heard of a little something called waiting?" Will asks. "I mean it is only so much the President and the Vice President can do at one time."

"We understand that and we're not here to scold them. We're just telling them what the citizens are saying to us."

"And I appreciate you all for that, that is you alls jobs." Lucas holds his hand out.

"What about the Propos that is filmed for entertainment?" Eleven asks.

"They want something live not pre-recorded." They answer.

"Oh my god." Will murmurs with an eye roll.

"Okay what about the Holographic Games District 3 has been working so hard on and all of the Districts are enjoying?" Eleven asks. "I mean even adults are enjoying them."

"They want something with real people and live sport, I know it is a big ask because of how busy you all are but they are feeling like you all are tending to the Districts needs first before them. They feel it is unfair." One of them say.

"It's not unfair it's—"

"No stop it." Lucas motions towards Victor. "This is a country of peace and unity now so I want to be sure the Capitol feels addressed just like the Districts do." Lucas says before he sighs a little. "Tell—"

Lucas looks towards his portable watch when it vibrates, him seeing Charles calling him. "Just a second." He quickly stands up and leaves out of the conference room, him answering Charles's call. "Yeah Dad?"

"Lucas Max's water just broke and she is going into labor." Charles says.

"Oh shit." Lucas curses.

"Try and get here fast Lucas. She's refusing to leave until you get here. She doesn't want to be sent in the hospital room alone. And we won't be able to go in there since we aren't immediate family."

"Okay I'm on my way I'll be there as soon as I can!" Lucas says before hanging up the call, him going back in the conference room. "Emergency. I have to go."

"Is it Max?" Will asks, everyone now knowing about the pregnancy since her baby bump was revealed while she was giving a performance.

"Yeah." Lucas nods. "Eleven continue on with the meeting please."

"Wait what about the request?" One of the body members ask.

"I'll come up with something!" Lucas quickly says before leaving out of the conference room.

"Call Mike he'll want to be there!" Eleven calls out.

"I will!"

Eleven looks back at everyone else with a smile. "Okay. So where were we?"

"Okay just breathe sweetie, breathe." Sue tells Max as she holds her hand, Erica being on the other side of Max, Max being on the edge of the bed sitting, her baby bump clearly evident.

"Max. Lucas is going to be here soon." Charles assures her.

Max nods her head as she breathes in and out, her face contorting in pain as she begins to cry out.

"What's happening?!" Erica questions panicked.

"She's having contractions." Sue answers knowingly. "Max I'm sure if we head to the hospital now we would show up at the same time that Lucas would."

Max shakes her head as she grips Sue and Erica's hand. "I'm not leaving without him here." She says. "Doctors they like to...stick so much in you and I just don't want anything inside of me or going in me."

"Yeah we understand that." Erica nods. "Suzie is going to be in there you know."

Max sighs out with her eyes closed, tears beginning to cloud her vision. "I just need him here. Please tell him to hurry up."

"Don't you even worry I'll call him right now." Erica says. "'re really gripping my hand hard—ow!" Erica exclaims when Max grips her hand harder.

Lucas looks towards his watch when it rings, Lucas swiping to answer the phone, him being in the limo. "Erica I'm like five minutes out. Doug has on the emergency lights right now."

"Well hurry up because I don't think my hand can handle five minutes under this...death...grip." Erica lightly squeaks. "Apart of me thinks she's doing it on purpose."

"Maybe." Max breathlessly answers.


"Lucas please hurry." Max says in discomfort.

"I'm on my way I promise you." Lucas says. "Doug please faster."

"I'm going as fast as I can." Doug says, him blowing on the car horn when a car gets in front of him.

"Just breathe in and out, in and out. Grip Erica's hand as hard as you want." Sue nods.

"Rude!" Erica exclaims.

Lucas gets to the Community Center that was formally the HG center after a little over five minutes. "Okay I'm here. Bring her down."

"Alright sweetie come on." Sue and Charles help her stand up.

"Arm around me." Charles motions, Max putting her arm around Charles as she begins to walk with him, him letting her lean her body against his.

"Lucas we're on our way down." Erica says.

Lucas nods, him looking when Max's Vultures go to stand right on top of the limo, Maximus going to land on Lucas's shoulder.

"Hey welcome back guys." Lucas says. "You all are actually just in time. Your mother is about to give birth."

"Here she is." Erica says.

Lucas quickly goes over to Max, him putting her arm around him and going to lead her to the limo. "Thanks guys." Lucas says.

"Let us know if you both need anything!" Charles says.

"I will!" Lucas replies while getting Max in the limo, Maximus going to get on top of the limo before Lucas gets in and closes the limo door behind him. "Alright Doug, as fast as you can get to the hospital."

"Copy that." Doug responds, him beginning to drive.

Max puts a hand on her stomach while she takes deep breaths, her teeth gritting lightly as she leans her head on Lucas's chest. "Fuck! Okay that hurts."

"We'll be there soon." Lucas says while he rubs her bump. "You're doing well just breathe, breathe."

"Yeah I know I'm breathing!" Max snaps. "I'm sorry I'm just in pain."

"It's okay." Lucas replies. "We'll be there soon."

Max nods, them finally making it to the hospital.

"Thank you Doug!" Lucas quickly says as he opens the door.

"No problem at all." He answers.

Lucas helps her out of the car, him putting her arm around his neck as his arm wraps around her, helping her walk inside of the hospital.

Suzie hums to herself as she stares down at the clipboard while walking, her taking a bite out of her apple.


Suzie looks up before she turns around, her eyes widening when she sees Lucas and Max coming towards her. "Oh it's happening! Umm...." She looks around. "Okay over here! Follow me! Team I need a delivery team!" Suzie calls out, her opening a door to a hospital room, Lucas bringing back inside and going to lay her down on the bed. "Change her into that gown right there, I'll be right back with a team."

"Okay." Lucas nods, Suzie closing the door in front of her. "Here baby put this on—"

"No." Max pouts.

"Darling you have to." Lucas says. "Here come on and take everything off."

Max pouts while she begins to take off her clothes, Lucas helping her out. "Seems like it's been so long since you've told me to do that."

Lucas chuckles as he helps her put on the hospital gown. "Only because you're pregnant, only because you're pregnant." He replies. "Okay now lay down."

Max goes to lay down on the hospital bed, her having a clear nervous expression written on her face. "Is Mike going to be here?"

"Yeah I'm going to send him a message." Lucas responds. "I know you're nervous, but you can do this and I am going to be in here with you the whole time, even when you start to give birth I am going to be in here."

Max nods her head, her looking when Suzie and a team of doctors come inside of the room, Lucas going to quickly send Mike a message.

"Wait what is that?" Max asks when a doctor tries to put a needle in her arm.

"Wait tell her about it first." Suzie mentions. "Max that is Opioids." Suzie names the drug.

"What does it have in it?" Max asks.

"It consists of remifentanil and Morphine—"

"No Morphine." Lucas and Max immediately say at the same time.

The doctors look around in confusion. "Miss it is to lessen the pain. You are going to experience a lot of pain already this is to make it more easier on yourself."

Max shakes her head. "I can handle it I...I don't want that."

"Is there something else that can be used?" Lucas asks. "She doesn't like Morphine being used."

"Give her Nitrous Oxide." Suzie states. "Max this is what dentists give to their patients when needing to pull out their wisdom teeth. It is laughing gas basically to where it is mixed with oxygen and no morphine. It doesn't stop the pain entirely but as a figure of speech it takes the edge off of the intensity of each contraction and when giving birth. You still have full control of your body and I promise no morphine is with this."

"Do you want that?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah." Max nods.

"Alright get the Nitrous Oxide quick." Suzie motions, one of the doctors nodding before leaving out of the door.

"Thank you, Suzie." Lucas mentions.

"Thank you." Max adds in.

"Of course." Suzie responds.

Lucas goes to take Max's hand, them interlocking their fingers together.


Max releases a low pained grunt as she holds Lucas tightly, her going through yet another contraction, it being about almost six hours of contractions.

"Why is it taking so long?" Max drags out with her head back.

"You're doing well." Lucas says while he kisses her hand, him being seated beside her bed on the left side.

Mike comes inside of the room, him going to pull up a chair on Max's right side. "Hey." He smiles.

"Hi." She looks over at him. "Thank you for coming."

"Hey no worries you actually saved me." Mike says. "Note to self....don't ever hang out with Nancy and Jonathan will automatically become the third wheel in the first ten seconds."

"Sounds like my parents when I hang out with them alone." Lucas comments.

"Yeah it isn't fun." Mike responds before looking over at Max. "How do you feel?"

"Like my vagina is being stretched out." Max answers. "And not in a good way."

Mike's eyes widen, him looking at Lucas and Lucas just sending him a tight awkward smile. "Okay well...." Mike trails off. "Guess I fell into that one."

Max pouts while her other hand slaps against the side of the bed. "I wanna go on and be done and hold our baby."

"I know darling, I know." Lucas responds.

"Can I bite your hand?" Max looks over at Lucas.

"You can hold it." Lucas replies.

"But I wanna bite it."

"No you can hold it."

"But your skin tastes good."


"Okay what am I listening to right now?" Mike looks between them.

"She's a little disoriented from the laughing gas." Lucas says.

"Laughing gas?"

"Yeah we preferred that because the other drug had Morphine in it."


Max releases a pained scream when she gets another contraction. "Oh shit what did I do?!" He panics.

"No it's not you it's another contraction." Lucas says.

"No I think....oh god...." Max breaths harder.

Lucas quickly goes over to the door and opens it. "Suzie! Suzie!"

"Oh shit is it time?" Mike asks.

"No it's not time I'm just laying in here in pain for no reason!" Max answers.

"I'm sorry I don't speak pregnancy!"

"Okay!" Suzie comes inside along with the other doctors. "Mike you'll need to wait in the waiting room."

"Okay I'll be right in the waiting room." Mike says as he goes over to the door. "You can do this Max, you got this!" He puts his thumbs up.

Max just gives him a thumbs up with a pained expression, Mike going to leave out of the room. "Please don't make him leave." Max motions towards Lucas.

"No he's your husband he can stay in here." One of the doctors mention.

"I'm right here, Max." Lucas assures her, him holding her hand in his, giving her hand a soft kiss.

"Okay Max I am going to need you to push okay?"

Max nods her head, her pushing when the doctors begin to instruct her to, Lucas just holding her hand tightly and her putting her head against his chest, Lucas holding her head against his chest as she screams out loudly.

And Lucas honestly did not realize how long child birth actually lasted, the pushing consisting of breaks for Max which they were both thankful for, but it just seemed to drag things out even more so, with Max thinking the same thing, but at the same time they didn't want to rush the process.

It definitely was a long process, the pushing process and procedure lasting a little over two hours, which was something he definitely wasn't even expecting.

But as soon as he hears the sounds of the baby crying he looks towards the doctors holding the baby, Suzie going to cut the umbilical cord.

"You did it Max." Suzie smiles.

"Oh thank goodness." Max lays her head back on the pillow under her head, her face being sweat faced.

Lucas smiles as he kisses her lips softly. "You did it, you did it."

Max softly smiles at him. "Boy? Girl?"

Lucas looks over at the doctors, him seeing how they begin to wash the baby off. "Do we have a son or a daughter docs?"

"You have...." The doctor starts as they get done bathing the baby after a few minutes, the doctors going to wrap the baby up in a white blanket. "A baby boy. Congratulations."

Lucas smiles as he goes to carefully hold the baby, the baby crying while Suzie carefully puts a blue beanie on his head.

"Why is he crying?" Max asks panicked.

"That's just them getting used to the new scenery, it's kind of cold in the world which is why we give them the blanket and the beanie. It just means they are exposed to cold air and a new environment." The doctor answers.

"And because it signals that your baby's respiratory and circulatory systems are making a successful transition from life inside of your womb to life outside of it." Suzie explains. "So basically it is the process and it is completely normal for babies to cry after being born. No need to panic."

Max nods her head, her watching as Lucas turns to her while holding the baby, him smiling down at him. "Can I?" She goes to sit up.

Lucas goes to sit down, him slowly giving Max the baby. Max smiles down brightly at him, him crying while he moves his arms around. "Hi. Hi." Max smiles wide.

Lucas smiles brightly at the scene, him looking over at the doctors that begin to clean around as well as clean Max lightly. "Thank you so much doctors."

"Of course." They respond.

Lucas looks back at Max, seeing how she smiles while holding the baby.


"A baby boy. We have a baby boy." Lucas smiles as he talks to Erica Sue and Charles on the video chat, him being outside of Max's hospital room, Mike being inside of the room with her.

"Oh my gosh!" Sue squeals. "I can't wait to see him!"

"Me and Max are just going to spend some time with him for a couple of weeks then we will invite you guys over." Lucas explains.

"That sounds perfect." Charles smiles. "How are you feeling Lucas? You're a dad now."

"Yeah I know." Lucas smiles more. "Wow, I have a son."

"My same words, only thing I was a complete nervous wreck." Charles states.

"Oh no I am too I'm just more excited than nervous." Lucas says.

"You're going to do great Lucas, we know you will." Sue nods.

"And if not I'll be the daddy." Erica says.


"Just the facts!"

"Yeah no." Lucas shakes his head.

"No but seriously...I'm proud of you Lucas. Congrats." Erica tells him.

"Thank you Erica." Lucas smiles. "Now I have to let El know she's been sending me messages nonstop."

"Okay take pictures please take pictures."

"I will." Lucas laughs before he disconnects the call, him going to video call Eleven.

Eleven immediately answers, her being in her office. "Hey! How did it go?! Boy or girl?! Is Max okay?! Is—"

"Woah woah slow down." Lucas laughs. "It went well...long but well. And it is a boy. And Max is fine she handled the child birth well."

"Awww a boy!" Eleven squeals. "Lucas congratulations! How do you feel?"

"Nervous, excited, nervously excited." He lightly laughs. "I don't know I just....definitely more happier than I already was."

"That's good." Eleven smiles.

"By the way how did the rest of the meeting go?"

Eleven sighs lightly. "Just the body of the Capitol insisting about what the Capitol wants. About live action that has them hanging on the edge of their seats and their hearts beating rapidly and intense like the Hunger Games. They basically want something like the Hunger Games but not the Hunger Games....crazy huh?"

Lucas sighs a little. "Yeah, but we have to take into account what everyone wants. I don't want them to feel like I'm focusing more on the Districts wants and not theirs."

"True. I'll figure out something—"

"No El leave it to me." Lucas says. "I want your focus to be on the building projects we have lined up for the other memorial centers. I want memorial centers in each District but for now the first one is going to be in the Capitol. As well as other house projects. I want your focus to be on that. I'll figure this out."

"Lucas are you sure? Because you know them they are always all antsy when it comes to this so they are going to keep probing for something and Max just gave birth." Eleven says. "You are going to need some personal time away."

"I'll still come up with something with my time away, leave it to me okay?" Lucas says.

"Alright okay." Eleven puts her hands up. "When can I visit?"

"In a couple of weeks. Me and Max are just going to take out some time but after that we'll give you all a call and you all can come visit." Lucas responds.

"Sounds great. Send pictures!" Eleven smiles.

"I definitely will. Remember you hold the same amount of power I do so whatever you say while I'm not there goes. You don't have to call me to ask for my permission."

Eleven smiles more at him. "Thank you, Lucas. Enjoy your personal time."

"Thank you, El." Lucas says before disconnecting the call.

"Hi there. Hey." Mike smiles while staring at the baby, Max still holding him. His eyes still being closed as she releases a long yawn. "Yeah that's a big one!" He says in a playful tone.

Lucas comes inside of the room, him closing the door behind him.

"Everything alright?" Max asks.

"Yeah everything is good. I was just calling my parents and El." Lucas goes to sit down next to her, him smiling down at the baby.

Mike stands up and stretches out. "Okay I have to go on and get going, I am a little behind on some work."

"Thank you for coming and staying Mike." Max smiles at him.

"Of course." Mike smiles. "I will be seeing you in a few weeks." Mike pokes the babies nose. "See you Lucas."

"Bye Mike, thank you." Lucas says.

"You're welcome I will always grace you both with my glorious presence everyday." Mike gives a dramatic bow while going over to the door.

"Yeah okay bye." Max rolls her eyes.

Mike laughs, him going to leave out of the room.

Lucas smiles while he stares down at the baby, both Lucas and Max watching as the baby slowly starts to open his eyes, revealing his light brown eyes staring right at them.

"He has your eyes, but just a little bit lighter." Max smiles wide. "He has your eyes!" Max squeals excitedly.

"He does." Lucas smiles wide, him softly stroking his cheek. "Hey there, hey."

"Here, you haven't held him much, sorry I've been hogging him." Max goes to give him to Lucas.

"Yeah let me have a turn." Lucas says playfully, Max just rolling her eyes with a smile. "Hey there little guy. Hey." Lucas smiles down at him, the baby looking up at him.

Max smiles as she stares at the both of them. "Lucas." She starts, him looking up at her. "We have a son, we have a son."

"We have a son." Lucas looks back at the baby, him standing up and going to give Max a soft kiss on her cheek.

Lucas and Max look back at the baby, both of them just smiling brightly while looking at him.

Welcoming their new son into a now peaceful and better world.

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