The Lost Harrison Twin

By savagelove00

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Aaron doesn't remember and Asher lost his best friend. Savannah lost a dom and gained her father. So much has... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Chapter 2: Full Circle Back to Hell
Chapter 3: Always Big
Chapter 4: My Support System
Chapter 5: Bad Kitten
Chapter 6: You have an Army
Chapter 7: My Knight in Shing Armor
Chapter 8: Shes Coming Back
Chapter 9: Cancun is Magical 
Chapter 10: I Hope You Don't Burn All Your Bridges.
Chapter 11: Hole in One.
Chapter 12: Feeling Alone
Chapter 13: Splish, Splash, and Slide
Chapter 14: Funishment
Chapter 15: Heart to Heart
Chapter 16: He is just like her!
Chapter 17: I Can Explain
Chapter 18: Exploring History
Chapter 19: One Hell of a Punishment
Chapter 20: Rough Start Back
Chapter 21: Memories
Chapter 22: He Remembers
Chapter 23: The Problem
Chapter 24: I Dont Know if You Can
Chapter 25: We are a team.
Chapter 27: We Need to Have a Serious Talk
Author Note

Chapter 26: The little brat.

1.8K 68 16
By savagelove00

Savannah's pov:
     Study hall and lunch were awkward and tense. No one really talked so it made it worse. But we all got through it and then finally got to leave. Like always we walked as a group to our little class well all but Aaron he left and just went to his class. I guess the awkwardness got to him. Once the guys left class as we were getting our mats out and getting ready for our nap Huey looks at me shaking his head. "That was so awkward."

     "Omg yes it was!!" Ann blurts out.

     "How are you doing Savy? I bet that was a lot for you." Lily says giving me a sympathetic look.

     "It was tense for sure. I don't know it's just weird. Part of me wants him back but the other part of me is scared." I sigh laying down on my mat pulling my cover over me as do the others.

     "Okay kids time for nap time I need everyone on their maps. Eyes closed and no talking." Mr. Smith said as he walks over to the light switch. He flipped it off with the only light coming from the windows and a lamp on his desk. Then he goes and turns on the calming music to help us sleep. I toss and turn for a few minutes thinking about Aaron, until I fall asleep.

"Okay time to wake up!" Mr. Smith cheers as he turns on the lights. "Time for us to learn!" Some people groan while others jump up ready for the rest of the day.

     I sit up and rub my eyes, then start to stretch. I wish I could sleep longer. I think as I yawn, getting up and putting my mat away.

     "Okay class let's recap what we went over last week." Mr. Smith announces gaining everyone's attention. "What did we go over." He looks out to the class at the hands that popped up. "Yes Lily?"

     "We talked about punishments. What we thought was server and not."

      "Good job Lily and what did we learn about that?" Mr. Smith asked her.

     "That what we think is severe may not be to other people. That's why we need to have good communication with our dom." Lily beamed she loved answering questions in class.

     "We found out how you think a tap on the ass is severe." A boy behind us says making others laugh.

     "Mason!" Mr. Smith raises an eyebrow glaring at Mason.

     "What? I watch her Daddy barely smack her butt in the café yesterday and she was such a baby. She screamed and cried like it was the end of the Earth." He laughs as I see Lily looking down at the table trying not to cry.

     "That's funny coming from a cry baby. I could have sworn last week I saw you get put over your Mommies knee at the playground in front of everyone there. I also remember you screaming at the top of your lungs while she had your bare butt on display and made it a cinnamon red. You were fidgeting in your seat for two days." I turn around and announce rather loudly to the entire class, causing their laughter to grow and a couple saying things like.

     "Omg I remember that."

      "Yeah he hit someone then slapped his Mommies hand away when she said it was time to go."

      His face started to turn red and despite Mr. Smith telling everyone to stop and hush, Mason glares at me "Funny coming from the girl who can't keep a Daddy. What started with two now down to one? Wonder when he will leave you too."

     I can't help it as the anger builds up it's like my mind goes black and the next thing I know I am jumping over his table, knocking his into the floor and punching him. I got two hits in before he push's me off and gets on the top punching me back. He goes for the next punch and is lifted off of me. People were cheering and yelling for either me or Mason.

     "STOP IT NOW! EVERYONE BE QUITE OR ELSE YOU WILL JOIN THEM!" Mr. Smith's voice booms over everyone else's. He carries Mason to a corner and plops him onto it the points across the room to another one looking at me. I sigh getting up rubbing the back of my hand across my lips just to see blood on it. Son of a bitch must have busted my lip.

    I stomp over to the corner and kick the wall. This is bull shit. "Everyone get out a piece of paper and write two paragraphs on what your limits are." Everyone groans, "and I don't want to hear a single sound!" Mr. Smith growls out then goes to his phone. "Yes I need Ms. Workman to come to my class please. Thank you." He hangs up and then picks the phone back up. "Yes I need Mr. Asher Harrison to come to my class please. Thank you." He hung up again and sat down in his chair with a sigh. "Savannah come here" I see him out of the corner of my eye waving me over.

     I slowly walk over to him and he start to open a drawer pulling out a paper towel. "Let me see your lip." He pulls me closer to and dabs the blood up. "It's not too bad. Just hold this on to it and it should stop bleeding. Go ahead and go back to the corner til your Daddy gets here." 

     "Yes sir." I walk back to the corner holding the paper towel to my mouth. Or wasn't long before Ash and Mason's Mommy got there. Mr. Smith pulls them out to the hall to tell them all about what happened I am sure. After a few minutes Mr. Smith pokes his head back into the room telling both Mason and I to get our stuff and come out there.

     I turn around and go throw the paper towel away then head to my table. Lily, Ann and Huey are sitting there giving me sympathetic looks. I grab my stuff and head to the door. I got a glimpse of Mason and both his eyes were already turning black. Good he deserved it.

     I walk out to the hall and keep my head down as I walk up to Asher. I stop in front of him and he puts his hand under my chin forcing me to look up at him. He inspect my face and sighs giving me a disapproving look. I tense up as a wave of emotions rush through me. I feel angry at Mason, scared that my ass was going to be sore, and sad that I disappointed Ash.

     "Look what your little brat did to my baby's face." Mason's Mommy yells out glaring at me.

     Ash immediately pushes me behind him. "Watch your self Riley! Last time I checked Mr. Smith told us it was your little that started all of this."

     "Whatever keep that brat on a leash Asher!" She growls and takes a step forward.

      "STOP IT!" Mr. Smith yells out causing other teachers to peak their heads out the door. "You two are not being good role models. If I see this again we will be taking it to the Dean."

     "Yes sir. I am sorry." Ash says looking down in defeat. It was a little weird to see him get scolded. Mr. Smith then turns his attention to Riley who just glared back at him. Finally she mumbles an apology.

     "Let's go young lady." Ash turns his attention to me and puts his hand on my back. As we head to our dorm I can feel myself slipping. Maybe if I slip Ash will go easy on me. The thought crosses my head and I relax slipping all the way.

Asher's pov
     We are almost to our dorm when Savannah just stops. I look down at her to see the pout form. From the class to here she must have slipped. She puts her arms up and whines "Daddy up!" I sigh trying to hold back a smile and pick her up. She lays her head on my shoulder causing my heart to melt. I love this girl so much it just makes me so happy.

     I walk the rest of the way to our dorm. Once inside I put Savannah down and take her stuff putting it away. "Let talk." I say pulling her to the couch. "So do you want to explain yourself?"

     I sit down and she is standing in front of me looking down at her feet as she pulls at the hem of her shirt. I put my pointer finger under her chin, pulling her face up so she is looking at me. Her beautiful brown eyes are filled with sadness and fear. Not the fear of like dying but more like the fear of being in trouble. I just give her a stern look as if to say don't make me repeat myself.

     "Well Mason was making fun of Lily for being a cry baby when Uncle Ben smacked her butt once. She was about to cry Daddy so I told him he had no room to talk. Cause last week his Mommy pulled down his pants and spanked him in front of everyone. So then he said I can't keep a Daddy that I started with two lost one and he wants to know when I will lose you." She starts telling the story full of anger and then it turns into sadness on the verge of tears. "So I kinda blacked out and attacked him." She blushes.

     "Okay so I know you love Lily and I am glad that you don't want people to bully her. However, next time we need to let the teacher handle someone like that. We don't say anything back and we for sure don't punch them." I say giving her a stern look. "So we need to do something about this huh?" I ask, just for her to shrug making me smile slightly at how cute she is. "First let's go clean you up." I pick her up and walk to the bathroom sitting her on the counter. I wet a wash rag and clean the dried up blood. Then I grab some healing cream on her cut.

     "There you go all fixed up. Now let's get to your punishment." I carry her back onto the living room going to the kitchen and grab a wood spoon. She whimpers as we make our way back to the couch. I sit down and stand her in front of me. "I think fifteen will do the job." I say as I pull her pants and pull-up down. She starts to whine and cry as I pull her over my lap. I waste no time and lay down the first smack with the spoon.

Savannah's pov 
     Ash had bared me and was now starting my spanking. I was not prepared for the first hit he just did. It landed on my left check. Within a matter of seconds I feel the second smack land on my right check. I gasp out clenching my but checks. "Owie Daddy." I whine trying to wiggle away. But Ash's iron grip on my waist keeps me in place. He waste no time because before I could fully process the first two he starts to lay down the rest of the smacks. Alternating between my thighs, seat spots, and butt. By time all fifteen are over I am a mess of tears. Crying out my apologies to everyone but Mason. I know my butt was bright red and my it was going to hurt for a day or two.

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