Stephen Mulhern one shots

By Spidey-PBP

3.1K 43 75

since their isn't a lot of stuff about this one i will make some and they probably wont be good but it is wha... More

punch to the face
icy slip
packing peanuts
Drunk stephen
Nightmare pt.2
Nightmare pt.3
Stuck in the closet
Juggling Accident
Videos of Stevie
family secret
incorrect quotes
Truth is out
Texting and sleep deprived
Not his day
Hostage by friends
The escape
Mission Get Him Back
Give him his candy
Never listens
Thoughts and help
The help
He ends it
One thing he hates
Can't sleep
No one answered
It's hard
Group chat
the time he helps
Best gift
Hit by car
Drunk Again
Down the stairs
Never have i ever
Stupid toaster
Lil hide n seek
Group chat with idiots and stabbed
Idk what this is
For him it's different
Wasn't Me
Surprise guest
Of all days
Bad again
Down he goes
Sleep Deprived
No more caffeine
He couldn't
Mac n cheese
Partner in crime
Not yet
Blast from the past
Blast from the past 2
Goldfish(Not really)
Caught in the act
Trouble again
He's gone
His animal
Food Poisoning
Quotes again
Icy swim
A Drop In The Ocean
Hey your fine
Final breath
Freaking Child
Not today satan
Your not mad
Thank you for talking
In my head
Oh please
What a night
His phobia
It's too late
Bubble wrap
Why can't you see
Sorry for passing out
His overprotective brothers
Picky eater
Secretly drowning
Ouch that must hurt
stupid parents
Too much coffee
Clean your room Stephen
Dec Why?


25 0 0
By Spidey-PBP

TW:Eating disorder

Stephen stared at the plate on the table gripping his fork.

This whole issue started when he became a celebrity.At first he ignored everyone what people said about him because they were just people he didn't know.But as time went on and his name became more known especially after being on the magic circle.

Well that didn't end well and his mental health took a tool,he started to take things to heart.He was used to being able to handle the name calling and the consent insults but the body shamming he was receiving was literally killing him.

The messages he would receive from people he didn't know on his social media was hurting him.He knew he shouldn't listen to them but every time he looked at his phone their was messages that were insulting his body.

And he started to listen.

When he looked in the mirror he saw fat and he didn't like that.

So after months he started to lose the weight that he didn't actually have to lose since he was already skinny but you couldn't tell him that.

He started to skip meals and when he did eat he limited what he ate and when he skipped meals he would replace it with water.

Oh but then in 2007 when he started on BGT and BGMT it was worse and what was worse was when he became really great friends to Ant and Dec.Those two were like leeches that wouldn't leave him be and were in theory like older brothers that were protective of him.

It was no secret that the two older men knew about the hate Stephen got but Stephen never said a thing but they started to pick up on things that gave them some concerns.

Like when Stephen had joined the Ant and Dec for lunch and Stephen ate half calming he was full and left for the bathroom.When Dec said he was gonna see if Stephen was alright cause he was kinda pale.

Before Dec actually knocked on the bathroom door he could have sworn he heard gagging but their was also people walking around so it could have been something else.

"Stephen,you okay in there?"he called pressing his head to the door.Stephen who was currently over a toilet with two fingers down his throat and saliva across his face and hand,felt his heart thump.

"oh i-im fine"he breathed out trying to find the fact he was out of breath."You sure you don't seem fine Stephen."

"I threw up"he said with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Oh,can i come in"Dec asked wanting to make sure his friend was really okay.After that occurrence Stephen no longer purged when he was out in public.

 So now he didn't have breakfast and when lunch came around he would always hide in his dressing room so Ant or Dec wouldn't ask him to have lunch with everyone else because he couldn't stomach eating and then having a pit in his stomach that felt like it needed to go and then feeling like hell until he went home and threw up.

Though he had to feel like crap a couple of times because Ant and Dec were starting to get suspicious.Both men noticed Stephen losing weight and becoming ill looking,he looked worn out everyday and it worried them.Hell it even warned concern from David who was the one asked if Stephen was sick.

Ant and Dec couldn't even give an answer for them cause they were just as clueless.

So on this one day Stephen was on his side of the stage waiting for the next contestant,he wasn't feeling good.

It was most definitely from not eating for the past two days and only drinking water.Everything for him felt weird,his head felt like cotton and his stomach was rumbling like he liked but he felt just dizzy and not right.

His eyes stopped focusing right and the next thing he knew he was falling toward the ground.


"Hey Ant does Stephen look okay"Dec asked his long time friend while watching Stephen from across the stage.He looked like a ghost and was leaning against the wall trying to keep his balance.

Ant followed Dec's gaze and frowned in concern."No he doesn't."Both men knew something was up with the younger man but it's not like Stephen would say anything.

While they were waiting for the next act the boys were talking and the next thing they knew someone across the stage yelled.

"Someone call a medic Stephen passed out!"

The boys looked over and saw their younger friend passed out on his side.They ran across the stage not caring if anyone saw them since people already knew something was up since a tech yelled.

Dec pushed someone out of the way where Stephen's head was and tapped his face trying to wake him up.

"Stephen wake up"

He wasn't waking up but he finally noticed something that made him sick.He was skinny like a skeleton.

"Stevie hey"

Dec looked back towards Stephen's head and saw his eyes slowly opening and closing.Though Stephen wasn't talking he looked like he was in a daze.

"Where the hell is the medic"Ant yelled 

"What happened?"Simon asked leaning over Ant with David,Alshea and Amanda behind him all looking worried.

"He passed out"Dec replied 

Ant reached for Stephen's hand and squeezed it trying to get something from him,he got nothing.

They all got a good look at Stephen up close and saw what he really looked like under his baggy clothes that fitted loosely on him.It made Dec sick and and up set knowing something wasn't right but didn't know what was wrong and now he had a great idea and it seemed by the looks of the others they figured it out as well.

When the medic showed up they pushed all of them away from Stephen and started to get his stats which were not that good.

"His blood pressure is low and so is his pulse."The one said before looking at the group that were watching intently.

"When was the last time he ate"

No one knew the answer to that."Not sure"

The medic nodded before looking at his partner and taking Stephen's blood sugar.

"He passed out due to low blood sugar but he looks underweight i believe it's best he goes to the hospital."

The one medic left to get a stretcher leaving the other to start a line.Stephen who looked like he was coming around saw a needle and started to move around.

"Hold still sir i need to get a line in"

Stephen refused to hold still he didn't like needles.The medic looked at the group "Can one of you calm him down"

Dec and Ant dropped to their knees beside Stephen and started talking to him.

"Stevie it's okay,your fine"

"Your okay bud just hold still"

Their words did calm him but he was giving the medic a death glare."Is he going to be okay"David asked the medic.

"He will be when he gets the right stuff he needs from the hospital but something tells me he is going to be needing a lot of help."He added the last part quietly.

The other medic returned with a stretcher and Dec and Ant were once again pushed to the side while they loaded Stephen on the stretcher.

"Look one can come if you want to"

All of them looked at one another before Dec looked at Ant who was staring at Stephen worriedly.

 "Ant go"

Ant looked at Dec before following closely."Dec meet them at the hospital,we can't cancel it's too late so let us know what is going on okay"Simon said looking the shorter man in the eye.


Dec didn't need told twice before running to his car.Many things were running through his head and it really scared him how skinny Stephen was.

He knew Stephen was skinny but not that skinny and now it made sense why he never saw Stephen eat a lot or when he did it wasn't a lot.

He hoped he was wrong and Stephen was just ill but it didn't look like that.


Ant followed the medics in the hospital and he was given a chart and told to fill it out while he waits.

He wanted to follow where they took Stephen but he wasn't allowed to so now he was sitting in the waiting room looking at these questions that looked like they were made for Stephen.

'Check yes or no for underweight'

'Check yes or no for low BP'

  And the one that made him upset because he knew it was most likely true.

'Check yes or no for eating disorder'

Ant didn't want to check anything because these were questions for Stephen and these weren't his business. 

He was going down the list when he heard his friend asking for Stephen.

"Dec over here" Ant called

"What is going on Ant,is he okay"

"I don't know they told me wait out here and fill this out."He said holding the board up

"Ant i don't wanna say this but h-"

"Has an eating disorder or something"Ant said looking at the ground sadly.

"How did we miss this,i mean we know him well i thought we knew him but apparently we don't."Dec said quietly.Ant knew Dec was right they apparently didn't know him and now there going to have to meet this Stephen and hope they can help him.

After what felt like forever someone finally called Stephen's name and Dec and Ant both stood up following the doctor.

"How is he?"

"Mr.Mulhern is stable and were giving him some electrolytes to boost his strength up,he is rather ill and his body is weak."

"Okay so what now is he going to be okay?"

"I can tell you right now your friend need to gain weight he is very underweight and i'm worried about his heart"

Dec looked confused when the doctor mentioned his heart"Why would you be concerned about his heart"

"He has been putting stress on his heart every time,excuse me if i overstep when i say this every time he purges and his heart is taking a toll so he is going to have to see a cardiologist and someone that specializes in what your friend is dealing with."

"I can't tell you much without his consent but your friend needs to see someone and i could be wrong about the purging but upon examining him i did notice evidence of it."

Dec and Ant looked at each other before they stopped in front of a room that held their friend."Thank you doctor"Dec said quietly before stepping in with Ant right behind him.

When they saw Stephen he looked so much younger than he actually was,he was pale and really thin almost ghostly like.

"Oh Stevie i am so sorry i didn't notice"Ant muttered taking his friends hand in his.Stephen opened his eyes when he heard his friends.

"Hey Stephen"Dec said softly playing with Stephen's hair.

"What happened"Stephen asked looking around confused.

"You passed out due to low blood sugar"


Ant looked at Dec and nodded they were going to ask him and hopefully not give the younger man a panic attack.

"Stephen"Dec started taking Stephen hand and giving it a squeeze to get Stephen to look him in the eye.

"Uh please be honest with us"

"Stephen do you have an eating disorder"

Stephen stared at Dec before looking away but Dec grabbed his chin and forced Stephen to look at him and Ant.

"Please were worried Stephen we care too much to lose you please"

Stephen looked upset and a tear rolled down his cheek."I'm sorry"he whispered.  

"It's okay"

"Yeah your gonna be fine Stevie i promise"

Stephen didn't know what to say,all he knew was his secret was out and he felt like throwing up.He ended up crying and the boys didn't know what to do but hug him and say everything was going to be okay.

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