His Sister

By 5SO1D22

7.5K 22 0

Hollis is the royal secret. Her brothers are Prince William and Prince Harry. When her mother died, her fathe... More

Character Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

449 1 0
By 5SO1D22

Hollis' P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around my huge bedroom. The door was opening slowly. It was Kate.

"Good morning Hollis!" She said walking over to my bed.

"Good morning!" I replied.

"So what's going on with you and Eddie?" She asked.

"Well we met when we were modeling then he came over and i was texting him and he said he was with his friend Will. Then he invited me and Aria for dinner with cast of Les Miserables. He said he lied about Will and wanted me to meet him. That's it." I told Kate.

"Do you like him?"

"Im not sure! He's not bad to look at! And he's really nice, sweet, funny, caring, hot, perfect. Just perfect." I replied.

"You like him. You could have the next royal wedding!" Kate said.

"Oh Kate! Please! Don't be silly!"

"Im not joking. I've known him for a while now and i think you two would be great together!!"

"Well thanks Kate!" I said.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked.

"Just a bagel and cream cheese." I replied.

"I'll have someone get that for you!" Kate said walking out of my room. Aria walked in.

"Good morning!" I said.

"Isn't it?!" She replied.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Nothing! Im perfectly fine!!" She said.

"It's Aaron isn't it?"

"Maybe!! But isn't he amazing?!" She asked.

"Just amazing!" I replied. A man walked in with a silver platter and a toasted bagel and cream cheese on the side.

"Your bagel madam." He said with a bow and walking out backwards.

"That's weird! They cant turn their back to me!" I said.

"Your living in the palace now and you asked for a bagel?!" Aria asked.

"Yeah why?"

"You could have any food under the sun and you wanted a plane bagel?!?!?!"

"Yes. I wanted a plane bagel. Throw me in jail!" I replied.

"So how was Eddie?" Aria asked.

"He was good! It was a lot of fun!" I said.

"What do you want to do today?!" She asked.

"Well i was going to go hang out with Eddie but im feeling sick. So im just going to stay home!" I said.

"Okay! Im gonna go out with Aaron! Bye!" Aria said running out. I looked at my phone and Eddie was calling.




What's up?

Eating breakfast!


Getting ready for the day!

 Where do you wanna hang out?

Well im not feeling so good today Eddie. I have a sore throat and im really hot. Im sorry!

It's okay! How about i come over to your place and take care of you?

I don't want you to get sick!

Its worth it!!

I don't think that's a good idea!

Okay. You can come over to my place then!

Eddie i really don't want to get you sick!

Well I've always wanted to make chicken noodle soup for my sick girlfriend!

Well im not your girlfriend!

I know. Do you want me to pick you up?

Nope im fine! I'll have my brother drive me!

Okay! I'll text you my address!

Okay! see you soon!Bye!

I got a text with Eddie's address. I got dressed and walked downstairs These are my comfy sick clothes!

"You don't look so hot!" Harry said.

"Gee thanks!" I replied.

"Where's that driver guy? I need him to take me some where!" I asked.

"He has the day off. I'll drive you. Where do you want to go?" Harry asked.

"To this address." I said.

"Who's place is this?"

"My friend who lives here!" I said.

"Im gonna be in the car!" I said walking out and getting into the car. Harry followed and drove. It didn't take long to get to Eddie's house. It was really big!

"Thanks Harry!" I said trying to get out but the door's were locked.

"You have to tell me who's house this is first." Harry said.

"Eddie's." I said. He unlocked the door.

"Don't have too much fun in there!" Harry said.

"Your a perv." I said walking to the front gate. I pressed the button.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice said.

"Hollis." I said. I saw someone running from the front door to the gate. It was Eddie. He opened the gate and ran to me and picked me up bridal style.

"Why are you carrying me?" I asked.

"Because your sick! Your gonna be treated like the queen!" Eddie said carrying me inside. We got inside and his house is huge!!

"Wow!! Your house is huge!!" I said.

"Thanks!" Eddie said. He walked over and sat me on the couch.

"I made soup for you!!" He said walking over with a bowl that was steaming. He set it on the coffee table and covered me in blankets.

"Eddie, im hot." I said.

"I know!" He replied. I laughed. He took the blankets off me and handed me the soup. It was really good!

"This is really good!" I said.

"Thanks! My mum thought me how to make it from scratch!" Eddie said.

"Wow!! I thought this was going to be some fancy British brand I've never heard of in America!!" I said taking another sip, or bite. Whatever you do with soup. He turned on the TV.

"What would you like to watch?" He asked.

"Whatever you want!" I said.

"Wanna watch Les Miserables?! I have it! But don't tell anyone you saw it before it's even being previewed on TV." Eddie said.

"Sure!" I said. Eddie went and put the movie in.

"Do you want any ice tea? I also make that and i can make salad dressing!" Eddie said. I laughed.

"I would love some ice tea! What kind do you have?" I asked.

"Well i got this kind from Teavana. It's blueberry pineapple!" He said.

"That sounds good!" I replied. He brought me a glass. It was really good.

"I hope you don't mind but my brother Tom is going to come over to drop off some clothes he barrowed." He said.

"I don't mind! I just don't want anybody to get sick!!" I said.

"You wont!" Eddie replied.

"Tell me that when your sick!" I said. The doorbell rang. Eddie got it.

"Tom this is my good friend Hollis Lapan! Hollis, this is my brother Tom Redmayne!" Eddie said. Tom put his hand out for me to shake.

"I think im sick so i don't want you to get sick!" I said.

"Alright!" Tom said.

"You look just like Eddie!" I said.

"We got that a lot!" Tom said.

"Here are the clothes Eddie!" Tom added.

"Thanks!" Eddie said.

"Bye!" Tom said walking out. I had my eyes closed and pretended like i was sleeping.

"Hollis?" Eddie said.

"Your beautiful." Eddie said. I wanted to smile and say something but i couldn't. Im really falling for this soup making, color blind, beautiful English boy.

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