A Thru Zing - A Drericka Ones...

By AnonWriter2022

362 22 0

An A-Z oneshot fluff collection about Drac and Ericka, from kisses to small talks and anything in between More

Under the Weather

Coffin Cuddles

22 3 0
By AnonWriter2022

The old wooden door creaked open slowly, the sound echoing in the expansive room. Two figures stood silhouetted at the frame, and a hand gestured out for one to enter.

"This... well, this is my room," the distinct accented voice of Count Dracula said softly.

"Hmm," came the response from the figure next to him. Ericka Van Helsing took in the sight before her with a pensive look. The room was limited in its furnishings, but the items that it lacked could easily be made up for with what the hotel itself had to offer. Billowing black curtains fluttered quietly at the windows and a desk was tucked to one side. A few lone candles sat on top, the only source of light in the room. "Well..." she said after a moment. "I can see why they call you the Prince of Darkness."

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've always liked it this way," he explained. "Just a preference."

Ericka nodded. "I get it." Then she spotted something near the far end of the room that caught her eye.

"Oh!" she said in surprise, walking over to the piece that had caught her interest. "So... you really do sleep in coffins, huh?" she snickered. "I always thought that was a myth."

She ran her hands over the smooth dark surface of the furniture with fascination.

"Eh-heh, not exactly..." Drac chuckled awkwardly. "It's actually pretty comfortable! It's like being in a warm cocoon, only it's better because you're not actually wrapped up in sticky silk." He turned to gawk at her reaction. Ericka was staring at the coffin with some contemplation, a finger tapping her chin.

Drac stifled a yawn. "Anyway, you should probably be getting to bed. We've had a long day around the hotel." He took a few steps away and realized she wasn't following. "Ericka?" he asked, turning around. He was surprised to find that she was halfway settled inside the coffin's mattress.

"Well, aren't you coming?" she asked.

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Ericka? Honeybat, what are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable," she stated nonchalantly. "If it's as nice as you say, I'd like to see the appeal." She reclined, leaning back against the red mattress.

"What?" he said in confusion. "Oh, no, no, no. You wouldn't like it, Ericka. It's more of a vampire thing."

"Humans, vampires, unicorns, what's the difference?" Ericka asked. "I thought we already established that."

She quirked an eyebrow, and he waved a finger. "Oh, ho-ho, you got me there, honeydeath. But, Ericka, just take a look!" he gestured to where she had laid. "There's really only enough space for one person in here!"

"I beg to differ," she said, scooting over. It wasn't a whole lot of room, but definitely enough for him to fit if he truly wanted to squeeze in. And, truth be told, he didn't want to spend the day alone. He sighed, and nodded his head.

"Ok, fine. As you wish, sweetfangs." He slid himself inside, accidentally bumping against her a couple of times before taking a better position, and then closed the lid with his magic.

As he anticipated, it was a little awkward at first.

The tight space was difficult to maneuver in, and despite trying to squish himself against his wall of the coffin, he found that it was impossible not to accidentally touch her with a foot or an arm. Each time he did so, a blush would coat his cheeks. He was shy as it was just holding her hand in their blossoming relationship, but to be down to sleepware and in such close proximity to her face and body was making his heart beat wildly.

Ericka in the meanwhile lay comfortably and watched with amusement at his struggles and well aware of why he was struggling in the first place.

Drac sighed. "Maybe it'll work better if I change into a smaller animal? I don't know, like a mouse? Or a bat?" he suggested.

"Not necessarily," Ericka replied. "In fact, I think it might work better like thi s," she said, and began to readjust themselves.

She moved her hands, and he shuddered as she touched him. She lifted his arms as best she could and wrapped them around her waist, pressing her body against his. She was so impossibly warm, it made it difficult to resist kissing her into oblivion. Instead, he kept his gaze fixated on her eyes - bright, blue, and knowing. Ericka leaned in closer to him so that their noses touched. "How's this working for you, Count?" she asked with a playful smile. Drac swallowed the lump in his throat and responded with a nod. She seemed to know what he wanted without needing any words and swiftly closed the space between them, kissing him lightly at first and pulling back. He shifted so that his leg slipped between her thigh, and he pulled her even more tightly against himself. One hand remained on her hip, while the other slid up to cup the side of her face, holding her still until she leaned in again. And again. And again. His hand moved from her hip to her shoulders and back again; gently, reverently caressing her curves.

Ericka returned the favor, running her fingers through his silken black hair. Her other hand traveled slowly, cautiously across his strong chest, feeling the muscles even under the satin pajamas, and feeling him shudder beneath her fingertips in response. For Dracula hadn't kissed like this in a long, long while, hadn't felt the touch of a woman this intimately in decades. But he wasn't complaining. Not when it was Ericka .

After what seemed like ages, they finally broke apart, breathless and with chests gently rising and falling in tandem. Neither dared speak lest they break the spell. Ericka smiled at him, an 'I was right about the coffin' look in her eyes. Drac smiled back, leaning her head against his chest and placing his chin atop her bright curls.

Yes, you were , he silently answered, closing his eyes and cuddling his love close, dreading the nightfall when he'd have to tear himself away from their blissful embrace.

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