The Renown Almakhadie

By Vilgot_Author

336 29 5

On one day in the year of 2060, a billion people were thrilled and excited to play a new and highly anticipat... More

Chapter 1 - The City Of Beginnings
Chapter 2 - The fearsome tree
Chapter 3 - The first Enemy
Chapter 4 - The First Meal
Chapter 5 - The Choices
Chapter 6 - The New Training
Chapter 7 - The Punishment
Chapter 8 - The Horrid Realisation
Chapter 9 - Punishment
Chapter 10 - The Consequences
Chapter 11 - Back in The City
Chapter 12 - The Scream
Chapter 13 - The Forest Incident
Chapter 14 - Revenge
Chapter 15 - Velios Continuance
Chapter 16 - Next City, Here We Come
Chapter 17 - Their First Meating
Chapter 18 - Accusations
Chapter 19 - Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Completed Challenge
Chapter 21 - Negotiating
Chapter 22 - Dungeon of Demise
Chapter 23 - The Fighting Begins
Chapter 24 - Death
Chapter 25 - One Survivor
Chapter 26 - Worldwide Announcement
Chapter 27 - Alone Again
Chapter 28 - Skill of Life
Chapter 29 - Black Scorpion
Chapter 30 - Fire
Chapter 31 - Red Stone
Chapter 32 - Massacre
Chapter 33 - Emerge
Chapter 34 - Thoughts
Chapter 35 - Magic of Liquid
Chapter 36 - Osiris' Test
Chapter 37 - Velios vs Osiris
Chapter 38 - Heavy Steps
Chapter 39 - Two Weeks Food
Chapter 40 - Vadh vs Kaala
Chapter 41 - Fighters Resolve
Chapter 42 - Solitude
Chapter 43 - 6 Months
Chapter 44 - Colosseum
Chapter 45 - Truths or Lies
Chapter 46 - Breakdown
Chapter 47 - The Dragons Attack
Chapter 48 - Incinirate
Chapter 49 - New Pets
Chapter 50 - Vadh vs Ajagar
Chapter 51 - Left Behind
Chapter 52 - Numerical Disadvantage
Chapter 53 - Next Journey
Chapter 54 - Flight Training
Chapter 55 - Intimidation
Chapter 56 - Dragon Knights
Chapter 57 - Black Cloak
Chapter 58 - Dragon's Guild
Chapter 59 - Feared Criminals
Chapter 60 - No Longer Cursed
Chapter 61 - Touching Children?
Chapter 62 - Restricted Library
Chapter 63 - The Demon Shiva
Chapter 64 - Demon Unleashed
Chapter 65 - Bottomless Pit
Chapter 66 - Dragon King's Assault
Chapter 67 - The Start Of It
Chapter 68 - Underground Fighting
Chapter 69 - Teleportation
Chapter 70 - Other plans
Chapter 71 - Heavenly Realm
Chapter 72 - Fighting A Goddess
Chapter 73 - Holy Magic
Chapter 75 - Missed Opportunity
Chapter 76 - Magicless
Chapter 77 - Dragon Knight Bhautik
Chapter 78 - Inhuman Scream
Chapter 79 - Nuclear
Chapter 80 - Secret Quest Completed
Chapter 81 - Regretful Past
Chapter 82 - Their Pasts
Chapter 83 - Minor Conflict
Chapter 84 - Rather Die Once Than Twice
Chapter 85 - Won't Die So Easily
Chapter 86 - The Birth Of Their Friendship
Chapter 87 - Regret
Chapter 88 - Desire To Protect
Chapter 89 - 1 vs 10,000
Chapter 90 - Assassins Guild
Chapter 91 - Alexandria
Chapter 92 - Finally Signing Up
Chapter 93 - Kicked Out
Chapter 94 - Their Second Meeting
Chapter 95 - No Trust
Chapter 96 - Yotsuya's Arrival
Chapter 97 - Red Lights District
Chapter 98 - Succubus'
Chapter 99 - Brutal Reality

Chapter 74 - Energy Crisis

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By Vilgot_Author

Freya woke up to the sound of Shiva screaming in the background. She was confused about what had happened and why she had even fallen asleep since divine beings don't need it. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong; she had felt that Shiva was the type of person to scream, but what he was doing now was just over the top. It didn't even sound like Shiva could scream properly because of all the short breaks, pauses, and stuttering in-between his words.

Freya couldn't help but be a little bit curious as to what it was, but she didn't expect it to be something important enough that it would actually bother her. Still, she guessed that she could at least look at what was going on. Her eyes still felt heavy as she lay on her back, slowly turning around her body to see what was happening.

There Velios was, sitting and meditating but releasing an immense amount of energy from his body. Even with all the screaming from Shiva, his concentration didn't break. It didn't even look like Velios was fully conscious either. His body wasn't moving a single inch, and not even his muscles were twitching. The energy being released from his body only continued to grow as the meditation continued. Normally, it would be fine, but Velios was releasing so much energy that it looked like he was exerting himself to death—an accidental emptying of all his holy energy. Shiva kept on screaming, and soon the goddess began to realize the danger the human boy was in. The amount that the boy was releasing was not even close to remotely normal, and considering she had fallen asleep only a few hours ago, there's no way that the human even has close enough holy energy to continue exerting it.

"H-hey! Demon! How long has this been going on for?" Freya had to know or it might actually be too late. She had only ever heard of cases before but had never, not even once witnessed it in actual real life—cases of people falling into a state similar to unconsciousness as they steadily use or release either their holy energy or mana. This leads to leaking and could be fatal if continued. "I-I don't know! He just began releasing more and more of this weird energy, and now, no matter how much I've tried, he just won't wake up!" Shiva ran around Velios's body still in his own cat form, not knowing what to do. If he got too close, the energy surrounding Velios would only damage him. Freya finally began to move again after she had realized that the situation was already going out of hand. She immediately rushed towards Velios. As she did, she kept running towards him, before finally approaching the surrounding energy.

She wasn't even close to Velios before her body was basically being shut out. It was like the energy surrounding Velios was being emitted so powerfully it had reached a pressure where no one could break through. Her body fell towards the ground as her body stopped completely in its tracks. "What the... This shouldn't be possible! What did he do while I was asleep?" Freya was beyond confused at the matter. She knew that he had got the holy magic at its bare minimum and she knew that extensive amounts of training would be needed to even raise the capacity of it just a little. She had never seen someone grow so quickly due to training, and that's what worried her. She could sense the urgency; if not even goddesses could attain such power from scratch in only a few hours, then not even a human can. That just proves to show how urgent they have to act so that Velios's supply doesn't run out. Even if he still has mana inside his body, if his holy energy is all expended, then it would be as fatal.

Freya tried her best, screaming, trying to get close but to no avail, forcing Shiva to try and go into it. It eventually got to a point in desperation where she knew that nothing was working. She could feel the human's energy rapidly disappear from his body with every passing second. She eventually fell to her knees, realizing that nothing could be done. If anyone tried to interfere by using magic or a holy magic attack, then it could accidentally disturb Velios's rhythm and kill him even faster. None of them wanted that, but they didn't know what else to do. Even if they find out that the human in front of them held actually no responsibility over his own life, they initially didn't feel like they had it, either. Now, it's like they can't let him be. It's something unconscious hiding even in their brains. To save someone was harder than both of them thought as they soon began to realize that their efforts were futile.

Meanwhile, Velios could feel himself connecting to a non-physical part of himself. Velios had never experienced it before, but with each passing second, Velios grew more aware and conscious of the part of him that had always laid dormant. Velios truly had no idea what it was, but he felt something, a feeling that whatever it was, it was important. Velios didn't even know what was going on in the outside world. Even the background noise got filtered out by the new and weird energy flowing through his whole body. It was as if the energy was unintentionally healing him, blocking out disturbances, and much more just because Velios was simply meditating so that he could grow the holy energy's maximum capacity. Velios had been going for hours without a single break and without a single distraction, which had made it feel only like minutes.

The two of them had given up on saving Velios. Freya was still shocked to her core about what she had seen. Even if he wasn't dead yet, he wasn't showing any signs of being alive other than still having barely any holy energy. He was as good as dead, anyways. The only thing she still wondered about was the amount of energy Velios had. It was something unnatural, something that should be unobtainable in such a short amount of time but even as minutes passed, Velios didn't seem to actually run out of the holy magic. He just kept on going as focused as he did before, and both Shiva and Freya were left in confusion. "H-how is he still alive?" Freya had become so shocked that she forgot to talk inside of her mind. "What even is that energy around his body? Does it have something to do with his holy powers?" Shiva asked in a hurry but he wanted to know the answers to them.

"It is holy energy and is a different sort, a better version of what you guys call mana. If mana is an amplifier of life, think of holy magic as a multiplier. Even if you have barely any amount of energy but you already have a bunch of mana, then the energy is often times going to be bigger but less pure, meaning it won't work as effectively on demons. I just don't understand, has this human been meditating for hours now? And nothing else?" Freya couldn't be bothered actually explaining everything because of how much holy magic affects. Shiva asked her questions back in short answers, saying that Velios started as soon as she fell asleep and that he hasn't stopped since he started. They kept continuing exchanging information about each other since they couldn't do anything to Velios and the fact that his condition looked pretty solid after all. But, that was only before the amount of holy energy suddenly increased.

The size of the aura had grown even more, and it had now started emitting a lighter color. Velios's output had increased by multiple times its own previous size before and without any cue for it whatsoever. It was completely unexpected; Velios had showed no signs on the outside of his body, and his aura had been completely stable. All of that had changed as the amount had increased. This time, Freya actually started to panic as she didn't know what to do. She thought that the situation a couple of seconds ago was bad enough and now it gets worse by multiple times. Shiva wasn't going to be of much help as he couldn't even get close to Velios's body as it was shrouded in his holy energy. The diameter of the energy of holy magic around him was several meters wide, and Velios showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Screw this!" Freya had eventually got irritated from her own feeling of anger and guilt towards Velios's previous state. In anger, she had accidentally launched the swords of holy magic straight at him, and as they were just about to hit him, they were stopped by an unsuspecting force. A small cloud covered Velios where the attack should have hit. Velios was indeed, still as asleep as he was before, but when the smoke had fully cleared, different swords made out of holy energy had been created to block her attack. She felt sorry for attacking him out of anger, but seeing as the situation only got more dire since he was coming closer to death with every second. She started to furiously attack him with the blades of light as they only connected with the swords from Velios. Freya's swords were rougher and bigger than most normal swords, but Velios took the cake. His swords were even bigger, and their design was equally as simple. If Freya couldn't do anything to stop it in time, Velios would die from having lost all of his holy energy.

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