Object Show Oneshots (Ships...

By TopBottom7

3.1K 78 137

Some ships, some AU's, some skits. I should not be making this cuz i have like, a million other books to be w... More

An Elimination Disaster (OOAK AU)
ep 14 coming out
Indefinite Island involvement in this book
|Ep 15: All that is Gold does not Glitter|
[Ep 15: All that's Gold does not Glitter] Part 2
[Ep 15: All that's Gold, does not Glitter] Part 3
Incorrect Quotes
Another Chance (Pt 2)
One Last Goodbye (CoinPin)
Closure from Disaster (OOAK AU)
Meeting the Gardener (Grander Gardens AU)
Incorrect Quotes submissions
TBD Troubles (OOAK AU)
Love's a messy affair (Silver Candle)
Toxic (BFB 22 AU)
Toxic Pt2: Scorched Scars
Toxic Pt.3: Poison
Alliance again? (OOAK AU)
Exit Interview Questions (One of Kind AU)
Free Smarts Co. (Grander Gardens AU)
Pesky Besties Pt 1(OOAK AU)

Another Chance

165 4 9
By TopBottom7

(Plot: An au where Team iance doesn't loose in episode 11 of bfb.).

The hills rolled on a large concrete column of stairs, a bright scarlet button on top. Several contestants were making there way up, with Dora Book and Gaty at the bottom. The winds rolled as several people almost fell, barely keeping their footing. 

Match watched on, seeing the nerve racked Flower, stuck behind Tennis Ball. She was agitated that Flower couldn't just try harder to get past that green oath of a ball. "Ugh, Pencil wouldn't have let this, like, happen." she groaned, disappointed and annoyed. Behind her, Bubble had a look of anger, keeping her feelings bottled up till now. But not any longer.

"MATCH!!?" she blurted, demanding an answer, an angered look on her face that Match simply ignored. "What's gotten into you lately!?" she demanded, waving her arms in frustration.

"Bubble!" Match exclaimed, surprised yet glad her freind was talking to her again. "Finally your ready to talk to me. I'm, like, sorry for lying. None of us knew those quiz answers." she explained.

"Then why did you demote me!?" Bubble demanded to know, still feeling betrayed and hurt.

"I, like, just had to set an example so our teammates knew not to like, mess up." Match said, occasionally glancing at Flower. It was annoying that someone didn't seem to learn, but maybe she would prove a much more fulfilling and learnable example. She turned back to Bubble, putting a friendly hand on her shoulder. "Pencil's not around so, somebody, like, had to fill in. You, like, understand, right?" she asked, a smile on her face as she opened her arms up.

"Why'd you think thinking that would help?" Bubble asked as calm as she good, irritated and and frustrated.

"Bubble?" Match gasped, taken aback by Bubble's anger. "We needed a strong leader or.." she began to explain, only to get cut off.

"Or WHAT!? We'll LOSE!?" Bubble cried out, not caring about holding back what she thought and felt. "WHY HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED THAT THIS KIND OF LEADERSHIP HURTS PEOPLE EVRYTIME!!!?".

Match tried to respond but Bubble wouldn't let her.


The mention of Pencil and their loss back in that episode stung as Match was taken aback. looking back, it did make sense that they'd lost because of that, since they had focused more on using Lighting to hurt people like Fanny.

"And in episode 8, when you TOOK HER SPOT, we only survived because Stapy cheated." Bubble reminded, turning her back away from Match. "And you hurt me." she added, still bitter at how she'd been berated and made to feel almost worthless for not being able to answer Donut's illogical and complete Gibberish for questions.

"I can promote you back to me-" Match began, hoping her freind would be satisfied with that. After all, Bubble was mad about being demoted, right?

Yet Bubble wasn't happy with that idea. "THA'S MEANINGLESS!!!" she screamed, taking Match completely off guard for a second time. "When I struggle, I don't need a strong leader. I don't need Pencil.".

She looked at Match, a tear down her cheek as she let out her frustrations, her worries and her resentment.

"I needed you.".

Match was stunned, for the the first time in her life, not knowing what to say. Reaching out a hand, she finally spoke.

"Ok. I'm sorry for, like, trying to be someone else." she said, hoping it could be enough.

"Thanks for the apology but, I can't forgive you this fast.".

"HE-!!" Match spluttered, her anger rising. Yet, she stopped herself, realising she was acting exactly in the way she wanted to apologize for acting. "Ok...." Match said defeatedly, looking back towards Flower, worried.


Flower looked back, relived as Pie wasn't even trying. Match was watching, seeing Pie so close to the edge. She was worried as she began to run, knowing she couldn't let what she could see about to happen, happen. 

Flower was just a few steps away, practically right there, when Pie slipped off the crude, rocky stairs, falling down. Her face was expressionless as she fell past Black Hole whose gravity caught her and caused her to be thrown upwards. As she soared, Flower began speed walking up the steps, her pink non stick shoes making it hard to keep balanced.

Yet, Match was also there, grabbing Pie by the arm as she flew past. "Oh no you don't! Not to my, like, teammate!!!" she proclaimed, yanking her arm down and causing both of them to slam into the the side of the stairs, just as Flower got to the top, pressing the button just in time. But, she accidently stepped on the air, just as her hand pressed the button. Unable to keep her footing, she fell forward and began to plummet. Yet, her leg was caught by Match whom was holding onto the ledge with her other hand and Pie on the wall with her Knee.

"O...OMG!!! We almost caused death!!!?" Black Hole gasped as Remote looked at him with an annoyed look.

"You see? I told you we should've tried to win. Instead, we almost caused more death." Remote retorted, annoyed at what had just happened yet relived Match had prevented the deaths. "You know, Match has prevented more death then you." she added, still irritated.

"I....agh fine We'll...focus on Challenges as well as Death Prevention." he replied, still in shock and a little taken aback by Remote's witty remark. Flying up, he hovered next to the 3.

"Hey, sorry about that. That was actually pretty good death prevention there. Maybe after our next elimination you'd like to join us?" Black hole asked Match as she, Flower and Pie began floating around him.

Match looked down at her team. Ruby and Bubble were sat together. Lighting Fanny and Snowball were talking too. She looked back at Black hole. "Yeah but, no. I, like, can't leave my team right now. Sorry." she replied, to both his and Pie's disappointment. "We understand." Black Hole responded as Match and Flower landed in the midst of their team.

"And now, iance is safe. Which means Death Pact is up for elimination." Four said as the members of Death pact were shown, along with the words, "Vote the eliminate" next to their names. "Type the letter and square brackets for the person you want to eliminate." he added.


The Next Episode....

Screeches and warping sounds could be heard as Death Pact walked away from the new elimination tables, one less Pie on their team. Everyone gathered around as the two hosts stood, something off about them.

"Hey guys. Do four and x seem......off in any way?" Ruby asked her team and a few others. X blinked a slow blink while Four stood back, a little bit of anxiousness on their face.

"Well, X does look a bit.....scrampier then usual.... "Tree remarked. "And for some reason, he sucked up Pie today.".

"X" looked dejected by the word Tree had used. His mouth opened as a shriek escaped his throat, revealing the yellow skinned algebraian to turn into Four. Tree collapsed, dizzy with his ears ringing as "Four" turned back into X, to everyone's gasp. "YOYLE CAKE!!!?" Bubble gasped, staring in shock at the two transformed algebraians. 

"Today's challenge is a tricky one for you teams. Just like how me and X were swapped, one of your team members will be swapped. I'll take the mind of one of your team members and place it in the body of another member of a different team." Four explained as a series of rooms appeared behind him. "You have to guess which of your team members is the imposter. Last team to guess will be, up for Elimination.".

"So we're like.......doing a guess who type thing?" Match asked.

The number remained silent, a deadpan look on their face, With a click of their finger, everyone was in a room. the challenge had begun before anyone could react as most people were dizzy. From a large speaker in each room, came the words "Begin your guesses!" in X's cheery voice.


Bubble got up, clinging onto Ruby as the 7 of them looked around. The walls of their room was a pinkish brown, with soft rug flooring. There were bean bags strewn around as well as ledges on the walls with some cushioning. Snowball sat on one of the ledges, his face expressing showing boredom. Match bumped here head in another ledge, her match head hitting the top of the inner window. "Ow!" she yelped, clutching her red top and trying to get the paint stains off. She noticed Bubble gasp, moving out of the way of Snow Ball's outstretched finger to kill her.

"Hmmm..." she wondered as Lighting hovered next to her. "Hey Match, what seems to be the problem?" he asked, seeing Match look so worried at Bubble anxiously move around the room.

"I...I like, want to make it up to Bubble, but I don't know how..." she said, still guilty about her past actions.

"Well, if you want to help her, why not give her some of these?" he responded, passing some large, juicy Yoyle berries. The berries skin was a shiny purple, their green stems almost perfectly accentuating their violet skins. "Woah...." Match said, taking some in her hand, feeling the plump firm fruits in her hand, each the size of an eye. "What are these?" she asked, giving one a sniff and finding an intoxicatingly sweet scent.

"Yoyle Berries. From Yoyle land. Don't you about them?" he asked.

"Oh uhhh....no not really. When everyone went to Yoyle land back in BFDIA 5, I was eliminated. I've like, heard of them but I've never like, seen them before." she responded, squeezing one with her fingers.

"Yeah well, Bubble loves them." Lighting responded, handing her a few more. Match looked at berries, then back at Bubble who was talking with Fanny, cheery and happy. "I...I don't think its enough..." she muttered, scared.

"What do you mean? Bubble loves these" he responded.

"No it's just....like....I wanna like, make it up to her. I....I want to be her freind again. But, after everything me and Pencil did to her, I don't know if she'll forgive me so easy." she said, sitting one of the bean bags as she held the berries. Lighting hovered lower, next to Match as he spoke up.

"Hey, you don't have to be like that. Sure, whatever happened with you two may have been bad but maybe, start small. Help her out with small things here and gradually, you can heal the wound. It's better to think about what they want, rather then what they want from YOU, you know?" he said, gesturing to Bubble and back to Match.

"Huh. I....didn't think about it like that." Match said as she got up. "Thanks Lightning!" she called back, walking away.

"No problem, any time." He responded.

Match walked past Ruby and Flower, whom were talking, probably trying to figure out who the swapped person on their team was. Bubble was talking happily to Fanny as Match approached her, stopping hesitantly. Fanny's face was a little less scowly. However, upon seeing Match her expression turned sour.

"H...Hey Bubble." Match said, lightly tapping on Bubble's shoulder.

"AH!! Oh, sorry. You made me jump Match." she replied, before spotting the berries in Bubble's hand. "Are those...." she began, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah. I like, figured you'd want some." Match responded, passing Bubble some of the juicy Yoyle Berries. Bubble took the berries, eagerly biting down on the sweet juicy purple fruits and feeling her skin seem to be reinforced.

"W.....what's happening?" Match asked, worriedly as she noticed Bubble's skin turning grey. "Oh that's just the side effect of the berries. They turn you into metal." she explained. "You should try one. You too, Fanny." she added, passing some to Fanny who ate the berries, her eye sill pointed like daggers to Match.

Match gripped a large berry, closing her eyes as she ate it. The flesh was firm yet sweet as juice exploded in her mouth. "Oh,  wow. These are like, so good." she said, eating another as she felt her arms and neck grow sturdy, "WOAH!!!" he gasped, staring down at her body. Banging her knuckles on her stomach, there was a resounding sound of metal. Looking over, she saw Fanny completely metal, barely standing on her metal legs, yet still keeping and eye on Match.

Match sat next to Bubble on one of the bean bags, feeling it sag under her weight with the metal she was now made of. They could see Ruby and Flower talking as well as SB, pacing around the room mindlessly and without a thought through his stone cold face. Match tapped her head, feeling the clang of cool metal, a reverberation of sound echoing through her skull. Despite being composed entirely of metal, she could still move and speak pretty easily which was what surprised her the most.

"Wait....Match...?" Bubble asked, turning to her with a confused look on her face. "How did you get these?".

"Oh well, I got them from Lighting." she responded, not knowing what Bubble was trying to reason.

"There's one 2 people I know of who can pick and prepare Yoyle Berries THIS deliciously....and Lighting isn't one of them..." she said as Match's eyes widened. All three of them turned to Lighting, with Snowball noticing the triple gaze and turning as well. Then Ruby. And finally, Flower. "Which would mean.....".

Lightning noticed the attention as he spoke up. "Wh...what're you guys looking at me for?" he asked, a bead of sweat falling down his head and side. Before he could react, 6 fingers were pointed in his direction as Bubble yelled out "He's the fake!!!".

The room disappeared, all seven of them landing on the green, lush grass. Fanny dropped several of her Yoyle Berries, gasping and groaning as the escaped her grip. "Gah. I HATE dropping Yoyle Berries. Match felt light headed as the sudden rush of air hit her in her face, causing her to fall to the ground. Bubble noticed and gave a hand, helping her get up as they saw "Lightning's" body distorting. 

Soon, what had once been lightning was a disgruntled Pin, standing there annoyed. "Of course it was the Yoyle Berries!" she grumbled, her face lighting up upon seeing her team to whom she skipped along towards.

"Iance is safe. Which means Team Ice Cube is up for elimination, once again." Four announced as the members of Team Ice Cube landed on the grass, a few face first and dazed. Lightning hovered to his team, breathing a sigh of relief. 

"You guys got lucky. It was between our team and theirs." He said, pointing to the disgruntled and shocked members of the Team Ice Cube, notably not containing ice cube. Firery Jr was looking angry and annoyed at a nervous and apologetic Barf Bag and Naily while Bomby's face was sheet white. As the teams began walking off, thee disgruntled Pin felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Huh?" she said, turning to see Match, grey and shiny from the berries.

"Hey Pin. Like, thanks for your, like, help. Even if it did blow your cover." she said, reaching out a hand.

"Oh, no problem. I just happen to be a heroic leader AND a people's person." she replied. "Although, have you noticed anything strange with, Book's team?" she asked, pointing to Book whom was ignoring a distressed Taco. "She is your freind, right? Maybe you should talk to her.".

"Hmmm....I.....I don't know...her and Icy left our Alliance a while back...." Match Reasoned, watching Lollipop and Gaty walk away from Book who didn't seem to notice as she berated Taco more. 

"Well, she's still your freind." Pin reminded as they watched Icy walk away too, annoyed. Book was seemingly trying to reason her side of the drama but, from the looks of things, her arguments had no effects on her freind.

"I like, guess your right...." she said. "I'll see what I can try. Again, thanks for the the help, Pin." she said, waving her hand as she walked off to her team.

"Anytime!" Pin replied as Needle grabbed her arm and dragged her away to their team.

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