Wishper Of The Heart [COMPLE...

By Thank_you_Too

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Sam(G!p)XMon (AU) When Khun Sam saw a little girl, that lead to unfold her past with a young girl, who she w... More

Chapter 1- Ghost From The Past
Chapter 2 - Some Memories Never Fade 1
Chapter 3 - Some Memories Never Fade 2
Chapter 4 - Happy pills
Chapter 5 - I Am Really Sorry
Chapter 6 - We All Are Stubborn
Chapter 8 - I Will Be Anything You Want
Chapter 9 - My Daughter's Mother
Chapter 10 - You Own My Heart ❤️
Chapter 11- We Are Family
Chapter 12 - My Little Bunny
Chapter 13 - I Love You
Chapter 14 - Pronounce Wife and Wife
Chapter 15 - One Of A Kind
Chapter 16 - Yes, I Am Stupid
Chapter 17 - White Strawberries
Chapter 18 - I Am Always With You
Chapter 19 - Welcome To The Family
Chapter 20 - Da-Da, Ma-Ma
Chapter 21 - She Is My Life
Chapter 22 - I Missed You
Chapter 23 - I Am Only Yours
Chapter 24 - Special Chapter
Chapter 25 - Bonus Chapter

Chapter 7 - She Is My Sister

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By Thank_you_Too

Mon discharged from hospital, Doctor gave list of medication for one months, asked to eat healthy foods.

Then they came to Mon's place.
Sam is helping Mon walking up the stairs, even Mon said it's fine that she can walk alone. Sam didn't listen.

They reached first floor, a lady was standing near the door, when she saw them, she shouted

"Mon, Where the hell have you been? I was worried"

"Oh hello to you too, Yuki"
Mon just said smiling, Yuki is Mon's best friend, she is happy to see her friend after a month.

"Aunt Yuki" Little Sam called, she ran towards her

"Ohh my little angel" Yuki is holding her niece up, shower kisses on her little face. Then she put little one on floor, rummaged her bag and bring out a chocolate and asking

"Where is my little angel?"
"Here here"
The little one said throwing her hands up.

"Ohh, then come give aunt a big kiss"

Little Sam just give a long kiss on Yuki's cheek, then took the chocolate. Mon went towards her friend and hugged her.

Sam opened the door, then she entered first, followed by her daughter.

After a brief get together, the two friends enter the room, there already Sam is sitting on couch, her daughter is on her lap, eating chocolate.

Sam and Yuki just exchange their glances, they don't know each other. Both might be curious to know who they are as both act like they are so closed to Mon and her daughter.

So Mon saw the situation, took the opportunity and introduced to each other
"Khun Sam, she is my best friend Yuki, Yuki she is Khun Sam"

They exchange smiles, but Mon know Yuki is not happy about the introduction about Sam.

From time to time Yuki looked at Sam, maybe she want to know how Sam is too closed with her neice. She never saw her before, Mon never mentioned anyone called Sam before. Only Sam she know is her neice.

"Ok Mon, I will go to drugstore, please take rest I will do the packing, when I came back"
Sam said to Mon, Mon just hummed and nod her head a little, then she looked at Yuki

"See you, Yuki" Yuki just nod.

"Princess, be good to Mama. I will buy you ice cream"
Sam told her daughter, she is about to leave

"Dada, wait. I want to come too" Little Sam ran towards her

Yuki eyes widen at the word 'Dada', she looked at Mon but Mon just looked other side.

"Princess, be with Mama, I will come soon" Sam told her daughter
"No no Dada, I come with you"

"Khun Sam bring her with you"

Mon told Sam, she need lone time with Yuki, otherwise Yuki will kill her in any time with her look.

"Ok lets go princess"

Both Sam left, Yuki looked at Mon. Mon know Yuki will bombarded with questions.

First, Yuki asked why she didn't picked her call yesterday. And today, her phone is switch off.

Mon answered she was at hospital, left her phone in the room.
"Hey are you all right?" Yuki asked in worried tone

"Now, I am Ok"

"Thank God, Mon I was so worried, in morning I called Nop, he said you took leave. When I came here, your door was locked too, I don't know what to do. Whom to asked"

"Hey don't worry, I am Ok now" Mon assured her friend.

"Why you was in hospital?"
"Last two, three days I was not feeling well, couldn't eat properly, yesterday I was about to pass out, is lucky that Khun Sam came here, she took me to hospital. Hey its ok, Its just Anemia, I will be fit in no time"

"Uhhm ,Ok good to know nothing is serious"
"Thank you for always looking for me"
Yuki just rolled her eyes

"Ok enough about thanking me, most importantly, Who is she? Why my neice looked like her, and how both their name is Sam"

"Just nickname"
"Ok, Who is she? my neice called her Dada, what is the meaning of that?"

"She is ... uh"

"Mon, I am not invading your personal life, but I think I had the right to know about it"

Yuki said, she had so many questions in her head, its going to kill her any minute.

Mon took a deep breathe, yes Yuki need to know everything
"She is other parent of your neice"

"But how...But how could she be other parent of my neice, our little angel" Yuki asked in confused.

Yuki know her past, how Mon is unfortunate with her life.

When Mon ran away from Sam's house, she went to another province, Chiang Mai with money that she took from Sam.

There she meet Yuki, who was looking for a roommate. They became closed from their first meeting. Yuki was college student at that time, Mon just do some part time jobs in nearby stores. They share a room.

Yuki help Mon in many way, she was there when Little Sam was born and they became like sisters. She know about Mon, there is no secret in-between them but Mon never mentioned the name of other parent of her child. And Yuki never asked about it, she respect Mon's privacy.

"Yes Yuki, she is"
"But how??? She is a woman too"

Now, Mon need to explain everything to her friend, she can trust Yuki with her life. After explaining the important details. And told Yuki that she and her daughter is going to stay at Sam place for a while. Yuki is mad.

"How dare she appeared now? Did she threatened you, Mon tell me"

"Yuki, calm down. Nothing like that, she was helping me."

"Mon, I was out of Bangkok, for only one month and you are ready to move in with her, after what she did to you"

Yuki went to Chiang Mai for her job for one month.

Actually, Yuki is from Chiang Mai province, after her college, she got secretary job to the Director of a publishing company.
More than three years they live together sharing a room, Yuki is part of Little Sam's childhood.

Then, Yuki's company move to Bangkok, so she need to move to Bangkok.
So, Mon move too, she want to be near to Yuki.
Yuki is only one, she is closed to in her life, who is always there for her.

But, in Bangkok they live at different place, Mon like near to her daughter's school, Yuki live 15 minutes drive from Mon's place, near to her office.

But she always visit them in weekend. She even arranged for Mon's job.
Nop is Yuki's distant cousin, she talk with him and asked to make the exception for Mon's work timing. That why Mon is closed with Nop, they are closed friends.

"What a timing she came, I have been out for only one months and all this happened so fast, You never told me all these time, even we talk like almost everyday"
Yuki is so frustrated this time

"Yuki, my friend I am sorry for not telling to you, I wait for right moments. When I saw happiness on my daughter face, and how she is begging me to forgive her, I just want to give a chance"

Yuki just sight, she know how Mon is, how pure, how good, how truthful she is. Always ready to help other, she is always positive about everything.

"Yuki, please don't be mad at me"

"Are you happy?" Mon gulped, Yuki smirks

"Oh, you had things for her right, You even name your daughter after her, Am I right?"

Mon just stayed silent, Yuki asked again

"What are you planning to do Mon, are you two going to be together like a couple? Or Are you two going to live together because of your daughter"

"I don't know? Till now I don't have any plan"
"How could you know, you are just stupid"

"Yuki, I believe she changed. Please let's give a chance. And don't you see how your little angel is happy with her. Now I need to take rest, thats why she asked me to stay at her place. She said she want to take care of us"

Yuki just rolled her eyes, she know her friend is too good for this world.

"Ok, I let her go because you said so, otherwise I will smack her face, will kick her ass"
Mon smile, how angry is her friend, pouting her mouth, like a baby. She is very thankful to have Yuki in her life.

"I know, I love you" Mon said hugging her friend
"I love you too"

Mon told her friend, how they meet, how Sam approach them, how she begged, Yuki is somewhat relaxed knowing Sam is taking care of Mon and her neice.

The two friends spend their time together.

When Sam came with her daughter holding Mon's medication. Little Sam is holding an ice-cream. Sam bring food too.

Sam was about to sit on the couch.

"Can we have a talk in private" Yuki asked Sam, out of nowhere, Mon looked at her friend but Yuki just shrugged, Sam nod and followed her.

Yuki just slipped out of the door, Sam followed her. They were standing face to face.

"I know who you are, and what you did to Mon, but if you do something to hurt them in anyway, that won't be good for you. I know people, who can do dirty work. Now I let it go because of Mon and Samantha, but be careful " Yuki just rants on Sam, she try to threatened Sam.

"I am sorry for what I did, but I can promised you, I won't ever hurt them in any way"

"Ok, You can go, but remember my words. Dont think she have no one. She may say we are friends but she is more than friend, she is my sister and your daughter is my neice"

Sam nod her head, then Yuki left her alone, went inside the room. Sam just smile, she is happy that Yuki care about Mon and her daughter truly.

They had lunch together, Yuki is sending daggers at Sam way, Mon smile at her friend.
Yuki asked Mon to call her everyday, to update her condition. Mon happily said Yes.

Sam packed whatever Mon and her daughter want to bring with them.

Then she bring Mon and their daughter to her house. Little Sam is happy to be there, running around in big house.

"Dada, Woow" Little Sam said looking at big ass TV.

Sam smile looking at her daughter who is roaming around the house asking so many questions, Sam is tired to answered all her daughter questions.

She asked Mon and their daughter to stay at her room because it has more space then the guest room. She said she will sleep in the guest room.

"Khun Sam, this is your room"
"Hey don't worry, be comfortable, it has more space"
"You can stay too, don't you want to sleep next to your daughter "
Sam smile

"Can I?"
"She is your daughter too, you missed most of her childhood, I want you to spend more time with her and your bed is big enough for three of us"

"Thank you Mon"

Sam try not to fall her tears, went towards the bed and lay next to their sleeping daughter, Mon is on other side. They both looked at their daughter, living in their own world.

"Umm Khun Sam, what did Yuki told you"
"She told me you are her sister, you are her family "

Mom smile
"Yeah she is, she was there from the beginning of our daughter journey. She was there when our daughter born, she helped me alot." Mon told Sam how she meet Yuki.

Sam smile
"Uhmm, I would like to thank her properly, one day"
"Uhmm, yeah sure"

Sam took care of Mon in best way, giving food and medication in time. She did all the work at the house, sending and bringing their daughter to school.
She did everything, doesn't let Mon do a single work.

Sam is more lively, more happier than before.

Mon's health is improving a lot in less time.

One day, she is alone at home, Sam at office, her daughter is at school. When she came to kitchen for a glass of water, her eyes got caught the guest room door.

She doesn't know what came in her mind, she opened the door, then enter.
She looked around, nothing changed last in five years.
She sit on the bed, remembered everything, it play like a movie in back of her mind.

How she was before 5 year ago and how she is now. Life is unpredictable, we don't know what will happened next moments.

She thought, even she was in very rough place, she doesn't want to deal on the past and felt regret how her life was.
Instead of that she want to be happy for what she has now. Now she has reason to smile, to love, to be greatfull.

She doesn't know what relationship is between Sam and her, but she try to see in positive way.

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