Across the hall

By tvwriteher

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Maya James is a 20 something trying to figure out her life as she navigates career and relationships experien... More

THE CAST (season one)
Season One Ep 5: you must really
Season One Ep 6: I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
Season One Ep 7: Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black.
Season One Ep 8: Well raise up your glass and laugh like a mutha!
Episode Nine: I know you know how to make me jealous
Episode Ten: my shiny teeth and me.
Episode Eleven: And we always argue bout the same thing
Episode 12: On the first day of Christmas my baby gave to me.
Episode 13: Its my birthday I deserve to be greedy huh?
Episode 14: What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
Episode 17: When Maya Falls In Love
EPISODE 18: The Other Jackson
EPISODE 19: Valentines Day
EPISODE 20: Knew Better/Forever Boy
Episode 21: Maya and Sterling Part One


65 4 36
By tvwriteher


Maya is walking out of her room and Hazel is walking out of the kitchen.


HAZEL- you look cute!

MAYA- you look cute!

They both laugh.

MAYA- Have a good day today bestie.

Hazel smiles.

HAZEL- you too bestie.

Maya goes towards the door.

HAZEL- are we watching heart anatomy tonight?

MAYA- Um I haven't watched last weeks yet I was waiting for-

HAZEL- Sterling? Is it Sterling? Maybe Sterling?

Hazel smiles. Maya rolls her eyes.

MAYA- Bye girl.

Maya leaves.

HAZEL- definitely Sterling.


Maya stands against the wall waiting. She looks down at the time on her phone.

MAYA-Im usually the one running late, where the hell is he?

Lauren walks out of Sterlings apartment. She smiles at Maya.

LAUREN-Good Morning MJ.

Maya smiles.

MAYA-Of course.

MAYA-(V.O) Okay so it's been two weeks since this happened.


HAZEL- MJ Sterling got you those roses after your 90 day review not Brian.

Maya turns her head back to Hazel quickly.

MAYA- What?

HAZEL- and you told him you loved him the night he helped you with your whole teeth removal thing.

MAYA- What?!

HAZEL- Also I ate the last  of your ice cream it wasn't Ryan.

Maya glares at her.

HAZEL- Happy New Year!


MAYA- (V.O) I've been trying to figure out how to approach Sterling about this but seeing how he's been so busy with...well.


Hazel Maya and Ryan sit at a booth having drinks.

MAYA- are we waiting for Sterling to come or should we order our food now?

RYAN- oh he's not coming he's out with Lauren.

Maya looks at him hiding disappoint.



MAYA- that's how the last two weeks have been besides work but that's a good thing because who know what he's gonna say when I ask him about it and I have giving up on romance Maya I am full workaholic Maya.


Meeting in progress. The room is filled with employees and executives.

MRS.ROBINSON- Okay I've said my spill...any ideas.

Maya contemplates, but then:

She raises her hand.

MRS. ROBINSON- have the floor.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- Okay so I've been thinking...


A photoshoot is in session. Maya is going through the clothing racks picking out pieces of clothing.

Mrs.Robinson walks in and stands next to Josh.

MRS.ROBINSON- how long has MJ been here?

JOSH- she was the first one here.

Mrs.Robinson smiles.


MAYA- Good morning.

Lauren leaves and Sterling walks out.

MAYA- about time.

STERLING- please we have more than enough time.


Sterling sits in the drivers seat starting the car. Maya sits in the passenger seat she lays her head back and looks over at Sterling and then back to the road but then she looks quickly back at Sterling starring at his face.

STERLING- what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

MAYA- your um...your cheek.

Sterling looks at her confused and then looks at himself in his front mirror. There's lip stick smeared on his face.

He reaches for the glove department but Maya is already handing him a napkin.

STERLING- Sorry about that...I know it's weird I don't even know how I ended up-

MAYA- would really not want to talk about you and your girlfriend and what y'all do.

STERLING- She's not my girlfriend.

MAYA- really don't care.

Sterling looks at her confused and pulls off.

MAYA-(V.O) but I did care and I really hate that I did....also I officially need to get a car.


Maya and Sterling walk off the elevator and run into employees rushing and shrieking past them.

Maya stands confused.

CANDACE- am I too late?

MAYA- What is going on?

CANDACE- Shit. I'm probably too late.

Candace runs past them. Mrs.Robinson approaches.

MRS.ROBINSON- ladies and gentlemen where is your dignity?

MAYA- so no one is gonna say why everyone is acting like they're giving away food stamps?

Josh runs past them.

STERLING- Josh? No messages.

JOSH-(O.S) in a second!

Mrs.Robinson laughs.

MRS.ROBINSON-Prada trumps passion, Sterling.

Maya and Sterling look at her confused.

MRS.ROBINSON- Christina just posted the sign up sheet.

MAYA- Sign up sheet?

MRS.ROBINSON-She's cleaning the closet tomorrow.

Maya still stands confused.

MRS.ROBINSON- The winter fashions from the last three issues. Christina needs to get rid of them to make room for spring collections coming in.

Maya nods finally getting it.

MRS.ROBINSON-Freebie couture is the staff perk. You know MJ you're free to go down there if you like.

MAYA- Oh no I'm fine.

MRS.ROBINSON- Okay suit yourself. Sterling are you ready for the meeting with Akeno tomorrow?

STERLING- Of course I am, am I never not ready?

Mrs.Robinson smiles and walks away.


MAYA- Sterling.


Sterling smiles.

STERLING- you first.

MAYA- As far as Akeno I have info with his back issue with his fall and winter collections a profile from last Februarys interview and his autobiography.

Maya grabs a stack of folders out of her purse.

STERLING- How did you do-  I didn't even know he has an autobiography.

MAYA- I was up all night finding things...he's a fashion icon.


Maya rolls her eyes.

MAYA- you wouldn't get it.

STERLING- But thank you anyway.

Maya nods and begins to walk away.

STERLING- Don't you want to talk about this morning?

Maya turns around confused.

MAYA- what about you having me wait in the hallway for you?

Sterling looks at her confused.

STERLING- had you wait in the hallway?

MAYA- Yes.

STERLING- the girl who has been walking inside my apartment and room since the day I met her now has to wait in the hallway? You could have came inside.

MAYA- We were running late.

STERLING- We're literally still fifteen minutes from early.

Maya looks at him.

MAYA- Well you were cutting it close.

STERLING- I've never been late and I would never make you....even though you have almost made me late plenty of times.

MAYA- Well you don't have to worry about that after today because I'm getting a car.

STERLING- That's amazing.

MAYA- it is.

Sterling looks at her. Maya storms off.

STERLING- she's driving me insane. 

Sterling walks towards his office.


Ryan is checking out a numerous amount of books. Carrying them in his hands.

CASHIER- I could put those in a bag for you.

Ryan looks at her and then looks at his hands filled with books and almost falling out. He gets a grin.

RYAN- that would be smart.

The cashier laughs and Ryan places the books back on the counter and the cashier begins to place them in a bag.


Hazel is talking on the phone and Ryan has poured his books on the coffee table and is sorting them out.

HAZEL- (on the phone) Sure I could fill in for night court shift....I get how busy night court can be but I can handle it...okay see you then.

Hazel hangs up and walks over to the couch.

HAZEL- now why the hell do you have all of these baby books?

RYAN- Because I have a doctor's appointment with Rebecca later and I'm gonna be so prepared I will know the woman's uterus better than anyone.

Hazel looks at him.

HAZEL- and that let you really have a kid.

Ryan smiles and nods.

RYAN- I know right.

HAZEL- are you gonna eat the placenta?

RYAN- The plac what?!

HAZEL- The Placenta.

RYAN- is that the thing from SpongeBob?

HAZEL- no that would be Plankton, the Placenta is basically an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy

Ryan looks disgusted.

RYAN- why would I eat that?

Hazel laughs.

RYAN- Hazel do you realize my baby right now is about this big?

He makes a small circle with his hand and Hazel looks at him and smiles.


Sterling is typing furiously at his computer and rambling.

STERLING-(mocking) because I'm gonna get a car I don't need Sterling blah blah.

Josh enters with carrying a coffee placing it on Sterling's desk. Sterling still rambles. Josh watches for a while.

JOSH- are you okay sir?

STERLING- (still mocking) I'm great-

Josh looks at him.

STERLING-(normal voice) I mean I'm great.

JOSH- you don't sound this about the Akeno meeting?

STERLING- I wish it was....I mean this could be one of the biggest accounts I could land and I'm not a bit nervous about it instead I'm worried about-

JOSH- MJ? Could it be MJ? Is it MJ?

Sterling sucks his teeth.

STERLING- No. why would I be worried about Maya?

JOSH- Well she's the only one that makes your little marketing heart go Cha-Ching.

Sterling looks at him confused and disgusted.

STERLING- never do that again.

JOSH- Well you know what I mean....its obvious you like each other.

STERLING- she's stubborn and bossy and so freaking hard to read....she drives me crazy.

JOSH- The best love stories start out that way.

Sterling rolls his eyes and goes back to his computer.

JOSH- you know if you two are fighting you could surprise her with that pink Prada bag from page nine...she tried to get it today but someone else snatched it.

STERLING- Why would I buy a gift if I didn't do anything? And I knew she was going to sneak off and go through that stuff.

JOSH- whatever I'm just saying she was kinda sad about it.

STERLING-wait she was sad? Like how sad?

Josh smirks.

JOSH- why do you care she's mean and driving your crazy right?

Sterling looks at him. Josh smile continues and then he walks towards the door.


Associates sit at their desk admiring their new fashion picks or exchanging them with other associates.

Maya sits at her desk putting sketches together.

Candace approaches her.

CANDACE- see if you came earlier when you saw us running you could have got your bag girl.

MAYA- Well no if you were really my bitch for real you could grabbed it for me.

Candace looks at he and Maya looks up at her and smiles.

CANDACE- oh that's not fair it was a war zone.

Maya laughs and turns back to her sketch.

MAYA- it's fine anyway I'm going to buy a car after work.

CANDACE-(confused) really?

MAYA- yup.

CANDACE- I thought you was saving your money up for your own line and stuff and riding with Sterling?

MAYA- Yeah I was but it's getting kinda crowded there.

CANDACE- Oh he giving other people rides?

MAYA- Well in a way.

Candace looks at her confused.

MAYA- I just need to get my own car.

Maya phone begins to ring.

MAYA- oh this is my Dad, I'll be right back.


Sterling stands at the water cooler grabbing a cup of water.

Maya stands a few feet away talking on her cellphone. 

MAYA- Hey Daddy, are you here?

CURTIS- I'm sorry baby girl one of my patients went into labor early I won't be able to make it today.

MAYA- But I set up an appointment?

CURTIS- I can't control labor baby girl.

MAYA-She cant close her legs?


MAYA- (disappointed) Fine.

CURTIS- Look don't go, reschedule we can go this weekend.

MAYA- No I really wanted to go today...I just didn't want to get hustled but you know what I'll be fine.

CURTIS- MJ stop being stubborn and just wait.

MAYA- I'm fine...I don't want to wait but it's okay.

Maya hangs up and walks back inside the bull pen. Sterling watches her.


A small but cozy apartment every neat and in place. Ryan and Rebecca enter.

REBECCA- I can't believe you were acting like that at the doctor's office.

RYAN- like what?


Rebecca lays across the examination table as the doctor examines her.

Ryan stands next to her.

REBECCA- Ryan it's just a check up you don't have to stand next to me sit down, relax.

RYAN- I am relaxed...I just wanted to make sure you were relaxed.

Rebecca smiles and shakes her head.

DOCTOR- I think it's sweet.

Ryan smiles.

RYAN- Thanks.

DOCTOR- okay it looks like today we will be able to tell what this little munchkin is.

REBECCA-(excited) really?!

RYAN- whoaaa.

DOCTOR- Yes would you guys like to know?

At the same time:



And again at the same time:


RYAN- What?

The Doctor laughs.

RYAN- I don't want to know...I want to be surprised.

REBECCA- Seriously?

RYAN- Yes...I mean this whole thing was a complete surprise why ruin a good thing?

REBECCA- Ryan...anyway yes I would like to know.


RYAN- (singing) lalalalala

Rebecca hits him on the arm.

RYAN- Ow?!

REBECCA- would you shut up?

RYAN- she was about to say and I don't want to know.

DOCTOR- I was just gonna say I can tell her separately.

Rebecca shoots him a look.

Ryan has a nervous smile.

RYAN- Oh...haha.


RYAN- oh that?

Rebecca smiles and shakes her head.

REBECCA- you're ridiculous.

Rebecca sits on the couch. Ryan joins her.

REBECCA- I can't believe you don't want to know.

RYAN- I think it would be cool to be surprised on that day...I don't know.

REBECCA- I respect it. I'm just saying I was dying to know.

RYAN- why?

REBECCA- makes me feel more connected to them...I don't know. Now I can really try to imagine their little face or their personality their name.

Ryan looks at her almost giving in.

RYAN- Wait you started thinking of names?

Rebecca nods.

REBECCA- I mean I kinda always had an idea of what I would name my child one day.

RYAN- oh wow I never thought of it before.

REBECCA- Ryan that's okay I mean not everyone does.

RYAN- Will they have my last name?

Rebecca looks at him touched. She rubs his shoulder.

REBECCA- Aw yes Ryan.

Ryan looks relieved.

REBECCA- sometimes I forget how sweet you can be.

Ryan smirks in a flirty way.

REBECCA- don't ruin it.

Ryan laughs.

RYAN- I had to.

REBECCA- look how about you go home and you try to come up with some first and middle names and we can go over them together.

RYAN- Wait really you would do that?

Rebecca laughs.

REBECCA- Yes. But I won't keep any promises because my names are gold too.

Ryan grabs her hand.

RYAN- We'll figure it out.

Rebecca smiles.

RYAN- oh wait also can I have one more thing?



Maya is in the middle of talking to a "sleazy" car salesman.

She has her eyes set on a flashy red mustang convertible.

SALESMAN- Now see with your credit being so new normally it cost you a lot to lease this but I can make you a deal because I like you.

MAYA-What deal would that be?

SALESMAN- two thousand down today.

MAYA- two thousand down?

He smirks.

SALESMAN- That's the deal.

Maya nervously smiles.

MAYA- Okay one second.

Maya walks outside and begins talking on her cell phone.

SALESMAN TWO- two thousand actually isn't bad.

SALESMAN- Yeah but it'll be like four thousand once she comes back.

The salesman laughs. Sterling walks inside.

SALESMAN- Oh I got him.

Sterling approaches them.

SALESMAN- looking for anything in particular sir?

STERLING- which one of you are working with the curly hair girl?

SALESMAN- That would be me.

STERLING- which car is she looking at?

SALESMAN- This nice shiny red one right here.

Sterling looks at the car examining it. He smiles to himself.

STERLING- Completely Maya.

The salesman looks at him confused.

STERLING- how much?

SALESMAN- four thousand down.

STERLING- No I mean for the whole thing.

The salesman grins and begins to talk.

STERLING- before you try and play me can't.

SALESMAN- Nah I think you're gonna do anything for your little girlfriend out I'm gonna say thirty thousand.

STERLING- Deal. Thirty thousand.

SALESMAN- did I say thirty? I meant forty.



STERLING- You know what I'm sure the car dealership right around the corner wouldn't mind this forty thousand.

SALESMAN- aight man fine you got it.

Sterling takes out his wallet and pulls out a check and begins to fill it out.

STERLING- One last thing,


STERLING- you can't tell her.

SALESMAN- How would I explain to her that she completely owns the car?

STERLING- Tell her she won like some dealer contest I don't know where she won a paid off car or something.

SALESMAN- Would she go for that?


Maya bursts inside the door full of excitement.

MAYA- Hazel get up I got a car!

She pauses waiting for Hazel's response.

MAYA- Hazel I said got my first car....where are you?

Maya walks to Hazel's bedroom door opening it and seeing no Hazel she walks back out into the living room.

MAYA- oh yeah she works that stupid night court thing today. I hope her night is going good at least.


PLAINTIFF- We have The vs Marsha Roberts, Your Honor.

Hazel stands at her table. In the middle next to her lawyer is Marsha Roberts 20s.

HAZEL- The defendant was arrested for barricading patrons into a Home Depot and blasting Billie Eilish's everything I wanted through the PA system for six hours.

LAWYER- your honor, my flower was merely following instructions personally given to her by....(clears his throat) Satan.

Hazel looks at him confused.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- when you say Satan, you mean-

LAWYER- The main one.

MARSHA- Satan is my father.

LAYWER- isn't that wonderful? Parent and child sharing an open line of communication. There are no secrets in this family.

He faces the court.

HAZEL- Real quick...when Satan speaks to you is it in your head or from.....your head?

MARSHA- he speaks through my air fryer.

LAWYER- Objection your honor.

JUDGE SCHROEDER-over ruled...I find Ms.Roberts guilty of false case.

PLAINTIFF- Next up, The people vs Todd and Missy McMurray.

A couple dressed in all black with gothic makeup and sharp fangs stand in the center. Both in late 20s.

HAZEL- The McMurrays are charged with disturbing the peace outside a bodega on St.Marks place.

LAWYER- Your Honor, my clients were just involved in a lovers squabble, nothing serious. Some words were exchanged some produce was thrown.

TODD- Nothing serious? It was attempted murder. She threw garlic at me.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- and it's attempted murder because?

LAWYER- They're vampires.

TODD- your honor, she started this.

MISSY- because I had the nerve to ask you where you were the other night?

TODD- I was looking for a virgin to surprise you for our anniversary. You think I wanted to go to a Bare naked Ladies reunion concert?

MISSY- you never tell me anything. Like when I have food in my fangs! I can't look in a mirror Todd!

HAZEL-(low voice) this is some weird ass white people shit.

The couple begins to hiss at each other.

JUDGE SCHROEDER-I'm gonna be honest I don't care about garlic or virgins. But I am very excited to hear that the Barenaked Ladies are back together.

Hazel gives her a "really look"

JUDGE SCHROEDER— at the end of the day you two found someone who accepts you for who you are. That's special and worth fighting for.

The couple smiles at each other.

JUDGE SCHROEDER-And since this is your first offense, the state is willing to drop the charges if you agree to couples counseling.

The couple looks at her debating.

JUDGE SCHROEDER— before you say no, remember you're only one "yes" away from the rest of your life.

TODD- I do still love you.

MISSY- I love you too.

Hazel rolls her eyes. The judge bangs her gavel.


Hazel walks in and immediately flops on the couch. Maya walks out of her room.

MAYA- my God what did they do to you?

HAZEL- (face in pillow) I don't want to talk about it.

Maya sympathizes and walks over sitting next to her on the couch and rubs her back.

MAYA- It cant be that bad.

HAZEL-(face in pillow) still not talking about it.

MAYA-Well I'm proud of you.

HAZEL-(face in pillow) Yeah yeah.

Maya laughs and stands up and walks towards the door to leave.

MAYA- Well there's food for you in the microwave I made your favorites.

HAZEL-(face in the pillow) is it Vagina?

Maya laughs.

MAYA- No I'm sorry they ran out.

Hazel laughs.


Sterling sits at his desk and Maya enters.

MAYA- you wanted to see me?

STERLING-Hey good morning.

MAYA- Um good morning?

Maya looks at him confused. Sterling smiles.

MAYA- Did you want something?

STERLING-We usually get to talk in the morning but today you were already gone so.

Sterling smiles.

MAYA- Sterling seriously?


MAYA- you pulled me away from my desk to talk?

STERLING- yeah because you won't talk to me.

MAYA- I do talk to you-

STERLING- no you haven't it's like you're mad at me because I did something to you but you won't tell me what I did.

Maya looks at him.

MAYA-(V.O) I have been kinda mean...but he's such a baby my God.

MAYA- We need boundaries.

STERLING- We need what?

MAYA- heard.

STERLING- But that's not even making sense, what are you talking about?

MAYA- Sterling look-

JOSH- (via intercom) Akeno is on his in.

STERLING- Oh shit.

Sterling gets out of his seat and Maya begins to leave but is stopped by AKENO 30s very tall stylish and Asian and handsome. He enters with a complete entourage.

AKENO- Good morning Sterling...I'm thirsty are you?

Sterling looks at him confused and then looks at Maya.

MAYA- (low voice) champagne.

STERLING- oh yeah the book.

Sterling walks over to his desk and clicks his intercom.

STERLING- Josh bring it in please.

JOSH-(via intercom) will do.

A few moments later Josh enters carrying a tray of glasses filled with champagne.

Akeno smiles and picks up a glass.

AKENO- Ah. We shall toast.

STERLING- I don't really drink on the jo-

Maya hits him.


Akeno looks at him.

STERLING- I mean let's toast.

AKENO- let's get to business...

Sterling nods.

AKENO- I will be fitting my spring collection on my models today and tomorrow. Tomorrow I will return to do a showing for you and your editors. We will use your tube entry for our runway walk.

Sterling and Maya nod.

AKENO- round white, minimal.

Sterling and Maya both raise their eyebrows like what is he talking about.

AKENO- but first you host a dinner for me tonight.

STERLING-(confused) a dinner?

AKENO- Yes a nice home cooked meal...and after that we will talk business-

Sterling begins to talk.

AKENO- or not.

Akeno turns to leave and his entourage makes way for him and he exits and they follow behind him.

Sterling turns to Maya.

STERLING- he said a nice home cooked meal? He's expecting a home cooked meal?

Maya rubs his shoulder.

MAYA- relax it will be fine it's just one dinner and then you get the account.

Sterling nods and then Maya realizes what she's doing and stops and steps back some.

STERLING- You're right I'll just get chef and some caterer that's nothing.

MAYA- Um be careful of the caterer stuff he said he wants a home cooked meal...I think he wants the dinner to be personal.

STERLING- Maya I can't know that.

MAYA- proud you finally admitted that but come on you can at least make some Alfredo or something?

STERLING- oh hell yeah I mean that's easy you get the jar of sauce and some hard can that be?

Maya sighs.

MAYA- Im so gonna regret this.


MAYA- I'll cook the dinner.


MAYA- Can you like not hear today?

STERLING- I heard you. I'm just shocked you would do that for me since you been all...well you know.

MAYA-Well it's a good thing I'm not doing to for you...doing it for the account.

Sterling looks at her.

MAYA- See you later and I'll text you a list of things I'll need.

STERLING- um okay?

Maya nods and leaves.


Hazel is asleep other couch. Ryan walks in.

RYAN- Hazel!

Hazel awakes and jumps up.

HAZEL- You better be dying.

RYAN- I don't think so.

HAZEL- then what the hell is wrong with you?!

RYAN- I need to talk to you.

HAZEL- about what?

RYAN- it's a surprise.

HAZEL- Ryan you know I work late all this week. I need rest.

RYAN- oh yeah I forgot you're doing that night court thing to help out your boss.

Hazel lays back down.

RYAN- does that make you happy?

HAZEL-(eyes still closed) What?

RYAN- working extra hours for your boss.

HAZEL- I mean it's not about me being happy it's about doing what I have to do in order to get where I want to be.

RYAN- Yeah but is that fair for you to be doing more?

HAZEL- I'm a black woman nothing is really fair to us especially in this field Ryan.

Hazel laughs and lays back down.

RYAN- Well I hope your night goes well. I just wanted to tell you something I meant to tell you yesterday but you weren't home.

HAZEL- What is it Ryan?

RYAN- I was wondering if you would be my babies God mother...

HAZEL-(touched) me?

RYAN-'re the most dependable person I know....and the way you stick up for your friends....I don't think it's anyone who would protect them more.

HAZEL- oh I will protect that sweet little angel with my whole life.

Ryan smiles.

HAZEL- (touched) Aw Ryan.

Hazel hugs him. Ryan smiles.

HAZEL- you know work has been incredibly hard the last few nights but that really cheered me up. Thanks.

Hazel stands up proudly.

HAZEL- you know I just got a boost of know what?

Ryan smiles.

RYAN- you're gonna tell your boss you don't want to do the night care anymore?

HAZEL- No I'm just gonna suck it up and do it and pray it pays off.

Hazel flops on the couch. Ryan rubs her back.

RYAN- Aw know what would make you feel better?

HAZEL- (face in pillow) I'm not having sex with you!

RYAN- worth a shot.


Sterling is placing groceries on his counter. Maya walks in.

MAYA- is that everything?

STERLING- Yeah..but Maya I'm confused..this doesn't look like Japanese food?

MAYA- Well that's because I'm not making Japanese food.

STERLING- Wouldn't that be an impressive meal to cook?

MAYA- I was thinking that but then I thought I'm sure he has that all the time and if he's asking for a home cooked meal at your house maybe he wants to try food from here so.

Sterling nods.

MAYA- just trust me.

STERLING- I trust you.

Maya looks at him.

MAYA- okay let's get started.

STERLING- let's?

MAYA- Yes you're helping what am I your chef?

STERLING- Well yeah.

Maya hits him. Sterling laughs.


Maya teaching Sterling how to make the entrees.

Sterling begins to season the food and almost puts too much. Maya pulls his hand back showing how him the correct amount of use.

Sterling opens the flour and it spills everywhere. Maya looks at him like he's insane.

Sterling drops the duck on the floor. Maya jaw drops. Sterling picks it up quickly and holds up five fingers.

Sterling turns the fire up high on the strove top and the grease begins to pop. Maya points for him to get out.

Sterling tries to feed Maya some sauce she said shakes her head no. He puts the spoon in her face she still shakes her head no and moves away. Sterling gives her a please look with his eyes and she gives in and tries it.

Sterling looks at her nervously. She scrunches her face at first. Sterling looks embarrassed. But then she smiles.

Sterling looks surprised she nods and then they high five and look at each other smiling.


Judge Schroeder sits at her desk sorting files. Hazel knocks on the door and then enters.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- Gina Brown operated an illegal high stakes poker game in Hells Kitchen for over a year.

HAZEL- insane.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- I'm sorry you have no idea who or what I'm talking about.

Hazel nods and smiles.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- so what's up take a seat, talk to me.

Hazel sits down.

HAZEL- about the night court.

Judge Schroeder looks at her.

HAZEL- I appreciate the opportunity...I really do but after the last few nights and seeing how kinda  crazy some of those cases were....I think I'm above those type of cases now.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- You think lawyers get to choose what cases to be above?

HAZEL- I mean you wouldn't have saw Johnnie Cochran taking a case to defend vampires.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- Are you Johnnie Cochran?

HAZEL- Bitch.


That DIDNT happen.

HAZEL- I said..well no but I'm Hazel Harris and I've proved myself to be able to start being apart of cases with higher stature.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- Your time will come but being able to help with night court cases is something every attorney has to do.

Hazel looks at her.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- if you have a problem with that-

HAZEL- but I only did this as favor due to low staff. That doesn't show initiative? 

JUDGE SCHROEDER- It does you know how much I appreciate you and the way you took care of cocoa for me.

Hazel stares at her trying not to roll her eyes.

JUDGE SCHROEDER- you're one of the best lawyers we have here and once this week is over you'll be back to regular schedule.

Hazel fakes a smile.

HAZEL- Thanks.

Judge Schroeder smiles like she did something good. Hazel gets up to leave.


Trays of food sit in the center of the table covered. Maya and Sterling stand behind it while Akeno and his entourage sit on the other side.

STERLING- Good evening. For dinner tonight we have a whole catfish prepared in the style of fujian province. We hope you find it amazing.

Maya lifts up the lid and Akeno looks at the dish not really impressed.

MAYA-  it's fujan amazing.

Akeno and his entourage just stare at her. Sterling laughs.

STERLING- it's "fujan amazing" that's hilarious.

AKENO- I don't get it.

Sterling clears his throat.

STERLING- okay, next, we have a dish  I like to call falling duck.

Maya covers her face and lifts up the lid.

STERLING- with a spicy Szechuan pickled cabbage.

Akron looks at the dish raises his eye brows a bit more impressed but still not as much.

MAYA- okay tough crowd.

STERLING- right.

MAYA- and lastly we figured you might be sick of Japanese food or as you call it..."food".

Sterling eyes widens. Maya laughs but they look at not amused.

Sterling clears his throats.

MAYA- so I made my famous spaghetti and meatballs.

Maya lifts up the lid and their eyes light up and they make happy sighs and begin to clap.

AKENO- oh thank God I am sick of Chinese food.

Maya and Sterling laughs.

MAYA- seriously? If you like this you're gonna love desert.

AKENO- please say apple pie.

MAYA- Apple pie!

AKENO- Apple pie!

STERLING-(low voice) we didn't make Apple pie.

MAYA- (through a smile) Shut up.


Food trays are now half empty and dinner is finishing up. Akeno and his entourage begin to leave.

AKENO- it was a pleasure doing business with you Sterling you're a genius...and not just about the marketing but putting MJ by your side you're gonna go far.

Sterling gets a half smile and looks at Maya.

STERLING- yeah she's amazing.

AKENO- And MJ I meant it when I said it send me your designs...I would love to get some insight from you.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- I am...I mean I will. I am and I will.

AKENO- and another thing-

Maya hands him a food container.

MAYA- I made you a plate to go.

AKENO- Man I love this girl....shes way too good for you Sterling.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- he knows.

Akeno laughs. Sterling smiles and shakes his head.

STERLING- I'll show you out.

Sterling walks Akeno and his entourage to the door and closes it.

He turns to Maya both of them with the biggest smiles.

STERLING- We got exclusives for his next four collections!

MAYA- I know.

They run to each other excited Sterling hugs her picking her up and spinning her.

STERLING- Maya you're amazing. I mean truly amazing I wouldn't have been able to do this without you.

They hold onto to each other for a moment.

MAYA- (V.O) I missed him.

STERLING- I missed you.

Maya pulls away from him. Sterling looks at him.


STERLING- now you're the one that can't hear.

MAYA- I mean what like what are you talking about?

STERLING- this is the most we kicked it in like two weeks.

MAYA- you see me every day.

STERLING-and you're mean every single time and not like your normal mean because I can handle that but I mean really mean like you hate me...I don't know what I would do if you hated me.

Maya looks at him. She sighs.

MAYA- I don't hate you Uptown.

STERLING- then what's going on?

MAYA- Do you realize I depend on you a lot?


MAYA- No I  didn't realize it until I couldn't anymore because you're not available like you use to be which is fine because why wouldn't you get a girlfriend

STERLING- Lauren is not my-

MAYA- Sterling please whatever she is she has majority of your time now and it's nothing wrong with that but I don't know I don't know it just reminded of how I depended on my dad or Steven and then you and I don't want to be let down again and I also need to depend on myself I mean it's like you said.

STERLING- Nah look on New Year's Eve I didn't say me being there for you is a bad's no different than Hazel being there for you. I was just saying we can't pick and choose when to be there for each other and I also admitted how I was wrong for how it came out. But I like that you trust me enough to depend on makes me feel good that I can be the person that makes you believe not everyone is a disappointment.

Maya looks at him.

STERLING- It doesn't matter who I'm dating I'm gonna always look out for you and the only reason I haven't been around didn't have much to do with Lauren but more of me thinking you didn't want me around.

MAYA- well I don't want you around.

Sterling looks at her. Maya smiles.

STERLING- see that's the normal mean I'm talking about.

Maya laughs.

STERLING- so we're good now?

MAYA- we're good.

STERLING- good because I've been dying to watch Heart Anatomy.

MAYA- me too you waited for me?!

STERLING- duh no way I getting caught watching that by myself.

Maya laughs.

MAYA- Well I waited for you too.


MAYA- shut up.

Sterling laughs.

STERLING- it's crazy if I would have known all we needed was to talk and cook that could have saved me forty thousand dollars.

Maya laughs.

MAYA-right. (realizing) wait what are you talking about?

STERLING- (clears his throat) huh?

MAYA- Sterling.

STERLING- Okay see um I kinda heard you on the phone with you Dad and how he couldn't come inspect the car with I figured I would because I wanted to  make sure it was okay and then I was like wait these car payments are a lot...why not just-

Maya glares at him. Sterling smiles nervously.

MAYA- you bought me a car?!

STERLING- you helped make dinner...that makes us kinda even right?

MAYA- Sterling you can't buy me a car and you insane?

STERLING- you needed a car and I just saved you forty thousand dollars...I'm missing the problem?

MAYA- Do you want to know why I was in such a hurry to get a car now?

Sterling shrugs confused.

MAYA- I am jealous of you with Lauren. And I don't want to wait for you to walk out your door with her every morning and wipe off kisses on your cheek. So to fix that problem I wanted to get a car but you buying it is just...I don't know I appreciate it but it feels bad.

Sterling starts to smile.

STERLING- you were jealous seeing me with another girl?

MAYA- that's what you got from that?

STERLING- you were jealous of me with another girl.

MAYA- you bought my flowers for my 90 day review.

Sterling gasps.

MAYA- yeah.

STERLING- how did you? When did you?

Maya glares at him and nods her head.

MAYA- yeahh.

STERLING- okay so what I like doing things for you...Hazel would buy you flowers and car.

MAYA- so what I was jealous Ryan gets jealous when you laugh at someone else.

STERLING- oh please that's different that's Ryan.

MAYA- whatever why didn't you tell me?

STERLING- I don't know....both of this times I guess I just wanted you to feel good and I didn't want to make it about me.

MAYA- well I'm returning the car.


MAYA- just doesn't feel right.....but don't worry this means you get to ride with me every morning again. Aren't you lucky.

STERLING-(sarcastic) yayyy.

Maya laughs.

STERLING-tomorrow I'll beat you to the door.

Maya smiles at him and the shoves him.


Maya stands by her door looking at the time on her phone.

Hazel enters.

MAYA- Honey where have you been?

HAZEL- (pouting like a kid) stupid dumb lawyer work.

Maya pouts and extends her arms.

MAYA- come here sugar.

HAZEL- I feel like it's been what's going on with your life?

MAYA- you haven't missed any thing. Oh I need make a small or a connection with Akeno.

HAZEL-(excited) yayyy...(normal voice) who is that?

Maya laughs.

MAYA- I'll tell you about it later. Go get some rest.

Hazel has a half smile. And hugs her tightly.

HAZEL- have I ever told you that you're a fierce woman Maya James?

Maya smiles.

MAYA- I learned from you.

HAZEL-(yawning)) you did.

Maya laughs. Hazel goes inside.

MAYA- okay seriously?

Maya pulls out her phone and calls Sterling.

MAYA- Okay lover boy you're actually about to be late now.

STERLING- I'm outside lover girl.

MAYA- What?


Sterling sits in the driver seat and Maya walks down the stairs he rolls down his window.

STERLING- Ive been here for at least ten minutes andI did make a stop at dunkin got coffee and donuts and those little hash brown things you get.

Maya smiles and shakes her head.

MAYA- I can't stand you.

Sterling winks at her.


Maya Sterling and Hazel sit on the sofa while Ryan sits on the love seat.

Maya and Hazel share a bowl of popcorn.

STERLING- I don't understand how you could pick Hazel over me to be a God parent and I've known you longer.

RYAN- Relax you can be the God father.

STERLING- but you didn't ask me.

RYAN- I have to?

STERLING- Hell yeah.

HAZEL- yeah you and Maya are made for each other.

MAYA- shut up....wait Ryan what about me? I wanna be something.

RYAN- you are the fine ass auntie.

Maya smiles.

MAYA- I'm fine?

Sterling sucks his teeth.


MAYA- I look better than you.

STERLING- please. You saw how many compliments I got today on my suit? You know what's up.

MAYA- people were just excited to see you look nice for the first time.

STERLING- (mocking) people were just excited to see you look nice for the first time.

RYAN- ah we're back to normal.

STERLING- yeah I'm still handsome and Maya is still annoying.

HAZEL-shhh it's back on.

MAYA AND HAZEL-(singing) it's heart anatomy it's heart anatomy find your loveeee.

Ryan and Sterling laugh.


Maya screams and throws the popcorn.

STERLING- what the hell?

RYAN- was it like a bug?

MAYA- Morgan Alexander is guest starring next week!

RYAN- now she's fine.

MAYA- Can you imagine if I got to style her? Ugh I love the way she dresses.

HAZEL- I'm sure she would love your designs.

MAYA- I can't believe she's gonna be a love interest for Sammie I mean I love her but her character can't be in the way of Sammie and Madeleine.

HAZEL- Oh please you know how this goes she stays for four or five episodes just being in the way of the main couple getting together but also being apart of that little invisible string that pulls them together.

RYAN- Oh so like Lauren Maya and Sterling.


MAYA- shut up. I'm going to bed.

Hazel laughs. Maya gets up from the couch and goes to her room.

RYAN- I thought everyone knew that?

Ryan shrugs and begins to pick some popcorn off the floor and eat it.

Hazel and Sterling both look at him disgusted.

STERLING- okay I'm out.

HAZEL- same.

They both get up from the couch. Sterling leaves. Hazel goes in her room.


Maya now in a towel walks towards her bed and notices gift box. She looks confused and opens it.

She gasps. It's the pink Prada bag she wanted. She picks up the card attached and reads:

MAYA- This time you'll know it's directly from me. Thank you so much for helping me and believing in me for the dinner. Sterling.

Maya smiles and then looks at the bag again.


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