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The first people to wake up the next morning were surprisingly Yuki and Lando. Each of them snuck out of bed and moved as quietly as possible to try to not wake their partners. Lando began heading down the corridor but sooner or later he bumped into Yuki.

"Morning" - Lando
"Morning Lan, do u wanna come help me find stuff for the ski trip? we need to go into the attic" - Yuki
"Course sounds fun, let's hope it's not haunted" - Land
"Nah ghosts are cool man" - Yuki

They continued their conversation about ghosts as they headed downstairs into the garage to grab the ladder, once they secured it they needed to take it back upstairs to the attic hatch.
"You grab that end, i'll grab the other and then we lift. Yeah?" - Lando
"Yup let's do this" - Yuki

Lando grabbed his side and Yuki took the other
"3,2,1 Lift" - Lando
Both boys lifted the ladder upwards and started to walk to wards the stairs, it was going pretty well untill they needed to turn the corner.
"Ok right, go forward NO NO NO left! go left!" - Lando
"It's not going left IT DOESNT BEND LANDO" Yuki
"YES IT WILL omg Yuki, just twist, lift it up and twist" - Lando
"Ok hang on" - Yuki

They managed to get the ladder round the corner after quite a bit of trouble. They continued carrying it untill they reached the hatch, Lando suddenly dropped his side of the ladder, Yuki didn't quite pick up the hint however.
"What? were here" - Lando
"Oh right ok" - Yuki

Yuki gently placed his down on the floor, meanwhile Lando reached out for the pole and began to open the hatch. Then together, they lifted the ladder in and started to climb.

"It's kinda dark in here" - Lando
"Yeah there should be a light some round here" - Yuki

The boys stumbled around in the dark for a bit until Lando flicked the switch, they were surrounded with boxes, most of which had some dust on them but they looked to be fine. They started searching through the boxes and managed to pull down most of the previous ski stuff. They got Seb, Kimi, Mick, Max and Charles's skis as well as Lance's snowboard. They pulled the clothing boxes down too and figured out the skis had bags which they were stored in. They also grabbed the ski boots and helmets and all of the other random bits which Seb and Kimi used. Once they were done they managed to slowly climb back down with all the stuff. Everything was sorted and Lando went back up to turn the light off but accidentally knocked the hatch closed. Perfect now he was stuck.
"YUKI???" - Lando
"Yeah i see it, what do i do?"- Yuki
"OK I GOT IT" - Yuki

Yuki sprinted down the corridor to Seb and Kimi's room and started to bang on the door. Kimi opened the door looking extremely annoyed.

Yuki then sprinted off towards Lando and Carlos's room and again banged on the door until a sleepy looking Carlos answered it.
"What?" - Carlos
"SHIT" - Carlos
They both sprinted back to the hatch and all the commotion had awaken most of the others. Now pretty much everyone was standing by the attic hatch.
"Lando we're coming sweetheart" - Seb

Kimi used the pole to open the hatch and then they moved the ladder back into position. Lando immediately wanted out of the attic so the second the hatch was open he practically jumped from it.
"OMG never again that was so scary" - Lando
"It's okay, we're here now" - Carlos

Carlos drew Lando in close and Lando pushed closer to his chest and relaxed into the warmth of his boyfriend. Now that all the stuff was out of the attic it was time for the drivers to get some breakfast. They all headed downstairs and started to make some things. Lewis and Nico were on pancake duty, Daniel, Max and Lando were preparing all the decoration, Seb and Kimi were doing sausages, bacon and eggs, Yuki, Charles and Pierre started on the waffles and Mick Lance and Esteban were doing fruit and drinks. The work got done quickly and soon they all began stuffing their faces. Seb also began going through what they had to do today.

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