F1 House - Christmas ๐ŸŽ„

Von Flx_16

4.7K 136 44

A sequel to the F1 2023 Groupchat. The drivers are all in the house celebrating their Christmas. Mehr

Back Home๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
Travel Time๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
Snow Day๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
Skiing ๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
The hangover๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
Christmas Markets๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ
An accident? ๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ

Shopping ๐ŸŽ๏ธ๐Ÿšฆ

502 13 5
Von Flx_16


The first people to wake up the next morning were surprisingly Yuki and Lando. Each of them snuck out of bed and moved as quietly as possible to try to not wake their partners. Lando began heading down the corridor but sooner or later he bumped into Yuki.

"Morning" - Lando
"Morning Lan, do u wanna come help me find stuff for the ski trip? we need to go into the attic" - Yuki
"Course sounds fun, let's hope it's not haunted" - Land
"Nah ghosts are cool man" - Yuki

They continued their conversation about ghosts as they headed downstairs into the garage to grab the ladder, once they secured it they needed to take it back upstairs to the attic hatch.
"You grab that end, i'll grab the other and then we lift. Yeah?" - Lando
"Yup let's do this" - Yuki

Lando grabbed his side and Yuki took the other
"3,2,1 Lift" - Lando
Both boys lifted the ladder upwards and started to walk to wards the stairs, it was going pretty well untill they needed to turn the corner.
"Ok right, go forward NO NO NO left! go left!" - Lando
"It's not going left IT DOESNT BEND LANDO" Yuki
"YES IT WILL omg Yuki, just twist, lift it up and twist" - Lando
"Ok hang on" - Yuki

They managed to get the ladder round the corner after quite a bit of trouble. They continued carrying it untill they reached the hatch, Lando suddenly dropped his side of the ladder, Yuki didn't quite pick up the hint however.
"What? were here" - Lando
"Oh right ok" - Yuki

Yuki gently placed his down on the floor, meanwhile Lando reached out for the pole and began to open the hatch. Then together, they lifted the ladder in and started to climb.

"It's kinda dark in here" - Lando
"Yeah there should be a light some round here" - Yuki

The boys stumbled around in the dark for a bit until Lando flicked the switch, they were surrounded with boxes, most of which had some dust on them but they looked to be fine. They started searching through the boxes and managed to pull down most of the previous ski stuff. They got Seb, Kimi, Mick, Max and Charles's skis as well as Lance's snowboard. They pulled the clothing boxes down too and figured out the skis had bags which they were stored in. They also grabbed the ski boots and helmets and all of the other random bits which Seb and Kimi used. Once they were done they managed to slowly climb back down with all the stuff. Everything was sorted and Lando went back up to turn the light off but accidentally knocked the hatch closed. Perfect now he was stuck.
"YUKI???" - Lando
"Yeah i see it, what do i do?"- Yuki
"OK I GOT IT" - Yuki

Yuki sprinted down the corridor to Seb and Kimi's room and started to bang on the door. Kimi opened the door looking extremely annoyed.

Yuki then sprinted off towards Lando and Carlos's room and again banged on the door until a sleepy looking Carlos answered it.
"What?" - Carlos
"SHIT" - Carlos
They both sprinted back to the hatch and all the commotion had awaken most of the others. Now pretty much everyone was standing by the attic hatch.
"Lando we're coming sweetheart" - Seb

Kimi used the pole to open the hatch and then they moved the ladder back into position. Lando immediately wanted out of the attic so the second the hatch was open he practically jumped from it.
"OMG never again that was so scary" - Lando
"It's okay, we're here now" - Carlos

Carlos drew Lando in close and Lando pushed closer to his chest and relaxed into the warmth of his boyfriend. Now that all the stuff was out of the attic it was time for the drivers to get some breakfast. They all headed downstairs and started to make some things. Lewis and Nico were on pancake duty, Daniel, Max and Lando were preparing all the decoration, Seb and Kimi were doing sausages, bacon and eggs, Yuki, Charles and Pierre started on the waffles and Mick Lance and Esteban were doing fruit and drinks. The work got done quickly and soon they all began stuffing their faces. Seb also began going through what they had to do today.

"Right, everyone needs to get things for the ski trip, i'll write a list of what you need but do remeber we can buy stuff there and there will be a washing machine. All of this has to be done by today LATEST tomorrow morning because we need to pack the cars tomorrow."

Seb wrote the list and stuck it to the fridge, he also posted it onto their group chat so everyone could see it.

Most of the drivers decided they would go to the shopping mall and buy the stuff they needed. Nico considered staying home and packing some other stuff but then thought that you could never have enough outfits so he and Lewis would join the gang at the shopping mall.

They all got dressed and loaded themselves into the car, Seb told everyone to meet up together for lunch and see how they were doing time wise, they all had the list so Seb wasn't too worried about people buying the wrong thing, no doubt however, the kids would come back with the most random stuff and about 50 new soft toys. The adults didn't mind that much, it was fun to watch and besides they were quite cute.

Once they arrived at the mall the kids started to run towards the shops. Lando dragged Carlos around trying to figure out if they could do some sort of matching scheme. Of course Lando got far too sidetracked with all the different colours and decided he wanted to look like a highlighter. Not too bad of an idea considering it would be easy to spot him. He went for a neon green and a neon blue jacket as well as the matching salopettes in the same two colours. Carlos also made him buy a pair of plain black salopettes just so he had 3 pairs. Carlos, however, had gone for a red jacket and a black jacket with a geometric pattern of neon blue and neon green. He also picked up white, blue and red salopettes. Sue him for being basic but that's pretty much what everyone else went for too.

Seb and Kimi managed to get the rest of their stuff and Mick, Lance and Esteban only got a few small bits seeing as they already had their stuff from last year. They did however spend a while in the goggles section trying to figure out which ones they wanted. Eventually they just grabbed the pairs they liked and figured they would alternate the goggles each day.

Everyone else was managing to gather their things, Nico of course had spent far too much money as he tugged Lewis along pointing to every designer item in sight. Lewis just smiled at him fondly and handed over the cash, Nico giggled and kissed him every time.

"I love you darling, you know that?" - Lewis
"I do, I love you too Lew" - Nico

Lewis tugged him in by his waist and kissed him sweetly, he really did love his Nico no matter what the world threw at them.

Meanwhile it wasn't going quite so smoothly for Nando Mark and Jenson. Nando couldn't find anything that he liked, no colour or design or fit or anything, he just didn't like it all. Jenson and Mark tried to assure him that they would find stuff but Nando was just getting more annoyed by the minute.
"What about this one?" - Mark
"mmmm idk it's. ugh whatever let me try it" - Nando

Nando grabbed the jacket and tried it on, finally something he didn't mind. It was a pale blue colour with a few white patterns on it and it was comfy fit. Mark and Jenson both agreed that it was good and finally Nando was happy with something. Trousers were easy to find as he just went for black ones along with a white pair. He didn't bother with anything else, if he needed something desperately he would just buy it out there. Now that Nando was happy Mark and Jenson could focus on getting their stuff and after that it was going smoothly and they had pretty much everything they needed.

It was nearing lunch time and they all met up again to figure what they wanted to eat. Lando immediately said Macdonalds to which everyone groaned and Seb immediately shut it down as they had it yesterday. Daniel suggested a Mexican place and everyone was happy with that. They went there and ate their lunches, most of them having burritos or tacos. They discussed the other things they needed to buy and for most of them it was just the helmets and boots. Seb said he would take everyone to the shop so they would be moulded to fit better. It wasn't long however before the kids had their energy regained, they were soon very hyper and Seb knew they couldn't go round the mall like this. Luckily Kimi had an excellent idea and sent them all into the indoor soft play.

"None of you are to leave this area you hear me? We will be back in an hour to get you, any issues you ring us, bwoah?" - Kimi
"Yes Kimi" - Kids

The kids sprinted into the play area and started running around screaming like crazy, Kimi just sighed and went back to adults knowing that they finally had some peace. Once they were reunited they went into the shop to do their own ski boots, thinking it would be easier if they did theirs now so they could the help the kids with theirs once they had calmed down.

"Thank fuck for suggesting the play area, i don't know how we could have managed them when they are like that" - Lewis
"Language" - Seb
"Bwaoh there are no kids around Sebi, but yeah we should build one in the house to get more peace" - Kimi
"OMG yes that would be so fun" - Nico
"You sure you don't need to join them Nico" - Mark
"Shut up Mark, ugh" - Nico

Nico just shoved Mark and grumbled angrily, Lewis laughed and just told him not to let it bother him. They soon found themselves at the shop and went in. The process wasn't too long but but the end of it they did find themselves with only a few minutes of quiet left.

"We need to go back and get them" - Seb
"Do we though?" - Nando
"Yeah i hate to do this Seb but it's been so nice" - Jense
"Bwaoh they will be fine, they will be exhausted from all the running" - Kimi
"Yeah that's true" - Mark
"Right let's go" - Lewis

They walked back over to where the kids were only to see them all sat or lying on the mats looking pretty tired.

"Have fun?" - Seb
"YUP it was good" - Lando
"I'm tired tho, can we go now?" - Charles
"Yeah Charles is right i want my bed.............and sharkie" - Mick
"We just need to finish the ski boots and then we can go kiddos" - Seb
"Seeeeeeeeb" - Mick
"Bwaoh come here baby bear. I know you already have yours done so when we get there you can just have a nap on my shoulder" - Kimi
"m'kay" - Mick

Mick slowly got up and trudged over Kimi, falling straight into him as soon as he was close enough. Kimi just turned around accepted his fate and gave Mick a piggy back to the shop. The rest of the kids who looked equally as tired slowly stumbled towards the shop too. Once they were in the adults helped the kids get their boots done as quickly as possible and thankfully after nearly 2 hours, everything was sorted. Everyone had bags, jackets, boots, helmets, goggle's, everything they could possible need and they were all very much deprived of any energy they had left.

"Who knew shopping could take so much out of you" - Daniel
"Ugh so true, i seriously need a nap" - Max
"Me too" - Charles
"Me three" - Pierre
"Me four" - Lando
"Me five" - Alex
"Me six" - Yuki
"Bwoah, shush, eveyone needs a nap when they get home." - Kimi

The kids gathered their bags after paying and everyone walked back to cars, The adults hauled all the bags and the kids into the cars and set off home. Most of them were fast asleep in the back, or just resting against their partners. Kimi wasn't too worried as he knew the play pen had tired them out and they would soon be back to their chaotic ways.

He was correct as when they pulled into the house, the kids were a huddle of energy once again. This time however they put it to good use and helped the adults take everything out of the cars and began to organise it all into suitcases and bags. Once that was all done, they sat down for some dinner which was just rather basic as they were all tired and didn't want to cook. They happily ate their sandwhiches while Lewis was going though the agenda for tomorrow, it consisted of
- Packing
- Loading the cars
- Flying to Switzerland
- Unpacking
- Sleeping

"Do you wanna make that into a power point for Lewis G?" - Lando
Everyone began to laugh at Lando's joke but George just looked a little grumpy. They could see a grin breaking through and soon enough George was laughing with the rest of them.

"Right i think it's time for bed, we have a busy day tomorrow and we know you are all tired" - Lewis
"Yup, i second that. Off to bed Kiddos, if you aren't up by 9:00am tomorrow we'll come round and wake you, if you are don't destroy the house and just start packing." - Seb
"Ok got it!" - Kids

The drivers slowly made their way upstairs and into bed, they were all wiped out from the long day but knew it would definitely be worth it once they were in Switzerland hurtling themselves down the snowy mountains.


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