Forced ✔️

By arshi_fan_204

53.4K 4.6K 1K

She was Excited to come back home after several years but she didn't know that what is waiting for her at h... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 09

2.4K 221 76
By arshi_fan_204

Happy reading

Khushi pov ! !

Seeing him standing Infront of me first it feared me. But then I shrugged off my   Fear" when I realised why the hell in scared of him. I don't think so "I've done any bad thing "which could trigger him. He married  me ',that's doesn't mean he can control me. The way he has freedom to do whatever he feels like. I've as well. And he can't stop me for that.   Thinking about it I made stern face and look at him Blankly without uttering a word.  Rayaansh who was sitting besides me " he couldn't  control himself and nudge me keeping hand on my arm "which I guess arnav Singh  raizada didn't like at all. I can see from his face how jealous he is.

Who's he ??? He whispered like a child making me chuckle. God him and his childish acts.

Yes khushi tell him. Who am I. Arnav came forward standing so near me that even our shoulders are touching.  I glare him for pursuing me infront of rayaansh like this. But then smirk played on my lips  having something mischief in my mind. Which I very well know " he won't like it at all.

Ohh he .... He is just work under my  baba.  I guess he sent him to pick me up.  Isn't arnav. I says in teasing tone raising my brows up making him shock hell out of him. Literally his jew drop on the floor after hearing me.

Oh I thought .... Never mind.  Hey bro it's rayaansh here.   Rayaansh says forwarding Hand towards him which he least bother to shake it a nd gazing at me continuously with quizzical eyes. 

Mr arnav he is  expecting hand shake from you.  I nudge him eyeing toward Rayaansh. 

Yh ok miss  khushi. He stressed my name and hand shaked with him  holding his hand so tight that his face turned red because of it.

Man you are strong. He pat his hand chuckling and forcefully took his hand away from him. 

If your introduction have finished then shall we leave miss   Khushi. Your baba must be waiting for you.  He says resting his hand on my back" whicn didn't went unnoticed by rayaansh. He open his mouth to say something. But before he do arnav gripped my wrist and  stormed away from there being all grumpy like a angry bull. 

In parking lot he left my hand and started walking around rubbing his forehead. I can see  then he didn't like at all  "seeing me with someone else. It trigger him deep down. But I also don't give shit about it. When he does then it's fine. But if I  talk to someone then he has problem.  It shouldn't be like this ... this thing should be equal between us.  I rolled my eyes and lean on the car folding my arms. But soon I jumped on my place when he swiftly move towards me and hit his hand on the car moving so  closer to me that I can feel his breath fanning on my face.

When I'd told you to stay at home then why did you leave like this ha. You bloody needed rest. But still you chose to come on your stupid work instead staying at home. I'd left you for few hours and you  decided to escape how dare you??? He  growl in his thick voice still standing so near me which making me feel so anxious but still I gathered my  strength and pushed him away making him stumble back

I'm real human being. I'm not some puppet whom you can lure where ever you want. I've my life as well. And I guess I can  take decision of it. You can't stop me to do  that. And what did you say few hours. I don't think so 15 hours are few hours.  It's almost more than half day. You call  me your wife want me to give you chance. But  whenever I try " you ran back to your girlfriend.   In non second" she becomes more important to you more than anyone else. One moment you promise me and next second you forget everything and leaves me alone like I don't exist in your world at all. So how can you expect me to listen to you. Moreover this relationship has no future and we both know as well. And I really don't wanna compromise my priority on that thing which gonna give me nothing but loneliness. Hearing me he move towards me and hold my chin in his hand and look straight into my eyes.

You have to give priority.  You have to.   You can't neglect it.  I won't let you do it.  When I say you something to do then you have to obey it. As I would never say anything bad for you.  I wanted you to take rest at home.  Then you should had stayed. But no you just escaped from the back door without giving shit to that how dangerous it can be for you.he says caressing my face  with his hands  looking at me lovingly

So you mean to say that  it's dangerous for me to go out alone. But it's fine if I stay at home all alone surrounded by many servants ' whom apparently I don't know even. My voice crack  having moist eyes which didn't like by him and he immediately wiped my tears which rolled down from my cheeks.

They are trust worthy.  If anyone tried to do anything with you then he will see real wrath of mine. Understand that.  You are my wife.  Mine!!!. And I would never let anyone touch your even hair.  Get this straight into your head.  He rub his thumbs on my cheek while caging my face in his hand and latched his mouth with me making him widen my eyes.I didn't expect this. I really didnt expect him to kiss me in middle of the Parkinglot. But It's happening... he is kissing me without caring about anything or his surroundings.After few minutes when he felt I'm not reciprocating he broke apart not before leaving a peck on my lips and look deep into my eyes.

You wanna meet to your parents right. You must be missing them. Let's go. I'll take you to them today. Come. He says softly in his voice pulling me closer towards him having a smile which is so unusual. He is bloody giving me back to  back shocks.  First he land in the hospital" then he claimed me his wife and then he kissed me in parking lot and now he is taking me to my  parents house.

What's going on. How can a man can be changed in none seconds. Before few minutes "he was yelling at me for disobeying him and now he is all ready to take me to my parents house.

Come let's go. He held my arm and made me set in the car and then fastened my seat belt itself. After that he went to his side and set inside. Seeing me shocked he chuckle and squeezed my hand bringing me out of my shocking world.

Shall we leave.  I didn't utter a word and just gaze at him with blank eyes' which I guess he took as approval and Took me away from there .


Seeing my baba  after so many days my eyes filled with tears and I  just took him  in tight hug letting my tears come out like river.  My baba also cry with me and reciprocated it caressing my hair.

God  baba I missed you. I whispered and kissed his  head  keeping hand on his shoulder.

I missed you too my bacha. He smiles in tears and peck my head.  After meeting my dad I went towards my mother and took her in hug.  I agreed she's not been good with me. Always she asked me to not come back to her house. But still I hugged her and expressed my love towards her " which she didn't bother to give back obviously. It's not new thing.

What you doing here ?? She slowly shove me away and look at me sternly making me shake my head disbelief. She haven't changed at all. It's been two months I'vent met her. But seems like she didn't miss me at all. Infect she seems relaxed about it. 

I just came to meet you. Can't I come. I whispered holding her hand " which she wanna jerk it away by so badly ... but seeing arnav she didn't do and let me hold her. 

Yh you can.  Arnav  darling why are you standing outside. Come in. It's your house as well.  She leave me behind and went towards my husband  being so sweet that which she never been with me whole life.

Errr yh. He smiles and got in. 

Come  princess  have seat.   My baba side hugged me and took me towards the sofa.   

Shaista I think you should get  some snacks for them. My dad suggested having smile on his face which soon faded away hearing my mother.

I don't think so they came from so far. But if you say then I can ask maid to prepare.  Hearing her arnav felt awkward and gaze at me making me feel so embarrassed and uncomfortable here...

Err no it's ok don't worry. You don't need to bring anything for us. We are ok. Isn't arnav. I asked arnav having smile on my face"Which I guess he got to know it's all fake.

That's fine.anyways you guys Sit. I've some important work to do. Saying this my mother walk away from there leaving us with dad. Who is drowning in embarrassment. But still he managed to smile and start talking with arnav about his business and everything so that his mind get divert and he don't bother about my mother's behaviour.

After sitting with dad for hour ' I decided to leave from here. As there's no point sitting here anymore.

Shall we leave. I whispered keeping hand on arnav's palm behaving a good couple infront my dad" so that he doesn't get suspicious about our relationship.

Yh sure. Let's go baby. He kept hand on my back and lead me ahead ...

Will meet you soon baba. I hugged him and then we decided to depart from the house. 'My baba wave his hand and came to see us off till door.

See you soon princess. He waves his hand seeing me sitting in the car and then closed the door after making sure we have been Set inside.

As I saw my baba went inside. I took long breath and wipe tears from my corner of eyes before they spill out.

Errr that was awkward. He chuckle starting the car.

Yh it was. I whispered fidgeting with my fingers while looking out. I thought arnav would talk about ny mother behaviour or something. But Thankfully he didn't say anything and our journey went in silence.

At home

I came in my room and set on the bed feeling miserable with my mother's behaviour. I never thought that she will contain her hate infront of my husband as well. Atleast she could had fake it at least. But she didn't and deliberately showed infront him that how much she hates me. It's not that I'm surprise or something. As it's been happening since my childhood. Before I used to feel so bad when she used to mistreat me and always gave priority to my sister. But one day when I was passing by my parents room ' I'd heard them fighting with each other. And topic was me. During that I'd got to know I'm not her daughter. My dad had second marriage with my actual mum and she died after giving birth  to mr. and then dad had brought me here in this house. He convinced mom a lot. But she never considered me as her daughter. I've been always her step daughter...  whom she hates to the core.

Hey you alright ??? I was busy thinking about my past. But his voice broke my trance

Yh I'm fine. I'm fine. I immediately clear my eyes and maintain my posture not feeling to tell him my weak side. But the way he is looking at me. I felt like he knows what's going on in my brain.

He simply look towards me and then forward his hand surprising me with his gesture.

Let's go for dinner together. Come let's go. I open my mouth to say no but then I dropped the idea and give my hand in his. Which he didn't leave and took me down stairs holding it.

He brought me downstairs and made me set on the chair and then itself took place on his seat. Soon maids came and left keeping the food on the table.

Here let me put for you. He scoot towards me and filled my plate more than my appetite. But I didn't say anything snd started eating it without looking at him.

You know that I'm with you right. He squeezed ny hand which was resting on the table. I chew my food and kept the spoon back in plate looking at him.

No I don't know. I don't know when you gonna change and leave me alone. One minute you wanna be with me and next second you just get up and leaves me alone like I don't exist at all. I said being tired with his mood swings which are worse than a lady who is having periods.

I left yesterday because she was sick. Suddenly she had stomach pain and I'd to go. He gave me the reason of his sudden leaving of yesterday ' which made me chuckle sarcastically and I Lean on the chair folding my arms.

She needs you arnav. Stop keeping your legs in both boats. If you continue doing it then you will fell so badly. You know and I know both that. In end of the day "you have to go to her... after all she is carrying your child. And to be honest it's valid as well. I guess she has more right on you more than. me after all she is having your baby. Just sort things out. Let me go. And  you spend time with her more instead leaving her to come here to be with me. Being father of her baby. You should he  with her 24/ 07. Not half day here and half day there.

It's not the way you think ok. She is not the one whom you think of. Stop pushing me to go to her like my mom. I've my own life. And it's my right to decide about it. Don't give me suggestion like this .. which I can't follow. I don't wanna be with her for god sake. I don't want to. He shout making me gapped back seeing his out  burst.

I said it because she is your girlfriend and ......

She is not my girlfriend. Did you understand. She is fuckin nottttt he screams making me widen my eyes in shock. I'm not able to get what I've heard from his mouth.

Whatttt ?? I whispered gazing at him with quizzical eyes. But before I ask him more he just stormed away from there leaving me baffled on my place

Precap ..... he takes her Greece with him

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