My misunderstood love [JinKoo...

Por jimininiiiii

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Jin lived a hard life, one where misunderstandings surrounded him always. His parents didn't understand him a... Más

"I'm going to make your life a living hell".
"H..Hyung it hurts a lot".
"I don't go by the name park anymore but sure".
There's no space in this house for you.
"Stop gawking at me and tell me where I'm sleeping".
"Yeah but I'm bored of him".
"I think the feelings are mutual".
I guess trauma does that to you.
Their happily family was always fighting because of me.
An annoying kind of different.
Jin thought he didn't deserve good things.
Comfort, relief, and safety.
No one's comparing of course.
Wise idea Jungkook.
Yoongi liked arguing with Jimin.
I talk about investments not feelings.
Reality is different to fantasy.
His eyes held a million stories each one I wanted to uncover myself.
They grew up with completely different lives
He didn't know any different and no one taught him any different.
They were in the same situation but miles apart.
He had an idea but he wanted clarity.
2 million? Is that all?
Into Yoongi's love.
I can't take it, my omega can't take it.
Heal the scars he didn't create.
"Everything that you'll never feel for me".
The only love he's ever known.
I read him wrong, I read him so wrong.
but I deserved it...Jin hyung never did.
A price has to be paid
It scared him because Jungkook was only temporary.
"I love it when you kiss me like I'm unaware".
"It may just be stories to us but it was reality for Jin".
I'm fighting a battle of my own.
I'd take the pain a million times if it means he doesn't have to.
Memories....memories that can never be relived.
I found my soulmate but owed karma and I paid it back in full.
Jimin was fighting for the only love he's ever known.
I wanted to cry but I had nothing left to cry for.
It was better to NOT get blood on their hands.
Would they be okay?
Anger to plan the perfect revenge!
The park brothers are broken.
I'll never know what love is.
If I lose Jin then remember you will lose me!
You fell first Jimin but I fell harder.
They should be given as a symbol of forgiveness!

He wants yoongi but yoongi doesn't want him.

748 52 7
Por jimininiiiii

Authors POV:
Once dinner was over the maids cleared up as Yeonjun advised them to and even told them to not let SeokJin do a single house chore.

Jin was confused, he knew that Mira wasn't here but that didn't mean he didn't have work to do. So he calmly tried telling them to let him do work but Yeonjun denied.

"Apa I have to work, aunty said I can't live here for free and she is correct. I'm not even working anymore cause Hyung said I can't so I have to do at least house chores". Jin tiredly said to the family.

Yeonjun got upset at that and said "Jin you're not some sort of worker that you need to give back to live here. You're the son in law of the youngest son of the Jeon household. Your husband is a multi millionaire. Why are you even working? Did he make you? And whatever Mira said is invalid. She isn't here so stop fearing her".

Jin looked down at the questions from his Apa and it was Yoongi and Hoseok as always who spoke up for him.

Yoongi looked towards Jungkook and said "This brat of yours forced my poor Jinnie to work".

Jimin felt a pang at his heart when he heard "My Jinnie" but he wasn't surprised because very clearly he knew Yoongi would pick Jin over himself any day.

Jin shook his head to deny not really wanting Jungkook to be in trouble.

Hoseok was next to say "Jungkook was being mean to Jin before and said he needs to work".

Then he stuck his tongue out at Jungkook who wanted to laugh but knew it wasn't the right time.

"Jeon this true?" Yeonjun asked and Jungkook sighed before nodding and saying "Yes, it was my idea that he works. I kind of just said it out of anger...I didn't think he'd actually go and work".

Namjoon perked up saying "Wait Jin was forced? I thought he wanted to work". Then he glared straight at Jungkook who put his hands up in surrender.

Yeonjun sighed and said "No one is going to shout at my Jinnie from now on and no one is going to make him do something he doesn't want to."

Jimin smiled at this knowing his jin hyung was getting a lot of love and appreciation but a part of him couldn't help but hate how he was temporary in this house and this place wasn't his. It was SeokJin's and of course at first Jimin didn't want to be here. But now knowing he's got some feelings for Yoongi despite considering him his enemy and seeing the bond this family holds he doesn't actually want to go anymore.

Everyone nodded as Yeonjun walked over to
Jin and out his hand on his head saying "Jinah if any one of these idiots upset you then you tell me. Especially your husband if he makes you cry then you tell me and I'll make HIM cry".

Jin smiled a little through his tears he tried to hide and said "A...Apa can I hug you?" Yeonjun of course smiled and said "You don't have to ask're my son".

Jin nodded as he hugged Yeonjun tightly crying silently in his embrace.

Jin hadn't felt so much affection in a very long time. Mr Park was horrible to Jin and would never allow Jin to hug him or even show him any affection. Yet with Jimin he had no problem being the most amazing father.

Jin took a deep breath and pulled away as Yeonjun made him sit on the couch.

He motioned the others to follow as he held Jin's hands tightly and said "I have a couple of words to say".

"What Mira did these past few weeks to Jin was awful. And I am truly sorry to you SeokJin that I wasn't able to keep you safe. My Mira isn't like that I don't know what's gotten into her. But Jin I have always chosen you for my Jungkook and I want to make sure that you are given a place in this home. You are deserving of so much more but for now I want you to settle yourself in. I hope that choosing you for Jungkook isn't a mistake I made. Not a mistake for Jungkook but for son I don't want you getting anymore more hurt".

Jin shook his head as he lightly said "Apa, I'm's been a lot better than you can imagine. I'm sure aunty will open up to me eventually too and if she doesn't want me around I'm gonna leave because her happiness matters too."

Yeonjun shook his head but before he could say something Yoongi spoke up and said "Jin if you and Jungkook have a good relationship than I don't understand why you should leave. If anything Eomma needs to learn to accept you. You're amazing, such a wonderful human being and a great omega. Only a fool wouldn't notice. If you two are happy then you can leave from this house if Eomma doesn't like it for your own peace of mind but if both of you aren't happy Jin you need to tell me so I can help you leave Jungkook."

The words went right to Jimin, he didn't understand why Yoongi wouldn't call him perfect. What did he lack? Their parents always used to praise Jimin and say he was the best omega but if he was so amazing how come the only person he wants attention from is ignoring him?

He wants yoongi but yoongi doesn't want him.

Insecure thoughts filled Jimin's mind like; I'm not good enough, I'll never be like SeokJin hyung, I don't even know how to cook, Eomma and Apa lied to me, I'm the worst omega.

He was pulled out of his daze state when Jungkook spoke up "Hyung I admit at first I didn't want to try with Jin but now I want to. Please let me have that chance before you consider separating us"

Yoongi nodded and smiled a little knowing his kook is growing up and maturing.

Jin didn't know what any of this meant, he only knew that at one point he had to leave. This isn't his in laws house, it's Jimin's.

He just didn't know how he'd do it though since he's not allowed to work.

Yeonjun then got up and said "I have no idea when your Eomma is going to come back. She hasn't said much but I do know that when she comes back she no longer has the right to anything in this house. Not until she has come back truly reformed. I was busy before not really paying much mind to the home and I am remorseful of that. But now every single one of you will make sure that Jin is safe."

Then Yeonjun lovingly stroked Jin's head before saying "You youngsters carry on, I'm going to go to sleep. And Yoongi, Hoseok, Joon please make sure that Jungkook keeps Jin safe. And Yoongi since you're so keen on keeping Jin safe I better hope you keep Jimin happy".

Jimin looked up at the mention of his name and smiled lightly. That was until Yeonjun frowned and said "What happened to Jimin?"

Yoongi took a deep breath before saying the same story he told his brothers. Yeonjun wasn't happy as he said "I've been too busy worrying about Jin alone I forgot Jimin too needs protecting. Yoongi don't hurt him. The two brothers are deserving of so much love please don't neglect Jimin for Jin because Jin has Jungkook too".

Yoongi nodded lightly looking back at Jimin who looked away instantly.

Yeonjun sighed as he took a deep breath and went up the stairs.

The rest of them all just looked at each other until Taehyung lightly walked to Jin and said "You're my favourite uncle".

Jin smiled as he said "And you're my favourite too TaeTae".

Then the two hugged each other as Hoseok cooed and said "I love these types of interactions".

Namjoon too smiled seeing how well Jin kept taehyung.

Jungkook looked at the interaction and he too lightly smiled but it was gone as soon as it came.

Jungkook had one mission and it was to understand Jin's back story and get some sort of revenge for him.

There was no "falling in love" he just had to care for him until he found someone who would do a better job.

Yeah that's it.

The seven of them stayed like that with Taehyung hugging Jin and the rest of them doing small talk.

It was weird knowing their mother wasn't here and the reason for her absence was horrible too.

They spoke about it gently wanting to know why Jin was hated so much by her.

No one had a clue because Jin hadn't actually done anything.

Yoongi spoke up saying "Well I couldn't understand why the stands at the wedding all said 'Jungook weds Jimin' and even the invitations said something similar when Apa always wanted Jin for Jungkook and NOT Jimin".

Jimin flinched at the comment but didn't say anything as Jungkook said "No I was told I'm marrying a Park. I didn't know which one but when we went to see the groom and stuff it was only Jimin there. Not Jin".

Jungkook knew why Jin may have not been there but he didn't need to say anything...not right now anyways.

Hoseok confusedly said "Me and Joon were away when this whole arrangement was happening but Yoongi how do you know that it was supposed to be Jin?"

Yoongi sighed as he said "You know how I am, I hate anything to do with Joon's and Jungkook's companies. I have my own music one and none of that bothers me. But Apa wanted me to help him with the company a little since Jungkook had loads on his shoulder. So I of course helped him at his home office and I had a document I needed him to sign. He was talking to Mr Park and he said he wants to propose an alliance between the oldest son of the Parks and the youngest of the Jeon."

Everyone listened attentively seeing as it's the first time they heard this...well except Jin. He remembers Yoongi saying this on the wedding night.

"The oldest is of course Jin not Jimin. So when Jungkook went to see his groom he was supposed to see Jin not Jimin. I don't know what happened there". Yoongi finished.

Everyone looked to Jimin who sighed and said "Apa and Eomma just told me I had to marry the youngest son of the Jeon household. I didn't even know much about anything. I was kind of in my own world. But I knew I didn't want to marry him because I wanted to marry someone I love. But they forced me to accept it that's why I ran away".

Everyone nodded and Hoseok spoke up saying "Lost in your own little world with Yoongi right? And when you say you wanted to marry someone you love it was Yoongi right? You should have told your parents it was the other brother you wanted".

Jimin went beat red as Yoongi sighed knowing their story was not how they were expecting it to be at all.

"My parents wouldn't listen, they're very strict and they expect things to happen almost culturally. So that's why we aren't allowed boyfriends of girlfriends. If they had known I was with Yoongi they would have made me marry Jungkook and made sure Yoongi was there to witness it. And I didn't want to be in a relationship with my boyfriend's brother and basically live hell. So I ran...what I wasn't expecting was for him to find me and bring me to the same house I was supposed to come in to but with Jungkook. But I was very easily accepted unlike my hyung".

Yoongi inwardly smiled at Jimin's story wondering how he managed to get so creative with it.

Jin spoke up next saying "Yeah I was just getting ready at the back and Apa told me I had to fill in for Jimin and that he had ran off. We tried to contact him but when we couldn't in order to save the reputation of both households I was told to go and marry Jungkook hyung instead".

Jimin knew Jin was lying because he remembers getting ready and his brother not being there. In fact he asked his Eomma and she snarled saying "Don't think of that bad omen on your happy day".

It was Namjoon that said "Alls well that ends well because you're both with your respective alphas."

Jin loved the sound of that but he knew he wasn't Jungkook's and he shouldn't try and claim someone that isn't his.

Jimin too blushed at the mention of Yoongi as his alpha but still a pang in his heart stopped him from getting too happy.

After some more casual conversation they decided to call it a day and go upstairs to bed.

Jin slowly gave a sleeping Taehyung to Hoseok as Yoongi helped Jimin up since he was in pain and they all went to their respective rooms.

~ With Namseok ~

Hoseok and Namjoon sat on their bed with Tae in between sleeping happily. Hoseok stroked Tae's hair as the two stayed in comfortable silence.

Until Hoseok broke it saying "I hope they work it out. All four of them". Namjoon nodded along and said "They're not showing it, but all four, everything single one of them is hiding something. Although it's not our place to find out what it might be, if it affects their relationship then Seokie I'm going to find out. Because I want my brothers to be happy".

Hoseok stopped stroking Tae before rubbing Namjoon's arm to calm him down as he said "I know Joon, if they're hiding something the truth will eventually come out and like you said we will do anything to make sure they're all happy."

Namjoon accepted the comfort from Hosoek before turning completely to him and said "I want to kiss you". Hoseok looked taken aback since it was so random but smiled anyways before slowly moving so he was on top of Namjoon on his lap and not disturbing his baby.

"I want to kiss you too mr Jeon". He spoke out once he settled down properly. Namjoon groaned before looking down at Hoseok's lips. Slowly he pulled his omega towards him connecting their lips with a head tilt.

They kept a slow steady pace as they kissed each other knowing they aren't going to disappear and they had a baby near them so they couldn't possibly get all heated.

Pulling away Namjoon kept their forehead together and when he spoke his voice was a little hoarse which turned Hoseok on even more. "You're so sexy baby, and it was so hard without being in your arms these past few days. Work is so stressful - sometimes I want to just take a few weeks off and go on holiday just you me and our baby Tae".

Hoseok laughed as he said "It will get easier Joonie and you're allowed to take time off whenever you want to. You run the international businesses".

The alpha smiled as he said "My workers are incompetent". Hoseok denied and said "They just don't have a 148 IQ like yourself so you THINK they're incompetent".

Namjoon nodded at that and said "Hmm maybe I'm the problem". Hoseok casually agreed to tease Namjoon but the alpha just pulled his omega closer to himself and held him tightly as they both looked admiringly at their baby who was sound asleep.

~ With JinKook ~

Jin and Jungkook hadn't said a word to each other since they got into the room in fact they stayed pretty silent.

Currently Jungkook was in the bathroom and Jin was in the walk in wardrobe picking out some pjs to wear.

Jungkook had cleared out a huge section of his wardrobe for Jin's clothes and although the omega was thankful he didn't understand why he did that since he could just use a suitcase.

It would be good to keep his clothes packed because he will have to leave here one day.

As he picked his pjs Jungkook got out of the washroom and Jin followed in after him to take a quick shower and put his pjs on.

Once the omega was out in under fifteen minutes he noticed Jungkook in the balcony. He didn't know if he should approach him or not but his feet were already taking him to the alpha.

Once he reached him he too looked at the city he grew up in before turning to Jungkook and saying "I know you might not want to talk to me specifically but it's okay to feel emotions and to even show them to the world".

Jungkook didn't look at Jin but he was confused as to what he meant and Jin saw this so he elaborated. "I can't act like I didn't know about you at all before this marriage, when Jimin told me he was marrying you of course as his brother I did some research".

By research Jin meant almost getting caught and probably punished for using his Apa's computer to search Jungkook up.

"Many articles described you as cold and emotionless. Which you did seem in a lot of pictures. But then there was this one picture of yours that I saw. You were with your family and in that picture you had the biggest smile on your face. Tae was in your arms and the little pup was kissing your cheek. Everyone around you was laughing too. From that picture I remember being very jealous of Jimin because he would have such a handsome alpha. But even more than that I was happy that you were able to smile so wholeheartedly."

Jungkook looked at Jin now, completely facing him not knowing what to say but Jin carried on "I'm sorry for stealing your smile again. You are not cold or emotionless like the media describes you. If I had seen a picture of you smiling so happily and I was a journalist I would have written a whole article simply about your smile. The caption would have been great - 'Cold CEO steals the hearts of many with his million dollar smile'. What I'm trying to say Hyung is just because life isn't going our way it doesn't mean we stop enjoying it. You can still smile through the problems you're facing. And if your biggest problem is me and that you have to take care of me then I assure you very soon I'll be out of your hair".

With that Jin smiled and lightly bowed before trying to leave. Jungkook stopped him by his hand and pulled him so Jin was in his arms.

Jungkook looked inside the omegas eyes and said "Why you understand me like no one has ever understood me I can't comprehend but what I can say is I'm not letting you go anywhere SeokJin until I truly understand what you are because no nomal person would be able to continue living after what you've been through".

Jin looked scared wondering if Jungkook knew of his past but his worries faded when the alpha began to scent him and hold him close.

Jungkook didn't let go of Jin instead chose to continue hugging him with Jin's back to the railing of the balcony and Jungkook watching the scenery.

~ With Yoonmin ~

Once Yoongi had helped Jimin up to the room he sat him down on the bed before going to the washroom.

Once he was out he asked Jimin if he needed to go and the omega nodded saying he had to wear his pjs.

Yoongi helped him to the bathroom and waiting until he was done to help him back.

Jimin recalled back to the morning and how he spent so much of Yoongi's money before fiddling with his fingers and saying "I'm sorry".

Yoongi looked up from where he was sitting and said "Am I hearing things or did the stubborn Jimin say sorry?"

Jimin rolled his eyes before saying "I spent a lot of your money and I feel awful so please just accept the apology and when it all comes I'll return it."  

Yoongi chuckled and said "You spent absolutely nothing Jimin and you don't need to return anything at all. What's mine is yours".

Jimin sighed as he put his legs up on the bed cuddling into himself before saying "No! What's yours isn't mine because we aren't in a relationship. This is all fake. Me and you aren't dating it's all a stupid scam".

Yoongi sighed as he said "I admit Jimin you used to annoy me a lot but you're growing on me. And I'm allowing you to use that money because you're doing me a huge favour so just accept it and stop worrying so much".

That didn't ease Jimin's heart because Yoongi didn't know why he was so upset. Yoongi didn't understand that Jimin would much rather have a relationship with Yoongi, a real one than have any of these materialistic items.

To be fair it actually hurt Jimin how much Yoongi thought he needed all these expensive things.

Jimin didn't - if anything the omega simply wanted him but Yoongi wouldn't understand that.

Jimin sighed as his inner omega yearned for Yoongi's touch. Yet Jimin held himself away and decided to just sleep.

Yoongi too had laid down now and the lights were shut off.

Jimin tired to concentrate on sleeping but he couldn't since his omega was almost howling for Yoongi.

Jimin didn't understand why this was happening but the uneasiness made him want to cry, puke and just leave this place. It felt suffocating pretending to be Yoongi's lover when Jimin really wanted it.

But Jimin knew he wasn't wanted and that thought alone was killing him slowly.

Holding in his tears the silence brought about another loud noise.


Jimin hated thunder and he hated the noise so when it got louder Jimin covered his ears and cried but his cries weren't soft instead they were loud agonising sobs.

Yoongi who wasn't asleep but rather lost in thought about Jimin's behaviour upon hearing the cries instantly closed the gap between them and checked on Jimin.

"What happened?" He asked and Jimin didn't respond instead just hugged Yoongi. He held the Alpha tightly, so tight that if he would let go maybe Yoongi would disappear.

"Jimin what happened?" He tried again and Jimin just cried out "Thunder!"

Yoongi understood immediately and tightened the hold on Jimin as the omega sobbed. He cried out saying "Yoonie it's scary please make it stop. I don't like it I'll be good please make it stop".

Yoongi couldn't understand Jimin's words what did he mean by "I'll be good" what kind of trauma is behind the thunder?

Trying to focus on Jimin for now he let go of the thought and held Jimin lightly rocking him.

The omega had his face buried in Yoongi's scent gland and he held the alphas neck tightly.

Yoongi whispered out the most comforting words to Jimin by saying "I've got you now omega, you're going to be okay. And you're the best omega you haven't done anything wrong"

Heyyyyy!!!! The update you've all been waiting for is here. I cannot believe I managed to update during exam season but here I am.

Wish your author luck since I have an exam on Friday. Hopefully after that you will get more regular updates.

I have a few story ideas in mind but I'm going to leave them on hold and focus on this book and the military au request one. I'm currently writing a chapter but I'm not so sure I want to publish it just yet.

Once I've written it I'll consider uploading it so please do check it out and show support on there too.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Lots of angst and definetly more insight into our characters. Let me know your thoughts!!!

And as always eat healthy drink plenty and stay safe my lovelies 💜💜💜

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